Woodruff, Randall L. v. Mason, Jo Ann ( 2008 )

  •                              In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 07-2240
    R ANDALL L. W OODRUFF, as Bankruptcy Trustee
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Southern District of Indiana, Indianapolis Division.
    No. 00 C 306—Larry J. McKinney, Judge.
    Before C UDAHY, P OSNER and E VANS, Circuit Judges.
    C UDAHY, Circuit Judge. Legacy Healthcare, Inc. (Legacy)
    and its predecessor, Community Care Centers, Inc. (Com-
    munity), operated a number of long-term care facilities
    in Indiana. On February 18, 2000, Legacy brought this
    action under 42 U.S.C. § 1983, alleging that employees of
    2                                               No. 07-2240
    the Indiana Family and Social Services Administration
    (FSSA) and the Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH)
    violated its rights under the First Amendment and Four-
    teenth Amendment.1 The FSSA administers Indiana’s
    Medicaid program through its Office of Medicaid Policy
    and Planning (OMPP); the ISDH is the state agency
    authorized to inspect care facilities and determine their
    compliance with federal Medicaid regulations. Legacy
    believes that FSSA employees developed an antipathy
    toward Legacy and Community after years of contentious
    litigation between the parties. It claims that the FSSA
    convinced the ISDH to use its regulatory authority to
    launch a predatory enforcement campaign aimed at
    driving Legacy out of business. According to Legacy, this
    predatory enforcement constituted First Amendment
    retaliation and violated the Equal Protection Clause. The
    district court granted summary judgment in favor of
    Defendants on all counts. We now affirm.
    The record in this case is voluminous. Any reader
    interested in a complete exposition of the facts is referred
    to the district court’s lengthy background discussion. See
    Woodruff v. Wilson, 
    484 F. Supp. 2d 876
    , 880-925 (S.D. Ind.
    2007). We recite only the facts that are necessary to our
    decision, and we read these facts, wherever possible, in
    the light most favorable to Legacy.
    On August 12, 2003, Randall L. Woodruff, the trustee in
    Legacy’s bankruptcy proceeding, was substituted as the
    real party in interest.
    No. 07-2240                                                  3
    Legacy and Community have been locked in litigation
    with the FSSA for years. In 1988, Community brought a
    challenge to state Medicaid reimbursement rules in
    Indiana state court. Community convinced the Delaware
    County Superior Court to issue an injunction requiring
    the Indiana Department of Public Welfare (IDPW) 2 to pay
    Community a higher reimbursement rate during the
    pendency of the litigation. The case was then moved to
    Blackford County Superior Court, which ruled in favor
    of Community on the merits. The IDPW appealed, and
    the case was consolidated with a large class action suit
    that challenged the same reimbursement rules. See
    Indiana State Bd. of Pub. Welfare v. Tioga Pines Living Center,
    622 N.E.2d 935
    (Ind. 1993). The cases were trans-
    ferred directly to the Indiana Supreme Court, which
    reversed the lower courts and upheld the regulations. 
    Id. Karen Davis,
    an attorney for the FSSA who had been
    involved in the litigation since 1990, went back to
    Blackford County court to recoup the millions of dollars
    paid to Community under the erroneous injunction. The
    FSSA argued that Community had been unjustly enriched
    by the injunction and had been misusing Medicaid funds.
    Community argued that it had not been unjustly enriched
    because it spent all of the money on patient care. In the
    end, the FSSA’s recoupment attempts were unsuccessful.
    Community also sued the IDPW in federal court over
    Medicaid reimbursement for its Hamilton Heights facility
    (later known as New Horizon). Hamilton Heights was a
    The IDPW was the predecessor to the FSSA, which was
    created in 1991.
    4                                               No. 07-2240
    skilled nursing facility (SNF) that was in the process of
    being converted into an intermediate care facility for the
    mentally retarded (ICF/MR). An ICF/MR is required to
    provide a higher level of care than an SNF and is therefore
    reimbursed at a higher rate. Community sued the IDPW,
    arguing that it should be paid the higher ICF/MR reim-
    bursement rate while it underwent its conversion. Com-
    munity again obtained a preliminary injunction and the
    IDPW again paid a substantial amount of additional
    reimbursement ($1,783,480.20). The district court also ruled
    for Community on the merits, but we reversed. See Lett v.
    965 F.2d 251
    (7th Cir. 1992). The FSSA attempted
    to recoup some of excess reimbursement paid to Hamilton
    Heights by withholding payment for current services.
    Community was able to avoid the recoupment attempts, in
    part by arguing that the recoupment would cause immi-
    nent business failure. Family and Social Servs. Admin. v.
    Cmty. Care Centers, Inc., 
    641 N.E.2d 1012
    (Ind. Ct. App.
    1994). The FSSA’s subsequent attempts to recoup the
    money also failed. See Cmty. Care Centers, Inc. v. Sullivan,
    701 N.E.2d 1234
    (Ind. Ct. App. 1998).
    Legacy also litigated with state agencies over whether
    the FSSA was required to recognize Legacy as the owner
    of Community facilities after Douglas Bradburn, Legacy’s
    President, acquired all of his parents’ business assets in
    October 1993. The FSSA eventually entered into a joint
    stipulation with Legacy, settling the issue. Davis allegedly
    became “visibly angry” when she learned of this
    result, presumably because the transfer of the business
    operations to Legacy prevented the ISDH from re-
    couping funds by automatically deducting them from
    payments for current services.
    No. 07-2240                                                 5
    In 1996, ISDH initiated proceedings against Legacy’s
    North Vernon facility for decertification. During adminis-
    trative proceedings seeking the decertification of North
    Vernon, Legacy discovered that on November 6, 1996,
    Beverly Craig of the ISDH had called a meeting, which
    included officials from the FSSA and the Attorney Gen-
    eral’s office, regarding the state of health care at Legacy
    facilities. The attendees included Davis, Jo Anne Mason,
    Suzanne Hornstein, Gerald Coleman and others. 3 Craig
    later testified that she called the meeting because she
    was concerned that Legacy was failing to provide ade-
    quate care at a number of different facilities.
    Legacy claims that it had a perfect record of compliance
    with state regulations over the first thirty-two years of
    its operation, easily passing inspections and enjoying a
    good reputation with the public. Following the November
    6, 1996 meeting, however, there was a “deluge” of alleg-
    edly predatory enforcement actions: 12 jeopardy charges,
    14 licensure actions and 14 decertifications over the next
    three years.4 Legacy believes that the subsequent enforce-
    Suzanne Hornstein was the Division Director of Long Term
    Care at the ISDH. Coleman was the Director of Risk Manage-
    ment for the Regulatory Services of the ISDH, but assisted as
    counsel on the 1996 licensure action against North Vernon.
    Mason was employed as a Deputy Attorney General from
    July 1995 to December 1997, when she became the Director of
    Legal Affairs at the Indiana State Department of Health,
    where she remained until December 2000.
    From January 1, 1995 to March 8, 2004, ISDH cited 405
    instances of substandard quality of care, 9 of which were at
    6                                                      No. 07-2240
    ment campaign, which allegedly included the manipula-
    tion of survey findings, was designed to drive Legacy out
    of business. Legacy points to three specific examples:
    (1) the withholding of North Vernon’s copy of its license;
    (2) the manipulation of 180-day cycles; and (3) the de-
    certification of New Horizon on the basis of a single
    standard. We will explain these actions briefly.
    The dispute over the decertification of North Vernon was
    eventually completed in April 1997. ISDH conducted a
    number of recertification surveys over the next few
    months; Legacy was then recertified. But Legacy never
    received the physical copy of its license. Despite numerous
    calls to ISDH, Legacy was unable to obtain a copy of its
    license. On March 17, 1998, Legacy received its annual
    renewal application; the application was processed but,
    again, no copy of the license was issued. Because Legacy
    never received the license, the facility was never certified
    for Medicare. At a meeting in 1998 between Legacy, the
    ISDH and an official from the Health Care Financing
    Administration (HCFA), Hornstein stated that the license
    was not delivered because it was “in litigation.” Years
    later, she testified that she was not aware that North
    Vernon had not been given its license, explaining that
    she assumed that it had been.
    Legacy facilities. During the same period, ISDH found 36
    instances of immediate jeopardy at ICR/MR facilities, two
    of which were at New Horizon. From 1996 to March 2004, ISDH
    filed 209 license revocation actions, sixteen of which were
    against Legacy facilities. It also issued 449 citations, 17 to Legacy
    No. 07-2240                                                7
    The ISDH is responsible for conducting surveys at long-
    term care facilities. When a survey reveals a deficiency,
    a 180-day cycle begins during which the facility must
    correct the deficiency or face decertification: if the defi-
    ciency is corrected, the cycle ends; if the deficiency is not
    corrected, additional surveys are undertaken and the 180-
    day cycle continues to run. Legacy claims that Hornstein
    broadened the scope of surveys at Legacy facilities to
    wrongfully keep it out of compliance. Specifically, Legacy
    asserts that the 180-day cycle was improperly applied at
    Legacy’s Portland East facility in 1997, 1998 and 1999, at
    Columbus in 1998 and 1999, at New Castle in 1998, at
    Portland West in 1998 and at North Vernon in 1998.
    Legacy also alleges that Hornstein and Coleman improp-
    erly decertified the New Horizon facility in 1998 for its
    failure to comply with a single “standard of participation.”
    In early 1998, Hornstein and Coleman issued a notice
    of decertification to New Horizon; the decertification
    notice was based upon a recently conducted survey of the
    facility which had found three deficiencies involving
    “standards of participation.” Two of these deficiencies
    were apparently corrected, but the decertification action
    proceeded nonetheless. Legacy believes that this was
    improper. Legacy claims that its “comprehensive study” of
    the fifteen ICF/MRs operating in Indiana revealed that
    eight other facilities had been certified even though they
    had standard-level deficiencies.
    Legacy filed its complaint for injunctive relief and
    damages on February 18, 2000. The district court denied its
    motion for a preliminary injunction on March 6, 2000.
    Legacy filed its First Amended Complaint on April 17,
    8                                                   No. 07-2240
    2000. The defendants filed their motion for summary
    judgment on August 16, 2004. On April 27, 2007, the
    district court granted the defendants’ motion for sum-
    mary judgment. This appeal follows.
    We review a grant of summary judgment de novo. See
    Wyninger v. New Venture Gear, Inc., 
    361 F.3d 965
    , 974 (7th
    Cir. 2004). Summary judgment is appropriate only if “there
    is no genuine issue as to any material fact and that the
    moving party is entitled to judgment as a matter of law.”
    F ED. R. C IV. P. 56(c). We construe facts in the light most
    favorable to the non-moving party but “we are not re-
    quired to draw every conceivable inference from the
    record.” Bell v. Duperrault, 
    367 F.3d 703
    , 707 (7th Cir. 2004)
    (quoting McCoy v. Harrison, 
    341 F.3d 600
    , 604 (7th Cir.
    2003)). Instead, we draw only reasonable inferences. See
    McDonald v. Village of Winnetka, 
    371 F.3d 992
    , 1001 (7th
    Cir. 2004).
    On appeal, Legacy argues that it produced enough
    evidence to create a material issue of fact as to both its
    First Amendment retaliation claim and its equal pro-
    tection claim.5 At oral argument, counsel for Legacy
    conceded, wisely we think, that the “heart” of the First
    Legacy does raise a third claim—that the Defendants entered
    into a civil conspiracy to violate its constitutional rights. This
    claim is predicated on the same facts as the other two claims,
    and it rises and falls with them.
    No. 07-2240                                              9
    Amendment retaliation claim was the November 6, 1996
    meeting. Legacy claims that it was at this “clandestine
    summit meeting” that Davis and Mason, who worked
    at the FSSA, persuaded Hornstein and Coleman of the
    ISDH to launch a predatory enforcement campaign
    against Legacy in retaliation for Legacy’s exercise of its
    First Amendment right to petition the courts.6 Even if the
    ISDH’s predatory enforcement campaign was not moti-
    vated by a spirit of retaliation, Legacy claims that the
    ISDH’s intentional manipulation of regulatory rules was
    so arbitrary and irrational that it violated the Equal
    Protection Clause.7
    Ultimately, both of these arguments fail. Legacy’s First
    Amendment claim fails because Legacy has not established
    that the FSSA was actually aggravated by the reimburse-
    ment litigation, or that the FSSA was the guiding hand
    behind the ISDH’s enforcement actions. Legacy’s equal
    protection claim fails because it has failed to indicate
    similarly situated facilities to which it can be compared
    and because it has failed to sufficiently state the factual
    basis of its claims. We will first discuss the First Amend-
    ment claim; we then discuss the equal protection claim,
    In their brief on appeal, the Plaintiffs dropped any First
    Amendment retaliation claims against anyone other than
    Davis, Hornstein, Coleman and Mason.
    The only defendants to the equal protection claim are
    Hornstein, Coleman and McGee. Thus, it appears that Legacy
    has abandoned all claims against Powers, Stark, Ellis and
    10                                                   No. 07-2240
    which we divide in three parts to reflect Legacy’s three
    main arguments on appeal.8
    The First Amendment right to petition the govern-
    ment for the redress of grievances extends to the courts in
    general and applies to litigation in particular. See California
    Motor Transport Co. v. Trucking Unlimited, 
    404 U.S. 508
    , 510,
    92 S. Ct. 609
    30 L. Ed. 2d 642
    (1972); NAACP v. Button, 
    371 U.S. 415
    , 429-30, 
    83 S. Ct. 328
    9 L. Ed. 2d 405
    (1963). Leg-
    acy’s numerous challenges to the state regulatory scheme
    throughout the 1980s and 1990s would, therefore, appear
    to be protected activities. See, e.g., Powell v. Alexander, 
    391 F.3d 1
    , 20 (1st Cir. 2004). Legacy believes that the FSSA
    developed a growing hostility toward it as a result of the
    reimbursement litigation. Not only was Legacy was “a
    thorn” in the FSSA’s side, the FSSA was also unable to
    recoup the millions of dollars paid to Legacy under
    erroneous injunctions. According to Legacy, the FSSA
    turned to the ISDH and persuaded it to drive Legacy out
    of business.
    We note that Legacy includes a lot of information in its
    statement of facts that it fails to develop in the argument section
    of its brief. It is not enough “merely to refer generally to these
    actions in [the] statement of facts.” Ajayi v. Aramark Business
    Services, Inc., 
    336 F.3d 520
    , 529 (7th Cir. 2003). Legacy must
    “raise [the issue] in the argument section of [its] brief, and
    support [its] argument with pertinent legal authority.” 
    Id. No. 07-2240
    To establish a prima facie case of First Amendment
    retaliation, Legacy must establish that (1) it engaged in
    activity protected by the First Amendment, (2) it suffered
    a deprivation that would likely deter First Amendment
    activity in the future, and (3) the First Amendment
    activity was a “at least a motivating factor” in the Defen-
    dants’ decision to take the retaliatory action. Massey v.
    457 F.3d 711
    , 716 (7th Cir. 2006). The defendants
    concede that Legacy’s challenges to the state regulatory
    scheme constituted protected activity under the First
    Amendment. Neither the parties nor the district court
    discuss the second element in detail. We need not dwell
    on it here. Instead we focus, as the parties do, on the
    third element.
    The third element of a First Amendment retaliation
    claim is the element of causation. Legacy must show “a
    causal link between the protected act and the alleged
    retaliation.” Roger Whitmore’s Automotive Servs., Inc. v. Lake
    County, Illinois, 
    424 F.3d 659
    , 669 (7th Cir. 2005); accord
    Spiegla v. Hull, 
    371 F.3d 928
    , 941 (7th Cir. 2004). Legacy
    does not need to show that its litigation history was the
    only factor that motivated the defendants but it must
    show that it was “a motivating factor.” 
    Spiegla, 371 F.3d at 942
    . The evidence used to establish this element may
    be either direct or circumstantial. 
    Id. It becomes
    immediately clear that Legacy’s causation
    theory will not be straightforward. The retaliatory action
    allegedly suffered by Legacy was the predatory enforce-
    ment campaign undertaken by the ISDH. The protected
    litigation activity, however, involved Legacy and the
    12                                              No. 07-2240
    FSSA. To establish a retaliatory motive, therefore, Legacy
    must show that the FSSA’s antagonism toward Legacy
    was a motivating factor in the ISDH’s predatory enforce-
    ment campaign. Legacy has no evidence that ISDH officials
    were distressed in the slightest by Legacy’s challenges
    to the reimbursement rates. Similarly, Legacy has almost
    no evidence that FSSA officials participated in the
    alleged predatory enforcement campaign. Thus, Legacy
    must show that the FSSA convinced the ISDH to retaliate
    against Legacy on its behalf. To do this, Legacy must first
    establish the FSSA officials wanted to retaliate against
    Legacy for the reimbursement litigation with Legacy.
    Legacy must then show that the FSSA communicated
    its hostility to the ISDH.
    Legacy has a difficult time establishing that the FSSA
    developed any hostility toward it at all. Legacy’s best
    argument that the agency had become hostile toward it
    is the fact that the FSSA failed to recoup millions of
    dollars paid to Legacy under the injunctions. While this
    fact provides important context for Legacy’s story, it is
    not sufficient as a basis for the ascription of a retaliatory
    motive to the state agency. It is not enough simply to
    show that the state agency could have been frustrated
    by the inability to recoup the money; there must be some
    persuasive evidence that suggests that the agency was
    actually hostile.
    It bears repeating here that “[n]ursing homes are a
    highly regulated industry, and some tension between
    operators of homes and regulators is to be expected, as
    are occasional adversarial proceedings.” Blue v. Koren,
    No. 07-2240                                               13
    72 F.3d 1075
    , 1084-85 (2d Cir. 1995). If the natural tensions
    that result from adversarial proceedings and regulatory
    enforcement actions sufficed to establish evidence of
    retaliatory motive, then the regulatory scheme could very
    well be undermined. State enforcement agencies have
    every right to vigorously enforce the law. Legacy’s evi-
    dence must suggest something beyond the typical “antag-
    onism that arises between a regulator and a regulated (a
    relationship easily inflamed by difficult personalities).”
    Beechwood Restorative Care Center v. Leeds, 
    436 F.3d 147
    , 154
    (2d Cir. 2006). It does not. The sole piece of concrete
    evidence offered by Legacy is Bradburn’s observation
    that Davis became “visibly angry” when she learned
    that the ISDH had entered into a joint stipulation with
    Legacy. Davis’ alleged outburst of anger, however, was
    an isolated incident; it does not reflect any sustained
    hostility on the part of the ISDH.
    Even if Legacy has no direct evidence of hostility,
    Legacy believes that the circumstances surrounding the
    November 6, 1996 meeting of FSSA and ISDH officials
    were so unusual that one could reasonably infer that
    something malevolent was afoot. (We note here that
    Legacy has no evidence that the officials who attended the
    November 6, 1996 meeting actually discussed a predatory
    enforcement campaign against Legacy; their argument is
    entirely circumstantial.) First of all, Legacy argues that
    there was no reason that FSSA officials should have been
    at the meeting. More importantly, Legacy stressed that
    the meeting provided Davis and Mason an opportunity
    to convince the ISDH to launch a predatory enforcement
    campaign and to discuss the details of that campaign.
    14                                              No. 07-2240
    Legacy also notes that a “deluge” of violations and en-
    forcement actions immediately followed.
    Legacy’s theory is severely undermined by the fact that
    it was an ISDH official, Beverly Craig, who called the
    meeting—not Davis. Craig testified that she called the
    meeting because North Vernon was already in decerti-
    fication proceedings and because she had serious con-
    cerns about the health of patients in two Legacy facilities.
    The district judge below found that there was
    “uncontroverted evidence” that Legacy’s North Vernon
    facility was having difficulties meeting government
    standards of care.
    Legacy seems to believe that the very fact that other
    agencies were present at the meeting provides reason to
    be suspicious. It points out that the FSSA has no role in
    the ISHA’s enforcement of quality of care regulations
    and the ISDH has no role in the FSSA’s administration
    of the Medicaid reimbursement program. But there is
    nothing wrong with state agencies working together to
    solve problems, and it is clear that each of the agencies
    present at the meeting had a legitimate interest in the case.
    Specifically, Craig explained that FSSA officials were
    present because there was a possibility that the facility was
    being reimbursed for services it did not provide, which
    would obviously be of interest to the FSSA. The FSSA was
    also present because it would have to terminate pay-
    ments in the event of any decertification. Craig explained
    that Mason, who worked at the time in the Attorney
    General’s office, was present because there would likely
    be issues with enforcing any decertification actions.
    Legacy does not address any of these points.
    No. 07-2240                                                     15
    Instead, Legacy argues that the Defendants’ attempt to
    suppress evidence of the meeting reveals that there was
    something to hide. Legacy points to the Defendants’ initial
    reluctance to answer questions about the meeting, the
    Defendants’ inability to remember details of the meeting
    and a false answer to an interrogatory filed by Coleman
    that denied that the meeting took place. The Defendants’
    reluctance to discuss the meeting is easily explained by
    the fact that Legacy’s inquiries into the meeting were
    made during its administrative appeal of the ISDH’s
    decertification action at North Vernon. The parties were
    in an adversarial relationship at the time and, when
    Legacy pressed for deposition testimony, counsel for
    ISDH raised an objection based on attorney-client privilege.
    Craig and Hornstein did end up testifying about the
    meeting. Legacy also finds it incredible that the partici-
    pants later professed that they did not remember the
    details of the meeting. Legacy is here referring to deposi-
    tion testimony taken in 2006—ten years after the alleged
    meeting. Lapses of memory are to be expected when
    that much time passes.9
    Legacy’s best evidence is that, during the administrative
    proceedings regarding North Vernon’s decertification,
    Coleman signed a false interrogatory that denied that
    the meeting had taken place. Just ten days after the meet-
    ing took place, Legacy asked whether the FSSA and ISDH
    had contacted each other regarding North Vernon.
    Legacy’s resort to the “adverse inference” rule, see, e.g., P.R.
    Mallory & Co. v. NLRB, 
    400 F.2d 956
    (7th Cir. 1968), is unavailing.
    16                                                  No. 07-2240
    Coleman answered, “Not to our knowledge.” When
    Hornstein was asked at her deposition whether this
    was true, she conferred with Coleman, who admitted it
    to be an “error.” This evidence is certainly not to be
    scoffed at. But given the adversarial posture of the
    inquiry, the subsequent correction and Legacy’s failure
    to prove so many other aspects of its theory, we do not
    believe that this mistake alone can establish a retaliatory
    motive. Without a retaliatory motive, the First Amend-
    ment claim fails.
    Even if Legacy cannot show that the ISDH’s predatory
    enforcement campaign was in retaliation for Legacy’s
    exercise of its First Amendment rights, Legacy argues
    that the campaign was so irrational and arbitrary that it
    violated the Equal Protection Clause. This is, of course, the
    well-known “class of one.” Village of Willowbrook v. Olech,
    528 U.S. 562
    , 564 
    120 S. Ct. 1073
    145 L. Ed. 2d 1060
    (per curiam). The Equal Protection Clause “secure[s] every
    person within the State’s jurisdiction against intentional
    and arbitrary discrimination, whether occasioned by
    express terms of a statute or by its improper execution
    through duly constituted agents.” 
    Id. “The paradigmatic
    ‘class of one’ case . . . is one in which a public official, with
    no conceivable basis for his action other than spite or
    some other improper motive (improper because unre-
    lated to his public duties), comes down hard on a hapless
    private citizen.” Lauth v. McCollum, 
    424 F.3d 631
    , 633 (7th
    Cir. 2005). Because “endless vistas of federal liability,” 
    id., No. 07-2240
    are opened when the misapplication of local law becomes
    a “federal case,” 
    McDonald, 371 F.3d at 1001
    , we have
    said that it is “difficult” to succeed on a “class of one”
    Id. To establish
    its “class of one” claim, Legacy must show
    that “(1) it has intentionally been treated differently from
    other similarly situated facilities; and (2) there is no
    rational basis for the difference in treatment or the cause
    of the differential treatment is a ‘totally illegitimate ani-
    mus’ ” towards it. Maulding Dev., LLC v. City of Springfield,
    453 F.3d 967
    , 970 (7th Cir. 2006) (emphasis added).
    In keeping with the “difficult” burden of proof in “class
    of one” cases, we have said that similarly situated facilities
    necessary to establish the first element must be “prima
    facie identical in all relevant aspects.” Purze v. Village of
    Winthrop Harbor, 
    286 F.3d 452
    , 455 (7th Cir. 2002). Because
    the first element is dispositive in this case, we need not
    pursue the second.
    Legacy’s argues that the following three actions by the
    Defendants violated the Equal Protection Clause:
    (A) decertifying New Horizon because it violated a
    single “standard of participation”; (B) misapplying an
    informal cycle-breaking rule when inspecting Legacy
    facilities; and (C) refusing to give Legacy’s North Vernon
    facility a copy of its license. As we shall explain, the first
    instance fails because Legacy has failed to establish that
    similarly situated facilities were treated differently. The
    second instance, which is essentially an argument that
    the ISDH’s unevenly applied an unwritten rule, fails
    because Legacy has failed to define the rule with the
    18                                               No. 07-2240
    requisite level of clarity. The third instance is insufficient
    because Legacy does not adequately establish the
    factual basis for its claim. These three examples of viola-
    tions of the Equal Protection Clause will be discussed
    in turn.
    Legacy first alleges that the ISDH wrongfully attempted
    to decertify New Horizon based on its failure to comply
    with a single “standard of participation.” This action
    was improper, Legacy argues, because federal regula-
    tions “provide for” certification of facilities with standard-
    level deficiencies. Legacy also claims that this decertifica-
    tion was unprecedented in Indiana, which proves that
    Legacy facilities were being treated differently. We
    find, however, that Legacy has failed to show similarly
    situated comparators.
    Some background is in order. Federal regulations
    require facilities participating in Medicare and Medicaid
    programs to comply with federal safety regulations. See
    42 U.S.C. § 1396a(a)(9),(33). The ISDH has the responsi-
    bility to inspect facilities and to enforce those regulations
    in Indiana. See 42 C.F.R. § 442.109(a); IND. C ODE § 16-28-12-
    1. Not all safety violations, however, are treated in the
    same way. For example, a violation of a “condition of
    participation” is a much more serious affair than a viola-
    tion of a “standard of participation.” In most situations,
    the ISDH cannot certify a facility that fails to comply with
    a “condition of participation.” See 42 C.F.R. § 442.101(d).
    In contrast, the ISDH “may certify” a facility with
    No. 07-2240                                                  19
    standard-level deficiencies, if certain conditions are met.
    See 42 C.F.R. § 442.105. The facility must first submit a
    “written plan for correcting the deficiencies,” and the ISDH
    must approve that plan. See 42 C.F.R. § 442.105(b). The
    ISDH must then ensure that the deficiencies at the
    facility do not “jeopardize . . . health or safety” or “seri-
    ously limit the facility’s capacity to give adequate care.” See
    42 C.F.R. § 442.105(a). If a facility has a history of deficien-
    cies, the ISDH must determine whether the facility is
    making good-faith efforts to comply, or whether it is
    making the best use of its resources. See 42 C.F.R.
    §§ 442.105(c), 442.105(d). If all those hurdles are
    cleared, then the facility may be certified.
    Legacy seems to believe that facilities with standard-
    level deficiencies are certified as of right. As we have ex-
    plained, this is not the case: facilities with such deficiencies
    must satisfy additional criteria before being certified. In
    fact, Legacy has not even established that it satisfied all
    the necessary requirements. It does not mention whether
    it submitted an acceptable plan of correction, whether
    the ISDH made a determination about potential harm
    to residents at New Horizon or Legacy’s ability to
    provide services or whether its history of noncompliance
    was a relevant factor. Similarly, Legacy has not presented
    any details regarding the eight facilities that were
    certified with standard-level deficiencies. These compara-
    tors must be identical to Legacy “in all relevant aspects.”
    Purze, 286 F.3d at 455
    . Without information
    regarding the facts that are material to the ISDH’s decision
    to certify, we cannot determine that Legacy was treated
    20                                                 No. 07-2240
    unfairly.10 The fact that the action at North Vernon was
    unprecedented is insufficient. As Legacy itself notes, there
    are only fifteen ICF/MR facilities in Indiana. It may well
    be that the North Vernon facility was the first facility
    with standard-level deficiencies to fail to satisfy the
    additional requirements for certification. The decertifica-
    tion on a single standard, then, does not provide sup-
    port for Legacy’s equal protection claim.
    Legacy also claims that the ISDH manipulated its “cycle-
    breaking methodology” in order to target Legacy
    facilities for decertification. Legacy argues that the uneven
    application of the cycle-breaking rules reveals the ISDH’s
    intent to treat Legacy facilities differently. Unfortunately,
    Legacy has provided us with precious little information
    about these cycle-breaking rules. What we know of the
    rules is gleaned from a fragment of Hornstein’s testimony
    and from an email sent by an ISDH supervisor named
    Mary Wassel. In the end, we find that Legacy has failed
    Legacy also relies heavily on a decision from an administra-
    tive law judge (ALJ), who found that a standard-level deficiency
    was not grounds for terminating Legacy’s certification. It is
    unclear whether the ALJ found that it was impermissible, in
    principle, to decertify on a single standard-level deficiency
    or whether the decertification action in question was not
    supported by the record. This is irrelevant, however, because
    this portion of the ALJ’s decision was overturned by the
    Appeals Panel.
    No. 07-2240                                                21
    to explain with sufficient clarity exactly how these rules
    are properly applied. In short, Legacy cannot show that
    a rule has been unevenly applied when the rule itself
    is shrouded in mystery.
    Before getting into cycle-breaking, we must know
    something about the 180-day decertification cycle. The
    ISDH is responsible for determining whether long-term
    care facilities “substantially comply” with federal
    Medicaid requirements. See 42 C.F.R. § 442.109(a). To
    make this determination, the ISDH must perform in-
    spections (or “surveys”) and may perform them “as
    frequently as necessary to . . . determine whether a facility
    complies with the participation requirements.” See 42
    C.F.R. § 488.308. When a survey reveals deficiencies
    that preclude a finding of substantial compliance, a
    facility has six months to rectify the deficiency or face
    mandatory decertification. See 42 C.F.R. § 488.412. When a
    deficiency is found, the ISDH schedules a post-review
    survey to determine whether the deficiency has
    been corrected. If the deficiency has been corrected, the
    180-day cycle ends. If the deficiency has not been cor-
    rected, the 180-day cycle continues to run and additional
    surveys are conducted to monitor the facility’s progress
    toward compliance. This is the “180-day decertification
    Cycle-breaking deals with a narrower situation. It is, in
    effect, a derivative of the 180-day decertification cycle. The
    standard application of the 180-day cycle becomes com-
    plicated when a facility that is in the process of correcting
    a previous deficiency is cited with a new, unrelated
    22                                              No. 07-2240
    deficiency. The question then arises whether the
    facility has 180 days to rectify the new deficiency (that is,
    whether the new deficiency starts its own separate cycle)
    or whether the facility must rectify both the old and new
    deficiencies within the 180-day cycle started by the orig-
    inal deficiency. This distinction is very important to the
    facilities because if a separate cycle runs with each defi-
    ciency, they have more time to bring the facility in ques-
    tion into compliance.
    Legacy argues that a separate cycle should begin when
    the new deficiency has not been previously cited. Legacy
    claims that Hornstein ordered surveyors at Legacy facilities
    to improperly broaden the scope of follow-up surveys.
    These surveys cited new deficiencies that were not cited
    in the original surveys. Thus, even if Legacy had cor-
    rected the previous deficiencies, the new deficiencies
    would keep them out of compliance.
    Legacy has not pointed to any federal, state or agency
    regulation in which this cycle-breaking rule is codified,
    nor has Legacy provided us with any authoritative state-
    ment of the rule. Legacy also makes no attempt to derive
    the cycle-breaking rule from federal regulations. Our
    review of the federal regulations discloses no support
    for this rule. The regulations state only that, as long as
    the facility is not in “substantial compliance” for six
    months straight, it must be decertified. See 42 C.F.R.
    § 488.412. It would not appear to matter, then, whether
    it was an old deficiency or a new deficiency that was
    keeping the facility out of compliance.
    Federal regulations also suggest that there was nothing
    “improper” about broadening the scope of the follow-up
    No. 07-2240                                                      23
    surveys. The ISDH has the authority to conduct surveys
    whenever that agency deems it necessary. See 42 C.F.R.
    § 488.308; 42 C.F.R. § 488.20(b)(1), (b)(4). Further, federal
    regulations do not place any limitations on the scope
    of post-review surveys; when such surveys are per-
    formed, the ISDH must determine whether the previous
    deficiencies have been corrected and whether the facility
    is in “substantial compliance” with federal requirements.
    See 42 C.F.R. § 488.30.
    It is, of course, possible that the ISDH has an
    informal rule regarding cycle-breaking. Legacy believes
    that it does, and it points to a small portion of Hornstein’s
    testimony, in which she explains her belief that if the
    new deficiency is different from the old one, two separate
    cycles should run.1 1 Legacy also points to an email sent
    Hornstein’s testimony was as follows:
    Q: I think I can get the cycle thing straight with one more
    question. Here it is. A facility has a survey and they are
    out of compliance and [a] 180 day cycle starts.
    A: Correct.
    Q: The surveyors come back for the [post-review survey]
    but there’s a new complaint and they go to handle
    both of them in the same survey and the [post-survey
    review] puts the facility back in compliance. The new
    complaint, however, takes them out. Now, has the 180
    day cycle that began with that first survey stopped
    or not?
    A: Depends.
    24                                                No. 07-2240
    by an ISDH supervisor to a surveyor, in which the super-
    visor explains that “[t]he only time surveys should be
    split is when the [post-review survey] and the [complaint
    survey] are done together.” But even if Hornstein and
    Wassel accurately described the proper application of
    the cycle-breaking rule, it would not have applied in
    Legacy’s case. In the hypotheticals offered by Hornstein
    and Wassel, complaint surveys (a specific type of survey)
    were distinguished from certification and post-review
    surveys. In fact, Wassel explained that cycles are broken
    only when post-review surveys and complaint surveys
    are done at the same time. The surveys at Portland East
    in 1997 and 1998, at Portland East in 1999, at Columbus
    in 1998 and at New Castle in 1998 did not involve com-
    plaint surveys that needed to be separated from post-
    review surveys. 12 While the Portland West survey did
    involve a complaint investigation, the facility was found
    Q: On what does it depend on?
    A: On whether the deficiencies were cited in the second
    survey are the same as the ones that are cited in the
    [first] survey.
    Q: What if they are different?
    A: They should stop and start.
    When Hornstein was pressed on the cycle-breaking issue, she
    stated that she was not certain of the application of the rule
    because she was not a surveyor.
    The actions at Columbus in 1999 and North Vernon in 1998
    do not bear upon cycle-breaking at all.
    No. 07-2240                                           25
    to be in substantial compliance and the cycle was broken.
    Thus, Legacy has no evidence that the cycle-breaking
    rule, as explained by Hornstein and Wassel, would have
    applied in these cases.
    The other evidence of dissimilar treatment presented
    by Legacy is anecdotal and unpersuasive. Legacy discusses
    two facilities at which it claims the 180-day cycle was
    properly applied. The first example is Whispering
    Pines, where the ISDH apparently let the cycle run out
    because it forgot to do a follow-up survey in time. At
    Arbors, Bradburn himself said that he could not deter-
    mine whether the 180-day cycle was ever closed; it is
    clear, however, that the ISDH initiated an action to
    revoke Arbor’s license. This evidence does nothing to
    further Legacy’s case.
    Despite the fact that it does not appear in any state
    or federal regulation, we are willing to assume that the
    ISDH did have an informal cycle-breaking rule. But that
    rule, as Hornstein and Wassel explained, applies only
    when complaint surveys are conducted alongside post-
    review surveys. The cycle-breaking rule does not apply
    when the scope of a post-review survey is broadened (as
    federal regulations clearly allow). Because the examples
    cited by Legacy do not involve the situation to which
    the rule was intended to apply, Legacy has not shown
    that it has been treated unfairly.
    We turn now to Hornstein’s alleged failure to provide
    26                                                    No. 07-2240
    Legacy with a copy of New Horizon’s license.1 3 Legacy
    needed a copy of the license to complete its Medicare
    reimbursement application. Legacy claims that Hornstein
    “refused” to hand over a copy of the license in an
    attempt to sabotage Legacy’s ability to obtain Medicare
    reimbursement. Legacy claims that no other licensed
    facility in Indiana had ever been denied a copy of its
    license in such a manner.1 4 We find, however, that Legacy
    has failed to establish the factual basis of this claim.
    Legacy claims that Hornstein withheld copies of its
    New Horizon licenses in 1996, 1997, 1998 and 1999. New
    Horizon was re-certified for Medicaid services, effective
    July 7, 1997, and a state license was issued for the facility.
    Legacy intended to use the state license to complete
    its application for Medicare reimbursement. A copy of the
    license, however, was never sent to Legacy. Legacy
    might not even have realized that it needed a copy of the
    As the district court noted, there is no evidence that Coleman
    withheld or participated in the withholding of the license—he
    was merely aware of it, and Legacy has not explained how
    an awareness of the withholding makes him liable for an
    equal protection violation. It was Hornstein’s responsibility to
    send the license to Legacy.
    Legacy argues that a “comprehensive review of all licensed
    facilities in the state indicates that no other similarly situated
    (i.e., licensed) facility was ever denied its physical license,” and
    it also points to the testimony of Hornstein. Despite Legacy’s
    claims, Hornstein never said that no other facility had ever
    been denied a copy of its license, only that she was not aware
    of one.
    No. 07-2240                                               27
    license until October 16, 1997, when Administar Federal,
    the Medicare fiscal intermediary, asked Legacy to submit
    one. Legacy claims that it contacted “various ISDH and
    HCFA employees” about the license but it never specifies
    whom, nor does it provide any proof of these requests.
    More importantly, Legacy has not explained when—or
    indeed if—it ever actually requested a copy of the license
    from Hornstein. Legacy claims that it raised the issue in
    a November 20, 1997 letter to Robert Spain, the program
    director for the Health Care Financing Administration
    (HCFA), but a review of that letter reveals otherwise.1 5 The
    record reveals that Spain, whom Legacy trusted and
    with whom it often communicated, was unaware of the
    problem until the parties met on July 23, 1998. Indeed,
    Legacy drafted a list of topics to be discussed with Spain
    at that meeting but never mentioned the problem with
    the physical delivery of the license.
    Legacy does note, correctly, that the issue was raised
    in the meeting with Spain, a meeting that Hornstein
    attended. When Spain asked why Hornstein had not
    provided a copy to Legacy, Hornstein said that she did not
    send it because Legacy was “in litigation” over certifica-
    tion. It is unclear what happened next. In a follow-up
    letter sent to Spain after the meeting, Legacy does not
    mention the license and instead asks Spain to help ensure
    that it receive fair inspections in the future.
    On March 17, 1998, Legacy received a renewal application
    from the ISDH. The application was processed but, again,
    Legacy did not receive a copy of its license.
    28                                                  No. 07-2240
    We are not sure what to make of this evidence. It is
    true that Hornstein seemed to have equivocated in her
    explanations of why she did not send the license.1 6 She
    first claimed that the license had not been issued because
    of litigation, and then she claimed that she assumed the
    license had issued. Her explanations may be explained by
    the fact that she was referring, in the first instance, to
    the failure to send the 1996 license and, in the second
    instance, to the 1999 licenses. The record is not clear
    on this point.
    In the end, we find that Legacy’s claim suffers from a
    fatal lack of detail. Legacy has not established that
    Hornstein was the only one who could have sent it a
    copy of the license, nor has it produced any document to
    show that it ever requested the license from Hornstein.
    Hornstein may have made a mistake in not issuing the
    license or may have mistakenly thought that she could
    have withheld the license. But this evidence, alone, is not
    enough to draw the grand inference that Hornstein vio-
    lated Legacy’s rights under the Equal Protection Clause.
    Its claim therefore fails.1 7
    Hornstein also claims that she would have done anything
    to revoke the license because the North Vernon facility “could
    not maintain compliance and could not take care of its resi-
    Because there was no constitutional violation in this case, we
    do not reach the issue of qualified immunity or absolute
    immunity. See Hildebrandt v. Illinois Dep’t of Natural Resources,
    347 F.3d 1014
    , 1036 (7th Cir. 2003).
    No. 07-2240                                                29
    For the foregoing reasons, the decision of the district
    court is A FFIRMED.
    P OSNER, Circuit Judge, concurring. In a series of cases
    in the 1960s, the Supreme Court held that the First Amend-
    ment, particularly the clauses creating a right to peti-
    tion for redress of grievances and an (implied) right
    to associate for the advancement of First Amendment
    interests, forbids the government to impose unnecessary
    restrictions on an association’s assisting its members to
    litigate claims. NAACP v. Button, 
    371 U.S. 415
    Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. Virginia ex rel. Virginia
    State Bar, 
    377 U.S. 1
    (1964); United Mine Workers, District 12
    v. Illinois State Bar Association, 
    389 U.S. 217
    (1967). From
    those cases, coupled with the rule that government retalia-
    tion for the exercise of First Amendment rights is itself
    a violation of the First Amendment, e.g., Wilkie v. Robbins,
    127 S. Ct. 2588
    , 2600-01 (2007); Abrams v. Walker, 
    307 F.3d 650
    , 654 (7th Cir. 2002), overruled on other grounds by
    Spiegler v. Hall, 
    371 F.3d 928
    , 941-42 (7th Cir. 2004); Suarez
    Corp. Industries v. McGraw, 
    202 F.3d 676
    , 685 (4th Cir.
    2000), it might appear to follow that if government
    officials retaliate against someone for bringing a lawsuit, as
    charged in this case, they have violated the First Amend-
    30                                              No. 07-2240
    ment. And so the parties and the district judge have
    assumed. I have my doubts, although I do not criticize
    the majority opinion (which I join) for deciding the case
    on the basis of the assumption.
    The Button case was “cause” litigation—the NAACP
    was using constitutional litigation as an alternative to
    legislative reform of discriminatory practices; it thus
    was petitioning for redress of grievances, rather than
    suing to enforce a private right. The other cases that
    I have cited involved challenges to state bar regulations
    that restricted access to the courts, as by preventing a
    union from providing a lawyer for a member of the union
    who might not be able to afford to hire one; and so they
    merge with cases like Bounds v. Smith, 
    430 U.S. 817
    that create a broad right, based on various constitutional
    provisions, of access to the courts.
    This case is different. The defendants did nothing to
    obstruct Legacy Healthcare’s access to the Indiana courts
    to litigate its Medicaid reimbursement claims against the
    state. Of course, if a defendant puts up a fierce resistance
    to a lawsuit, it makes plaintiffs’ recourse to the courts
    less attractive. But a plaintiff has no more right to demand
    that the defendant roll over and play dead than the defen-
    dant has a right to demand this of the plaintiff. And I
    don’t think that anyone has ever thought that merely
    because a defendant goes overboard—by committing
    perjury, tampering with witnesses, even bribing judges
    or jurors—it has (if it is a government agency or official
    rather than a private person) violated the plaintiff’s right
    of access to the courts, or his right to petition for redress
    of grievances. Why should it matter whether the defen-
    No. 07-2240                                               31
    dant’s over-the-top opposition comes before or after the
    plaintiff’s suit ends?
    There are plenty of remedies for overreacting to litiga-
    tion or the threat of litigation, remedies that make it
    unnecessary to drag in the heavy artillery of constitutional
    tort litigation under 42 U.S.C. § 1983. There are for example
    the numerous federal statutes that forbid retaliation
    against a person who files a statutory claim. For example,
    Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 forbids “an em-
    ployer to discriminate against any of his employees or
    applicants for employment . . . because he has opposed any
    practice” that violates the statute or “has made a charge,
    testified, assisted, or participated in any manner in an
    investigation, proceeding, or hearing under” the statute.
    42 U.S.C. § 2000e-3(a). If the parties to this case are cor-
    rect, it would seem to imply that such statutory provisions,
    and the case law they have accreted, are superfluous
    when the alleged retaliation is by a government official
    because such retaliation could be litigated directly under
    section 1983 as a violation of the Constitution.
    In fact this route is closed off by Middlesex County
    Sewerage Authority v. National Sea Clammers Ass’n, 
    453 U.S. 1
    (1981), which holds that “when the remedial devices
    provided in a particular Act are sufficiently comprehen-
    sive, they may suffice to demonstrate congressional
    intent to preclude the remedy of suits under § 1983.” 
    Id. at 20.
    As we explained the background of the Sea Clammers
    doctrine in Delgado v. Stegall, 
    367 F.3d 668
    , 673 (7th
    Cir. 2004) (citations omitted), “The plaintiffs in that case
    sought relief from pollution against state officials under
    32                                                No. 07-2240
    federal statutes that provided comprehensive and fully
    adequate remedies. The Supreme Court had recently
    held, however, that section 1983, though typically used
    to enforce federal constitutional rights, reaches infringe-
    ments of federal statutory rights as well. This ruling
    opened up the possibility that anyone who had a federal
    statutory remedy for a harm inflicted under color of state
    law could tack on a claim for relief under section 1983 as
    well . . . . [T]he Court held that section 1983 was not an
    available alternative because ‘it is hard to believe that
    Congress intended to preserve the § 1983 right of action
    when it created so many specific statutory remedies.’ The
    completeness of those remedies showed that Congress
    ‘intended to supplant any remedy that otherwise would
    be available under § 1983.’ ” See also Wright v. City of
    Roanoke Redevelopment & Housing Authority, 
    479 U.S. 418
    423-29 (1987); Blessing v. Freestone, 
    520 U.S. 329
    , 346-48
    (1997); Williams v. Wendler, 
    530 F.3d 584
    , 586 (7th Cir. 2008);
    Williams ex rel. Hart v. Paint Valley Local School District,
    400 F.3d 360
    , 363, n. 1 (6th Cir. 2005).
    The Sea Clammers doctrine is not applicable to this
    case because Legacy Healthcare’s suit—the suit that
    provoked the alleged retaliation—was not a federal suit.
    But the thinking behind the doctrine is. Legacy Health-
    care accuses the defendant officials of conspiring to put
    it out of business by making false charges (for example of
    improper diversion of Medicaid funds), denying it
    licenses without cause, and discriminating in favor of its
    competitors. There are remedies under state law against
    such official misconduct. No reason is given for thinking
    that Legacy Healthcare needs to get into federal court
    No. 07-2240                                               33
    under federal law—let alone the First Amendment—in
    order to protect itself. It is not as if the suit that called
    down the wrath of the defendants had been a federal
    suit, in which event there might be a concern that a
    state court would not be sympathetic to protecting the
    plaintiff against retaliation by state officials.
    I am mindful of cases that hold that retaliation against
    a prisoner’s filing a grievance can violate the prisoner’s
    First Amendment rights, e.g., Hasan v. United States De-
    partment of Labor, 
    400 F.3d 1001
    , 1005 (7th Cir. 2005), and
    cases cited there; Gill v. Pidlypchak, 
    389 F.3d 379
    , 384 (2d
    Cir. 2004), but I think those cases read “petition the Gov-
    ernment for redress of grievances” (the language of the
    First Amendment) too literally. Every grievance, charge,
    or complaint filed against a government agency seeks
    redress, but does this mean that the government cannot
    limit the right to sue itself without shouldering the heavy
    burden of justification that the First Amendment has been
    interpreted to place on anyone who seeks to deny an
    assertion of a First Amendment right? The answer cannot
    be yes. Such limitations are legion and rarely challenged.
    The Supreme Court said in Hudson v. Palmer, 
    468 U.S. 517
    523 (1984), that “like others, prisoners have the constitu-
    tional right to petition the Government for redress of their
    grievances, which includes a reasonable right of access to
    the courts” (emphasis added). Legacy Healthcare had
    reasonable access to the courts to litigate its claim against
    the state for Medicaid reimbursement, and, as far as I
    can tell, it has reasonable access to the courts to litigate
    its opposition to the alleged harassment by the defend-
    ants. I conclude that there has been no infringement of
    34                                              No. 07-2240
    its constitutional right of access to the courts to petition
    for redress of grievances and hence no basis for a suit
    premised on such an infringement.
    And I add that the practical objections to the interpreta-
    tion of constitutional tort law offered in this case are
    compelling. For on that interpretation every success-
    fully litigated claim (and many failed claims as well)
    against a state or federal agency would set the stage for
    a federal constitutional suit, should the subsequent rela-
    tions between the plaintiff and the agency sour, as they are
    quite likely to do in the wake of a successful suit against
    the agency. Defendants are not kindly disposed to plain-
    tiffs, especially plaintiffs who beat them. But if they
    retaliate, at least in the manner charged in this case, they
    hand plaintiffs additional legal weapons, with various
    limitations that deeming the retaliation unconstitutional
    might destroy. There is no need to take that further
    step beyond Button, Trainmen, United Mine Workers, and

Document Info

Docket Number: 07-2240

Judges: Cudahy

Filed Date: 9/5/2008

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 9/24/2015

Authorities (38)

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Maulding Development, LLC v. City of Springfield, Illinois , 453 F.3d 967 ( 2006 )

Martin Abrams v. Kent Walker , 307 F.3d 650 ( 2002 )

Lola Ajayi v. Aramark Business Services, Inc. , 336 F.3d 520 ( 2003 )

Mark Bell v. Tere Duperrault , 367 F.3d 703 ( 2004 )

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