Klebanowski, Robert v. Sheahan, Michael F. ( 2008 )

  •                               In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 06-2572
    MICHAEL F. SHEAHAN, Sheriff,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
    No. 04 C 5878—Virginia M. Kendall, Judge.
    Before EASTERBROOK, Chief Judge, and MANION and
    KANNE, Circuit Judges.
    MANION, Circuit Judge. While being held as a pre-trial
    detainee in the Cook County Jail on a murder charge,
    Robert Klebanowski suffered two attacks at the hands
    of his fellow prisoners. Klebanowski claims that his
    attackers were gang members. Asserting that prison
    officials were deliberately indifferent to the risks caused
    by housing an armed gang population with non-gang
    members and periodically leaving them unsupervised,
    Klebanowski filed suit pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 1983 alleg-
    2                                                 No. 06-2572
    ing a violation of his Fourteenth Amendment rights.
    The district court concluded that there was no evidence
    showing that any of the defendants was deliberately
    indifferent to a known risk of substantial harm to
    Klebanowski, and granted the defendants’ motion for
    summary judgment disposing of the case. Klebanowski
    appeals, asserting that there exist genuine issues of mate-
    rial fact regarding the risk he was subject to, and the
    policies and conduct of the defendants in the face of that
    risk. We affirm.
    Robert Klebanowski was arrested on February 7, 2002,
    and charged with armed robbery and felony murder.
    People v. Klebanowski, 
    852 N.E.2d 813
    , 815 (Ill. 2006).1 While
    awaiting trial, Klebanowski was held at Division 11 of the
    Cook County Jail. Division 11 is a maximum security
    facility, and Klebanowski was held on the Division’s BC
    tier, which housed accused murderers and had a high
    concentration of gang members. Klebanowski denies
    ever having been affiliated with a gang. On September 8,
    2002, while in the day room with the rest of the inmates
    These charges arose from a botched attempt by Klebanowski’s
    associate, Robert Winters, to rob an off-duty lieutenant with
    the Chicago police department, Gary Szparkowski. 
    Id. at 815-16.
    Klebanowski drove Winters to Szparkowski’s house, and
    waited as the get-away driver. Winters took Szparkowski’s
    wallet from him in the driveway of his house, but Szparkow-
    ski shot and killed Winters before he was able to get away.
    Klebanowski was convicted of both charges following a
    bench trial, and was sentenced to 20 years’ imprisonment for
    the felony murder charge. 
    Id. at 817.
    No. 06-2572                                              3
    on the tier, Klebanowski was approached by three gang
    member inmates known as Little E, Count, and Yo-Yo.
    They told Klebanowski they wanted a monthly payment
    of twenty dollars from him in return for their protection.
    When Klebanowski refused their offer, they pushed him
    into an open cell and began to beat him. Following the
    beating, Little E, Count, and Yo-Yo told Klebanowski
    that they would beat him again whenever he refused to
    pay them. They also told him they would kill him if he
    said anything to the guards.
    Following the attack, Klebanowski waited in his cell
    for an officer to secure the inmates at the close of the
    recreation period. While the exact nature of Klebanowski’s
    injuries is not set forth in the record, they were serious
    enough for the officer who came to close his cell to ask
    what happened to him. Fearing for his safety, Klebanowski
    told her he slipped in the shower. Klebanowski’s condi-
    tion caused the officer to doubt his explanation, but she
    said she would record his statement as given, and she
    then took him to the health care unit. Klebanowski was
    eventually sent to an outside hospital for stitches on his
    Upon his return to the BC tier later that day,
    Klebanowski approached a small group of correctional
    officers congregated on his tier and requested that he
    be moved to another location in the jail because he feared
    for his life. The officers told Klebanowski they knew
    what had happened to him, but that it would not help
    to move him because the conditions were the same wher-
    ever he could be moved. Later that evening, Klebanow-
    ski approached another officer and again asked to be
    moved for fear for his life. According to Klebanowski, this
    officer told him he would not be moved because there
    4                                               No. 06-2572
    was no room anywhere else. The officer also allegedly
    told Klebanowski that no one was moved on Sundays,
    which day it happened to be, and that he did not feel
    like doing any extra paperwork.
    At about 9:15 p.m. on the following day, the correc-
    tional officer working Klebanowski’s unit announced
    that he was going to open the cells and allow the inmates
    a few minutes of free time before the 9:30 p.m. inmate
    count and lockdown. The officer also allegedly an-
    nounced that after he opened the cells he would be
    leaving the deck, and would return in a few minutes.
    Klebanowski exited his cell, and while he was watching
    television, Little E, Count, and Yo-Yo approached him
    from behind, and began to beat him again. This time,
    however, Count pulled out a homemade knife, or
    “shank,” that he had concealed in his pants and stabbed
    Klebanowski on the left side of his stomach. Klebanowski
    was stabbed two more times while being beaten, although
    he was unable to see who stabbed him. Klebanowski
    escaped, and he jumped over a railing from the top deck on
    which they were fighting to a lower deck. As he jumped
    over the rail, Count stabbed him again in the back of the
    head. Klebanowski claims that once he reached the bot-
    tom deck, he ran to an exit and pressed a panic button.
    There was no response for five minutes following
    Klebanowski’s alarm, and he continued trying to evade
    Little E, Count, and Yo-Yo. Klebanowski claims that
    correctional officers finally entered the deck after he
    waved at them through a large window. The officers
    ordered the prisoners into their cells. After learning of the
    nature of the attack on Klebanowski, officers searched
    all of the cells on the tier and uncovered fourteen shanks.
    Klebanowski spent two days in the hospital and had
    No. 06-2572                                                5
    his spleen removed as a result of the injuries he sus-
    tained during the attack.
    Klebanowski filed suit in the district court on Septem-
    ber 8, 2004. His original complaint stated claims against
    Cook County Sheriff Michael Sheahan, Department of
    Corrections Director Callie Baird, Baird’s predecessor
    Ernesto Velasco,2 Superintendent of Division 11 Henry
    Troka, as well as “Unknown Corrections Officers 1, 2 & 3.”
    Klebanowski filed an amended complaint on May 9,
    2005, adding as a defendant correctional officer Clifford
    Smith.3 Finally, in his second amended complaint filed
    July 14, 2005, Klebanowski named as defendants correc-
    tional officers William Scott, Jermaine Smith, and Rafael
    Trevizo to replace the three unknown officers sued in his
    earlier complaints. Sheahan, Baird, and Troka were sued
    in their official capacities, and Scott, Smith, and Trevizo
    were sued individually. Klebanowski brought suit under
    42 U.S.C. § 1983 claiming that in three ways the defendants
    violated his rights as protected by the Fourteenth Amend-
    ment: (1) by allowing his wing in Division 11 to be con-
    trolled by gang members and by not separating gang
    members from non-gang members; (2) by allowing
    gang members to keep weapons in their cells; and (3) by
    leaving inmate wings entirely unsupervised regularly
    for significant periods of time. Klebanowski alleged that
    these were “de facto” policies of the defendants.
    Klebanowski voluntarily dismissed Ernesto Velasco on
    February 9, 2005.
    Klebanowski ultimately dismissed his claim against Clifford
    Smith in his response to the defendants’ motion for summary
    judgment after concluding that he was not involved in the
    events giving rise to this suit.
    6                                               No. 06-2572
    The defendants moved for summary judgment arguing
    that they had not deliberately disregarded any known risk
    to Klebanowski. The parties’ submissions to the district
    court consisted of Klebanowski’s deposition describing
    the circumstances of his attacks, Cook County Jail rules
    and regulations governing detainees, a copy of the cor-
    rectional officers’ job description, the statements of indi-
    vidual officers obtained during an investigation of the sec-
    ond attack, and an Incident Report compiled by the Cook
    County Sheriff’s Department following the second attack.
    The district court granted summary judgment in favor of
    the defendants. Regarding Sheahan, Baird, and Troka,
    the district court concluded that Klebanowski presented
    no evidence of a policy, let alone a policy of deliberate
    indifference to a known risk to Klebanowski. The district
    court also concluded that the officers sued in their indi-
    vidual capacities were not on notice of a specific threat
    to Klebanowski, and therefore had not disregarded any
    known risk. On appeal, Klebanowski argues that there
    existed genuine issues of material fact regarding wheth-
    er the conditions of his incarceration posed a substan-
    tial risk of serious harm, and whether the defendants
    acted with deliberate indifference to that risk.
    We review the district court’s grant of summary judg-
    ment de novo and draw all reasonable inferences in
    Klebanowski’s favor. Butera v. Cottey, 
    285 F.3d 601
    , 605
    (7th Cir. 2002). A motion for summary judgment should
    be granted when “the pleadings, the discovery and dis-
    closure materials on file, and any affidavits show that there
    is no genuine issue of material fact.” Fed. R. Civ. P. 56(c).
    However, a “[p]laintiff may not rely only on the bare
    No. 06-2572                                                   7
    assertions of his pleadings.” Keri v. Bd. of Trs. of Purdue
    458 F.3d 620
    , 651 (7th Cir. 2006) (citing Fed. R. Civ.
    P. 56(e)) (emphasis added).
    Because the events described above occurred while
    Klebanowski was a pre-trial detainee, he correctly states
    his claims under the Due Process Clause of the Four-
    teenth Amendment. Guzman v. Sheahan, 
    495 F.3d 852
    856 (7th Cir. 2007). “The protections for pre-trial detainees
    [under the Fourteenth Amendment] are at least as great
    as the Eighth Amendment protections available to a
    convicted prisoner, and we frequently consider the stan-
    dards to be analogous.” Washington v. LaPorte County
    Sheriff’s Dep’t, 
    306 F.3d 515
    , 517 (7th Cir. 2002) (quotation
    and citation omitted). It is well-settled that both Amend-
    ments impose upon prison officials a duty to protect
    inmates from violent assaults at the hands of fellow
    prisoners. Farmer v. Brennan, 
    511 U.S. 825
    , 833 (1994); see
    also Fisher v. Lovejoy, 
    414 F.3d 659
    , 661 (7th Cir. 2005)
    (noting that the Fourteenth Amendment extends this
    protection to pre-trial detainees). An official violates that
    duty “only if he knows that inmates face a substantial
    risk of serious harm and disregards that risk by failing
    to take reasonable measures to abate it.” 
    Farmer, 511 U.S. at 847
    Turning first to the claims against Sheahan, Baird, and
    Troka, we recall that “[a]n official capacity suit is tanta-
    mount to a claim against the government entity itself.”
    Guzman, 495 F.3d at 859
    . Klebanowski must therefore
    establish that the deliberate indifference to which he was
    subjected came about as a result of a custom or policy
    established by the officials. See Monell v. Dep’t of Soc. Servs.
    of City of New York, 
    436 U.S. 650
    , 690-91 (1978); see also
    Frake v. City of Chicago, 
    210 F.3d 779
    , 781 (7th Cir. 2000) (“A
    8                                               No. 06-2572
    plaintiff must show that municipal policymakers made
    a deliberate choice among various alternatives and that
    the injury was caused by the policy.”) (quotation omit-
    ted). Three forms of unconstitutional policies or customs
    are recognized in this context:
    (1) an express policy that, when enforced, causes a
    constitutional deprivation; (2) a widespread practice
    that, although not authorized by written law or ex-
    press municipal policy, is so permanent and well
    settled as to constitute a custom or usage with the force
    of law; or (3) an allegation that the constitutional
    injury was caused by a person with final policy-
    making authority.
    Palmer v. Marion County, 
    327 F.3d 588
    , 595 (7th Cir. 2003)
    (quotation and citation omitted).
    Klebanowski does not expressly invoke one of these
    three policy types, arguing only that his attacks were
    brought on by the three “de facto” policies of housing
    gang members with non-gang members, allowing them
    weapons, and periodically leaving them unattended.
    However, the evidence in the record is insufficient to
    establish the existence of any of the three types of policies
    articulated in Palmer. Klebanowski submitted no evid-
    ence showing an express endorsement of the policies
    he claims caused his injuries. Likewise, he offered no
    evidence that any policymaker caused the circumstances
    of which he complained, assuming those circumstances
    were actually present in the jail.
    Therefore, in order to succeed on his claims against
    Sheahan, Baird, and Troka, Klebanowski needed to
    show that the “de facto” policies he alleged were wide-
    spread practices in the jail. The only pieces of evidence
    No. 06-2572                                               9
    that would be material to showing a widespread prac-
    tice are Klebanowski’s deposition wherein he describes
    his attacks, and the Incident Report which revealed that
    fourteen shanks were recovered after the cell search.
    However, this evidence, standing on its own, is insuf-
    ficient to establish the existence of a widespread practice.
    Palmer, 327 F.3d at 596
    (“When a plaintiff chooses to
    challenge a municipality’s unconstitutional policy by
    establishing a widespread practice, proof of isolated acts
    of misconduct will not suffice; a series of violations must
    be presented to lay the premise of deliberate indiffer-
    ence.”). The record contains no evidence of any attacks
    other than the two inflicted on Klebanowski. Additionally,
    Klebanowski stated during his deposition that he told
    officers on two occasions he would like to be moved
    because he feared for his life, but he never told those
    officers that he was being targeted by gang members
    because of his non-gang member status. It was only
    later when he filed his grievance that he disclosed the
    facts of his assault by identifying his attackers and their
    gang membership. There is, however, nothing in the rec-
    ord indicating that the prison officials had notice that
    gang members were targeting non-gang members at the
    time Klebanowski was attacked.
    Regarding the fourteen shanks discovered following
    the cell search, Klebanowski asserts that their presence
    indicates a policy of not conducting regular searches
    because that number of homemade knives “does not
    show up overnight.” However, to raise a genuine issue
    of material fact, Klebanowski would need some further
    evidence to support his assertion that finding fourteen
    shanks in a search is indicative of an official policy of
    deliberate indifference. The record is silent regarding
    10                                              No. 06-2572
    the frequency with which searches were conducted, the
    nature and availability of the materials from which shanks
    are made, the time it takes to fashion a shank, and the
    official defendants’ knowledge of any of those factors.
    Likewise, assuming the inmates were left unattended
    on the night of September 9 for the duration of time
    Klebanowski states they were, there is no evidence sug-
    gesting that they were similarly left unattended any other
    As the district court noted, Klebanowski “has produced
    no evidence about any incident other than his own, . . .
    about any knowledge on the part of any official about
    general gang affiliation in the jail, or about any steps
    taken or not taken to prevent violence between gang
    members and non-gang members in the jail.” We agree
    with the district court, and conclude more broadly that
    there is no evidence indicating that Sheahan, Baird, or
    Troka enacted or otherwise facilitated any of the three
    “de facto” policies alleged by Klebanowski. Accordingly,
    the district did not err in entering summary judgment in
    their favor.
    As they did before the district court, the defendants
    argue that Klebanowski’s claims against the individual
    defendants are time-barred because he was attacked in
    September 2002, but did not identify the correctional
    officers he believed were deliberately indifferent until
    the filing of his second amended complaint on July 14,
    2005. Under normal circumstances, the defendants’ argu-
    ment would be meritorious. Klebanowski’s claims would
    not relate back to the date he initiated this action because
    he did not then know the identity of the officers.
    Worthington v. Wilson, 
    8 F.3d 1253
    , 1257 (7th Cir. 1993). The
    statute of limitation for his claims is two years and he
    No. 06-2572                                               11
    did not name (and thus notify) the individual defendants
    within that time period. See 735 ILCS 5/13-202; see also
    King v. One Unknown Fed. Corr. Officer, 
    201 F.3d 910
    , 913
    (7th Cir. 2000) (noting that the statute of limitations for
    § 1983 actions is determined by the statute of limitations
    for personal injury actions in the state where the incident
    Here, however, Klebanowski claims to have filed a
    prison grievance on September 18, 2002, and another one
    three months later as a form of appeal because he was
    dissatisfied with the disposition of the first. After hearing
    nothing for almost two years, he filed this action on
    September 8, 2004. The defendants did not contest
    Klebanowski’s description of the status of the grievance
    process. This could be a problem for them because the
    Illinois statute of limitations is tolled during the pendency
    of those proceedings. Johnson v. Rivera, 
    272 F.3d 519
    522 (7th Cir. 2001). Klebanowski’s factual assertions
    regarding his grievance are the only such facts in the
    record. Because we take them as true, they might raise
    new issues not addressed by the parties. Did Klebanow-
    ski actually complete the grievance process when he did
    not receive a disposition? Was a grievance process even
    available to Klebanowski given the inordinate time he
    alleges passed without receiving a disposition? See
    Prison Litigation Reform Act, 42 U.S.C. § 1997e(a) (impos-
    ing on prisoners a duty to exhaust administrative rem-
    edies only where those remedies are “available”).
    We need not resolve these issues. We may affirm sum-
    mary judgment on any basis supported in the record.
    Holmes v. Vill. of Hoffman Estates, 
    511 F.3d 673
    , 681 (7th
    Cir. 2007). Like the district court, we will bypass the
    statute of limitations questions and consider the merits
    12                                             No. 06-2572
    of Klebanowski’s claims against the individual defendants.
    To establish deliberate indifference on the part of the
    defendants sued individually, Klebanowski needed to
    show that the officers acted with the equivalent of crim-
    inal recklessness, in this context meaning that they
    were actually aware of a substantial risk of harm to
    Klebanowski’s health or safety, yet failed to take appro-
    priate steps to protect him from the specific danger.
    Guzman, 495 F.3d at 857
    . Klebanowski testified during
    his deposition that he told officers twice on September 8
    that he was afraid for his life and he wanted to be trans-
    ferred off the tier. Those statements, and the officers’
    knowledge of the first beating, are the only pieces of
    evidence in the record that can assist Klebanowski in his
    attempt to show that the officers were aware of any risk
    to him. We have previously held that statements like
    those made by Klebanowski are insufficient to alert officers
    to a specific threat. 
    Butera, 285 F.3d at 606
    insufficient to establish deliberate indifference state-
    ments by a prisoner that he was “having problems in the
    block” and “needed to be removed”). In Butera, we
    deemed the inmate’s statements insufficient to give
    notice to the officers because they did not provide the
    identities of those who threatened the inmate, nor state
    what the threats were. 
    Id. The facts
    of this case make clear our reason for re-
    quiring more than general allegations of fear or the need
    to be removed. By Klebanowski’s own testimony, the
    officers knew only that he had been involved in an al-
    tercation with three other inmates, and that he wanted a
    transfer because he feared for his life. He did not tell
    them that he had actually been threatened with future
    violence, nor that the attack on September 8 was inflicted
    No. 06-2572                                                13
    by gang members because of his non-gang status.4 With-
    out these additional facts to rely on, there was nothing
    leading the officers to believe that Klebanowski himself
    was not speculating regarding the threat he faced out of
    fear based on the first attack he suffered. This lack of
    specificity falls below the required notice an officer must
    have for liability to attach for deliberate indifference.
    Because the officers did not have notice of a specific
    threat to Klebanowski, the district court did not err
    in concluding that they were not deliberately indifferent
    to a risk posed to him, and it correctly entered sum-
    mary judgment in their favor.
    We conclude that Klebanowski failed to put forth any
    evidence creating a genuine issue of material fact re-
    garding the defendants’ liability for deliberate indiffer-
    ence to his rights. First, there was no indication that
    the defendants sued in their official capacities were
    responsible for policies that subjected Klebanowski to a
    substantial risk of harm. Second, there is no evidence
    indicating that the defendants who were sued in their
    individual capacities were aware of a substantial risk of
    harm to Klebanowski. The defendants were entitled to
    Because he is the non-moving party, we accept as true
    Klebanowski’s assertion that the attacks were gang-related,
    even though there was nothing about his interactions with
    Count, Yo-Yo, and Little E indicating that they targeted
    him because he did not belong to a gang. Later on he indicated
    that the first beating occurred because he refused to pay
    them twenty dollars for “protection.”
    14                                             No. 06-2572
    summary judgment on Klebanowski’s claims, and the
    district court’s entry of judgment in their favor is there-
    fore AFFIRMED.