Bruce Bingham v. New Berlin School District ( 2008 )

  •                             In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 08-1250
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Eastern District of Wisconsin.
    No. 06-CV-533—Patricia J. Gorence, Magistrate Judge.
    Before F LAUM, R OVNER, and W ILLIAMS, Circuit Judges.
    R OVNER, Circuit Judge. Sam Bingham was a high school
    student in the New Berlin School District in Wisconsin
    when his parents, Mary and Bruce Bingham, determined
    that he needed special education services. Toward that
    end, they sent a letter to the principal of the New Berlin
    West High School informing him of Sam’s condition
    and requesting that the New Berlin School District per-
    2                                               No. 08-1250
    sonnel provide a special education evaluation. Sam and
    his parents allege that District personnel failed to evaluate
    Sam, implement an individual education program, or
    notify them of their due process rights as required by
    the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
    At some point in early 2004, Sam’s parents removed him
    from the District’s high school and enrolled him at a
    private school where he remained until graduation.
    On January 10, 2006, Sam’s parents filed a request for a
    due process hearing with the Wisconsin Department of
    Public Instruction. In their due process hearing request,
    they alleged that the District had failed to comply with
    certain provisions of the IDEA, and requested that the
    District reimburse the Binghams for the cost of Sam’s
    private school tuition in the amount of $15,638. The
    Department of Public Instruction scheduled the hearing
    for March 20, 2006, but on February 28, 2006, the District,
    without admitting liability, voluntarily issued a check
    to the Binghams in the full amount they requested.
    The plaintiffs accepted the payment but did not with-
    draw the due process hearing request. In response to the
    District’s motion for summary judgment in the Wisconsin
    Division of Hearings and Appeals, the administrative law
    judge concluded that, because of the payment, “there
    remains no actual existing controversy that this tribunal
    has the authority to adjudicate. The continuation of these
    proceedings would have no practical effect on the under-
    lying controversy, so the matter has become moot.” In re
    Matter of Due Process Hearing Request for Sam Bingham, by
    his Parents, Mary Giles and Bruce Bingham v. New Berlin Sch.
    No. 08-1250                                                 3
    Dist., Case No. LEA-06-001 at 1-2, Wisconsin Div. of
    Hearings and Appeals (Mar. 14, 2006) (R. at 42) (document
    6). Plaintiffs’ counsel then sent a letter to Administrative
    Law Judge Coleman noting that judicial imprimatur is
    required to obtain attorneys’ fees under the IDEA and
    requesting that Judge Coleman declare that the Binghams
    had prevailed in their suit. (R. at 42) (document 2). Judge
    Coleman refused the request. Id. (document 1).
    The Binghams appealed Judge Coleman’s decision to
    the district court below where the judge concluded that
    the Binghams were not prevailing parties, denied their
    motion for attorneys’ fees, and dismissed the action. The
    Binghams appeal once more to this court, and we affirm.
    The Binghams expended much ink and paper (and many
    minutes at oral argument) parading the misdeeds of the
    District. We have no doubt that students suffer myriad ill
    effects when a school district dismisses their serious
    needs and violates the IDEA. This case, as it stands before
    us, however, is not about the merits of the issue—that is,
    whether the District violated the IDEA. Thus even if the
    District admitted, and we concluded, that it was one
    hundred percent liable for violations of the IDEA (of course
    it does not, and we cannot—the merits have never been
    adjudicated), this appeal involves one issue only and that
    is whether the plaintiffs are entitled to attorneys’ fees. The
    answer to that question is governed solely and completely
    by a Supreme Court case never mentioned anywhere in
    the plaintiffs’ brief or even in their reply: Buckhannon
    Board and Care Home, Inc. v. West Virginia Department of
    Health and Human Services, 
    532 U.S. 598
     (2001). In
    4                                                    No. 08-1250
    Buckhannon, the Court rejected the previously widely
    followed catalyst theory that posits that, for purposes of
    determining an award of attorneys’ fees, a plaintiff prevails
    if he achieves the desired outcome of litigation even if it
    results from a voluntary change in the defendant’s con-
    Id. at 600
    . Rejecting the catalyst theory, the
    Buckhannon court emphasized that in order to be
    deemed a prevailing party, there must be a “material
    alteration in the legal relationship of the parties”—that
    is in the form of an enforceable judgment or court-
    ordered consent decree. It could not be clearer that a
    voluntary settlement by the defendant—the precise
    situation presented here—does not entitle a plaintiff to
    attorneys’ fees. 
    Id. at 606
    If there were any room to argue that the holding in
    Buckhannon does not apply to the IDEA, that door has long
    since closed.1 In 2003 this court applied the holding in
    Buckhannon to IDEA cases as has every other circuit court
    to have considered the question. See T.D. v. LaGrange Sch.
    Dist. No. 102, 
    349 F.3d 469
    , 478 (7th Cir. 2003). See also Smith
    v. Fitchburg Pub. Sch., 
    401 F.3d 16
    , 22 (1st Cir. 2005); J.C. v.
    Reg’l Sch. Dist. 10, 
    278 F.3d 119
    , 125 (2d Cir. 2002); John T.
    There have been not-unreasonable attempts to argue that the
    Buckhannon decision does not apply to IDEA cases. See T.D v.
    La Grange School Dist. No. 102, 
    222 F. Supp. 2d 1062
     (N.D. Ill.
    2002), rev’d, 
    349 F.3d 469
     (7th Cir. 2003). See also Mark C. Weber,
    Litigation Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
    After Buckhannon Board & Care Home, Inc. v. West Virginia
    Department of Health & Human Resources, 
    65 Ohio St. L.J. 357
    399 (2004).
    No. 08-1250                                                    5
    ex rel. Paul T. v. Delaware County Intermediate Unit, 
    318 F.3d 545
    , 556 (3d Cir. 2003); G ex rel. RG v. Fort Bragg
    Dependent Sch., 
    343 F.3d 295
    , 310 (4th Cir. 2003); John T. ex
    rel. Robert T. v. Iowa Dept. of Educ., 
    258 F.3d 860
    , 863-64 (8th
    Cir. 2001); P.N. v. Seattle Sch. Dist. No. 1, 
    474 F.3d 1165
    , 1167
    (9th Cir. 2007); Alegria v. Dist. of Columbia, 
    391 F.3d 262
    263 (D.C. Cir. 2004).
    When presented with the unambiguous holding of
    Buckhannon at oral argument, the Bingham’s attorney could
    only respond that the facts of this case are different. The
    ruling of Buckhannon, however, does not depend on the
    facts of a case, but rather only on a simple procedural
    posture. A court may award attorneys’ fees only in those
    cases where the plaintiff has prevailed by securing a
    material alteration of the legal relationship between the
    parties, either, for example, by court ordered consent
    decree or an enforceable judgment. In this case the plain-
    tiffs have neither. The judgment of the district court,
    consequently, must be affirmed.
    Although we took the opportunity to elaborate on our
    decision over the course of a few pages, this matter
    could have been resolved in one sentence with a citation
    to Buckhannon and T.D. v. LaGrange. And when a matter
    is so easily and definitively resolved, one wonders why
    an appellant has pursued the matter at all. It appears
    that counsel for the appellant was aware of the Buckhannon
    decision and its implication from the get-go. After the
    administrative law judge dismissed the matter as moot, the
    Bingham’s attorney wrote to the judge stating, “[a]s your
    Order of Dismissal does not show that either of the
    6                                                 No. 08-1250
    parties prevailed, and the Federal District Court will
    probably want judicial imprimatur to show how the case
    was resolved, I am an enclosing an Order for your signa-
    ture. Buckhannon Board & Care Home v. West Va. D.H.H.R.,
    532 U.S. 598
     (2001).” (R. at 42) (document 2). The adminis-
    trative law judge, however, declined to issue any further
    orders. It appears that counsel for the appellant was well-
    aware from the early days of this case, not only that
    Buckhannon mattered, but that it controlled the outcome
    of this attorneys’ fees matter. And if for some reason he
    was not, both the district court opinion and the District’s
    brief on appeal made it clear. Yet counsel for the appellant
    failed to cite the controlling law in either his brief or reply
    brief on appeal. In short, Appellants’ counsel understood
    that the law required prevailing party status and that they
    had not obtained that outcome. Nevertheless, counsel
    continued to litigate this case without a reasonable
    basis for doing so, expending the resources of this
    court and the opposing party.
    The plaintiffs could have preserved an argument for the
    Supreme Court urging reversal of the Buckhannon decision
    based on myriad scholarly critiques. See e.g. U.S. v.
    491 F.3d 680
    , 685 (7th Cir. 2007) (noting that
    when Supreme Court precedent remains good law, a
    litigant may assert the argument in this court for the
    sole purpose of preserving it for Supreme Court review).
    We are aware that there has been substantial criticism
    of the Buckhannon decision, and that the rule it announced
    falls particularly hard on parents of disabled children
    litigating under the IDEA. Parents of disabled children
    are unlikely to have significant financial resources to
    No. 08-1250                                                    7
    expend on legal fees and may prefer to spend the resources
    they do have on private education rather than fighting
    the school system to provide the services to which they
    are rightfully entitled. Lynn M. Daggett, Special Education
    Attorney’s Fees: Of Buckhannon, The IDEA Reauthorization
    Bills, and the IDEA as Civil Rights Statute, 8 U.C. Davis J. Juv.
    L. & Pol’y 1, 41 (2004). They tend to seek equitable relief
    that is significant to them or to the community at large
    where the cost of those services is far lower than the cost
    of litigating to receive the services. Catherine R. Albiston
    & Laura Nielsen, The Procedural Attack on Civil Rights:
    The November 20, 2008 Empirical Reality of Buckhannon for
    the Private Attorney General, 
    54 UCLA L. Rev. 1087
    , 1090-91
    (2007). The rule of Buckhannon, these scholars offer,
    points the incentives in the wrong direction. A school
    district can delay providing expensive educational
    services as long as possible and hope that the parents
    either tire of the battle, re-matriculate elsewhere, or that
    the child ages out of the school system. By doing so they
    do not risk having to pay the opposing side’s attorneys’
    fees at the end of the protracted battle, provided they
    capitulate sometime prior to judgment. Albiston &
    Nielsen, supra, at 1109. The situation may require
    parents to choose between a settlement that provides
    educational services to their child, but sacrifices recovery
    of attorneys’ fees, or continuing to litigate indefinitely
    while the child goes without the needed services in place,
    in an uncertain attempt to become a prevailing party and
    recover attorneys’ fees. Id. at 1111. Of course, these
    choices also create conflicts between IDEA clients and
    their attorneys. Dagget, supra, at 42. And ultimately, the
    8                                                 No. 08-1250
    very real risk of losing attorneys’ fees will significantly
    decrease the pool of attorneys willing to represent clients
    other than those who are very wealthy and can afford to
    pay fees on their own. The Buckhannon resolution also
    may induce IDEA attorneys to make unreasonable de-
    mands of school districts to prevent the district from
    mooting the case by voluntarily agreeing to the parents’
    requests. See Weber, supra note 1 at 399-400. The District
    argues that Buckhannon gives school districts the incen-
    tive to settle and pour money into a child’s education
    rather than into expensive litigation. Settlement is, no
    doubt, a worthwhile result of Buckhannon, although many
    scholars have argued that Buckhannon has the effect of
    prolonging litigation before settlement. See Stefan R.
    Hanson, Buckhannon, Special Education Disputes, and Attor-
    neys’ Fees: Time for a Congressional Response Again, 
    2003 BYU Educ. & L.J. 519
    , 546 (2003). And of course, if a
    school district is providing an inadequate education to
    any child, time is of the essence.
    Although this is an important debate, policy arguments
    of this nature are better directed to a legislative body or
    to the Supreme Court. We are an intermediate appellate
    court, and our task is to follow Supreme Court precedent
    where it has direct application in a case. Rodriguez de
    Quijas v. Shearson/Am. Express, Inc., 
    490 U.S. 477
    , 484 (1989);
    see also Hutto v. Davis, 
    454 U.S. 370
    , 375 (1982) (per curiam)
    (“[U]nless we wish anarchy to prevail within the federal
    judicial system, a precedent of this Court must be fol-
    lowed by the lower federal courts.”). Buckhannon is directly
    on point and dictates in unambiguous terms that the
    Binghams are not prevailing parties entitled to attorneys’
    No. 08-1250                                                   9
    fees. The only room for further litigation was to preserve
    an argument for reversing Buckhannon in the Supreme
    Court. Bingham’s attorneys chose instead simply to
    ignore the controlling recent authority of the highest Court.
    Pursuant to Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 38, we
    have the authority to award attorneys’ fees and costs to
    the District for this appeal. Before awarding such sanc-
    tions, however, Rule 38 requires that either the opposing
    party file a separate motion for sanctions or that we give
    notice that we are considering sanctions. Greviskes v.
    Universities Research Ass’n, Inc., 
    417 F.3d 752
     (7th Cir. 2005).
    The decision of the district court is A FFIRMED. We order
    the appellants and their counsel to show cause, within
    fourteen days, as to why they should not be required,
    under Rule 38 of the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure,
    to pay the District’s costs and reasonable attorneys’ fees
    on appeal.