United States v. Roosevelt Turner ( 2010 )

  •                             In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 08-2350
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Southern District of Illinois.
    No. 3:05-cr-30015—David R. Herndon, Chief Judge.
    Before E ASTERBROOK, Chief Judge, S YKES, Circuit Judge,
    and K ENDALL, District Judge.Œ
    S YKES, Circuit Judge. The district court disqualified
    Roosevelt Turner’s retained counsel from representing
    him in this cocaine-conspiracy case because the attorney
    The Honorable Virginia M. Kendall, District Judge for the
    United States District Court, Northern District of Illinois,
    sitting by designation.
    2                                              No. 08-2350
    was also representing an alleged coconspirator in sen-
    tencing proceedings. The question for us is whether
    this violated Turner’s Sixth Amendment right to counsel
    of his choice.
    In February 2005 the government indicted Turner and
    eight others for conspiring to distribute cocaine in Alton,
    Illinois. But Turner was not arrested until June 2006, and
    by that time many of the alleged coconspirators had
    pleaded guilty and cooperated with the government. One
    exception was Anthony Womack. His first trial ended in
    a hung jury. On retrial Womack was convicted, and he
    was awaiting sentencing when the authorities finally
    caught up with Turner. In the meantime, Womack hired
    a new attorney—Irl Baris—to represent him at sentencing.
    Once in custody, Turner was initially represented by
    appointed counsel, but his family soon hired Baris as his
    attorney. The government questioned whether this
    joint representation was permissible and asked the
    court for a hearing on the matter.
    The government suggested that Baris’s representation
    of both defendants presented an insurmountable conflict
    of interest because one might decide to cooperate with
    the government against the other. Baris countered that
    there was no actual conflict—nor any serious potential for
    conflict—because neither client wanted to assist the
    government and prosecutors had not shown the
    slightest interest in securing either defendant’s testimony
    against the other. Moreover, both defendants waived
    any conflict of interest. The district judge focused on the
    possibility that one defendant might provide information
    No. 08-2350                                                 3
    or testimony against the other and held that this was
    sufficient to create an “absolute” conflict of interest. On
    this basis the judge disqualified Baris as Turner’s counsel.
    A jury convicted Turner of conspiracy, and he appealed,
    challenging the judge’s disqualification of his chosen
    We reverse. The Sixth Amendment gives a defendant
    who does not require appointed counsel the right to
    choose who will represent him. See Wheat v. United States,
    486 U.S. 153
    , 159, 164 (1988). The Supreme Court
    recognizes a presumption in favor of the defendant’s
    choice, although this presumption may be overridden if
    there is an actual conflict of interest or a “serious
    potential for conflict.” 
    Id. at 164
    . Where there is an actual
    or serious potential conflict, two aspects of the Sixth
    Amendment right to counsel are in tension: the accused’s
    right to counsel of his choice and his right to the effective
    assistance of counsel. 
    Id. at 159-61
    . Joint representation
    is not, however, a per se violation of the right to the
    effective assistance of counsel. 
    Id. at 160-61
    Here, the district court disqualified Baris based on the
    possibility that Womack might cooperate against Turner
    or vice versa. But this possibility for conflict is present in
    nearly every case of joint representation. The district
    court’s analysis disregarded the presumption in favor of
    the defendant’s chosen counsel and imposed what
    amounts to a per se rule against joint representation. As
    such, the court’s disqualification order was premised on
    a mistake of law and violated Turner’s right to counsel
    of his choice. Because this violation is structural, United
    4                                               No. 08-2350
    States v. Gonzalez-Lopez, 
    548 U.S. 140
    , 150 (2006), Turner is
    entitled to a new trial.
    I. Background
    In February 2005 a grand jury indicted Turner, Womack,
    and seven others on charges of conspiring to distrib-
    ute cocaine in violation of 
    21 U.S.C. §§ 841
    841(b)(1)(A)(ii), and 846. (A superseding indictment
    filed in October 2005 added three more defendants as
    coconspirators.) The government alleged that from
    January 2003 to January 2005, Turner and the others
    conspired to distribute large quantities of cocaine in and
    around Alton, Illinois. Most of the alleged conspirators
    were quickly rounded up. Turner, however, remained
    at large until June 2006.
    Nearly all of the coconspirators pleaded guilty and
    cooperated with the government, but Womack elected to
    go to trial. The government’s first attempt to convict
    Womack ended in a mistrial because the jury could not
    reach a verdict. On retrial in April 2006, the jury found
    Womack guilty. The case against him relied largely on
    the kind of evidence customarily introduced in drug-
    conspiracy trials: tapes of telephone intercepts capturing
    conversations among those associated with the charged
    conspiracy and the testimony of several of the cooperating
    During both of his trials, Womack was represented by
    Attorney John Abell. After his conviction, however,
    Womack hired Attorney Irl Baris to represent him for
    No. 08-2350                                                5
    sentencing and appellate purposes. Baris is an experienced
    criminal-defense attorney in practice since 1948 and an
    adjunct professor of criminal trial practice and procedure
    at Washington University School of Law for the last
    25 years. He has tried a variety of federal cases
    involving white-collar crimes, drug conspiracies, and
    racketeering offenses, and has argued numerous appeals
    in five or six federal circuits. He entered his appearance
    on behalf of Womack on June 1, 2006.
    As Womack awaited sentencing, police finally arrested
    Turner on June 14, 2006. Court-appointed attorneys
    represented Turner for the next six weeks. Turner’s family
    then hired Baris to represent him, and on August 1, 2006,
    Baris entered his appearance as Turner’s counsel. The
    government immediately asked the district court to
    conduct a hearing under Rule 44(c) of the Federal Rules
    of Criminal Procedure to evaluate the effect of any poten-
    tial conflict of interest on each defendant’s right to the
    effective assistance of counsel. See F ED. R. C RIM. P. 44(c)
    (outlining the court’s duty of inquiry in a case of joint
    representation). The government’s motion intimated
    that Womack might be called to testify at Turner’s trial
    or might pursue sentencing or appellate strategies
    adverse to Turner’s interests, or alternatively, Turner
    might be asked to provide information or testimony to
    assist the government at Womack’s sentencing.
    At the Rule 44(c) hearing, the government argued as
    a general matter that the defendants’ interests might
    become adverse in the event that either opted to cooperate
    with the government. But the prosecutor was not more
    6                                            No. 08-2350
    specific. He did not say, for example, that the govern-
    ment intended or was likely to seek Womack’s coopera-
    tion and testimony against Turner or vice versa. The
    prosecutor did say that “[a]s a side note, an attorney
    in my office has requested permission to talk to whoever
    [Womack’s] attorney is to see if Mr. Womack is interested
    in cooperating with the Government with regard to a
    somewhat unrelated matter, certainly with regard to his
    narcotics distribution.” The judge sought clarification:
    “[Y]ou said your line assistant has asked for permission
    to approach Womack with the possibility of giving testi-
    mony against Mr. Turner?” The prosecutor responded
    in the negative:
    That is not accurate, Your Honor. That would not be
    accurate. The line attorney who has asked me about
    Mr. Womack is seeking information with regard
    to individuals who purchased cocaine directly from
    Mr. Womack, not necessarily information with regard
    to Mr. Turner. Of course, the issue becomes one of,
    once an individual begins to cooperate, there can’t
    be limitations on that.
    The government did not explicitly ask the court to dis-
    qualify Baris. The gist of its argument, however, was
    that Baris’s joint representation of Turner and Womack
    created an impermissible conflict of interest requiring
    his disqualification from Turner’s case.
    Baris argued that Turner was entitled under the Sixth
    Amendment to retain counsel of his choice. He explained
    that each client’s family had separately retained him and
    that both Turner and Womack had consented after con-
    No. 08-2350                                              7
    sultation to the joint representation. He also said neither
    Turner nor Womack had any interest in assisting the
    government and noted that the government had not
    expressed any interest in seeking either defendant’s
    cooperation against the other. Baris said both defendants
    were prepared to waive any conflict of interest. Baris
    invited the court to make a personal inquiry of the defen-
    dants to confirm their consent to the joint representation.
    The judge did not respond to this invitation. Instead,
    the judge expressed his general concern that Baris could
    not effectively advise one of his clients about the advan-
    tages of cooperating with the government without
    hurting the interests of his other client. The judge had
    presided over Womack’s trial and knew that the evidence
    there had suggested that Turner was Womack’s sole
    cocaine supplier. “[B]ecause there was testimony in the
    Womack trial relative to Turner,” the judge said, “Mr.
    Womack is a person with potential relevant knowledge
    who could be subpoenaed to testify in the Turner case.
    And how do you go about cross-examining your own
    client with any sort of vigor that properly represents
    your other client?” Baris reminded the court that the
    government could not compel Womack to testify. The
    judge countered: “And so then what does the record
    show, that the attorney for Turner advised the witness
    to take the Fifth Amendment?” Baris responded: “No. The
    attorney for Womack may advise him [to take the Fifth
    On the flip side of the conflict question, the judge
    said that Turner might need advice from Baris if the
    8                                                No. 08-2350
    government sought his cooperation in Womack’s sen-
    tencing, and “Mr. Baris is not going to be in a position
    to do that faithfully, fully, exercising his full professional
    responsibilities to his client because, of course, if he were
    representing Mr. Womack, he wouldn’t want Mr. Turner
    to testify against Womack in a sentencing.” Baris
    suggested that the court’s concerns were based entirely
    on speculation. The attorney noted that under the
    Supreme Court’s decisions in Wheat and Gonzalez-Lopez,
    it was the government’s burden to establish an actual
    conflict of interest or at least a serious potential for
    conflict, and noted again that the prosecutor had not
    specifically said he intended to seek either defendant’s
    cooperation against the other. The judge responded:
    “How much more specific does it have to get other than
    there will be an approach for a proffer, and he is clearly
    a—if not absolutely going to be a witness, he’s clearly
    a person with extraordinarily relevant knowledge that
    likely will be a witness.”
    Perhaps sensing which way the wind was blowing,
    Baris suggested that the court accept Turner’s conflict
    waiver now and revisit the matter later if the prosecution
    decided to approach either defendant about cooperating.
    “[L]et’s suppose that they do [approach one of the defen-
    dants],” Baris said. “At that time the issues can be
    crystalized and perhaps the facts can be revealed as to
    what the conflict is. Here, we don’t know.” The judge
    rejected this alternative, concluding instead that the
    conflicts are “absolute” and “specific,” “they’re clear,
    they are not speculative,” and “[t]here’s no way that any
    waiver can overcome these conflicts.” The court entered
    an order disqualifying Baris from representing Turner.
    No. 08-2350                                                 9
    The government never sought either defendant’s assis-
    tance against the other. Womack was sentenced to
    151 months’ imprisonment. With new counsel, Turner
    proceeded to a jury trial. He was convicted of conspiracy
    to distribute in excess of 5 kilograms of cocaine and
    sentenced to 360 months’ imprisonment. He appealed,
    challenging the district court’s disqualification of Baris
    as a violation of his Sixth Amendment right to retain
    counsel of his choice.
    II. Discussion
    The Sixth Amendment provides that “[i]n all criminal
    prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right . . . to have
    the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.” U.S. C ONST.
    amend. VI. Two aspects of this Sixth Amendment right
    are pertinent here: the right of an accused who does not
    require appointed counsel to choose the attorney who
    will represent him, see Gonzalez-Lopez, 
    548 U.S. at 144-48
    486 U.S. at 159
    , and the right to effective
    assistance of counsel, see Strickland v. Washington, 
    466 U.S. 668
    , 687 (1984).
    Each of these rights protects something different—the
    former secures “the right to a particular lawyer
    regardless of comparative effectiveness,” and the latter
    prescribes “a baseline requirement of competence on
    whatever lawyer is chosen or appointed.” Gonzalez-Lopez,
    548 U.S. at 148
    . The rights are different in another respect:
    The Sixth Amendment’s protection against ineffective
    representation “derive[s] from the . . . Amendment’s
    purpose of ensuring a fair trial,” 
    id. at 147
    ; “[t]he right to
    10                                               No. 08-2350
    select counsel of one’s choice, by contrast, . . . has been
    regarded as the root meaning of the constitutional guaran-
    id. at 147-48
    . Stated differently, the Sixth Amendment
    right to counsel of choice “commands[] not that a trial be
    fair, but that a particular guarantee of fairness be
    provided—to wit, that the accused be defended by the
    counsel he believes to be best.” 
    Id. at 146
    These two elements of the Sixth Amendment right to
    counsel will occasionally be in tension with each other—
    prototypically, when a defendant hires an attorney who
    has a conflict of interest. When this occurs, the defendant’s
    right to counsel of his choice may have to give way. A
    court confronted with a case of joint representation
    “must take adequate steps to ascertain whether the con-
    flicts warrant separate counsel.” Wheat, 
    486 U.S. at 160
    Joint representation may present a conflict so concrete
    and serious that it intolerably undermines the right to
    effective assistance of counsel and justifies overriding
    the defendant’s choice of counsel. 
    Id. at 161-62
    Not all cases of joint representation, however, give rise
    to a conflict of interest warranting disqualification of
    counsel; the Supreme Court has held that joint representa-
    tion is not a per se violation of the right to effective coun-
    Id. at 159-60
    . Instead, joint representation requires
    careful judicial scrutiny for the presence and effect of
    conflicts; the court “ha[s] an independent duty to
    ensure that criminal defendants receive a trial that is
    fair and does not contravene the Sixth Amendment.” 
    Id. at 161
    ; see also United States v. Combs, 
    222 F.3d 353
    , 361
    (7th Cir. 2000) (“[A] court has an independent duty to
    No. 08-2350                                                11
    balance the right to counsel of choice with the broader
    interests of judicial integrity.”).
    Where, as here, defendants charged jointly are repre-
    sented by the same counsel, Rule 44(c)(2) of the Federal
    Rules of Criminal Procedure instructs the court to
    conduct a prompt inquiry into the likelihood and effect
    of any conflict of interest:
    (2) Court’s Responsibilities in Cases of Joint Repre-
    sentation. The court must promptly inquire about
    the propriety of joint representation and must person-
    ally advise each defendant of the right to the
    effective assistance of counsel, including separate
    representation. Unless there is good cause to believe
    that no conflict of interest is likely to arise, the court
    must take appropriate measures to protect each de-
    fendant’s right to counsel.
    In joint-representation cases, the district court has “sub-
    stantial latitude” to refuse a defendant’s conflict waiver.
    486 U.S. at 163
    . The court’s decision, therefore, is
    reviewed for abuse of discretion; we recognize, moreover,
    that the decision “must be made ex ante; if disqualification
    was proper on the basis of all information known or
    knowable at the time the judge acted, then later develop-
    ments . . . would not spoil the decision.” Rodriguez v.
    382 F.3d 670
    , 672 (7th Cir. 2004).
    Although the disqualification decision is “left pri-
    marily to the informed judgment of the trial court,” Wheat,
    486 U.S. at 164
    , the force of the core constitutional com-
    mand requires that the court start from a default posi-
    12                                                 No. 08-2350
    tion that gives effect to the defendant’s Sixth Amend-
    ment right to choose his own counsel. The Supreme
    Court has therefore recognized a presumption in favor
    of the defendant’s choice of counsel, and this presump-
    tion can be overcome only by an actual or serious
    potential for conflict. 
     “Under Wheat, the risk of non-
    persuasion rests with the prosecution rather than the
    defendant.” Rodriguez, 
    382 F.3d at 672
    . The court’s role
    is to determine “whether the attorney has an actual
    conflict, a potential conflict, or no conflict at all,” United
    States v. Perez, 
    325 F.3d 115
    , 125 (2d Cir. 2003), and to
    evaluate any conflict for its effect on the defendant’s right
    to effective assistance of counsel. In addition, before
    accepting a waiver of conflict-free counsel, Rule 44(c)
    requires the court to advise each defendant of his right
    to effective assistance of counsel.1
    This framework requires the court to first determine the
    specific nature of any actual or potential conflict of
    interest arising from the joint representation. If there is
    The district court is not required to “follow some pre-or-
    dained, detailed script” or “conduct a long-winded dialogue
    with counsel and defendants” before accepting a defendant’s
    waiver of his right to conflict-free counsel. United States v.
    5 F.3d 1070
    , 1078 (7th Cir. 1993). Instead, for a
    defendant’s waiver to be valid, the judge need only “inform
    each defendant of the nature and importance of the right to
    conflict-free counsel and ensure that the defendant under-
    stands something of the consequences of a conflict.” Id.; accord
    United States v. Castillo, 
    965 F.2d 238
    , 241-42 (7th Cir. 1992);
    United States v. Roth, 
    860 F.2d 1382
    , 1388-89 (7th Cir. 1988).
    No. 08-2350                                               13
    no conflict of interest, then the defendant’s choice of
    counsel must be respected unless there is some institu-
    tional concern requiring disqualification. See Gonzalez-
    548 U.S. at 152
     (“The court has . . . an ‘independent
    interest in ensuring that criminal trials are conducted
    within the ethical standards of the profession and that
    legal proceedings appear fair to all who observe them.’ ”
    (quoting Wheat, 
    486 U.S. at 160
    )). If, on the other hand, the
    court finds an actual conflict of interest that seriously
    undermines counsel’s effectiveness, “there can be no
    doubt that [the court] may decline a proffer of waiver,
    and insist that defendants be separately represented.”
    486 U.S. at 162
    . A conflict that amounts to a
    breach of the code of professional ethics obviously quali-
    fies, see 
     as does a concrete conflict of interest which
    though not a violation of professional ethics, nonetheless
    impedes the attorney’s ability to provide effective assis-
    tance of counsel within the meaning of Strickland.
    The disqualification decision becomes more difficult,
    however, if the joint representation presents only a
    potential for conflict. Because “a possible conflict inheres
    in almost every instance of multiple representation,”
    Cuyler v. Sullivan, 
    446 U.S. 335
    , 348 (1980), the Supreme
    Court has said that only a serious potential conflict will
    justify overriding the defendant’s choice of counsel,
    486 U.S. at 164
    . This requires an inquiry into the
    likelihood that the potential conflict will mature into an
    actual conflict and the degree to which it threatens the
    right to effective assistance of counsel. Accordingly,
    before disqualifying counsel based on a potential conflict,
    the district court should evaluate (1) the likelihood that
    14                                             No. 08-2350
    the conflict will actually occur; (2) the severity of the
    threat to counsel’s effectiveness; and (3) whether there
    are alternative measures available other than disqual-
    ification that would protect the defendant’s right to
    effective counsel while respecting his choice of counsel.
    The first inquiry is the most important; a conflict that
    would seriously undermine counsel’s effectiveness is not
    a basis for disqualification if it has little likelihood of
    For example, in United States v. Algee, we affirmed the
    disqualification of the defendant’s chosen attorney in a
    conspiracy case because the attorney had previously
    represented two coconspirators whom the government
    intended to call to testify as principal witnesses against
    the defendant. 
    309 F.3d 1011
    , 1014 (7th Cir. 2002). At the
    other end of the spectrum is our decision in Rodriguez,
    which though not a joint-representation case nonetheless
    provides an example of a potential for conflict that was
    not sufficient to justify disqualification of counsel. In
    Rodriguez prosecutors told the trial court that a detective
    who had participated in the investigation of a
    codefendant was an “integral part of the case” and a
    potential witness against the defendant Rodriguez. 
    382 F.3d at 671-72
    . One of Rodriguez’s attorneys, however,
    had represented the detective in an unrelated real-estate
    The trial court disqualified the attorney, and on habeas
    review we held this decision was unreasonable. 
     at 672-
    73. The prosecution had not explained—either at the time
    the disqualification decision was made or at any time
    afterward—what admissible evidence the detective
    No. 08-2350                                                 15
    would have offered, and the prosecution never did call
    the detective to testify. 
    Id. at 672
    . We concluded in Rodri-
    guez that disqualification was not warranted because the
    possibility that the conflict of interest would eventually
    occur was simply too remote. 
    Rodriguez also explains how the availability of protec-
    tive measures other than disqualification may make
    disqualification unreasonable. Rodriguez had two attor-
    neys, one of whom had no prior relationship with
    the detective who was a potential witness. We noted
    that the cocounsel without the conflict could have cross-
    examined the detective if he had testified and this “would
    have eliminated all risks.” 
    Id. at 673
    . This “easy solution,”
    we said, made it unreasonable to deprive Rodriguez of
    his counsel of choice. 
     We have also noted in another
    case that to avoid a conflict of interest, the district court
    may limit examination of a witness and may “on rare
    occasions” exclude evidence. United States v. Messino, 
    181 F.3d 826
    , 830 (7th Cir. 1999); cf. United States v. Diozzi, 
    807 F.2d 10
    , 13-14 (1st Cir. 1986) (suggesting that it is appro-
    priate to exclude testimony if the same evidence is avail-
    able from other sources).
    The conflict the district court identified in this case was
    the mere possibility that either Womack or Turner
    would decide to cooperate with the government against
    the other. This does not amount to an actual conflict. Nor
    is it, in the circumstances of this case, a serious potential
    conflict justifying the disqualification of Turner’s counsel
    of choice. Recall that the government bears the risk of
    nonpersuasion here. Rodriguez, 
    382 F.3d at 672
    ; see also
    325 F.3d at 125
     (“Where the right to counsel of
    16                                              No. 08-2350
    choice conflicts with the right to an attorney of undivided
    loyalty, the choice as to which right is to take precedence
    must generally be left to the defendant and not dictated
    by the government.”). At the Rule 44(c) hearing, the
    prosecutor never said the government intended to seek
    either defendant’s cooperation or testimony against the
    other. To the contrary, a line assistant in the prosecutor’s
    office wanted to talk to Womack about an “unrelated
    matter,” not about cooperating with the government
    against Turner. If the government needed or wanted
    assistance from either Womack or Turner, it certainly
    didn’t act like it. Womack had been in custody for a year
    and a half, and he was awaiting sentencing when Turner
    was arrested. Turner had been in custody for six weeks
    at the time of the Rule 44(c) hearing. Not once during
    that time did the government express the slightest
    interest in obtaining the cooperation of one defendant
    against the other. Moreover, the government already
    had the assistance of multiple cooperating coconspirators.
    For their part, neither Turner nor Womack wanted to
    help the government. Baris’s proffer of a conflict waiver
    confirmed their lack of interest in providing assistance
    to prosecutors. In short, there is nothing in this record to
    suggest that the potential conflict of interest identified by
    the district court had a serious likelihood of maturing
    into an actual conflict. Nor is there anything to support a
    conclusion that the conflict was sufficiently severe that
    Turner’s right to effective counsel would be jeopardized.
    The potential for a conflict of interest in this case was
    hardly “clear” and “absolute,” as the district judge
    thought; instead, it was entirely speculative.
    No. 08-2350                                                  17
    At bottom, the judge disqualified Baris because one
    or the other of his clients might change his mind about
    cooperating with the government, but that possibility
    for conflict of interest “inheres in almost every instance
    of multiple representation.” Cuyler, 
    446 U.S. at 348
    . The
    district court essentially applied a rule that joint represen-
    tation necessarily violates the defendant’s right to
    effective counsel; this directly contradicts Wheat. See 
    486 U.S. at 159-60
    Our legal system generally presumes that one attorney
    may effectively represent multiple codefendants. This
    presumption is reflected in Rule 44(c) and Supreme
    Court precedent. See Holloway v. Arkansas, 
    435 U.S. 475
    482 (1978) (“Requiring or permitting a single attorney to
    represent codefendants, often referred to as joint repre-
    sentation, is not per se violative of constitutional guaran-
    tees of effective assistance of counsel.”). The presumption
    is also reflected in professional ethical standards. For
    example, the Model Rules of Professional Conduct assume
    as a general matter that an attorney may represent
    multiple clients notwithstanding a conflict of interest, if
    the client gives informed consent. See M ODEL R ULES
    OF P ROF’ L C ONDUCT R. 1.7; accord ILL. R ULES OF P ROF’ L
    C ONDUCT R. 1.7(b) (permitting joint representation
    despite a conflict of interest provided each client gives
    informed consent and “the lawyer reasonably believes
    the representation will not be adversely affected” despite
    a conflict of interest); S.D. ILL. L OC. R. 83.4(d)(2) (adopting
    Illinois Rules of Professional Conduct). The critical inquiries,
    according to the Model Rules, are whether “the likelihood
    that a difference in interests will eventuate and, if it does,
    whether it will materially interfere with the lawyer’s
    18                                              No. 08-2350
    independent professional judgment in considering alter-
    natives or foreclose courses of action that reasonably
    should be pursued on behalf of the client.” M ODEL R ULES
    OF P ROF’ L C ONDUCT R. 1.7 cmt. 8. The Model Rules (and
    the Illinois standards, which the Southern District of
    Illinois follows) also permit a lawyer to represent
    multiple clients making an aggregate guilty or no-contest
    plea. See M ODEL R ULES OF P ROF’L C ONDUCT R. 1.8(g); see
    also ILL. R ULES OF P ROF’L C ONDUCT R. 1.8(e).
    In light of the minimal risk that joint representation
    would have undermined either Turner’s or Womack’s
    right to the effective assistance of counsel, the district
    court had other options available that would have re-
    spected Turner’s right to his chosen counsel and protected
    his right to effective counsel. We note that although Rule
    44(c)(2) requires the court to “personally advise each
    defendant of the right to effective assistance of counsel,
    including separate representation,” here, the judge
    never got that far. Baris invited the court to question his
    client, but the judge entered the disqualification order
    without making any personal inquiry of Turner. This
    inhibited the court’s ability to fully assess the risk that a
    conflict would actually arise and evaluate whether
    other protective measures short of disqualification were
    available. Baris also suggested that the court accept
    Turner’s conflict waiver and revisit the matter later if
    circumstances were to develop that would raise a
    conflict question. The court rejected this option as well.
    Finally, Turner’s court-appointed attorney was present
    at the Rule 44(c) hearing. The court could have asked
    him to confer with Turner to assess the risk that a conflict
    of interest would arise and ensure that Turner fully
    No. 08-2350                                              19
    understood the particular ramifications of joint repre-
    sentation in the context of the case. These measures
    might not have “eliminated all risks,” Rodriguez, 
    382 F.3d at 673
    , but the risk that the potential conflict would ripen
    into an actual conflict was never very great in the first
    The district court’s decision to disqualify Baris was
    based on the mere possibility that either Womack or
    Turner might have a change of heart and decide to
    assist the government against the other. This possibility
    exists in nearly all cases of joint representation. As such,
    the court applied what amounts to a per se rule
    against joint representation, which is contrary to Wheat.
    486 U.S. at 159-60
    . The court’s order was therefore pre-
    mised on a mistake regarding the applicable legal stan-
    dards, which is necessarily an abuse of discretion. See
    Christian Legal Soc’y v. Walker, 
    453 F.3d 853
    , 867 (7th
    Cir. 2006) (citing Koon v. United States, 
    518 U.S. 81
    , 100
    Accordingly, we hold that the district court’s disqual-
    ification order violated Turner’s Sixth Amendment right
    to choose his own counsel. Under Gonzalez-Lopez, this
    constitutional violation is a structural error not subject
    to review for harmlessness. 
    548 U.S. at 148-51
    . Turner
    is entitled to a new trial. We therefore V ACATE his con-
    viction and sentence and R EMAND the case for retrial.