Jimmy Doe v. Teamsters Local 700 , 798 F.3d 558 ( 2015 )

  •                                In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 10-2746
    JIMMY DOE, et al., on behalf of a class of detainees,
    Appeal of:
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the
    Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
    No. 99 C 3945 — James F. Holderman, Judge.
    ARGUED FEBRUARY 17, 2011 — DECIDED AUGUST 17, 2015
    Before EASTERBROOK, RIPPLE, and TINDER, Circuit Judges.
    EASTERBROOK, Circuit Judge. This suit began in 1999, when
    a group of detainees at the Cook County Juvenile Temporary
    Detention Center, which houses juvenile suspects awaiting
    2                                                 No. 10-2746
    trial, contended that some personnel at the Center violated
    the federal Constitution by abusing their charges. (Plaintiffs’
    status as juveniles justifies the anonymity in the case title.)
    Eight years into the suit, which has been certified as a class
    action (so the fact that the representative plaintiffs are no
    longer at the Center does not make the case moot), the dis-
    trict court appointed Earl Dunlap as the Center’s “Transi-
    tional Administrator.” We call Dunlap “the Administrator.”
    The court authorized the Administrator to run the Center
    in compliance with all state and federal requirements. The
    word “Transitional” in the Administrator’s title comes from
    the fact that Illinois amended its law in 2007 to move man-
    agement of the Center from the domain of the County’s po-
    litical branches to the domain of the Circuit Court of Cook
    County, in whose Chief Judge state law now vests authority.
    55 ILCS 75/3(b) (allowing the Chief Judge to appoint and
    remove an administrator to run the Center), 75/3(c) (giving
    the Chief Judge direct control over the Center’s budget). The
    Administrator was supposed to produce an orderly transi-
    tion from the old regime to the new one.
    That took a good deal longer than expected. Section
    75/3(b) became effective on January 1, 2008, and required the
    Chief Judge to appoint a new head of the Center within 180
    days, yet when this case was argued in 2011 the appointment
    had yet to be made. We thought that the transition would
    happen soon, and we deferred action in the belief that the
    dispute might soon become moot. It turned out that the
    Chief Judge waited until May 2015 to replace Dunlap: Leon-
    ard Dixon was named as the Center’s new Superintendent
    effective May 20, 2015, and Dunlap left his post as Adminis-
    trator. But this has not resolved the controversy that led to
    No. 10-2746                                                   3
    this appeal. So it is time for us to act—past time, really, and
    the litigants have our apologies for the delay.
    One reason why we thought it appropriate to set this ap-
    peal aside for a while is that the original parties were and
    remained content with the Administrator’s appointment and
    actions. The plaintiffs are satisfied, Cook County is satisfied,
    and the Chief Judge of the Circuit Court, though not a for-
    mal party, indicated (through a supplemental submission
    filed at our request) that he too is satisfied. But employees at
    the Center are not satisfied. Their Union (Teamsters Local
    700), which represents “direct-care employees” (called “Ju-
    venile Detention Counselors” and “Recreation Workers”),
    intervened in the district court and is the appellant.
    We postpone a recitation of this litigation’s origination,
    settlement, reactivation, re-settlement, and further protests
    by the class, which led the district judge to appoint the Ad-
    ministrator as part of a third settlement. For now it is best to
    explain what led the Union to intervene and appeal, and
    how the district court dealt with the Union’s arguments.
    Following a study of the Center’s operations, the Admin-
    istrator proposed in October 2009 to reorganize it into five
    divisions, each staffed by personnel who in one position
    serve the functions of guards, psychologists, and teachers,
    and who would have training and educational credentials
    superior to the staff then on hand. The Administrator pro-
    posed to terminate the employment of the Center’s approx-
    imately 225 direct-care employees and require any of them
    who wanted to fill the new positions to apply on the same
    basis as any outsider would do. The Administrator estimat-
    ed that 180 of these 225 would be disqualified at the outset
    by the requirement that the workers have bachelor’s degrees,
    4                                                    No. 10-2746
    and more would be ruled out by a test that all applicants
    would be required to pass.
    The district court allowed the Union to intervene to op-
    pose the Administrator’s plan. (The Union acts as agent of its
    members, who are vitally interested, and has standing in a
    representative capacity.) The Union argued that implementa-
    tion of the plan would violate several Illinois statutes. Illinois
    requires public employers to engage in collective bargaining
    with unions, 5 ILCS 315/7, and it requires arbitration if an
    employer of “security employees” cannot reach agreement
    with their union, 5 ILCS 315/14. The Union contended that
    the Administrator was proposing to violate state law by
    overriding the bargaining and arbitration statutes, and to
    violate the Due Process Clause by overriding the current col-
    lective bargaining agreement. For simplicity we put this lat-
    ter argument to one side; it is unnecessary to add a constitu-
    tional gloss to state-law rights.
    The district court rejected the Union’s position and au-
    thorized the Administrator to implement his plan. 2010 U.S.
    Dist. LEXIS 63153 (N.D. Ill. June 23, 2010). Citing 5 ILCS
    315/4, the judge wrote that collective-bargaining rights must
    give way, as a matter of Illinois law, when necessary to effec-
    tive management. See Central City Education Association v. Il-
    linois Educational Labor Relations Board, 
    149 Ill. 2d 496
    The judge did not, however, find that overriding the right to
    bargain was essential to solve any constitutional problem at
    the Center. To the contrary, the judge conceded that “there
    has been no judicial finding that ‘purging the [Center of in-
    cumbent workers] is necessary to correct’” any ongoing con-
    stitutional violation. 
    2010 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 63153
    at *19. In-
    deed, the judge conceded that there has not been a finding
    No. 10-2746                                                  5
    that any resident of the Center “currently face[s] an ‘ongoing
    danger to health and safety [due to] unqualified staff
    stay[ing] in their current positions’” (ibid.; emphasis and
    brackets in original). Nonetheless, the judge wrote, the Ad-
    ministrator had been appointed to clean up a mess, and “the
    court finds that the [Administrator’s] need for speed and
    flexibility” (id. at *20) trumps other considerations.
    Addressing the Union’s argument that the Administra-
    tor’s hiring plan is blocked by 18 U.S.C. §3626, a part of the
    Prison Litigation Reform Act (PLRA), given the absence of a
    finding that the new plan is necessary to cure an ongoing
    violation of federal law, the district court had two responses:
    first, that Illinois law has not been violated, and second that
    §3626 applies only to district judges and not to court-
    appointed administrators. 
    2010 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 63153
    at *27–
    28. What the Administrator proposed to do, the court wrote,
    is not the kind of “prospective relief” forbidden to a judge.
    The district court denied a motion for a stay, 2010 U.S.
    Dist. LEXIS 117086 (N.D. Ill. Nov. 3, 2010), as did a motions
    panel of this court, so by the time we heard oral argument
    the new system was in place. The judge certified his order as
    final under Fed. R. Civ. P. 54(b), see 
    2010 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 86192
    (N.D. Ill. Aug. 23, 2010), a step that everyone has ap-
    plauded given the difficulty of determining whether an or-
    der such as that approving the Administrator’s plan is one
    entering (or declining to modify) an “injunction” for the
    purpose of an appeal under 28 U.S.C. §1292(a).
    The Union’s appeal rests largely on the PLRA. Here are
    the pertinent parts of §3626:
    6                                                             No. 10-2746
    (A) Prospective relief in any civil action with respect to
    prison conditions shall extend no further than neces-
    sary to correct the violation of the Federal right of a
    particular plaintiff or plaintiffs. The court shall not
    grant or approve any prospective relief unless the
    court finds that such relief is narrowly drawn, extends
    no further than necessary to correct the violation of the
    Federal right, and is the least intrusive means neces-
    sary to correct the violation of the Federal right. The
    court shall give substantial weight to any adverse im-
    pact on public safety or the operation of a criminal jus-
    tice system caused by the relief.
    (B) The court shall not order any prospective relief that
    requires or permits a government official to exceed his
    or her authority under State or local law or otherwise
    violates State or local law, unless—
    (i) Federal law requires such relief to be ordered in
    violation of State or local law;
    (ii) the relief is necessary to correct the violation of
    a Federal right; and
    (iii) no other relief will correct the violation of the
    Federal right.
    (1) CONSENT DECREES.—In any civil action with respect
    to prison conditions, the court shall not enter or approve a
    consent decree unless it complies with the limitations on re-
    lief set forth in subsection (a).
    (A) Nothing in this section shall preclude parties from
    entering into a private settlement agreement that does
    not comply with the limitations on relief set forth in
    No. 10-2746                                                            7
    subsection (a), if the terms of that agreement are not
    subject to court enforcement other than the reinstate-
    ment of the civil proceeding that the agreement set-
    (g) DEFINITIONS.—As used in this section—
    (1) the term “consent decree” means any relief entered by
    the court that is based in whole or in part upon the consent
    or acquiescence of the parties but does not include private
    settlements; …
    (6) the term “private settlement agreement” means an
    agreement entered into among the parties that is not subject
    to judicial enforcement other than the reinstatement of the
    civil proceeding that the agreement settled; …
    The Union’s argument is simple. Section 3626(a)(1)(A) and
    (B) forbids relief that violates state law and is not “neces-
    sary” to solve a violation of federal law—and even then state
    law may be overridden only if “no other relief will correct”
    that violation. A private settlement agreement may do more,
    see §3626(c)(2), but if an agreement is judicially enforcea-
    ble—that is, if a violation means anything other than restart-
    ing the litigation on the merits—the agreement must be
    treated as a “consent decree,” and what a court cannot do by
    final order in a contested case it also cannot do by the par-
    ties’ consent (that’s the effect of combining §3626(c)(1) and
    (2) with §3626(g)(1) and (6)).
    The district judge was unimpressed by this argument be-
    cause, he said, it does not invariably violate Illinois law to
    allow management to proceed without collective bargaining.
    We grant the point but don’t see how state law authorizes
    cutting this Union out of decisions about the Center’s staff-
    8                                                     No. 10-2746
    The district court thought that bypassing bargaining (and
    eliminating the arbitration that state law requires if the par-
    ties can’t agree) would allow the Administrator to reorganize
    the Center faster and more effectively. Yet every public em-
    ployer could make that kind of argument, all of the time.
    There has to be something more to bypass bargaining as a
    matter of Illinois law; the delays and frustrations that nor-
    mally accompany collective bargaining do not permit an
    employer to dispense with the process, irksome as many
    employers find it. Illinois courts, and its Labor Relations
    Board, regularly reject arguments that a public employer’s
    desire to change conditions of employment with dispatch
    justifies disregard of bargaining and arbitration require-
    ments. See, e.g., Chicago Park District v. Illinois Labor Relations
    354 Ill. App. 3d 595
    (2004); Village of Bensenville, 14
    PERI ¶2042, 1998 IL LRB LEXIS 43 (I.L.R.B. 1998); Cook County
    (Cermak Health Services), 3 PERI ¶3030, 1987 IL LRB LEXIS 78
    (I.L.R.B. 1987).
    The “something more” required by Illinois law could in
    principle be an ongoing violation of federal law, but the dis-
    trict judge was commendably candid: he was not finding any
    ongoing violation that the Administrator’s plan would fix
    and, indeed, had never found any violation of federal law
    (statutory or constitutional). (We’ll come back to the “never”
    observation.) The judge found that giving speed and flexibil-
    ity to the Administrator would be beneficial, but not that
    federal law requires this, and not that every employer’s de-
    sire for flexibility trumps bargaining requirements in Illinois.
    It follows that Illinois law required collective bargaining and
    held out the possibility of interest arbitration.
    No. 10-2746                                                   9
    Even if we were to treat the parties’ agreement as giving
    the Administrator the power to do what he did, employers
    cannot “consent” to dispensing with employees’ rights. See
    Kasper v. Board of Election Commissioners, 
    814 F.2d 332
    , rehear-
    ing denied, 
    814 F.2d 345
    (7th Cir. 1987) (parties can’t accom-
    plish through a consent decree something they lack ability to
    do by contract). And under §3626(a)(1)(B) the parties, like
    the court, must respect state law unless federal law leaves no
    other option.
    The district court’s second way around the PLRA was its
    conclusion that the judge had not himself required any
    change in the Center’s employment practices; all the court
    had done was to approve the Administrator’s proposals.
    There are several problems with that approach. First, the
    Administrator was exercising the court’s authority. Without
    the court’s imprimatur, the Administrator has no authority at
    all. The court cannot give its appointee any greater power
    than the judge himself possesses. If the judge is constrained
    by §3626, so is the Administrator. Second, §3626(a) says ex-
    actly this. It provides that a “court shall not grant or approve
    any prospective relief unless the court finds that such relief
    is narrowly drawn, extends no further than necessary to cor-
    rect the violation of the Federal right, and is the least intru-
    sive means necessary to correct the violation of the Federal
    right.” (Emphasis added.) The court approved the Adminis-
    trator’s directives, without making the statutory findings.
    Simple enforcement of a consent decree does not require
    a new round of findings under §3626. See Jones-El v. Berge,
    374 F.3d 541
    , 545 (7th Cir. 2004). But the Administrator’s de-
    cision to fire all of the Center’s direct-care workers, and dis-
    place state law, cannot be understood as simple enforcement
    10                                                  No. 10-2746
    of the order appointing the Administrator. That order, en-
    tered in 2007, did not displace state labor law or authorize
    any particular management practice. Not until 2010, when
    the district court approved the Administrator’s proposal,
    was state law superseded. (As we explain below, there was a
    brief supersession in 2008, but the district court quickly re-
    voked it.) The 2010 order therefore cannot be defended as
    nothing but implementation of the 2007 order appointing the
    The dispute in Jones-El concerned an order to install air
    conditioning to enforce an earlier decree that had directed
    the prison to reduce the temperature in prisoners’ cells. The
    prison objected to the new order, even though it also con-
    ceded that air conditioning was the only way to comply with
    an earlier order whose validity was unquestioned. In our
    case, by contrast, firing all of the direct-care workers and hir-
    ing replacements, all without regard to state law, was not the
    only way to comply. The district judge did not find that the
    Administrator’s proposed approach was necessary either to
    respect the class’s rights or to manage the Center (as the 2007
    order authorized the Administrator to do); the judge found
    only that it was efficient. The difference between a step nec-
    essarily entailed in implementing an earlier judicial order,
    and a selection from among many potential ways of pro-
    ceeding, was important to Jones-El and to our decision today.
    But if we accept the premise that in 2010 the district court
    just enforced an older consent order, that moves things one
    step backward, to the 2007 order appointing the Administra-
    tor and setting out his tasks. And the district court did not
    say that that order was compelled by any federal law. The
    most one can say for the 2007 order is that the district judge
    No. 10-2746                                                 11
    recited that it complied with the PLRA. The judge did not,
    however, make any of the findings that §3626 requires. A
    bald declaration of compliance, without the findings re-
    quired by statute, is ineffectual under §3626.
    In defending the judgment, the original parties have ar-
    gued that the district judge didn’t need to make any findings
    in 2010 because he had made them earlier. As we have ob-
    served, the judge himself was not of that view. He stated ex-
    pressly that he was not finding that there was any ongoing
    violation of federal law that needed correction and was not
    finding that the Administrator’s new employment proposal
    was necessary to correct any earlier violation. 2010 U.S. Dist.
    LEXIS 63153 at *19. But for the sake of completeness we take a
    brief look at this litigation’s history, to see whether the
    judge’s memory might have been deficient.
    The suit was filed in 1999, and the parties started negoti-
    ating. The district court did not take any action on the merits
    (though it did certify a class). Settlement was reached in
    2002, and in December of that year the district court dis-
    missed the suit, reserving jurisdiction to enforce the settle-
    ment’s terms. (This reservation made the settlement a “con-
    sent decree” as defined in §3626(g)(1), as opposed to a “pri-
    vate settlement agreement” under §3626(g)(6).) In dismissing
    the suit, the judge did not make any finding that the Center
    had violated any detainee’s rights or that any of the settle-
    ment’s terms was necessary to remedy a violation.
    Nor could either of these findings be inferred from the
    act of approving (and promising to enforce) the settlement,
    because the settlement papers themselves state that the
    agreement is “the result of a compromise and settlement and
    is not a determination of liability.” The settlement contained
    12                                                 No. 10-2746
    standard language denying liability. (For example: “Defend-
    ants have denied and continue to deny the allegations con-
    tained in Plaintiffs’ Complaint”.) In other words, the defend-
    ants did not confess liability, and there was no finding of lia-
    bility (or of the need for any given remedy) that the court
    could adopt. What is more, the court could not have found
    that a new employment arrangement at the Center was nec-
    essary to resolve any violation, because the possibility of a
    new arrangement was not raised until 2009.
    By late 2005 plaintiffs had grown dissatisfied with the
    Center’s performance. They moved to reopen the case and
    enforce the settlement. Before the court could act, the parties
    reached an amended settlement and an implementation
    plan. The two new agreements, like the original, lack a con-
    fession of liability. Unlike the 2002 settlement, the 2006
    agreements dealt with employment and training by provid-
    ing that the Center must reassign any employee found to
    have physically abused any detainee, until the employee re-
    ceives additional training. The Administrator’s eventual
    proposal is substantially different from this clause, because it
    extends to all employees, whether or not any given employee
    ever abused any detainee, and whether or not that employee
    has received additional training.
    In May 2007 the plaintiffs returned to court, asking the
    judge to put the Center into receivership and appoint some-
    one to run it. By then the state legislature was considering
    the bill that would move the Center’s management to the
    Circuit Court of Cook County. This led to the idea for a
    “Transitional Administrator” to bridge the gap, and with the
    parties’ consent (a third settlement) the district court ap-
    pointed Dunlap to that position—but without making any
    No. 10-2746                                                  13
    finding that in 2007 the Center was violating anyone’s feder-
    al rights. Instead the judge found that the Center was violat-
    ing the terms of the 2002 and 2006 settlements—which were
    based on compromise rather than a finding by the court that
    anyone’s federal rights had been or were being violated. The
    order appointing the Administrator provides that he is “an
    agent of this Court” (which is one of the reasons why we
    concluded above that the Administrator’s acts are attributed
    to the court for the purpose of §3626).
    In mid-2008 the Administrator reported that the Center
    was understaffed and needed more than 175 additional em-
    ployees quickly in order to improve detainees’ care. The dis-
    trict court made a factual finding to that effect—which so far
    as we can see is the only factual finding in the case—but did
    not conclude that federal law requires additional employees.
    The Administrator proposed to hire the new workers by con-
    tracts that bypassed the Union and its collective bargaining
    agreement. The district judge authorized this, entering an
    order “suspend[ing] any and all laws … that require compli-
    ance with any provision of the current Collective Bargaining
    Agreement”. The judge did not find, however, that super-
    seding state law was the least restrictive way to rectify a vio-
    lation of federal law; the order did not reference §3626. The
    Union protested, and the judge soon revoked the suspension
    clause of his order. That put state labor laws back into effect.
    The Union effectively promised not to complain about the
    new hires, however, if the Administrator respected its mem-
    bers’ rights.
    This brings us to October 2009, when the Administrator
    proposed to abrogate all of the Union’s rights by firing its
    members and hiring a wholly new staff without regard to
    14                                                  No. 10-2746
    state labor laws or the existing collective bargaining agree-
    ment, a process that everyone understood would mean un-
    employment for at least 180 of the Union’s members. And, as
    we’ve explained, when approving this proposal in June 2010
    the judge stated that he was not finding any existing viola-
    tion of federal law and was not finding that the restaffing
    plan was necessary to correct any violation. The judge de-
    nied that the PLRA applied at all to the Administrator’s acts,
    but he did not find in 2010 that it has been satisfied if it does
    The lack of factual findings in this case—both the lack of
    findings about the existence of a violation and the absence of
    findings about the necessity for a particular remedy to cure
    any violation—contrasts with the elaborate findings the dis-
    trict court made in Brown v. Plata, 
    131 S. Ct. 1910
    (2011), the
    Supreme Court’s only extended consideration of §3626(a)
    and (b). The Justices divided five to four about whether even
    184 pages of findings and analysis by a district court satis-
    fied the statutory burden; the difference from this case could
    not be more stark.
    It follows that the order approving the new staffing plan
    must be reversed. The plan has been in effect for years, and
    restoring the Union’s members to their old positions would
    not be possible, because those positions are gone. But other
    forms of relief, including financial compensation and prefer-
    ential hiring for future openings, may be appropriate, and
    we leave that subject to the district court on remand.
    Nothing in this opinion should be read to undermine the
    original settlement in 2002 or the follow-up settlements in
    2006. The Union has not questioned them (and would lack
    standing to do so), and the original litigants remain satisfied.
    No. 10-2746                                             15
    As we mentioned earlier, the Chief Judge also is satisfied
    with the provisions of the 2002 and 2006 settlements (which
    the PLRA treats as consent decrees). And the Chief Judge’s
    appointment of a new Superintendent for the Center moots
    any prospective contest to the Administrator’s 2007 ap-
    pointment. The only question we resolve is whether the 2010
    order permitting the Administrator to bypass state employ-
    ment law (a power not conferred in 2007) complied with
    §3626, and we have held that it did not.
    The decision is reversed, and the case is remanded for
    proceedings consistent with this opinion.
    16                                                 No. 10-2746
    RIPPLE, Circuit Judge, dissenting. This is an important case
    both to the parties and to the development of the law in this
    circuit. Given the disposition reached by my colleagues, it is
    also imperative that the matter be returned quickly to the
    district court. That court issued a final order on May 15,
    2015. Under its terms, the Transitional Administrator is
    scheduled to report to the parties on the status of the
    transition and on the compliance of the parties by August 17,
    and the reservation of jurisdiction to enforce the consent
    decree will terminate on September 16. The account of the
    Office of the Transitional Administrator is scheduled for
    closure on September 30, 2015. While I respectfully disagree
    with my colleagues’ resolution of the matter, the need to get
    this case back to the district court is an imperative that must
    be paramount. I therefore am constrained to abbreviate my
    own writing in order to ensure that the district court and the
    parties are advised of this court’s decision immediately.
    In my view, this case does not implicate directly the
    content of the consent decree. As the district court noted
    explicitly, the order before us is a simple direction enforcing
    or implementing that consent decree and therefore is not
    governed by the provisions of the PLRA ex proprio vigore.1 In
    the course of enforcing or implementing a consent decree,
    district courts must issue a variety of orders to address
    particular situations that inevitably arise. In the consent
    decree, the parties had recognized and agreed that the
    personnel situation in the Center had to undergo significant
    1   See R.589 at 17.
    No. 10-2746                                                             17
    change in order to ensure that the previous treatment of the
    children came to a permanent end. The decree gives the
    Transitional Administrator the responsibility, set out in
    some detail in the decree, to achieve a cessation of the
    current situation through the implementation of personnel
    policy changes. The order appointing the Transitional
    Administrator, which the district court quite properly
    considered an integral part of the decree, specifically gives
    the Transitional Administrator the authority “to establish
    personnel policies; to create, abolish, or transfer positions;
    and to hire, terminate, promote, transfer, and evaluate
    management and staff of the JTDC.”2
    In the course of his work under the consent decree, the
    Administrator       determined    that    certain   academic
    qualifications were necessary for those employees in direct
    and constant contact with the residents. The Union
    challenged his authority to make these changes. The district
    court had allowed the Union to intervene in the case for a
    specific and limited purpose, which included objecting to the
    Transitional Administrator’s plan. After hearing from the
    2   R.330 at 7, § 6(c).
    3 The motion to intervene by the Union that ultimately was granted
    concerned a prior emergency motion by the Transitional Administrator
    to dispense with particular paragraphs in the bargaining agreement in
    order to hire an outside contractor to handle certain discrete tasks in the
    JTDC, which would require reassignment of current staff. The court
    approved the emergency motion over the Union’s objection, later
    amending it to the Union’s satisfaction. In its order granting the
    emergency motion, the court required a report by the Transitional
    Administrator “on the conditions and status of the issues raised” in the
    emergency motion. R.415 at 4. In the second of such reports, the
    Transitional Administrator included his proposed staffing plan. The
    18                                                        No. 10-2746
    parties and the Union, the district court held that the
    Transitional Administrator’s solution was within his
    authority and not in violation of state law. The court
    pointedly noted that the court was not ordering the
    implementation of the Transitional Administrator’s plan but
    simply declaring that his action was within his authority
    under the consent decree.
    The Supreme Court noted in Brown v. Plata, 
    131 S. Ct. 1910
    (2011), that, once properly invoked, “the scope of a
    district court’s equitable powers … is broad, for breadth and
    flexibility are inherent in equitable remedies.” 
    Id. at 1944
    (alteration in original) (internal quotation marks omitted).
    Our court has long recognized, moreover, a basic distinction
    between the terms of a consent decree and the periodic
    orders that interpret, enforce and implement its terms. See
    Jones-El v. Berge, 
    374 F.3d 541
    , 545 (7th Cir. 2004). The
    distinction is, to put it mildly, not a novel one, and certainly
    one that we must assume that Congress understood in
    crafting the present provisions of the PLRA. In the PLRA,
    Congress mandated, as Supreme Court decisions already
    had done, that the terms of a federal court judgment be
    aimed at a “condition that offends the Constitution.” The
    statute’s concern is with whether the court’s judgment or
    decree is aimed at a federal constitutional violation and
    whether the court has chosen a means tailored to rectify that
    court approved the report over the Union’s objection, resulting in the
    present appeal.
    4 Milliken v. Bradley, 
    418 U.S. 717
    , 738 (1974) (internal quotation marks
    omitted); Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Bd. of Educ., 
    402 U.S. 1
    , 16
    No. 10-2746                                                 19
    violation once these parameters are set, as they were in this
    case. Here, the Union brought no challenge against the
    consent decree but merely challenged whether a certain
    action fell within its scope and was otherwise permissible
    under state and federal law.
    No doubt, the PLRA does require that a court give
    substantial weight to public safety and adopt a remedial
    device that is “narrowly drawn, extends no further than
    necessary to correct the violation of the Federal right, and is
    the least intrusive means necessary to correct the violation of
    the Federal right,” see 18 U.S.C. § 3626(a)(1), but this
    statutory admonition, a codification of well-established
    principles     of   federal   equitable    jurisprudence     in
    constitutional cases, must
    not be interpreted to place undue restrictions
    on the authority of federal courts to fashion
    practical remedies when confronted with
    complex     and    intractable  constitutional
    violations … .
    Courts should presume that Congress was
    sensitive to the real-world problems … [that]
    would remedy constitutional violations in the
    prisons and that Congress did not leave
    prisoners without a remedy for violations of
    their constitutional rights.
    Brown, 131 S. Ct. at 1937
    Here, the district court explicitly noted that the question
    before it was a limited one: whether the Transitional
    Administrator was authorized to take action under the
    20                                                         No. 10-2746
    consent decree and under state and federal laws. The court
    answered these questions in the affirmative. Indeed, it did
    not undertake to alter in any way the consent decree or to
    vest additional authority in the Transitional Administrator.
    It did not tell him that he had to implement his personnel
    plan; it simply told him that he was empowered to do it.
    The district court in no way violated the PLRA in its
    handling of the Union’s limited objection.
    My colleagues conclude their opinion by stating that it
    should not be read to undermine the validity of the various
    5  My colleagues find fault with the district court’s resolution of the
    question of the Union’s right to bargain as a matter of state law. The
    district court’s decision was based on its assessment of the limited
    arguments put before it. That is, it had determined that state law
    required application of a fact-specific balancing inquiry and stated that
    the Union had “fail[ed] to address in practical terms the anticipated
    benefits of bargaining.” R.589 at 11. The Transitional Administrator, on
    the other hand, “ha[d] gone through great efforts to explain the
    particular reasons for and policies underlying his decision … and how
    these standards relate to his court-mandated mission.” 
    Id. at 12.
    court noted that “it is undisputed that approximately half of the JTDC’s
    current residents are housed in units structured on the old JTDC
    ‘system’—a system that was to be ‘restructured’ by court order.” 
    Id. (citation omitted).
    Only then, after stating that the Union had not shown
    specific benefits of bargaining and that the countervailing interests were
    great, did it conclude that “the benefits of bargaining do not outweigh
    the burdens” and thus there was no state law right. 
    Id. In my
    view, this
    conclusion is not about the need for speed and flexibility as an
    overriding justification, but about a failure of the Union to present the
    court with sufficient alternate considerations to be balanced.
    No. 10-2746                                                                 21
    settlement documents entered in this case. On this point, we
    are in agreement, and I write separately to emphasize that
    the court’s searching review of the district court record
    should not give the impression that we had undertaken to
    examine earlier decrees, not the subject of this appeal, for
    their separate compliance with the PLRA. There are
    multiple reasons, including those mentioned by the majority,
    that these questions were not presented in the present
    appeal. First, the statute contains a specific way to challenge
    6 Whether a consent decree involving prisons always requires, as a
    prerequisite to the entry of a remedy, a judicial finding of an actual
    constitutional violation even when the parties do not request such a finding is
    a very difficult question, one that we ought to approach only in a case
    where resolution is absolutely necessary and where the matter has been
    briefed fully by the parties to the litigation. While a case can be made
    that the PLRA requires such a judicial finding, see Deborah Decker,
    Consent Decrees and the Prison Litigation Reform Act of 1995: Usurping
    Judicial Power or Quelling Judicial Micro-Management?, 1997 Wisc. L. Rev.
    1275, 1278; see also, e.g., Plyler v. Moore, 
    100 F.3d 365
    , 370 (4th Cir. 1996)
    (deciding the question sub silentio in the context of a proceeding under 18
    U.S.C. § 3626(b)(2)), the question becomes a great deal more difficult
    when we remember that such a requirement would, as a practical matter,
    make the whole idea of a consent decree superfluous. Consent decrees
    are sought by defendants, especially state and local defendants, to permit
    the implementation of a remedy without an admission or judicial finding
    of liability, an admission or finding with dire collateral consequences for
    state and municipal defendants. If, as the Supreme Court has
    admonished in Brown v. Plata, 
    131 S. Ct. 1910
    (2011), we ought to be
    hesitant in interpreting the PLRA to attribute to Congress a motivation in
    the PLRA to leave prisoners without a remedy for violations of rights
    protected by the Constitution, we ought to be equally careful not to
    attribute to that body the motivation to make illusory the one
    mechanism by which both incarcerated individuals and local
    governments can resolve such litigation relatively expeditiously and
    inexpensively while maintaining a good deal of control in local hands.
    22                                                               No. 10-2746
    a non-conforming decree, 18 U.S.C. § 3626(b), but the parties
    have never invoked that section and, to this day, see no
    reason to challenge the district court’s determination that the
    consent decree is in conformity with the statute. The Union,
    whose intervention was limited to the question of whether
    the Temporary Administrator’s personnel action was
    consistent with the consent decree, has given the question
    wide berth. Some of its filings in the district court raise the
    matter, at least obliquely, but it never asked the court to hold
    a hearing to consider squarely this question.
    Further, in any event, the district court explicitly said
    that, with respect to the consent decree, the requirements of
    the PLRA were met.8 Portions of my colleagues’ opinion
    could be read as suggesting that the district court never
    made findings sufficiently detailed to satisfy the statute.
    However, the plain language of the statute does not require
    any particular degree of detail and, here, no party has ever
    disputed the objectives of the consent decree. Nor does any
    party contend that the terms of the consent decree are not
    designed precisely to deal with the problem. No doubt, if
    there is a dispute on whether a condition offends the
    7   The district court was clear on this point:
    Although the Union hints that the consent decrees …
    may no longer be necessary to correct any underlying
    constitutional violations, the Union does not go so far as
    to request an evidentiary hearing on this question, nor
    does the Union actually ask the court to terminate these
    orders pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 3626(b).
    R.589 at 17 (citations omitted).
    8   See 
    id. No. 10-2746
    Constitution or whether the means to address it are
    narrowly tailored, more specific findings would be required.
    See Cason v. Seckinger, 
    231 F.3d 777
    , 784 (11th Cir. 2000). This
    situation often arises on a motion to terminate or modify a
    consent decree, a motion the Union never made. See 18
    U.S.C. § 3626(b). Indeed, if termination is deemed proper
    and the decree is continued, the district court must make
    particularized findings. See 18 U.S.C. § 3626(b)(3); Ruiz v.
    United States, 
    243 F.3d 941
    , 950–51 (5th Cir. 2001).
    With great respect for the contrary view of my
    colleagues, I would affirm the judgment of the district court
    and allow this litigation to come to a peaceful and successful