Indriolo Distributors, Inc. v. Schreiber Food, Inc. ( 2015 )

  •                                   In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 14-3239
    IN RE:
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the
    Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
    No. 09 C 3690 — Robert M. Dow, Jr., Judge.
    Before BAUER and SYKES, Circuit Judges, and REAGAN, Chief
    District Judge.*
    BAUER, Circuit Judge. Plaintiff-appellants, Indriolo Distribu-
    tors, Inc., Knutson’s, Inc., and Valley Gold, LLC (“Appel-
    lants”), filed a class action against Dairy Farmers of America
    (“DFA”), a dairy marketing cooperative, Keller’s Creamery,
    The Honorable Michael J. Reagan, Chief Judge of the United States
    District Court for the Southern District of Illinois, sitting by designation.
    2                                                   No. 14-3239
    L.P. (“Keller’s”), a butter manufacturer, two DFA officers, and
    two Keller’s officers. The case has been ongoing since its
    consolidation in the Northern District of Illinois in 2009. Since
    then, all parties named in the initial complaint have reached a
    settlement (“DFA Settlement”) with Appellants, which the
    district court approved on September 12, 2014.
    On March 22, 2012, Appellants filed an amended class
    action complaint, adding Schreiber Foods, Inc. (“Schreiber”)
    as a defendant and alleging violations of §§ 1 and 2 of the
    Sherman Act, the California Cartwright Act, the Commodity
    Exchange Act, and RICO. On Schreiber’s motion, the district
    court dismissed the § 2 Sherman Act claims, but allowed
    Appellants to go forward on their claims arising under § 1 of
    the Sherman Act, the Commodity Exchange Act, and the
    Cartwright Act, as well as their claims for unjust enrichment
    and restitution. On December 13, 2013, Schreiber moved for
    summary judgment on these remaining claims, which the
    district court granted. For the following reasons, we affirm.
    Appellants contend that between May 24, 2004, and
    June 23, 2004, Schreiber conspired with DFA to purchase
    cheese traded on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (“CME”)
    in order to help DFA and Keller’s manipulate the price of
    Class III milk futures. They allege that Schreiber and DFA
    purchased cheese to stabilize prices while DFA and Keller’s
    unwound their milk futures positions at a profit, then Schreiber
    and DFA stopped buying cheese, causing the cheese price to
    crash at the end of June. Schreiber argues that its purchasing
    activity during the relevant time period was neither unusual
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    nor parallel to DFA’s activity and can be explained by
    Schreiber’s independent business interest in preventing a large
    spread between the prices of block cheese and barrel cheese.
    Schreiber manufactures and distributes various cheese
    products, including natural cheese and process cheese. Its
    products are purchased for use by restaurants and other food
    service distributors, or produced as store brand products for
    grocery stores. Schreiber purchases most of its cheese directly
    from suppliers, but it also purchases a small fraction of its
    cheese on the CME. The CME hosts the trading of spot com-
    modities, including spot barrel and block cheese, as well as
    commodity futures such as Class III milk futures. The CME
    cheese markets serve an informal “price discovery” function
    and many cheese transactions in the wider market are based
    on CME cheese prices. The differential between the CME block
    and barrel closing prices is known as the “spread.” The block
    and barrel cheese spread is typically three cents, but can
    fluctuate higher or lower depending on several factors, such as
    supply and demand.
    According to Schreiber, because it purchases upwards of
    one billion pounds of milk to turn into process cheese every
    year, a larger spread between block and barrel cheese can be
    damaging to it as a producer of barrel and process cheese. For
    example, a large spread in cheese pricing decreases Schreiber’s
    profits on milk turned into and sold as process cheese. There-
    fore, Schreiber would regularly purchase barrel cheese on the
    CME in an effort to correct or maintain the three cent spread.
    In 2004, Schreiber purchased approximately 350 million
    pounds of bulk cheese at a cost of approximately $1.2 billion.
    4                                                     No. 14-3239
    Schreiber purchased 93 million pounds of that cheese from
    DFA, a dairy marketing cooperative consisting of more than
    18,000 dairy farmers in 48 states, at a cost of about $180 million.
    The deal is representative of the significance of the relationship
    between DFA and Schreiber in 2004; although the two were
    horizontal competitors, Schreiber was also one of DFA’s largest
    customers and DFA was Schreiber’s second largest supplier.
    By comparison, in 2003, Schreiber purchased approximately
    602 million pounds of bulk cheese for $841.5 million, with 116
    million pounds of that cheese coming from DFA, at a cost of
    approximately $159 million.
    Of the 120 barrels Schreiber purchased in fiscal year 2004
    (October 2003 to September 2004), 107 were purchased
    between April 20, 2004, and June 22, 2004. According to
    Schreiber, a significant amount of the 2004 activity was
    directed toward correcting a large spread. In January 2004,
    the spread was seven cents, rather than Schreiber’s preferred
    three cents. By February, the spread dropped to five cents and
    held steady around four or five cents through April. But by
    May 5, the spread grew to 11.5 cents, and by May 20, it had
    grown to 17 cents. On May 24, the CME barrel cheese price
    increased 16 cents, closing the spread to three cents. The record
    shows that at each of these price intervals, Schreiber had acted
    to close the spread by purchasing cheese on the CME.
    DFA was also active on the CME cheese market in 2004.
    DFA purchased at least 50 loads of CME block cheese in May
    2004. DFA testified that it sought to defend the CME block
    market because of the impact that it had on the prices that its
    dairy farmers received for milk; if CME cheese prices were
    higher, DFA achieved higher pricing for its members’ milk.
    No. 14-3239                                                 5
    From May 24 to June 22, 2004, Schreiber and DFA purchased
    all of the block and barrel cheese traded on the CME.
    Throughout this time, Schreiber and DFA employees
    engaged in regular communications. The communications
    included meetings between DFA and Schreiber’s top execu-
    tives; between April and June 2004, executives met five times.
    In April 2004, Gary Hanman (DFA’s President and CEO during
    the relevant time period) and Larry Ferguson (Schreiber’s
    CEO) met, but the substance of the meeting is unclear. Hanman
    stated he does not recall what was discussed, while Ferguson
    stated that they met to discuss a patent infringement lawsuit.
    The CEOs met again on April 30 and May 1, this time with
    other executives. Neither recall what was discussed at those
    meetings. On May 11, Hanman, David Pozniak (the head of
    Schreiber’s CME cheese purchasing), and other dairy execu-
    tives met at Schreiber’s offices in Green Bay, Wisconsin. The
    agenda for the May 11 meeting included “market conditions &
    forecasts,” which Hanman testified was typical and involved
    discussions about production and how to read markets,
    although “generally [they] would not talk about activities on
    the CME.” And on May 26, Mark Korsmeyer (President of
    DFA’s American Dairy Brands), Pozniak, and Sam McCroskey
    (then President of DFA’s Dairy Food Products) met; Schreiber
    contends that the meeting was about a potential joint venture.
    No additional evidence has been presented about the substance
    of the meeting.
    Based on the discovery of these activities and interactions,
    Appellants added Schreiber as a defendant on March 22, 2012,
    6                                                         No. 14-3239
    alleging antitrust violations.1 Schreiber moved for summary
    judgment on December 13, 2013, which the district court
    granted on August 18, 2014.
    Appellants raise five arguments on appeal. The first three
    relate to the district court’s summary judgment order—
    Appellants argue that summary judgment on their antitrust
    conspiracy claims under § 1 of the Sherman Act and Califor-
    nia’s Cartwright Act, their claim under the CEA, and on their
    unjust enrichment claim was inappropriate. Appellants’ fourth
    argument alleges that the district court abused its discretion by
    limiting discovery to only “high-level” employees and prohib-
    iting the depositions of several employees. And fifth, Appel-
    lants contend that the district court erred in including
    Schreiber in the DFA Settlement.
    Appellants originally brought this consolidated putative class action
    against DFA, Keller’s, and four individual officers of those companies,
    alleging conspiracies to inflate milk futures and spot cheese prices from
    April to June 2004. During discovery, DFA and Keller’s produced copies of
    documents subpoenaed by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission
    (“CFTC”) as a part of an earlier investigation into DFA and Keller’s
    activities on the CME in 2004. The documents included documents from
    Schreiber regarding its communication and relationship with DFA, as well
    as its cheese trading on the CME. The CFTC did not bring charges against
    Schreiber or otherwise suggest involvement in DFA and Keller’s conspir-
    No. 14-3239                                                            7
    A. Antitrust Conspiracy Claims
    The thrust of Appellants’ remaining antitrust claim2 is that
    from May 24, 2004 to June 23, 2004, Schreiber conspired with
    DFA to manipulate the price of Class III milk futures on the
    CME in violation of § 1 of the Sherman Act and California’s
    Cartwright Act. The district court held that Appellants’
    evidence did not present a question for a jury on whether
    Schreiber conspired to manipulate the price of milk futures by
    purchasing spot cheese. Appellants argue that they have
    provided sufficient evidence to survive Schreiber’s summary
    judgment motion. We review a grant of summary judgment
    de novo, construing all facts and drawing all reasonable
    inferences in favor of the nonmoving party. Sojka v. Bovis Lend
    Lease, Inc., 
    686 F.3d 394
    , 397 (7th Cir. 2012). “‘[B]ecause the
    Cartwright Act is patterned after the federal Sherman Act and
    both have their roots in the common law, federal cases inter-
    preting the Sherman Act are applicable in construing the
    Cartwright Act.’” In re Copper Antitrust Litigation, 
    436 F.3d 782
    802 (7th Cir. 2006) (quoting Oakland-Alameda Cnty Builders’
    Exch. v. F.P. Lathrop Constr. Co., 
    482 P.2d 226
    , 231 n.3 (Cal.
    1971)). Therefore, we will conduct a single analysis for both
    claims using federal cases interpreting the Sherman Act.
    Section 1 of the Sherman Act prohibits “[e]very contract,
    combination … or conspiracy, in restraint of trade or com-
    merce,” 15 U.S.C. § 1, “though courts have long restricted its
    The district court dismissed Appellants other conspiracy claims against
    Schreiber—monopolization and attempted monopolization in violation of
    § 2 of the Sherman Act—earlier in this litigation.
    8                                                     No. 14-3239
    reach to agreements that unreasonably restrain trade,” Omn-
    icare, Inc. v. UnitedHealth Grp., Inc., 
    629 F.3d 697
    , 705 (7th Cir.
    2011). Agreements to fix prices unambiguously fall within the
    ambit of § 1. 
    Id. To prove
    a § 1 claim, plaintiffs must prove
    three things: (1) defendants had a contract, combination, or
    conspiracy (“an agreement”); (2) as a result, trade in the
    relevant market was unreasonably restrained; and (3) they
    were injured. 
    Id. “To show
    concerted action, antitrust plaintiffs must
    produce evidence that would allow a jury to infer that the
    alleged conspirators ‘had a conscious commitment to a
    common scheme designed to achieve an unlawful objective.’”
    Id. at 706
    (quoting Monsanto Co. v. Spray-Rite Serv. Corp., 
    465 U.S. 752
    , 764 (1984)). The evidence must “reveal ‘a unity of
    purpose or a common design and understanding, or a meeting
    of minds in an unlawful arrangement.’” 
    Id. (quoting Am.
    Tobacco Co. v. United States, 
    328 U.S. 781
    , 810 (1946)). In sum,
    Appellants must produce evidence showing there is a genuine
    issue of material fact as to whether Schreiber’s decision to
    purchase spot cheese on the CME was made by Schreiber
    alone, or while acting in concert with DFA.
    To determine whether summary judgment is appropriate
    in light of the produced evidence, we use a two-part inquiry.
    First, we “assess whether [Appellants’] evidence of agreement
    is ambiguous—that is, whether it is equally consistent with
    [Schreiber’s] permissible independent interests as it is with
    improper activity.” 
    Id. at 707.
    Appellants argue that communi-
    cations between DFA and Schreiber employees support an
    inference of conspiracy and tend to rule out an inference of
    No. 14-3239                                                     9
    independent activity. Considering the evidence as a whole, we
    disagree. Appellants’ evidence highlights “conduct as consis-
    tent with permissible competition as with illegal conspiracy,”
    Matsushita Elec. Indus. Co. v. Zenith Radio Corp., 
    475 U.S. 574
    588 (1986), which “does not, standing alone, support an
    inference of antitrust conspiracy.” 
    Id. Appellants’ core
    evidence, communications between
    employees at Schreiber and DFA, could be understood as a
    part of a legitimate business relationship as readily as they
    could be understood as a part of a conspiracy. Although the
    two companies were competitors, DFA was also one of Schrei-
    ber’s main suppliers, and Schreiber was one of DFA’s largest
    customers, giving them a number of legitimate reasons to
    communicate with each other. Additionally, Appellants have
    not pointed to a single communication that suggests a meeting
    of the minds to fix prices.
    Because we find the evidence of agreement is ambiguous,
    we now “look for any evidence that tends to exclude the
    possibility that [Schreiber was] pursuing independent inter-
    Omnicare, 629 F.3d at 707
    ; see also Bell Atl. Corp. v.
    550 U.S. 544
    , 554 (2007) (“[P]roof of a § 1 conspiracy
    must include evidence tending to exclude the possibility of
    independent action … and at the summary judgment stage a
    § 1 plaintiff’s offer of conspiracy evidence must tend to rule out
    the possibility that the defendants were acting independently
    …” (citations omitted)).
    Appellants argue that parallel inflation of public market
    prices and “unusual” parallel conduct are more consistent with
    agreement than individual action. But this position merely
    10                                                 No. 14-3239
    reiterates the ambiguity of Appellants’ evidence of agreement
    and does nothing to diminish the inference of independent
    action, particularly in light of Schreiber’s evidence; Schreiber
    has provided voluminous evidence showing that Schreiber’s
    CME purchasing activity was the result of its own interest in
    restoring a certain spread between the prices of block and
    barrel cheese. Without evidence tending to exclude the
    possibility that Schreiber was pursuing independent interests
    when it purchased cheese on the CME, Appellants have not
    raised a genuine issue of material fact as to whether Schreiber
    conspired with DFA. Therefore, we affirm the district court’s
    grant of summary judgment in favor of Schreiber on the § 1
    Sherman Act and Cartwright Act claims.
    B. Commodity Exchange Act
    Appellants also contend that Schreiber conspired with the
    co-defendants to manipulate CME cheese prices, which
    necessarily resulted in higher CME Class III milk future prices,
    in violation of the CEA. The district court granted summary
    judgment in favor of Schreiber on this count holding that the
    CEA does not provide a private right of action for manipula-
    tion of CME cheese prices because the commodity underlying
    the CME Class III milk futures contract at issue is Class III
    milk, not spot cheese. On appeal, Appellants argue this was
    error. Specifically, Appellants argue that they can proceed on
    a CEA claim because spot cheese is the commodity underlying
    the Class III milk futures contracts and that they have raised a
    genuine issue of fact as to Schreiber’s involvement in price
    No. 14-3239                                                   11
    Our analysis begins, then, with a determination of the
    commodity underlying the futures contract at issue. Under
    the CEA, actionable manipulation must be directed at “the
    price of the commodity underlying such contract.” 7 U.S.C.
    § 25(a)(1)(D)(iii). Appellants essentially argue that because
    cheese affects the Class III milk futures contract, it is the
    commodity underlying the contract.
    Having no case law on this issue in our own circuit, we turn
    to our sister circuits for guidance. The Fifth Circuit considered
    and rejected an argument very similar to Appellants’ in
    Hershey v. Energy Transfer Partners, L.P., 
    610 F.3d 239
    (5th Cir.
    2010). In Hershey, the plaintiffs argued that natural gas gener-
    ally was the underlying commodity of a natural gas futures
    contract. The Fifth Circuit concluded, however, that even
    though natural gas prices everywhere affected the price of
    natural gas delivered under the contract, the CEA only
    permitted claims directed at the price of a commodity underly-
    ing such contract. 
    Id. at 247.
    Looking to the applicable ex-
    change rules, the court determined (and the plaintiffs con-
    ceded) that the settlement price of a natural gas futures
    contract is “the price of natural gas delivered at the Henry
    Hub,” not natural gas generally. 
    Id. Therefore, the
    court held
    that the plaintiffs were required to “allege that Defendants
    specifically intended to manipulate the underlying [commod-
    ity] of that contract, not some hypothetical natural gas futures
    Id. (emphasis in
    Borrowing this reasoning, we must look to the futures
    contract at issue to determine its underlying commodity. It is
    undisputed that the contract in question in this case is a
    12                                                  No. 14-3239
    Class III milk futures contract. According to the CME Rule-
    book, which governs the contract, “[e]ach [Class III milk]
    futures contract shall be valued at 2,000 times the USDA Class
    III Price for milk.” CME Rulebook, § 5201. The CME Rulebook
    further specifies that “the USDA Class III price for milk for the
    month” determines the settlement price of Class III milk
    futures traded on the CME. 
    Id. at §
    5203.A. Therefore, the
    commodity specified in the Class III milk futures contract is
    milk, not cheese, as milk prices determine the settlement of the
    contract. Because milk is the underlying commodity, Appel-
    lants must raise a genuine issue of fact as to whether Schreiber
    specifically intended to manipulate the price of milk in order to
    survive Schreiber’s motion for summary judgment on Appel-
    lants’ CEA claim.
    We agree with the district court that Appellants have failed
    to raise a genuine issue of material fact precluding summary
    judgment on their manipulation claim. To prevail on a claim of
    manipulation, Appellants must prove four elements: (1) the
    defendants possessed the ability to influence prices; (2) an
    artificial price existed; (3) the defendant caused the artificial
    price; and (4) the defendant specifically intended to cause the
    artificial price. See Frey v. Commodity Futures Trading Comm’n,
    931 F.2d 1171
    , 1177–78 (7th Cir. 1991); see also In re Soybean
    Futures Litig., 
    892 F. Supp. 1025
    , 2045 (N.D. Ill. 1995). The
    wrinkle in Appellants’ case is with the fourth element. As
    stated above, the underlying commodity relevant to this CEA
    claim is Class III milk, but there is no evidence in the record
    that Schreiber was interested in milk futures, let alone any
    evidence showing specific intent to cause an artificial price.
    Appellants point to internal documents that they contend
    No. 14-3239                                                    13
    reflect Schreiber held and traded Class III milk futures posi-
    tions in May and June 2004. But the evidence in the record does
    not support an inference of intent to inflate milk prices. The
    evidence merely reveals that Schreiber had a continual interest
    in the CME cheese spread. In fact, the evidence would more
    easily support an inference that Schreiber was interested in
    keeping milk prices down, as higher milk prices would only
    serve to increase Schreiber’s costs.
    A plaintiff may alternatively recover from one who aids or
    abets another’s price manipulation violation. See 7 U.S.C.
    § 25(a)(1). To demonstrate an aiding and abetting claim,
    Appellants must first demonstrate the components of a
    manipulation claim against a principal. See Damato v. Her-
    153 F.3d 464
    , 470–71 (7th Cir. 1998). Second, they
    must prove that Schreiber (1) had knowledge of the principal’s
    intent to commit a violation of the CEA by manipulating the
    price of milk; (2) had the intent to further that violation; and
    (3) committed some act in furtherance of the scheme. 
    Id. at 473.
    But Appellants’ claim again falters on intent. Appellants’
    evidence simply does not support an inference that anyone at
    Schreiber was aware of the alleged plan to affect the Class III
    milk futures market. Schreiber employees, including Ferguson
    and Chris Herlache (a Risk Analyst and Schreiber employee in
    charge of CME cheese trading during the relevant period),
    testified that they were unaware of any plan to inflate prices.
    Additionally, as with the manipulation claim against Schreiber
    as a principal, there is no evidence in the record supporting an
    inference that Schreiber intended to further price manipulation
    of milk futures. For these reasons, we affirm the district court’s
    grant of summary judgment on Appellants’ CEA claim.
    14                                                    No. 14-3239
    C. Unjust Enrichment
    The district court granted summary judgment against
    Appellants’ on their unjust enrichment claim because Appel-
    lants failed to establish any statutory violation underlying the
    claim. On appeal, Appellants argue that they have provided
    evidence sufficient to show Schreiber conspired with DFA in
    violation of the Sherman Act and that Schreiber manipulated
    the price of cheese in violation of the CEA, thus establishing
    viable statutory violations. As explained above, however,
    Appellants do not raise a genuine issue of material fact as to
    the existence of a conspiracy or intentional price manipulation.
    Without evidence of either of these fraudulent dealings, “it
    follows that [Appellants] cannot demonstrate that [Schreiber
    was] enriched thereby.” 
    Omnicare, 629 F.3d at 723
    ; see also Ass’n
    Ben. Servs., Inc. v. Caremark Rx, Inc., 
    493 F.3d 841
    , 855 (7th Cir.
    2007) (“When the plaintiff’s particular theory of unjust enrich-
    ment is based on alleged fraudulent dealings and we reject the
    plaintiff’s claims that those dealings, indeed, were fraudulent,
    the theory of unjust enrichment that the plaintiff has pursued
    is no longer viable.”) (emphasis in original). Therefore, we
    affirm the district court’s grant of summary judgment in favor
    of Schreiber and against Appellants’ unjust enrichment claim.
    D. Discovery
    After Schreiber filed its summary judgment motion in
    December 2013, the parties began requesting depositions from
    each others’ employees. On May 22, 2014, Schreiber moved for
    a protective order to prevent Appellants from deposing eight
    Schreiber witnesses. Magistrate Judge Maria Valdez granted
    Schreiber’s motion as to six of the eight witnesses (all but Ron
    No. 14-3239                                                       15
    Dunford and Deborah Van Dyk, two of Schreiber’s officers) on
    June 3, 2014. On June 17, 2014, Appellants filed objections to
    the Magistrate’s order with the district court, which the district
    court overruled on June 25, 2014. Appellants now challenge the
    district court’s ruling on their objections to Magistrate Judge
    Valdez’s order, as well as the district court’s limitation of
    discovery to “high-level” personnel. We review a district
    court’s limitations on discovery for an abuse of discretion.
    Semien v. Life Ins. Co. of N. Am., 
    436 F.3d 805
    , 813 (7th Cir. 2006);
    see also Matter of Rassi, 
    701 F.2d 627
    , 631 (7th Cir. 1983).
    When Schreiber moved for summary judgment, the district
    court gave Appellants six months to conduct Rule 56(d)
    discovery before responding to the motion. The district court
    also limited that discovery to information regarding high-level
    Schreiber and DFA employees that might corroborate Appel-
    lants’ allegations that those same employees agreed to coordi-
    nate purchases of spot cheese on the CME. During this time,
    Schreiber accommodated requests for various documents,
    interrogatories, and document subpoenas. Schreiber also
    agreed to make available for deposition a 30(b)(6) representa-
    tive, as well as three then-current and former employees. When
    Appellants sought to depose eight additional employees,
    Schreiber moved for a protective order preventing their
    depositions for Rule 56(d) purposes.
    Appellants essentially argue that the scope of discovery as
    limited by the district court prevents them from uncovering
    evidence of the conspiracy, but they do so without indicating
    why the depositions they seek would be likely to yield relevant
    information. Instead, they merely request leave to cast a wider
    net with the apparent hope that, with it, they would uncover
    16                                                  No. 14-3239
    direct evidence of conspiracy. In Davis v. G.N. Mortg. Corp., 
    396 F.3d 869
    (7th Cir. 2005), we held that the district court did not
    abuse its discretion in denying additional discovery where the
    request was “based on nothing more than mere speculation
    and would amount to a fishing expedition.” 
    Id. at 885.
    noted that “[t]he only reason to believe that additional,
    relevant evidence would materialize from deposing the
    defendants’ employees is the [appellants’] apparent hope of
    finding a proverbial ‘smoking gun.’” 
    Id. Here, the
    district court did not abuse its discretion in
    affirming Magistrate Judge Valdez’s order over Appellants’
    objections for largely the same reason as in Davis. Appellants
    have not presented any evidence that the six depositions, if
    permitted, would yield relevant information. Additionally, as
    the district court explained, the passage of ten years since the
    date of the alleged conspiracy makes it unlikely that these
    individuals would have information relevant to establishing a
    conspiracy. Under these circumstances, it cannot be said that
    the district court abused its discretion in affirming the Magis-
    trate Judge’s order preventing the deposition of six Schreiber
    employees and limiting discovery to only “high-level” employ-
    E. Inclusion in the DFA Settlement
    Finally, Appellants also challenge Schreiber’s inclusion
    in the court-approved DFA Settlement that Appellants
    negotiated with all of the defendants named in the initial
    complaint. Earlier in this litigation, Appellants agreed to
    permit Schreiber to participate in the DFA Settlement as a
    condition of receiving approval of their proposed class
    No. 14-3239                                                  17
    settlement. Pursuant to the settlement judgment to which
    Appellants agreed, Schreiber’s inclusion in the settlement class
    is only entitled to reconsideration by the district court should
    its entry of summary judgment be reversed. Therefore, Schrei-
    ber’s inclusion in the DFA Settlement will stand along with the
    district court’s grant of summary judgment.
    For the foregoing reasons, we AFFIRM the judgment of the
    district court.