P.H. Glatfelter Company v. Windward Prospects Limited , 847 F.3d 452 ( 2017 )

  •                                In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    Nos. 15-3847, 16-1197, & 16-1310
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the
    Eastern District of Wisconsin, Green Bay Division.
    No. 15-MC-46 — William C. Griesbach, Chief Judge.
    ARGUED JANUARY 19, 2017 — DECIDED JANUARY 31, 2017
    Before FLAUM, MANION, and WILLIAMS, Circuit Judges.
    FLAUM, Circuit Judge. These three appeals arise out of a dis-
    covery dispute between P.H. Glatfelter Co., a paper manufac-
    turer, and Windward Prospects Ltd., an English company on
    which Glatfelter served a non-party subpoena. Two of the ap-
    peals are taken by Glatfelter from the district court’s orders
    denying both Glatfelter’s motion to compel responses to its
    subpoena and Glatfelter’s motion for reconsideration. The
    third appeal, which we treat as a cross-appeal, was taken by
    2                             Nos. 15-3847, 16-1197, & 16-1310
    Windward to seek an award of fees and costs under Federal
    Rule of Civil Procedure 37. For the reasons that follow, we dis-
    miss all three appeals for lack of jurisdiction.
    I. Background
    The present appeals are ancillary to an ongoing multi-
    party effort to clean up polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in
    the bed of the Lower Fox River in northeastern Wisconsin. See
    generally United States v. P.H. Glatfelter Co., 
    768 F.3d 662
    , 665–
    67 (7th Cir. 2014); NCR Corp. v. George A. Whiting Paper Co., 
    768 F.3d 682
    , 686–89 (7th Cir. 2014); United States v. NCR Corp., 
    688 F.3d 833
    , 835–36 (7th Cir. 2012). From the mid-1950s through
    the 1970s, several paper mills and a coating plant discharged
    wastewater containing PCBs into the Lower Fox River. By
    1979, when the EPA banned PCB use, approximately 250,000
    pounds of PCBs had been released into the river bed. Begin-
    ning in the 1990s, the EPA and the Wisconsin Department of
    Natural Resources began investigating the contamination to
    develop a cleanup plan under the Comprehensive Environ-
    mental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act
    (CERCLA). The EPA’s final plan, adopted in 2002, proposed a
    cleanup proceeding in stages through a combination of
    dredging and capping at various sites.
    The remediation cost for the Lower Fox River is estimated
    to be approximately $700 million. See, e.g., P.H. Glatfelter 
    Co., 768 F.3d at 667
    . Under CERCLA, the obligation to pay for the
    cleanup falls on the parties responsible for creating the haz-
    ard, and potentially responsible parties (PRPs) may be liable
    for the full costs of remediation. Paper manufacturers NCR
    Corporation and Appvion, Inc. were named by the EPA as
    PRPs and have funded the ongoing cleanup. Other companies
    Nos. 15-3847, 16-1197, & 16-1310                                        3
    with a potential role in the discharge of PCBs, including Glat-
    felter, also were named as PRPs and agreed to perform reme-
    dial work.
    In late 2007, the EPA issued a unilateral administrative or-
    der directing the PRPs to begin remedial work in the last four
    operable units of the Lower Fox River. NCR and Appvion un-
    dertook many of those remedial efforts. They then sued other
    PRPs, including Glatfelter, in the Eastern District of Wiscon-
    sin, seeking to recover the cleanup costs and to require other
    PRPs to pay for future remedial work. 1 The district court ini-
    tially ruled on summary judgment that NCR and Appvion
    were not entitled to any equitable contribution from the other
    paper mills involved. In 2014, we reversed and remanded the
    cost recovery action back to the district court. See NCR 
    Corp., 768 F.3d at 687
    , 689–90, 713. That action remains pending,
    with Appvion seeking recovery against Glatfelter and other
    PRPs for the Lower Fox River cleanup costs Appvion has in-
    curred, in addition to subrogation and declaratory relief.
    1   As we observed in NCR 
    Corp., 768 F.3d at 692
    Appvion finds itself in a materially different position
    from NCR when it comes to the choice between cost re-
    covery and contribution. In fact, it appears to be in an un-
    usual, possibly unique, position among parties incurring
    costs under CERCLA: it was initially identified as a PRP
    by the government and paid response costs in that capac-
    ity, but later it was held to fall outside of CERCLA’s stat-
    utory grounds for liability. It is now on the hook for re-
    sponse costs only as NCR’s indemnitor pursuant to an
    agreement signed when the companies split up. It is seek-
    ing the costs of response it paid directly while it was re-
    garded as a PRP.
    4                             Nos. 15-3847, 16-1197, & 16-1310
    Windward is an English entity allegedly conducting Ap-
    pvion’s defense of CERCLA claims and managing Appvion’s
    responsibility for the Lower Fox River cleanup operations.
    Windward ratified the commencement of the cost recovery
    action by Appvion and has stated that Windward will be
    bound by the result. To defend against Appvion in the cost
    recovery action, Glatfelter sought discovery relating to Ap-
    pvion’s costs from both Appvion and Windward. Glatfelter
    contends that identifying those costs (and any potential off-
    sets from insurance, settlements, or indemnification pay-
    ments) depends on understanding how funds changed hands
    between Appvion and its insurers or indemnitors, including
    Glatfelter first attempted to obtain discovery from Wind-
    ward through Appvion, which refused to accept service on
    Windward’s behalf. Glatfelter next sent a copy of its discovery
    request by certified mail to Windward’s counsel at his home
    office in New Hampshire. He returned the envelope uno-
    pened. Glatfelter then filed a motion to compel responses to
    its discovery requests in the Eastern District of Wisconsin. The
    district court denied the motion, ruling that Windward’s rati-
    fication of Appvion’s action did not, on its own, give Glatfelter
    an independent right to seek discovery from the former under
    Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 33 or 34, but that there are
    other ways to obtain discovery from non-parties.
    Glatfelter next issued a subpoena to Windward at its attor-
    ney’s New Hampshire address. Windward’s counsel in-
    formed Glatfelter that Windward would not be making any
    production because it was not subject to the jurisdiction of the
    United States federal courts. Windward also objected to the
    Nos. 15-3847, 16-1197, & 16-1310                                           5
    subpoena to the extent that it sought documents or infor-
    mation available from another more convenient, less burden-
    some, or less expensive source (i.e., Appvion).
    Glatfelter then instituted this ancillary proceeding in the
    District of Massachusetts, 2 seeking to compel Windward to re-
    spond to the subpoena. Glatfelter also simultaneously moved
    under Rule 45(f) to transfer the case to the Eastern District of
    Wisconsin, where the cost recovery action was pending before
    Judge Griesbach, who had presided over the case since it was
    first filed. Following a hearing, the magistrate judge in Mas-
    sachusetts ordered a transfer to the Eastern District of Wis-
    consin, and the ancillary action was docketed before Judge
    Griesbach. After receiving additional arguments and evi-
    dence, he denied the motion to compel, concluding that the
    court lacked personal jurisdiction over Windward and that
    Glatfelter had not established which documents it sought that
    were not already subject to production by Appvion. Glatfelter
    filed a motion for reconsideration, which the district court
    also denied.
    Glatfelter appealed the district court’s denial of its mo-
    tions, and Windward filed a third appeal regarding fees,
    which we treated as a cross-appeal. In our order dated July
    25, 2016, we directed that Windward’s cross-appeal be taken
    with the other appeals, and instructed the parties to address
    all jurisdictional issues in their briefs.
    2 Rule 45(d)(2)(B) provides that “the serving party may move the court
    for the district where compliance is required for an order compelling pro-
    duction” and “the order [to compel production] must protect a person
    who is neither a party nor a party’s officer from significant expense result-
    ing from compliance.” Fed. R. Civ. P. 45(d)(2)(B)(i)-(ii).
    6                              Nos. 15-3847, 16-1197, & 16-1310
    On January 17, 2017, two days before oral argument was
    scheduled in this case, Glatfelter notified this Court of a pro-
    posed consent decree among NCR, Appvion, the United
    States, and the state of Wisconsin that had been submitted to
    the district court. If approved and entered, the proposed de-
    cree would potentially resolve Appvion’s claims against Glat-
    felter in the cost recovery action that gave rise to these ancil-
    lary proceedings.
    II. Discussion
    “The initial inquiry in any appeal is whether the court to
    which the appeal has been taken has jurisdiction to entertain
    the appeal.” Sik Gaek, Inc. v. Harris, 
    789 F.3d 797
    , 799 (7th Cir.
    2015) (citation omitted). The federal courts of appeal have ju-
    risdiction over all final decisions of the federal district courts.
    See 28 U.S.C. § 1291. A final decision is one that “ends the liti-
    gation on the merits, leaving nothing for the [district] court to
    do but execute the judgment.” Midland Asphalt Corp. v. United
    489 U.S. 794
    , 798 (1989) (citation omitted). The general
    rule is that pretrial discovery orders, such as those at issue
    here, are not final in terms of winding up the underlying law-
    suit. See Sik Gaek, 
    Inc., 789 F.3d at 799
    . An exception exists,
    however, under the collateral order doctrine, where an order
    “conclusively determine[s] the disputed question, resolve[s]
    an important issue completely separate from the merits of the
    action, and [is] effectively unreviewable on appeal from a fi-
    nal judgment.” Coopers & Lybrand v. Livesay, 
    437 U.S. 463
    , 468
    (1978) (citing Abney v. United States, 
    431 U.S. 651
    , 658 (1977);
    United States v. MacDonald, 
    435 U.S. 850
    , 855 (1978)).
    Glatfelter emphasizes that this ancillary discovery issue
    has been conclusively decided by the district court’s two or-
    ders and is collateral to the underlying cost recovery suit, and
    Nos. 15-3847, 16-1197, & 16-1310                                   7
    that this appeal is, for all practical purposes, Glatfelter’s only
    chance to obtain discovery from Windward, a non-party to
    the main action. See, e.g., Carter Prods., Inc. v. Eversharp, Inc.,
    360 F.2d 868
    , 870 (7th Cir. 1966) (finding jurisdiction over an
    appeal from the Illinois district court’s denial of a motion to
    compel deposition testimony of non-party to underlying Cal-
    ifornia litigation, because, “[f]or all practical purposes[,] …
    this appeal [is appellants’] only opportunity for review of the
    district court’s order denying access to the information”).
    Thus, Glatfelter contends, the collateral order doctrine ought
    to apply.
    The problem for Glatfelter is that this ancillary action was
    transferred from the District of Massachusetts to the Eastern
    District of Wisconsin prior to this appeal. In our Circuit, we
    have recognized the appealability of pretrial discovery orders
    only where they were issued by a district court in an ancillary
    proceeding and said district court was not within the jurisdic-
    tion of the circuit court having appellate jurisdiction to review
    the final adjudication of the main action. See, e.g., Sik Gaek, 
    Inc., 789 F.3d at 799
    (“Here, the district court order denying sanc-
    tions was issued in a jurisdiction not that of the main proceed-
    ing. Consequently, appellants cannot obtain effective review
    of the order as part of an appeal of a final adjudication of the
    main action ….”); see also 
    id. (citing cases);
    Hernly v. United
    832 F.2d 980
    , 981 n.1 (7th Cir. 1987) (“This court has
    previously decided that it has jurisdiction. The order ap-
    pealed from was deemed final because it was entered in a dif-
    ferent district court from where the main action is pending.”)
    (citation and internal quotation marks omitted). Because the
    ancillary action (this discovery dispute) is in the same district
    court where the main action (the cost recovery action) is cur-
    rently pending, Glatfelter could obtain review of the denial of
    8                             Nos. 15-3847, 16-1197, & 16-1310
    its motions to compel and for reconsideration on appeal from
    the final judgment in the main action.
    We have not yet ruled directly on whether one may appeal
    an order in an ancillary action entered in a district court lo-
    cated in the same circuit as the district court handling the
    main action. However, other circuits that have considered the
    issue have held such orders interlocutory and not immedi-
    ately appealable. See, e.g., Barrick Grp., Inc. v. Mosse, 
    849 F.2d 70
    , 73 (2d Cir. 1988) (“Under these circumstances, a circuit
    court can consider any appeal on discovery issues at the same
    time as the appeal from the judgment in the underlying ac-
    tion. This approach avoids piecemeal proceedings, strength-
    ens the rule of finality and provides ultimately for the effec-
    tive review of all issues.”); Hooker v. Cont’l Life Ins. Co., 
    965 F.2d 903
    , 905 (10th Cir. 1992) (focusing on whether the appeal-
    ing party “has any means, other than an immediate appeal, to
    obtain appellate review,” and concluding that “[b]ecause the
    same circuit court will have jurisdiction to review both the
    discovery order and the final adjudication …, appellate re-
    view of the order denying discovery will not be foreclosed by
    delaying review until a final adjudication of the entire ac-
    tion”); In re Subpoena Served on Cal. Pub. Utils. Comm’n, 
    813 F.2d 1473
    , 1475–80 (9th Cir. 1987) (dismissing, sua sponte, ap-
    peal of an order quashing a non-party subpoena for want of
    appellate jurisdiction because court could review the order
    with appeal from final adjudication of main action).
    Glatfelter nonetheless points to decisions by the Eleventh
    and Federal Circuits that it claims support its position: that an
    order denying a motion to compel may still be appealable,
    even if entered by a district court located within the same cir-
    cuit as the court presiding over the main action. See Ariel v.
    Nos. 15-3847, 16-1197, & 16-1310                                              9
    693 F.2d 1058
    , 1059 (11th Cir. 1982) (per curiam) (con-
    cluding that appellate jurisdiction existed over Southern Dis-
    trict of Florida order quashing subpoena issued in connection
    with main action pending in Middle District of Florida); Heat
    & Control, Inc. v. Hester Indus., Inc., 
    785 F.2d 1017
    , 1020–22
    (Fed. Cir. 1986) (holding that appellate jurisdiction existed
    with respect to Northern District of West Virginia order grant-
    ing a motion to quash a non-party subpoena in connection
    with a main action pending in the Northern District of Cali-
    fornia). Glatfelter thus contends that there is a circuit split
    here that ought to be resolved in its favor.
    To cut to the chase, however, even setting aside the appar-
    ent limitations of these two cases, 3 there certainly is no circuit
    For example, the circuit decisions on which Ariel relied all involved
    situations where the two district courts at issue were in different circuits.
    See Nat’l Life Ins. Co. v. Hartford Accident & Indem. Co., 
    615 F.2d 595
    (3d Cir.
    1980) (finding appellate jurisdiction over denial of motion to compel dis-
    covery from non-party in Third Circuit where main action was pending in
    Fifth Circuit); Republic Gear Co. v. Borg-Warner Corp., 
    381 F.2d 551
    (2d Cir.
    1967) (same for denial of motion to compel discovery in Second Circuit
    where main action was pending in Seventh Circuit); Gladrow v. Weisz, 
    354 F.2d 464
    (5th Cir. 1965) (same for appeal of order requiring discovery of
    non-party in Fifth Circuit where main action was pending before board of
    patent interferences of United States Patent Office); Horizons Titanium
    Corp. v. Norton Co., 
    290 F.2d 421
    (1st Cir. 1961) (same for order granting
    motion to quash subpoena in First Circuit where main action was pending
    in D.C. Circuit). Additionally, the treatise to which Ariel cited in support
    of its analysis has since been updated to include language reflecting that
    “[t]his exception has itself now been limited to situations in which the two
    districts are in different circuits.” 8 CHARLES ALAN WRIGHT AND ARTHUR
    As for the Federal Circuit case, in Hester, a patent owner sought dis-
    covery in the Northern District of West Virginia from a non-party who
    allegedly had infringed the patent at issue in a litigation pending before
    10                                   Nos. 15-3847, 16-1197, & 16-1310
    split or authority in favor of Glatfelter’s position on the issue
    of whether a discovery order in an ancillary proceeding is im-
    mediately appealable when entered by the very same district
    court that is presiding over the main action. Cf. In re Subpoena
    Served on Cal. Pub. Utils. 
    Comm’n, 813 F.2d at 1474
    (contrasting “a nonappealable interlocutory order issued by
    the district court having jurisdiction over the main action”
    with “an interlocutory order issued by a district court of a dif-
    ferent circuit from the district court where the case was
    the Northern District of 
    California. 785 F.2d at 1020
    –21. The Northern Dis-
    trict of West Virginia quashed the subpoena, and the patent owner ap-
    pealed to the Federal Circuit, which concluded that, because the California
    district court lacked jurisdiction over the non-party infringer, the patent
    owner could not challenge the West Virginia district court’s decision on
    appeal from the California district court’s final judgment, and the collat-
    eral order doctrine applied. The Federal Circuit then considered whether
    its result should have been different because it was the same appellate
    court that would have jurisdiction over an appeal on the merits from the
    California district court. See 
    id. at 1021.
    The court of appeals observed that,
    prior to the creation of the Federal Circuit, the order by the West Virginia
    district court would have been appealable to the Fourth Circuit, and be-
    cause such an order would have been appealable as a final disposition of
    the only proceeding in the ancillary court:
    [W]e are satisfied that it does not matter that the Federal
    Circuit is the same appellate court that would possess ju-
    risdiction over an appeal from the California district
    court’s final action on the merits. The California court has
    no jurisdiction over Hester, a nonparty to the main in-
    fringement action, and Heat & Control has no other
    means of effectively obtaining review than by appealing
    the West Virginia court’s order, necessarily to this court.
    Thus, the West Virginia court’s order is appealable, and
    this court possesses jurisdiction to hear it.
    Id. at 1021–22.
    Nos. 15-3847, 16-1197, & 16-1310                                            11
    filed”). Indeed, the Federal Circuit in Hester specifically ob-
    served that “[i]f the district court granting Hester’s motion to
    quash were the same court in which the main action is being
    litigated, [appellant] could seek review, as an error of the
    court, when and if it appeals from the final 
    judgment.” 785 F.2d at 1021
    Glatfelter protests that we should nonetheless find juris-
    diction over its appeals because the only reason this ancillary
    action, which was commenced in a district court in another
    circuit, is now in the same court as the main action, is that
    Glatfelter moved for transfer under Rule 45(f). Rule 45(f),
    which Glatfelter emphasizes was only recently promulgated
    in 2013, 4 provides:
    When the court where compliance is required
    did not issue the subpoena, it may transfer a
    motion under this rule to the issuing court if the
    person subject to the subpoena consents or if the
    court finds exceptional circumstances…. To en-
    force its order, the issuing court may transfer
    the order to the court where the motion was
    4  Windward pushes back on this characterization of Rule 45(f), noting
    that transfer is hardly a novel concept and was available long before 2013.
    See, e.g., 28 U.S.C. § 1404 (change-of-venue provision). Windward explains
    the Rule 45(f) transfer provision as one that was included because the new
    Rule 45 requires a motion to compel to be brought in the court of compli-
    ance, see Fed. R. Civ. P. 45(d)(2)(B), not in the issuing court (presiding over
    the main action). Thus, Glatfelter would previously have had the option
    of bringing its motion to compel in the Eastern District of Wisconsin,
    where no immediate appeal would be available; according to Windward,
    the “new” Rule 45(f) does not change that principle.
    12                                Nos. 15-3847, 16-1197, & 16-1310
    Fed. R. Civ. P. 45(f). 5 Glatfelter emphasizes that the purpose
    of this rule is to efficiently consolidate motions before a single
    judge presiding over complex litigation. A holding that we
    lack appellate jurisdiction over its appeals would, according
    to Glatfelter, put parties in the position of either being forced
    to litigate a motion to compel before a district judge who has
    had no contact with the underlying case, or forfeiting appel-
    late review if the motion were to be denied. Glatfelter relat-
    edly claims that the Rules Advisory Committee could not
    have intended that litigants lose access to immediate appeal
    upon transfer into the circuit of the main action under Rule
    Glatfelter has it backwards. By allowing for transfers, Rule
    45(f) allows for consolidation of motions in a single appropri-
    ate court, thereby avoiding piecemeal litigation in multiple
    fora as well as piecemeal appeals. See, e.g., United States v.
    418 U.S. 683
    , 690 (1974) (noting the “strong congres-
    sional policy against piecemeal reviews, and against obstruct-
    ing or impeding an ongoing judicial proceeding by interlocu-
    tory appeals”); Cobbledick v. United States, 
    309 U.S. 323
    , 325
    (1940) (“Since the right to a judgment from more than one
    court is a matter of grace and not a necessary ingredient of
    justice, Congress from the very beginning has, by forbidding
    piecemeal disposition on appeal of what for practical pur-
    poses is a single controversy, set itself against enfeebling judi-
    cial administration.”). Glatfelter is correct that this discovery
    dispute is ancillary and does not require consideration with
    the underlying main action. However, as the Supreme Court
    Windward opposed Glatfelter’s transfer motion, contending that
    even if jurisdiction existed over Windward, this matter lacks the “excep-
    tional circumstances” required by Rule 45(f) as a predicate to transfer.
    Nos. 15-3847, 16-1197, & 16-1310                                          13
    explained in Mohawk Industries, Inc. v. Carpenter, 
    558 U.S. 100
    (2009), the collateral order doctrine “must never be allowed to
    swallow the general rule that a party is entitled to a single ap-
    peal, to be deferred until final judgment has been entered.” 
    Id. at 106
    (citation and internal quotation marks omitted).
    Glatfelter complains that “a final disposition of a discov-
    ery dispute would, at most, be unreviewable and, at best,
    would have to await a plenary appeal from a merits judg-
    ment.” Yet the availability of plenary appeal from a final judg-
    ment is precisely why discovery orders like these are interloc-
    utory and not immediately appealable. Our Circuit has con-
    sistently underscored that “what is critical is whether the
    party unsuccessfully seeking the subpoena has any other
    means of obtaining review.” Carter 
    Prods., 360 F.2d at 872
    . It is
    only then that we should “extricate appellants from the cul-
    de-sac in which the district court’s order leaves them.” 
    Id. Here, Glatfelter
    has a clear road forward. It may not be Glat-
    felter’s preferred route, but, “[t]hat a ruling may burden liti-
    gants in ways that are only imperfectly reparable by appellate
    reversal of a final district court judgment has never sufficed.”
    Indus., 558 U.S. at 107
    (citation, alteration, and inter-
    nal quotation marks omitted). As the denials of Glatfelter’s
    motions would be reviewable on appeal from a final judg-
    ment, we dismiss these appeals for lack of jurisdiction. 6
    Windward submitted in its briefs and at oral argument
    that it would voluntarily dismiss its cross-appeal if we found
    that we lack jurisdiction over Glatfelter’s appeals. Windward’s
    (likely premature) cross-appeal is thus also dismissed.
    Because we lack jurisdiction in the first place, the potential effect of
    the proposed consent decree on this action is moot.
    14                           Nos. 15-3847, 16-1197, & 16-1310
    III. Conclusion
    For the foregoing reasons, we dismiss this case in its en-
    tirety for lack of jurisdiction.