Nancy Thomas v. Carolyn Colvin , 826 F.3d 953 ( 2016 )

  •                              In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 15-2390
    Commissioner of Social Security,
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the
    Northern District of Indiana, South Bend Division.
    No. 3:14-cv-00651-TLS-JEM — Theresa L. Springmann, Judge.
    ARGUED MARCH 2, 2016 — DECIDED JUNE 22, 2016
    Before WOOD, Chief Judge, and BAUER and KANNE, Circuit
    PER CURIAM. Nancy Thomas applied for Supplemental
    Security Income in 2010 when she was 55 years old. An ad-
    ministrative law judge identified her medically determinable
    impairments as degenerative changes in her back and left
    shoulder, Graves’ disease, and dysthymic disorder (a form
    2                                                No. 15-2390
    of chronic depression). But the ALJ concluded that these im-
    pairments do not impose more than minimal limitations on
    Thomas’s ability to work and denied her application. Thom-
    as disputes the ALJ’s omission of fibromyalgia from the list
    of impairments and contends that his conclusion about the
    severity of her physical impairments is not supported by
    substantial evidence. (She does not discuss the ALJ’s conclu-
    sion that she does not have a severe mental impairment.) We
    agree with both of Thomas’s contentions and remand the
    case for further proceedings.
    Thomas was diagnosed with Graves’ disease in 2006.
    That condition is an autoimmune disease affecting the thy-
    roid gland. See STEDMAN’S MEDICAL DICTIONARY 515 (27th ed.
    2000). After a few follow-up visits that same year, Thomas’s
    health insurance lapsed, and not until January 2010 did she
    return to her personal physician, Dr. Volker Blankenstein. At
    that time she reported experiencing several months of acute,
    unexplained pain affecting the front of her neck.
    Dr. Blankenstein observed that Thomas had a slightly de-
    creased range of motion in her neck but was not experienc-
    ing numbness, tingling, or weakness in her extremities or
    tenderness over her cervical spine. A CT scan returned nor-
    mal results.
    A month later Thomas returned to Dr. Blankenstein re-
    porting generalized fatigue and muscle aches, which she de-
    scribed as affecting her shoulders and knees and, sometimes,
    her entire body. Dr. Blankenstein’s clinical examination for
    symptoms of Graves’ disease was “fairly benign,” and he
    noted the normal CT scan results from the previous month,
    No. 15-2390                                                  3
    though he wanted Thomas to consult an endocrinologist. He
    also concluded that Thomas suffers from joint and muscle
    pain but was uncertain whether the pain resulted from her
    Graves’ disease. He posited that Thomas might suffer from
    osteoarthritis or a muscle disorder causing chronic pain but
    stated that he would wait for test results. A few days later he
    told Thomas that her bloodwork had not disclosed an “obvi-
    ous answer” to her pain and fatigue.
    In March 2010, Thomas saw the endocrinologist,
    Dr. Cyprian Gardine, for her Graves’ disease. At the time
    Thomas was not having neck pain but did complain about
    pain in her joints and muscles, shortness of breath, chest
    tightness, headaches, nausea, and depression. When Thomas
    next saw Dr. Gardine in August and September 2010, he
    characterized her Graves’ disease as mild. In the later visits
    Thomas reported additional symptoms, including more-
    frequent headaches, constant fatigue, hoarseness, intolerance
    to heat and cold, muscle weakness, a rapid heartbeat, rest-
    less sleep, and tingling in her legs after walking. The doctor
    opined that some of these symptoms could be related to
    Graves’ disease.
    Thomas applied for SSI in November 2010 alleging onset
    in June 2006. She listed as impairments Graves’ disease and
    depression. She also described suffering two to three head-
    aches weekly since April 2008 and mentioned that she had
    gone to the emergency room for this reason in May or June
    2010. She reported previous employment as a cashier and
    janitor in 1999 and 2000 but no other work except for a short
    stint doing laundry and housekeeping in a nursing home in
    4                                                 No. 15-2390
    Dr. John Taylor, a state-agency medical consultant, exam-
    ined Thomas in December 2010. He confirmed that she suf-
    fers from Graves’ disease and depression but opined that she
    did not have any functional limitations. Dr. Taylor noted
    that Thomas’s grip strength, manipulative skills, range of
    motion, and ambulation all were normal. Yet despite having
    said that Thomas did not have any functional limitations,
    Dr. Taylor further concluded that she could not handle rou-
    tine household chores for more than short intervals, and nei-
    ther could she stand continuously for more than 15 minutes
    (or more than 2 hours total in an 8-hour day), sit continuous-
    ly for more than 10 minutes, or walk much beyond a half
    block. A second state-agency medical consultant,
    Dr. M. Ruiz, reviewed the file in January 2011 and opined
    that Thomas’s affliction with Graves’ disease is not severe.
    The Social Security Administration then denied Thomas’s
    application for SSI in January 2011. The next month Thomas
    returned to Dr. Blankenstein and reported that over the pre-
    vious four to six months she had experienced lower back
    pain which sometimes radiated into her legs down to her
    knees. She felt no numbness, tingling, or weakness in her ex-
    tremities, however, and Dr. Blankenstein’s examination re-
    vealed that she had “fairly full” range of motion in her hips.
    He diagnosed her with lumbago—a medical term that simp-
    ly means pain in the middle and lower back—and bilateral
    lower extremity radiculopathy, a condition likely to cause
    pain, numbness, or weakness in the buttocks or legs because
    of pressure on a spinal nerve root. See STEDMAN’S MEDICAL
    DICTIONARY 1034 (27th ed. 2000); Michael Rubin, Nerve Root
    Disorders (Radiculopathies), MERCK,
    No. 15-2390                                                  5
    disorders/nerve-root-disorders (last modified Mar. 2014).
    Thomas also described pain radiating from her left shoulder
    into her arm that had lasted three or four months. On exam-
    ination, she had limited range of motion in her left arm and
    could not reach behind her back. Dr. Blankenstein diagnosed
    left shoulder tendonitis, possibly “a combination of rotator
    cuff and osteoarthritis issues.” X-rays revealed degenerative
    changes in the lower lumbar spine, some spurring in both
    hips, and minimal spurring of acromioclavicular joint in her
    left shoulder. Dr. Blankenstein referred her for physical ther-
    apy. Afterward Thomas asked the SSA to reconsider the de-
    nial of benefits, but another state-agency consultant,
    Dr. J. Sands, concurred with Dr. Ruiz’s review—remarking
    simply that his opinion was “affirmed, as written”—and in
    April 2011 the agency upheld the initial determination.
    Thomas immediately began seeing Dr. Asima Rashid, an
    internist who diagnosed arthritis and osteoarthritis in re-
    sponse to Thomas’s complaints of widespread pain. Later
    that month Thomas reported pain in her neck, left shoulder,
    left arm, and mid-back. Thomas said that she was unable to
    move her arm behind her back, and Dr. Rashid’s examina-
    tion showed that Thomas had tenderness in her left shoulder
    and moderately reduced range of motion. Dr. Rashid sus-
    pected degenerative arthritis in the left shoulder, but an X-
    ray was normal.
    Thomas started physical therapy in March 2011 but quit
    after two sessions because she thought it was not helping. At
    Dr. Blankenstein’s urging she resumed with another thera-
    6                                                 No. 15-2390
    pist in May. At an initial evaluation, that therapist noted a
    number of limitations on movement. Thomas was experienc-
    ing pain bending forward, backward, and side to side.
    Straight leg raises also caused pain, on the right at 60 de-
    grees and on the left at 45 degrees. She had difficulty raising
    either heel, and stretches involving extending her right knee
    and rotating her hips were painful as well. Thomas decided
    that she was not improving and quit after six sessions,
    though, according to this therapist, Thomas had “refused on
    two occasions to do more than just lying prone and applying
    a moist heat pack to her back secondary to having pain all
    over and being dizzy.” The therapist told Dr. Blankenstein
    that Thomas continued to complain of severe pain but was
    not making progress. The therapist discharged Thomas in
    July 2011 after she failed to return the office’s calls.
    Dr. Blankenstein then saw Thomas again. He noted that
    previous X-rays, which showed only minimal arthritic
    changes, did not explain the pain she reported. Thomas said
    that she had muscle pain affecting, at various times, her
    neck, torso, and extremities. Dr. Blankenstein detected ten-
    derness over her entire thorax but no specific tenderness
    along her spine or any “classical rheumatoid arthritis chang-
    es.” He concluded that she “most likely suffers from a myo-
    fascial pain syndrome, such as fibromyalgia.” He remarked
    that “[s]he does not seem overly symptomatic” for Graves’
    disease and that he could not tie her fibromyalgia-like symp-
    toms to that condition. He prescribed Lyrica, a medication
    used to treat fibromyalgia and nerve pain, and when Thom-
    as reported a week later that this medication was helping, he
    remarked that this means “she almost certainly has fibro-
    myalgia … as suspected.” See Lyrica Medication Guide, U.S.
    No. 15-2390                                                 7
    Drugs/DrugSafety/UCM152825.pdf (last modified Dec. 2013)
    Five weeks later, though, Thomas had a checkup with
    Dr. Rashid, the internist, and again reported pain all over
    her body and tingling, mostly on the left side. Dr. Rashid ob-
    served that touching Thomas’s left arm caused pain but that
    her range of motion was “ok.” In her progress notes Dr. Ra-
    shid wrote, “Bone/joint symptoms” and muscle pains, with-
    out further explanation. The doctor noted that Thomas re-
    ported a “moderate” activity level including walking three
    times a week for 20 minutes. Dr. Rashid also prescribed Lyr-
    ica. Another X-ray of Thomas’s left shoulder showed mild to
    moderate osteoarthritis at the acromioclavicular joint but
    nothing acute.
    In January 2012, Dr. Rashid completed a questionnaire as
    part of Thomas’s effort to obtain disability accommodations
    and services from a community college where she had been
    taking classes since 2009. Dr. Rashid stated that Thomas had
    been diagnosed with osteoarthritis and moderate fibromyal-
    gia which were causing muscle and joint pains. She opined
    that these conditions “substantially limit” Thomas’s ability
    to walk, work, and perform manual tasks, and prevent her
    from lifting over 20 pounds. Dr. Rashid’s list of Thomas’s
    medications did not include Lyrica but mentioned Cymbal-
    ta, another medication used to treat fibromyalgia. See Cym-
    balta Medication Guide, U.S. FOOD AND DRUG ADMIN.,
    79.pdf (last visited June 10, 2016).
    There are no records of further treatment before an
    emergency-room visit in September 2012, when Thomas re-
    8                                                 No. 15-2390
    ported a burning sensation in her hands and from her feet
    extending up to her mid-thighs. The emergency-room doctor
    diagnosed a potassium deficiency and peripheral neuropa-
    thy, a name for peripheral nerve damage that causes symp-
    toms ranging from “numbness or tingling, to pricking sensa-
    tions … or muscle weakness.” Peripheral Neuropathy Fact
    detail_peripheralneuropathy.htm (last modified Mar. 9,
    Thomas finally appeared before an ALJ in October 2012,
    eighteen months after her application for benefits had been
    denied on reconsideration. She testified that she last worked
    in 2007, doing laundry and housekeeping at the nursing
    home. She had hurt her knee and eventually quit, she ex-
    plained, since even assignments to lighter tasks had proved
    difficult to manage. Afterward she had returned to school to
    obtain a certificate in childcare but completed only a few
    classes. She was living with an adult daughter and helping
    with cooking and housework. She could manage self-care
    tasks with enough time. She described feeling numbness and
    aches in her neck, left arm, back, legs, and feet. She contin-
    ued to take Cymbalta for nerve pain in her legs and an un-
    named medication for muscle spasms in her neck but de-
    scribed her pain as still 3 to 5 on a 10-point scale even with
    her medication. She estimated that she could stand continu-
    ously for 10 minutes and walk for 10 to 15 minutes, and
    added that sitting is difficult because her legs go numb if she
    doesn’t move. She said that she could lift around 20 pounds
    depending on her pain. She also described suffering severe
    No. 15-2390                                                 9
    headaches four to five times weekly, with pain reaching her
    ears and neck and lasting around 30 minutes.
    At Steps 1 and 2 of the 5-step analysis, see 20 C.F.R.
    § 416.920, the ALJ found that Thomas had not worked since
    applying for benefits and acknowledged that she suffers
    from Graves’ disease, degenerative changes of the left
    shoulder and lumbar spine, and dysthymic disorder. But the
    ALJ refused to accept the diagnosis of fibromyalgia from
    Dr. Blankenstein and Dr. Rashid because neither doctor is a
    rheumatologist and neither doctor had conducted a “tender
    point” analysis, in which a doctor evaluates the pain pro-
    duced by pressing 18 specific points on the body. See Fibro-
    myalgia,       MAYO        CLINIC      (Oct.     1,     2015),
    /basics/tests-diagnosis/con-20019243. And, the ALJ contin-
    ued, the impairments that he was willing to acknowledge
    are not “severe” individually or in combination because, he
    opined, they at most cause minimal limitations on Thomas’s
    ability to perform basic work activities. The ALJ disbelieved
    Thomas’s testimony about the intensity, persistence, and
    limiting effects of her symptoms, instead focusing on the
    medical records, in particular the opinions of Dr. Ruiz and
    Dr. Sands, two of the state-agency medical consultants, that
    Thomas’s Graves’ disease is not severe. He gave little weight
    to Dr. Rashid’s statement to the community college disability
    office (describing limitations in walking, working, perform-
    ing manual tasks, and lifting weights because of fibromyal-
    gia and osteoarthritis), judging it not supported by objective
    evidence. Moreover, because the ALJ concluded that Step 2’s
    threshold requirement of a “severe” impairment was not sat-
    isfied, he denied benefits without continuing through the
    10                                               No. 15-2390
    three remaining steps, see 20 C.F.R. § 416.920(a)(4)(ii). The
    Appeals Council denied review, and the district court up-
    held the ALJ’s decision.
    We begin with Thomas’s challenge to the ALJ’s conclu-
    sion that fibromyalgia is not among her medically determi-
    nable impairments. She argues that the ALJ disregarded the
    diagnoses given by both Dr. Blankenstein and Dr. Rashid
    and that his reasons for doing so—that neither doctor is a
    rheumatologist or performed an analysis of tender points—
    are unsound.
    We agree with Thomas that her doctors’ lack of speciali-
    zation in rheumatology is not an acceptable basis for dis-
    counting their assessments. Although the Commissioner is
    correct that a specialist’s opinion generally merits more
    weight than that of non-specialist, see 20 C.F.R.
    § 416.927(c)(5), all licensed medical or osteopathic doctors
    are acceptable medical sources, see 
    id. § 416.913(a)(1);
    SSR 12-2p, 
    2012 WL 3104869
    , at *2 (July 25, 2012). And there
    is no contrary opinion from a specialist. Indeed, because
    Thomas’s doctors diagnosed fibromyalgia after her claim for
    benefits had been denied on reconsideration, the state-
    agency medical consultants did not even weigh in on this
    impairment. What’s more, it’s doubtful that they would be
    more qualified than Thomas’s physicians to make a judg-
    ment about whether she suffers from fibromyalgia: Neither
    Dr. Ruiz nor Dr. Sands purported to have specialized
    knowledge of the claimant’s alleged impairments.
    No. 15-2390                                                  11
    As the ALJ recognized, however, a doctor’s diagnosis of
    fibromyalgia is not alone sufficient to establish this condition
    as an impairment; the diagnosis must be supported by evi-
    dence meeting either of two sets of diagnostic criteria prom-
    ulgated by the American College of Rheumatology, in 1990
    and 2010. See SSR 12-2p, 
    2012 WL 3104869
    , at *2–3. But, as
    Thomas rightly points out, and the Commissioner concedes,
    the ALJ addressed only the 1990 ACR criteria by focusing
    exclusively on the lack of analysis of tender points. The al-
    ternate 2010 ACR criteria do not require this analysis, but
    rather a history of widespread pain, repeated manifestations
    of six or more fibromyalgia symptoms, signs, or contempo-
    raneous conditions, and evidence that alternative explana-
    tions for those symptoms, signs, or contemporaneous condi-
    tions were ruled out. See SSR 12-2p, 
    2012 WL 3104869
    , at *3.
    The Commissioner insists that the ALJ’s omission of dis-
    cussion of the 2010 ACR criteria was harmless “because
    Thomas has not shown that the ALJ overlooked evidence”
    that would have satisfied these criteria. This argument is un-
    convincing because, without any analysis from the ALJ,
    there is no basis for drawing any conclusions about what ev-
    idence he considered or overlooked. As Thomas points out
    in her opening and reply briefs, the medical evidence in-
    cludes many reports of symptoms, signs, and contempora-
    neous conditions associated with fibromyalgia, including
    muscle aches, fatigue, and depression, see SRR 12-2p,
    2012 WL 3104869
    , at *3, nn. 9–10, and details tests that her
    doctors conducted while looking for explanations, such as X-
    rays, an ultrasound, and tests of her antinuclear antibodies
    and rheumatoid factor. Despite the Commissioner’s dis-
    claimer in her brief, her conjecture that the ALJ would have
    12                                                No. 15-2390
    reached the same conclusion had he explicitly addressed the
    alternative set of criteria invokes an overly broad conception
    of harmless error of the type we have criticized previously.
    See, e.g., Roddy v. Astrue, 
    705 F.3d 631
    , 637 (7th Cir. 2013);
    see also SEC v. Chenery Corp., 
    318 U.S. 80
    , 87–88 (1943).
    The Commissioner also argues that, even if the ALJ was
    wrong to omit fibromyalgia from Thomas’s impairments, the
    error was harmless because he still proceeded to consider
    the objective evidence of functional limitations in concluding
    that Thomas’s ability to perform work-related tasks is, at
    most, minimally affected. But this contention discounts the
    significance of Thomas’s further argument that the ALJ
    lacked substantial evidence for his conclusion that none of
    her other physical impairments is severe.
    Impairments are not “severe” when they do not signifi-
    cantly limit the claimant’s ability to perform basic work ac-
    tivities, including “walking, standing, sitting, lifting, push-
    ing, pulling, reaching, carrying, or handling.” 20 C.F.R.
    § 416.921. The SSA has specified further that a non-severe
    impairment is “a slight abnormality (or combination of
    slight abnormalities) that has no more than a minimal effect
    on the ability to do basic work activities.” SSR 96-3p,
    1996 WL 374181
    , at *1 (July 2, 1996). When evaluating the se-
    verity of an impairment, the ALJ assesses its functionally
    limiting effects by evaluating the objective medical evidence
    and the claimant’s statements and other evidence regarding
    the intensity, persistence, and limiting effects of the symp-
    Id. at *2.
    Other circuits have described the Step 2 in-
    quiry as a de minimis screening for groundless claims.
    See, e.g., Newell v. Comm’r of Soc. Sec., 
    347 F.3d 541
    , 546
    No. 15-2390                                                 13
    (3d. Cir. 2003); Smolen v. Chater, 
    80 F.3d 1273
    , 1290 (9th Cir.
    1996); McDonald v. Sec. of Health and Human Servs., 
    795 F.2d 1118
    , 1124 (1st Cir. 1986).
    Thomas disputes the weight the ALJ assigned to the
    medical opinions in the record, his interpretation of the ob-
    jective evidence, and his adverse finding about her own
    credibility in concluding that her limitations are minimal.
    Thomas challenges the ALJ’s decision to give great weight to
    the reviews of the evidence by Dr. Ruiz and Dr. Sands, who
    concluded that her Graves’ disease was not severe, and little
    weight to Dr. Rashid’s statement to the community college
    showing more than a minimal limitation on her abilities. She
    points out that, not only was Dr. Rashid a treating physician,
    but the consulting doctors never examined her and their re-
    views took place in January and April 2011, before much of
    the later medical evidence showing her fibromyalgia diag-
    nosis and degenerative changes in her left shoulder.
    Thomas contends that Dr. Rashid’s statement to the
    community college about Thomas’s limitations was entitled
    to controlling weight under 20 C.F.R. § 416.927(c)(2) and that
    the ALJ discounted this opinion without an adequate reason.
    We agree. The ALJ appears to have given Dr. Rashid’s opin-
    ion little weight despite the length of her treating relation-
    ship by reasoning that Dr. Rashid had noted at one point
    that Thomas had full range of motion and because the ALJ
    thought the fibromyalgia diagnosis unfounded. But the first
    reason appears focused narrowly on the effects of the degen-
    erative changes in Thomas’s spine and left shoulder (not on
    the disabling effects of the pain caused by fibromyalgia), and
    the second reason was erroneous for the reasons explained
    14                                                  No. 15-2390
    previously. The ALJ also noted Thomas’s gap in treatment
    between August 2011 and September 2012, but the relevance
    of this detail to Dr. Rashid’s opinion is unclear, and, in any
    case, the ALJ did not explore the reasons for this gap.
    See Beardsley v. Colvin, 
    758 F.3d 834
    , 840 (7th Cir. 2014); Craft
    v. Astrue, 
    539 F.3d 668
    , 679 (7th Cir. 2008).
    And even if Dr. Rashid’s opinion was not entitled to con-
    trolling weight, the ALJ erred by accepting Dr. Ruiz and
    Dr. Sands’s reviews of the evidence uncritically despite the
    fact that they never examined Thomas and did not have the
    benefit of much of the 2011 treatment records when they
    created their opinions. See Stage v. Colvin, 
    812 F.3d 1121
    , 1125
    (7th Cir. 2016); Goins v. Colvin, 
    764 F.3d 677
    , 680 (7th Cir.
    2014). Dr. Ruiz’s mention of Graves’ disease as Thomas’s
    sole alleged physical impairment highlights the dated nature
    of the assessment. The ALJ said that those opinions were
    consistent with a later finding of Dr. Rashid about Thomas’s
    range of motion and records showing that her Graves’ dis-
    ease was in check, but he did not even attempt to compare
    the consulting doctors’ assessments with records from
    Thomas’s treatment by Dr. Blankenstein (her main doctor
    throughout 2010 and 2011) or her difficulties with physical
    therapy, even though that evidence was consistent with
    Dr. Rashid’s statement to the community college that Thom-
    as had significant limitations.
    Thomas also criticizes the ALJ’s failure to grapple with
    records from Thomas’s physical therapy sessions in his as-
    sessment of what the objective medical evidence says about
    her limitations. Even though a physical therapist is not an
    acceptable medical source for determining a claimant’s im-
    No. 15-2390                                                   15
    pairments, this evidence may be used to show the severity of
    an impairment and how it affects a claimant’s ability to func-
    tion. See 20 C.F.R. § 416.913(d)(1); SSR 06-03p, 
    2006 WL 2329939
    , at *2 (Aug. 9, 2006). The second physical therapist’s
    initial evaluation and a progress note contained detailed dis-
    cussions of Thomas’s pain and movement limitations, in-
    cluding that Thomas had difficulty with heel and straight leg
    raises and bending. The ALJ ignored those statements, how-
    ever, and noted only that “a resulting progress note indicat-
    ed that the claimant’s complaints of pain were rather vague”
    and that, “on at least two occasions, the claimant refused to
    do more than lay [sic] in a prone position, reportedly sec-
    ondary to ‘pain all over’ and dizziness” (even though these
    are symptoms associated with fibromyalgia as well,
    see SRR 12-2p, 
    2012 WL 3104869
    , at *3, nn. 9). Although the
    ALJ was not required to mention every piece of evidence,
    providing “an accurate and logical bridge” required him to
    confront the evidence in Thomas’s favor and explain why it
    was rejected before concluding that her impairments did not
    impose more than a minimal limitation on her ability to per-
    form basic work tasks. 
    Roddy, 705 F.3d at 636
    ; see Denton v.
    596 F.3d 419
    , 425 (7th Cir. 2010); Indoranto v. Barnhart,
    374 F.3d 470
    , 474 (7th Cir. 2004).
    Finally, Thomas correctly argues that the ALJ’s credibil-
    ity determination was not adequate. In finding Thomas not
    credible to the extent that she described more than minimal
    limitations, the ALJ relied on the seeming lack of objective
    evidence supporting Thomas’s subjective account of her
    symptoms, but, as discussed earlier, the ALJ skipped over
    the substantial findings of Thomas’s treating physicians and
    physical therapist that showed that her impairments indeed
    16                                                   No. 15-2390
    would limit her ability to perform work tasks. The ALJ’s in-
    vocation of Thomas’s activities of daily living to discount her
    testimony that her limitations are more than minimal also is
    problematic because her ability to do limited chores, cook-
    ing, and self-care says little about her ability to perform the
    tasks of a full-time job, much less the Step 2 threshold that
    any limitations would be no more than minimal. See Hughes
    v. Astrue, 
    705 F.3d 276
    , 278–79 (7th Cir. 2013); 
    Craft, 539 F.3d at 680
    . And the ALJ concluded from Thomas’s gap in treat-
    ment between August 2011 and September 2012 that her
    symptoms were not as severe as she alleged, but, as noted,
    he did not explore her reasons for not seeking treatment, an-
    other error. See 
    Craft, 539 F.3d at 679
    Because the ALJ’s omission of fibromyalgia from Thom-
    as’s medically determinable impairments and his conclusion
    that she has no severe impairments are not supported by
    substantial evidence, we REVERSE the judgment of the dis-
    trict court upholding the Commissioner’s decision to deny
    benefits to Thomas and REMAND for further proceedings
    consistent with this opinion. Thomas requests that this court
    direct a finding of disability, but we agree with the Commis-
    sioner that this is inappropriate because the ALJ ended his
    inquiry at Step 2, and, as a result, not all of the factual issues
    in this case have been resolved. See Allord v. Astrue, 
    631 F.3d 411
    , 415 (7th Cir. 2011).