Mizuho Corporate Ban v. Swett & Crawford , 341 F.3d 644 ( 2003 )

  •                             In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    Nos. 02-1126 & 02-1210
    Defendant-Third Party Plaintiff-Cross-Appellant,
    Third-Party Defendant-Appellant,
    Third-Party Defendant-Cross-Appellee.
    Appeals from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
    No. 97 C 5827—Ronald A. Guzmán, Judge.
    2                                      Nos. 02-1126 & 02-1210
    Before BAUER, DIANE P. WOOD, and WILLIAMS, Circuit
    DIANE P. WOOD, Circuit Judge. Insurance is meant to
    cushion the blow caused by a disaster; it is supposed to be
    part of the solution, not part of the problem. In this case,
    however, the contest is over who was responsible for inad-
    equacies in the insurance policy itself, and who must bear
    the uncovered losses. In general terms, this litigation arose
    out of the bankruptcy proceeding of the under-insured par-
    ty, Cyberstar and Caribbean Communications (CCC). One
    of CCC’s creditors (International Bank of Japan, or IBJ1)
    sued the retail insurance broker (Cory & Associates, or
    Cory) that had procured the policy, and it in turn impleaded
    the wholesale broker (Insurance Broker Services, Inc., or
    IBSI) and the ultimate insurer (Travelers Indemnity
    Company, or Travelers). One of the issues we are con-
    sidering on appeal concerns the effect of a settlement
    between IBJ and Cory in the main action on the eve of trial.
    The district court ruled that this settlement resolved all
    issues conclusively with respect to Cory’s alleged responsi-
    bility for the expensive mishap, and it therefore limited the
    trial to the question whether there was a fiduciary relation-
    ship between Cory and IBSI. The jury decided that there
    was, and thus stuck IBSI with the responsibility of paying
    the entire amount (some $20 million) reached in the set-
    tlement agreement. IBSI has appealed, claiming that this
    was error. The district court should not have so restricted
    the trial, and we therefore remand for further proceedings.
    The second major point concerns the correctness of the
    district court’s decision to grant summary judgment in favor
    After the arguments in this case, International Bank of Japan
    changed its name to Mizuho Corporate Bank. For convenience,
    this opinion will continue to refer to this party as International
    Bank of Japan, or IBJ.
    Nos. 02-1126 & 02-1210                                      3
    of Travelers. We affirm the court’s ruling that Travelers
    was entitled to summary judgment.
    At the heart of this case is a simple but expensive com-
    munication failure. In early 1995, CCC retained Cory to set
    up insurance coverage in connection with CCC’s impending
    purchase of a cable television operation in the U.S. Virgin
    Islands. Cory initially attempted to arrange coverage di-
    rectly, but ultimately it turned the placement over to IBSI,
    which it thought would be better able to make sophisticated
    placements of the sort CCC needed. IBSI, which had a long-
    standing relationship with Travelers under a “Wholesale
    Broker Agreement,” immediately identified Travelers as one
    potential underwriter for the requested coverage. Under
    that agreement, IBSI was authorized to undertake a variety
    of tasks on behalf of Travelers, including the solicitation of
    applications, the collection of premiums, and the holding of
    funds on behalf of and as a fiduciary of Travelers. Further-
    more, the agreement provided for the payment of commis-
    sions to IBSI. The agreement did not, however, authorize
    IBSI to issue insurance binders and specifically disavowed
    any agency relationship between the two entities.
    Over the course of several months, Cory and IBSI nego-
    tiated the terms and conditions of the requested coverage
    with at least two different insurance carriers, including
    Travelers. IBSI obtained several price quotations, and the
    parties passed the information up and down the chain of
    command. Thus, the price quotations issued by Travelers
    went first to IBSI, then to Cory, and finally to CCC. Ulti-
    mately, CCC assented to the terms of the Travelers policy
    and, speaking through Cory, gave IBSI instructions to bind.
    IBSI, after consultation with Travelers, responded with
    copies of a placement note.
    The coverage negotiated by IBSI and Travelers became
    4                                   Nos. 02-1126 & 02-1210
    effective on July 31, 1995. Six weeks later, Hurricane
    Marilyn swept through the U.S. Virgin Islands and did sub-
    stantial damage to CCC’s newly purchased cable facilities.
    When CCC attempted to recover from Travelers for the
    damage to the Caribbean facilities, a critical misunder-
    standing came to light. CCC thought that Cory, on its be-
    half, had entered into an insurance contract with Travelers
    with coverage of nearly $8 million; Travelers took the posi-
    tion that the IBSI-brokered policy set a cap on coverage at
    $2.5 million. Travelers ultimately paid CCC $2.5 million;
    the more than $5 million shortfall forced CCC into bank-
    ruptcy. A liquidation followed in April 1996, in which all
    CCC stock and claims were assigned to IBJ, one of CCC’s
    principal lenders.
    Although a detailed post-mortem of the coverage dispute
    is unnecessary for the purposes of the present appeal, an
    understanding of the possible reasons for the miscommun-
    ication may help to shed light on the analysis to come. One
    possible source of the problem was that Cory and IBSI ne-
    gotiated the terms and conditions of the Travelers coverage,
    but at no point did CCC, Cory, or Travelers communicate
    directly with one another. Instead, IBSI remained the mid-
    dleman throughout. In addition, at critical points IBSI took
    documents prepared by Travelers and incorporated their
    substance into its own documents, which it then used
    to communicate terms and conditions to Cory. As a result,
    the critical terms and conditions of the insurance coverage
    moved up and down the chain in different document for-
    mats. Finally, Travelers did not deliver the final paper
    policy to CCC until several weeks after the hurricane. In
    short, the parties were not, either literally or figuratively,
    on the same page. Another possible reason for the miscom-
    munication was that the postponement of CCC’s acquisition
    of the Caribbean-based cable facilities necessitated two
    separate rounds of bids from prospective insurers. Prior to
    the delay in the facilities acquisition, a competing insurer
    Nos. 02-1126 & 02-1210                                     5
    had quoted a premium of $100,000 for $5 million in cover-
    age. The ISBI-communicated premium from Travelers of
    $115,005 might have seemed to reflect coverage of the
    nearly $8 million that Cory thought it had requested and
    that CCC thought it was getting.
    In August 1997, IBJ filed suit against Cory on behalf of
    all lender banks as assignee of CCC, claiming negligence,
    breach of fiduciary duty, breach of contract, and negligent
    misrepresentation. In turn, Cory filed third-party com-
    plaints against IBSI and Travelers. The portion of the
    third-party complaint that was directed against IBSI closely
    resembled IBJ’s amended complaint against Cory. The first
    three of the five IBSI counts were specifically labeled
    “contribution” and included theories of negligence (Count I),
    breach of fiduciary duty (Count II), and negligent misrepre-
    sentation (Count III). The remaining two counts against
    IBSI contained no such labels and included theories of
    breach of fiduciary duty (Count IV) and breach of contract
    (Count V). The portion of the third-party complaint directed
    against Travelers sought reformation (Count VI) and raised
    theories of breach of contract (Count VII), tortious breach
    of contract (Count VIII), and negligence based on agency
    principles and respondeat superior (Count IX).
    After more than a year of litigation, Travelers moved un-
    der FED. R. CIV. P. 12(b)(6) to dismiss the remaining claims
    Cory was asserting against it. The district court granted the
    motion with respect to the reformation claim, but it denied
    at that time to resolve the breach of contract and respondeat
    superior theories. Travelers had better luck more than two
    years later when it moved for summary judgment on the
    remaining counts. At that point, in an order dated May 10,
    2001, the court granted summary judgment in favor of
    Travelers, reasoning that Cory lacked the requisite stand-
    ing for the breach of contract claims because it could not
    plausibly claim status as a third-party beneficiary of the
    6                                   Nos. 02-1126 & 02-1210
    Travelers-CCC insurance contract and that there was no
    agency relationship between IBSI and Travelers that could
    support a theory of respondeat superior liability.
    On May 18, 2001, with trial rapidly approaching, IBJ and
    Cory reached an agreement settling IBJ’s claims. The
    settlement agreement fixed the total amount of IBJ’s claims
    at $20,367,519. It contained a complicated formula for the
    satisfaction of that claim by Cory, whereby a graduated
    percentage of the money recovered by IBJ from IBSI would
    be allocated back to Cory as a credit against the $4 million
    it had agreed to pay to IBJ under the settlement agreement,
    up to a maximum of $4,375,000. Under the terms of this
    agreement, a large recovery by IBJ against IBSI would
    actually produce a net gain to Cory of $375,000. It is this
    part of the settlement that IBSI has labeled a “kickback”
    IBSI objected to the settlement on reasonableness
    grounds and moved to dismiss the claims assigned to IBJ by
    Cory as part of the settlement agreement for failure to state
    a claim. The district court granted partial relief in a June
    6 order, which dismissed all but two claims. The court first
    noted that Cory had not pursued Counts I and III, which it
    concluded were both barred anyway by the Illinois Joint
    Tortfeasor Contribution Act, 740 ILCS 100/1 et seq. As for
    Count II, there was no problem under the Joint Tortfeasor
    Act because as a breach of fiduciary duty claim it did not
    fall under that statute. The court found in IBSI’s favor,
    however, because the Illinois Insurance Placement Liability
    Act (IPLA), 735 ILCS 5/2-2201(b), which applies to fiduciary
    duty claims against all insurance “producers,” barred the
    claim. This necessarily entailed a finding that Count II
    stated a claim for indemnity and that it arose after the
    January 1, 1997, effective date of the IPLA.
    The district court found that the IPLA bar did not apply
    to Count IV, because it was not really an indemnity claim.
    Nos. 02-1126 & 02-1210                                        7
    This implied that the Count IV claim accrued prior to the
    effective date of the IPLA and thus had to be tried, as did
    Count V. The court concluded that both Counts IV and V
    of Cory’s third-party complaint were proper under FED. R.
    CIV. P. 14(a), since the rule permits the defendant-third-
    party plaintiff (here, Cory) to assert a claim against some-
    one (i.e., IBSI) who is or may be liable for “all or part of the
    plaintiff’s claim against the third-party plaintiff.” The court
    rejected IBSI’s claim that only Cory’s professional liability
    insurer, as subrogee of Cory’s claims, could bring the third-
    party complaint at issue. The court thus upheld the overall
    settlement agreement and dismissed Cory from the action
    with prejudice.
    IBJ and IBSI proceeded to trial on the breach of fiduciary
    duty and breach of contract theories. But the trial was not
    what IBSI had expected. At the final pre-trial conference,
    the court decided that the issues of Cory’s fault, proximate
    cause, and damages were no longer open to contest. A proxi-
    mate cause instruction, according to the district court, was
    not necessary because “there is an indemnification type of
    relationship here.” The district court ruled that damages
    would be fixed at $20,367,519, as stipulated in the IBJ-Cory
    settlement agreement. Asked only to find whether a fidu-
    ciary relationship existed between Cory and IBSI, the jury
    returned a verdict in favor of IBJ, as Cory’s assignee. The
    court then entered judgment for IBJ on December 17, 2001,
    in the precise amount of the settlement. This appeal fol-
    Our resolution of the IBJ-IBSI portion of this case hinges
    on the characterization question that has dogged the pro-
    ceedings throughout: after the settlement between IBJ and
    Cory, was the only remaining question in the case the issue
    8                                   Nos. 02-1126 & 02-1210
    of IBSI’s duty to indemnify Cory for its (implicit) payment
    to IBJ, or was the question whether IBSI had breached any
    fiduciary duty to IBJ’s predecessor CCC still open to con-
    The consequences of the choice between these two alter-
    natives are enormous. First, it determines when the claim
    arose. Depending on when the claim accrued, Cory and IBSI
    are either entitled or not entitled to protection under IPLA,
    which explicitly immunizes insurance producers like IBSI
    and Cory from fiduciary duty claims arising after its
    effective date. And most importantly, the proper character-
    ization defines what issues should have been submitted to
    the jury. We take those points in turn.
    Under Illinois law, a general (i.e., non-indemnity) claim
    accrues when all elements are present and a party can
    invoke the aid of the court. See Draper v. Frontier Ins. Co.,
    638 N.E.2d 1176
    , 1180 (Ill. App. Ct. 1994). Cory claimed
    that it incurred legal fees and expenses in defense of IBJ’s
    claims as early as the fall of 1995 and thus its claim ac-
    crued at that time. IBJ and Cory did not settle their part of
    the dispute until May 18, 2001. Indemnity claims, in con-
    trast, do not accrue until the main action has been resolved
    via judgment or settlement. See Anixter Bros. v. Cent. Steel
    & Wire Co., 
    463 N.E.2d 913
    , 918 (Ill. App. Ct. 1984).
    IBJ argues that the Anixter Bros. rule was modified by
    the later Illinois Supreme Court decision in Gerill Corp. v.
    Jack L. Hargrove Builders, Inc., 
    538 N.E.2d 530
     (Ill. 1989).
    There, the Illinois Supreme Court stated that an indemnifi-
    cation claim accrues when “the indemnitee either has had
    a judgment entered against him for damages, or has made
    payments or suffered actual loss.” 
    Id. at 539
    added). Under that test, according to IBJ, Cory’s claim
    accrued in 1995 regardless of how we characterize Count
    IV, so long as Cory can prove that it incurred costs at that
    time. But the Illinois Supreme Court itself has had more to
    Nos. 02-1126 & 02-1210                                        9
    say since Gerill Corp. was decided. In Guzman v. C.R.
    Epperson Construction, Inc., 
    752 N.E.2d 1069
    , 1075 (Ill.
    2001), it cited with approval the exact language used in
    Anixter that places the time of accrual of an indemnity
    claim at the point at which a judgment or settlement
    occurs. Moreover, the Guzman court noted that allowing an
    indemnity claim to accrue prior to settlement or judgment
    would have the perverse effect of requiring third-party
    complainants to “file numerous anticipatory claims well
    before they are sued, even if such litigation might later be
    unnecessary because the original plaintiff does not sue.” 
    Id. at 1075
     (internal quotation marks and citations omitted). If,
    therefore, Count IV is properly viewed as an indemnity
    claim (and no one doubts that it is governed by Illinois law),
    then it accrued in May 2001.
    That late accrual date would be enough to dispose of IBJ’s
    assigned claim altogether. IPLA took effect on January 1,
    1997. That statute explicitly immunizes insurance providers
    such as IBSI and Cory from “civil liability under standards
    governing the conduct of a fiduciary or a fiduciary relation-
    ship . . . .” 735 ILCS 5/2-2201(b). But the Act is of no help to
    IBSI if IBJ is correct that the claim accrued earlier than
    We turn, therefore, to the central point: the proper char-
    acterization of Count IV. We begin with the language of the
    complaint, following the rule that the plaintiff is the master
    of its own litigation. Reading Cory’s third-party complaint
    as a whole, we see that it specifically applied the label
    “Contribution” to each of the first three counts, but not to
    Count IV or the other remaining theories. Count IV is
    entitled simply, “Breach of Fiduciary Duty to Cory—IBSI.”
    Taking Cory at its word, therefore, it was apparently rais-
    ing only a normal claim of a breach of fiduciary duty. See,
    e.g., Indiana Ins. Co. v. Machon & Machon, Inc., 
    753 N.E.2d 442
    , 446 (Ill. App. Ct. 2001) (refusing to re-characterize a
    10                                  Nos. 02-1126 & 02-1210
    claim as an indemnity claim where the word “indemnity”
    was “[c]onspicuously absent” from the complaint, save in
    the ad damnum clause in each count of the complaint).
    Beyond this, as the district court noted, a separate part of
    the third-party complaint (Count II) much more clearly
    raised a claim for indemnification. There is no reason to
    think that Cory was raising a completely redundant theory
    of indemnification in Count IV, rather than pleading in the
    alternative under the related breach of fiduciary duty con-
    cept. This is so even though there is an obvious factual and
    legal overlap between the two theories. Cory has asserted
    throughout that it acted at the direction of IBSI, or in re-
    liance on misrepresentations made by IBSI, and that it
    (Cory) believed throughout that it was acting properly.
    There is generally nothing wrong with alternative pleading,
    which is all that this complaint has done.
    We conclude, as the district court did, that Count IV was
    exactly what Cory said it was: a general claim for breach of
    fiduciary duty. We also agree with the district court that
    the claim accrued in the fall of 1995, well before the effec-
    tive date of the IPLA, when Cory hired counsel to defend
    against the original complaint brought by IBJ. The court
    explained that Cory could have sued IBSI at that time for
    breach of contract and fiduciary duty once legal fees and
    expenses were incurred. IBSI’s principal response is that
    there is no record evidence that Cory in fact incurred at-
    torney’s fees or expenses in 1995. But the record points to
    enough evidence of earlier expenses to support the district
    court’s decision on this point. For example, Cory offered at
    a pre-trial hearing to call Patrick Jean-Baptiste (of Cory) to
    testify that Cory did in fact hire investigators and a lawyer
    in 1995 and 1996. The district court declined the invitation,
    noting that it did not “see the need to establish actual
    damages [in]curred at that point.” IBJ’s opposition to IBSI’s
    motion for judgment as a matter of law also mentions the
    Nos. 02-1126 & 02-1210                                     11
    retention of investigators and counsel, putting the informa-
    tion before the district court, albeit in a post-trial motion.
    The breach of fiduciary duty claim accrued prior to the ef-
    fective date of the IPLA, and IBSI is thus not entitled to the
    automatic exemption from liability for breaches of fiduciary
    duty afforded by that statute.
    The point at which we diverge from the district court is
    whether it was correct to allow the jury to decide only
    whether a fiduciary duty existed and to keep from it the
    issues of Cory’s own fault, proximate cause, and damages.
    In coming to its decision that the settlement agreement
    between IBJ and Cory conclusively resolved all issues in the
    IBSI litigation except for the question whether IBSI owed
    a fiduciary duty to Cory, the district court went astray by
    relying on a line of cases that is rooted in the insurance or
    indemnity context. The critical fact in those cases was the
    insurer’s breach of a duty to defend and the consequences
    that flowed from that breach. See, e.g., Platinum Tech., Inc.
    v. Fed. Ins. Co., 
    282 F.3d 927
     (7th Cir. 2002) (insured
    software company brought suit against its insurer for
    breach of duty to defend and indemnify after the insurer
    refused to reimburse the insured for the cost of its settle-
    ment in a trademark infringement suit); Vitkus v. Beatrice
    127 F.3d 936
     (10th Cir. 1997) (employee lawsuit
    against a former employer, self-insured for D&O liability
    insurance, for refusal to defend); United States Gypsum Co.
    v. Admiral Ins. Co., 
    643 N.E.2d 1226
     (Ill. App. Ct. 1994)
    (insured asbestos manufacturer sought declaratory judg-
    ment as to policy coverage by insurer); St. Paul Fire &
    Marine Ins. Co. v. Michelin Tire Corp., 
    298 N.E.2d 289
    App. Ct. 1973) (indemnification claim by retailer against
    manufacturer of tire that caused vehicular accident). Here,
    we have nothing of the sort: IBSI owed no duty to defend
    either Cory or IBJ. All three parties were instead ordinary
    adversaries in ordinary litigation.
    12                                   Nos. 02-1126 & 02-1210
    Furthermore, even if Cory’s fiduciary duty claim might be
    susceptible to characterization as an implied indemnity
    claim (and, in turn, even if the claim was somehow not
    barred by IPLA), Illinois law would not have regarded the
    IBJ/Cory settlement as precluding IBSI’s ability to prove
    Cory’s fault. This is because Cory and IBSI were at all rel-
    evant times merely brokers working under a contract to
    provide brokerage services to Travelers and CCC and never
    stood in an insurer-insured relationship to one another.
    This means that any indemnity claim Cory brought against
    IBSI would have to be an implied indemnity claim rather
    than a pure indemnity claim.
    Implied indemnity claims arise where the parties have
    failed to include an indemnity provision in an agreement,
    and there is reason for a court to read such a provision into
    the agreement. Jinwoong, Inc. v. Jinwoong, Inc., 
    310 F.3d 962
    , 965 (7th Cir. 2002); see also Am. Nat’l Bank & Trust
    Co. v. Columbus-Cuneo-Cabrini Med. Ctr., 
    609 N.E.2d 285
    287-88 (Ill. 1992). “The underlying principle is that the
    party that is in the better position to avoid liability is given
    an incentive to do so by being made responsible for the con-
    sequences.” Jinwoong, 
    310 F.3d at 965
    ; see also McMunn v.
    Hertz Equip. Rental Corp., 
    791 F.2d 88
    , 91 (7th Cir. 1986);
    Hillier v. S. Towing Co., 
    714 F.2d 714
    , 720 (7th Cir. 1983).
    But while insurance and pure indemnity claims frequently
    center on the insurer’s duty to defend, implied indemnity
    actions lie only where one party is in some sense “at fault,”
    and the other party is blameless though liable—typically
    because of strict liability, respondeat superior, implied war-
    ranty, or some other legal principle that imposed liability
    regardless of fault. See Jinwoong, 
    310 F.3d at 965
    . A claim
    of implied indemnity under Illinois law arises only where
    the indemnitee (here, Cory) was guiltless with respect to
    the underlying tort. See Columbus-Cuneo-Cabrini Med.
    Ctr., 609 N.E.2d at 287-88; Frazer v. A.F. Munsterman, 
    527 N.E.2d 1248
    , 1251 (Ill. 1988); Kerschner v. Weiss & Co., 667
    Nos. 02-1126 & 02-1210                                     
    13 N.E.2d 1351
    , 1355-56 (Ill. App. Ct. 1996). By its nature, the
    settlement agreement between IBJ and Cory could not have
    established Cory’s blamelessness vis à vis IBSI, a stranger
    to that agreement.
    Finally, IBJ suggests that the truncated trial proceedings
    can be justified by reference to traditional principles of
    issue preclusion. But for a variety of reasons this is wrong.
    Perhaps the most obvious is that issue preclusion applies,
    under the law of Illinois, only to questions that were “act-
    ually litigated,” see La Preferida, Inc. v. Cerveceria Modelo,
    S.A. de C.V., 
    914 F.2d 900
    , 905 (7th Cir. 1990); DuPage
    Forklift Serv., Inc. v. Material Handling Servs., Inc., 
    744 N.E.2d 845
    , 849 (Ill. 2001); Am. Family Mut. Ins. Co. v.
    739 N.E.2d 445
    , 451 (Ill. 2000), and settlements
    do not count as “actual litigation,” see Rockford Mut. Ins.
    Co. v. Amerisure Ins. Co., 
    925 F.2d 193
    , 198 (7th Cir. 1991).
    Furthermore, principles of preclusion are not pertinent un-
    til the first lawsuit has been concluded and a second, sep-
    arate proceeding is underway. Within a particular suit, the
    correct doctrine to consider is law of the case. Even from
    that perspective, however, there was no judicial determina-
    tion about Cory’s responsibility.
    Our decision with respect to the proper treatment of
    Count IV makes it unnecessary for us to consider IBSI’s
    objection to the original settlement between Cory and IBJ.
    Because a jury will decide on remand whether IBSI is liable
    to Cory, and if so to what extent, any ultimate judgment
    will not be affected by the amount or the terms of the set-
    We next address Cory’s cross-appeal from the summary
    judgment in favor of Travelers on its breach of contract and
    14                                   Nos. 02-1126 & 02-1210
    respondeat superior negligence claims. We review the dis-
    trict court’s grant of summary judgment de novo, viewing
    the record in the light most favorable to Cory and drawing
    all reasonable inferences in its favor. Amadio v. Ford Motor
    238 F.3d 919
    , 921 (7th Cir. 2001).
    With respect to the contract claim, the district court ruled
    that Cory did not have a legally cognizable interest in the
    insurance agreement between Travelers and CCC. As a
    third party, Cory could recover only if “the contract [was]
    undertaken for the plaintiff’s direct benefit and the contract
    itself . . . affirmatively make[s] this clear.” Caswell v. Zoya
    Int’l, Inc., 
    654 N.E.2d 552
    , 554 (Ill. App. Ct. 1995) (internal
    quotation marks and citation omitted). We agree that Cory
    had to show that Travelers and CCC intended in their con-
    tract to confer a benefit on Cory.
    The insurance contract between Travelers and CCC does
    not even mention Cory, let alone affirmatively state that it
    was undertaken for Cory’s direct benefit. Cory argues,
    however, that this court’s decision in Prince v. Royal
    Indemnity Co., 
    541 F.2d 646
     (7th Cir. 1976), would allow it
    to recover. But Prince is easily distinguished from Cory’s
    situation. Prince stands for the proposition that an insured
    who tries to assign a property insurance policy to a third
    party, but fails to complete the assignment because it did
    not get the insurer’s consent, retains an insurable interest
    in the property sufficient to recover under the policy. See 
    id. at 650
    . The relationship between a retail and a wholesale
    broker, and each of their connections with the insured party
    and the insurer, are entirely different. Cory was never an
    insured or even a potential insured under the policy issued
    by Travelers, and thus it cannot rely on Prince to support
    its case. The district court properly dismissed Cory’s breach
    of contract claim against Travelers, because it had no legal
    interest in the terms of the ultimate insurance agreement.
    Cory next contends that the district court erred in find-
    Nos. 02-1126 & 02-1210                                      15
    ing that IBSI and Travelers lacked the necessary agency
    relationship to obtain relief under a respondeat superior
    theory of liability. In Cory’s view, the record would support
    a finding that Travelers deliberately used IBSI to communi-
    cate with CCC and that Travelers, pursuant to the Whole-
    sale Broker Agreement, authorized IBSI to engage in vari-
    ous agent-like activities on its behalf. These facts, in turn,
    Cory argues, are enough to establish vicarious liability un-
    der Illinois law.
    The district court relied on a four-part test that the
    Illinois courts have created for determining whether an
    insurance broker is acting on behalf of the insured, the in-
    surer, or both, under which it must consider (1) who called
    the intermediary into action; (2) who controls its actions; (3)
    who pays the intermediary; and (4) whose interests the in-
    termediary represents. See Moone v. Commercial Cas. Ins.
    112 N.E.2d 626
    , 629 (Ill. App. Ct. 1953); see also A&B
    Freight Line, Inc. v. Ryan, 
    576 N.E.2d 563
    , 566 (Ill. App. Ct.
    1991); Krause v. Pekin Life Ins. Co., 
    551 N.E.2d 395
    , 399
    (Ill. App. Ct. 1990); Roby v. Decatur Steel Erectors, Inc., 
    375 N.E.2d 1355
    , 1359 (Ill. App. Ct. 1978). Another Illinois case
    mentions factors such as “an agent’s fixed and permanent
    relationship to the company he represents, conduct incon-
    sistent with an agency relationship with a client, whether
    the client first approached the person, and whether the per-
    son dealt directly with the insurance company.” Northtown
    Warehouse & Transp. Co. v. Transamerica Ins. Co., 
    507 N.E.2d 189
    , 192 (Ill. App. Ct. 1987). Using the four-part
    test, the district court found that there was no agency rela-
    tionship between IBSI and Travelers.
    We agree. The record shows that it was Cory that initially
    approached IBSI and called IBSI “into action” by giving
    IBSI instructions to secure a quote from various insurers,
    among them Travelers. Cory also controlled IBSI both by
    directing IBSI to secure the initial price quotes from
    16                                  Nos. 02-1126 & 02-1210
    insurers and by giving final instructions to IBSI to procure
    the actual policy from Travelers. It would be absurd to say
    that Travelers controlled IBSI, since IBSI remained free to
    the very end to negotiate with other insurers and to
    recommend other insurers to Cory and CCC. IBSI repre-
    sented the interests of Cory and not Travelers. In fact, IBSI
    was explicitly attempting to wrest from Travelers the
    lowest possible price quote to take back to Cory and CCC.
    True, the existence of a commission relationship between
    IBSI and Travelers suggests that there were countervailing
    incentives in terms of price competition, but this is not
    enough standing alone to establish an agency relationship.
    See Golden Rule Ins. Co. v. Michely, 
    555 N.E.2d 1047
    , 1050-
    51 (Ill. App. Ct. 1990) (finding no agency relationship where
    broker-insurer agreement provided, among other things, for
    payment of commissions for placements); 12 AM. JUR. 2D
    BROKERS § 42 (stating that the rendering of a commission
    alone is not enough to establish agency).
    Assuming, therefore, that Moone represents the author-
    itative Illinois law on the subject, the district court prop-
    erly found that IBSI was a broker that sought out price
    quotes for clients by canvassing a range of possible insur-
    ers, rather than an agent with an “fixed and permanent
    relationship” to any particular insurer. Perhaps recognizing
    this, Cory argues in the alternative that the Moone test
    does not preclude recourse to traditional agency principles,
    and that its claims come within two established exceptions
    to Moone.
    Illinois courts have found that the Moone test is inappli-
    cable where there is an agency agreement that explicitly
    grants a broker the power to bind the insurer—in short,
    where there exists actual (express) authority. In Zannini v.
    Reliance Ins. Co., 
    590 N.E.2d 457
     (1992), the Illinois Su-
    preme Court held that the existence of an agency agree-
    ment that gave the broker the authority to bind the insurer
    rendered unnecessary resort to the four-part test in Moone.
    Nos. 02-1126 & 02-1210                                      17
    Id. at 463
    . The agreement in Zannini explicitly provided
    that the broker was an “agent” and had the authority to
    “bind coverage and execute contracts in accordance with the
    guidelines furnished from time to time by the Company
    or as authorized by the Company with respect to specific
    Id. at 463
    . Under Zannini, Cory cannot prevail. The
    Wholesale Broker Agreement that governed the relations of
    IBSI and Travelers granted IBSI authority to do a variety
    of things—solicit applications for insurance, collect premi-
    ums, be paid commissions by Travelers, and hold funds in
    behalf of and as fiduciary of Travelers—but expressly with-
    held from IBSI the authority to bind Travelers. Thus, the
    first exception to the Moone test on which Cory attempts to
    rely is inapposite.
    A second context in which Illinois courts have departed
    from Moone is where an insurer uses a broker to perform
    particular services and thereby vests the broker with ap-
    parent authority to act on behalf of the insurer. In such
    situations, an insurance company may be estopped to deny
    the agency of the broker. See Empire Fire & Marine Ins. Co.
    v. Faith Truck Lines, Inc., 
    533 N.E.2d 441
    , 443-44 (Ill. App.
    Ct. 1988); Ledbetter v. Crudup, 
    449 N.E.2d 265
    , 267 (Ill.
    App. Ct. 1983). That, however, is not our case. The Illinois
    Supreme Court’s decision in State Security Insurance Co. v.
    583 N.E.2d 547
     (Ill. 1991), provides a useful
    contrast. There, an insurer tried to deny a claim from an
    insured because the insured had submitted its claim notice
    to the insurer’s broker, rather than the insurer itself. The
    Illinois Supreme Court found for the plaintiff and held that
    the insurer had vested the broker with apparent authority
    based on a course of dealing. 
    Id. at 552, 554
    . The Court
    rested its decision on at least three aspects of the insurer-
    broker relationship, including the insurer’s use of the bro-
    ker as a “conduit” for delivering policies, the billing and col-
    lection of premiums, and the mailing of notices regarding
    cancellation, renewals, or premium changes. 
    Id. at 549-50
    18                                  Nos. 02-1126 & 02-1210
    552. The Court also seized upon language on the declara-
    tions page of the actual paper policy designating the broker
    as the insurer’s “representative” and including the words
    “Agent or Broker—,” as well as deposition testimony from
    an employee of the insurer who stated that he had received
    notice of claims from both insureds and brokers alike in the
    Id. at 552-54
    In the present case, although Travelers relied exclusively
    on IBSI for communication of policy information during the
    negotiation phase, it did no more. Unlike the Burgos sit-
    uation, where the intermediary role played by the broker
    continued long after the procurement process was com-
    pleted, IBSI’s role was far more limited. Under Illinois law,
    as Burgos makes clear, procurement—which presumably
    includes price quotations and the sort of go-between com-
    munication provided by IBSI—cannot establish agency
    through apparent authority and a course of dealing. A deci-
    sion on the facts of Cory’s case would represent, at a mini-
    mum, a vast expansion of Burgos, and one that we believe
    would be inconsistent with the lines the Illinois courts have
    drawn. Such an outcome would transform all brokering into
    an agency relationship and all provision of brokerage
    services into a source of respondeat superior liability. We
    respectfully leave such a major change in the law to Illinois
    Last, Cory tries to save its case by arguing that Travel-ers
    ratified the statements of the IBSI representatives and that
    Travelers and CCC entered into an oral contract of insur-
    ance with liability limits of $7,667,000. Neither theory has
    merit. In order for a ratification to occur, Travelers must
    have known of the miscommunication or otherwise reviewed
    the placement note as executed by IBSI, believed it was
    ambiguous or otherwise unclear, and yet did nothing to
    correct or clarify the misleading language. Here, the record
    shows that the documents reaching Travelers consistently
    Nos. 02-1126 & 02-1210                                    19
    set a $2.5 million cap on liability. The record evidence thus
    can support only the conclusion that whatever misunder-
    standing created the shortfall in coverage was internal to
    the communication between IBSI, Cory, and CCC, and that
    Travelers believed from start to finish that it was providing
    a policy with a coverage cap of $2.5 million. Accordingly,
    Travelers could not have ratified the mistaken internal
    communication between the brokers because all of the
    documents that passed from Travelers to IBSI and from
    IBSI to Cory correctly stated the relevant liability limits.
    Cory’s final attempt at establishing liability on the part
    of Travelers is to argue that Travelers and CCC entered
    into an oral contract of insurance with liability limits
    of $7,667,000. We are perplexed by this argument. Cory
    is putting the cart before the horse. Because Travelers
    never communicated directly with Cory or CCC, there can-
    not have been any oral contract unless IBSI was an agent
    of Travelers. But, if the necessary agency relationship ex-
    isted between IBSI and Travelers, then Cory’s oral contract
    argument is irrelevant because Cory could proceed under its
    respondeat superior theory of liability. Thus, Cory’s ar-
    gument about the alleged formation of an oral contract is
    unavailing and would be redundant if it was not.
    It is regrettable in a case of this complexity to require
    yet more proceedings, but as we have explained, IBSI was
    entitled to a full trial on the breach of fiduciary claim, as
    opposed to the abbreviated proceeding it received. On the
    other hand, for the reasons we have explained, Travelers
    was entitled to summary judgment on the breach of con-
    tract and respondeat superior negligence claims. The judg-
    ment of the district court is AFFIRMED in part and VACATED
    in part, and the case is REMANDED to the district court for
    further proceedings consistent with this opinion. Costs on
    20                                Nos. 02-1126 & 02-1210
    appeal shall be assessed against IBJ and Cory.
    A true Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of
    Appeals for the Seventh Circuit

Document Info

Docket Number: 02-1126

Citation Numbers: 341 F.3d 644

Judges: Per Curiam

Filed Date: 8/29/2003

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023

Authorities (27)

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Zannini v. Reliance Insurance of Illinois, Inc. , 147 Ill. 2d 437 ( 1992 )

Guzman v. C.R. Epperson Construction, Inc. , 196 Ill. 2d 391 ( 2001 )

State Security Insurance v. Burgos , 145 Ill. 2d 423 ( 1991 )

Anixter Bros, Inc. v. Cen. Steel & Wire Co. , 123 Ill. App. 3d 947 ( 1984 )

A & B Freight Line, Inc. v. Ryan , 216 Ill. App. 3d 1093 ( 1991 )

Northtown Warehouse & Transportation Co. v. Transamerica ... , 155 Ill. App. 3d 10 ( 1987 )

Indiana Insurance v. MacHon & MacHon, Inc. , 324 Ill. App. 3d 300 ( 2001 )

Golden Rule Insurance v. Michely , 198 Ill. App. 3d 314 ( 1990 )

Ledbetter v. Crudup , 114 Ill. App. 3d 401 ( 1983 )

View All Authorities »