United States v. Daniel Stewart ( 2018 )

  •                                      In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 16-4105
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the
    Southern District of Indiana, Indianapolis Division.
    No. 1:15-cr-00024-WTL-DKL-1 — William T. Lawrence, Judge.
    Before EASTERBROOK and ROVNER, Circuit Judges, and
    GILBERT, District Judge.*
    ROVNER, Circuit Judge. Daniel Stewart was convicted of
    drug trafficking, firearms offenses, and money laundering,
    primarily based on evidence gathered as a result of a traffic
    Of the Southern District of Illinois, sitting by designation.
    2                                                    No. 16-4105
    stop and a subsequent confession. We affirm the district court’s
    denial of Stewart’s motion to suppress the traffic stop evidence
    and the confession, and we reject Stewart’s additional claims
    on appeal.
    On January 20, 2015, Detectives Jeff Sequin and Ryan
    VanOeveren were surveilling the home of Daniel Stewart.
    Stewart w as not the main focus of their investigation. For
    months, Indianapolis police had been trying to gather evidence
    about a large-scale cocaine supplier ultimately identified as
    Geraldo Colon. In May 2014, with the assistance of the federal
    Drug Enforcement Agency, they arrested three Arizona-based
    couriers who were bringing drugs into Indianapolis. One of
    those couriers, Juan Lizarraga, began cooperating with the
    investigators and provided information that led the officers to
    a major customer of Colon. Lizarraga did not know the
    customer by name but he knew the apartment complex where
    the customer lived, and he had seen Colon deliver drugs to the
    customer at that apartment complex and also at Colon’s
    furniture store. Lizarraga offered the officers a general physical
    description of the customer.
    Over a period of several months, officers surveilled Colon’s
    furniture store. During that time, they twice observed Stewart
    visit the store, once on October 23, 2014, and once on December
    16, 2014. On each occasion, Stewart stayed only a short time
    and made no purchase. Through further investigation, the
    officers identified Stewart and learned that he lived in the
    apartment complex pointed out by Lizarraga. Stewart had a
    criminal record that included felony drug offenses. In early
    No. 16-4105                                                            3
    January 2015, believing that Stewart was the customer identi-
    fied by Lizarraga, they began to surveil Stewart in an attempt
    to connect him to Colon’s drug trafficking.
    In the early evening of January 20, 2015, Detectives
    VanOeveren and Sequin followed Stewart’s white Volkswagen
    from his apartment complex to a Shell gas station. After
    Stewart pulled up to a pump, another man exited a grey car
    that was parked at the station, and walked over to the passen-
    ger side of Stewart’s car. The man got into Stewart’s car and
    closed the door. A few minutes later, the man exited Stewart’s
    car and immediately left the station in the grey car. Stewart
    then got out of his Volkswagen and pumped gas. Although
    they could not see through Stewart’s tinted windows from
    their vantage point some eighty yards away, based on their
    many years of experience investigating drug crimes,
    VanOeveren and Sequin believed that they had just witnessed
    a drug sale at the gas station.
    They decided to watch Stewart’s car for traffic violations
    and to attempt a traffic stop. Because they were in plain clothes
    and unmarked cars, they called Detective Brady Ball to the
    scene in his squad car. Detective Ball specialized in drug
    interdiction stops, and he traveled with Josie, a dog who had
    been trained to detect the scent of illegal drugs. Detective Ball
    testified that he arrived in the area in time to see Stewart fail to
    stop at a red light when he made a right turn, the same
    violation observed by the other detectives.1 Detective Ball
    The district court found that some ambiguity existed in the record as to
    whether Ball himself saw Stewart fail to stop or whether he effected the
    4                                                            No. 16-4105
    activated his lights and Stewart pulled over in the parking lot
    of a Speedway gas station.
    Detective Ball recorded the audio of his encounter with
    Stewart and so the trial court had a detailed, time-indexed
    account of everything that was said during the stop.2 At the
    suppression hearing, Detective Ball supplemented this record-
    ing with his personal observations and recollection. Detective
    Ball explained to Stewart the reason for the stop and asked for
    routine information such as license and registration. Stewart
    seemed unusually nervous, fidgeting with his wallet and
    taking several deep breaths as he complied with Ball’s re-
    quests. Because the car was registered to a business named
    “Eleete Image, Inc.” and because Stewart’s address was
    different from that on the registration, Ball asked for clarifica-
    tion. Ball also asked questions related to officer safety such as
    whether Stewart had any guns or knives in the car or on his
    person. Stewart denied having any weapons. Ball asked
    Stewart to exit the car and sit on the bumper. He noted that
    Stewart’s tinted windows were “borderline” illegal and asked
    stop on the basis of VanOeveren’s report that Stewart failed to stop. Under
    the collective knowledge doctrine, Ball was entitled to stop Stewart based
    on the traffic violation witnessed and reported by VanOeveren. See United
    States v. Contreras, 
    820 F.3d 255
    , 268 (7th Cir. 2016) (under the collective
    knowledge doctrine, the court may attribute facts known to one officer to
    other officers).
    The audio recording was submitted to the district court as an exhibit at
    the suppression hearing without a separate record number. Stewart
    supplied it to this court as a compact disc attached to his supplemental
    No. 16-4105                                                               5
    if Stewart had ever been arrested. Stewart responded that he
    had been arrested on drug charges “a long time ago.” Ball
    asked for consent to search the car and Stewart declined. Ball
    noticed a bulge in Stewart’s pocket and asked him what it was.
    Stewart replied that it was $700 in cash. Ball then returned to
    his squad car to run the license and registration information as
    well as a check for outstanding warrants. Seconds later, Ball
    was back out of his car, again asking Stewart to sit on the
    bumper. Five minutes had elapsed at this point in the stop.
    Moments after returning to the squad car, Ball radioed a
    request for backup. He explained that he was on an interdic-
    tion stop and wanted to run his dog around the car. He
    requested that officers arrive as quickly as possible. It appears
    from the audio recording that Ball continued to work on the
    traffic violation as he waited for a response to his request for
    backup, but an estimate of the time attributed to calling for
    backup would be at most seventy-five seconds.3
    As he waited for backup to arrive, Detective Ball continued
    the process of checking the license and registration, running a
    All references to the audio recording will be given in the format
    minutes:seconds elapsed from the beginning of Detective Ball’s encounter
    with Stewart. Ball’s call for backup began at 5:11. From 5:23 to 6:01, the
    recording consists of occasional electronic beeps, undecipherable radio
    transmissions and periods of silence. From 6:01 to 6:09, from 6:50 to 7:04,
    and from 7:16 to 7:19, Ball supplied additional information about his
    location and his need for backup. In the midst of waiting for a reply on his
    request, at 6:25, Ball can be heard beginning to run a check on the car’s
    registration under the name, “Eleete.” We estimate that the time spent
    calling for backup, excluding audio content clearly related to the traffic
    mission of the stop, is at most seventy-five seconds.
    6                                                    No. 16-4105
    check for outstanding warrants, and beginning to write the
    ticket. Approximately thirteen minutes into the stop, while
    Detective Ball was still completing tasks related to writing the
    ticket, the backup officers arrived. For approximately forty-five
    seconds, Detective Ball spoke to the backup officers, explaining
    to one officer how to complete the electronic ticket-writing
    process (which was apparently new), and asking the other
    officer to keep a watch over Stewart. Ball then removed Josie
    from his car and walked her around Stewart’s car. On her
    second pass around the Volkswagen, Josie alerted to the
    driver’s side door. The entire process of Josie exiting the squad
    car, sniffing, and then alerting took one minute and forty-five
    seconds. The backup officer was still working on the ticket
    when Josie alerted. Detective Ball offered further advice on
    completing the ticket, and then approached Stewart.
    He explained to Stewart that Josie had alerted to the odor
    of illegal drugs, and he handcuffed Stewart, clarifying that he
    was not under arrest. Detective Ball explained at the suppres-
    sion hearing that he felt this was necessary for officer safety
    based on the description of the suspected gas station drug
    transaction, Josie’s alert, and the background information that
    he had learned about Stewart prior to making the stop.
    Believing he now had probable cause to search the car, he
    began to inspect the interior of Stewart’s Volkswagen. See
    Florida v. Harris, 
    568 U.S. 237
    , 246–47 (2013) (certification of a
    dog by a bona fide organization after testing the dog’s reliabil-
    ity in a controlled setting or successful completion of a recent
    training program that evaluated the dog’s proficiency in
    locating drugs creates a rebuttable presumption that the dog’s
    alert provides probable cause to search). Almost immediately,
    No. 16-4105                                                             7
    Detective Ball found a handgun in the center console area,
    within reach of the driver’s seat. Knowing that Stewart was a
    convicted felon, he now had probable cause for an arrest. See
    18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(1). He placed Stewart under arrest and gave
    him Miranda warnings. He then continued his search of the car.
    Although he found no drugs in the passenger compartment of
    the car, he found a bag in the trunk containing approximately
    102 grams of crack cocaine, 250 grams of powder cocaine, 241
    grams of heroin, 19 grams of methamphetamine, and a digital
    scale. He also found $7,420 in cash. The purported $700 in
    Stewart’s pocket turned out to be $1,904, for a total of $9,324 in
    Detective Ball approached Stewart again and said, “That’s
    a lot of drugs, bud. You want to talk to a detective?” Stewart
    appeared to shake his head to indicate “no.” Ball clarified,
    “You do not want to talk to a detective? Well, you understand
    I gotta have one come out.” Stewart replied, “Can you put me
    in the car? It’s kind of cold out.”4 Ball said, “Yes, they’re going
    to talk to you regardless so you’ll get in the car at that point. I
    have a dog in my car.” Ball then radioed for narcotics officers
    to come to the scene. We will discuss that call and the subse-
    quent interchange between Ball and Stewart more completely
    below when we address Stewart’s motion to suppress his
    confession. Eventually Stewart was placed in the car of the
    narcotics officers when they arrived on the scene.
    Temperatures hovered between thirty-eight and forty-one degrees on this
    January day, and Stewart was wearing pants, a sweatshirt and tennis shoes.
    8                                                    No. 16-4105
    VanOeveren and Sequin were the officers who arrived to
    transport Stewart. VanOeveren reminded Stewart of his
    Miranda rights and asked if Stewart wanted to talk about the
    gun, narcotics and cash found in his car. Stewart first tried to
    talk the detectives into releasing him for a short period,
    promising to meet them later to assist them in their investiga-
    tion. The officers declined and gave Stewart two options: come
    with the detectives to the police station to discuss his situation
    or go straight to the Marion County Jail. Stewart opted to go to
    the police station with the detectives. Once there, officers
    brought Stewart into an interview room and Detective Ryan
    Clark gave Stewart his Miranda rights. Stewart indicated that
    he understood his rights and he signed a written waiver of
    those rights. He then made incriminating statements that were
    video-recorded. In the meantime, officers obtained a search
    warrant for his residence. The affidavit supporting the warrant
    detailed the cash, drugs and gun found in the car. The search
    of Stewart’s home yielded an additional 1650 grams of cocaine;
    1005 grams of methamphetamine; 1500 grams of heroin; four
    more handguns; and $487,542 in cash.
    Stewart was charged in a six-count indictment with
    possession with intent to distribute controlled substances, in
    violation of 21 U.S.C. §§ 841 and 851; possession of a firearm by
    a felon, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(1); possession of a
    firearm in furtherance of a drug trafficking crime, in violation
    of 18 U.S.C. § 924(c); engaging in monetary transactions in
    property derived from specified unlawful activity, in violation
    of 18 U.S.C. § 1957; and two counts of money laundering, in
    violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1956(a)(1). The district court denied
    Stewart’s motion to suppress the evidence obtained during and
    No. 16-4105                                                     9
    as a result of the traffic stop and the confession he gave at the
    police station. The district court also denied Stewart’s pre-trial
    motion in limine to prevent or limit the use of evidence that he
    had twice visited Colon’s furniture store. After a four-day trial
    that included testimony about Colon’s criminal activities, a
    jury convicted Stewart on all counts. Because Stewart had two
    qualifying prior felony drug convictions, his sentence on the
    drug possession count was life imprisonment without parole.
    See 21 U.S.C. § 841(b). For four of the remaining counts, the
    court sentenced Stewart to terms of imprisonment between five
    and fifteen years’ imprisonment to be served concurrent with
    the life sentence. The sentence for possession of a gun in
    furtherance of a drug trafficking crime tacked on a gratuitous
    five consecutive years to the sentence of life imprisonment.
    Stewart appeals.
    On appeal, Stewart contends that the evidence gained
    through the traffic stop should have been suppressed because
    Detective Ball unconstitutionally prolonged the stop in order
    to conduct the dog sniff procedure. Stewart also asserts that the
    prolonged detention due to the sniff was not otherwise
    supported by reasonable suspicion. Any evidence obtained
    after the search of his car, he argues, should be suppressed as
    the fruit of the poisonous tree. Stewart maintains that the
    incriminating statements he made following his arrest should
    also have been suppressed because investigators violated his
    invocation of his right to remain silent. He also submits that the
    district court erred in admitting substantial amounts of
    prejudicial and irrelevant evidence of prior bad acts. And
    finally, he asserts that the government failed to present
    10                                                    No. 16-4105
    sufficient evidence in support of the money laundering
    convictions, rendering them infirm as a matter of law. He seeks
    to have the convictions on every count vacated and the case
    remanded for further proceedings. But he also contends that
    his convictions for money laundering should be reversed
    outright. Because some of these objections were preserved and
    others were not, we will address the standard of review as we
    turn to each issue.
    Josie conducted her life-altering sniff of Stewart’s car on
    January 20, 2015. The next day, the Supreme Court heard
    argument in Rodriguez v. United States, 
    135 S. Ct. 1609
    The Court decided Rodriguez on April 21, 2015, some three
    months before Stewart filed his motion to suppress and five
    and a half months before the district court held the suppression
    hearing. In Rodriguez, the Supreme Court considered “whether
    police routinely may extend an otherwise-completed traffic
    stop, absent reasonable suspicion, in order to conduct a dog
    sniff.” 135 S. Ct. at 1614
    . The Court concluded that a traffic stop
    may become unlawful if it is prolonged beyond the time
    reasonably necessary to complete the traffic-related mission of
    stop. 135 S. Ct. at 1614
    –15. Unrelated inquiries may not
    measurably prolong a traffic stop, although an officer may
    conduct ordinary inquiries incident to the stop such as ques-
    tions involving the driver’s license, the vehicle’s registration,
    and whether there are outstanding warrants for the 
    driver. 135 S. Ct. at 1615
    . These activities are all related to the mission and
    objective of enforcing the traffic code, and “ensuring that
    vehicles on the road are operated safely and 
    responsibly.” 135 S. Ct. at 1615
    . Because traffic stops are “especially fraught with
    No. 16-4105                                                     11
    danger to police officers,” an officer may also take “certain
    negligibly burdensome precautions in order to complete his
    mission safely.” 
    Rodriguez, 135 S. Ct. at 1616
    (citing Arizona v.
    555 U.S. 323
    , 330 (2009)). Dog sniffs, the Court said,
    may not be fairly characterized as part of the officer’s traffic
    mission, and so dog sniffs may not prolong or add time to the
    stop unless supported separately by individualized, reasonable
    Rodriguez, 135 S. Ct. at 1616
    On appeal, Stewart first argues that Detective Ball unrea-
    sonably lengthened the stop in order to conduct the dog sniff.
    Such a delay was unconstitutional under Rodriguez, he contin-
    ues, and no reasonable suspicion supported lengthening the
    stop in order to conduct the sniff. Moreover, Stewart contends
    that the government failed to argue below that the evidence
    obtained from the stop was admissible under any exception to
    the exclusionary rule, and so the government forfeited any
    such claim on appeal. See United States v. Leo, 
    792 F.3d 742
    748–49 (7th Cir. 2015). In considering a district court’s denial of
    a motion to suppress, we usually review findings of fact for
    clear error and questions of law de novo. United States v.
    775 F.3d 851
    , 863 (7th Cir. 2014). However, the
    government asserts that Stewart did not preserve the issue that
    he raises on appeal because he failed to make a timely and
    specific objection in the district court. Because Stewart forfeited
    the issue, the government argues, we should review the district
    court’s decision for plain error only. See United States v. Olano,
    507 U.S. 725
    , 731 (1993); United States v. Hamad, 
    809 F.3d 898
    904 (7th Cir. 2016); Fed. Rule Crim. P. 52(b). The government
    also contends that this court should consider its claim that
    Detective Ball conducted the dog sniff in good faith reliance on
    12                                                   No. 16-4105
    then-binding circuit precedent. United States v. Leon, 
    468 U.S. 897
    , 909 (1984) (unlawfully obtained evidence should not be
    suppressed when the police act on an objectively good-faith
    belief that their conduct is lawful); Davis v. United States, 
    564 U.S. 229
    , 241 (2011) (when binding appellate precedent
    specifically authorizes a particular police practice, the
    exclusionary rule should not apply if that precedent is later
    overruled by the Supreme Court); United States v. Jenkins, 
    850 F.3d 912
    , 918 (7th Cir. 2017) (same). Stewart responds that he
    adequately preserved the argument by raising it in a letter to
    the court after the suppression hearing, and that, in any case,
    the district court addressed the issue on the merits and did not
    treat it as forfeited. See R. 69 (Supplemental Authority In
    Support of Defendant’s Motion to Suppress). By Stewart’s
    measure, this court should therefore apply the usual standard
    of review and the government should be precluded from
    raising an exception to the exclusionary rule.
    In his Motion to Suppress Evidence, Stewart challenged
    only whether Josie’s sniff of the car provided probable cause to
    conduct a search. Specifically, Stewart complained that (1) Josie
    is not a reliable dog; (2) Josie was subjected to handler error;
    and (3) the drugs were planted in his car by police officers after
    Josie performed the sniff. R. 33 and 33-1. At the suppression
    hearing, Stewart made no mention of a claim that extra time
    was taken to conduct the sniff. After the suppression hearing,
    Stewart filed a supplemental memorandum where he con-
    tended for the first time that Ball was not entitled to conduct
    No. 16-4105                                                               13
    the sniff at all.5 Stewart argued that VanOeveren’s testimony
    that he had observed Stewart engage in a drug sale at the Shell
    station was unreliable and not entitled to any weight in
    determining probable cause or reasonable suspicion to conduct
    the sniff. Stewart also argued in his supplemental memoran-
    dum that the sniff could not be justified by his apparent
    nervousness, and that Josie was unreliable because there was
    testimony that she had alerted in the past on occasions when
    drugs were not found. Stewart thus made no claims about the
    sniff improperly lengthening the stop before, during or after
    the suppression hearing. His only reference to Rodriguez came
    after he filed a post-hearing supplemental memo, where he
    submitted a copy of Rodriguez to the district court as supple-
    mental authority. The letter accompanying the copy of the
    Rodriguez decision read, in its entirety:
    Enclosed please find a case entitled Rodriguez v.
    United States, No. 13-9972. Argued January 21, 2015-
    Decided April 21, 2015 in the Supreme Court of the
    United States.
    Please give consideration to this decision in review-
    ing Mr. Stewart’s Motion to Suppress Evidence.
    R. 69.
    In denying the Motion to Suppress, the district court
    rejected any argument that Josie was unreliable or that handler
    error contributed to her alert, claims which Stewart has now
    By order of the district court, the parties were allowed to file supplemen-
    tal memoranda simultaneously, three days after the suppression hearing.
    R. 87, at 84.
    14                                                         No. 16-4105
    abandoned on appeal.6 The court also briefly addressed what
    it characterized as Stewart’s challenge to the reasonableness of
    the length of time he was detained for the traffic stop. Citing
    Rodriguez, the court noted that police officers may not extend
    an otherwise-completed traffic stop, absent reasonable suspi-
    cion, in order to conduct a dog sniff. After a brief discussion of
    governing law, the district court concluded that Ball did not
    unconstitutionally prolong the stop:
    Approximately fifteen minutes elapsed between the
    time Ball pulled Stewart over and Josie’s alert. …
    During that fifteen-minute period, Ball was actively
    engaged in conducting the traffic stop. When other
    officers arrived, Ball directed one officer to continue
    writing the ticket while Ball had Josie conduct an
    open air sniff. Thus, Ball did not prolong or extend
    the traffic stop beyond the time necessary to effectu-
    ate its purpose. Once Josie alerted, the encounter
    moved beyond that of a mere traffic stop, as proba-
    ble cause to search the vehicle was established.
    R. 70, at 6 (footnotes omitted).
    Stewart is correct, in a sense, that the district court ad-
    dressed the merits of the issue of whether the sniff prolonged
    the stop. The court, as we have just seen, found that Detective
    Ball did not, as a matter of fact, prolong the stop beyond the
    The district court also noted that Stewart presented no evidence or
    argument in support of his claim that police officers planted drugs in his
    trunk after the sniff was completed. The court found no reason to give the
    claim any credence and rejected it. That claim has also been abandoned on
    No. 16-4105                                                   15
    time necessary to effectuate the traffic purpose of the stop
    when he conducted the sniff procedure with Josie. On appeal,
    Stewart now challenges this fact-finding by parsing the time
    line of the stop. He faults Ball for taking the time to call for
    backup, complains about the forty-five second delay in
    explaining the electronic ticket process to the backup officer,
    and objects to the actual time taken to run Josie around the car.
    According to Stewart, the only conclusion is that “[t]he
    resulting stop was longer than if Ball had simply written
    Stewart a traffic citation,” rendering the stop unconstitutional
    under Rodriguez. Opening Brief, at 8.
    Although Stewart has correctly identified the key question
    under Rodriguez, prior to the appeal, Stewart never raised an
    objection that would have alerted the government to the need
    to make a record on this very point. In seeking to use evidence
    obtained without a warrant, the government bore the burden
    of proving by a preponderance of the evidence at the suppres-
    sion hearing that an exception to the warrant requirement
    applied. United States v. Basinski, 
    226 F.3d 829
    , 833 (7th Cir.
    2000). At that hearing, the government presented evidence
    relevant to Stewart’s stated objections. That is, the government
    provided evidence that Josie is a well-trained and reliable dog
    with a proven track record of detecting the odor of illegal
    drugs. The government also presented evidence that Detective
    Ball was a highly trained handler and that no handler error
    was involved in this search. Finally, the government presented
    evidence that Detective Ball found the drugs in the trunk
    during the search, negating the contention that the drugs were
    planted in the truck after the fact.
    16                                                            No. 16-4105
    The government had no reason to ask Detective Ball why
    he took the time to call for backup, and so the record is silent
    on whether he summoned backup both for officer safety and
    in order to conduct the sniff. He testified that safety was on his
    mind when he asked backup officers to watch Stewart after
    Josie alerted because he knew from his fellow officers that
    there were “some pretty serious allegations” of drug dealing
    by Stewart. Because Stewart failed to object specifically to the
    time taken for calling for backup, the court had no occasion to
    rule on whether the seventy-five seconds7 used for that task
    should be attributed to the dog sniff or to some other proper
    purpose of the traffic stop such as officer safety. From the
    record that was developed, the government (had it been
    alerted to this objection) could have made a non-trivial
    argument that the call for backup was related as much to
    officer safety as to conducting the dog sniff. Detective Ball
    knew he was being asked to stop a felon suspected of selling
    drugs moments earlier. As the stop properly progressed, Ball
    saw that Stewart was unusually nervous, and learned that the
    bulge in Stewart’s pocket was a notably large amount of
    currency, lending credence to the charge of recent drug
    dealing. Ball had to twice direct Stewart to sit on the bumper
    As we noted above, seventy-five seconds is the maximum amount of time
    taken to call for backup and respond to questions regarding the need for
    backup. That includes periods of near-silence. Because Stewart failed to
    alert the government and the court that he challenged this period of time,
    the record is undeveloped on what Ball was doing during that quiet period.
    For at least part of the gaps, he was audibly engaged in tasks related to the
    traffic violation. The district court, of course, found that Ball was actively
    engaged in conducting the traffic stop throughout the challenged period.
    No. 16-4105                                                   17
    of his car while Ball worked on the ticket. And as soon as the
    two backup officers arrived, Ball asked one officer to watch
    Stewart, which would seem to indicate that he was concerned
    for his safety even before conducting the sniff. But the govern-
    ment had no opportunity to present evidence or argument on
    this point because Stewart failed to timely and specifically
    object to this part of the time line.
    Nor did Stewart alert the court or the government to his
    ultimate claim that “[t]he resulting stop was longer than if Ball
    had simply written Stewart a traffic citation,” the salient
    question under Rodriguez. And so the government had no
    reason or opportunity to ask Detective Ball if he could have
    finished writing the ticket himself in less time than it took to
    conduct the sniff. Again, by listening to the time-indexed
    audio, we know that Detective Ball took approximately forty-
    five seconds to hand off the ticket to the backup officer (who
    was not fully familiar with the new electronic system), and
    roughly ninety seconds to run Josie around the car. The officer
    working on the ticket was not finished writing it when Josie
    alerted. That suggests that some additional amount of time was
    needed for any officer to complete the ticket. We are left with
    more questions than answers. Was the backup officer diligently
    working on the ticket while Detective Ball ran the dog around
    the car? Could Detective Ball have completed the ticket in less
    time than it took to call for backup, hand off the ticket and run
    the dog? Was any of that time attributable to tasks permissibly
    related to the mission of the traffic stop? And if so, could
    18                                                            No. 16-4105
    Detective Ball have completed the ticket more quickly than the
    time attributed solely to the dog sniff?8
    The reason we have no answers to these questions is that
    Stewart failed to raise this specific objection in a timely
    manner, when the government could have developed the
    record and the court could have ruled on the issue with full
    knowledge of the circumstances. From the moment the stop
    began to the moment Josie alerted, fewer than sixteen minutes
    had elapsed, not an unreasonable amount of time in the
    abstract for a ticket for running a red light. We know from the
    audio recording that the vast majority of that time was spent
    diligently completing tasks related solely to the mission of the
    stop. Any uncertainty about the remaining few minutes can be
    attributed only to the defendant’s failure to raise this objection
    in a timely manner. Rodriguez had been on the books for
    months, and so the defendant had every opportunity to raise
    the issue before the suppression hearing. We will therefore
    treat the issue as forfeited and review for plain error.
    In order to reverse for plain error, we must find (1) error
    (2) that is plain, and (3) that affects the defendant's substantial
    Olano, 507 U.S. at 732
    Hamad, 809 F.3d at 904
    . An error
    is plain if it is clear or obvious. 
    Olano, 507 U.S. at 734
    Hamad, 809 F.3d at 904
    . And an error affects the defendant’s substantial
    By analyzing Stewart’s claim in this fashion, we do not mean to imply
    that certain tasks will automatically count against the length of the mission
    of a traffic stop so as to prohibit a dog sniff in future cases. We simply
    cannot tell on this record how to allocate these tasks because the defendant
    failed to timely and specifically object. We leave that analysis for another
    day where the parsing of the time line matters to the outcome.
    No. 16-4105                                                  19
    rights when it is prejudicial, that is, when it has affected the
    outcome of the district court proceedings. 
    Olano, 507 U.S. at 734
    . Finally, “Rule 52(b) leaves the decision to correct the
    forfeited error within the sound discretion of the court of
    appeals, and the court should not exercise that discretion
    unless the error ‘seriously affect[s] the fairness, integrity or
    public reputation of judicial proceedings.’” 
    Olano, 507 U.S. at 732
    (quoting United States v. Young, 
    470 U.S. 1
    , 15 (1985)).
    To state the standard is to demonstrate that Stewart cannot
    meet it here. He challenges the district court’s factual finding
    that the sniff did not lengthen the stop. The court determined
    that Ball was actively engaged in conducting the traffic stop
    before handing off the ticket, and that another officer contin-
    ued that mission while Ball ran Josie around the Volkswagen.
    In other words, the sniff was conducted contemporaneously
    with the traffic mission of the stop. Based on the evidence that
    the district court had before it, there is no reason to conclude
    that this finding was in error. Nothing in the record calls the
    court’s finding into question, and to the extent that we simply
    do not know whether every moment was spent in traffic-
    related tasks, the fault for those omissions lies with Stewart.
    The district court did not address whether any lengthening
    of the stop to conduct the dog sniff was otherwise supported
    by reasonable suspicion or probable cause. See R. 70, at 9 n.10
    (declining to decide whether Ball independently had probable
    cause to search). Because we have concluded that there was no
    plain error in the court’s finding that the stop was not uncon-
    stitutionally lengthened, we need not address whether Detec-
    tive Ball possessed reasonable suspicion that would have
    allowed lengthening the stop in any case. Nonetheless, for the
    20                                                   No. 16-4105
    sake of completeness we note that, at the time Detective Ball
    decided to conduct the sniff, he knew that Stewart was a felon
    and a drug trafficker who was being investigated for additional
    trafficking and an association with Colon. He knew that,
    moments earlier, his fellow officers witnessed Stewart engaged
    in an encounter that, in their extensive experience, they
    believed to be a drug sale. He knew that Stewart was unusu-
    ally nervous when stopped for running a red light. And he
    knew that Stewart admitted to having $700 in cash in his
    pocket. It would be difficult to say that this information would
    not supply reasonable suspicion to support a delay of a few
    minutes to conduct a dog sniff. In short, the court did not err,
    much less plainly err, when it denied Stewart’s motion to
    suppress the evidence found in the Volkswagen.
    Stewart also contends that all evidence obtained as a result
    of the traffic stop should have been excluded as the fruit of the
    poisonous tree. See Utah v. Strieff, 
    136 S. Ct. 2056
    , 2061 (2016)
    (the exclusionary rule encompasses both the primary evidence
    obtained as a direct result of an illegal search or seizure and
    evidence later discovered and found to be derivative of an
    illegality, the so-called fruit of the poisonous tree). Obviously,
    if the original search was not unlawful, there is no basis to
    exclude evidence derived from the original search. The
    contraband found in the car formed the basis of a request for
    a warrant to search Stewart’s home. Because there is no basis
    to exclude the evidence found in the car, there is no basis to
    exclude the evidence found in the home. Stewart also asserts
    that his confession was obtained as a result of the unlawful
    search of the car. Again, because there is no reason to exclude
    No. 16-4105                                                     21
    the evidence found in the car, that search cannot provide a
    foundation for excluding Stewart’s confession.
    We turn to Stewart’s contention that the court erred when
    it refused to suppress his confession on the separate ground
    that it was obtained when the officers ignored his invocation of
    his right to remain silent and continued to question him.
    Stewart preserved this argument and so we review findings of
    fact for clear error and questions of law de novo. United States v.
    683 F.3d 784
    , 793 (7th Cir. 2012). The Fifth Amend-
    ment provides that no person “shall be compelled in any
    criminal case to be a witness against himself.” Police officers
    must warn suspects prior to questioning that they have a right
    to remain silent, and if the suspect indicates that he wishes to
    remain silent, the interrogation must cease. Maryland v. Shatzer,
    559 U.S. 98
    , 103–04 (2010); Miranda v. Arizona, 
    384 U.S. 436
    444–45, 473–74 (1966). A person who wishes to invoke his or
    her right to remain silent must do so unambiguously. Berghuis
    v. Thompkins, 
    560 U.S. 370
    , 381–82 (2010). “If an ambiguous act,
    omission, or statement could require police to end the interro-
    gation, police would be required to make difficult decisions
    about an accused’s unclear intent and face the consequence of
    suppression ‘if they guess wrong.’” 
    Berghuis, 560 U.S. at 382
    (quoting Davis v. United States, 
    512 U.S. 452
    , 458–59 (1994)).
    Stewart asserts that he unambiguously invoked his right to
    remain silent by shaking his head “no” in response to a
    question from Detective Ball regarding whether he wanted to
    talk to a detective. The district court found that “Stewart never
    affirmatively and unequivocally invoked his right to remain
    22                                                  No. 16-4105
    silent.” R. 70, at 10. The court noted that Stewart appeared to
    shake his head, and that when Ball twice tried to clarify the
    meaning of that gesture, Stewart responded by twice asking to
    be placed in a car because it was cold outside.
    Such responses were not an unambiguous invoca-
    tion of Stewart’s right to remain silent such that
    officers were precluded from further questioning
    him. Stewart did not tell Ball that he no longer
    wished to answer Ball’s questions. Nor did he
    explicitly state that he did not want to speak with
    detectives. As such, Stewart’s argument on this
    ground must fail.
    R. 70, at 10.
    We begin with the context of that incident. 
    Wysinger, 683 F.3d at 793
    –94 (in determining whether a suspect clearly
    invoked his or her right to counsel, we consider the circum-
    stances in which the statement was made as well as the words
    employed); United States v. Hampton, 
    675 F.3d 720
    , 727 (7th Cir.
    2012) (objective inquiry into whether suspect invoked right to
    counsel includes review of not only the words the suspect used
    but also the circumstances in which the statement was made).
    See also 
    Berghuis, 560 U.S. at 381
    –82 (the standards which apply
    in determining whether a person has unambiguously invoked
    the right to counsel also apply in determining whether a
    person has invoked the right to remain silent). As soon as
    Detective Ball found a gun in the Volkswagen, he placed
    Stewart under arrest and read him his Miranda rights. He then
    began asking Stewart about the gun. Stewart freely answered
    these questions, telling Ball that his “girl” left the gun in the
    No. 16-4105                                                     23
    car, denying that his fingerprints or DNA would be found on
    the gun, and then changing his story to indicate that he had
    fired it at a gun range and that his prints might be on it.
    Detective Ball then searched the rest of the car and found the
    bag in the trunk that contained drugs and cash. Ball ap-
    proached Stewart again and said, “That’s a lot of drugs, bud.
    You want to talk to a detective?” Stewart appeared to shake his
    head to indicate “no.” Ball clarified, “You do not want to talk
    to a detective? Well, you understand I gotta have one come
    out.” Stewart replied, “Can you put me in the car? It’s kind of
    cold out.” Ball said, “Yes, they’re going to talk to you regard-
    less so you’ll get in the car at that point. I have a dog in my
    car.” After this, Ball called for narcotics officers to come to the
    scene. In the course of that call, Ball said over the radio:
    He’s going to need to talk to a narcotics detective at
    some point. I don’t know if he’s going to talk but
    maybe if we sit him in a car and explain the serious-
    ness of it, he’ll talk to somebody but I’ve explained
    to him that, regardless, when we find the stuff, we
    have to have a detective. … I don’t mean to waste
    your time but he doesn’t seem like he wants to talk
    out in the open. Maybe if we sit him in a car, he’ll
    want to talk. He originally said he didn’t. He’s been
    Mirandized and everything. But you know our
    protocols on the street. We have to call for a detec-
    tive regardless.
    Supplemental Appendix, audio disc at 28:25–29:26.
    Detective Ball then returned to Stewart and said, “A
    detective is going to talk to you. If you want to talk to him, it’s
    24                                                    No. 16-4105
    up to you. I have a protocol to follow. You understand that? I
    wear this uniform. I may have a drug dog. I can do all this stuff
    but we have to follow our procedures, okay?” Stewart re-
    sponded, “Can I sit in somebody’s car? It’s cold out here.” Ball
    again told him that he had a dog in his squad car. The narcotics
    detectives then arrived and Stewart was placed in their car.
    Those officers delivered Miranda warnings again, and Stewart
    freely spoke to them as he tried to convince them to release
    him. He gave a video-recorded statement after being taken to
    the police station where he was given his Miranda warnings yet
    again and then signed a written waiver before making the
    video-recorded statement.
    Stewart relies on the head nod as the unambiguous invoca-
    tion of his right to remain silent. He argues that it is clear from
    the audio recording that Detective Ball understood that nod to
    mean that he did not wish to speak to the officer. Stewart
    contends that Ball was not asking for clarification when he
    said, after the head nod, “You do not want to talk to a detec-
    tive.” To Stewart, there is a period on the end of that sentence.
    The government contends that it is a question mark. The
    district court found that it was a question, a request for
    clarification. After listening to the recording, we can find no
    clear error in that conclusion. Detective Ball also indicated to
    other officers that he was not sure if Stewart would talk, that
    he appeared not to want to talk out in the open but that he
    might be willing to speak with officers if they sat him in a car.
    In context, none of Detective Ball’s ensuing comments convince
    us that the district court clearly erred.
    But in any case, Detective Ball’s subjective beliefs do not
    govern the outcome here. The inquiry into whether a person
    No. 16-4105                                                     25
    has actually invoked the right to remain silent is an objective
    Davis, 512 U.S. at 458
    Wysinger, 683 F.3d at 793
    . When
    a person “appears” to nod in the negative and then refuses to
    clarify the meaning of that gesture, there is no clear error in
    concluding that the nod was not an unambiguous invocation
    of the right to remain silent. This is especially true in the
    circumstances here. Stewart freely spoke to Ball after Miranda
    warnings and before the head nod. He refused to clarify the
    meaning of the nod and asked to sit in a car because of the
    cold. An ambiguous or equivocal reference that causes a
    reasonable officer to understand only that the suspect “might
    be invoking the right” to remain silent is not enough to require
    the cessation of questioning. 
    Davis, 512 U.S. at 459
    . A reason-
    able officer would have understood Stewart’s apparent nod to
    mean that he might be invoking his right to remain silent, and
    such an officer would not be required to cease questioning if
    the suspect refused to clarify.
    Stewart also contends that his convictions for money
    laundering must be reversed because the evidence was
    insufficient as a matter of law. “Ordinarily, we review a
    challenge to the sufficiency of the evidence to determine only
    whether any rational trier of fact could have found the essen-
    tial elements of the crime beyond a reasonable doubt, viewing
    the evidence in the light most favorable to the government.”
    United States v. Webster, 
    775 F.3d 897
    , 904–05 (7th Cir. 2015). But
    Stewart failed to raise this objection in the district court and so
    26                                                            No. 16-4105
    we review this forfeited claim only for plain error.9 Fed. R. Civ.
    Proc. 52(b); 
    Olano, 507 U.S. at 731
    Webster, 775 F.3d at 905
    United States v. Esterman, 
    324 F.3d 565
    , 569–70 (7th Cir. 2003).
    Counts V and VI of the indictment charged Stewart with
    laundering of monetary instruments in violation of 18 U.S.C.
    § 1956(a)(1)(B)(i).10 Count V specifically charged that, on July
    29, 2014, Stewart deposited $2,040 in currency into an Eleete
    Image, Inc. account at Chase Bank; that this money was the
    proceeds of ongoing narcotics trafficking; that he made the
    deposit knowing that the transaction was designed in whole or
    in part to “conceal and disguise the nature, location, source,
    ownership, and control of the proceeds” of that unlawful
    At oral argument, defense counsel confirmed that Stewart had no
    objection to the jury instructions, and so any claim regarding the jury
    instructions has been waived. United States v. Locke, 
    759 F.3d 760
    , 763 (7th
    Cir. 2014) (when a defendant intentionally relinquishes or abandons a
    known right, the issue has been waived and cannot be reviewed on appeal,
    not even for plain error); United States v. Aslan, 
    644 F.3d 526
    , 540 (7th Cir.
    2011) (where a defendant seeks to overturn a verdict for insufficiency of the
    evidence but did not challenge his conviction for money laundering in the
    district court and did not object to the jury instructions on this count, we
    review the conviction for plain error).
    That statute provides, in relevant part, “Whoever, knowing that the
    property involved in a financial transaction represents the proceeds of some
    form of unlawful activity, conducts or attempts to conduct such a financial
    transaction which in fact involves the proceeds of specified unlawful
    activity … knowing that the transaction is designed in whole or in part …
    to conceal or disguise the nature, the location, the source, the ownership, or
    the control of the proceeds of specified unlawful activity … shall be
    sentenced to a fine … or imprisonment … or both.” 18 U.S.C.
    § 1956(a)(1)(B)(i).
    No. 16-4105                                                              27
    activity; and that while conducting and attempting to conduct
    this transaction, Stewart knew that the property involved
    represented the proceeds of ongoing controlled substances
    trafficking activity.11 Count VI charged the same conduct,
    changing only the date and the amount of the deposit: on
    August 4, 2014, Stewart deposited $2350 into the Eleete Image
    bank account.
    We previously mentioned Eleete Image, Inc. only once. The
    car that Stewart was driving when he was arrested was
    registered to that company and the license plates bore the
    name “Eleete.” In order to address the sufficiency of the
    evidence claim on the money laundering counts, some back-
    ground on Eleete is necessary. The evidence at trial demon-
    strated that, in 2012, Stewart hired Rosemarie Brown to
    incorporate a business for him in the name “Eleete Image, Inc.”
    Brown filed the necessary paperwork with the state to create
    the corporation and also applied for an Employer Identification
    Number with the Internal Revenue Service. She listed Stewart
    as the business owner in the corporate documents but substi-
    tuted her own address for the business address on the incorpo-
    Although Stewart pointedly did not challenge the jury instructions here,
    it is helpful to note that the jury was instructed, consistent with the
    language of the indictment and with the Seventh Circuit pattern instruc-
    tions, that the government must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that
    “[t]he Defendant knew that the transaction was designed in whole or in
    part to conceal and [sic] disguise the nature, the location, the source, the
    ownership, or the control of the proceeds of ongoing drug trafficking
    activity. … The term ‘conceal or disguise’ means to hide the nature, the
    location, the source, the ownership, or the control of the proceeds of
    specified unlawful activity.” R. 137.
    28                                                            No. 16-4105
    ration papers. She also created a website for Eleete, and
    testified that Stewart told her that he intended to run a number
    of businesses under the “Eleete” name including a food truck
    and a cleaning service, among other things. Stewart opened
    bank accounts in the company name, including a checking
    account with an associated debit card. He was the only
    signatory listed on these accounts.
    Stewart never ran any legitimate business under the Eleete
    name. He had no legitimate source of income,12 and the
    government was able to demonstrate at trial that most of the
    money that flowed through the Eleete accounts came from the
    sale of illegal drugs. Stewart purchased the Volkswagen he
    was driving at the time of his arrest with a check from the
    Eleete account. On the memo line, he noted that the check was
    for a “company car,” and the car was in fact registered to the
    company. He also used the Eleete account debit card to make
    purchases at retail establishments. For example, the govern-
    ment introduced evidence that Stewart spent approximately
    $7400 at Saks Fifth Avenue, including a single purchase of
    $1200, all using the Eleete Image debit card rather than large
    amounts of cash that might have raised suspicion.
    Money entered and left the Eleete accounts in unusual
    ways. For example, Stewart gave $10,000 in cash to a friend,
    purportedly to enable the friend to buy a car on Stewart’s
    behalf. The friend never purchased a car, however, and instead
    Testimony at trial showed that, in the five years preceding his arrest,
    Stewart had gambling winnings of $1400, and that he sold a few paintings
    for less than $1000 total. That was the extent of any identifiable legitimate
    income during that time period.
    No. 16-4105                                                  29
    returned the money to Stewart by writing three checks to
    Eleete Image, including at least one check from the friend’s
    business account. Stewart also deposited into the Eleete
    accounts third party checks totaling more than $66,000 in a
    three-year period. These checks, made out to others and
    endorsed over to Stewart, outwardly appeared to be pay-
    At trial, the government argued that Eleete Image was a
    “front company,” “a scam and a sham.” R. 202, at 645–46. The
    government contended that Stewart created Eleete Image and
    tried to make it look like a legitimate company in order to have
    a place to deal with the cash he earned from drug sales.
    Possessing and using large amounts of cash, the government
    argued, would potentially draw scrutiny, but using a business
    account and a business debit card helped prevent suspicion
    that the funds were illegitimate. When seeking a bank loan in
    2014, for example, Stewart noted on the application that he had
    been “employed” by Eleete Image for five years and had an
    income of $6700 per month.
    In closing arguments, the government went through the
    elements of money laundering one by one, associating evi-
    dence from the trial with proof of those elements. For the
    fourth element of money laundering, whether the defendant
    “knew that the transaction was designed in whole or in part to
    conceal or disguise the nature, the location, the source, the
    ownership, or the control of the proceeds of ongoing drug
    trafficking activity,” the government argued in closing that the
    Eleete business account was designed to hide the nature of the
    funds as drug money and to distance Stewart from ownership
    of the funds:
    30                                                  No. 16-4105
    Why does making cash deposits into the Eleete
    Image bank account—why does it meet that last
    element? Well, as we’ve discussed, what is the
    whole point of this Eleete Image bank account? The
    whole point is not to conduct any legitimate busi-
    ness. He had more than two years to do that or to
    make something of a start of it.
    The point was he is a drug trafficker. That is what he
    does for a living. That is what he’s done for a living
    for years, and he needs to find a way to spend and
    use his money in a way that’s not going to raise
    So, concealing or disguising the nature or source of
    that cash, well, once the cash—we do that financial
    transaction, put that somewhat small amount,
    couple thousand dollars—once we put that—run it
    through into the business account, now we’re not
    just walking around with several thousand dollars
    in our pockets. It’s a business account. It looks like
    business-related money. It can be spent like
    business-related money through the Eleete Image
    Then, of course, it also goes to the ownership or
    control, the attempt to hide the ownership or con-
    trol. It’s not Daniel Stewart walking around. It is
    Eleete Image who now has the money.
    We know it is difficult—certainly the detectives did
    it; but it is somewhat difficult to make that leap from
    Eleete Image at Dowitch Lane, which we know is
    No. 16-4105                                                   31
    associated with Rosemarie Brown, to Daniel Stewart
    at 4523 Eagle Creek Parkway; but that was the point.
    R. 202, at 656–57.
    Stewart now claims that this evidence was insufficient as a
    matter of law to prove money laundering. Citing Esterman,
    Stewart contends that the government was required to prove
    that the charged transactions were specifically designed to hide
    the provenance of the funds involved. The government failed
    to do so here, he argues, because he did nothing more than
    deposit money into accounts that he opened, accounts that
    could be traced easily back to him. He asserts that the facts of
    his case are remarkably similar to the facts in Esterman, where
    this court reversed a conviction for money laundering on the
    same forfeited insufficiency-of-the-evidence claim that he raises
    here. He notes that his name is on the incorporation papers for
    Eleete, and that he is the signatory on the Eleete bank accounts.
    Having made no attempt to hide behind the Eleete account, the
    facts cannot support a finding of concealment under Esterman,
    he argues. So we turn to Esterman.
    In that case, Gary Esterman opened a bank account at
    Edens Bank in Skokie, Illinois, with a Russian business partner
    in order to facilitate the financing for a project that the two
    were planning in Russia. The business partner returned to
    Russia and money began flowing into the Edens Bank account.
    Almost as quickly, Esterman began withdrawing money from
    the account and transferring it to his G.E. International
    Account at Michigan Avenue National Bank. Contrary to his
    agreement with his Russian business partner, Esterman
    engaged in at least thirty-three separate transactions including
    32                                                  No. 16-4105
    wire transfers and withdrawals to remove the money from
    Edens Bank, taking the money for his own personal use.
    Esterman then spent the money in the G.E. account by with-
    drawing cash or writing checks directly for 
    purchases. 324 F.3d at 567
    Assessing these facts, we noted that we have struggled “to
    define precisely what amount of concealment must occur
    before mere use of ill-gotten gains becomes money laundering
    prohibited by subpart (B)(i) of the 
    statute.” 324 F.3d at 570
    Two principles emerged from the cases:
    First, we have tried to maintain some separation
    between the initial transaction from which illegal
    proceeds were derived and further transactions
    designed to conceal the source of those proceeds. …
    Second, we have stressed that the mere transfer and
    spending of funds is not enough to sweep conduct
    within the money laundering statute; instead,
    subsequent transactions must be specifically de-
    signed to hide the provenance of the funds involved.
    Esterman, 324 F.3d at 570
    (internal citations and quotation
    marks omitted). To restate the first principle, “money launder-
    ing criminalizes a transaction in proceeds, not the transaction
    that creates the proceeds.” United States v. Mankarious, 
    151 F.3d 694
    , 705 (7th Cir. 1998). The government’s proof in Esterman
    failed because the defendant made no effort to disguise or
    conceal either his withdrawals from Edens Bank or the
    destination of the funds. He simply made deposits into other
    bank accounts that were correctly identified as his and then
    spent the money in retail transactions.
    No. 16-4105                                                     33
    We rejected the government’s argument that, because the
    Russian business partner was unaware of the existence of the
    G.E. account, Esterman’s use of that account established an
    intent to conceal:
    But this is just another way of describing Esterman’s
    initial fraudulent scheme, whereby he took the
    money away from [the Russian business partner].
    Most fraud victims probably assume that their
    money has either been spent or placed in an account
    of some sort, even if they do not know the specific
    destination of the funds. If that were enough to
    show money laundering at the same time, there
    would be no distinction left between money laun-
    dering and the underlying fraud, and individuals
    who perpetrate simple fraud by transferring
    ill-gotten funds into a personal account would
    always be triable as money launderers.
    Esterman, 324 F.3d at 571
    The proceeds at issue in Esterman were generated by fraud.
    That is, fraud was the “specified unlawful activity” mentioned
    in section 1956(a)(1)(B)(i). In addition to the initial transaction
    where Esterman took the money by fraud, the government
    failed to prove that he engaged in an additional transaction
    that was designed “to hide the provenance of the funds
    involved.” Instead, he simply deposited the money that he
    took by fraud into an easily identifiable account and began to
    spend it.
    In Stewart’s case, the proceeds were created by the speci-
    fied unlawful activity of drug trafficking. In transactions that
    34                                                  No. 16-4105
    are readily identifiable as separate from the original crime,
    Stewart took the cash generated from that drug trafficking and
    engaged in a series of steps designed to conceal or disguise that
    money as business proceeds rather than drug money. With
    those same steps, he sought to distance himself from personal
    ownership of the funds. He incorporated a business using a
    false address and then took several steps to make the business
    appear legitimate. He obtained an Employer Identification
    Number from the IRS and created a website. He opened a bank
    account in the name of the business and enlisted others to help
    him deposit drug proceeds into the account in a manner that
    would cause outsiders to believe the money was income to the
    business. On the two charged occasions, he simply deposited
    relatively small amounts of cash into the business account at
    ATMs. He then spent that money, sometimes on items that
    could probably be identified as strictly personal and sometimes
    on items, like his car, that he titled in the name of his sham
    In short, this was not an Esterman-style scheme, where the
    defendant did little more than take money, store it and spend
    it. Esterman required “concrete evidence of intent to disguise or
    conceal transactions, whether that evidence comes directly
    from statements by the defendant that indicate an intent to
    conceal, or from circumstantial evidence like unusual secrecy
    surrounding transactions, careful structuring of transactions to
    avoid attention, folding or otherwise depositing illegal profits
    into the bank account or receipts of a legitimate business, use
    of third parties to conceal the real owner, or engaging in
    unusual financial moves culminating in a 
    transaction.” 324 F.3d at 573
    . Stewart’s machinations surrounding the Eleete bank
    No. 16-4105                                                   35
    account supply the necessary circumstantial evidence. Under
    the usual standard for a sufficiency of the evidence claim, we
    can easily conclude that a rational jury could have found the
    essential element of concealment (the only element challenged)
    beyond a reasonable doubt, viewing the evidence in the light
    most favorable to the government. 
    Webster, 775 F.3d at 904
    Aslan, 644 F.3d at 540
    . Under the even more stringent standard
    of plain error, this is not a close case, and the money launder-
    ing convictions must be affirmed.
    Finally, we note that Stewart raised a number of challenges
    to the admission of evidence that he characterizes as prejudicial
    and irrelevant “bad acts” evidence. Stewart asks us to review
    the admission of most of that evidence for plain error and some
    of it for abuse of discretion, depending on whether he pre-
    served the particular objection in the district court. The
    government asserts both that the evidence was properly
    admitted and that, in any event, if there was error, it was
    harmless. We agree that any error in admitting the challenged
    evidence was harmless. “The test for harmless error is whether,
    in the mind of the average juror, the prosecution’s case would
    have been significantly less persuasive had the improper
    evidence been excluded.” United States v. Curtis, 
    781 F.3d 904
    911 (7th Cir. 2015). The evidence against Stewart was over-
    whelming. United States v. Gonzalez, 
    863 F.3d 576
    , 588–89 (7th
    Cir. 2017) (evidentiary error found harmless where there was
    overwhelming admissible evidence of guilt). The admissible
    evidence included kilogram quantities of drugs, five firearms,
    and nearly half a million dollars in cash. The prosecution’s case
    36                                        No. 16-4105
    would have been no less persuasive had the challenged
    evidence been excluded.