Stinnett, David A. v. LaPlante, R. Stephen , 465 F.3d 309 ( 2006 )

  •                              In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 05-1335
    IN RE:
    No. 05-1733
    IN RE:
    Appeals from the United States District Court
    for the Southern District of Indiana, Evansville Division.
    Nos. 3:03-CV-168-RLY-WGH and
    3:03-CV-116-RLY-WGH—Richard L. Young, Judge.
    2                                   Nos. 05-1335 & 05-1733
    Before FLAUM, Chief Judge, and RIPPLE and SYKES,
    Circuit Judges.
    SYKES, Circuit Judge. In 1995 David Stinnett was
    diagnosed as suffering from depression and as a result
    has been collecting substantial monthly benefits from
    two different policies of long-term disability insurance. In
    1996, and again in 1997, the Internal Revenue Service
    made assessments against Stinnett for unpaid federal
    income taxes. In May 2000 Stinnett filed for bankruptcy
    under Chapter 7 of the United States Bankruptcy Code, and
    a dispute soon erupted between Stinnett, the Bankruptcy
    Trustee, and the IRS as to entitlement to the disability
    insurance payments. In several appeals taken from rulings
    by the bankruptcy court, the district court concluded that
    the disability payments are property of the bankruptcy
    estate, that the government’s tax lien attached to these
    payments, and that Stinnett is entitled to an exemption of
    $6000 per month under Indiana law. Stinnett has filed two
    separate appeals from the orders of the district court, which
    we have consolidated for decision. We agree with the
    district court’s conclusion that the disability payments are
    property of the bankruptcy estate and also that Stinnett is
    entitled to exempt only $6000—not 100%—of the disability
    payments. Because the disability payments are property of
    the bankruptcy estate, Stinnett lacks standing to raise the
    tax lien issue on appeal.
    I. Background
    David Stinnett worked for Northwestern Mutual Life
    Insurance Company (“Northwestern”) for twenty-three
    years and was covered by long-term disability insurance
    issued by that company. In 1994 Stinnett’s employment
    with Northwestern was terminated. Shortly thereafter, on
    November 1, 1994, he commenced employment as a sales-
    man for Guardian Life Insurance (“Guardian”). At that
    Nos. 05-1335 & 05-1733                                           3
    time, he became covered by a policy of disability insurance
    issued by Guardian. In September 1995 Stinnett sought
    treatment for and was diagnosed as suffering from depres-
    sion. He applied for benefits under the Northwestern
    disability insurance and began receiving monthly payments
    of approximately $11,400 from Northwestern beginning in
    September 1995.
    Despite receiving these payments from Northwestern,
    Stinnett continued his employment and received a salary
    from Guardian for approximately the next five years. He did
    not seek disability benefits under the Guardian policy
    during this period because he was financially better off
    remaining an employee and receiving a salary.
    During the five-year period Stinnett was employed by
    Guardian, the IRS made two assessments for unpaid income
    tax relating to the 1995 and 1996 tax years.1 When the
    assessments went unpaid, the IRS filed notices of federal
    tax liens regarding these liabilities pursuant to 
    26 U.S.C. § 6321.2
     On May 26, 2000, Stinnett filed a petition in
    bankruptcy court under Chapter 7. Four days later he
    stopped working for Guardian. The IRS filed a proof of
    claim with the bankruptcy court for Stinnett’s unpaid
    federal income tax liability.
    In July 2001, over a year after his employment ceased
    and his bankruptcy petition was filed, Stinnett submitted
    The 1995 tax year assessment (made on June 3, 1996) for
    unpaid federal income tax was in the amount of $511,872.69, and
    the 1996 tax year assessment (made on June 2, 1997) was in
    the amount of $282,440.83.
    This section provides in pertinent part: “If any person liable
    to pay any tax neglects or refuses to pay the same after demand,
    the amount . . . shall be a lien in favor of the United States upon
    all property and rights to property, whether real or personal,
    belonging to such person.”
    4                                   Nos. 05-1335 & 05-1733
    a disability claim to Guardian seeking benefits retroactive
    to September 13, 1995 (apparently the date he was deemed
    disabled by depression for purposes of the Northwestern
    policy). Guardian denied his claim for the period during
    which he had been receiving a salary from the company,
    relying on a provision in the policy providing that an
    insured is not entitled to benefits “for any day of disability
    during which the Employee performs work for remuneration
    or profit . . . .” Guardian did, however, honor Stinnett’s
    claim going forward from the date of his termination of
    employment. In October 2001 Guardian granted Stinnett
    long-term disability benefits of approximately $10,300 per
    month, backdated to June 1, 2000 (the date on which he
    ceased receiving a salary from Guardian). Accordingly, since
    October 2001 Stinnett has been receiving payments from
    both Northwestern and Guardian in a combined monthly
    total of approximately $21,700.
    In the course of the bankruptcy action, the Trustee
    commenced an adversary proceeding seeking to establish
    that the Guardian disability payments were assets in-
    cludable in the bankruptcy estate and that the payments
    should consequently be turned over to the Trustee. The IRS
    intervened, seeking to establish that its federal tax lien
    attached to the payments. In the main bankruptcy case,
    Stinnett and the Trustee litigated the extent to
    which Stinnett was entitled to an exemption from the
    bankruptcy estate for the disability payments from both
    Guardian and Northwestern.
    On appeal of several orders of the bankruptcy court, the
    district court held that (1) the bankruptcy court properly
    concluded that the Guardian disability payments are
    property of the bankruptcy estate, despite the fact that
    Stinnett did not begin receiving them until after his
    bankruptcy petition was filed; (2) the government’s tax lien
    attached to these payments because the timing of their
    Nos. 05-1335 & 05-1733                                       5
    receipt (prepetition or postpetition) was within Stinnett’s
    control; and (3) the bankruptcy court properly concluded
    that Stinnett was entitled to exempt $6000 per month of his
    combined disability payments—not 100%, as he
    claimed—from the bankruptcy estate under Indiana law.
    II. Discussion
    A. Property of the Bankruptcy Estate
    The threshold issue is whether the Guardian disability
    payments, for which Stinnett did not file a claim until after
    the petition was filed, are includable as property of the
    bankruptcy estate. The applicable statutory definition
    provides in pertinent part that property of the estate
    includes “all legal or equitable interests of the debtor in
    property as of the commencement of the case,” plus
    “[p]roceeds . . . or profits of or from property of the estate,
    except such as are earnings from services performed by
    an individual debtor after the commencement of the case,”
    and “[a]ny interest in property that the estate acquires after
    the commencement of the case.” 
    11 U.S.C. § 541
    (a)(1), (6) &
    (7) (2004).
    As a general matter, insurance contracts in which the
    debtor has an interest at the time the petition is filed
    constitute property of the estate for purposes of § 541(a).
    Home Ins. Co. v. Cooper & Cooper, Ltd., 
    889 F.2d 746
    , 748
    (7th Cir. 1989) (“A policy of insurance is an asset of the
    [bankruptcy] estate . . . .”); see also Am. Bankers Ins. Co. v.
    101 F.3d 358
    , 362 (4th Cir. 1996) (“[D]ebtors’
    insurance policies clearly constitute ‘interests’ under
    § 541(a) of the Bankruptcy Code.”); A.H. Robbins Co. v.
    788 F.2d 994
    , 1001 (4th Cir. 1986); Ford Motor
    Credit Co. v. Stevens (In re Stevens), 
    130 F.3d 1027
    , 1029
    (11th Cir. 1997); Houston v. Edgeworth (In re Edgeworth),
    993 F.2d 51
    , 55 (5th Cir. 1993) (“courts are generally in
    6                                   Nos. 05-1335 & 05-1733
    agreement that an insurance policy will be considered
    property of the estate”).
    Further, payments from insurance policies in which the
    debtor had a prepetition interest, to the extent that the
    debtor has or would have a right to receive and keep those
    payments when the insurer paid on a claim, are “proceeds”
    of estate property and thus also property of the estate. In re
    Edgeworth, 993 F.2d at 55; Am. Bankers Ins. Co., 
    101 F.3d at 364
    ; In re Stevens, 
    130 F.3d at 1029
    . As explained by the
    Fifth Circuit:
    The overriding question when determining whether
    insurance proceeds are property of the estate is whether
    the debtor would have a right to receive and keep those
    proceeds when the insurer paid on a claim. When a
    payment by the insurer cannot inure to the debtor’s
    pecuniary benefit, then that payment should neither
    enhance nor decrease the bankruptcy estate. In other
    words, when the debtor has no legally cognizable claim
    to the insurance proceeds, those proceeds are not
    property of the estate.
    . . . Proceeds of such insurance policies, if made
    payable to the debtor rather than a third party such as
    a creditor, are property of the estate and may inure to
    all bankruptcy creditors.
    In re Edgeworth, 993 F.2d at 55-56 (footnotes omitted).
    Therefore, because Stinnett held a prepetition interest
    in the Guardian policy, and also had the right to receive and
    keep the proceeds of the policy at the time the insurer paid
    on the claim, the Guardian payments are property of the
    bankruptcy estate under § 541(a).
    On appeal, Stinnett does not raise a serious objection to
    this analysis and instead argues that his disability pay-
    ments should fall within the exception contained in
    § 541(a)(6), which provides that “earnings from services
    Nos. 05-1335 & 05-1733                                      7
    performed by an individual debtor after the commencement
    of the case” are not property of the bankruptcy estate.
    Stinnett contends that his payments fall within this
    exception because his entitlement to disability payments is
    predicated on his inability to obtain “earnings from services
    performed,” and disability payments, by their very nature,
    are intended to be a substitute for earned wages. So, the
    argument goes, the disability insurance payments are the
    equivalent of “earnings from services performed” and are
    thus excepted from property of the estate.
    We cannot agree. Disability payments may be intended to
    substitute for wages, but they are available only when the
    policyholder is incapable of “performing services” in ex-
    change for compensation, a necessary element of the
    exception under § 541(a)(6). Further, case law provides that
    the postcommencement earnings exception should
    be interpreted “extremely narrowly” and “excepts only
    earnings from services actually performed by an individual
    debtor.” In re Prince, 
    85 F.3d 314
    , 323 (7th Cir. 1996). In
    light of this rule of construction and the plain language
    of the statute, earnings obtained solely by virtue of the
    inability to perform services cannot be considered the legal
    equivalent of “earnings from services performed.” We
    therefore agree with the district court and the bank-
    ruptcy court that the Guardian disability payments are
    property of the estate under § 541(a).
    B. State Law Exemption
    The Bankruptcy Code provides, in 
    11 U.S.C. § 522
    , that
    notwithstanding the provisions of § 541(a), an individual
    debtor in a bankruptcy proceeding may exempt certain
    property from the bankruptcy estate as enumerated in
    § 522. Alternatively, § 522(b) permits a state to “opt out” of
    the federal exemption scheme and provide its own list
    8                                     Nos. 05-1335 & 05-1733
    of exemptions. Indiana, the relevant state for purposes of
    Stinnett’s proceeding, has opted out of the federal exemp-
    tion scheme. IND. CODE 34-55-10-1 (2006); see In re Ondras,
    846 F.2d 33
    , 34 (7th Cir. 1988).3
    Stinnett contends that his disability insurance payments
    are exempt from the bankruptcy estate in their entirety
    pursuant to Indiana exemption law. The district court
    rejected this contention and concluded that under Indiana
    law Stinnett was only entitled to an exemption sufficient for
    the enjoyment of the “reasonable comforts of life.” In this
    case, the bankruptcy court set that amount at $6000 per
    The Indiana exemption statute in question, section 27-8-
    3-23(b) of the Indiana Code, is entitled “Exemption of
    benefits and premiums from judicial process” and provides
    in relevant part:
    The money or benefit provided or rendered by any
    corporation, association, or society authorized to do
    business under this chapter shall not be liable to
    attachment by garnishee or other process, and shall not
    be seized, taken, appropriated, or applied by any legal
    or equitable process, nor by any operation of law, to pay
    any debt or liability of a policy or certificate holder or
    any beneficiary named therein.
    Stinnett argues that on its face this statute exempts 100%
    of his disability payments. However, the Indiana Supreme
    Court has interpreted the statute in light of a provision in
    Section 34-55-10-1 of the Indiana Code provides: “In accordance
    with Section 522(b) of the Bankruptcy Code of 1978 (11 U.S.C.
    522(b)), in any bankruptcy proceeding, an individual debtor
    domiciled in Indiana is not entitled to the federal exemptions as
    provided by Section 522(d) of the Bankruptcy Code of 1978 (11
    U.S.C. 522(d)).”
    Nos. 05-1335 & 05-1733                                      9
    the Indiana Constitution that establishes a debtor’s privi-
    lege to exempt a “reasonable amount of property” in order
    to “enjoy the necessary comforts of life.” IND. CONST. art. I,
    § 22. The Indiana high court has held that Indiana exemp-
    tion statutes that do not contain any upper limit on the
    amount that may be exempted, such as the statute at issue
    here, are “constitutionally suspect” because they are
    inconsistent with article I, section 22 of the Indiana Consti-
    tution. Citizens Nat’l Bank v. Foster, 
    668 N.E.2d 1236
    , 1242
    (Ind. 1996).
    The state constitutional provision in question provides
    as follows:
    The privilege of the debtor to enjoy the necessary
    comforts of life, shall be recognized by wholesome laws,
    exempting a reasonable amount of property from
    seizure or sale for the payment of any debt or liability
    hereafter contracted: and there shall be no imprison-
    ment for debt, except in case of fraud.
    IND. CONST. art. I, § 22. In Foster, the Indiana Supreme
    Court found itself unable to “reconcile an unlimited exemp-
    tion with the balanced approach required by Section 22’s
    modest dictate that the amount set by the legislature be
    reasonable,” and held that the drafters of the constitutional
    provision “clearly contemplated some cap.” Foster,
    668 N.E.2d at 1240 (citing In re Zumbrun, 
    626 N.E.2d 452
    (Ind. 1993)). The Indiana court declined, however, to
    “declar[e] every limitless exemption statute to be unconsti-
    tutional per se.” Foster, 668 N.E.2d at 1242. Rather, Foster
    directs courts applying any “constitutionally suspect”
    limitless exemption statute to “delve into [the] admittedly
    murkier waters of reasonable necessity[,]” notwithstanding
    the lack of specific limiting language in the statutes
    themselves. Id. By this, the court meant that limitless
    statutory exemptions may be claimed only to the extent
    they are “required to afford the ‘necessities of life.’ ” Id.
    10                                  Nos. 05-1335 & 05-1733
    In the present case, the bankruptcy court undertook the
    analysis directed by Foster, determined that Stinnett
    required $6000 per month to live comfortably, and conse-
    quently permitted Stinnett to exempt this amount of his
    disability payments from the bankruptcy estate. The
    district court affirmed both the bankruptcy court’s legal
    analysis and its factual determination of a reasonable
    exemption amount.
    Stinnett’s contention on appeal is that Foster’s rejection
    of unlimited exemptions was intended to apply only to
    situations in which a debtor engages in abusive prepetition
    conduct such as the conversion of nonexempt assets into
    exempt assets in anticipation of bankruptcy. We do not read
    Foster to be so limited. The holding in Foster was not
    motivated by a concern for the potential abuse of an
    unlimited exemption by unscrupulous debtors, but rather by
    the facial incompatibility between a limitless exemption
    statute and the Indiana Constitution’s “dictate that the
    amount set by the legislature be reasonable.” Id. at 1240.
    The holding is rooted in what the court perceived to be a
    conflict between a limitless exemption statute and the
    constitutional limitation on the power of the state legisla-
    ture to enact such a statute. The court thus resolved a
    purely legal question untethered to the conduct of any
    particular litigant. Accordingly, we reject Stinnett’s attempt
    to relegate Foster to cases involving allegations of asset
    manipulation by the debtor. (Stinnett raises no challenge to
    the bankruptcy court’s factual conclusion that $6000 is a
    reasonable exemption.)
    C. IRS Tax Lien
    The preceding two issues were raised by Stinnett in
    appeal No. 05-1335. In a separate appeal that we ordered
    consolidated for oral argument and decision, No. 05-1733,
    Stinnett challenges the district court’s conclusion that the
    Nos. 05-1335 & 05-1733                                      11
    federal tax lien attaches to his disability payments from
    Guardian Insurance. Our holding on the issues raised in the
    first appeal, however, renders Stinnett without standing to
    maintain his claim concerning the tax lien.
    We have agreed with the bankruptcy and district
    courts that all but $6000 per month of the combined
    disability payments is property of the bankruptcy estate.
    This means Stinnett is unable to realize any economic
    benefit from a potential reversal of the district court’s
    decision that the IRS’s lien attaches to the Guardian
    payments. We have previously addressed the question of a
    debtor’s standing to object to a bankruptcy order in the
    following terms:
    Bankruptcy standing is narrower than Article III
    standing. To have standing to object to a bankruptcy
    order, a person must have a pecuniary interest in the
    outcome of the bankruptcy proceedings. Only those
    persons affected pecuniarily by a bankruptcy order have
    standing to appeal that order. Debtors, particularly
    Chapter 7 debtors, rarely have such a pecuniary inter-
    est because no matter how the estate’s assets are
    disbursed by the trustee, no assets will revert to the
    . . . If the debtor can show a reasonable possibility of
    a surplus after satisfying all debts, then the debtor has
    shown a pecuniary interest and has standing to object
    to a bankruptcy order.
    In re Cult Awareness Network, Inc., 
    151 F.3d 605
    , 607-08
    (7th Cir. 1998) (citations omitted).
    It is undisputed that Stinnett’s Chapter 7 bankruptcy
    petition listed assets in the amount of $394,530 and
    liabilities in the amount of $4,495,420. Clearly, all creditors
    will not be paid 100%, there will be no surplus remaining
    12                                   Nos. 05-1335 & 05-1733
    after all creditors’ claims have been paid, and Stinnett has
    no reasonable possibility of emerging from Chapter 7 with
    any estate property. Were we to reverse on the question of
    the IRS tax lien, the result would be that the disability
    proceeds would remain under the control of the Trustee free
    of the lien so that the Trustee could distribute them to
    creditors. Stinnett can realize nothing more than the $6000-
    per-month exemption ordered by the bankruptcy court,
    which we have affirmed. In the absence of a reasonable
    possibility of a claim to the assets of the estate, Stinnett has
    no standing to challenge the district court’s decision and
    order on the IRS tax lien. The Trustee, as representative of
    the estate, would have standing to pursue an appeal
    concerning the tax lien, but has chosen not to do so.
    Accordingly, in appeal No. 05-1335, the order of
    the district court is AFFIRMED. Appeal No. 05-1733 is
    DISMISSED for lack of jurisdiction.
    A true Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of
    Appeals for the Seventh Circuit