United States v. Vinyard, Jerry L. ( 2008 )

  •                             In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 07-2304
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Southern District of Illinois.
    No. 05-CR-40065-JPG—J. Phil Gilbert, Judge.
    No. 07-2674
    In the Matter of:
    Petition for Writ of Mandamus to
    the United States District Court
    for the Southern District of Illinois.
    No. 05-CR-40065-JPG—J. Phil Gilbert, Judge.
    A RGUED F EBRUARY 15, 2008—D ECIDED A UGUST 20, 2008
    2                                      Nos. 07-2304, 07-2674
    Before F LAUM, W OOD , and E VANS, Circuit Judges.
    W OOD , Circuit Judge. Unsure of the proper procedural
    vehicle to use, the Government has brought this case
    before us using two alternatives: an interlocutory appeal
    (No. 07-2304) and a petition for a writ of mandamus
    (No. 07-2674). We conclude that appellate jurisdiction
    under 18 U.S.C. § 3731 is problematic, since the district
    court did not issue any of the orders described by that
    statute. We conclude, however, that this is one of those
    rare cases in which a writ of mandamus should issue. We
    therefore reserve for another day the question whether
    we might have been able to accept this type of case as
    an ordinary interlocutory appeal.
    Jerry Vinyard entered an “open plea” to charges of
    manufacturing, distributing, and possessing with intent
    to distribute methamphetamine. See 18 U.S.C. §§ 841(a)(1)
    and 846. He stipulated that he had a prior felony drug
    conviction (from 1984) and also that the conspiracy this
    time around involved more than 500 grams—a fact
    that increased his mandatory minimum sentence to
    240 months.
    At sentencing on May 3, 2007, no one had any objections
    to the presentence report (PSR), which recommended a
    guideline range of 235-293 months’ imprisonment, based
    on a finding that Vinyard was involved with 36.5 kilo-
    grams of methamphetamine and had possessed a firearm
    during the offense. Before imposing the sentence, the
    Nos. 07-2304, 07-2674                                    3
    district court agreed to allow Vinyard’s wife to address
    the court. She spoke for some time, emphasizing the
    effect that a long sentence would have on their 11-year-old
    daughter. After his wife spoke, Vinyard for the first time
    questioned some of the facts in the PSR having to do with
    amounts of anhydrous ammonia involved in the crime. The
    district court asked him if he was objecting to the PSR.
    Vinyard waffled, seeming to say yes, but noting that he
    was not acting on the advice of counsel, who was con-
    cerned about Vinyard’s jeopardizing his three-level
    reduction for acceptance of responsibility and other
    benefits he was expecting. After a brief recess, Vinyard
    withdrew any objections, and the district court sentenced
    him to the mandatory minimum of 240 months.
    At this point, the district court appears to have had
    second thoughts. The next day, May 4, without giving
    any notice to the Government, he ordered Vinyard’s
    release. This caused problems because the order was not
    filed until May 7; the Government learned of Vinyard’s
    release only when an agent happened to see him walking
    into the Probation Office. The Government immediately
    filed a notice of appeal of the release order on May 7
    (No. 07-2058), and on May 10 it filed a motion to reverse
    and vacate the release order. That same day (May 10), this
    court entered an order requiring Vinyard to be detained.
    The district court responded hours later by sua sponte
    vacating Vinyard’s plea and sentence, ordering new
    appointed counsel, vacating its release order, and ordering
    Vinyard to self-report the next day. This court issued
    another order reiterating the immediate detention order.
    The Government filed an appeal of the May 10 order
    4                                     Nos. 07-2304, 07-2674
    vacating the plea and sentence (No. 07-2304). The appeal
    of the release order was dismissed on the ground that it
    had become moot.
    Along with its appeal of the vacatur, the Government
    filed a motion to stay the proceedings with both the dis-
    trict court and the circuit on June 5. On June 13, one day
    before the next scheduled status hearing, the district
    court granted the motion to stay and amplified on its
    reasons for vacating the plea and sentence. On July 17, the
    Government filed a petition for a writ of mandamus to
    compel the district court to reinstate the sentence it had
    pronounced (No. 07-2674).
    On August 6, this court ordered briefing on the question
    whether the direct appeal “should proceed only in the
    related Petition for Mandamus relief” under United States
    v. Spilotro, 
    884 F.2d 1003
    (7th Cir. 1989). On November 5,
    the direct appeal and the mandamus petition were consoli-
    dated for oral argument and disposition.
    Mandamus is an extraordinary remedy, “issued only in
    extraordinary cases.” In re Rhone-Poulenc Rorer, Inc., 
    51 F.3d 1293
    , 1294 (7th Cir. 1995). There are two conditions
    for issuing a writ of mandamus:
    The first is that the challenged order not be effectively
    reviewable at the end of the case—in other words, that
    it inflict irreparable harm. . . . The petitioner must
    ordinarily demonstrate that something about the
    order, or its circumstances, would make an end-of-case
    Nos. 07-2304, 07-2674                                      5
    appeal ineffectual or leave legitimate interests unduly
    at risk. . . . Second, the order must so far exceed the
    proper bounds of judicial discretion as to be legiti-
    mately considered usurpative in character, or in
    violation of a clear and indisputable legal right, or, at
    the very least, patently erroneous.
    Id. at 1295
    (quotations and citations omitted). In addition,
    we normally will reject a petition for a writ of mandamus
    if the requesting party has an adequate remedy at law.
    We believe that all of these conditions are satisfied in this
    A. Adequacy of Legal Remedy
    There is no need to issue a writ of mandamus if the
    normal procedures for error correction would suffice.
    Thus, if, as the Government argues in No. 07-2304, this
    court has clear appellate jurisdiction over the district
    court’s order of May 10, it would be inappropriate to resort
    to mandamus. The statute governing appellate jurisdic-
    tion in criminal cases is 18 U.S.C. § 3731. To support
    jurisdiction in this appeal, the Government relies on
    paragraph 1 of the statute, which says:
    In a criminal case an appeal by the United States shall
    lie to a court of appeals from a decision, judgment, or
    order of a district court dismissing an indictment or
    information or granting a new trial after verdict or
    judgment, as to any one or more counts, or any part
    thereof, except that no appeal shall lie where the
    double jeopardy clause of the United States Constitu-
    tion prohibits further prosecution.
    6                                      Nos. 07-2304, 07-2674
    The district court’s order of May 10 setting aside, on its
    own motion, Vinyard’s plea and sentence, is (the Govern-
    ment argues) the functional equivalent of an order “grant-
    ing a new trial after verdict or judgment.” Therefore, it
    concludes, appellate jurisdiction exists under § 3731.
    The Government is overlooking the critical qualification
    to this power that appears at the end of the paragraph
    quoted above: no appeal is permitted if there would be a
    double jeopardy problem. Normally, if a district court
    grants a new trial after verdict or judgment, it does so
    upon the defendant’s motion under F ED. R. C RIM. P. 33.
    Under those circumstances, there is no double jeopardy
    problem if the Government appeals. If it succeeds, then
    the original verdict or judgment is simply reinstated; if it
    loses, then the defendant receives the new trial that he
    or she requested. Here, however, Vinyard never made a
    motion under Rule 33: the district court wiped the slate
    clean on its own.
    Vinyard received due process and jeopardy attached in
    his first proceeding once the court pronounced its
    sentence—possibly even as early as when it accepted his
    guilty plea. See Dawson v. United States, 
    77 F.3d 180
    , 182
    (7th Cir. 1996). The district court effectively granted him
    a new trial without waiting for Vinyard to request this
    relief. While double jeopardy can be waived by the defen-
    dant, see Ricketts v. Adamson, 
    483 U.S. 1
    , 11 (1987), a court
    is on much shakier ground finding the protections lost
    when the only action is by the prosecution or the court,
    Ricketts, 483 U.S. at 23-26
    (Brennan, J., dissenting). Justice
    Brennan cited United States v. Dinitz, 
    424 U.S. 600
    , 609
    Nos. 07-2304, 07-2674                                       7
    (1976) (alteration in Ricketts), which says: “the important
    consideration, for purposes of the Double Jeopardy
    Clause, is that the defendant retain primary control over
    the course to be followed in the event of [prejudicial
    prosecutorial or judicial] error.” Indeed, in United States v.
    331 U.S. 469
    , 474-75 (1947), the Supreme Court
    avoided the question whether a grant of a new trial solely
    on the court’s own initiative would violate the defendant’s
    rights under the Double Jeopardy Clause precisely be-
    cause it raised such an important and difficult constitu-
    tional question. Citing Smith, this court has echoed these
    misgivings: “In the absence of a proper motion by the
    defendant, a judge obviously cannot presume that a
    defendant is waiving his double jeopardy rights and is
    willing to be re-tried.” United States v. Scop, 
    942 F.2d 1004
    1008 (7th Cir. 1991). Vinyard would have a nonfrivolous
    claim that a subsequent trial would subject him to
    jeopardy and punishment a second time on the same
    indictment, which would bar his reprosecution and leave
    the Government no way to remedy the matter.
    If this case were otherwise unsuitable for mandamus
    relief, we would have no choice but to decide once and for
    all whether the district court’s actions had the effect of
    putting Vinyard twice in jeopardy for his offense. The
    district court, at a minimum, created a serious question
    whether § 3731 supports jurisdiction over an appeal. This
    is enough to support a finding that the remedy at law
    may be inadequate. We therefore turn to the other
    criteria that govern mandamus relief to see whether it is
    proper here.
    8                                      Nos. 07-2304, 07-2674
    B. Irreparable Harm
    If the district court’s May 4 release order and May 10
    vacatur of Vinyard’s plea and sentence were allowed to
    stand, irreparable harm of several kinds would arise.
    Various potential dangers were demonstrated when the
    United States learned of Vinyard’s release only when he
    ambled into the Probation Office: his precipitous
    release might have allowed him to inflict harm on others,
    if he had been armed; he may have absconded; or he
    might have slipped away and resumed his methamphet-
    amine dealings.
    Even if the Government could somehow prevail against
    a double jeopardy defense, there is a possibility that
    Vinyard might be acquitted in a second round of pro-
    ceedings if he insisted on a trial and put the Government
    to its proof. Because of the constraints on Government
    appeals of criminal convictions, see 18 U.S.C. § 3731, an
    acquittal upon retrial would be a “harm” from the Govern-
    ment’s perspective—a conviction it had on May 3 would
    have evaporated as a result of the district court’s May 10
    order. This is a harm for which there would be no remedy.
    These risks of irreparable harm satisfy the requirements
    of In re Rhone-Poulenc. The first possibility demonstrates
    that the orders “[left] legitimate interests unduly at risk,”
    In re 
    Rhone-Poulenc, 51 F.3d at 1295
    , namely the safety
    of prosecutorial personnel and the public. The next two
    possibilities show that “the challenged order [would] not
    be effectively reviewable at the end of the case,” 
    id., either because
    a nonfrivolous double jeopardy challenge bars
    the prosecution from the outset or an acquittal leaves
    Nos. 07-2304, 07-2674                                       9
    the prosecution with a loss from which it cannot appeal
    at all.
    C. Judicial Usurpation, Violation of a Clear Right, or
    Patent Error
    The Government argues that the district court committed
    two patent errors in this case: first, a violation of F ED. R.
    C RIM. P. 35(a), which governs immediate corrections of
    sentences; and second, a violation of FED. R. C RIM. P. 11(e),
    which addresses the finality of a plea of guilty or nolo
    1. Rule 35(a)
    The district court relied in part on Rule 35(a), which
    reads as follows:
    Within 7 days after sentencing, the court may correct
    a sentence that resulted from arithmetical, technical,
    or other clear error.
    The district court believed that there were two clear
    errors requiring correction: it had failed to inquire suffi-
    ciently into prior convictions and warn the defendant
    about their impact (as required by 21 U.S.C. § 851(b)), and
    it came to believe that the defendant may not have know-
    ingly and voluntarily agreed to the relevant conduct in
    the PSR. Neither of these points justifies use of Rule 35(a).
    When the Government files an information under § 851,
    the court shall after conviction but before pronounce-
    ment of sentence inquire of the [defendant] whether
    10                                     Nos. 07-2304, 07-2674
    he affirms or denies that he has been previously
    convicted as alleged in the information, and shall
    inform him that any challenge to a prior conviction
    which is not made before sentence is imposed may not
    thereafter be raised to attack the sentence.
    21 U.S.C. § 851(b). In any case, “[n]o person who stands
    convicted of an offense under this section may challenge
    the validity of any prior conviction alleged . . . which
    occurred more than five years before the date of the
    information . . . .” 21 U.S.C. § 851(e). Taken together,
    § 851(b) and (e) allow a prior conviction that might be
    used to enhance a sentence to be challenged during the
    sentencing phase; a challenge cannot be brought until
    the guilt phase is complete, and no challenge is possible
    if the conviction is over five years old. Vinyard’s prior
    conviction was in 1984, and thus it is covered by § 851(e):
    he was no longer entitled to attack its validity at the
    time of his sentencing hearing.
    The court’s duty to inquire under § 851(b) arises only
    after conviction or the acceptance of the guilty plea. A
    failure to conduct that inquiry cannot retroactively draw
    into question the antecedent guilty plea. At most, an
    error here might call the sentence into question. Cf. F ED. R.
    C RIM. P. 11(b) (listing the items about which a defendant
    must be admonished before a guilty plea may be accepted,
    but not mentioning § 851 or prior convictions used for
    enhancement). The district court’s belief here that it had
    not complied properly with § 851(b) cannot be grounds
    for applying Rule 35(a) to the guilty plea. If a violation of
    § 851(b) caused the court to misstate the maximum
    Nos. 07-2304, 07-2674                                       11
    possible penalty, then there would be a violation of
    Rule 11(b)(1)(H), which would be subject to correction
    if the defendant wished to set aside his guilty plea and
    if he could convince the district court to allow him to
    withdraw the plea under Rule 11(d).
    The district court’s alleged § 851(b) error would not
    warrant relief from the sentence, either. If any potential
    collateral attack would be barred by § 851(e), the district
    court is under no duty to inquire under § 851(b), United
    States v. Arrango-Montoya, 
    61 F.3d 1331
    , 1339 (7th Cir. 1995)
    (per curiam), even though it is probably good practice to
    do so, 
    id. Given that
    there is no duty, there is no error
    justifying the radical action of setting aside the guilty
    plea without any request from the defendant.
    We say “alleged” error because it is not at all clear on this
    record that there was any error at all (or at least anything
    that should not be characterized as harmless). Vinyard
    unequivocally affirmed the fact of his earlier convictions
    during the sentencing proceeding, saying: “I ended up
    with the charge because I was guilty.” Although he
    expressed reservations about the present charges, he
    had no reservations about his prior criminal record.
    We also see no error in the district court’s decision to
    adopt the findings in the PSR. Although it required a
    brief recess so that he could consult with his lawyer,
    Vinyard eventually expressly stated that he had no objec-
    tion to the PSR. Any error relating to the quantity of drugs
    would, on this record, have been harmless. The only
    issue was whether the amount of methamphetamine
    involved in the conspiracy was greater than 500 grams. If
    12                                    Nos. 07-2304, 07-2674
    so, the mandatory minimum sentence of 240 months
    would be triggered. Vinyard had already stipulated to
    at least this amount, and so even if there were some
    problem with the PSR, there was sufficient evidence
    from other sources that would have supported the same
    mandatory minimum sentence—which is, after all, what
    Vinyard received in the end.
    The district court committed no error that would justify
    invocation of its powers under Rule 35(a) to correct a “clear
    error,” much less an error that would justify setting aside
    the guilty plea, which was entered before any of the
    alleged errors took place. Rule 35(a) provides no support
    for the court’s action.
    2. Rule 11(e)
    Rule 11(e) underscores the finality to which a plea of
    guilty or nolo contendere is entitled. It states:
    After the court imposes sentence, the defendant may
    not withdraw a plea of guilty or nolo contendere, and
    the plea may be set aside only on direct appeal or
    collateral attack.
    The district court thought that this provided alternative
    support for its action. Once again, we find it to be mis-
    To begin with, Vinyard never tried to withdraw his
    guilty plea; it was the court that pulled it away from him.
    Once sentence has been pronounced, the Rule says that it
    may be set aside only on direct appeal or collateral attack.
    Nos. 07-2304, 07-2674                                     13
    See United States v. Patterson, 
    381 F.3d 859
    , 865 (9th Cir.
    2004) (“[A]lthough the district court is free to reject the
    plea agreement after accepting a guilty plea, it is not free
    to vacate the plea either on the government’s motion or
    sua sponte. Instead, when the court accepts a guilty plea
    but rejects the plea agreement, it becomes the defendant’s
    choice whether to stand by the plea or to withdraw the
    plea.”). Patterson illustrates that the methods followed
    by the district court in this case effectively usurped a
    choice that was the defendant’s to make: how to chal-
    lenge potential problems with his sentence.
    The district court acted as if sentence was imposed, for
    Rule 11 purposes, only when a written judgment was
    filed, but that is incorrect. Oral pronouncement of the
    sentence triggers the bar. See United States v. Ogden, 
    102 F.3d 887
    , 888-89 (7th Cir. 1996). The sentence was im-
    posed on May 3, and the Rule 11 bar on setting aside
    the plea had attached by the June 10 order. The district
    court’s order thus violated FED. R. C RIM. P. 11(e).
    Although mandamus is an extraordinary writ, issuance
    of the writ is warranted, among other reasons, in order “to
    ensure the proper application of [the Federal Rules of
    Criminal Procedure] . . . .” United States v. Igoe, 
    331 F.2d 766
    , 768 (7th Cir. 1964). Stepping beyond the limits of those
    Rules—either by applying a power not granted or one
    expressly excluded—supports use of the writ if irrep-
    arable harm has been demonstrated.
    14                                   Nos. 07-2304, 07-2674
    We are satisfied that the Government has adequately
    shown the possibility of irreparable harm and that issu-
    ance of the writ is appropriate under the circumstances
    of this case. Our decision to issue the writ renders it
    unnecessary for us to reach the Government’s appeal, and
    so we have no need to resolve definitively the question
    of appellate jurisdiction.
    The district court committed patent error in its applica-
    tion of Rules 11(e) and 35(a), and the Government has
    demonstrated irreparable harm arising from those errors.
    We therefore G RANT the petition to issue a writ of manda-
    mus and V ACATE the district court’s May 10 vacatur of the
    plea and sentence. We further O RDER that judgment
    be entered pursuant to the May 3, 2007 sentence pro-
    nounced by the district court, and D ISMISS the Govern-
    ment’s appeal as unnecessary.