United States v. Ramon Perez ( 2009 )

  •                              In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 07-2375
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Indiana, Hammond Division.
    No. 05 CR 189—Philip P. Simon, Judge.
    Before E ASTERBROOK, Chief Judge, SYKES, Circuit Judge,
    and K ENDALL, District Judge. Œ
    K ENDALL, District Judge. Ramon Perez was indicted
    for knowingly possessing with intent to distribute in
    excess of 500 grams of cocaine based on a traffic stop
    during which the officers recovered a single brick of
    Hon. Virginia M. Kendall, District Judge for the Northern
    District of Illinois, is sitting by designation.
    2                                                  No. 07-2375
    cocaine weighing 993.9 grams. Perez pleaded guilty to
    the charged offense and the district court judge sen-
    tenced him to 135 months’ incarceration based on the
    cocaine found during the traffic stop and other drugs
    located at his home that were recovered later that day.
    Perez claims that the district court judge erred when he
    increased his sentence for the drugs retrieved from the
    residence. Because we find that the district court judge
    correctly included the other drugs as relevant conduct,
    we affirm.
    I. Background 1
    On November 7, 2005, a Lake County, Indiana police
    officer stopped Perez for speeding on Interstate 65 (“I-65”).
    When the officer approached the vehicle he observed
    Perez in the driver’s seat seated next to two small chil-
    dren. The officer gave Perez a warning ticket and told
    him that he was free to leave. As Perez began walking
    to his car, the officer asked him if he had any illegal
    weapons or drugs in the vehicle. Perez denied having any
    drugs or weapons and agreed to let the officer search the
    car. A second officer found a brick of cocaine hidden
    These facts are taken from Perez’s guilty plea transcript, his
    sentencing transcript and his presentence investigation report
    (“PSR”). In his objections to the PSR and at his sentencing
    hearing, Perez never contested the facts as set forth in the
    PSR. Based on the absence of any objection to the facts con-
    tained in the PSR, the district court adopted them as
    “materially accurate.”
    No. 07-2375                                              3
    inside the front passenger’s airbag compartment with a net
    weight of 993.9 grams. The brick of cocaine had been
    pressed with a device that left a silhouette of a lizard on
    it. After finding the brick of cocaine, the officers
    arrested Perez.
    The Lake County officers then notified the Illinois State
    Police Narcotics Unit of the arrest. The ISP officers sub-
    sequently went to Perez’s home in Cicero, Illinois and
    received consent to search the home from Perez’s wife,
    Ana Perez. Once inside, the officers retrieved a variety
    of narcotics including 425.1 net grams of heroin, 985.9
    net grams of powder cocaine, 930.0 net grams of
    marijuana, and 227.7 net grams of methamphetamine.
    The drugs were mostly found in an east storage room
    but some were found in the garage. Also in the garage,
    the officers retrieved two large hydraulic presses
    suitable for packaging kilograms of cocaine. One of the
    presses was equipped with a wooden plate with the
    silhouette of a lizard on it—the exact lizard design
    pressed onto the brick of cocaine retrieved from Perez’s
    vehicle earlier that day.
    In Perez’s bedroom, the officers recovered a Smith and
    Wesson .38 caliber revolver hidden between two mat-
    tresses. In the same bedroom, they also found a box of
    .38 caliber ammunition, three boxes of 9mm ammuni-
    tion, a box of .25 caliber ammunition and documents
    indicating that Perez and his wife owned the home.
    Ana Perez was subsequently charged in Illinois state
    court with possession of the narcotics found in the Perez
    home. At some point during the prosecution, the state
    court judge suppressed the drugs seized from the
    4                                              No. 07-2375
    residence finding that the drugs were seized in violation
    of the Fourth Amendment. The record, however, does not
    reflect why the judge found the violation.
    On November 16, 2005, a grand jury returned a one-
    count indictment against Perez charging him with posses-
    sion with intent to distribute in excess of 500 grams of
    cocaine in violation of 21 U.S.C. § 841(a). The quantity of
    drugs charged in the indictment reflected the drugs
    that were seized from Perez’s vehicle during the traffic
    stop and did not include the drugs that were seized at
    Perez’s home in Cicero, Illinois. Perez filed a motion to
    suppress the cocaine found in his car and after con-
    ducting an evidentiary hearing, the district court denied
    Perez’s motion. On December 11, 2006, Perez pleaded
    guilty to the one-count indictment. The Probation De-
    partment prepared a presentence investigation report
    (“PSR”) and calculated Perez’s base offense level as 34,
    based on the quantity of drugs seized from Perez’s car
    and his home. The probation officer also added two
    levels pursuant to § 2D1.1(b)(1) because a firearm was
    located where a large amount of drugs were recovered.
    Perez filed objections to the PSR and a motion for
    downward departure. Perez objected to the quantity of
    drugs attributed to him arguing that the drugs seized
    from his home should not be counted as relevant
    conduct because they were not charged in the indict-
    ment, that he did not admit to possessing them during his
    plea colloquy, and that they were seized illegally. Perez
    also objected to the two-level firearm enhancement
    arguing that the gun was not connected to the drug
    No. 07-2375                                               5
    After receiving exhibits and hearing argument, the
    district court applied the two-level firearm enhance-
    ment and calculated the amount of drugs for the
    charged and relevant conduct to be 5,857.59 kilograms of
    marijuana (converted) based on both the brick of cocaine
    recovered during the traffic stop and all of the drugs
    retrieved from the residence. Based on these findings,
    the district court calculated Perez’s total offense level at
    33, resulting in a guideline range of 135 to 168 months
    imprisonment. Perez also made a request for a sentence
    below the applicable guideline range based on his lack
    of criminal history, his work history, and the allegedly
    uncomfortable conditions of confinement in the county
    jail where he was held. The district court addressed
    and rejected each of the grounds stated in support of
    Perez’s request for a non-guideline sentence and sen-
    tenced him to 135 months’ imprisonment.
    II. Discussion
    A. Relevant Conduct
    Perez argues on appeal that he did not admit to the
    drugs quantities found in his home during his plea collo-
    quy. At the hearing, however, the government stated:
    And with respect to 404-B evidence, the Government
    would then establish that later in the day, officers
    from the Illinois State Police did a knock and talk at
    the defendant’s home in Cicero, and received consent
    to search the home from the defendant’s wife where
    they found approximately 550 thousand dollars
    6                                                No. 07-2375
    worth of six different illegal narcotics, and two large
    hydraulic presses, one of which had a wooden press
    in the shape of the same lizard that was found on
    the brick of powder cocaine in the defendant’s vehicle.
    The district court judge then asked Perez if he had heard
    what the government said and if he agreed with the
    government’s version of the events. Perez responded:
    “Yes.” Perez was informed that the government would
    seek to hold him responsible for the entire amount of
    drugs and he did not challenge the relevant conduct at
    the time of his change of plea.
    In spite of the position he took at his plea hearing, Perez
    challenges the district court’s inclusion of the drugs
    from the residence as relevant conduct. We review the
    district court’s determination of drug quantities attribut-
    able to a defendant at sentencing for clear error. See
    United States v. Jones, 
    209 F.3d 991
    , 994-95 (7th Cir. 2000).
    The district judge’s finding that a defendant’s relevant
    conduct includes uncharged drug quantities is a factual
    determination entitled to our deference and will not be
    reversed unless we have a “definite and firm convic-
    tion that a mistake has been committed.” United States
    v. Olivas-Ramirez, 
    487 F.3d 512
    , 516 (7th Cir. 2007) (internal
    citation omitted).
    As an initial matter, Perez argues that the drugs
    seized from his home should not have been included to
    increase his sentence because they were seized illegally.
    Generally, the exclusionary rule is inapplicable at the
    criminal sentencing phase. See United States v. Brimah, 
    214 F.3d 854
    , 858-59 (7th Cir. 2000) (joining nine other
    No. 07-2375                                                  7
    circuits in holding that “in most circumstances, the
    exclusionary rule does not bar the introduction of the
    fruits of illegal searches and seizures during sen-
    tencing proceedings.”). There is a possibility that the
    exclusionary rule might apply at sentencing where the
    police deliberately violated the defendant’s constitu-
    tional rights for the purpose of acquiring evidence to
    increase a defendant’s prospective sentence. See 
    Brimah, 214 F.3d at 858
    n. 4.; but see United States v. Jewel, 
    947 F.2d 224
    , 238 (7th Cir. 1991) (Easterbrook, J., concurring)
    (commenting on the near impossibility of demonstrating
    that officers illegally obtained evidence specifically for
    use in sentencing, and going on to observe that “[i]t
    is awfully hard to see why motive should matter on
    either prudential or doctrinal grounds”).
    The record is devoid of any evidence that the police
    deliberately violated Perez’s Fourth Amendment rights
    in seizing the drugs from his home with the intent to
    gather evidence to increase his sentence. Perez has made
    no attempt to make such a showing either before the
    district court or on appeal. The district court’s refusal to
    apply the exclusionary rule to evidence that was sup-
    pressed in another court against a different defendant
    was not clear error based on the lack of any evidence
    to support Perez’ bare assertion of misconduct.
    Perez next alleges that the drugs seized from his home
    should not be included as relevant conduct because they
    were not charged in the indictment and he did not
    admit to them during his plea hearing. Under § 1B1.3(a)(2)
    of the Sentencing Guidelines, all acts and omissions
    8                                                No. 07-2375
    that were “part of the same course of conduct or common
    scheme or plan as the offense of conviction” are be con-
    sidered “relevant conduct” for sentencing purposes and
    such conduct is factored into the Guideline sentencing
    calculations as if the defendant had been convicted of
    that conduct. See United States v. White, 
    519 F.3d 342
    , 347
    (7th Cir. 2008); United States v. Wilson, 
    502 F.3d 718
    , 721-22
    (7th Cir. 2007) (uncharged drug quantities can be used
    to enhance a defendant’s sentence).
    Recognizing that uncharged drug quantities can add
    months or years to a defendant’s advisory guidelines
    range, the evidence relied upon by the district court at
    sentencing to increase a defendant’s sentence must bear
    a “sufficient indicia of reliability.” Id.; see also United
    States v. Ortiz, 
    431 F.3d 1035
    , 1041 (7th Cir. 2005) (vacating
    sentence because relevant drug conduct not sufficiently
    related). In assessing whether there is a strong rela-
    tionship between the unconvicted conduct and the con-
    victed offense, the government must demonstrate that
    the conduct is connected by at least one common factor
    such as “common victims, common accomplices, common
    purpose, or similar modus operandi.” United States v.
    149 F.3d 717
    , 719 (7th Cir. 1998) (quoting
    U.S.S.G. § 1B1.3(a)(2), cmt. n. 9(A)).
    Because the clear error standard also governs this
    inquiry, we begin with the district court’s specific
    findings regarding whether the drugs seized from
    Perez’s home were part of the same course of conduct or
    common scheme as the drugs seized from Perez’s vehi-
    cle. See United States v. Acosta, 
    85 F.3d 275
    , 280 (7th Cir.
    No. 07-2375                                                9
    1996); United States v. Arroyo, 
    406 F.3d 881
    , 889 (7th Cir.
    2005) (district court should state and support its finding
    that uncharged drug quantities are sufficiently related
    to the offense of conviction).
    Here, the district court made express findings at Perez’s
    sentencing that the drugs seized from his home had the
    “necessary relation to the convicted offense.” See 
    Bacallao, 149 F.3d at 719
    . The district court judge found that the
    brick of cocaine seized from Perez’s vehicle and for
    which he pleaded guilty had a lizard stamp on it and the
    drugs seized from his residence were found in close
    proximity to a drug press with a lizard stamp—the
    same lizard stamp embossing the cocaine brick seized
    from Perez’s vehicle. The district court specifically stated,
    To me, there is no question that—as the facts are set
    forth in the presentence report that are not objected to,
    there was a seizure of—or substantial quantities of
    narcotics from the [D]efendant’s residence that he
    shared with his wife. Inside the home was a—was a
    press that matched—that had a certain label on it
    that matched the packaging material that was used
    on the cocaine that was found inside the car. It was
    near in time, and the fact that it is obvious that the
    Defendant was using his home to package narcotics,
    and then he was found somewhere away from
    the home with a large quantity of cocaine packaged
    in the same way as the materials that were found
    at the home, suggests to me it was all part of the
    same course of conduct or common scheme or plan
    such that the drugs that were seized from the home
    are relevant to the offense of conviction.
    10                                             No. 07-2375
    After determining that the distinguishing mark that
    appeared on the drugs seized from Perez’s vehicle
    matched the mark found on the hydraulic press found
    inside Perez’s residence, which he used to package kilo-
    grams of cocaine, the district court did not clearly err in
    finding that the drugs seized from Perez’s home were
    part of the same common scheme or plan as the offense
    for which he was convicted. The drugs were therefore
    properly used to enhance his sentence.
    B. Firearm Enhancement (2D1.1(b)(1))
    Perez also challenges his two-level sentencing enhance-
    ment pursuant to Guideline § 2D1.1(b)(1) for possession
    of a firearm in connection with his drug trafficking
    offense. At sentencing, Perez objected to the enhance-
    ment by stating that it was clearly improbable that the
    gun was used in connection with a drug offense. For the
    first time on appeal, Perez also objects that the govern-
    ment failed to establish that he had direct or constructive
    possession of the firearm used to enhance his sentence.
    Because he did not raise this latter argument during
    sentencing or in his written objections to the PSR, we
    review this challenge for plain error, as opposed to clear
    error. See United States v. Banks, 
    405 F.3d 559
    , 564 (7th
    Cir. 2005) (issue not raised in district court is reviewed
    for plain error).
    The relationship (or lack of one) between the weapon
    and the underlying offense is a factual assessment, so we
    review the district court’s enhancement for clear error.
    See United States v. Bothun, 
    424 F.3d 582
    , 586 (7th Cir.
    No. 07-2375                                               11
    2005). Guideline section § 2D1.1(b)(1) provides for a two-
    level increase in the base offense level for a narcotics
    offense “if a dangerous weapon (including a firearm)
    was possessed.” Application Note 3 explains:
    The enhancement for weapon possession reflects the
    increased danger of violence when drug traffickers
    possess weapons. The adjustment should be applied
    if the weapon was present, unless it is clearly improb-
    able that the weapon was connected with the offense. For
    example, the enhancement would not be applied if
    the defendant, arrested at his residence, had an un-
    loaded hunting rifle in the closet.
    United States Sentencing Commission, Guidelines Manual,
    Section § 2D1.1 cmt. n. 3. (Emphasis added). The gov-
    ernment first must prove by a preponderance of the
    evidence that Perez possessed the gun in a place where
    drugs were present. See United States v. Idowu, 
    520 F.3d 790
    793 (7th Cir. 2008). The evidence presented to the
    district court judge at the sentencing hearing established
    that Perez owned the house where the firearm and the
    various quantities of drugs were recovered. Once that
    was established, the burden shifted to Perez to show that
    it was “clearly improbable” that the gun was connected
    to the offense. See 
    id. The government
    did not need to
    prove that Perez had actual possession of the firearm;
    only that he had constructive possession of the
    weapon, that is, the power and the intention to exercise
    dominion or control over the weapon. See 
    Bothun, 424 F.3d at 586
    12                                              No. 07-2375
    The officers located the .38-caliber Smith and Wesson
    gun in Perez’s bedroom in a home which he owned. In
    the same home where the gun was found, the officers
    also found over $550,000 worth of illegal narcotics and
    the materials to package and distribute the drugs. Perez
    never challenged ownership of the residence nor did he
    dispute that the drugs were retrieved from the same
    location where the gun was recovered. This evidence
    is sufficient to support the district court’s conclusion
    that Perez had constructive possession of the gun found
    at his home and that the gun was used in connection
    with his drug activity. See 
    Idowu, 520 F.3d at 794
    ment applied when gun was recovered at defendant’s
    office where drugs were stored and sold); see also 
    Bothun, 424 F.3d at 586
    (“guns found in close proximity
    to drug activity are presumptively connected to that
    Perez argues that it was clearly improbable that the
    gun was related to the drug activity because the gun was
    not recovered near the drugs and was not “easily accessi-
    ble.” Recognizing that it is possible that weapons may be
    hidden and still be used as part of drug activity, we
    have upheld § 2D1.1 enhancements when a weapon
    was recovered in one room of a residence even if it is not
    the same room where the drugs were located because
    constructive possession requires only the defendant’s
    ability to exercise control over the weapon, something
    that can be done without holding, brandishing or firing
    the gun. See, e.g., 
    Bothun, 424 F.3d at 586
    (finding gun
    was presumptively connected to drug activity where
    gun was found in bedroom of home and drugs were
    No. 07-2375                                                     13
    found in other parts of the home); United States v. Parra,
    402 F.3d 752
    , 767 (7th Cir. 2005) (it was not “clearly im-
    probable” that weapon was used in connection with
    drug offense where gun was found under the mattress
    in defendant’s bedroom and defendant was selling drugs
    out of her house); United States v. Grimm, 
    170 F.3d 760
    , 767-
    68 (7th Cir. 1999) (it was not “clearly improbable” that
    weapon was used in connection with drug offense even
    though gun was not found in a place where drugs
    were present where gun was found in car that had
    been used to transport shipment of drugs six weeks
    earlier). We have consistently held that weapons are
    “recognized tools of the drug trade” and that the posses-
    sion of a gun can advance the possession and future
    distribution of narcotics by protecting the drugs or the
    drug dealer, by serving as a potent warning to those
    who might contemplate stealing the drugs and by serving
    as a tool to defend against those who actually undertake
    to steal the drugs. United States v. Duran, 
    407 F.3d 828
    , 838
    (7th Cir. 2005); see also e.g., United States v. Castillo, 
    406 F.3d 806
    , 814-15 (7th Cir. 2005). Here, the gun was found in
    Perez’s bedroom between two mattresses and in close
    proximity to numerous rounds of ammunition while a
    distribution quantity of drugs was located in other
    rooms of the same house. Also found in the apartment
    was a bulletproof vest. The amount of drugs recovered,
    the kilo presses and the packaging material all indicate
    that Perez was using his home as a drug trafficking
    headquarters and as such Perez had an interest in pro-
    tecting his investment and securing the safety of his
    product. The gun did not need to be located next to the
    14                                              No. 07-2375
    drugs to be quickly and easily available for use; Perez
    could have retrieved the gun at any moment to protect
    his drug trade.
    Lastly, Perez’s argument that the gun may not have been
    loaded is immaterial because the purpose of the weapon
    enhancement is to reflect the increased danger of
    violence when drug traffickers possess weapons. Even if
    Perez’s gun was unloaded, which is not clear from the
    record, there was ammunition for the gun located in the
    same room as the gun. Perez could have easily loaded the
    gun and used it if he desired to. The mere presence of the
    gun escalated the danger of Perez’s drug operation. See
    United States v. Brack, 
    188 F.3d 748
    , 763-64 (7th Cir. 1999)
    (affirming gun enhancement where weapons were un-
    loaded when found by police); see also United States v.
    31 F.3d 271
    , 277-78 (5th Cir. 1994) (affirming
    gun enhancement even though gun was inoperable).
    Therefore, the district court did not clearly err in
    applying the enhancement under § 2D1.1(b)(1).
    C. Reasonableness
    Lastly, Perez claims that his sentence, which sits at the
    very bottom of his guideline range, was unreasonable. We
    review sentences for reasonableness, using an abuse of
    discretion standard. See United States v. Shannon, 
    518 F.3d 494
    , 496 (7th Cir. 2008). A sentence is reasonable if
    the district court gives meaningful consideration to the
    factors outlined in 18 U.S.C. § 3553(a), including the
    advisory sentencing guidelines, and arrives at a sentence
    that is objectively reasonable in light of the statutory
    No. 07-2375                                                15
    factors and the individual circumstances of the case. See
    Shannon, 518 F.3d at 496
    (citing Gall v. United States, 
    128 S. Ct. 586
    , 596-97 (2007)). The district court need not
    address every § 3553(a) factor in a checklist fashion;
    rather, the court must simply give an adequate state-
    ment of reasons, consistent with § 3553(a), for finding that
    the sentence it imposes is appropriate. See 
    Shannon, 518 F.3d at 496
    . A sentence that falls within a properly calcu-
    lated advisory guideline range is presumed reasonable.
    See United States v. Omole, 
    523 F.3d 691
    , 696 (7th Cir.
    2008) (citing Rita v. United States, 
    551 U.S. 338
    , 345-48
    (2007)); see also United States v. Mykytiuk, 
    415 F.3d 606
    , 608
    (7th Cir. 2005) (adopting a rebuttable presumption of
    reasonableness for within-guideline sentences).
    Here, the sentencing transcript reveals that in sen-
    tencing Perez to 135 months, the bottom of his 135-168
    month advisory guideline range, the district court suf-
    ficiently took into account the factors delineated in
    § 3553(a). The district court found the nature and cir-
    cumstances of the offense to be very serious and found
    that a within guideline sentence would promote respect
    for the law, provide adequate deterrence for both Perez
    and others who would contemplate committing a similar
    crime and would provide adequate punishment. The
    court also stated that Perez’s compliments from former
    employers, status as a first time offender and preconvic-
    tion custody situation were not enough to justify a non-
    guideline sentence. Further, the district court adequately
    addressed each and every objection to the guideline
    calculation Perez raised and each and every argument
    for a non-guideline sentence Perez raised. The record
    16                                           No. 07-2375
    reveals nothing to support Perez’s position that the
    district court abused its discretion in sentencing him to
    the low end of the applicable guideline range.
    III. Conclusion
    Accordingly, we A FFIRM Perez’s sentence.