Neftaly Rodriguez v. Jesse Montgomery ( 2010 )

  •                               In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 06-3995
    JESSE M ONTGOMERY, Chief of Parole,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
    No. 02 C 2184—Harry D. Leinenweber, Judge.
    A RGUED M AY 29, 2007—D ECIDED JULY 5, 2007
    Before EASTERBROOK, Chief Judge, and W OOD and W ILLIAMS,
    Circuit Judges.
    E ASTERBROOK, Chief Judge. This petition for collateral
    relief has been decided three times by the district court
    and twice by this one; it has been briefed four times in
    this court. Today’s decision is our third encounter with
    the subject.
    2                                               No. 06-3995
    A state judge disqualified one of Neftaly Rodriguez’s
    retained lawyers. After a federal district court concluded
    not only that the disqualification had been a mistake,
    but also that any such error automatically leads to a writ
    of habeas corpus, we reversed. 
    382 F.3d 670
     (7th Cir.
    2004). We held that, because Rodriguez was represented
    by one lawyer of his choice, he had to show prejudice
    from the disqualification of another. We wrote: “The
    [effect] does not have to be great enough to undermine
    confidence in the outcome . . . but it must be enough to
    show that the defendant’s representation suffered a
    setback from the disqualification.” 
    Id. at 675
    On remand, the district court denied the petition after
    concluding that Rodriguez has not established that the
    erroneous disqualification had affected his trial. Five
    days later, the Supreme Court held in United States v.
    548 U.S. 140
     (2006), that a mistaken
    refusal to allow a defendant’s chosen lawyer to represent
    him at trial is a “structural” error that requires relief
    without regard to prejudice. The district court then re-
    versed course and issued a writ of habeas corpus. The
    parties’ appellate briefs concentrated on the ques-
    tion whether Gonzalez-Lopez applies when a defendant
    hires more than one lawyer and is represented at trial by
    at least one of his chosen counsel. They did not discuss
    whether Gonzalez-Lopez applies to prosecutions that
    were finally decided by state courts before it was released.
    Before argument, we directed the parties to file sup-
    plemental briefs on that subject. We then held that, al-
    though Gonzalez-Lopez applies to multi-lawyer defense
    No. 06-3995                                                3
    teams, it is not retroactive. 
    492 F.3d 863
     (7th Cir. 2007).
    This left the question posed by our first decision
    and answered by the district court’s second: Whether
    Rodriguez suffered a setback from the erroneous dis-
    qualification. We directed the parties to brief the appeal
    for a fourth time. It is at last ready for decision. Long
    overdue, actually. The parties have our apologies for
    the unnecessary delay.
    Rodriguez was convicted of murder and sentenced to
    29 years’ imprisonment. (He was released on parole
    after serving only 10 years, but this does not moot his
    request for collateral relief. See Spencer v. Kemna, 
    523 U.S. 1
    , 7 (1998).) After a bench trial, the judge concluded
    that Rodriguez was one of three gang members who
    battered a member of a rival gang with blunt objects
    (such as baseball bats), causing his death. After re-
    ceiving Miranda warnings and waiving his right to
    counsel, Rodriguez confessed. At trial multiple witnesses
    identified Rodriguez as one of the aggressors. Counsel
    tried and failed to have the confessions suppressed;
    trial counsel (Perry Grimaldi) also cross-examined the
    witnesses vigorously in an attempt to undermine confi-
    dence in their identifications by bringing out differences
    in their descriptions of the events. Grimaldi had
    Rodriguez examined by mental-health specialists, hoping
    to set up a diminished-capacity defense or show that
    Rodriguez lacked the mental capacity to waive his right
    to counsel, though the defense ultimately did not present
    any expert evidence.
    Joseph Brent was Grimaldi’s co-counsel for several
    months, until his erroneous disqualification. Our first
    4                                               No. 06-3995
    opinion posed the question whether the disqualification
    adversely affected the defense. We suggested that this
    might be shown “if Brent had expertise that [Rodriguez’s]
    other lawyer lacked, or if Brent had planned a line
    of defense that co-counsel was unable to sustain on his
    382 F.3d at 675
    . On remand in the district court,
    Brent filed an affidavit that did not pursue either of
    these possibilities. Instead, Brent said, the defense
    suffered for two reasons: First, he “would have added
    another perspective” (Brent is a former prosecutor, while
    Grimaldi is not); second, he “would have assumed some
    of the responsibilities in investigating [and trying] the
    case”. At a deposition, Brent stated that there are intangi-
    ble benefits of multiple lawyers and observed that he
    wanted to have Rodriguez evaluated by a psychiatrist
    in order to explore any options that such an evaluation
    might yield. Reminded that Grimaldi had done
    exactly this, and asked whether he would have pursued
    differently any issues arising from Rodriguez’s mental
    capacity, Brent said no. The district judge then con-
    cluded that no material dispute remained, because
    Grimaldi had the same skills as Brent (who conceded in
    his deposition that Grimaldi, his classmate in law
    school, is a first-rate trial lawyer) and Brent’s participa-
    tion would not have changed either the nature of the
    defense or the probability of acquittal.
    Rodriguez’s final brief devotes most of its space to
    arguing that we erred in 2004 when articulating the
    constitutional rule that governs the case, and erred again
    in 2007 when holding that Gonzalez-Lopez does not apply
    retroactively. That’s water under the bridge, however, as
    No. 06-3995                                               5
    far as this court is concerned. Rodriguez, who does not
    suggest any reason to depart from the law of the case,
    has done what is necessary (and more than is required)
    to preserve his legal arguments for the Supreme Court.
    He does present one legal argument not resolved in
    either 2004 or 2007: Who bears the burden of persuasion
    on the question whether the defense suffered a setback
    from the erroneous disqualification? The district court
    assigned that burden to Rodriguez, who maintains that
    it belonged on the prosecution’s side. But we need not
    decide who bears the burden under our (superseded)
    2004 standard. Let us suppose that the burden should
    have been assigned to the state. That would not lead to
    a remand for a third round of proceedings in the
    district court. Rodriguez could not prevail under pre-
    Gonzalez-Lopez law without showing that any error
    “had substantial and injurious effect or influence in deter-
    mining” the state judge’s decision. Brecht v. Abrahamson,
    507 U.S. 619
    , 638 (1993). This standard governs even
    though the state court thought that no error had occurred
    and therefore did not apply any standard of harmless-
    error review. Fry v. Pliler, 
    551 U.S. 112
     (2007); Johnson v.
    572 F.3d 398
    , 403–04 (7th Cir. 2009).
    Brent’s affidavit and deposition are enough to estab-
    lish that his disqualification did not cause a “substantial
    and injurious effect” at Rodriguez’s trial. Neither Brent
    nor Grimaldi contends that the two lawyers differed
    materially in knowledge, skills, or strategy. Rodriguez’s
    position thus boils down to the generic contention that
    two lawyers are better than one, which may be true but is
    6                                                  No. 06-3995
    not a constitutional proposition. The criminal justice
    system reflects the assumption that one competent
    lawyer normally is enough. (This was not a capital case,
    and even in federal capital prosecutions the entitlement
    to a second lawyer is statutory. 
    18 U.S.C. §3005
    .) The
    prosecution was not so document-heavy that only a
    team of lawyers could keep up. Because the record
    would not support a conclusion that going to trial with
    only one lawyer “had a substantial and injurious effect”
    on the outcome, the state judiciary’s erroneous decision
    to disqualify Brent is harmless, and Rodriguez is not
    entitled to collateral relief.
    Rodriguez contends that we should not apply Brecht
    because it would duplicate the prejudice aspect of the
    substantive claim. When a petitioner must show
    prejudice, as when arguing that counsel furnished inef-
    fective assistance, see Strickland v. Washington, 
    466 U.S. 668
     (1984), it is unnecessary to show prejudice a sec-
    ond time through the lens of Brecht. That makes sense
    (and it reflects the Supreme Court’s assumption in
    Williams v. Taylor, 
    529 U.S. 362
     (2000)), but it does not assist
    Rodriguez. If the applicant for collateral relief must
    demonstrate a setback for the purpose of our 2004 deci-
    sion, that avoids Brecht but leads to an adverse decision
    because neither Brent nor Grimaldi articulated any con-
    crete setback from Brent’s disqualification. If the ap-
    plicant does not bear such a burden, then Brecht does
    apply, and Rodriguez loses for the reasons we have
    given. One way or the other, the applicant must show
    injury; Rodriguez has not done so.
    No. 06-3995                                       7
    The judgment is REVERSED, and the case is REMANDED
    with instructions to deny the petition.