United States v. Matthew Mann ( 2010 )

  •                             In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 08-3041
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the
    Northern District of Indiana, Hammond Division.
    No. 2:07 CR 197—Rudy Lozano, Judge.
    A RGUED F EBRUARY 18, 2009—D ECIDED JANUARY 20, 2010
    Before R OVNER, E VANS, and T INDER, Circuit Judges.
    R OVNER, Circuit Judge. Matthew Eric Mann entered a
    conditional guilty plea to one count of possessing child
    pornography in violation of 
    18 U.S.C. § 2252
    (a)(4)(B). The
    district court sentenced Mann to sixty-three months
    imprisonment to be followed by five years of supervised
    release. Police discovered evidence supporting the child
    pornography charges while executing a warrant to
    search Mann’s computers and hard drives for the
    2                                            No. 08-3041
    unrelated crime of voyeurism. Mann preserved the right
    to appeal the district court’s denial of his motion to
    suppress the child pornography on the grounds that
    the search exceeded the scope of the warrant. Although
    we are troubled by some aspects of the search, we ulti-
    mately conclude that, with one immaterial exception,
    the officer executing the search did not exceed the scope
    of the original warrant.
    While working as a life guard instructor in May 2007
    for the Red Cross in Tippecanoe County, Indiana, Mann
    covertly installed a video camera in the women’s locker
    room to capture footage of women changing their
    clothes. Unfortunately for Mann, he also captured footage
    of himself installing the camera in an open locker. One
    of the female students in his class later discovered the
    camera. She recognized Mann in the video when she
    rewound and viewed the tape. She and two other
    women in Mann’s class contacted the Lafayette Police
    Department and turned over the video camera and
    the videotape.
    Three days later, an Indiana state prosecutor sought
    and received a search warrant for officers to search
    Mann’s residence for “video tapes, CD’s or other digital
    media, computers, and the contents of said computers,
    tapes, or other electronic media, to search for images of
    women in locker rooms or other private areas.” As
    relevant here, officers executing the warrant seized a
    Dell desktop computer with a Samsung hard drive, a
    No. 08-3041                                             3
    Dell laptop, an e-machine, and a Western Digital
    external hard drive. The following day officers arrested
    Mann and charged him with voyeurism in violation of
    the Indiana Code. See 
    Ind. Code Ann. § 35-45-4-5
    (b)(1) (defining voyeurism and making it a class D
    felony when committed by means of any type of video
    recording device).
    Nearly two months later, at the end of July 2007, Detec-
    tive Paul Huff of the Lafayette Police Department began
    his search of Mann’s computers. At the suppression
    hearing, Detective Huff testified that he searched the
    computers by first using a “write blocker” to protect the
    hard drives from being altered and then created an
    exact match of each hard drive. He then used software
    known as “forensic tool kit” (“FTK”) to catalogue the
    images on the computer into a viewable format.
    Detective Huff explained that once this indexing process
    using FTK is completed, an “overview screen” is generated
    that lets him know how many images, videos, and docu-
    ments are on the computer and whether there are en-
    crypted documents or files that may be ignored (such as
    program files). The overview screen also lists files
    flagged by the software as “KFF (Known File Filter)
    Alert” and “KFF Ignorable” files. The “KFF Alert” flags
    those files identifiable from a library of known files
    previously submitted by law enforcement—most of
    which are images of child pornography.
    On the first computer, Detective Huff discovered evi-
    dence that Mann had visited a web site called “Perverts
    Are Us,” where he had read and possibly downloaded
    4                                              No. 08-3041
    stories about child molestation. On the Dell laptop, Detec-
    tive Huff uncovered still images taken in the Jefferson
    High school locker room, child pornography, and
    evidence that the Western Digital external hard drive
    had been connected to the laptop. Detective Huff then
    searched the final computer, where he again found child
    pornography, along with a disturbing story (presumably
    written by Mann) about a swim coach masturbating
    while watching young girls swim.
    It was not until nearly another two months later, on
    September 18, 2007, that Detective Huff first searched the
    Western Digital external hard drive. As with the other
    computers, Detective Huff used FTK to index the
    contents of the hard drive. The FTK software identified
    four “KFF Alert” files and 677 “flagged thumbnails.”
    Detective Huff proceeded to open the files on the
    computer and discovered “many, many images of child
    pornography” as well as two videos from the Jefferson
    High School locker room.
    Mann moved in the district court to suppress all of the
    evidence seized from his home and computers as a
    result of the May 2007 warrant, arguing that the
    warrant lacked probable cause and that the executing
    officers exceeded the scope of the warrant’s authorization.
    The district court denied Mann’s motion, concluding
    that the magistrate judge had probable cause to issue
    the warrant based on the evidence of Mann’s voyeurism
    at Jefferson High School and the probability that Mann
    possessed evidence of his crime at his residence. The
    district court also rejected Mann’s claim that the
    No. 08-3041                                                  5
    executing officers had exceeded the scope of the warrant
    when they opened the files containing child pornogra-
    phy. Specifically, the district court found as a factual
    matter that Detective Huff believed the search warrant
    authorized him to examine any digital file located on the
    computer hard drives or storage devices and that he never
    abandoned his search for evidence of voyeurism and began
    looking for child pornography. The court ultimately
    concluded that “with limited exceptions” the search was
    within the scope of the warrant, and that any images
    uncovered outside the scope of the warrant were discov-
    ered in plain view. Mann then entered a conditional guilty
    plea to the one count of possession of child pornography in
    the indictment, reserving his right to challenge on appeal
    the district court’s denial of his motion to suppress.
    On appeal, Mann maintains that the district court
    erred by denying his motion to suppress. In particular,
    Mann claims that the searches that uncovered the child
    pornography on his computer exceeded the scope of the
    original warrant and that the plain view doctrine does not
    apply on these facts. The government insists that the
    searches did not exceed the scope of the original war-
    rant, and that the incriminating child pornography was
    in any event discovered in plain view. When reviewing
    a motion to suppress, we review the district court’s
    legal conclusions de novo and its factual findings for
    clear error. E.g., United States v. Marrocco, 
    578 F.3d 627
    , 632
    (7th Cir. 2009).
    6                                               No. 08-3041
    We begin with Mann’s contention that Detective
    Huff’s search of the computers exceeded the scope of the
    warrant. The Fourth Amendment requires that a
    warrant describe the things to be seized with sufficient
    particularity to prevent a general exploratory rum-
    maging through one’s belongings. See, e.g., Marron v. United
    275 U.S. 192
    , 196 (1927) (“The requirement that
    warrants shall particularly describe the things to be
    seized makes general searches under them impossible
    and prevents the seizure of one thing under a warrant
    describing another. As to what is to be taken, nothing is
    left to the discretion of the officer executing the war-
    rant.”). The description of items to be seized limits the
    scope of the search to areas where those items are likely
    to be discovered. Platteville Area Ap’t. Ass. v. City of
    179 F.3d 574
    , 579 (7th Cir. 1999). Thus, our
    question is whether, in light of the limitations in the
    warrant, the execution of the search was reasonable—the
    touchstone for all Fourth Amendment inquiries. Id.; see
    also Ill. v. McArthur, 
    531 U.S. 326
    , 330 (2001).
    Mann maintains that given the warrant’s directive to
    search in those places likely to contain “images of
    women in locker rooms and other private places,” it was
    unreasonable for Detective Huff to employ the FTK
    software and its accompanying “KFF Alert” system, which
    ordinarily identifies files containing child pornography.
    Undoubtedly the warrant’s description serves as a limita-
    tion on what files may reasonably be searched. The prob-
    lem with applying this principle to computer searches
    lies in the fact that such images could be nearly any-
    where on the computers. Unlike a physical object that
    No. 08-3041                                              7
    can be immediately identified as responsive to the
    warrant or not, computer files may be manipulated to
    hide their true contents. See United States v. Hill, 
    459 F.3d 966
    , 978 (9th Cir. 2006) (“Images can be hidden in
    all manner of files, even word processing documents
    and spreadsheets. Criminals will do all they can to
    conceal contraband, including the simple expedient of
    changing the names and extensions of files to disguise
    their content from the casual observer.”).
    So although the officers were limited by the warrant to
    a search likely to yield “images of women in locker
    rooms and other private places,” those images could be
    essentially anywhere on the computer. Detective Huff
    testified at the suppression hearing that “[r]egardless of
    what I found, I would search in all the files if I felt it
    necessary, if I felt that it contained information that was
    pertinent to my case or even exculpatory.” Thus, the
    government’s argument goes, Detective Huff was at all
    relevant times searching for the type of image detailed
    in the warrant, and the fact that he uncovered child
    pornography does not invalidate the lawful search.
    Mann, however, maintains that Detective Huff ignored
    the limitations in the warrant and instead conducted a
    general search for crimes unrelated to voyeurism. Mann
    relies heavily on a Tenth Circuit decision, United States
    v. Carey, 
    172 F.3d 1268
     (10th Cir. 1999), for the proposi-
    tion that the seizure of the child pornography on his
    computer was unauthorized. In Carey, police obtained a
    warrant to search the defendant’s computers for “ ‘names,
    telephone numbers, ledger receipts, addresses and other
    8                                              No. 08-3041
    documentary evidence pertaining to the sale and dis-
    tribution of controlled substances.’ ” Carey, 
    172 F.3d at 1270
    . After unsuccessfully searching the computers’ text
    files using key words such as “money” and “accounts,” the
    officers searched the directories and downloaded and
    then opened JPG (image) files containing child pornogra-
    phy. After opening the first JPG file and finding child
    pornography, the officer in Carey “continued to open
    every JPG file to confirm his expectations” of finding
    child pornography. 
    Id. at 1273
    . The Tenth Circuit con-
    cluded that the seized images of child pornography
    were neither authorized by the warrant nor found in
    plain view. Rather than delve into the “intriguing” ques-
    tion of “what constitutes ‘plain view’ in the context of
    computer files,” the panel judged the case “only by its
    own facts.” 
     The panel concluded that discovery of
    the child pornography was not “inadvertent” as
    required by the plain view doctrine, and that by looking
    for child pornography in the JPG files on the computer
    the officer exceeded the scope of the warrant and executed
    an unconstitutional general search. 
    Id. at 1276
    More recently, the Tenth Circuit decided United States
    v. Burgess, 
    576 F.3d 1078
     (10th Cir. 2009), where the court
    upheld the admission of child pornography discovered
    on the defendant’s computer when officers were
    executing a warrant to search his motor home and com-
    puter records for evidence of transportation and
    delivery of controlled substances, 
    id. at 1088-89
    . In
    Burgess, the court reiterated that “the Carey holding was
    limited.” Burgess, 
    576 F.3d at 1092
    . The court in Burgess
    noted specifically that both the majority and the
    No. 08-3041                                              9
    concurring opinions in Carey “were careful to warn that
    the case was fact intense.” 
     (citing Carey, 
    172 F.3d at 1276
    ); see also Carey, 
    172 F.3d at 1276
     (emphasizing that
    “the questions presented in this case are extremely
    close calls and, in my opinion, are totally fact driven”)
    (Baldock, J., concurring).
    In particular, the court in Carey premised its holding on
    a few key facts that are absent here. First, the warrant in
    Carey authorized a search of the computer solely for
    “documentary” evidence of drug dealing; thus, the
    court found it significant that officers downloaded and
    viewed numerous image files containing child pornogra-
    Id. at 1271, 1273
     (noting that “scope of the search
    was . . . circumscribed to evidence pertaining to drug
    trafficking”). In contrast, Officer Mann was searching for
    “images” of women—a type of file that he could not
    search thoroughly for without stumbling upon Mann’s
    extensive collection of child pornography. In this
    respect, the search of Mann’s computer more closely
    resembles the search in Wong, where the Ninth Circuit
    upheld the denial of a motion to suppress child pornogra-
    phy found on a defendant’s computer incident to a
    murder investigation. United States v. Wong, 
    334 F.3d 831
     (9th Cir. 2003). There, the court concluded that the
    officer was within the scope of the warrant to search
    for evidence pertaining to a murder investigation when
    he opened images of child pornography, made a note of
    the files’ location, and continued with his search for
    evidence relating to the murder. 
    Id. at 835, 837-38
    Second, the court in Carey found as a factual matter
    that the officer conducting the search “made clear as he
    10                                            No. 08-3041
    opened each of the JPG files he was not looking for evi-
    dence of drug trafficking” and had “abandoned that
    search to look for more child pornography.” Carey, 
    172 F.3d at 1273
    . In contrast, the district court here in its
    factual findings credited Detective Huff’s testimony that
    at all times during the search, “I continued to look for
    items with voyeurism, and as I came across the child
    pornography, then I would not ignore it obviously.” Thus,
    Detective Huff’s actions are much closer to the detective
    in Wong, who discovered child pornography as he
    searched for items within the scope of the original
    warrant for evidence tied to a murder investigation. See
    334 F.3d at 838
    ; see also United States v. Gray, 
    78 F. Supp.2d 524
    , 529 (E.D. Va. 1999) (“In searching for the
    items listed in the warrant, Agent Ehuan was entitled to
    examine all of defendant’s files to determine whether
    they contained items that fell within the scope of the
    warrant. In the course of doing so, he inadvertently
    discovered evidence of child pornography, which was
    clearly incriminating on its face.”). And although intent
    is not generally relevant when assessing whether a given
    search falls within the scope of the warrant, Platteville,
    179 F.3d at 580
    , Detective Huff’s focus on finding
    images related to the voyeurism charges serves to
    further distinguish this case from Carey. Compare Carey,
    172 F.3d at 1273
     (noting that searching detective knew
    he was expanding scope of search and had abandoned
    the drug-related search to search for more child pornogra-
    phy) with Burgess, 
    576 F.3d at 1092
     (upholding search
    where officer “was only looking for ‘trophy photos’ when
    he came upon the child pornography”); see also Gray, 78
    No. 08-3041                                               11
    F. Supp.2d at 527 (agent opened subdirectory entitled
    “Tiny Teen” not “because he believed it might contain
    child pornography, but rather because it was the next
    subdirectory listed and he was opening all of the sub-
    directories as part of his routine search for the items
    listed in the warrant”).
    Additionally, we note that Mann’s primary complaint
    with Detective Huff’s search—that he used FTK software
    employing a filter and viewed those files flagged with the
    “KFF Alert”—does not impact the outcome here. First,
    as to the use of the filtering software itself, Detective
    Huff used it to index and catalogue the files into a
    viewable format. Given the nature of Detective Huff’s
    search and the fact that Mann could have images of
    women in locker rooms virtually anywhere on his com-
    puters, there is no reason to believe that Detective
    Huff exceeded the scope of the warrant by employing
    the FTK software without more. But see United States v.
    Comprehensive Drug Testing, Inc., 
    579 F.3d 989
    , 999 (9th Cir.
    2009) (admonishing that government’s “sophisticated
    hashing tools . . . that allow the identification of well-
    known illegal files . . . and similar search tools may not
    be used without specific authorization in the warrant”).
    The same cannot be said of the four flagged “KFF Alert”
    files. Once those files had been flagged, Detective Huff
    knew (or should have known) that files in a database
    of known child pornography images would be outside
    the scope of the warrant to search for images of women
    in locker rooms—presumably images that Mann himself
    had captured. Unfortunately for Mann, suppressing those
    four images has no impact on the outcome here. Without
    12                                                No. 08-3041
    those images, the government still possessed ample
    evidence of child pornography to sustain both Mann’s
    conviction and sentence. Although we hold that Officer
    Huff exceeded the scope of the warrant by opening the
    four flagged “KFF Alert” files, those files are severable
    from the remaining files seized. See United States v.
    4 F.3d 552
    , 557-58 (7th Cir. 1993). We thus
    reject Mann’s suggestion that all of the evidence of child
    pornography should be suppressed because Officer
    Huff exceeded the authorization of the warrant when
    opening the “KFF Alert” files.
    We also reject Mann’s suggestion that we take our cue
    from the more comprehensive rules regarding computer
    searches recently outlined by the Ninth Circuit. In
    United States v. Comprehensive Drug Testing, Inc., an
    en banc panel of the Ninth Circuit rejected the govern-
    ment’s attempt to justify its seizure of drug testing
    records for hundreds of Major League Baseball Players
    despite a warrant authorizing the seizure of only ten
    players’ records. 
    579 F.3d 989
    , 993, 1000 (9th Cir. 2009).1
    In so doing, the Ninth Circuit laid down a series of rules
    to address the difficulties posed by searches and
    seizures of digital media. The court set forth the
    following guidelines applicable when officers conduct
    computer searches and seizures. First, the opinion directs
    The Ninth Circuit recently (November 4, 2009) entered an
    order asking the parties in this case to brief the question of
    whether the case should be reheard by the full en banc court
    (comprised of all active judges as opposed to the 11 ordinarily
    selected randomly for standard en banc review).
    No. 08-3041                                              13
    magistrate judges to insist that the government
    waive reliance on the plain view doctrine. See Comprehen-
    sive Drug Testing, 
    579 F.3d at 998, 1006
    . Second, the
    warrant application should include protocol “for pre-
    venting agents involved in the investigation from ex-
    amining or retaining any data other than that for
    which probable cause is shown”—preferably by
    requiring segregation to be done by specially trained
    computer personnel unconnected to the investigation
    who agree not to “communicate any information they
    learn during the segregation process absent further ap-
    proval of the court.” 
    Id. at 1000
    . Third, the government
    must use search protocol tailored to uncover only infor-
    mation for which it has probable cause. 
    Id. at 999-1001, 1006
    . Finally, the government must either destroy or
    return any non-responsive data and inform the
    magistrate what it has kept, destroyed, or returned. 
    Id. at 1000-01, 1006
    Mann urges us to apply the Ninth Circuit’s rationale
    to conclude that Detective Huff’s search was unconstitu-
    tional. Although the Ninth Circuit’s rules provide some
    guidance in a murky area, we are inclined to find more
    common ground with the dissent’s position that
    jettisoning the plain view doctrine entirely in digital
    evidence cases is an “efficient but overbroad approach.” 
    Id. at 1013
     (Callahan, J., concurring in part and dissenting in
    part). As the dissent recognizes, there is nothing in the
    Supreme Court’s case law (or the Ninth Circuit’s for
    that matter) counseling the complete abandonment of
    the plain view doctrine in digital evidence cases. 
    too believe the more considered approach “would be to
    14                                            No. 08-3041
    allow the countours of the plain view doctrine to
    develop incrementally through the normal course of fact-
    based case adjudication.” 
     We are also skeptical of a
    rule requiring officers to always obtain pre-approval
    from a magistrate judge to use the electronic tools neces-
    sary to conduct searches tailored to uncovering
    evidence that is responsive to a properly circumscribed
    Instead, we simply counsel officers and others involved
    in searches of digital media to exercise caution to
    ensure that warrants describe with particularity the
    things to be seized and that searches are narrowly
    tailored to uncover only those things described. As dis-
    cussed above, with the exception of the four “KFF Alert”
    images, Detective Huff’s search was indeed targeted to
    uncovering evidence of voyeurism as described in what
    Mann now concedes was a lawful warrant.2 In so doing,
    he uncovered obvious evidence of child pornography.
    Although we now hold that his actions were within
    the scope of the warrant, we emphasize that his failure
    to stop his search and request a separate warrant for
    child pornography is troubling. Burgess, 
    576 F.3d at 1095
    (noting that when searching detective “observed a
    possible criminal violation outside the scope of the war-
    rant’s search authorization” he “immediately closed the
    gallery view . . . and did not renew the search until he
    Although Mann argued in the district court that the
    warrant lacked probable cause, he has since abandoned that
    No. 08-3041                                           15
    obtained a new warrant”). Because Detective Huff
    was not in a rapidly unfolding situation or searching a
    location where evidence was likely to move or change,
    there was no downside to halting the search to obtain
    a second warrant. Indeed, we find it problematic that
    nearly two months elapsed before Detective Huff began
    his search of the Western Digital hard drive despite
    having found child pornography on the Dell laptop.
    However, notwithstanding our distaste for the timeline
    of the investigation, we conclude that the original
    warrant authorized Detective Huff’s search of the
    external hard drive for images of voyeurism. Given this,
    we ultimately conclude that, with the exception of the
    four “KFF alert” images, the search was lawful, particu-
    larly since Detective Huff did indeed uncover further
    evidence of voyeurism on the external hard drive.
    Because Detective Huff discovered the child pornography
    while conducting a systematic search for evidence of
    voyeurism, we conclude that his actions were reasonable
    and within the scope of the warrant’s authorization. See
    United States v. Grimmett, 
    439 F.3d 1263
    , 1270 (10th Cir.
    2006) (recognizing that computer search may be “‘as
    extensive as reasonably required to locate the items
    described in the warrant.’ ” (quoting United States v.
    683 F.2d 1343
    , 1352 (11th Cir. 1982))).
    For the foregoing reasons we A FFIRM the judgment of
    the district court denying Mann’s motion to suppress.