Board of Trustees of the Univ v. Organon Teknika Corporation, L ( 2010 )

  •                                 In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 09-3375
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
    No. 09 C 4251—Ronald A. Guzmán, Judge.
    A RGUED A PRIL 1, 2010—D ECIDED JULY 27, 2010
    Before EASTERBROOK, Chief                Judge,    and     BAUER    and
    HAMILTON, Circuit Judges.
    E ASTERBROOK, Chief Judge. Organon Teknika, a subsid-
    iary of the pharmaceutical manufacturer Merck & Co.,
    licenses from the University of Illinois some intellectual-
    property rights needed to make Tice ® BCG, a drug for
    cancer. The royalty that the University receives depends
    on what Organon Teknika collects from its customers.
    2                                               No. 09-3375
    Because the license allows Organon Teknika to sell to
    affiliated firms, the University was concerned that the
    transfer prices would be too low and depress its royalty
    revenue. The license permits the University to reopen the
    royalty rate if it believes that Organon Teknika’s intra-
    corporate-family prices are lower than the price it charges
    (or would charge) after arms’-length negotiations with
    unrelated buyers. The contract provides that an arbitrator
    will look at comparable pharmaceutical transactions to
    determine whether Organon Teknika is charging arms’-
    length prices.
    In 2006 the University exercised its option to arbitrate
    the pricing question. The parties selected as their
    arbitrator William Albrecht, III, a consultant with C ONSOR
    Intellectual Asset Management. Albrecht received evidence
    about 39 supposedly comparable selling arrangements.
    The University denied that any of the 39 was the sort of
    comparable arms’-length deal that the license contem-
    plated. Albrecht eventually concluded that four particular
    transactions serve as benchmarks, that they had been
    negotiated at arms’ length, and that they establish that
    the University is continuing to receive the return for
    which it negotiated. Albrecht entered an award that
    closed the proceeding without changing the royalty rate.
    The report was accompanied by a cover letter that de-
    scribed the award as “final”; C ONSOR sent a “final” bill for
    its services. (The award itself was withheld until the
    bill had been paid.)
    The University was not satisfied with this defeat, but
    it did not seek judicial review of the award or ask Albrecht
    No. 09-3375                                              3
    to modify it within the 90 days allowed by 
    9 U.S.C. §12
    Six months after the bills had been paid and the award
    released to the parties, the University asked Albrecht
    to reconsider, contending that two of the four transac-
    tions he selected as comparable had not actually been
    negotiated at arms’ length. It relied on these two sen-
    tences from Albrecht’s opinion:
    The foregoing opinions and conclusions contained
    in this report are based upon the documents,
    information, and research undertaken as of the
    date of this report. I reserve the right to revisit
    my analysis and amend my conclusions, should
    additional information become available for re-
    C ONSOR asked its lawyers whether it was legally permitted
    to reopen the arbitration; counsel said yes, but that it
    should not do so unless the parties agreed. C ONSOR re-
    layed this conditional willingness (adding, as an addi-
    tional condition, the parties’ undertaking to pay for
    the extra work). The University promptly consented;
    Organon Teknika did not.
    Frustrated by this lack of cooperation, the University
    filed this suit and asked the district court to compel
    Organon Teknika to resume the arbitration. It describes
    its claim for relief as a demand that Organon Teknika
    honor its commitment to arbitrate any dispute about
    reopening the royalty rate. Organon Teknika replied that
    it did honor its obligation, that the arbitration was com-
    pleted, that the University lost, and that the time for
    further review has expired.
    4                                               No. 09-3375
    Instead of resolving the parties’ dispute, the district
    court held that there was no dispute to resolve. The
    district judge wrote a brief order dismissing the suit on
    the ground that Albrecht had not made a final award, so
    the matter remained before him and there was nothing
    for a court to do. Both sides were stunned by this dis-
    position, which neither had suggested.
    Surprisingly, Organon Teknika has appealed. Its ap-
    peal is surprising because it is the apparent victor. The
    University commenced this litigation in quest of an order
    requiring Organon Teknika to resume the arbitration; it
    emerged empty-handed. Organon Teknika asked the
    district court to deny the University’s request. The judge
    obliged—and though the judge’s reason differs from
    Organon Teknika’s, a victory for the “wrong” reason is
    still a victory. Yet the University, which lost, did not
    appeal; and Organon Teknika, which won, did. What’s
    going on?
    We asked that question at oral argument. Organon
    Teknika’s lawyer says that it appealed because it
    disagrees with the district judge’s reason for entering a
    judgment in its favor. It believes that the reason may
    come back to haunt it if, in the future, the University
    files another suit and insists that Organon Teknika is
    liable for abandoning the arbitration before its comple-
    tion. Yet litigants can’t appeal from district judges’ opin-
    ions; only their judgments are subject to appellate review.
    California v. Rooney, 
    483 U.S. 307
    , 311–14 (1987); In re UAL
    468 F.3d 444
    , 449 (7th Cir. 2006); United States v.
    Accra Pac, Inc., 
    173 F.3d 630
    , 632 (7th Cir. 1999).
    No. 09-3375                                              5
    We called for post-argument briefs about appellate
    jurisdiction. It is apparent from these briefs, and from
    some further thought about the subject, that Organon
    Teknika’s root concern deals with the terms of the judg-
    ment rather than the language of the opinion. What
    Organon Teknika wanted from this litigation (given that
    it had to endure suit in the first place) was an order
    dismissing the University’s claim with prejudice, so that
    the controversy about the royalty rate would be over.
    (At least until the University’s next opportunity to
    exercise the reopener clause.) It didn’t get that. The
    University’s suit has been dismissed without resolution,
    and thus without prejudice to renewal whenever the
    University deems the time ripe to complain about
    Organon Teknika’s continuing refusal to submit evi-
    dence and arguments to arbitrator Albrecht. Perhaps the
    University thinks that, armed with the district judge’s
    decision, it can persuade Albrecht to revise his award
    without Organon Teknika’s participation. No matter. It
    is enough to say that Organon Teknika is aggrieved by
    the terms of the judgment as well as the language of the
    opinion and therefore is entitled to appellate review. See,
    e.g., Schering-Plough Healthcare Products, Inc. v. Schwarz
    Pharma, Inc., 
    586 F.3d 500
    , 506 (7th Cir. 2009) (collecting
    The merits of the appeal will not long detain us. The
    district court plainly erred in thinking that Albrecht’s
    award was not final. It resolves the parties’ dispute; it
    was accompanied by a cover letter calling it the final
    decision; the parties paid their final bills. Nothing
    further happened for six months—and neither side sug-
    6                                              No. 09-3375
    gested to the other that something should have been
    happening to get the proceeding wrapped up. It had been
    wrapped up already. See Olson v. Wexford Clearing
    Services Corp., 
    397 F.3d 488
    , 491 (7th Cir. 2005); McKinney
    Restoration Co. v. Bricklayers Union, 
    392 F.3d 867
    , 872
    (7th Cir. 2004).
    The language to which the district court pointed is
    the arbitral equivalent of Fed. R. Civ. P. 60(b)(2), which
    allows a judgment to be reopened to consider “newly
    discovered evidence that, with reasonable diligence,
    could not have been discovered in time to move for a
    new trial under Rule 59(b)”. No one thinks that the possi-
    bility of reopening a district court’s judgment under
    Rule 60(b)(2) six months after its entry makes the judg-
    ment non-final and hence precludes an appeal. See Fed. R.
    Civ. P. 60(c)(2). Likewise no one should think that the
    equivalent language in an arbitrator’s opinion makes the
    decision non-final. See Glass Molders Union v. Excelsior
    Foundry Co., 
    56 F.3d 844
     (7th Cir. 1995). The parties have
    regaled us with discussions of the “functus officio doc-
    trine” and other technicalities of arbitral law, but none
    of them matters. The situation is as simple and straight-
    forward as we have described it.
    Organon Teknika is entitled to a decision, on the merits,
    in its favor. Rule 60(c)(1) gives the parties one year to
    present newly discovered evidence in support of a
    motion under Rule 60(b)(2). Arbitrator Albrecht did not
    tell the parties how long they had to use the opportunity
    he contemplated, but the Federal Arbitration Act does:
    90 days. 
    9 U.S.C. §12
    . The parties did not supersede
    No. 09-3375                                           7
    that rule by contract. They bargained for a final and
    conclusive decision, not for perpetual arbitration. So
    the University’s request came too late. This arbitration
    is over.
    The judgment is vacated, and the case is remanded
    with instructions to enter a judgment dismissing the
    suit with prejudice.