Carrie Zepperi-Lomanto v. American Postal Workers Union , 751 F.3d 482 ( 2014 )

  •                               In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 12-1384
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the
    Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
    No. 10 C 3847 — Elaine E. Bucklo, Judge.
    ARGUED SEPTEMBER 7, 2012 — DECIDED MAY 2, 2014
    Before CUDAHY, ROVNER, and TINDER, Circuit Judges.
    ROVNER, Circuit Judge. Carrie Zepperi-Lomanto, an em-
    ployee of the United States Postal Service, sued the union that
    represented her, the Northwest Illinois Area Local of the
    American Postal Workers Union, for breaching its duty of fair
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    representation under the Labor Management Relations Act, 
    29 U.S.C. § 185
    , by filing retaliatory grievances against her. The
    district court granted summary judgment for the union, and
    she appeals. Because none of the relief Lomanto seeks is
    available to her, we affirm.
    Reviewing a grant of summary judgment, we recount the
    facts in the light most favorable to the non-movant, Lomanto.
    Diaz v. Kraft Foods Global, Inc., 
    653 F.3d 582
    , 584 (7th Cir. 2011).
    Since 2000, Lomanto worked as a custodian for the United
    States Postal Service, cleaning the processing and distribution
    center in Palatine, Illinois. Her custodian position was a “bid
    job,” with a fixed schedule, awarded on a seniority basis under
    rules set out in the collective bargaining agreement between
    the union and the Postal Service.
    In 2005, Lomanto started working for higher pay as a
    “temporary maintenance supervisor,” supervising other
    custodians on an “as-needed basis” several times a year.
    Because such positions are not meant to be permanent, the
    CBA limits their term to four months, but Postal Service
    managers may reassign employees as temporary supervisors
    after they return to their regular jobs for a complete two-week
    pay period. Accordingly, bid jobs are reserved, or “encum-
    bered,” during a temporary assignment for four months only
    and then declared vacant, so that another union member can
    enjoy the steady schedule.
    In December 2008, union steward Robert LaFoe warned
    Lomanto that she had violated the four-month rule when she
    did not return to her custodian position for a full pay period
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    between supervisory assignments. LaFoe told her that
    although she had worked as a custodian for two consecutive
    weeks, those weeks did not align with a pay period. LaFoe,
    however, decided not to file a grievance against her with Postal
    Service management, and a few weeks later she was again
    assigned to be a temporary supervisor.
    During that assignment, Lomanto told a supervisor that
    Rick Szczesny, another Postal Service employee and union
    steward, had entered false information on his timesheet, and
    as a result Szczesny received a written warning. Soon after, in
    April 2009, LaFoe did file a grievance against Lomanto, allegi-
    ng that she submitted false information about sick leave. Postal
    Service management denied the grievance for lack of evidence,
    and in so doing cast doubt on LaFoe’s motives. According to
    management’s grievance summary, LaFoe told Lomanto,
    apparently in regard to Lomanto’s reporting of Szczesny, “this
    is what happens when you issue action on a fellow steward.”
    Events at the end of Lomanto’s supervisory assignment led
    to LaFoe filing another grievance against her for working as a
    supervisor without having first completed a two-week pay
    period as a custodian between supervisory assignments.
    Shortly before the end of her four-month assignment, Lomanto
    received travel time at the supervisory pay rate for attending
    a training in Oklahoma for Postal Service supervisors, even
    though her return fell on the first day of a new pay period. For
    the rest of that new pay period, she returned to her custodial
    work, and then the next day, she was again assigned to be a
    temporary supervisor. Szczesny and Patricia Scott, who later
    received Lomanto’s bid job and schedule, submitted statements
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    that they saw Lomanto working in the supervisors’ office
    during the intermediate pay period.
    Postal Service management concluded that Lomanto had
    indeed violated the CBA’s four-month rule: she did not
    complete a two-week pay period as a custodian because she
    did not start her custodial stint until the contested pay period
    already had begun. According to management, she still was in
    her supervisory position on the day she traveled home from
    the conference, the first day of the new pay period. Manage-
    ment stripped Lomanto of her bid job, which was ultimately
    given to Scott. Lomanto continued working at the Postal
    Service as a temporary supervisor.
    Lomanto sued the union for breaching its duty of fair
    representation under section 301 of the LMRA, 
    29 U.S.C. § 185
    She alleged that, instead of fairly representing her in the
    dispute about the CBA’s four-month rule, the union acted in
    bad faith by filing retaliatory grievances against her. She
    sought (1) reinstatement to her bid job, (2) punitive damages,
    (3) compensatory damages, including for emotional pain and
    suffering, and (4) attorneys’ fees.
    The union moved for summary judgment contending that
    it did not breach its duty of fair representation because the
    second grievance was successful and, further, Lomanto could
    not obtain any of the relief she sought. The district court
    granted the motion. The court acknowledged that there was a
    fact question about the union’s motive in filing the grievances,
    but concluded that Lomanto could not obtain her requested
    relief because only the Postal Service could reinstate her, but it
    was not party to the suit; neither punitive damages nor
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    emotional-distress damages are available in fair-representation
    suits; and the “American rule” would prohibit her from
    recovering attorneys’ fees if she were to prevail.
    On appeal Lomanto challenges the district court’s conclu-
    sion that none of her requested relief is available to her. First,
    Lomanto argues that the union could convince the Postal
    Service to reinstate her. But, as the district court noted, the
    union itself cannot reinstate Lomanto and the court could not
    order the Postal Service to give her back her bid job because
    the Postal Service is not a party to the suit. Indeed, “relief
    against the Union in a civil action could never produce
    reinstatement.” Baldini v. Local Union No. 1095, 
    581 F.2d 145
    149 (7th Cir. 1978).
    Second, Lomanto challenges the ruling that she would not
    be entitled to punitive damages. She acknowledges that the
    Supreme Court in International Brotherhood of Electric Workers v.
    442 U.S. 42
    , 52 (1979), held that punitive damages are not
    available in suits by union members against the union for
    failing to properly pursue a grievance, but distinguishes her
    case on grounds that the union here filed a retaliatory griev-
    ance. Contrary to Lomanto’s position, we have interpreted
    Foust to establish “a blanket prohibition against the recovery of
    punitive damages in all fair representation suits.” Lewis v. Local
    Union No. 100 of Laborers’ Int’l Union of N. Am., 
    750 F.2d 1368
    1382 (7th Cir. 1984) (collecting cases from other circuits).
    Third, Lomanto contests the conclusion that emotional-
    distress damages are not available in fair-representation cases.
    She cites contrary authority, see, e.g., Baskin v. Hawley, 
    807 F.2d 6
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    1120, 1133 (2d Cir. 1986); Richardson v. Comm. Workers of Am.,
    443 F.2d 974
    , 983 n.12 (8th Cir. 1971), but we have ruled that
    state-law claims for emotional distress are preempted by the
    LMRA in disputes involving the CBA, Chapple v. Nat’l Starch &
    Chem. Co., 
    178 F.3d 501
    , 508 (7th Cir. 1999); In re Amoco Petrol.
    Additives Co., 
    964 F.2d 706
    , 709–10 (7th Cir. 1992), and
    Lomanto’s allegations give us no reason to allow emotional-
    distress damages in her case. Other circuit courts have allowed
    emotional-distress damages in exceptional cases when the
    union’s conduct was “truly outrageous,” Baskin, 807 F.2d at
    1133; see also, e.g., Richardson, 
    443 F.2d at
    983 n.12 (plaintiff’s car
    tires deflated, wife insulted, and plaintiff burned with cigarette
    and pelted with nuts, bolts, and screws, among other harass-
    ments), but Lomanto’s allegations that the union filed a
    retaliatory grievance about sick leave and submitted false
    statements from Szczesny and Scott (neither action affected the
    ultimate decision to take away her bid job) suggest that the
    union may have cut corners, but not that its behavior was
    “truly outrageous.”
    Finally, Lomanto insists that attorneys’ fees are recoverable
    when a union breaches its duty of fair representation, and in
    support cites Bennett v. Local Union No. 66, 
    958 F.2d 1429
    Cir. 1992). But Bennett authorized recovery only of legal
    “expenses incurred in pursuing the claim against the em-
    ployer,” not attorneys’ fees in a suit against the union. 
    Id. at 1440
    . Requiring the union to pay for Lomanto’s attorneys’ fees
    would not only fly in the face of the “American rule”—that
    litigants pay their own attorneys’ fees, win or lose, Hardt v.
    Reliance Standard Life Ins. Co., 
    560 U.S. 242
    , 253 (2010)—it would
    make no sense: the union has no duty to represent Lomanto
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    and prosecute the case against itself. Because Lomanto cannot
    obtain the relief that she seeks, the judgment is