United States v. James Selvie , 684 F.3d 679 ( 2012 )

  •                               In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 12-1140
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
    No. 10 CR 698—Ronald A. Guzman, Judge.
    A RGUED JUNE 1, 2012—D ECIDED JUNE 29, 2012
    Before F LAUM, R OVNER, and W ILLIAMS, Circuit Judges.
    F LAUM, Circuit Judge. Chicago police arrested
    James Selvie for weapons crimes stemming from his
    possession of a loaded handgun. While in custody, he
    contacted his girlfriend, Juvona Robinson, and asked her
    to file a complaint with the Chicago Police Department
    (“CPD”), alleging that his arresting officers planted the
    gun on him and arrested him falsely. Robinson did so,
    and CPD initiated an investigation into Selvie’s allega-
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    tions. As part of its investigation, CPD contacted
    Robinson, who immediately recanted her complaint and
    confessed that she had no actual knowledge of what
    transpired during Selvie’s arrest. CPD terminated its
    Federal authorities ultimately assumed jurisdiction
    over Selvie’s case and charged him with being a felon
    in possession of a firearm, 
    18 U.S.C. § 922
    (g). He pled
    guilty pursuant to a plea agreement. He appeals his
    sentence, arguing that the district court improperly en-
    hanced his base offense level for obstruction of justice,
    predicated on the false complaint he lodged with CPD.
    We affirm the district court’s sentence.
    I. Background
    On May 3, 2010, Chicago police officers on patrol ob-
    served James Selvie, a known gang member, with a bulge
    in his waistband that they deemed suspicious. They
    exited their squad car to investigate further, at which
    time Selvie fled on foot and tossed a loaded handgun
    onto a nearby porch. The officers arrested Selvie and
    recovered the gun.
    The State’s Attorney’s Office charged Selvie with
    various weapons offenses. The charges constituted a
    parole violation, and he remained in custody at the
    Statesville Correctional Facility.
    On May 8, 2010, Selvie’s girlfriend called CPD to file
    a complaint. She alleged that Selvie’s arresting officers
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    planted the gun on him and arrested him falsely. Sergeant
    William Gentile was assigned to investigate her allega-
    tions. When he contacted her, she immediately volun-
    teered that she made the complaint at Selvie’s request,
    that she was not present when he was arrested, and
    that she lacked any first-hand knowledge about the
    arrest. She also informed Gentile that she could not sub-
    stantiate her complaint, refused to provide a sworn
    statement, and requested that he terminate the inves-
    tigation. Gentile closed the investigation.
    In August 2010, the United States Attorney’s Office for
    the Northern District of Illinois indicted Selvie for being
    a felon in possession of a firearm, 
    18 U.S.C. § 922
    (g). The
    state charges against him were dismissed. Selvie pled
    guilty to the federal charge pursuant to a plea agree-
    ment. The agreement did not contain an enhancement
    for obstruction of justice.
    Before sentencing, Selvie’s probation officer provided
    a Presentencing Report to the court. The officer
    contended that Selvie caused his girlfriend to file a
    false report in order to obstruct CPD’s investigation. He
    recommended a two-level increase to the base offense
    level. Selvie objected to the proposed enhancement,
    arguing that his girlfriend never suggested that she
    witnessed his arrest and that his conduct did not
    obstruct justice under Section 3C1.1 of the Sentencing
    At sentencing, the government agreed that Selvie’s
    conduct did not amount to obstruction. Yet, the district
    court, signaling that it found significant Selvie’s attempt
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    to induce a third party to file a complaint, instructed
    the government to brief the issue and continued the
    hearing. The government filed the requested brief,
    in which it reversed its position and endorsed an ob-
    struction enhancement. Selvie, it concluded, attempted
    to intimidate or influence the arresting officers into with-
    holding their testimony by inducing his girlfriend to
    file a complaint against them. Subsequently, the proba-
    tion department amended the Presentencing Report,
    withdrawing its request for an obstruction enhance-
    ment. It explained that the enhancement was inappro-
    priate because, in light of the fact that Selvie’s girlfriend
    did not witness his arrest, Selvie’s putative attempt
    to obstruct the investigation was ill-conceived, had little
    chance of success, and was quickly abandoned.
    Nevertheless, when sentencing resumed, the district
    court found that Selvie obstructed justice and enhanced
    his base offense level by two levels. His guideline range
    increased from 37-46 months to 46-57 months. The
    court sentenced Selvie to 51 months’ imprisonment.
    II. Discussion
    We review for clear error a district court’s factual
    findings that underlie a sentencing enhancement. See
    United States v. Pellmann, 
    668 F.3d 918
    , 926 (7th Cir. 2012).
    We review a district court’s decision to enhance a
    sentence based on those facts de novo. See 
    No. 12-1140                                             5
    A. The District Court Did Not Clearly Err in Its
    Findings of Fact
    At sentencing, the district court found that Selvie
    planned and attempted to induce false testimony from
    a fabricated witness in order subvert the government’s
    ability to prove the charges against him. It stated:
    This is an actual determination to set about a plan
    and to execute a plan to, in essence, conjure up a
    witness, make up a witness to allege that things
    were done to this man by the police that weren’t
    done, things which would affect whether or not he
    was, in fact, guilty of the offense he was charged
    with. And that’s more than a mere denial. It carries
    the potential for significantly obstructing an inves-
    tigation. And it takes a certain amount of planning
    and forethought and audacity, frankly, to call up a
    person who has nothing to do with the case and
    impose upon her to lie about the police officers
    who caused your arrest.
    This behavior, it concluded, constituted obstruction of
    We will disturb the district court’s findings as clearly
    erroneous only if our review of the record leaves us with
    “the definite and firm conviction that a mistake has been
    committed.” United States v. Littrice, 
    666 F.3d 1053
    , 1060
    (7th Cir. 2012) (quoting United States v. Severson, 
    569 F.3d 683
    , 689 (7th Cir. 2009)). The record does not
    support that assessment.
    Selvie does not dispute that he called Juvona Robinson
    and asked her to file a complaint against his arresting
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    officers. Nor does he dispute that he fabricated the
    content of that complaint, in which he alleged that the
    arresting officers planted the recovered gun, framed him
    for, inter alia, possession of a firearm, and arrested
    him falsely. Indeed, he ultimately pled guilty to being a
    felon in possession of a firearm and, thus, admitted that
    the weapon was not planted. Since he does not contest
    that he called Robinson, that she filed a report per his
    instructions, and that the report was false, the district
    court did not err in accepting these facts as true and
    considering them as it fashioned its decision regarding
    an obstruction enhancement.
    B. The District Court Appropriately Enhanced Selvie’s
    Guideline Range
    Selvie argues that his actions do not satisfy the criteria
    for obstruction of justice. He challenges, first, that he did
    not induce knowingly false testimony because he never
    asked Robinson to tell the police that she witnessed
    his arrest first-hand: he merely asked her to relay to
    the police his complaint against his arresting officers.
    Second, he argues, his actions did not—and could not
    have—impeded the prosecution against him.
    Section 3C1.1 permits a two-level increase in a defen-
    dant’s offense level if:
    (1) the defendant willfully obstructed or impeded,
    or attempted to obstruct or impede, the administra-
    tion of justice with respect to the investigation, prose-
    cution, or sentencing of the instant offense of con-
    viction, and (2) the obstructive conduct related to
    No. 12-1140                                                 7
    (A) the defendant’s offense of conviction and any
    relevant conduct; or (B) a closely related offense . . . .
    means by which a defendant may earn an obstruction
    enhancement is by “providing a materially false state-
    ment to a law enforcement officer that significantly ob-
    structed or impeded the official investigation or pros-
    ecution of the instant offense.” Id. at cmt. n.4(G). A state-
    ment is materially false if, were it believed, it “would
    tend to influence or affect the issue under determina-
    tion.” Id. at cmt. n.6.
    In this case, Selvie provided a materially false state-
    ment to the police. Although he recruited an intermediary
    to relay his message, he informed CPD that his arresting
    officers planted a gun on him when they did not do so.
    Were his complaint believed, it would tend to influence
    or affect the issue under determination—whether Selvie
    illegally possessed a firearm. The presence of a gun on
    his person or in his possession was the crux of the
    charge against him. Selvie, thus, misapprehends the
    criteria for obstruction when he argues that Robinson
    did not know the information she relayed to the police
    was false. Her intent to obstruct or impede the inves-
    tigation is irrelevant. What matters is whether he
    intended to obstruct or impede the investigation by
    providing materially false information to law enforce-
    ment. Clearly he did so: he lied about the police
    illegally planting evidence, and he requested Robinson
    to serve as the mouthpiece by which he communicated
    the false information; his conduct underscores that he
    acted wilfully.
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    We must consider, however, whether the false infor-
    mation he provided “significantly obstructed or impeded
    the official investigation or prosecution of the instant
    offense.” Id. at cmt. n.4(G). Selvie argues that his false
    complaint was ill-conceived and quickly abandoned.
    Law enforcement authorities, therefore, were not and
    could not have been deceived by his disinformation.
    We hold that actual deception is irrelevant to the
    inquiry; the government must show only that it ex-
    pended time or resources on the false information.
    Materially false information provided to law enforce-
    ment must actually obstruct or impede the official investi-
    gation to merit an obstruction enhancement. See id. at
    cmt. n.4(G). Without more, false statements to law en-
    forcement authorities, if not made under oath, do not
    actually impact the investigation or prosecution. See id.
    at cmt. n.5(B); see also United States v. Raupp, 
    677 F.3d 756
    , 758-59 (7th Cir. 2012) (noting that the Sentencing
    Commission’s application notes are authoritative and
    controlling unless “plainly erroneous or inconsistent
    with the regulation” (quoting Stinson v. United States,
    508 U.S. 36
    , 44-45 (1993))). The government must prove
    “a detrimental effect upon [its] efforts to investigate or
    prosecute the instant offense.” United States v. Griffin,
    310 F.3d 1017
    , 1023 (7th Cir. 2002); see also United States
    v. Hanhardt, 
    361 F.3d 382
    , 389-90 (7th Cir. 2004) (inter-
    preting Section 3C1.1’s application notes to require the
    government to demonstrate “[s]ignificant and actual
    obstruction or impediment” to apply an obstruction
    enhancement), vacated and remanded for re-sentencing in
    light of United States v. Booker, 
    543 U.S. 220
     (2005), sub nom.
    Altobello v. United States, 
    543 U.S. 1097
     (2005). This detri-
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    mental effect, however, need not amount to a total frus-
    tration of the government’s efforts. See United States v.
    308 F.3d 791
    , 794 (7th Cir. 2002) (citing United
    States v. Kroledge, 
    201 F.3d 900
    , 906-07 (7th Cir. 2000))
    (“The fact that the government’s investigative efforts
    were not ultimately frustrated by [the defendant’s] per-
    version of the truth should not become a boon for
    the defendant.”). False statements prejudice an inves-
    tigation when they burden law enforcement and pre-
    cipitate “expended resources to track down . . . false
    leads.” Griffin, 
    310 F.3d at 1023
    ; see also United States v.
    154 F.3d 412
    , 414-15 (7th Cir. 1998). Material misin-
    formation that exerts any impact on the government’s
    resources may elicit an obstruction enhancement.
    Selvie’s false complaint forced CPD to launch an in-
    vestigation and send its personnel to interview Robin-
    son. That Robinson quickly recanted does not alter the
    fact that CPD spent time and manpower to vet Selvie’s
    allegations. Her candor simply saved CPD additional
    time and resources otherwise wasted on Selvie’s lies.
    Accordingly, he committed obstruction, and the district
    court justifiedly enhanced his base offense level.
    III. Conclusion
    For the foregoing reasons, we A FFIRM the decision of
    the district court.