Louis Wozniak v. Ilesanmi Adesida ( 2019 )

  •                                 In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 18-3315
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Central District of Illinois.
    No. 15-cv-2275 — Colin S. Bruce, Judge.
    ARGUED MAY 15, 2019 — DECIDED AUGUST 6, 2019
    Before WOOD, Chief Judge, and EASTERBROOK and
    HAMILTON, Circuit Judges.
    EASTERBROOK, Circuit Judge. The University of Illinois
    fired Louis Wozniak in 2013. Until then he had tenure on the
    faculty of the College of Engineering. But after Wozniak
    waged an extended campaign against students who did not
    give him an award, the University’s Board of Trustees decid-
    ed that he had violated the institution’s norms and rules, in-
    cluding the need to treat students with respect. As he had
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    done before when the University insisted that he follow
    school policies, Wozniak responded with a federal lawsuit.
    He lost the last time, see Wozniak v. Conry, 
    236 F.3d 888
    Cir. 2001), and loses this time too.
    The district court’s lengthy opinion granting summary
    judgment to the defendants, 
    368 F. Supp. 3d 1217
    (C.D. Ill.
    2018), sets out all the pertinent facts, and then some, so we
    can be brief. Two student honor societies at the College of
    Engineering jointly give an annual teaching award. In spring
    2009 they presented the award to Professor Ali E. Abbas.
    Wozniak thought that he should have received the award
    and set out to investigate. He called the head of one honor
    society to his office, aggressively interrogated her, got her to
    cry, and repeated the process with one of the University’s
    employees (who did not cry but was distressed). He then
    posted on his website information criticizing the student
    heads of the honor societies and enabling readers to deter-
    mine their identities. That violated the University’s policies
    as well as conditions adached to the University’s federal
    grants. 20 U.S.C. §1232g(b).
    The College’s Dean started tenure-revocation proceed-
    ings. The University’s Commidee on Academic Freedom and
    Tenure investigated, held hearings, and received submis-
    sions from the Interim Chancellor and Wozniak. The Com-
    midee concluded that Wozniak had engaged in several kinds
    of misconduct but that loss of tenure would be an excessive
    response. The University’s President presented the mader to
    the Board of Trustees, which held ultimate authority. It con-
    ducted its own hearing, including live testimony and cross-
    examination. Disagreeing with the Commidee, the Board
    thought Wozniak’s conduct a firing offense.
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    One reason for the difference in opinion is what Wozniak
    did after the Commidee issued its report: he posted the en-
    tire document, and all evidence the Commidee received, on
    his website, revealing the identities of the students involved
    and the distress they felt at Wozniak’s conduct. He included
    a link to this material in the signature block of every email
    he sent from his University account. Wozniak did this after
    the Commidee informed him that disseminating identifying
    information about the students would be grounds for dis-
    missal. Told by the Dean to remove this material, Wozniak
    refused. Inconsiderate and insubordinate is the most chari-
    table description one can adach to this conduct.
    Before the Commidee’s hearing, Wozniak had sought to
    interrogate the students further about the circumstances
    leading to the award. After they refused to speak with him,
    Wozniak filed a civil suit in state court seeking damages
    from them. He concedes that the sole reason for filing this
    suit was to get a judicial order requiring the students to sit
    for depositions, and that he planned to dismiss the suit as
    soon as that had been done. In other words, Wozniak con-
    cedes commiding a tort against the students. (The tort is
    abuse of process.) In the event, the state judge dismissed the
    suit as frivolous before depositions occurred.
    The Board concluded that students should not be treated
    as Wozniak had done and that students’ educational lives
    would be beder without him on the faculty. Wozniak does
    not contend that the Board’s decision violated his tenure
    contract; instead he accuses the University of violating the
    Constitution of the United States.
    His lead argument is that the First Amendment (applied
    to the states through the Fourteenth) entitles faculty mem-
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    bers to make available to the public any information they
    please, no mader how embarrassing or distressful to stu-
    dents. This argument, even if correct, would not carry the
    day for him: he was fired for intentionally causing hurt to
    students, and refusing to follow the Dean’s instructions, not
    simply for publicizing the effects of his actions. What’s more,
    the argument is not correct.
    Wozniak acted in his capacity as a teacher. The subject of
    the award was teaching; he called students into his faculty
    office (a power he possessed by virtue of his job) and used
    his position to inflict the injuries that precipitated his dis-
    charge. Garce?i v. Ceballos, 
    547 U.S. 410
    , 421 (2006), holds that
    the First Amendment does not govern how employers re-
    spond to speech that is part of a public employee’s job.
    Wozniak tells us that his conduct was not part of his duties,
    and in a sense this is right: it did not concern how he ran his
    classroom, graded exams, assisted students in conducting
    experiments or writing papers, or conducted his own re-
    search and scholarship. Those are core academic duties. Yet
    how faculty members relate to students is part of their jobs,
    which makes Ceballos applicable. See Brown v. Chicago Board
    of Education, 
    824 F.3d 713
    , 715 (7th Cir. 2016). Professors who
    harass and humiliate students cannot successfully teach
    them, and a shell-shocked student may have difficulty learn-
    ing in other professors’ classes. A university that permits
    professors to degrade students and commit torts against
    them cannot fulfill its educational functions.
    There is another route to the same conclusion. Speech
    that concerns personal job-related maders is outside the
    scope of the First Amendment, even if that speech is not
    among the job’s duties. See, e.g., Connick v. Myers, 461 U.S.
    No. 18-3315                                                  5
    138 (1983). Whether an award by two student societies (ac-
    companied by $500 and a plaque) went to Abbas or to Woz-
    niak may have been important to Wozniak, but it is not a
    mader of public concern. Employers can insist that such
    maders of personnel administration be handled confidential-
    ly, using the employer’s preferred means. See, e.g., Bivens v.
    591 F.3d 555
    , 560–62 (7th Cir. 2010). By humiliating
    students as a mader of self-gratification and persisting in
    defiance of the Dean’s instructions, Wozniak left himself
    open to discipline consistent with the Constitution.
    Wozniak’s second argument is that the Board violated
    the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Ten-
    ured professors at public universities have property interests
    in their jobs and are entitled to notice and an opportunity for
    a hearing before they may be deprived of that interest.
    Compare Board of Regents v. Roth, 
    408 U.S. 564
    (1972), with
    Perry v. Sindermann, 
    408 U.S. 593
    (1972). But the Dean gave
    Wozniak formal notice, and he then had two hearings—one
    before the Commidee and one before the Board. At each he
    was represented by counsel and allowed to call witnesses
    and present argument. He was entitled as well to an impar-
    tial decisionmaker, see Caperton v. A.T. Massey Coal Co., 
    556 U.S. 868
    (2009); Peters v. Kiff, 
    407 U.S. 493
    (1972), and the
    University honored that entitlement: Wozniak does not con-
    tend that any member of the Board was biased or otherwise
    disqualified. He does complain about one member of the
    Commidee, but its recommendation was favorable to him,
    and it was also not the decisionmaker.
    We have said enough to show that the due-process claim
    must be resolved in the University’s favor. Wozniak con-
    tends that the Commidee and Board did not follow all of the
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    University’s rules and regulations for tenure-revocation pro-
    ceedings, but this has nothing to do with the Constitution.
    The meaning of the Due Process Clause is a mader of federal
    law, and a constitutional suit is not a way to enforce state
    law through the back door. See, e.g., Snowden v. Hughes, 
    321 U.S. 1
    , 11 (1944); Davis v. Scherer, 
    468 U.S. 183
    , 192–96 (1984);
    Archie v. Racine, 
    847 F.2d 1211
    , 1215–18 (7th Cir. 1988) (en
    banc); Tucker v. Chicago, 
    907 F.3d 487
    , 494–95 (7th Cir. 2018)
    (citing other decisions). (Wozniak could not use federal liti-
    gation to enforce state law directly against a part of the state,
    see Pennhurst State School & Hospital v. Halderman, 
    465 U.S. 89
    , 103–23 (1984).) Wozniak complains that the Board did
    not permit him to call every witness he wanted to present.
    But the Due Process Clause does not regulate the hearing’s
    every detail. Even in federal court—indeed, even in a crimi-
    nal prosecution, where procedural protections are at their
    maximum—the judge may exclude proffered evidence as
    irrelevant or cumulative, see Fed. R. Evid. 402, 403, or for
    other reasons laid out in the Rules of Evidence.
    The Board received the Commidee’s report and its
    lengthy evidentiary record and heard enough additional tes-
    timony to permit it to make an intelligent decision. The Con-
    stitution does not require the Board to take testimony from
    the Commidee’s members. (Again this is not required, in-
    deed usually is not allowed, in court, where judges make de-
    cisions based on administrative records without receiving
    decisionmakers’ testimony. See, e.g., Citizens to Preserve
    Overton Park, Inc. v. Volpe, 
    401 U.S. 402
    , 420 (1971).) Likewise
    it is irrelevant who prepared initial drafts of the opinions for
    the Commidee or the Board. The members of the Federal
    Communications Commission do not necessarily draft their
    own opinions (neither do all federal judges), but this does
    No. 18-3315                                             7
    not open them to constitutional adack. The University went
    well beyond the constitutional minimum.
    Wozniak’s remaining arguments do not require discus-