Barbara Castile v. Michael Astrue , 617 F.3d 923 ( 2010 )

  •                               In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 09-3917
    M ICHAEL J. A STRUE, Commissioner of
    the Social Security Administration,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Southern District of Indiana, Indianapolis Division.
    No. 1:09-cv-0023—David F. Hamilton, Judge.
    A RGUED JUNE 2, 2010—D ECIDED A UGUST 13, 2010
    Before E ASTERBROOK, Chief Judge, and P OSNER and
    K ANNE, Circuit Judges.
    K ANNE, Circuit Judge. Barbara Castile filed numerous
    claims under Title II of the Social Security Act in accor-
    dance with the process proscribed by the Social Security
    Administration (“SSA”) for obtaining disability insurance
    and disability widow’s benefits. All of her claims were
    denied at each of the SSA’s administrative levels. On
    2                                              No. 09-3917
    subsequent judicial review by the district court, the SSA’s
    denials were affirmed. Castile now appeals her claims
    for the sixth time, alleging that the district court erred
    in affirming the denials. We affirm.
    As part of its review of the SSA’s determination, the
    district court undertook a comprehensive review of
    Castile’s medical and vocational history. Included in
    this review was the administrative law judge’s (“ALJ”)
    application of the required five-step sequential analysis
    to Castile’s personal history. Because of the exhaustive
    nature of the district court’s review, we adopt this back-
    ground discussion in its entirety, as contained in Castile
    v. Astrue, No. 1:09-cv-0023, 
    2009 WL 3676645
     (S.D. Ind.
    Nov. 2, 2009). Nevertheless, we feel it is appropriate and
    have chosen to set forth herein a summary of the proce-
    dural history of this appeal.
    On March 20, 2002, Castile filed applications for
    Social Security disability insurance benefits and disabled
    widow’s benefits under Title II of the Social Security Act.
    Castile alleged that her disability began on March 20,
    2001, due to a combination of fibromyalgia, arthritis,
    chronic fatigue, depression, obesity, high blood pressure,
    anxiety, and sleep apnea, among other maladies. At the
    date of the onset of her alleged disability Castile was
    49 years old, an age classification associated with a
    “younger individual” under the Social Security Act. Her
    claims were initially denied on June 21, 2002, and were
    again denied upon reconsideration on November 13,
    No. 09-3917                                                3
    2002. Dissatisfied with these determinations, Castile
    subsequently requested and received an administrative
    hearing at which she appeared with an attorney and
    presented testimony. Her claims were denied by the
    ALJ on June 9, 2003. Castile then requested review by
    the SSA’s Appeals Council. The Council remanded the
    matter to the ALJ with instructions to obtain addi-
    tional evidence.
    A supplemental hearing was convened on March 3,
    2006. An exhaustive amount of evidence was presented,
    including additional medical records, medical expert
    testimony, and vocational expert testimony. Castile was
    again represented by counsel. In conducting the five-step
    sequential analysis to determine disability as required
    20 C.F.R. §§ 404.1520
     and 416.920, the ALJ found
    that Castile had not engaged in substantial gainful
    activity since the alleged onset date of her disability (step
    one); Castile suffered from the “severe” impairments of
    hypertension, sleep apnea, obesity, fibromyalgia, and
    depression, but Castile’s chronic fatigue syndrome
    was not severe (step two); and that none of Castile’s
    impairments, either alone or in combination, qualified as
    a listed impairment (step three). The ALJ then examined
    Castile’s residual functioning capacity and concluded
    that she could perform her past relevant work as an
    order clerk (step four). Because the ALJ determined
    Castile was not disabled at step four, he was not re-
    quired to and did not proceed to step five.
    On February 12, 2007, the ALJ, acting on behalf of the
    SSA’s Commissioner, again denied Castile’s applications.
    The ALJ concluded that Castile was not disabled as the
    4                                            No. 09-3917
    meaning of that term is defined under the Social Security
    Act because her impairments did not meet or equal any
    listed impairment, and she remained capable of per-
    forming her past relevant work as an order clerk. The
    Council declined Castile’s request for further review,
    thereby making the ALJ’s decision the final decision of
    the Commissioner.
    On January 8, 2009, Castile filed a civil action in the
    district court seeking judicial review of the Commis-
    sioner’s decision. On November 2, 2009, the district
    court found that the ALJ’s findings were supported by
    substantial evidence and issued an Entry on Judicial
    Review and Final Judgment affirming the Commis-
    sioner’s final decision.
    On appeal, Castile presents arguments identical to
    those addressed by the district court. Castile argues
    again that the ALJ erred at step two of the evaluation by
    determining that her chronic fatigue syndrome was not
    “severe.” Castile next argues that the ALJ failed to give
    sufficient weight to the effect of her obesity on her
    ability to work. Lastly, Castile argues that the ALJ’s
    credibility finding was improperly articulated and unrea-
    sonable. We take each argument in turn.
    A. Standard of Review
    We review de novo the district court’s judgment
    affirming the Commissioner’s final decision, Dixon v.
    No. 09-3917                                                 5
    270 F.3d 1171
    , 1176 (7th Cir. 2001), and will
    uphold the Commissioner’s decision so long as the ALJ
    applied the correct legal standard and substantial evi-
    dence supported the decision, see Skinner v. Astrue, 
    478 F.3d 836
    , 841 (7th Cir. 2007); Steele v. Barnhart, 
    290 F.3d 936
    , 940 (7th Cir. 2002). Substantial evidence is “ ‘such
    relevant evidence as a reasonable mind might accept as
    adequate to support a conclusion.’ ” Skinner, 
    478 F.3d at 841
     (quoting Richardson v. Perales, 
    402 U.S. 389
    , 401 (1971)).
    “When reviewing for substantial evidence, we do not
    displace the ALJ’s judgment by reconsidering facts or
    evidence or making credibility determinations.” 
    We note that on appeal Castile primarily addresses
    the ALJ’s decision without discussing the district court’s
    analysis of that decision. While not legally flawed, we
    have previously indicated that such an approach is a
    “risky tactic,” especially in a case such as this where the
    district court judge issued a “thorough and persuasive
    opinion.” White v. Barnhart, 
    415 F.3d 654
    , 658 (7th Cir.
    B. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
    Castile argues that the ALJ erred by finding that her
    alleged chronic fatigue syndrome was not a severe im-
    pairment. She contends that her claimed chronic fatigue
    syndrome by itself renders her incapable of performing
    Procedurally, the ALJ is required to determine at step
    two of the sequential analysis whether the claimant in
    6                                               No. 09-3917
    fact has an impairment or combination of impairments
    that is “severe.” 
    20 C.F.R. § 404.1520
    (a)(4)(ii). The bur-
    den, however, is on the claimant to prove that the im-
    pairment is severe. Zurawski v. Halter, 
    245 F.3d 881
    , 885-86
    (7th Cir. 2001). A severe impairment is an impairment
    or combination of impairments that “significantly lim-
    its [one’s] physical or mental ability to do basic work
    20 C.F.R. §§ 404.1520
    (c); cf. 404.1521(a). As
    long as the ALJ determines that the claimant has one
    severe impairment, the ALJ will proceed to the re-
    maining steps of the evaluation process. 
    20 C.F.R. § 404.1523
    ; see also Golembiewski v. Barnhart, 
    322 F.3d 912
    918 (7th Cir. 2003) (“Having found that one or more of
    [appellant’s] impairments was ‘severe,’ the ALJ needed
    to consider the aggregate effect of the entire constella-
    tion of ailments—including those impairments that in
    isolation are not severe.”). Therefore, the step two deter-
    mination of severity is “merely a threshold require-
    ment.” Hickman v. Apfel, 
    187 F.3d 683
    , 688 (7th Cir. 1999).
    Although the ALJ found that Castile has numerous
    severe impairments, his findings also indicated that
    Castile’s chronic fatigue syndrome was not severe
    because it did not more than minimally affect her ability
    to perform basic sedentary work activities. In addition,
    the ALJ noted that the record was devoid of any
    medical laboratory test results to support her claim. The
    ALJ also observed that although Castile had complained
    of chronic fatigue syndrome since 1997, she continued
    working, and she apparently felt well enough to apply
    for work as late as January 2002. Finally, the ALJ noted
    that there were no records whatsoever of any physical
    complaints since August 2003.
    No. 09-3917                                               7
    We agree with the district court that there was sub-
    stantial evidence to support the ALJ’s conclusion. Regard-
    less, this particular determination is of no consequence
    with respect to the outcome of the case. Because the
    ALJ recognized numerous other severe impairments, he
    was obligated to proceed with the evaluation process. See
    Golembiewski v. Barnhart, 
    322 F.3d 912
    , 918 (7th Cir. 2003)
    (“Having found that one or more of [appellant’s] impair-
    ments was ‘severe,’ the ALJ needed to consider the ag-
    gregate effect of the entire constellation of ailments.”).
    Accordingly, in step four of the evaluation, the ALJ
    properly considered Castile’s chronic fatigue syndrome
    along with her other severe and non-severe impairments
    in determining whether Castile could perform her past
    Castile further contends that her chronic fatigue
    syndrome, in combination with her other impairments,
    rendered her disabled because such impairments cause
    a level of absenteeism that makes it impossible for her to
    perform acceptable work. Therefore, Castile argues, the
    ALJ erred as a matter of law and fact because the ALJ
    improperly evaluated the limiting effects of her chronic
    fatigue syndrome. It is Castile, however, who bears the
    burden of proving that she is disabled, and she
    failed to present any medical evidence linking her
    chronic fatigue syndrome to the unacceptable level of
    absenteeism she alleges. 
    42 U.S.C. § 423
    20 C.F.R. § 404.1512
    (a). Contrary to her claims, none of Castile’s
    treating physicians opined that she was incapable of
    working. In fact, medical expert Dr. Emily Giesel opined
    that Castile’s aliments did not meet the definition of any
    8                                               No. 09-3917
    of the disability listings, and that she was capable of
    performing the full range of sedentary work.
    As previously discussed, the ALJ observed that Castile
    continued working after the alleged onset of her chronic
    fatigue syndrome in 1997. In fact, the ALJ noted that
    Castile even applied for other work in January 2002,
    which was after her alleged disability onset date.
    Castile argues, weakly we think, that since continuous
    deterioration is not a characteristic of chronic fatigue
    syndrome, the fact that she resumed work and applied
    for work on another job is not indicative of the tolera-
    bility of her condition or her actual ability to work. Not
    only does Castile fail to provide any evidence to sup-
    port this argument, but such an assertion flies in the
    face of her claim that it is “impossible” for her to work
    at all. We believe that Castile’s continued employment is
    a factor supporting the ALJ’s determination, especially
    because no evidence was presented to show that her
    conditions worsened.
    Contrary to Castile’s claims, we find that the ALJ consid-
    ered all available evidence involving her chronic fatigue
    syndrome, and that there was substantial evidence sup-
    porting the ALJ’s conclusion that Castile’s long-standing
    complaints did not render her disabled.
    C. Obesity
    Although the ALJ found that Castile’s obesity was a
    severe impairment at step two, the ALJ concluded at step
    three that Castile’s impairments, including her obesity
    No. 09-3917                                               9
    alone or in combination with her other impairments,
    did not rise to the medical definition of any currently
    listed impairment. Castile argues that the ALJ erred in
    this evaluation of her obesity. She claims that the ALJ
    failed to give sufficient weight to the effect of her
    obesity on her ability to work and that the ALJ failed to
    articulate any reasons for his conclusion.
    Both the ALJ and the district court noted the strikingly
    relevant fact that the SSA has removed obesity as a sepa-
    rate listing from the list of disabling impairments. Social
    Security Ruling 02-1p, 
    67 Fed. Reg. 57,859
    However, in accordance with that Ruling, the ALJ is
    required to and did in fact consider Castile’s obesity
    in evaluating the severity of her other impairments. In
    particular, the ALJ noted that he “considered her
    obesity using the criteria of the musculoskeletal, respira-
    tory, and cardiovascular impairments under Listings
    1.00Q, 3.00I, and 4.00F, respectively.” The ALJ further
    considered her obesity when he found to Castile’s
    benefit, insofar as any present and future work are con-
    cerned, that her residual functioning capacity is limited
    to sedentary work. But he also found that it is not a
    qualifying disability. The ALJ explicitly noted that
    the evidence shows the claimant is obese. . . . [But] the
    objective evidence does not document any disabling
    functional limitations. During her consultative exami-
    nations, she could walk without assistance with no
    ataxia or unsteadiness. She could hop and even
    squat. The claimant has been obese since 1995 and
    was able to work. Therefore, I find no additional
    10                                             No. 09-3917
    limitations, other than her restriction to sedentary
    work, are warranted based on her obesity.
    Castile also contends that the ALJ ignored the effect
    of her obesity in combination with her chronic fatigue
    syndrome. This is not correct. The ALJ noted that “[a]s
    to factors that precipitate and aggravate the symptoms,
    the claimant’s fatigue, pain and obesity were considered
    in assigning her to the least strenuous level of exertion.”
    With respect to treatment Castile received for her
    weight, fatigue, pain and other symptoms, the ALJ
    stated that Castile “has been advised to exercise and
    lose weight but has repeatedly failed to do either.”
    Although the ALJ recognized that Castile was obese,
    the ALJ observed that “she functioned with her obesity
    prior to her alleged onset date . . . [and] there is no in-
    dication in the record that any . . . physician has
    advised the claimant to restrict her activities or observe
    any precautions.” In fact, in considering the constella-
    tion of Castile’s impairments, the ALJ found that “no
    treating physician has submitted an opinion that the
    claimant is incapable of working.”
    Castile’s claim with respect to her obesity is without
    merit. The ALJ properly recognized Castile’s condition,
    considered all the evidence, and provided a thorough
    discussion. As the district court noted, the ALJ’s conclu-
    sion that Castile was not prevented by her impairments
    from performing her past work was supported by sub-
    stantial evidence. Accordingly, the district court did not
    err in agreeing with the ALJ’s obesity finding.
    No. 09-3917                                              11
    D. Credibility Determination
    Castile argues that the ALJ erred by improperly dis-
    counting her testimony and failing to articulate reasons
    for finding she was not credible. However, the ALJ specifi-
    cally stated that
    based on the objective medical and other evidence
    of record, I do not find [Castile’s] allegation of
    pain and other symptoms entirely credible to the
    point that they would prevent competitive work.
    I recognize the claimant’s primary complaint is
    pain. However, discomfort alone does not estab-
    lish disability. Disability requires more than
    mere inability to work without pain.
    The ALJ’s credibility determinations are entitled special
    deference, Sims v. Barnhart, 
    442 F.3d 536
    , 538 (7th Cir.
    2006) (“Credibility determinations can rarely be dis-
    turbed by a reviewing court, lacking as it does the op-
    portunity to observe the claimant testifying.”); Shramek v.
    226 F.3d 809
    , 811 (7th Cir. 2000), but the ALJ is
    still required to “build an accurate and logical bridge
    between the evidence and the result . . . .” Shramek, 
    226 F.3d at 811
     (internal quotation marks omitted). “In ana-
    lyzing an ALJ’s opinion for such fatal gaps or contradic-
    tions, we give the opinion a commonsensical reading
    rather than nitpicking at it.” 
     (internal quotation marks
    omitted). Accordingly, we will overturn the ALJ’s credi-
    bility determinations only if they are “patently wrong.”
    Eichstadt v. Astrue, 
    534 F.3d 663
    , 668 (7th Cir. 2008).
    Castile contends that the ALJ failed to consider any
    evidence that potentially supported her claim of disability.
    12                                            No. 09-3917
    In fact, the ALJ gave full credit to Castile’s reports
    of pain and functional limitations in assessing her
    residual functioning capacity. It was because of and
    not in spite of Castile’s testimony that the ALJ limited
    her to a more restrictive residual functional capacity
    finding than any physician on the record. In particular,
    the ALJ discussed at length Castile’s history of com-
    plaints and medical attention. The ALJ noted that
    “Castile has complained of fatigue since at least 1995.”
    The ALJ noted that Castile was diagnosed with sleep
    apnea in 1998. The ALJ then discussed in detail an exami-
    nation of Castile by Dr. Chamoun on April 23, 2002,
    during which Castile’s complaints of symptoms con-
    sistent with fibromyalgia and irritable bowel syndrome
    were communicated to and discussed with Dr. Chamoun.
    The ALJ observed that at that examination
    [Castile] was obese and alleged obstructive sleep
    apnea and was on CPAP. . . . She reported hyperten-
    sion and migraine attacks. She was told she had
    chronic fatigue syndrome and reported she had no
    energy during the day. She reported low back
    pain. . . . She said she has hyperlipidemia and was
    depressed. She complained of very sharp atypical
    chest pain, unpredictable at rest or with exertion.
    The ALJ also discussed at length Castile’s fibromyalgia
    claim. The ALJ noted testimony and evidence from num-
    erous other physician appointments, including a
    report from Dr. Bruce Bender stating that he prescribed
    Seroquel for Castile’s reported insomnia; a report by
    Dr. Greenbaum wherein he found 18 out of 18 tender
    No. 09-3917                                              13
    points, although he concluded they were only “mildly”
    tender; evidence of elevated blood pressure and use of
    Zomig for migraines; and an MRI of the lumbar spine
    which showed evidence of moderate degenerative
    change at L5-S1. Finally, the ALJ addressed with particu-
    larity Castile’s testimony relating to all of her alleged
    Nevertheless, based on objective evidence and com-
    mon sense, the ALJ reasonably concluded that Castile’s
    litany of alleged pain and other symptoms were “not
    entirely credible” insofar as establishing proof of her
    inability to work. The ALJ found it illuminating and
    persuasive on its face that none of Castile’s doctors
    opined that she was unable to work. Also casting
    doubt on Castile’s credibility was a report from
    Dr. Dudly on June 30, 2000, which was cited by the ALJ
    and which stated that Castile “was also very noncompli-
    ant and very co-dependent with her husband and histri-
    onic. It was noted she had accepted the sick role with
    open arms, liking the attention and medicine.”
    The record demonstrates that the ALJ thoroughly
    examined all of the medical reports and findings, and
    we specifically reference the following:
    •   Dr. Driehorst reported on July 11, 2000 that
    Castile had a normal range of motion, her
    strength was good, and he cleared her to return
    to work;
    C   Dr. Chamoun reported that Castile’s “[g]ait
    and posture were normal . . . . She could stand
    and walk on heels, do tandem walking, hop-
    14                                               No. 09-3917
    ping and squatting. Range of motion was
    normal. Muscle strength and tone were
    normal . . .”;
    C   Dr. Bender reported her hypertension was
    well controlled on medication, and her
    fibromyalgia was stable;
    •   Dr. Driehorst reported that he found nothing on
    Castile’s MRIs that would preclude her working
    as a bank teller;
    •   Castile uses a cane, although she has never
    received a prescription for one;
    •   Castile complained of shortness of breath, but
    an inhaler was not on her list of medications;
    •   a CT scan of Castile’s head was negative, and
    she reported headache relief from taking
    Imitrex and Fiorinal; and
    •   no medical evidence was presented to support
    her claims of diarrhea four to five times a day.
    The ALJ also found it particularly instructive that
    Castile either refused or utterly failed to adhere to
    the treatment programs prescribed by her physicians.
    The ALJ noted that “she was referred to physical
    therapy and a pain clinic but did not attend. She has
    been advised to exercise and lose weight but she has
    repeatedly failed to do either.” The ALJ also made note
    of the fact that despite Castile’s alleged pain and
    other impairments, she repeatedly made excuses for not
    attending doctors’ appointments. In fact, the record
    No. 09-3917                                              15
    indicates that the last time Castile saw a physician was
    in August 2003.
    The ALJ then addressed Castile’s testimony describing
    her daily activity. Although Castile testified that she
    was incapable of doing anything around the house, the
    ALJ observed that she “does her own laundry and puts
    dishes in the dishwasher. She attends birthdays of her
    grandchildren. She has a dog she must take care of.” The
    ALJ again took note of the fact that Castile was applying
    for jobs in 2002, following her alleged onset date. The
    ALJ concluded that the weight of the objective evidence,
    as well as Castile’s own inconsistent testimony, did not
    support her disability claim.
    We find that the ALJ thoroughly examined the evi-
    dence and clearly articulated his findings; therefore, the
    district court did not err in upholding the ALJ’s credi-
    bility determinations.
    For the foregoing reasons, we A FFIRM the district court’s
    judgment upholding the Commissioner’s final decision
    denying Castile’s applications for disability insurance
    benefits and disabled widow’s benefits.