Francisco A. Romero Arrazabal v. Loretta E. Lynch , 822 F.3d 961 ( 2016 )

  •                                 In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 15-2413
    LORETTA E. LYNCH, Attorney General of the United States,
    Petition for Review of an Order of the
    Board of Immigration Appeals
    No. A045-091-341
    SUBMITTED MARCH 10, 2016 * — DECIDED MAY 4, 2016
    Before WOOD, Chief Judge, and POSNER and ROVNER, Cir-
    cuit Judges.
    WOOD, Chief Judge. Francisco Alberto Romero Arrazabal,
    a Salvadoran with ties to the Mara Salvatrucha gang, applied
    for withholding of removal and relief under the U.N. Con-
    *  After examining the briefs and record, we have concluded that oral
    argument is unnecessary. The appeal is therefore ready for disposition.
    See FED. R. APP. P. 34(a)(2)(C).
    2                                                 No. 15-2413
    vention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or De-
    grading Treatment or Punishment (the CAT). Arrazabal fears
    that if he is returned to El Salvador, he will be persecuted by
    his gang, a rival gang, or the police. An immigration judge
    found his testimony incredible and denied all relief; the
    Board of Immigration Appeals upheld that decision.
    Arrazabal filed a timely petition for review, which we grant.
    When Arrazabal first entered the United States in 1995 at
    the age of 19, he was given the status of a lawful permanent
    resident alien, based on the fact that his mother and sister
    were naturalized citizens. Within a year, however, he had
    become involved with the Los Angeles chapter of the Mara
    Salvatrucha gang, known as MS-13, which has members in
    both the United States and El Salvador. (It is unclear, though
    immaterial at this point, when Arrazabal initially joined the
    gang: he told an asylum officer that he joined in 1992 while
    still in El Salvador, but he testified before the immigration
    judge that he joined in 1996 after his move to the United
    States.) Arrazabal’s gang association quickly led to run-ins
    with the law. He was convicted and imprisoned for one year
    in California for illegal gun possession, and then he wound
    up back in prison for two years for possessing cocaine, a vio-
    lation of his probation. While in prison he obtained several
    prominent tattoos identifying him as a member of MS-13.
    This criminal activity led in 2001 to the revocation of
    Arrazabal’s status as a lawful permanent resident alien. He
    applied at that time for asylum, but his application was de-
    nied and he was removed to El Salvador. About a decade lat-
    er, Arrazabal attempted to reenter the United States illegally
    near Hidalgo, Texas. He failed: Border Patrol agents caught
    him and charged him with being present in the United States
    No. 15-2413                                                 3
    unlawfully after his removal. See 8 U.S.C. § 1326. He pleaded
    guilty to that offense and received a 27-month sentence.
    While his criminal case was pending, Arrazabal learned
    that the 2001 removal order would be reinstated. See 8 U.S.C.
    § 1231(a)(5). At this point, he decided to seek asylum. During
    a credible-fear interview, see 8 C.F.R. § 241.8(e), he told an
    officer that he feared he would be killed if he were returned
    to El Salvador. He wanted to quit MS-13, he explained, but
    his identifying tattoos made him a target for fellow MS-13
    members, for rival gangs, and for the Salvadoran police. The
    asylum officer found that Arrazabal had shown a reasonable
    probability that he had been tortured in his home country
    during police beatings in 2008 and 2010 for being a suspect-
    ed MS-13 member, and that these beatings were sufficient to
    create a reasonable possibility that he would be tortured if
    returned there.
    Because his 2001 removal order made him ineligible for
    asylum, Arrazabal then applied for withholding of removal
    and CAT protection. At a hearing before an immigration
    judge on his revised application, he testified that after his
    removal from the United States in 2001, he had tried to earn
    an honest living as a bricklayer in El Salvador. He was sty-
    mied by his tattoos, which exposed him as an MS-13 mem-
    ber and invited harassment from fellow gang members, who
    wanted him to return to active participation in the gang and
    extorted weekly $10 payments from him. Arrazabal also de-
    scribed frequent harassment at the hands of the Salvadoran
    police. They arrested him 30 times without cause, and twice
    beat him with batons during interrogations. To corroborate
    these assertions, Arrazabal submitted a number of exhibits,
    including newspaper articles about gang violence in El Sal-
    4                                                 No. 15-2413
    vador and letters from relatives (his mother, mother-in-law,
    sister, and uncle) expressing concern that he would be mur-
    dered by MS-13 if he were sent back.
    The immigration judge denied Arrazabal’s application,
    largely on grounds of lack of credibility. In particular, the
    judge did not believe that Arrazabal had refrained entirely
    from criminal activity while he was active in MS-13, that he
    had been framed by U.S. police officers on two separate oc-
    casions, that U.S. public defenders had represented him in-
    adequately, that the immigration judge who ordered him
    removed was racist, that he suffered abuse by Salvadoran
    police, or that he had received death threats from his fellow
    gang members.
    Addressing Arrazabal’s request for withholding of re-
    moval, the immigration judge found no credible evidence
    that upon his return he would be likely to be harmed by MS-
    13, a rival gang, or the police. The judge observed that Ar-
    razabal had lived in El Salvador for years without suffering
    serious harm. Moreover, the judge added, even if the evi-
    dence supported a finding that he would be harmed upon
    his return, Arrazabal could not show the necessary link be-
    tween any such harm and a status protected by the statute
    (race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social
    group, or political opinion, see 8 U.S.C. § 1231(b)(3)(B)). Al-
    though former gang members can constitute a “particular
    social group” for purposes of withholding of removal,
    see Benitez-Ramos v. Holder, 
    589 F.3d 426
    , 429 (7th Cir. 2009),
    and Arrazabal’s tattoos made his association quite visible,
    the immigration judge thought that Arrazabal could not
    show that his association with MS-13 was severed, because
    No. 15-2413                                                                5
    he had not taken any outward steps to renounce his mem-
    bership in the gang.
    As for Arrazabal’s claim for CAT relief, the immigration
    judge concluded that he had not shown that it was more
    likely than not that a public official would acquiesce in his
    torture. Not only, in the judge’s view, was Arrazabal’s testi-
    mony about being harmed in police custody incredible, but
    also it was not corroborated in any way—not by medical re-
    ports, witness statements, or otherwise. The immigration
    judge’s opinion drew no distinction between withholding
    and deferral of removal for purposes of CAT relief, probably
    because it appears on the face of the record that Arrazabal is
    eligible to apply for the withholding remedy. †
    Faced with these unfavorable rulings, Arrazabal request-
    ed a continuance so that he could submit more evidence, in-
    cluding documents showing the level of gang violence in El
    Salvador and receipts confirming that his mother had sent
    him money with which to pay off the gang. The immigration
    judge denied the request as untimely and added that the
    proposed evidence would not have changed his decision.
    Arrazabal appealed to the Board of Immigration Appeals,
    but it upheld the immigration judge’s determination as not
    clearly erroneous.
    †   See Executive Office of Immigration Review Fact Sheet, “Asylum
    and Withholding of Removal, Convention Against Torture Protections”
    at 8, Jan. 15, 2009, available at
    (last visited March 21, 2016); see also Wanjiru v. Holder, 
    705 F.3d 258
    , 263–
    64 (7th Cir. 2013).
    6                                                 No. 15-2413
    In his petition for review Arrazabal first challenges the
    immigration judge’s adverse credibility determination. He
    maintains that the judge should have accepted his account of
    his interactions with MS-13 and the police in El Salvador. But
    our review of an immigration judge’s adverse-credibility
    finding is deferential: we must uphold it so long as it is sup-
    ported by substantial evidence. See Tawuo v. Lynch, 
    799 F.3d 725
    , 727 (7th Cir. 2015). The immigration judge’s conclusions
    here meet that standard. Given Arrazabal’s implausible
    claims about police misconduct in the United States, the
    judge may have thought he had a tendency to embroider.
    That in turn may have led the judge to require greater cor-
    roboration that police misconduct in El Salvador threatened
    Arrazabal himself. See Zeqiri v. Mukasey, 
    529 F.3d 364
    , 371
    (7th Cir. 2008); Fedosseeva v. Gonzales, 
    492 F.3d 840
    , 847
    (7th Cir. 2007).
    Notwithstanding      the    adverse-credibility   finding,
    Arrazabal next argues, the immigration judge erred in find-
    ing that there was “no credible evidence” that he would face
    a clear probability of persecution if returned to El Salvador.
    This point has more traction. We agree with Arrazabal that
    the immigration judge overlooked key evidence. For exam-
    ple, there is no sign that the judge considered an affidavit
    from Arrazabal’s mother-in-law, with whom he had lived in
    El Salvador. Her testimony corroborated Arrazabal’s account
    of his arrest and beating by the Salvadoran police on account
    of his perceived gang affiliation, and his statement that MS-
    13 members threatened to murder him and his family be-
    cause of his refusal to participate in the gang. The affidavit
    had been read into the record by Arrazabal’s translator dur-
    ing the hearing. At the time the immigration judge said that
    No. 15-2413                                                   7
    he would consider its contents, but he never referred to it in
    his decision.
    This was not a harmless oversight: it led the immigration
    judge to state, erroneously, that Arrazabal’s “claims that he
    was beaten by the police are not corroborated.” The mother-
    in-law’s affidavit may not have been as specific as one would
    wish, but it did provide at least some corroboration for the
    withholding and CAT claims. The immigration judge also
    overlooked a letter from Arrazabal’s uncle expressing con-
    cern that Arrazabal would be murdered by gang members if
    returned to El Salvador. We express no view about the accu-
    racy of these documents. The problem is that the immigra-
    tion judge’s decision says nothing about them, nor does it
    grapple with the views of Arrazabal’s relatives about the life-
    threatening danger they believed he would face upon return.
    Compounding our concerns about the immigration
    judge’s analysis is his rejection of Arrazabal’s contention that
    there was “no way to get out of the gang.” For this important
    finding, the judge relied exclusively on a feature article that
    appeared on a news website. The article touted the success
    of one pilot program in San Salvador that helps former gang
    members find jobs. But the immigration judge read too
    much into the article. Its description of one company’s deci-
    sion to hire 30 former gang members does not establish that
    throughout El Salvador (a country of more than 6 million
    people), all “those who truly want to leave the gang and
    who are willing to actually try to leave the gang” (as the
    immigration judge put it) can do so.
    Even more problematic is the immigration judge’s deter-
    mination that even if Arrazabal had been harassed by MS-13
    members in El Salvador and could show a clear probability
    8                                                  No. 15-2413
    of persecution if he were to be returned there, he still would
    not qualify for withholding because he had not shown that
    his persecution was because of his membership in a particu-
    lar social group. The immigration judge acknowledged that
    this court has held that a group comprised of “tattooed, for-
    mer Salvadoran gang members” would qualify. See Benitez-
    Ramos, 589 F.3d at 428
    –29. Nevertheless, he said that
    Arrazabal’s failure to take outward steps to renounce gang
    membership (meaning, perhaps, his failure to undergo the
    painful and expensive process of tattoo removal) automati-
    cally meant that he was an active rather than a former gang
    member and thus not a member of the latter social group.
    He may want to leave the gang, the immigration judge said,
    but “[g]ang members who have subjectively decided to leave
    are not socially distinct because only they know individually
    their own thoughts.”
    But the record shows that Arrazabal was not asking any-
    one to read his mind, and so the immigration judge was
    wrong to suggest that renunciation of membership required
    Arrazabal to take more visible steps to distance himself from
    the gang. Arrazabal testified that he did take objectively as-
    certainable steps: he repeatedly rebuffed the efforts of MS-13
    members to recruit him to commit crimes and regularly paid
    extortion money to avoid harm. If we accept that testimony
    as true (as the immigration judge implicitly did in this por-
    tion of his analysis), there is little more Arrazabal could have
    done to distance himself from the gang without putting him-
    self at even more risk of reprisal.
    We are also concerned about the manner in which the
    immigration judge rejected Arrazabal’s claim for CAT relief.
    The judge acknowledged that it was possible that Arrazabal
    No. 15-2413                                                     9
    would be tortured in El Salvador with at least the acquies-
    cence of the police, yet he concluded without elaboration
    that Arrazabal had not met his burden of showing that result
    was “more likely than not.” See 8 C.F.R. § 1208.16(c)(2–3).
    But that oft-repeated phrase must be understood pragmati-
    cally in the immigration context, because there is no reliable
    data to show just how great an applicant’s risk of torture is.
    See, e.g., Gutierrez-Rostran v. Lynch, 
    810 F.3d 497
    , 501 (7th Cir.
    2016); Rodriguez-Molinero v. Lynch, 
    808 F.3d 1134
    , 1135–36
    (7th Cir. 2015); Yi–Tu Lian v. Ashcroft, 
    379 F.3d 457
    , 461
    (7th Cir. 2004). “All that can be said responsibly on the basis
    of actually obtainable information is that there is, or is not, a
    substantial risk that a given alien will be tortured if removed
    from the United States.” 
    Rodriguez-Molinero, 808 F.3d at 1135
    Given these problems, Arrazabal’s case must be remand-
    ed to the Board for further proceedings. Because this is so,
    we need not address the question whether the immigration
    judge abused his discretion in denying Arrazabal’s request
    for a continuance. Accordingly, we GRANT the petition for
    review, VACATE the order of removal, and REMAND for
    further proceedings consistent with this opinion.

Document Info

Docket Number: 15-2413

Citation Numbers: 822 F.3d 961

Judges: Wood

Filed Date: 5/4/2016

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023