United States v. Justin Harper , 766 F.3d 741 ( 2014 )

  •                                  In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 13-3161
    JUSTIN J. HARPER, also known as
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the
    Southern District of Illinois.
    No. 3:12-cr-30300-GPM-1 — G. Patrick Murphy, Judge.
    Before KANNE AND ROVNER, Circuit Judges, and DOW,
    District Judge.*
    ROVNER, Circuit Judge. On October 5, 2011, Justin J. Harper
    was arrested, pursuant to a warrant for a violation of his
    The Honorable Robert M. Dow, Jr., of the Northern District of Illinois,
    sitting by designation.
    2                                                    No. 13-3161
    parole, in the back house of a two-house property which was
    referred to as a trap house—or drug house. Harper and his
    girlfriend were located in the rear bedroom of that house,
    where the agents also recovered a loaded 9mm semi-automatic
    pistol on the floor under the nightstand and a large piece of
    suspected cocaine base on top of that nightstand. Fingerprint
    analysis subsequently revealed Harper’s fingerprints on the
    magazine of that weapon. In the closet of the bedroom, the
    agents discovered another large amount of suspected cocaine
    base. The search of other areas of the house, including clothes
    and secret compartments yielded a Glock .40 caliber semi-
    automatic pistol loaded with a large capacity magazine,
    numerous rounds of ammunition, many clear plastic bags of
    controlled substances, a digital scale, and $368 in U.S. currency.
    Laboratory analysis identified the controlled substances seized
    from the residence as including 148.6 grams of heroin, 105.4
    grams of cocaine base, 1 gram of marijuana, and 10 capsules of
    an unknown substance.
    Harper maintained that he resided at the front house with
    his aunt and used the back house only when he had women
    visiting. He claimed that two other individuals lived in the rear
    house and were responsible for the drugs, and that they were
    staying elsewhere when the agents arrived with the warrant
    that morning.
    Ultimately, Harper pled guilty to one count of felon in
    possession of a weapon in violation of 
    18 U.S.C. § 922
    The Presentence Report (PSR) initially determined a base
    offense level of 14 for the firearms offense but, applying the
    enhancement in U.S.S.G. § 2K2.1(c), the district court also
    considered evidence of a drug offense and calculated the
    No. 13-3161                                                      3
    proper offense level as 26. The district court sentenced Harper
    to a term of imprisonment of 100 months and three years of
    supervised release. Harper now appeals his sentence.
    In sentencing Harper, the district court adopted the
    guideline calculation in the PSR and applied § 2K2.1, which
    applies to offenses involving unlawful receipt, possession or
    transportation of firearms or ammunition and to prohibited
    transactions involving firearms or ammunition. That section
    includes a cross reference, which provides that “[i]f the
    defendant used or possessed any firearm … in connection
    with the commission or attempted commission of another
    offense, … apply [U.S.S.G.] § 2X1.1 (Attempt, Solicitation, or
    Conspiracy) in respect to that other offense, if the resulting
    offense level is greater than that determined above… .”
    U.S.S.G. § 2K2.1(c)(1)(A). The district court held that Harper
    possessed the firearm in connection with the commission of the
    offense of distribution of a controlled substance, based on the
    drugs found in the residence in proximity to Harper and the
    firearm and on the testimony presented at the sentencing
    hearing regarding Harper’s sales of such controlled substances.
    Because the Sentencing Guidelines calculations under § 2X1.1
    resulted in a higher offense level, pursuant to § 2K2.2(c)(1)(A)
    the district court utilized that higher level. See United States v.
    729 F.3d 655
    , 664 (7th Cir. 2013) (“[t]he guideline for
    unlawful possession of a firearm instructs the court to use the
    offense level for another offense in the guideline calculation …
    if the defendant possessed the firearm during the other offense
    and the offense level for the other crime would be greater.”)
    In a sentencing challenge, we review factual determinations
    underlying the application of the Sentencing Guidelines for
    4                                                   No. 13-3161
    clear error. United States v. Anobah, 
    734 F.3d 733
    , 736 (7th Cir.
    2013). We have recognized that the sentencing judge is in the
    best position to determine the credibility of witnesses at the
    sentencing hearing, and will not disturb the credibility deter-
    mination unless it is without foundation. United States v. White,
    519 F.3d 342
    , 348 (7th Cir. 2008). Legal interpretations of
    Guidelines, however, are reviewed de novo. See United States v.
    704 F.3d 466
    , 473 (7th Cir. 2012).
    Harper contends that the application of § 2K2.1 was
    improper because the district court lacked reliable evidence of
    any connection between the firearms offense and any drug
    offense. In addition, he argues that the district court failed to
    make findings regarding the drug quantity, that the offense
    does not fall within the conspiracy or attempt language of
    § 2X1.1, and that the use of that provision violated his rights
    under the Fifth and Sixth Amendments. We consider these
    arguments in turn.
    Harper contends that the district court applied the cross
    reference in § 2K2.1(c) based solely upon its finding that drugs
    and guns are always related. He asserts that there was no
    reliable evidence connecting the firearms possession to a drug
    offense, and therefore the court improperly applied that cross
    reference. In holding that Harper possessed the firearm in
    connection with a drug offense, the district court relied upon
    the evidence found at the time of the execution of the search at
    the residence and the testimony of Special Agent Stephen M.
    Kirkpatrick at the sentencing hearing. The search of the
    residence established that Harper was in close physical
    proximity to controlled substances, some of which were in
    plain view. The firearm which Harper admitted possessing was
    No. 13-3161                                                      5
    on the floor under the nightstand next to the bed, and a large
    piece of cocaine base was on top of that nightstand. A substan-
    tial amount of cocaine base was also found in the closet of that
    bedroom. In addition to that evidence, however, the district
    court also was presented with testimony by Special Agent
    Kirkpatrick. He testified that on August 22, 2012, he inter-
    viewed a friend of Harper, Travis Garner, who provided
    information regarding Harper’s drug distribution activities.
    Garner stated that he was physically present in the rear house
    with Harper on the night before Harper was arrested, and he
    saw Harper selling cocaine base to two or three people that
    night. He further averred that Harper showed him three
    ounces of heroin and two ounces of cocaine base that evening.
    Garner told Kirkpatrick that when he was at the house that
    night, he saw a firearm near the bed on the floor and cocaine
    base in the closet of that bedroom. Harper was able to cross-
    examine Kirkpatrick and he argued to the district court that it
    should not credit the testimony particularly given the length of
    time that had passed from the arrest to that statement. The
    district court recognized those issues, but ultimately concluded
    that the statement was reliable because the details provided by
    Garner were corroborated by the agents’ observations during
    the search. The description by Garner as to the location of the
    firearm and the cocaine base, as well as the type and amount
    of drugs present in the house that night, matched what the
    agents observed hours later on the morning of the search.
    A district court may rely on hearsay in sentencing even if it
    would not have been admissible at trial, as long as that hearsay
    is deemed reliable. United States v. Johnson, 
    489 F.3d 794
    , 796–97
    (7th Cir. 2007); United States v. Isom, 
    635 F.3d 904
    , 908 (7th Cir.
    6                                                     No. 13-3161
    2011) (courts may rely even on double hearsay as long as those
    statements are reliable.) The district court determined that the
    statement was reliable because the details of the statement
    were corroborated by the agents’ observations, and that
    determination is well within the province of the district court.
     (“[r]eliability can be established by internal consistency,
    corroborating evidence, and providing missing facts and
    details”). The district court therefore properly considered that
    evidence in determining whether the firearms offense was
    connected to a drug offense, and that effectively dooms
    Harper’s challenge here. The statement by Garner as recounted
    by Kirkpatrick indicates that Harper was selling drugs from
    that residence the night before the arrest, and that a firearm
    was visible on the floor of the bedroom at the time of those
    transactions. Harper pled guilty to possession of a firearm
    found in that same area the next morning.
    Although Harper argues that the drug offense cannot be
    considered relevant conduct, that argument is without support
    once Garner’s statement is credited because the firearm was
    present during the drug offense. The Application Note to
    § 2K2.1 makes clear that the presence of a firearm in the course
    of a drug transaction is sufficient under this provision. Section
    2K2.1(c)(1)(A) applies “in the case of a drug trafficking offense
    in which a firearm is found in close proximity to drugs, drug-
    manufacturing materials, or drug paraphernalia” and provides
    that “[i]n these cases, application of … (c)(1) is warranted
    because the presence of the firearm has the potential of
    facilitating … another offense.” Numerous cases have recog-
    nized that connection as well, holding that “‘[t]he seizure of a
    firearm in close proximity to illegal drugs is considered
    No. 13-3161                                                      7
    powerful support for the inference that the firearm was used
    in connection with the drug trafficking operation.’” United
    States v. Meece, 
    580 F.3d 616
    , 621 (7th Cir. 2009), quoting United
    States v. Markovitch, 
    442 F.3d 1029
    , 1032 (7th Cir. 2006); see also
    United States v. Alcantar, 
    733 F.3d 143
    , 147 (5th Cir. 2013).
    Harper also argues, briefly, that the district court failed to
    make an explicit finding of the drug amount. That is belied by
    the record, because the court adopted the findings in the
    Presentence Report (PSR) which calculated the drug quantity
    by attributing to Harper two ounces of cocaine base and three
    ounces of heroin. Harper contends that the PSR contradicts
    itself because it notes that according to the government no
    credible evidence exists to determine the amount of drugs
    attributable to the defendant. That sentence, however, must be
    read in context in the PSR. There may have been insufficient
    evidence to determine whether Harper possessed all of the
    148.6 grams of heroin and 105.4 grams of cocaine base discov-
    ered in the residence; therefore, the PSR explicitly utilized only
    the drug quantities that Harper physically possessed and was
    offering for sale the night before his arrest, according to
    Garner’s statement which the district court deemed reliable –
    two ounces of cocaine base and three ounces of heroin. That is
    a sufficient basis for the drug quantity determination in the
    PSR, which was accepted by the district court.
    The remaining challenges by Harper have no support in the
    law. He asserts that § 2X1.1 is inapplicable because the court
    did not determine that an “attempt” or “conspiracy” took
    place. Harper fails to provide any support for such a require-
    ment, which presumably he bases on the title of § 2X1.1—
    “Attempt, Solicitation, or Conspiracy.” Section 2X1.1 is
    8                                                     No. 13-3161
    referenced by § 2K2.1, which applies to firearms offenses, and
    § 2K2.1 is not limited to attempts or conspiracies. In fact, by its
    own terms, § 2K2.1 directs reference to § 2X1.1 if the firearm is
    used in connection with the “commission or attempted commis-
    sion of another offense.” [emphasis added] Therefore, by its
    plain language its application is not limited to attempts or
    conspiracies. In Earls, we addressed a similar challenge in
    which the defendant argued that Application Note 2 of § 2X1.1
    defined “substantive offense” as the offense a defendant was
    convicted of soliciting, attempting or conspiring to commit.
    704 F.3d at 474. Earls argued that under that definition the
    cross reference in § 2K2.1 applied only to other offense
    convictions. Id. We held that the commentary of Application
    Note 2 did not apply when § 2X1.1 is reached by cross refer-
    ence from § 2K2.1, as such a note was “logically intended to be
    applied when 2X1.1 is applied directly, not when it is reached
    through cross reference” in § 2K2.1. Id. Similarly, the reference
    to attempts or conspiracy are applicable when reached directly
    but not here on cross reference because it is inconsistent with
    the language in § 2K2.1. The district court properly utilized the
    § 2X1.1 cross reference in calculating the offense level.
    Finally, Harper briefly argues that § 2K2.1 itself is inher-
    ently violative of the Fifth and Sixth Amendments because it
    directs the court to seek out a higher offense level than the one
    applicable to the offense conduct itself. Harper states that the
    Supreme Court in McMillan v. Pennsylvania, 
    477 U.S. 79
    , 88
    (1986), was critical of cases in which the sentence factor
    outweighs the charged offense conduct and cautioned against
    permitting a sentence enhancement to be the “tail which wags
    the dog.” Rather than argue as to the impact in his particular
    No. 13-3161                                                        9
    case, however, Harper asserts a general facial challenge to the
    § 2K2.1(c) enhancement itself, asserting that it is intrinsically
    faulty in that by instructing the court to seek out higher offense
    levels it effectively ensures that the sentencing factor is the “tail
    which wags the dog.” Harper presents no support for this
    sweeping argument. He cites to caselaw holding that an
    increase in the applicable penalty for a crime is an element that
    must be submitted to a jury and found beyond a reasonable
    doubt, but this enhancement does not increase the statutory
    penalty applicable to the offense so that caselaw is irrelevant.
    Nor is the Guidelines provision arbitrary. The Sentencing
    Commission could properly determine that the possession of
    a firearm by a felon in the context of another offense such as
    drug trafficking is inherently more dangerous than mere
    possession absent such activity, and that such a pairing
    elevates the danger of such firearm being actually used.
    Accordingly, the Sentencing Commission could properly
    determine that a higher offense level is warranted in such a
    circumstance. The requirement that the district court employ
    the higher offense level in calculating the Guidelines range
    reflects that recognition, but the district court of course has the
    discretion to impose whatever sentence it determines to be
    appropriate in consideration of the factors set forth in 
    18 U.S.C. § 3553
    (a). Harper has failed to present any cogent argument
    that this provision is violative of the Fifth or Sixth Amend-
    That said, numerous courts and the Sentencing Commission
    itself have recognized the potential for § 2K2.1 to sweep within
    its reach wide-ranging offenses that may be connected only
    tenuously. Firearms may be possessed over a long period of
    10                                                    No. 13-3161
    time and that raises the potential for the use of a felon-in-
    possession conviction as an anchor to reach all kinds of other
    conduct through that enhancement provision. Courts have
    long recognized the potential for abuse, and many have limited
    that reach by holding that other offenses must fall within
    relevant conduct in order to trigger the § 2K2.1(c) enhance-
    ment. See, e.g., United States v. Jones, 
    313 F.3d 1019
    , 1022–23 (7th
    Cir. 2002); United States v. Kulick, 
    629 F.3d 165
    , 169 (3rd Cir.
    2010) and cases cited therein. The Sentencing Commission also
    has addressed that concern in an amendment effective Novem-
    ber 1, 2014, which eliminates the incorporation of offenses that
    involved a firearm other than the firearm used in the offense of
    conviction, and clarifies that courts must consider the relation-
    ship between the offense of conviction and the other offense
    consistent with relevant conduct principles. U.S.S.G. § 2K2.1
    Proposed Application Note 14(E), effective November 1, 2014.
    The limitations of the relevant conduct consideration will
    protect against some of the feared abuse. Those legitimate
    concerns with overreaching, however, are simply not present
    here because the firearm offense involved the possession of a
    weapon that was also in the defendant’s possession hours
    earlier in the course of drug sales, and clearly falls within the
    scope of relevant conduct. Harper therefore has raised no
    meritorious challenge to his sentence.
    The decision of the district court is AFFIRMED.