United States v. Cleveland White Feather , 768 F.3d 735 ( 2014 )

  •                               In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 13-2725
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Southern District of Illinois.
    No. 4:11CR40060-001 — J. Phil Gilbert, Judge.
    Before WOOD, Chief Judge, and KANNE and SYKES, Circuit
    SYKES, Circuit Judge. Cleveland White Feather killed his
    cellmate, Robert Running Bear, in their cell at the federal
    prison in Marion, Illinois. He did this by disemboweling the
    victim using a disassembled Bic razor, having first choked him
    into unconsciousness during a late-night fight of rather opaque
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    origins. White Feather was charged with murder by a federal
    prisoner, see 18 U.S.C. § 1118, and before trial the government
    moved to preclude him from offering a defense of self-defense.
    The district judge deferred ruling and permitted White Feather
    to present evidence in support of the defense at trial. In the
    end, however, the judge concluded that White Feather was not
    entitled to a self-defense jury instruction because the evidence
    did not support it. The jury swiftly found White Feather guilty,
    and he now appeals. The sole issue for our review is the
    judge’s refusal to instruct the jury on self-defense. We affirm.
    I. Background
    On December 1, 2009, White Feather and Running Bear
    were housed together in Cell 202 of L Unit at the United States
    Penitentiary in Marion, Illinois (“USP-Marion”). White Feather
    was serving a life sentence for murder. Running Bear was
    serving a 24-month sentence for failing to register as a sex
    offender. At six feet tall and 170 pounds, Running Bear was the
    larger man; White Feather is five feet seven inches tall and
    weighs 140 pounds. White Feather was also older (age 54 at the
    time of these events) and has a history of medical problems
    including bleeding ulcers and an unspecified foot condition.
    No evidence suggests that Running Bear had any physical
    Each cell in L Unit is equipped with a duress button to
    summon guards in the event of an emergency. This button,
    affixed to the wall of the cell, emits a loud sound in the guard
    station when pressed. The alarm cannot be silenced remotely
    but must be manually reset in the cell by the guard who
    No. 13-2725                                                     3
    responds to the call. Trial testimony established that the duress
    button in Cell 202 was never pushed on the night of
    December 1.
    At some point that night, an argument erupted between
    White Feather and Running Bear. What actually transpired is
    known to us primarily through White Feather’s own state-
    ments in two interviews with FBI agents and from his testi-
    mony at trial. The genesis of the dispute appears to be that
    White Feather wanted to keep the cell lights on to continue
    writing a letter, while Running Bear wanted to turn the lights
    off. White Feather’s account varies in his different tellings, but
    the important fact is that the argument quickly turned violent.
    White Feather claims that Running Bear came at him brandish-
    ing a blade from a disassembled Bic razor. White Feather
    testified that when he saw Running Bear wielding the razor
    blade, he resolved to kill him. (“Q. At that moment, you were
    going to kill him; right? A. Yes. Q. No matter what happened,
    at that moment you decided, I’m going to kill this man.
    A. Yes.”)
    White Feather managed to subdue Running Bear at several
    points during the altercation. In his initial statement to FBI
    investigators, White Feather said that when Running Bear first
    assaulted him, he was able to maneuver and put him in a
    choke hold, rendering him unconscious. Additional details
    emerged at trial: White Feather testified that he used a sharp
    thumb-jab to Running Bear’s throat to knock him out. While
    his cellmate was unconscious, White Feather retrieved the
    razor blade and placed it in a blue folder, where it was later
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    found. White Feather sustained a small cut on his finger in this
    initial assault.
    At some point Running Bear regained consciousness and,
    according to White Feather’s account, rushed at him with a
    second razor blade that “came out of the middle of nowhere.”
    White Feather again managed to incapacitate his adversary by
    choking him until he lost consciousness. After waiting a minute
    or two, White Feather put his hand over Running Bear’s mouth
    and nose to suffocate him until he stopped moving. He
    admitted on cross-examination that he was trying to kill his
    cellmate, not just incapacitate him in order to buy time to
    summon help.
    White Feather testified that at this point he began to feel
    unwell. He started to throw up blood—apparently a manifesta-
    tion of his bleeding ulcers, not any injury sustained in the
    fight—and he said he “felt like [he] was about ready to go to
    sleep.” Running Bear remained unconscious, lying on the floor
    of the cell with his legs partly under his bunk. White Feather
    decided that he needed a makeshift method to detect if
    Running Bear started to regain consciousness, so he put some
    toilet paper over his unconscious cellmate’s mouth. When
    White Feather saw the paper move, he dragged Running Bear
    out from under the bed and said, “I’m sorry, you wanted to kill
    me? Now I’m going to kill you.”
    White Feather then gutted his victim with the razor blade,
    slicing Running Bear’s abdomen with “a sawing motion” for
    approximately four minutes. When the opening in Running
    Bear’s abdomen was large enough, he reached his hand inside
    and attempted to pull out Running Bear’s heart “to make sure
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    that he could never get back up.” As he told the jury: “I just
    stuck my hand inside and reached as far as I could and
    grabbed whatever I could just feel and pull.” When he could
    not find the heart, he eventually settled on Running Bear’s
    liver. When he was done, he placed Running Bear on his bed
    and covered him with a blanket.
    White Feather then turned his attention to cleaning up the
    scene. He put the razor blade in an envelope and placed it on
    an unoccupied third bunk in the cell. He tried without success
    to wipe the blood off the floor with a blanket. He then stayed
    awake until about 4:30 a.m. talking to Running Bear and
    listening to gurgling noises emanating from his body.
    White Feather left his cell at 5:57 a.m. on December 2, and
    surveillance video shows him going about his day for the next
    couple of hours. At about 8:30 a.m., shortly after the 8 a.m.
    change of shift for prison guards, a corrections officer noticed
    that Cell 202 had a sheet covering its entrance and instructed
    White Feather to remove it. White Feather replied that he
    wanted to talk to the officer about something. The officer took
    White Feather aside, handcuffed him, and called for assistance.
    Responding officers found Running Bear’s body under a
    blanket on his bed in Cell 202. USP-Marion officials placed
    Unit L on lockdown. Medical personnel were called, but
    Running Bear had been dead for some time.
    The FBI was notified and agents soon arrived on the scene
    and took control of the investigation. They gave White Feather
    Miranda warnings, and he gave them a statement recounting
    the events of the night of December 1 and early morning hours
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    of December 2. His account in this first interview was substan-
    tially the same as the one we’ve described above.
    An autopsy of the victim was performed on December 3;
    the forensic pathologist who performed it testified extensively
    at trial. He noted that the wound to Running Bear’s abdomen
    measured 14 x 7 centimeters and that some of the victim’s
    internal organs were protruding from it. There was damage to
    his liver consistent with tearing or grinding and blood in the
    abdominal cavity from both the cutting of the abdomen and
    the damage to the liver. The pathologist concluded that
    Running Bear died from abdominal trauma, with asphyxia
    playing a contributory role.
    White Feather’s story changed a bit during a second
    interview with FBI agents a few months later. He claimed that
    Running Bear hit him during the altercation, knocking a tooth
    out. Other minor details varied as well. For example, White
    Feather said he was angry at Running Bear for not showing
    him sufficient respect. He also gave a different account about
    what he did with the razor blade after choking or suffocating
    Running Bear into unconsciousness.
    White Feather was charged with murder by a federal
    prisoner serving a life sentence. See 18 U.S.C. § 1118. The
    government moved in limine to preclude any justification
    defense of self-defense. The district court reserved ruling and
    allowed White Feather to present his testimony in support of
    self-defense at trial. At the close of the evidence, the judge
    declined to instruct the jury on self-defense, concluding as a
    matter of law that Running Bear “was not imposing an
    imminent threat of … harm or deadly force” when White
    No. 13-2725                                                       7
    Feather sliced into his abdomen with the razor. The jury took
    less than an hour to return a verdict of guilty.
    II. Discussion
    White Feather limits his appeal to the district court’s refusal
    to instruct the jury on self-defense. A defendant is entitled to
    a jury instruction if, among other things, “the instruction
    reflects a theory that is supported by the evidence,” and “the
    failure to include the instruction would deny the [defendant]
    a fair trial.” United States v. Jackson, 
    598 F.3d 340
    , 345 (7th Cir.
    2010) (quoting United States v. Prude, 
    489 F.3d 873
    , 882 (7th Cir.
    In order to offer a defense of self-defense, a defendant must
    “as a condition precedent, establish that he faced an imminent
    threat and had no reasonable legal alternatives to avoid that
    threat.” United States v. Tokash, 
    282 F.3d 962
    , 969 (7th Cir. 2002);
    see also United States v. Haynes, 
    143 F.3d 1089
    , 1091 (7th Cir.
    1998); United States v. Bailey, 
    444 U.S. 394
    , 410–11 (1980). Self-
    defense is a viable legal justification only if the defendant was
    faced with an actual, imminent threat of physical harm. This is
    so even in prisons where threats and violence are common.
    Tokash, 282 F.3d at 969
    We review de novo a district court’s refusal to allow a jury
    instruction on a defendant’s theory of defense. 
    Jackson, 598 F.3d at 345
    . The district court may properly refuse a jury instruction
    on an affirmative defense if the defendant has failed to support
    each element of the defense with some evidence. 
    Tokash, 282 F.3d at 967
    (explaining that the defendant must present
    8                                                      No. 13-2725
    “more than a scintilla of evidence” on each of the legal require-
    ments for the proposed defense (quoting United States v.
    197 F.3d 271
    , 279 (7th Cir. 1999))).
    This circuit recognizes three “lesser-evil” defenses that may
    justify otherwise unlawful action: duress, necessity, and self-
    Haynes, 143 F.3d at 1091
    . Each of these defenses “rests
    on the belief that a person facing harm is justified in perform-
    ing an act, otherwise illegal, less injurious than the impending
    Id. Critically, to
    warrant a jury instruction on a lesser-evil
    justification defense, the defendant must present evidence that
    he faced actual, imminent harm and had no reasonable legal
    alternatives to avoid it. 
    Tokash, 282 F.3d at 969
    Imminence is an essential element for self-defense because
    the threatened harm may, in fact, be avoidable: “[I]f the threat
    is not imminent, a retreat or similar step avoids injury.”
    Haynes, 143 F.3d at 1091
    . Importantly, a defendant’s subjective
    belief that he had no available legal alternatives—even if
    objectively reasonable—is not enough to proceed with a
    justification defense if the evidence is insufficient to establish
    an actual, imminent threat of physical harm. 
    Tokash, 282 F.3d at 969
    (rejecting an argument that the defendant’s reasonable
    belief that he had no legal alternatives should suffice to permit
    a justification defense in the absence of a showing of immi-
    nence). For self-defense claims in particular, we have consis-
    tently held that the defendant must have evidence that he was
    under an imminent threat of death or serious bodily harm and
    that he had no reasonable legal alternatives to avoid that
    Id. No. 13-2725
    The requirement of imminence is no less applicable in a
    prison than anywhere else. For example, in Tokash we rejected
    a necessity defense in a case involving inmates at USP-Marion
    who were caught in possession of concealed weapons. 
    Id. at 965–68.
    The defendants pointed to an atmosphere of racial
    tension and frequent outbreaks of violence at the prison and
    argued that because the threat of violence was pervasive, they
    were entitled to assert a necessity defense. We resoundingly
    rejected this argument, explaining that evidence of frequent
    violence in a prison—an “inherently dangerous place[] …
    inhabited by violent people”—does not establish the kind of
    imminent threat required to support a necessity defense. 
    Id. at 970
    Haynes, 143 F.3d at 1091
    ; United States v. Sotelo,
    94 F.3d 1037
    , 1040 (7th Cir. 1996)). Haynes involved a violent
    preemptive strike by a prisoner against a fellow inmate who
    frequently tormented 
    him. 143 F.3d at 1089
    –90. We noted that
    “although prisons are nasty places, they are not jungles,” and
    held that the imminence requirement was fully applicable. 
    Id. Here, the
    district court held that White Feather lacked
    evidence of an imminent threat. No other conclusion is
    remotely possible. Even if Running Bear was the initial
    aggressor, he was unconscious when White Feather dragged
    him out from under his bed and attacked him with the razor.
    An unconscious adversary does not pose an imminent threat
    of death or serious bodily harm.
    White Feather insists that he waited to see if Running Bear
    “was alive and therefore an imminent threat again” before he
    acted. The “critical moment,” he argues, is the point at which
    the toilet paper on Running Bear’s face moved; it was then that
    10                                                   No. 13-2725
    he believed he needed to kill or be killed. As an initial matter,
    this argument contradicts White Feather’s own testimony. He
    admitted on cross-examination that he had resolved to kill
    Running Bear earlier in the altercation, at the moment he was
    first assaulted, or at least at the point when he suffocated his
    unconscious victim. Perhaps more importantly, by White
    Feather’s own account, Running Bear was still unconscious
    when he dragged him out from under the bed and cut his
    abdomen open:
    Q. So you pull him—he’s been laying there doing
    nothing. You pull him out, he’s doing nothing,
    and then you slice him up; right?
    A. Right.
    That alone defeats the claim of self-defense, but for com-
    pleteness we note that White Feather also failed to present
    evidence that he had no alternatives to the use of deadly force.
    A defendant seeking to justify his actions as a lesser evil must
    avail himself of reasonable legal alternatives to the use of
    unlawful force. Again, this requirement applies equally in
    prison: “If prisoners could decide for themselves when to seek
    protection from the guards and when to settle matters by
    violence, prisons would be impossible to regulate.” 
    Haynes, 143 F.3d at 1091
    ; see also 
    Bailey, 444 U.S. at 410
    (“Under any
    definition of these defenses one principle remains constant: if
    there was a reasonable, legal alternative to violating the law, ‘a
    chance both to refuse to do the criminal act and also to avoid
    the threatened harm,’ the defenses will fail.” (quoting WAYNE
    379 (1972))).
    No. 13-2725                                                  11
    White Feather had several legal alternatives to the use of
    deadly force. Most obviously, the cell was equipped with a
    duress button, and the government presented ample evidence
    about the operation of the duress signal and how it was
    designed to require prison guards to respond to the source of
    the alarm. In addition, the officer on duty in the L Unit on the
    night of December 1 testified that the unit was “very quiet,”
    and that if an inmate yelled or banged on his cell door, a guard
    would hear and immediately respond.
    White Feather claims that prisoners at USP-Marion were
    never instructed on the use of the duress button. He admitted,
    however, that he thought it was a “medical button” and
    understood that “[i]f you pushed it, doctors would come.” So
    White Feather knew that he needed only to push the button
    and someone would come. He also acknowledged that during
    any of the several periods of time when Running Bear was
    unconscious, he could have yelled or “banged on the [cell]
    door and asked for help” but simply did not.
    In short, even accepting that Running Bear was the initial
    aggressor, there is no evidence that he posed an imminent
    threat when White Feather cut him open with the razor or that
    alternatives to this use of deadly force were unavailable. White
    Feather killed Running Bear slowly, deliberately, and savagely,
    while his victim was unconscious and posing no imminent
    threat, and in the presence of reasonable legal alternatives to
    the use of deadly force. Because no evidence supports White
    Feather’s claim of self-defense, the district court properly
    refused to instruct the jury on the defense.