Ryan Leaver v. Gary Shortess , 844 F.3d 665 ( 2016 )

  •                               In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 15-2730
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Eastern District of Wisconsin.
    No. 14-C-224 — William C. Griesbach, Chief Judge.
    Before EASTERBROOK, MANION, and SYKES, Circuit Judges.
    SYKES, Circuit Judge. Ryan Leaver was arrested in
    Montana on a Wisconsin warrant for theft by lessee after he
    failed to return a rental car to Hertz Rent-A-Car in Appleton,
    Wisconsin. He spent more than two months in a Montana
    jail before being extradited to Wisconsin. The theft charge
    was eventually dropped.
    2                                                 No. 15-2730
    Leaver then filed this suit under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 alleging
    that the investigating officer, Sergeant Gary Shortess of the
    Outagamie County Sheriff’s Department, intentionally or
    recklessly omitted certain exculpatory information from his
    police reports that would have defeated probable cause for
    the charge and accompanying warrant. The district court
    granted summary judgment for Shortess.
    We affirm. No evidence suggests that Shortess was per-
    sonally aware of the information Leaver claims was wrongly
    omitted from the police reports. And even if he was aware of
    it, qualified immunity applies. It’s not clear that the infor-
    mation would have negated probable cause.
    I. Background
    The saga of Leaver’s arrest and extradition begins in
    August 2010 in Appleton, Wisconsin, where Leaver was then
    living in a motel. On August 2 Leaver’s parked car was
    struck by a driver who was insured by West Bend Mutual
    Insurance Company. West Bend covered Leaver’s loss and
    agreed to pay for a rental car from Hertz. That same day
    Leaver went to Hertz’s Appleton office, signed a rental
    agreement, loaded all his belongings into a rented 2010
    Toyota Camry, and set off westward, leaving the state. He
    wound up in Montana. There he stayed.
    The rental contract, however, provided that the Camry
    was due back to Hertz Appleton on August 12. At Leaver’s
    request, and with West Bend’s consent, Hertz extended the
    return date to August 16. That date came and went, but
    Leaver did not return the car. When he still hadn’t returned
    the car by August 18, Hertz reported it stolen.
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    Deputy John Drews of the Outagamie County Sheriff’s
    Department took the initial theft report from Hertz. He
    learned that Leaver had designated Sam Cartier, his room-
    mate in Appleton, as his contact person. Drews contacted
    Cartier, who said he had last spoken to Leaver on August 9
    or 10. Cartier also explained that Leaver had packed all his
    belongings in the rental car and was possibly headed for
    California. Cartier gave Drews the last contact information
    he had for Leaver—a phone number for a Motel 6 in
    Montana. Drews called the number but Leaver had already
    checked out. With no further leads on either Leaver or the
    car, Drews directed the communications center in the
    Outagamie County Sheriff’s Department to enter the car into
    the stolen-vehicle registry and send an alert to the Montana
    Highway Patrol to be on the lookout for the missing Camry.
    On September 10 Sergeant Shortess picked up the inves-
    tigative trail when the Sheriff’s Department received a
    teletype that the stolen Camry had been located, undam-
    aged, in Montana. Shortess reviewed Drews’s report and the
    statement he had taken from the complaining witness at
    Hertz Appleton. He also looked at the rental agreement,
    which showed that Leaver had a Michigan driver’s license.
    Shortess called the Michigan State Police looking for contact
    information for Leaver or anything else that might assist in
    locating him or a family member. This inquiry turned up
    nothing. Based on what he then knew, Shortess concluded
    that he had enough to refer the matter to the Outagamie
    County District Attorney for a theft charge. He prepared a
    report to that effect, listing that day’s date—September 10,
    2010—as the date the car was recovered in Montana.
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    The matter stalled for six months. Then on March 16,
    2011, an Outagamie County Assistant District Attorney filed
    a criminal complaint charging Leaver with theft by lessee.
    See WIS. STAT. § 943.20(1)(e). An arrest warrant was issued
    that same day, though many weeks would pass before
    Leaver was located and arrested.
    Leaver maintains that he was entitled to keep the Camry
    for up to 62 days and return it to any Hertz location in the
    country. He points to the following clause in the rental
    agreement: “This vehicle must be returned to Appleton, WI
    on 08/12/10 at 16:42 or a higher rate and/or inter city fee will
    apply. Minimum keep: 1 rental day. Maximum keep: 62 days
    @26.99/day.” But a separate section entitled “Return” also
    states: “You must return the car to Hertz by the due date
    specified on the rental record, or sooner if demanded by
    Hertz.” Adding to the confusion, the agreement also pro-
    vides that “[i]n no event” is the renter allowed to keep the
    car “for more than thirty (30) days.”
    Leaver claims that he returned the Camry to the parking
    lot at a Hertz location in Belgrade, Montana, on August 26,
    2010. He also says that he called Hertz’s national number
    and got oral permission to return the car there, though
    nothing corroborates that claim.
    On April 9, 2011—after the criminal complaint was filed
    and the warrant was issued—Leaver wrote to Outagamie
    County Assistant District Attorney Patrick Taylor informing
    him that he had returned the Camry to Hertz in Belgrade,
    Montana. He accused Hertz of insurance fraud and suggest-
    ed that the prosecutor contact “Matt” at Hertz Belgrade and
    Katherine Horton at Hertz’s toll-free national number, both
    of whom (he said) would confirm his story. On May 12 ADA
    No. 15-2730                                                   5
    Taylor sent Shortess a memo directing him to follow up with
    the people Leaver identified in his letter.
    Shortess did not do so, but he did investigate further in
    Appleton. He contacted James Foytik, the manager at Hertz
    Appleton, who told him that the Camry wasn’t a “one-way
    rental” (as Leaver’s letter claimed) and confirmed that
    Leaver had to return the car to Hertz Appleton by Au-
    gust 16. Foytik also told Shortess that Hertz had placed
    Leaver on a nationwide “do not rent” list based on his
    failure to return the Camry. Shortess then contacted the
    corporate security manager for West Bend Insurance, who
    likewise confirmed that the rental agreement was not a one-
    way rental. After discussing the case with another sergeant
    and the prosecutor, Shortess filed a supplemental report
    memorializing this additional investigation and concluding
    that nothing in Leaver’s letter called into question the factual
    basis for the theft charge.
    On May 27, 2011, Leaver was arrested in Bozeman,
    Montana. He remained in jail until August 4, when he was
    extradited to Wisconsin. The next day he was brought before
    a court commissioner in Outagamie County Circuit Court
    for an initial appearance. Leaver’s lawyer moved to dismiss
    the case, arguing that the rental contract was vague about
    when and where the car needed to be returned. He also told
    the court commissioner that Leaver had returned the car to
    the Hertz lot in Belgrade, Montana, and pointedly noted that
    the prosecutor had failed to mention that the car was recov-
    ered there. The court commissioner denied the motion,
    finding probable cause for the crime of theft by lessee in
    violation of § 943.20(1)(e). Leaver renewed his dismissal
    6                                                        No. 15-2730
    motion when the case came before a circuit court judge in
    December, but the motion was again denied.
    On January 17, 2012, the prosecutor dropped the charge
    and the case was dismissed. Leaver then turned his sights on
    Hertz, winning a substantial financial settlement. We’re
    concerned here with Leaver’s § 1983 damages claim against
    Shortess for violating his Fourth Amendment right to be free
    from unreasonable seizure. Leaver contends that Shortess
    intentionally or recklessly omitted from his police reports
    certain facts that would have affected the prosecutor’s
    probable-cause determination—namely, the terms of the
    “maximum keep” provision in the rental agreement and the
    “fact” that he had returned the car to Hertz Belgrade on
    August 26, 2010. The district judge entered summary judg-
    ment for Shortess, holding that no evidence supported
    Leaver’s assertion that Shortess was aware of the omitted
    information and the omitted information wouldn’t have
    undermined the probable-cause determination anyway.
    II. Discussion
    We review a summary judgment de novo, construing the
    evidence in the light most favorable to Leaver and drawing
    all reasonable inferences in his favor. Townsend v. Cooper,
    759 F.3d 678
    , 685 (7th Cir. 2014). Leaver claims that Shortess
    intentionally or recklessly omitted facts from his written
    reports that would have affected the prosecutor’s charging
    decision, which in turn led to the issuance of an invalid
    arrest warrant and thus his arrest without probable cause, all
    in violation of his rights under the Fourth Amendment. 1
    1A warrantless arrest without probable cause gives rise to a Fourth
    Amendment claim for false arrest, which “cover[s] the time of detention
    No. 15-2730                                                             7
    We accept, as we must at this stage, Leaver’s claim that
    he returned the car to Hertz Belgrade on August 26. But no
    evidence suggests that Shortess was actually aware of that
    fact. The September 10 teletype said only that the stolen car
    was recovered in Montana—not that it was returned to a
    Hertz location there. As for the terms of the rental agree-
    ment, the most we can say is that the agreement contains
    some apparent inconsistencies. It prescribes a fixed date and
    place for the car’s return: August 12, 2010 (extended to
    August 16); Hertz Appleton. But it also includes a longer
    “maximum keep” period (62 days), together with a warning
    that extra fees will apply for intercity returns and any addi-
    tional days beyond the listed return date. In light of the
    other facts Shortess had gathered in his investigation, these
    conflicting contract provisions do not conclusively negate
    probable cause. Or at least qualified immunity applies. It
    would not have been clear to a reasonable officer that these
    contract provisions defeat probable cause.
    “Qualified immunity protects police officers from suit to
    the extent that their actions could reasonably have been
    thought consistent with the rights they are alleged to have
    violated.” Whitlock v. Brown, 
    596 F.3d 406
    , 410 (7th Cir. 2010)
    (internal quotation marks omitted). Leaver’s Fourth
    up until issuance of process or arraignment.” Wallace v. Kato, 
    549 U.S. 384
    , 390 (2007). Once legal process commences, the Due Process Clause
    takes over and the claim is recognized—if at all—as one for malicious
    prosecution. Bianchi v. McQueen, 
    818 F.3d 309
    , 322 (7th Cir. 2016) (recog-
    nizing that after Wallace a Fourth Amendment false-arrest claim is
    limited to the period before legal process begins). Leaver was arrested on
    a warrant that was issued with the criminal complaint. It’s not clear that
    the Fourth Amendment applies at all, but Shortess didn’t raise this point
    so we consider it waived.
    8                                                 No. 15-2730
    Amendment claim rests on an argument that the arrest
    warrant was invalid because Shortess withheld facts from
    his police reports that would have negated probable cause.
    Although we generally presume the validity of a warrant,
    that presumption may be overcome by a showing that the
    officer who sought the warrant “intentionally or recklessly
    withheld material facts from the warrant-issuing judge.” 
    Id. at 410–11.
    The key question here is whether the omitted
    details were indeed material to the probable-cause determi-
    nation, a question we approach by asking “whether a hypo-
    thetical affidavit that included the omitted material would
    still establish probable cause.” 
    Id. at 411
    (quotation marks
    In the context of a § 1983 damages claim against the of-
    ficer who sought the warrant, this inquiry accounts for the
    availability of qualified immunity. That is, we ask whether it
    would have been clear to a reasonable officer that the omit-
    ted fact was material to the probable-cause determination.
    Id. at 412–14;
    see Anderson v. Creighton, 
    483 U.S. 635
    , 641
    Probable cause “is a common-sense inquiry requiring on-
    ly a probability of criminal activity; it exists whenever an
    officer or a court has enough information to warrant a
    prudent person to believe criminal conduct has occurred.”
    Whitlock, 596 F.3d at 411
    . Wisconsin’s theft-by-lessee statute
    makes it a crime to “[i]ntentionally fail[] to return any
    personal property which is in his or her possession or under
    his or her control by virtue of a written lease or written
    rental agreement after the lease or rental agreement has
    expired.” § 943.20(1)(e). The materiality of the omitted
    information depends in part on how Wisconsin law treats a
    No. 15-2730                                                9
    rental-car agreement with both a fixed expiration date and a
    longer “maximum keep” provision.
    We have some guidance. The Wisconsin Supreme Court
    has upheld the validity of an arrest warrant for violation of
    the theft-by-lessee statute in a case involving a similarly
    confusing equipment rental agreement:
    We hold the arrest was valid. The equipment
    was rented on September 13, 1975. The rental
    agreement included a space labeled ‘Date to be
    Returned.’ That space was filled in with the
    date ‘9/15/75.’ Although the agreement includ-
    ed a clause providing for additional rent if the
    equipment was returned after the date agreed
    upon, we do not believe that clause changed
    the expiration date of the rental contract.
    Robinson v. State, 
    301 N.W.2d 429
    , 432 (Wis. 1981). Robinson
    lends support to Shortess’s reading of the Hertz contract.
    At the very least, Shortess can claim the protection of
    qualified immunity, which “tolerates reasonable mistakes
    regarding probable cause.” 
    Whitlock, 596 F.3d at 413
    . Know-
    ing what Shortess knew, a reasonable officer could have
    concluded that Leaver committed theft by lessee notwith-
    standing the confusing language in the contract. Shortess
    knew that the rental agreement had a fixed expiration date
    of August 16, 2010, and also listed Hertz Appleton as the
    return location. He knew that the car was not returned to
    Hertz Appleton by that date. He confirmed with Hertz
    Appleton—and also West Bend Insurance—that the car was
    not a one-way rental. He also knew that Leaver had packed
    all his belongings in the leased car and headed for the west
    10                                                No. 15-2730
    coast and was last known to be in Montana. True, he was
    also aware by September 10 that the car was recovered in
    Montana, but as we’ve noted, no evidence suggests that he
    knew it had been returned to a Hertz location there.
    Shortess’s interpretation of the rental agreement was reason-
    able under the circumstances and has some support in
    Wisconsin law, and he was entitled to rely on the credible
    complaining witnesses at Hertz Appleton.
    In short, it would not have been clear to a reasonable of-
    ficer that the information Leaver claims Shortess wrongly
    omitted from his police reports would have negated proba-
    ble cause. Indeed, a Wisconsin court commissioner and
    circuit court judge—both aware of the language in the rental
    contract and Leaver’s claim that he returned the car to Hertz
    Belgrade on August 26—found probable cause for the charge
    of theft by lessee. The district judge properly entered sum-
    mary judgment for Shortess.

Document Info

Docket Number: 15-2730

Citation Numbers: 844 F.3d 665

Judges: Sykes

Filed Date: 12/21/2016

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023