Southern Illinois Power Cooper v. EPA , 863 F.3d 666 ( 2017 )

  •                               In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    Nos. 16-3398 & 17-1442
    and SCOTT PRUITT, Administrator,
    On Motion to Dismiss or Transfer to the
    U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit.
    ARGUED MAY 30, 2017 — DECIDED JULY 12, 2017
    Before BAUER, RIPPLE, and SYKES, Circuit Judges.
    SYKES, Circuit Judge. Southern Illinois Power Cooperative
    seeks review of a final rule of the Environmental Protection
    Agency designating Williamson County, Illinois, as a nonat-
    tainment area for national air quality standards for sulfur
    dioxide. The rule in question is not limited to Williamson
    County; it makes attainment designations for 61 geographic
    areas spanning 24 states. The EPA moves to dismiss or
    2                                          Nos. 16-3398 & 17-1442
    transfer the petition to the D.C. Circuit under the terms of
    the judicial-review provision of the Clean Air Act, which
    designates that circuit as the exclusive venue for review of
    “nationally applicable” agency actions. 
    42 U.S.C. § 7607
    (b)(1). We agree that the challenged rule is nationally
    applicable and therefore transfer the petition to the D.C.
    Circuit. Our decision conflicts with Madison Gas & Electric
    Co. v. EPA, 
    4 F.3d 529
     (7th Cir. 1993). But Madison Gas is
    inconsistent with the text of § 7607(b)(1) and is therefore
    overruled. 1
    I. Background
    The Clean Air Act “establishes a comprehensive program
    for controlling and improving the nation’s air quality
    through both state and federal regulation.” Sierra Club v.
    774 F.3d 383
    , 386 (7th Cir. 2014). The Act directs the EPA
    to establish National Ambient Air Quality Standards, which
    set the “maximum permissible atmospheric concentrations
    for certain harmful air pollutants.” Indiana v. EPA, 
    796 F.3d 803
    , 804 (7th Cir. 2015); see 
    42 U.S.C. §§ 7408
    –7409; Sierra
    Club, 774 F.3d at 386. Within two years of revising or setting
    a new air quality standard, the EPA must evaluate compli-
    ance with the standard and classify geographic regions
    around the country as areas of “attainment” or “nonattain-
    ment” (or designate them as “unclassifiable”). 
    42 U.S.C. § 7407
    (d)(1)(A), (d)(1)(B)(i); see ATK Launch Sys., Inc. v. EPA,
    651 F.3d 1194
    , 1195 (10th Cir. 2011). In doing so the EPA
    solicits recommendations from the state regulators on how
    1 This opinion has been circulated to all judges in active service. No
    judge wished to hear the case en banc. See 7TH CIR. R. 40(e).
    Nos. 16-3398 & 17-1442                                           3
    to designate areas within the state. If the EPA disagrees with
    a state’s recommendation for any particular area, it notifies
    the state and allows an opportunity for public comment on
    its proposed modification. See § 7407(d)(1)(A), (d)(1)(B)(ii);
    ATK Launch Sys., 
    651 F.3d at 1195
    . The EPA then promulgates
    a final rule listing and explaining the designations,
    § 7407(d)(1)(B)(i), (d)(2), which in turn affects a state’s obliga-
    tions in developing a state implementation plan to maintain
    or achieve air quality standards, see 
    42 U.S.C. §§ 7410
    , 7471,
    7502; ATK Launch Sys., 
    651 F.3d at 1195
    In 2010 the EPA revised the national air quality standards
    for sulfur dioxide. See Primary National Ambient Air Quality
    Standard for Sulfur Dioxide, 
    75 Fed. Reg. 35,520
     (June 22,
    2010) (as codified at 40 C.F.R. pts. 50, 53, and 58). The agency
    did not have sufficient information to complete the initial
    compliance designations within two years, so it took ad-
    vantage of a one-year extension allowed by statute. See
    § 7407(d)(1)(B)(i). As the extended deadline approached, the
    EPA remained unable to complete a full list of attainment
    designations for the entire country, so it issued a rule con-
    taining a partial list covering 29 areas in 16 states. See Air
    Quality Designations for the 2010 Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)
    Primary National Ambient Air Quality Standard (“Round 1
    78 Fed. Reg. 47,191
    , 47,193 (Aug. 5, 2013) (as
    codified at 40 C.F.R. pt. 81). The EPA explained in its
    Round 1 Designations that the remaining designations
    would be forthcoming in “separate future actions.” 
    The Sierra Club and the National Resources Defense
    Council sued the agency alleging that it had failed to carry
    out a nondiscretionary duty under the Clean Air Act. The
    parties ultimately negotiated a consent decree in which the
    4                                    Nos. 16-3398 & 17-1442
    EPA agreed to issue the remaining designations in multiple
    rounds by 2020. See Sierra Club v. McCarthy, No. 3:13-cv-
    3953-SI, Consent Decree (N.D. Cal. Mar. 2, 2015).
    After entering the consent decree, the EPA solicited up-
    dated recommendations from the states. Illinois promptly
    responded. As relevant here, state regulators recommended
    that the EPA designate Williamson County in southern
    Illinois as an attainment area. The EPA reviewed the pro-
    posed designations from the state regulators and in due
    course announced its intention to reject their recommenda-
    tion for Williamson County and instead designate it as an
    area of nonattainment. The EPA attached a technical-support
    document explaining that the modeling method used by the
    state regulators was flawed. The EPA solicited public com-
    ments on the proposed designation.
    Southern Illinois Power Cooperative, which operates a
    large power plant in Williamson County, submitted public
    comments opposing the nonattainment designation. The
    Cooperative challenged the technical basis for the EPA’s
    designation and submitted alternative modeling results
    showing that the area surrounding the power plant met the
    new air quality standard. The EPA reviewed the comments
    but was unmoved.
    In July 2016 the EPA promulgated a final rule listing and
    explaining its Round 2 Designations. See Air Quality Desig-
    nations for the 2010 Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Primary National
    Ambient Air Quality Standard—Round 2, 
    81 Fed. Reg. 45,039
     (July 12, 2016) (as codified at 40 C.F.R. pt. 81). The
    rule contained attainment designations for 61 additional
    areas across 24 states, 
    id. at 45,040
    , and included a nonat-
    tainment designation for Williamson County, 
    id. at 45,047
    Nos. 16-3398 & 17-1442                                                  5
    The Cooperative filed a timely petition for review with
    this court under the judicial-review provision of the Clean
    Air Act, § 7607(b)(1), and Rule 15(a) of the Federal Rules of
    Appellate Procedure. The Cooperative simultaneously asked
    the EPA to reconsider its designation of Williamson County
    as an area of nonattainment. The EPA denied reconsidera-
    tion, and the Cooperative petitioned for review of that
    decision as well. We consolidated the two petitions. There is
    no need to distinguish between the two, so we’ll refer to
    them as a single petition.
    The EPA moved to dismiss the petition for lack of juris-
    diction or improper venue under § 7607(b)(1), which estab-
    lishes venue rules for judicial review of EPA actions under
    the Clean Air Act. 2 Alternatively, the agency moved to
    transfer the petition to the D.C. Circuit to be consolidated
    with six other petitions challenging the Round 2 Designa-
    tions and a subsequent supplement to the rule. 3 See Masias v.
    EPA, Nos. 16-1314, 16-1318, 16-1384, 16-1424, 17-1053 &
    17-1055 (D.C. Cir.). The EPA reminded us that in 2013 we
    transferred to the D.C. Circuit a similar petition challenging
    the Round 1 Designations for sulfur dioxide. See Ameren-
    2 The EPA takes no position on whether § 7607(b)(1) is jurisdictional or
    simply dictates venue. We have already answered that question: “[T]he
    venue and filing provisions of § 7607(b) are not jurisdictional.” Clean
    Water Action Council of Ne. Wis., Inc. v. EPA, 
    765 F.3d 749
    , 751 (7th Cir.
    2014). Nonetheless, the venue provision is a “binding rule” and the EPA
    invokes its benefit, so we treat it as mandatory. See 
    id. at 753
    ; see also
    Eberhart v. United States, 
    546 U.S. 12
    , 19 (2005) (explaining that claim-
    processing rules “assure relief to a party properly raising them”).
    3 The EPA explained that it also intends to move to transfer to the
    D.C. Circuit two other petitions currently before the Fifth Circuit that
    challenge the supplement.
    6                                        Nos. 16-3398 & 17-1442
    Energy Res. Generating Co. v. EPA, No. 13-2959 (7th Cir.
    Dec. 18, 2013) (granting, over the petitioner’s objection, the
    EPA’s motion to transfer); see also Treasure State Res. Indus.
    Ass’n v. EPA, 
    805 F.3d 300
    , 303 (D.C. Cir. 2015) (consolidating
    and denying on the merits the petitioners’ challenges to
    Round 1 Designations); Dynegy Midwest Generation v. EPA,
    No. 05-1536 (7th Cir. May 26, 2005) (transferring to the D.C.
    Circuit, over the petitioner’s objection, the challenge to the
    EPA’s fine-particulate-matter designations).
    The Cooperative opposed the motion, relying heavily on
    our decision in Madison Gas. After reviewing the EPA’s
    motion and the Cooperative’s response, we noted a conflict
    between the approach we took in Madison Gas and the text of
    § 7607(b)(1). We noted as well that Madison Gas has drawn
    criticism from other circuits. See, e.g., ATK Launch Sys., Inc. v.
    651 F.3d 1194
    , 1198–99 (10th Cir. 2011); Texas Mun.
    Power Agency v. EPA, 
    89 F.3d 858
    , 866–67 (D.C. Cir. 1996).
    Accordingly, we ordered full briefing on the proper interpre-
    tation of the Clean Air Act’s venue provision and asked the
    parties to address whether Madison Gas was correctly decid-
    ed, and if not, whether it should be overruled. The briefs are
    now in, the motion has been orally argued, and the matter is
    ready for decision.
    II. Analysis
    The Clean Air Act assigns judicial review of EPA actions
    to either the D.C. Circuit or the appropriate regional circuit
    based on the nature of the agency action in question. The
    Act’s venue provision separates reviewable agency actions—
    typically, final rules—into three distinct categories and
    allocates venue accordingly (the statute is quite verbose, so
    Nos. 16-3398 & 17-1442                                        7
    we paraphrase here and quote only the key operative lan-
    •   a petition for review of a “nationally applicable” final
    agency action “may be filed only in the United States
    Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia”;
    •   a petition for review of a final agency action that is
    “locally or regionally applicable may be filed only in
    the United States Court of Appeals for the appropri-
    ate circuit”; except that
    •   a petition for review of a “locally or regionally appli-
    cable” agency action must be filed in the D.C. Circuit
    if the agency action “is based on a determination of
    nationwide scope or effect and if in taking such action
    the Administrator finds and publishes that such ac-
    tion is based on such a determination.”
    § 7607(b)(1) (emphases added); see Texas v. EPA, 
    829 F.3d 405
    , 418 (5th Cir. 2016).
    Under the straightforward (if wordy) statutory text, ven-
    ue depends entirely on—and is fixed by—the nature of the
    agency’s action; the scope of the petitioner’s challenge has
    no role to play in determining venue. The D.C. Circuit is the
    exclusive venue for review of all “nationally applicable”
    final EPA actions under the Act. The regional circuits are the
    proper fora for review of “locally or regionally applicable”
    final EPA actions, subject to an exception: If the EPA Admin-
    istrator issues a published finding that a locally or regionally
    applicable agency action has “nationwide scope or effect,”
    venue lies in the D.C. Circuit.
    This case clearly falls in the first basket. The Cooperative
    seeks review of the EPA’s Round 2 Designations, a final rule
    8                                      Nos. 16-3398 & 17-1442
    of broad geographic scope containing air quality attainment
    designations covering 61 geographic areas across 24 states—
    from New York to Hawaii—and promulgated pursuant to a
    common, nationwide analytical method. A rule with these
    characteristics is “nationally applicable” within the meaning
    of § 7607(b)(1), so venue lies exclusively in the D.C. Circuit.
    See ATK Launch Sys., 
    651 F.3d at 1197
     (holding that a similar
    air quality designation rule with wide geographic reach,
    promulgated pursuant to “a uniform process and standard
    across the country,” is “nationally applicable” under
    § 7607(b)(1) and review lies in the D.C. Circuit).
    The Cooperative insists that the Round 2 Designations
    are just an amalgamation of many different locally or re-
    gionally applicable agency actions and notes that its petition
    challenges only one: the EPA’s designation of Williamson
    County as a nonattainment area. That’s not an accurate
    description of the petition, which is just a one-paragraph
    pleading seeking review of the rule and attaching a copy.
    There are no details in the petition about the scope or nature
    of the Cooperative’s challenge; that information has come to
    the fore in the briefing on the EPA’s motion. More im-
    portantly, the Cooperative’s petition-focused approach to
    the venue question cannot be squared with the plain lan-
    guage of § 7607(b)(1), which assigns judicial review to the
    D.C. Circuit or the regional circuits based on the nature of
    the agency action in question, not the nature or scope of the
    petition for review. Id. at 1199 (“The nature of the regulation,
    not the challenge, controls” the venue determination under
    § 7607(b)(1).). Because the Round 2 rule is, on its face, na-
    tionally applicable, venue lies in the D.C. Circuit.
    Nos. 16-3398 & 17-1442                                         9
    The Cooperative’s argument to the contrary rests largely
    on our decision in Madison Gas. There we held that a petition
    challenging “an element of a national program” based on an
    “entirely local factor” could be brought in the regional
    circuit court. 
    4 F.3d at
    530–31. Madison Gas, a Wisconsin
    electrical utility, sought review of a final EPA rule that
    allocated tradable pollution allowances to electrical generat-
    ing facilities across the country. 
    Id. at 530
    . This national
    system, designed to curb acid rain, was based on each
    facility’s generating capacity, and Madison Gas contested
    the EPA’s calculation of the generating capacity at three of
    its Wisconsin plants. 
     The EPA moved to dismiss for
    improper venue, arguing that because the rule in question
    was clearly nationally applicable—it allocated pollution
    allowances nationwide—the D.C. Circuit was the exclusive
    venue for judicial review. 
    We rejected the EPA’s argument, reasoning that “[i]f
    Madison were challenging a national feature of the acid-rain
    program, such as the tradability of emission allowances, it
    would be plain that its challenge could be brought only in
    the D.C. Circuit, even if the impact of the program varied
    greatly across the country.” 
     And “[i]t would be equally
    clear that the challenge could be brought only in a regional
    circuit if the challenge were to a state implementation plan
    or some other regulation avowedly local or regional rather
    than national in its scope.” 
     The utility’s petition, we said,
    was “the intermediate case”:
    Madison is challenging an element of a nation-
    al program—for the program involves allocat-
    ing allowances to all the electrical generating
    plants in the nation, and all the allocations are
    10                                       Nos. 16-3398 & 17-1442
    listed … in a single table in the regulations—
    but the challenge is based upon an entirely lo-
    cal factor (Madison’s generating capacity) and
    if successful will have no impact on the overall
    program except insofar as the award of addi-
    tional allowances might pierce the national
    ceiling. It is only the latter factor that makes the
    EPA’s motion to dismiss colorable, but we
    think it too speculative to warrant forcing the
    case to the D.C. Circuit.
     at 530–31.
    It should be clear from our earlier discussion of the lan-
    guage of § 7607(b)(1) that this “intermediate case” approach
    has no foundation in the statute. Indeed, the analytical
    method adopted in Madison Gas stands in direct conflict with
    the actual text of the venue provision, which (to repeat)
    focuses entirely on the nature of the agency action in ques-
    tion (is the action nationally applicable or locally or regional-
    ly applicable?) and omits any reference to the scope or
    nature of the petitioner’s challenge. A petition-centric meth-
    od for determining venue—like that announced in Madison
    Gas—is flatly inconsistent with the actual terms of
    § 7607(b)(1).
    The Tenth Circuit noted this flaw in our reasoning in
    ATK Launch Systems. There the petitioners sought review of a
    final rule that—much like the rule at issue in this case—
    listed attainment and nonattainment designations for the
    EPA’s air quality standards (in that case it was the agency’s
    2009 standards for fine particulate matter). 
    651 F.3d at 1195
    Though the petitioners contested the nonattainment designa-
    tions of just two counties in Utah, 
     the rule in question
    Nos. 16-3398 & 17-1442                                     11
    “enumerate[ed] designations for areas across the country,”
    id. at 1196
    . The EPA moved to dismiss or transfer the peti-
    tion, arguing that the rule was nationally applicable and the
    D.C. Circuit was the exclusive forum for judicial review. 
    Id. at 1195
    The Tenth Circuit agreed and transferred the petition,
    explaining that “[t]he language of [the venue] provision
    makes clear that this court must analyze whether the regula-
    tion itself is nationally applicable, not whether the effects
    complained of or the petitioner’s challenge to that regulation
    is nationally applicable.” 
    Id. at 1197
    . The court reasoned:
    “That the regulation reaches geographic areas from coast to
    coast and beyond is, at a minimum, a strong indicator that
    the regulation is nationally applicable.” 
     The court noted
    another key indicator of national applicability: The EPA had
    applied “a uniform process and standard across the coun-
    try” in promulgating the nationwide rule. 
     The Tenth
    Circuit went on to consider and reject the “intermediate
    case” approach announced in Madison Gas:
    To the extent that Madison Gas suggests … that
    the manner in which a petitioner frames his
    challenge to a regulation may alter the court in
    which the suit belongs, that suggestion is in-
    consistent with the language of the Act’s judi-
    cial review provision. … The provision assigns
    to the D.C. Circuit all challenges to “nationally
    applicable regulations,” not, for instance, all
    national challenges or all challenges that will
    have national effect. See 
    42 U.S.C. § 7607
    The nature of the regulation, not the challenge,
    12                                     Nos. 16-3398 & 17-1442
    Id. at 1199
    In a similar vein, the D.C. Circuit has remarked that the
    distinction drawn in Madison Gas is “rather elusive” in
    practice. Texas Mun. Power, 
    89 F.3d at 867
    . Because the
    procedural posture of Texas Municipal Power did not require
    the D.C. Circuit to decide whether to accept or reject the
    approach we took in Madison Gas, the court considered the
    matter no further.
    We might be able to avoid a collision with Madison Gas if
    this case could be meaningfully distinguished. It cannot be.
    Both Madison Gas and this case involve EPA rules of national
    applicability that explain and list in table format the agen-
    cy’s determinations about areas and entities across the
    country: here, the sulfur-dioxide attainment designations for
    61 geographic areas in 24 states; in Madison Gas, the alloca-
    tion of acid-rain allowances to utilities in 47 states and the
    District of Columbia. Madison Gas, 
    4 F.3d at 530
    ; see Acid
    Rain Allowance Allocations and Reserves, 
    58 Fed. Reg. 15,634
    , 15,651–15,704 (Mar. 23, 1993) (as codified at 40 C.F.R.
    pts. 72, 73, and 75). The two cases are materially the same. If
    we apply the petition-centric approach of Madison Gas, the
    case may remain in this circuit; if we apply § 7607(b)(1) as
    written, the case must be shipped off to the D.C. Circuit.
    So a confrontation with Madison Gas cannot be avoided.
    We now conclude that the approach announced in that case
    cannot be reconciled with the plain text of § 7607(b)(1). By its
    terms, the statute allocates venue to the D.C. Circuit or the
    regional circuits based solely on the nature of the agency
    action in question. If the challenged rule is “nationally
    applicable,” the D.C. Circuit is the exclusive forum for
    judicial review. If the challenged rule is “locally or regional-
    Nos. 16-3398 & 17-1442                                       13
    ly applicable,” venue lies in the appropriate regional circuit
    unless the EPA Administrator has published a finding that
    the rule is “based on a determination of nationwide scope or
    effect,” in which case venue lies in the D.C. Circuit. The text
    of the statute leaves no room for an intermediate case; there
    is no explicit or implicit exception for challenges to national-
    ly applicable rules based on local or regional “factors” or
    It’s worth noting that the Cooperative does not defend
    the reasoning in Madison Gas, relying instead on the princi-
    ple that stare decisis carries special force in the domain of
    statutory interpretation. John R. Sand & Gravel Co. v. United
    552 U.S. 130
    , 139 (2008). That’s an accurate statement
    of the doctrine, but the principle is not without limits. As we
    have shown, Madison Gas directly contradicts the venue
    statute’s plain text; the petition-centered approach adopted
    in that case allows review of a single, nationally applicable
    EPA rule in both the D.C. Circuit and the regional circuits
    (based on local factors or effects). Under that approach,
    12 circuit courts could rule on issues arising from a single,
    national EPA rule, utterly defeating the statute’s obvious
    aim of centralizing judicial review of national rules in the
    D.C. Circuit.
    Madison Gas also introduces needless uncertainty into the
    determination of venue, where the need for clear rules is
    especially acute. A petition for review of an EPA action is
    not normally accompanied by a statement of the basis for the
    petitioner’s challenge. As we’ve noted, the Cooperative’s
    petition did not contain such a statement; it was a bare-
    bones, one-page pleading simply citing the EPA rule, attach-
    ing a copy, and asking for judicial review. If, as Madison Gas
    14                                      Nos. 16-3398 & 17-1442
    implicitly holds, the nature and scope of the petitioner’s
    challenge dictates the proper forum for judicial review, then
    resolving venue questions will require close examination of
    the specific grounds of each challenge, spawning extensive
    venue litigation (as this case shows).
    The ultimate outcome in Madison Gas demonstrates the
    substantive risks of this approach to venue. Despite our
    initial conclusion in Madison Gas that the petitioner’s chal-
    lenge was based on an entirely local factor, our final decision
    on the merits had much broader implications. Indeed, at the
    merits phase, we rejected the EPA’s interpretation of the
    statute and vacated the allocation of pollution allowances to
    the petitioner’s facilities. See Madison Gas & Elec. Co. v. EPA
    (“Madison Gas II”), 
    25 F.3d 526
    , 529–30 (7th Cir. 1994). In so
    doing, we called into question the EPA’s interpretation of
    the statute as it applied to other facilities around the country.
    We acknowledged that our decision may require “taking
    away some other utility’s allowances” if, as a consequence of
    our decision, the national ceiling for allowances were
    Id. at 528
    . The EPA tells us that because of our
    decision in Madison Gas II, the agency did in fact revise the
    allowances for other facilities across the country to avoid
    exceeding the national cap.
    The principle of stare decisis does not require us to refuse
    to correct our own mistakes. Regrettably, Madison Gas was
    mistaken. And here, the structural significance of the Clean
    Air Act’s venue provision makes the case for overruling
    especially strong. Overlapping, piecemeal, multicircuit
    review of a single, nationally applicable EPA rule is poten-
    tially destabilizing to the coherent and consistent interpreta-
    Nos. 16-3398 & 17-1442                                          15
    tion and application of the Clean Air Act. Madison Gas is
    Our decision today does not disturb deeply established
    precedent; we’ve cited Madison Gas in just one published
    opinion. See New York v. EPA, 
    133 F.3d 987
    , 990 (7th Cir.
    1998). In that case, three northeastern states filed a petition
    for review challenging an EPA action exempting several
    Great Lakes states from nitrogen-oxide emission regulations.
    Id. at 989
    . We concluded that review was proper in this court
    because the exemption in question “is limited to a cluster of
    states; it thus is regional in a literal sense.” 
     at 990 (citing
    Madison Gas, 
    4 F.3d 529
    ). The citation to Madison Gas is a bit
    mysterious; our decision in New York did not follow the
    petition-focused method adopted in that case. Quite the
    contrary: We said that “[d]etermining whether an action by
    the EPA is regional or local on the one hand or national on
    the other should depend on the location of the persons or
    enterprises that the action regulates rather than on where the
    effects of the action are felt.” 
     This mode of analysis keeps
    the focus on the nature of the agency’s action, not the scope
    of the petition, and thus is fully consistent with the text of
    § 7607(b)(1).
    Because the Cooperative seeks review of a nationally ap-
    plicable EPA rule, this petition belongs in the D.C. Circuit.