United States v. James, Louis ( 2006 )

  •                           In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 05-1411
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Central District of Illinois.
    No. 04 CR 20025—Michael P. McCuskey, Chief Judge.
    Before POSNER, ROVNER and WOOD, Circuit Judges.
    ROVNER, Circuit Judge. Following a jury trial, Louis
    James was convicted of possession of more than fifty grams
    of crack cocaine (Count I), possession of and carrying a
    firearm in furtherance of a drug trafficking crime (Count
    II), and possession of a firearm by a felon (Count III). He
    was sentenced to 360 months’ imprisonment. He challenges
    the sufficiency of the evidence on the carrying prong of
    Count II, complains of a number of errors in the jury
    instructions, and charges that the admission of certain
    “other bad acts” evidence unfairly prejudiced him. We
    2                                               No. 05-1411
    In the fall of 2002, Louis James met Bradley Collier, a
    Decatur-area drug dealer, when both were living at a local
    motel. Collier learned from others at the motel that James
    was selling cocaine. Collier began to buy crack cocaine from
    James, at first in small quantities but later in larger
    quantities. At times, Collier paid cash for the drugs, and at
    other times, James fronted the cocaine to him. Collier
    typically resold the drugs at a profit, earning several
    hundred dollars per day at this trade. This arrangement
    continued until January 2004, when Collier moved into
    James’ home at 1061 East William Street in Decatur
    (hereafter the “William Street house”). James lived there
    with his girlfriend, Tiara Woods. During Collier’s two- to
    three-week stay at the William Street house, Collier and
    James sold marijuana and manufactured and sold crack
    cocaine. After Collier moved out, he continued to obtain
    cocaine from James.
    In early February 2004, Decatur police officers began
    surveilling Collier after receiving a tip. On February 2nd,
    they observed him visit James’ home where, they later
    learned, he purchased an ounce of cocaine. Collier then sold
    that ounce and returned to James’ home to purchase two
    additional ounces of cocaine. After that second purchase,
    Collier proceeded to the Decatur Best Western motel where
    the officers then arrested him. The officers searched Col-
    lier’s person, car, and motel room and recovered approxi-
    mately seventy-four grams of cocaine, plastic baggies and a
    digital scale. After the arrest, the officers returned to the
    William Street house to conduct further surveillance. They
    saw James exit the house with two duffel bags and three
    dogs, all of which he loaded into his car. The officers
    followed James as he drove in an evasive manner to a house
    at 456 East Johnson Street (hereafter the “Johnson Street
    house”). James stayed at the Johnson Street house for
    approximately thirty minutes, and then drove to two
    No. 05-1411                                                3
    separate residences, staying at each for less than half an
    hour. James returned to the Johnson Street house for a few
    minutes and then proceeded to an alley. In the alley, a man
    entered James’ car and exited again a minute later. After
    the man drove away, the officers stopped him and recovered
    a small amount of cocaine and a cell phone that had been
    used to call James shortly before the rendezvous in the
    The officers conducted a traffic stop of James and recov-
    ered $100 in cash, two cell phones and a key to the William
    Street house. Based on the arrest of Collier, the officers
    obtained a search warrant for the William Street house,
    where they discovered many items related to drug traffick-
    ing. They seized a rock of crack cocaine, marijuana, plastic
    baggies, two digital scales, baking soda, two cell phones and
    a stun gun. They also recovered two loaded shotguns and
    one loaded .25 caliber pistol.
    At roughly the same time, two Decatur police officers
    approached the Johnson Street house and attempted to
    obtain consent to search the house. Tiara Woods was in
    the house with her aunt, Evita Boey, who resided at the
    house. When the officers knocked on the door, Woods asked
    who was knocking but did not open the door. One of the
    officers could see into the house and he saw Woods pick up
    a shoebox and carry it to the back of the house. After
    several more minutes of knocking, Boey opened the door
    and consented to a search of the house. During the search,
    the officers found the shoebox in a bedroom at the back of
    the house. Inside the shoebox was a pair of size 10 sneak-
    ers. On top of the sneakers were a small scale, a Crown
    Royal bag and a glove. Inside the glove was a loaded .25
    caliber handgun. Collier, the main witness against James
    at trial, testified that James owned four firearms, including
    two rifles and two .25 caliber handguns. Inside the Crown
    Royal bag and inside one of the shoes, the officers found a
    Newport cigarette wrapper, several plastic baggies contain-
    4                                                No. 05-1411
    ing more than eighty grams of crack and fifty grams of
    powder cocaine. James’ fingerprint was discovered on one
    of the baggies of cocaine found inside the shoe. In addition
    to the contents of the shoebox, the officers seized six ounces
    of marijuana from a black bag in the living room and $2,375
    in cash found in the pocket of a coat. In another pocket of
    the same coat, the officers found an identification card for
    Woods listing the William Street house as her address.
    Following the searches, James and Woods moved to 1152
    West Ash Street (hereafter the “Ash Street house”) in
    Decatur. Throughout February and extending into early
    March 2004, Collier continued to obtain crack cocaine
    from James, who was manufacturing and distributing crack
    from the Ash Street house. The Decatur police surveilled
    the Ash Street house and on March 5, 2004, saw several
    people leave the house in a gray car. The officers stopped
    the car, in which James and Woods were passengers. The
    officers searched the car and seized $345 in cash and a
    small amount of marijuana from the floorboard under
    James’ seat. They then searched the Ash Street house,
    recovering a glass dish with white residue, plastic baggies,
    baking soda, a Newport cigarette box containing marijuana
    and a digital scale. From a dryer vent on the outside of the
    house, the officers recovered seven grams of crack and
    twenty-seven grams of powder cocaine.
    Prior to the start of trial, defense counsel requested that
    the government disclose any evidence it intended to present
    under Federal Rule of Evidence 404(b). Rule 404(b) pro-
    Evidence of other crimes, wrongs, or acts is not admissi-
    ble to prove the character of a person in order to show
    action in conformity therewith. It may, however, be
    admissible for other purposes, such as proof of motive,
    opportunity, intent, preparation, plan, knowledge,
    identity, or absence of mistake or accident, provided
    No. 05-1411                                                 5
    that upon request by the accused, the prosecution in a
    criminal case shall provide reasonable notice in advance
    of trial, or during trial if the court excuses pretrial
    notice on good cause shown, of the general nature of
    any such evidence it intends to introduce at trial.
    Fed. R. Evid. 404(b). The government then notified the
    defense that it intended to introduce, among other things,
    evidence from the search of the Ash Street house and
    evidence seized during the traffic stop of James that same
    day. Unfortunately, the government informed the court that
    this evidence was seized on February 10, 2004, only a week
    after the crimes that were charged in the indictment, and
    the government portrayed this evidence as intricately
    related to the crime charged. In fact, the traffic stop and
    search had taken place on March 4, 2004, more than a
    month after the offense charged in the indictment. Without
    knowing about the error in the date, the court ruled that
    the drugs, drug paraphernalia and cash seized from Ash
    Street and from the contemporaneous traffic stop were
    admissible as evidence intricately related to the crime
    charged. No one noticed the error in the date until shortly
    before the trial commenced. On the morning the trial began,
    defense counsel filed a motion to exclude the evidence
    seized on March 4th on the ground that there was insuffi-
    cient foundation for its admission. The government in-
    formed the court that it had mistakenly represented in its
    previous filing that the evidence was seized on February
    10th but maintained that the court should still find that the
    evidence was intricately related to the charged conduct. The
    court denied the defense motion to exclude the March 4th
    evidence because the motion was untimely, not the result of
    surprise, and not supported by either fact or law. As we
    noted earlier, the jury returned a guilty verdict on all three
    counts. James appeals.
    6                                                No. 05-1411
    On appeal, James contends that the district court should
    have ordered a judgment of acquittal on the “carrying” part
    of Count II because there was no evidence that he trans-
    ported firearms at any time. He takes issue with the district
    court’s wording of the “no adverse inference” jury instruc-
    tion. He also maintains that the court erred by denying him
    jury instructions related to “mere presence” and “mere
    association.” Finally, he charges that the evidence seized on
    March 4th should not have been admitted because it was
    not intricately related to the charged conduct.
    We begin with James’ claim that the district court should
    have granted his motion for a judgment of acquittal on the
    charge of carrying a firearm in relation to a drug trafficking
    crime. We review the district court’s denial of a motion for
    judgment of acquittal de novo. United States v. Jones, 
    371 F.3d 363
    , 365 (7th Cir. 2004); United States v. O’Hara, 
    301 F.3d 563
    , 569 (7th Cir. 2002). Such a motion should be
    granted only when the evidence is insufficient to sustain
    the conviction. O’Hara, 
    301 F.3d at 569
    . In reviewing the
    sufficiency of the evidence, we view the evidence in the light
    most favorable to the prosecution and overturn a conviction
    only if the record contains no evidence from which a
    rational jury could have returned a verdict of guilty.
    301 F.3d at 569-70
    The indictment charged that James knowingly carried
    and possessed a firearm in furtherance of a drug trafficking
    crime. James does not dispute that the evidence is sufficient
    to prove he possessed a firearm in relation to a drug
    trafficking crime, but argues that there is nothing more
    than speculation in the record to support a charge
    of carrying. In defining the term “carry,” we have turned to
    the ordinary, dictionary definition of the word and took
    No. 05-1411                                                7
    “carry” to mean “to move while supporting: TRANSPORT.”
    United States v. Molina, 
    102 F.3d 928
    , 930 (7th Cir. 1996)
    (citing United States v. Baker, 
    78 F.3d 1241
    , 1247 (7th Cir.
    1996)). We emphasized that something more than pos-
    session of the firearm in relation to the drug trafficking
    crime was required to demonstrate carrying. Baker, 
    78 F.3d at 1247
    . For example, a defendant who transports a gun on
    his person or within his reach, available for immediate use,
    during and in relation to a drug-trafficking crime meets the
    definition. Baker, 
    78 F.3d at 1241
    . Circumstantial evidence
    could suffice to support the charge, and the government
    argues here that the circumstantial evidence was compel-
    ling, relying on Young v. United States, 
    124 F.3d 794
    Cir. 1997).
    The evidence regarding the guns was thin. Collier
    testified that James owned four firearms, two .25 caliber
    pistols and two twelve gauge shotguns. Two shotguns and
    a pistol were found at the William Street house where
    Collier briefly resided with James. A second pistol was
    recovered from the Johnson Street house, the home of Evita
    Boey. Boey was the aunt of James’ girlfriend, Tiara Woods.
    That gun was found in a shoebox along with a bag of
    cocaine that was marked with James’ fingerprint. This was
    clearly enough evidence to demonstrate that James pos-
    sessed a firearm in furtherance of a drug trafficking crime
    but we doubt it was enough to demonstrate carrying or
    transportation of the gun in relation to a crime of drug
    trafficking. Collier never testified where or when he saw the
    guns that James owned. Collier had been to Boey’s Johnson
    Street house as well as the William Street house and thus
    could have seen James with the firearms in either location.
    There was no evidence that the firearm had been in one
    place and then was found somewhere else. When James
    objected at trial to a jury instruction on carrying, the
    government represented that there was direct testimony
    that James possessed the firearm found at the Johnson
    8                                              No. 05-1411
    Street house at his William Street residence. With that
    understanding, the court allowed the instruction on carry-
    ing to be given because the court believed there was
    testimony that the gun had been in one place and then was
    found in another place. But the prosecutor was mistaken
    and inadvertently misled the court. In fact, Collier had
    never testified where he saw the guns that James pos-
    sessed. There was no direct testimony that James possessed
    all of the guns at the William Street house. There was
    literally no evidence that any of the guns had ever been
    moved or had ever changed location. There was no evidence
    that James ever carried the gun on his person or in his car
    while engaged in drug trafficking. The evidence showed
    only that he stored the guns near drugs.
    The government makes much of the fact that the gun was
    found in a shoebox with drugs and that it did not appear at
    the Johnson Street house by magic. The same is surely true
    of the guns found at William Street; they too did not appear
    there by magic. Yet the government makes no argument
    about those guns being carried, perhaps acknowledging that
    possession is not the same as carrying. To prove the charge
    of carrying, the gun must be transported in connection with
    a drug trafficking crime. Nothing in this record points to
    anything more than possession in connection with a drug
    trafficking crime. In Young and in the other carrying cases,
    there was evidence that the defendant either carried the
    gun on his person or close at hand in his car or moved the
    gun from one place to another, while engaged in a drug
    trafficking crime. See Young, 
    124 F.3d at 801
    requirement met where Young moved the gun from his
    apartment to his car and then transported the gun and
    drugs in the car to the delivery location); Molina, 
    102 F.3d at 932
     (carrying requirement met where the defendant was
    transporting drugs and a gun in a secret compartment
    hidden in his car); Baker, 
    78 F.3d at 1247-48
    requirement met where gun and crack cocaine were found
    No. 05-1411                                                 9
    under driver’s seat of a car being driven by the defendant).
    The district court’s initial instinct that there was no
    evidence of carrying was correct. The instruction should not
    have been given.
    That said, the error was harmless. As we noted earlier,
    James does not contest the sufficiency of the evidence that
    he possessed a firearm in furtherance of a drug trafficking
    crime. “The general rule is that when a jury returns a guilty
    verdict on an indictment charging several acts in
    the conjunctive, as [the defendant’s] indictment did, the
    verdict stands if the evidence is sufficient with respect to
    any one of the acts charged.” Turner v. United States, 
    396 U.S. 398
    , 420 (1970). We have applied this rule to multiple
    acts charged under section 924(c). See United States v.
    418 F.3d 726
    , 730 (7th Cir.), cert. denied, 
    126 S. Ct. 817
     (2005). The evidence was sufficient as to the possession
    prong of section 924(c) and thus the conviction will stand.
    James next argues that the district court erred when it
    refused to instruct the jury that it could not find him guilty
    if he was merely present at a crime scene or if he was
    merely associated with a person who committed a crime.
    These are referred to respectively as “mere presence” and
    “mere association” instructions. According to James, his
    main theory of defense was that, although he lived with and
    associated with Collier, a cocaine dealer, James himself sold
    only marijuana. He also relies on his association with Tiara
    Woods, who he contends possessed the shoebox containing
    cocaine at her aunt’s house, as an example of his mere
    association with wrong-doers. The district court declined to
    give these instructions because, having heard the evidence
    and defense counsel’s opening statement, the court was
    convinced that the instructions would be confusing and
    unsupported by the evidence. The court also found that
    10                                                    No. 05-1411
    these theories of defense were not presented at the outset
    of the case and would not be justified based on the evidence
    or any defense theory that had been presented up to that
    time. The court made this ruling at the close of evidence
    and shortly before closing arguments.
    We review a district court’s refusal to give a tendered jury
    instruction de novo.1 United States v. Fiedeke, 
    384 F.3d 407
    410 (7th Cir. 2004), cert. denied, 
    543 U.S. 1079
     (2005). A
    defendant is entitled to have the jury consider any theory
    of defense that is supported by law and fact. Fiedeke, 
    384 F.3d at 410
    . That does not mean a defendant is entitled to
    a particular jury instruction, however.
    The government argues that James forfeited this argument
    by failing to properly preserve it in the district court and suggests
    that we should review this argument for plain error only. Our
    review of the record, however, indicates that defense counsel
    argued in a timely and specific fashion in favor of the instructions,
    citing both the law and the facts in support of the instruction.
    Indeed, the government agreed during the extensive argument
    that some form of the mere presence instruction would be
    appropriate, preferring to err on the side of caution because this
    was a theory of defense instruction. After vigorous and complete
    argument, the court ruled definitively that it would give neither
    a mere presence nor a mere association instruction. Federal Rule
    of Criminal Procedure 30(d) requires only that a party who objects
    to a failure to give a requested instruction must inform the court
    of the specific objection and the grounds for the objection before
    the jury retires to deliberate. It is enough that defense counsel
    alerted the court and the opposing party to the specific grounds
    for the objection in a timely fashion. United States v. Linwood, 
    142 F.3d 418
    , 422 (7th Cir. 1998). Defense counsel did so at length.
    There is no utility in requiring defense counsel to object again
    after the court has made its final ruling. Cf. Wilson v. Williams,
    182 F.3d 562
    , 566-67 (7th Cir. 1999) (en banc) (once a court has
    ruled definitively in pretrial proceedings, there is no utility in
    requiring another objection during trial). The issue was properly
    No. 05-1411                                                11
    To be entitled to a particular theory of defense instruc-
    tion, the defendant must show the following: 1) the
    instruction is a correct statement of the law, 2) the
    evidence in the case supports the theory of defense,
    3) that theory is not already part of the charge, and 4) a
    failure to provide the instruction would deny a fair
    384 F.3d at 410
    . James’ proposed instructions were
    correct statements of the law and, arguably, there was some
    evidence that James was merely present or merely associ-
    ated with other persons who were engaged in criminal
    activity, namely Collier and Woods. However, this theory of
    defense was intrinsically part of the charge and the failure
    to provide these instructions did not deny James a fair trial.
    The court instructed the members of the jury that in order
    to find James guilty of any of the three counts, they must
    find that he acted knowingly. The court explained that a
    defendant acts knowingly when he “realized what he was
    doing and was aware of the nature of his conduct and did
    not act through ignorance, mistake, or accident.” Tr. at 591.
    For the possession with intent to distribute charge, the
    court explained that “[p]ossession of an object is the ability
    to control it. Possession may exist even when a person is
    not in physical contact with the object but knowingly has
    the power and intention to exercise direction and control
    over it, either directly or through others.” Tr. at 592. The
    instruction on the other counts also required a finding of
    knowledge on James’ part. Thus, the jury could not have
    found James guilty if it believed that he was merely present
    or merely associated with persons committing these crimes.
    The “mere association” and “mere presence” instructions are
    designed to inform the jury that guilt should not follow from
    association with those who commit crimes or from presence
    at the scene of a crime. United States v. Scott, 
    267 F.3d 729
    738 (7th Cir. 2001). Rather, guilt may be found only when
    the defendant knowingly participated in the criminal
    12                                               No. 05-1411
    activity. Scott, 
    267 F.3d at 738
    . The instructions here
    adequately apprised the jury of this principle and therefore
    it was not error to refuse to give the “mere presence” and
    “mere association” instructions.
    The court instructed the jury, “The defendant has an
    absolute right not to testify. The fact that the defendant did
    not testify should not be considered by you in any way in
    arriving at your verdict.” Tr. at 590. At the jury instruction
    conference, defense counsel informed the court that she
    would prefer that the instruction refer to “a defendant”
    rather than “the defendant” because the latter called
    attention specifically to James. The government agreed to
    defense counsel’s wording but the court declined to use it,
    noting that “a defendant” was a phrase used only when
    there were multiple defendants. On appeal, James argues
    that the district court violated James’ right to a complete
    Fifth Amendment instruction when it denied the request
    that the jury be informed that the Fifth Amendment
    privilege applies to all defendants rather than to James in
    particular. The precise wording of jury instructions is a
    matter left to the discretion of the district court. Scott, 
    267 F.3d at 738
    . The notion that the jury somehow concluded
    from the court’s use of the phrase “the defendant” that
    James was being singled out for the right not to testify is a
    frivolous contention. We can think of no reason why the
    court would be required to instruct the jury more generally
    about the rights of other persons not on trial. Nothing in
    the wording drew unusual attention to James. The instruc-
    tion was a correct statement of the law and the wording was
    certainly not an abuse of the district court’s discretion. See
    Carter v. Kentucky, 
    450 U.S. 288
    , 300 (1981) (the Fifth
    Amendment requires that a criminal trial judge must give a
    “no-adverse-inference” jury instruction when requested by
    a defendant to do so).
    No. 05-1411                                                 13
    Finally, James argues that the district court should not
    have admitted the evidence that was collected more
    than a month after the offense for which he was indicted,
    maintaining that this evidence was not intricately related to
    the conduct charged and was not admissible under Federal
    Rule of Evidence 404(b). James is referring, of course, to the
    evidence seized from his person, his car, and the Ash Street
    house on March 4, 2004. This evidence consisted of cash,
    marijuana, a glass cup with white residue, baking soda,
    digital scales and approximately thirty-seven grams of
    cocaine. The indictment specified that all of the charged
    conduct occurred “on or about February 2, 2004.” As we
    noted earlier, prior to trial, defense counsel requested notice
    of any Rule 404(b) evidence the government intended to
    introduce at trial. The government responded that it
    intended to introduce evidence seized from the Ash Street
    residence and the traffic stop, but mistakenly told the court
    that these searches were conducted on February 10th,
    approximately one week after the events charged in the
    indictment. In fact, this evidence was seized on March 4th,
    more than a month after the February 2nd events. The
    government contended that this evidence was intricately
    related to the charged conduct. The court, unaware of the
    date error, “agree[d] that evidence obtained by law enforce-
    ment officers between February 2 and 10, 2004, is either
    direct evidence of the crime charged or evidence intri-
    cately related to those offenses.” R. 29, at 3-4. The court
    therefore found the evidence admissible. Defense counsel
    later sought to exclude this evidence on the ground that
    there was insufficient foundation for its admission. After
    learning that the evidence was seized more than a
    month after the events charged in the indictment, the court
    nonetheless rejected the motion because it was untimely,
    not the result of surprise, and not supported by either fact
    or law.
    14                                                No. 05-1411
    The government is correct that James did not object to the
    admission of this evidence on Rule 404(b) grounds until this
    appeal, and James has therefore forfeited this argument;
    our review is thus limited to the correction of plain error.
    United States v. Pree, 
    408 F.3d 855
    , 868 (7th Cir. 2005).
    Before we may correct an error not raised at trial, we must
    find (1) that there is error, (2) that it is plain, and (3) that
    it affects substantial rights. Pree, 
    408 F.3d at 868-69
    . Once
    these three conditions have been met, we may exercise our
    discretion to correct the error if it seriously affects the
    fairness, integrity, or public reputation of judicial proceed-
    ings. Pree, 
    408 F.3d at 869
    . The defendant bears the burden
    of establishing that the error affected substantial rights, by
    establishing that the outcome probably would have been
    different without the error. 
    Generally, evidence of other bad acts is not admissible
    to show a defendant’s propensity to commit a crime, nor
    to show that he or she acted in conformity with that
    propensity on the occasion in question. United States v.
    389 F.3d 753
    , 757 (7th Cir. 2004), vacated, 
    125 S. Ct. 2948
    , reinstated in part, 
    2005 WL 2456605
     (7th Cir. Oct. 6,
    2005) (reaffirming the decision that rejected challenges to
    conviction but vacating and remanding the sentence for
    resentencing in conformity with Booker); Fed. R. Evid.
    404(b). This evidence may, however, be admitted under
    Rule 404(b) to establish proof of motive, opportunity, intent,
    preparation, plan, knowledge, identity, or absence of
    mistake or accident. Jones, 
    389 F.3d at 756
    ; Fed. R. Evid.
    404(b). If the evidence of other crimes or bad acts provides
    direct or inextricably intertwined evidence (often referred
    to as intricately related evidence) of the acts charged, it is
    not subject to the constraints of Rule 404(b). United States
    v. Lane, 
    323 F.3d 568
    , 579 (7th Cir. 2003). Although
    intricately related evidence need not satisfy the constraints
    of Rule 404(b), it must satisfy the balancing test of Rule
    403. Lane, 
    323 F.3d at 580
    . The government maintains that
    No. 05-1411                                                15
    the evidence collected on March 4th was intricately related
    to the charged conduct and that it corroborated the testi-
    mony of a government witness. Under the “intricately
    related evidence” doctrine, the admissibility of uncharged
    conduct turns on whether the evidence is properly admitted
    to provide the jury with a complete story of the crime on
    trial, whether its absence would create a chronological or
    conceptual void in the story of the crime, or whether it is so
    blended or connected that it incidentally involves, explains
    the circumstances surrounding, or tends to prove any
    element of the charged crime. Lane, 
    323 F.3d at 580
    ; United
    States v. Harris, 
    271 F.3d 690
    , 705 (7th Cir. 2001); United
    States v. Ryan, 
    213 F.3d 347
    , 350 (7th Cir. 2000); United
    States v. Gibson, 
    170 F.3d 673
    , 681 (7th Cir. 1999); United
    States v. Akinrinade, 
    61 F.3d 1279
    , 1285-86 (7th Cir. 1995);
    United States v. Spaeni, 
    60 F.3d 313
    , 316 (7th Cir. 1995);
    United States v. Ramirez, 
    45 F.3d 1096
    , 1102 (7th Cir.
    1995); United States v. Hargrove, 
    929 F.3d 316
    , 320 (7th
    Cir. 1991).
    According to the government, the evidence seized on
    March 4, 2004, provided the jury with a complete story of
    the charged offenses and a chronological unfolding of the
    events that led to the indictment. This argument is puzzling
    at best. James was charged with possession with intent to
    deliver crack cocaine, possession of a firearm in furtherance
    of the crack cocaine offense, and possession of a firearm by
    a felon. All of these offenses were complete as of February
    2, 2004, the date charged in the indictment. There were no
    chronological gaps to explain, no conceptual voids in the
    story that needed to be filled. The story was complete on
    February 2, 2004; the March 4th evidence did nothing to
    explain the circumstances of the charged offenses nor did it
    tend to prove any element of the charged conduct. The
    events of March 4, 2004, were not blended with or con-
    nected to the crimes charged; instead, the March 4th
    evidence could have formed the basis of a separate count
    16                                               No. 05-1411
    against James that the government apparently chose not to
    pursue. The only link between the March 4th evidence and
    the charged offenses was propensity. In other words, the
    evidence seized on March 4th was relevant to the charged
    conduct only if the jury was inclined to believe that a person
    possessing cocaine in March was likely to have possessed it
    in February as well, that a person who broke the law in
    March was likely to have broken the same law in February.
    This is pure propensity evidence. Moreover, the March 4th
    evidence does not fall within one of the exceptions to the
    404(b) exclusion.
    The cases on which the government relies are inapposite.
    In Lane, we affirmed the admission of evidence related
    to a number of debts the defendant held in order to ex-
    plain his financial situation in a case where the defen-
    dant was charged with defrauding banks by obtaining loans
    without revealing his true financial situation. 
    323 F.3d at 580-81
    . In Ryan, the defendant was charged with bank
    fraud, a specific intent crime, and we therefore upheld the
    admission of evidence that the defendant failed to report
    kickbacks he received fraudulently on his tax returns
    because this failure demonstrated that the defendant was
    aware his conduct was wrongful. 
    213 F.3d at 350
    . In Harris,
    we affirmed the admission of evidence of prior drug transac-
    tions between the defendant and his buyer because they
    explained the defendant’s modus operandi, including his
    use of code language that would have been confusing to the
    jury without the context of these prior transactions. 
    271 F.3d at 705
    . Akinrinade was a drug conspiracy case where
    the other bad acts evidence consisted of acts committed
    during the early days of the conspiracy, which fell outside
    the period specified in the indictment. This evidence was
    admitted to show the relationships between the conspira-
    tors and their methods of operating. 
    61 F.3d at 1286
    . In
    Ramirez, we agreed that the admission of marijuana seized
    from the defendant in a cocaine conspiracy case was
    No. 05-1411                                                17
    relevant to rebut his defense that he was an innocent
    bystander rather than a member of the conspiracy. 
    45 F.3d at 1102-03
    . And in Hargrove, we affirmed the admission of
    testimony that, at the time of the defendant’s arrest, which
    occurred ten months after the charged drug conspiracy, the
    arresting officers found a large amount of cash and pagers
    in the defendant’s truck, and that a drug-sniffing dog had
    alerted to two areas of the truck although no drugs were
    found. In each case, the interrelated nature of the evidence
    admitted to the conduct charged is self-evident. There is no
    such connection here.
    The government’s final argument in support of the
    admission of this evidence is that it corroborated Collier’s
    testimony that James lived at and sold cocaine from the Ash
    Street house. As such, the evidence was relevant to Collier’s
    veracity. This argument begs the question, however,
    because Collier’s testimony that James was selling drugs
    out of the Ash Street house a month after the charged
    offense suffers the same infirmities as the physical evidence
    collected from the Ash Street house on March 4th. It was,
    in short, error to admit evidence of a separate, similar crime
    that served no purpose other than to show that James had
    a propensity to engage in drug trafficking crimes. But we
    are reviewing for plain error only and James cannot meet
    his burden of establishing that the error affected substan-
    tial rights. To meet that burden he must demonstrate that
    the outcome probably would have been different without the
    error. Pree, 
    408 F.3d at 869
    . We cannot say that the jury
    would have reached a different conclusion if it had not been
    exposed to the March 4th evidence. Unlike the gun evi-
    dence, the evidence against James on the drug trafficking
    charge was quite strong. The jury almost surely would have
    reached the same conclusion given the fingerprint on the
    bag of cocaine found at Boey’s house after James visited
    there, Collier’s detailed testimony about his drug trafficking
    activities with James, and the evidence that police seized
    18                                               No. 05-1411
    cocaine from a person who met with James for one
    minute in an alleyway. Moreover, the court instructed the
    jury on the limited use of evidence of other acts not charged
    in the indictment. The court informed the jury that it could
    consider these other acts “only on the question of the
    defendant’s knowledge, intent, and absence of mistake,” and
    that it could not consider the acts for any other purpose.
    The court continued, “Acts other than those charged in the
    indictment . . . [are] not evidence of the defendant’s guilt of
    any crime for which the defendant is now charged.” Tr. at
    590. We assume the jury followed these instructions, United
    States v. Della Rose, 
    403 F.3d 891
    , 905 (7th Cir. 2005), cert.
    126 S. Ct. 2044
     (2006), thus lessening the impact of
    the erroneously admitted evidence. Because James failed to
    establish that the admission of the March 4th evidence
    affected substantial rights, Pree, 
    408 F.3d at 868-69
    , we
    For all of the reasons stated above, the judgment of the
    district court is
    A true Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of
    Appeals for the Seventh Circuit