Sierra Club v. EPA ( 2007 )

  •                            In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 06-3907
    SIERRA CLUB, et al.,
    Petition to Review an Order of the
    Environmental Appeals Board of the
    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
    No. 03-05
    ARGUED MAY 31, 2007—DECIDED AUGUST 24, 2007
    Before POSNER, KANNE, and WILLIAMS, Circuit Judges.
    POSNER, Circuit Judge. The federal Environmental
    Protection Agency (actually, Illinois’s counterpart to the
    EPA, exercising authority that the federal EPA had dele-
    gated to it, but we can ignore that detail) issued a permit
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    to Prairie State Generating Company to build a 1,500-
    megawatt coal-fired electrical generating plant in south-
    ern Illinois, near St. Louis. Environmentalists asked the
    EPA’s Environmental Appeals Board to reverse the issu-
    ance of the permit, and, the Board having refused, In re
    Prairie State Generating Co., No. 05-05 (EAB Aug. 24, 2006),
    they renew the quarrel in this court. They claim that the
    EPA violated two provisions of the Clean Air Act. One
    requires as a condition of receiving a permit that a plant or
    other source of air pollution be designed to have the “best
    available control technology” for minimizing pollution
    emitted by the plant. 42 U.S.C. § 7475(a)(4). The other
    attaches the further condition that the plant’s emissions
    not exceed the limits imposed by the Act’s national ambi-
    ent air quality standards. § 7475(a)(3). The petitioners’ first
    claim relates to the sulfur dioxide that will be produced as
    a byproduct of the production of electricity by Prairie
    State’s plant, the second to the ozone that it will produce.
    The plant is to be what is called a “mine-mouth” plant
    because it has been sited at the location of a coal seam. The
    seam is believed to contain 240 million tons of recoverable
    coal—enough to supply the plant’s fuel needs for 30 years.
    The siting of the plant will enable the coal to be brought by
    a conveyor belt, more than half a mile long, from the mine
    to the plant. Unfortunately, this coal has a high sulfur
    content. To burn low-sulfur coal Prairie State would have
    to arrange for it to be transported from mines more than
    a thousand miles away and would have to make changes
    in the design of the plant—specifically, the design of the
    plant’s facilities for receiving coal. The petitioners argue
    that the EPA must decide whether hauling low-sulfur
    coal from afar would be the best available means of
    controlling air pollution from the plant.
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    The Clean Air Act defines “best available control tech-
    nology” as the “emission limitation” achievable by “appli-
    cation of production processes and available methods,
    systems, and techniques, including fuel cleaning, clean
    fuels, or treatment of innovative fuel combustion tech-
    niques.” 42 U.S.C. § 7479(3). A “proposed facility” that
    would if built be a “major emitting facility,” as the pro-
    posed Prairie State plant would be, must have “the best
    available control technology for each pollutant subject to
    regulation,” § 7475(4), including sulfur dioxide. The EPA’s
    position is that “best available control technology” does not
    include redesigning the plant proposed by the permit
    applicant (“traditionally, EPA does not require a . . .
    [permit] applicant to change the fundamental scope of its
    project,” In re Old Dominion Electric Cooperative, 3 E.A.D.
    779, 793 n. 38 (EPA Adm’r 1992); Environmental Protection
    Agency, “New Source Review Workshop Manual: Preven-
    tion of Significant Deterioration and Nonattainment
    Permitting” B.13 (Draft, Oct. 1990)), unless the applicant
    intentionally designs the plant in a way calculated to make
    measures for limiting the emission of pollutants ineffectual.
    In re Prairie State Generating 
    Co., supra
    , slip op. at 30, 33-34.
    But that is not contended in this case. Another provision
    of the Act, distinct from the one requiring adoption of the
    best available control technology, directs the EPA to
    consider “alternatives” suggested by interested persons
    (such as the Sierra Club) to a proposed facility. 42 U.S.C.
    § 7475(a)(2); see, e.g., In re NE Hub Partners, L.P., 7 E.A.D.
    561, 583 (EAB 1998). But that provision has not been
    invoked by the petitioners. Only compliance with the
    “BACT” (best available control technology) requirement
    is in issue.
    The Act is explicit that “clean fuels” is one of the con-
    trol methods that the EPA has to consider. Well, nuclear
    4                                                 No. 06-3907
    fuel is clean, and so the implication, one might think, is that
    the agency could order Prairie State to redesign its plant as
    a nuclear plant rather than a coal-fired one, or could
    order it to explore the possibility of damming the Missis-
    sippi to generate hydroelectric power, or to replace coal-
    fired boilers with wind turbines. That approach would
    invite a litigation strategy that would make seeking a
    permit for a new power plant a Sisyphean labor, for
    there would always be one more option to consider. The
    petitioners to their credit shy away from embracing
    the extreme implications of such a strategy, which
    would stretch the term “control technology” beyond the
    breaking point and collide with the “alternatives” provi-
    sion of the statute. But they do not suggest another stop-
    ping point.
    Now it is true that a difference between this case and our
    nuclear hypothetical is that a plant designed to burn coal
    cannot run on nuclear fuel without being redesigned from
    the ground up, whereas Prairie State’s proposed plant
    could burn coal transported to the plant from afar. But to
    convert the design from that of a mine-mouth plant to one
    that burned coal obtained from a distance would require
    that the plant undergo significant modifications—con-
    cretely, the half-mile-long conveyor belt, and its interface
    with the mine and the plant, would be superfluous and
    instead there would have to be a rail spur and facilities for
    unloading coal from rail cars and feeding it into the plant.
    See Kathryn Heidrich, “Mine-Mouth Power Plants: Conve-
    nient Coal Not Always a Simple Solution,” Coal Age, June
    2003, pp. 28, 30; Richard H. McCartney, “Bringing Coal
    Yards Into the 21st Century,” Power Engineering, July
    2005, p. 36.
    So it is no surprise that the EPA, consistent with our
    nuclear hypothetical and the petitioners’ concession
    No. 06-3907                                                 5
    regarding it, distinguishes between “control technology” as
    a means of reducing emissions from a power plant or other
    source of pollution and redesigning the “proposed facility”
    (the plant or other source)—changing its “fundamental
    scope.” The agency consigns the latter possibility to the
    “alternatives” section of the Clean Air Act, which as we
    said is not involved in this case. Refining the statutory
    definition of “control technology”—“production processes
    and available methods, systems, and techniques, includ-
    ing fuel cleaning, clean fuels, or treatment of innovative
    fuel combustion techniques”—to exclude redesign is the
    kind of judgment by an administrative agency to which a
    reviewing court should defer. Environmental Defense v. Duke
    Energy Corp, 
    127 S. Ct. 1423
    , 1434 (2007); New York v. EPA,
    413 F.3d 3
    , 19-20 (D.C. Cir. 2005); Alabama Power Co. v.
    636 F.2d 323
    , 397-98 (D.C. Cir. 1979).
    But this opens the further and crucial question where
    control technology ends and a redesign of the “proposed
    facility” begins. As it is not obvious where to draw that line
    either, it makes sense to let the EPA, the author of the
    underlying distinction, draw it, within reason.
    Suppose this were not to be a mine-mouth plant but
    Prairie State had a contract to buy high-sulfur coal from a
    remote mine yet could burn low-sulfur coal as the fuel
    source instead. Some adjustment in the design of the
    plant would be necessary in order to change the fuel
    source from high-sulfur to low-sulfur coal, Brian
    Schimmoller, “Western Coal Pushes East,” Power En-
    gineering, Aug. 1999,
    article_display.cfm?article_id=36230 (visited Aug. 21,
    2007), but if it were no more than would be necessary
    whenever a plant switched from a dirtier to a cleaner fuel
    the change would be the adoption of a “control technol-
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    ogy.” Otherwise “clean fuels” would be read out of the
    definition of such technology. At the other end of the
    spectrum is our nuclear hypothetical. The plant proposed
    in this case falls between that hypothetical example and
    the example of a plant that has alternative off-site
    sources of high- and low-sulfur coal respectively.
    We hesitate in a borderline case, such as this, to pro-
    nounce the EPA’s decision arbitrary, the applicable stan-
    dard for judicial review of its granting the permit. Alaska
    Department of Environmental Conservation v. EPA, 
    540 U.S. 461
    , 496-97 (2004). The decision required an expert judg-
    ment. The petitioners’ brief, though long, contains nothing
    about mine-mouth power stations. The petitioners pitch
    their case on the naked proposition that if a plant is
    capable—with redesign—of burning a clean fuel, it must
    undergo a “best available control technology” analysis. But
    they flinch by carving an exception for the nuclear case
    without explaining the principle that distinguishes it
    from this case. Of course there is a distinction, but it is
    one of degree and the treatment of differences of degree
    in a technically complex field with limited statutory
    guidance is entrusted to the judgment of the agency that
    administers the regulatory scheme rather than to courts of
    generalist judges. Chevron U.S.A. Inc. v. Natural Resources
    Defense Council, Inc., 
    467 U.S. 837
    , 842-43 (1984); Sierra Club
    v. EPA, 
    375 F.3d 537
    , 539-40 (7th Cir. 2004).
    What must give us pause, however, is the scantiness of
    the Environmental Appeals Board’s discussion of the
    difference between, on the one hand, adopting a control
    technology, and, on the other hand, redesigning the
    proposed plant, in the specific setting of this case. Here are
    the critical passages: “’With respect to alternate sources of
    coal, e.g., low-sulfur western coal from Wyoming or
    No. 06-3907                                                   7
    Montana, the proposed plant is being designed and
    developed to burn high-sulfur Illinois coal, the locally
    available coal. It would be inconsistent with the scope of
    the project to use coal from other regions of the country.
    Rather, the BACT [best available control technology]
    determination addresses the appropriate control technol-
    ogy for SO2 [sulfur dioxide] emissions associated with use
    of this coal at the proposed plant . . . . The project that must
    be addressed when evaluating BACT is the project for
    which an application has been submitted, i.e., a proposed
    mine-mouth power plant. The source of coal for which the
    plant would be developed is a specific reserve of 240
    million tons of recoverable coal, which would meet the
    needs of the proposed plant for more than 30 years.
    Accordingly, the use of a particular coal supply is an
    inherent aspect of the proposed project. To require an
    evaluation of an alternative coal supply . . . would consti-
    tute a fundamental change to the project.’ ” In re Prairie
    State Generating 
    Co., supra
    , slip op. at 20-21. Alternative coal
    supplies would be “ ‘beyond the scope of the project, a
    power plant fueled from coal delivered by a conveyor belt
    from an adjacent dedicated mine.’ ” 
    Id. at 23.
    “ ‘The devel-
    opment of a mine-mouth power plant is an intrinsic aspect
    of the proposed plant, which would be developed to use a
    specific reserve of fuel, which is adequate for the expected
    life of the plant.’ . . . [C]onsideration of low-sulfur coal,
    because it necessarily involves a fuel source other than the co-
    located mine, would require Prairie State to redefine the
    fundamental purpose or basic design of its proposed
    Id. at 31,
    36 (emphasis added).
    These passages might be read as merging two separate
    issues: the difference between low-sulfur (clean) and high-
    sulfur (dirty) coal as a fuel source for a power plant, and
    8                                               No. 06-3907
    the difference between a plant co-located with a coal mine
    and a plant that obtains its coal from afar. The former is a
    difference in control technology, the latter a difference in
    design (or so the EPA can conclude). We think it is suffi-
    ciently clear from the passages that we have quoted from
    the Environmental Appeals Board’s opinion, and especially
    from the clause that we italized, that the Board did
    not confuse the two issues; that it granted the permit not
    because it thinks that burning low-sulfur coal would require
    the redesign of Prairie State’s plant (it would not), but
    because receiving coal from a distant mine would require
    Prairie State to reconfigure the plant as one that is not co-
    located with a mine, and this reconfiguration would
    constitute a redesign.
    So the Board’s ruling on the BACT issue must be upheld,
    and we move on to the ozone issue. Measuring the contri-
    bution of a power plant to atmospheric ozone is difficult
    because the ozone is not emitted directly by the plant;
    rather, it is produced by the interaction of some of the
    chemicals that the plant emits with sunlight. Until 2003
    the EPA determined that a power plant was violating
    the limit on contributing to ozone in the area in which
    Prairie State’s plant is to be located when on at least one
    day there was an hour in which the average concentration
    of ozone exceeded .12 parts per million. But that year it
    decided to replace the “1 hour” standard as it was called
    with an “8 hour” standard. The new standard looks at
    whether the concentration of ozone during an average 8-
    hour period (more precisely, a three-year average of the
    fourth-highest daily maximum 8-hour concentration)
    exceeds .08 parts per million. The agency explained that
    “the 8-hour standard is more protective of public health
    and more stringent than the 1-hour standard, and there are
    No. 06-3907                                                9
    more areas that do not meet the 8-hour standard than there
    are areas that do not meet the 1-hour standard.” “Proposed
    Rule to Implement the 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient
    Air Quality Standard,” 68 Fed. Reg. 32,802, 32,804 (June 2,
    2003) (to be codified at 40 C.F.R. Pt. 51).
    The concentrations measured over these intervals are
    not actual measurements of ozone; they are estimates based
    on the levels of contributing factors, the chemicals and
    sunlight. The formula for estimating the average ozone
    concentration in one hour is not necessarily applicable
    to the 8-hour estimate, but the EPA has yet to adopt a
    formula for the latter estimate. So it used the 1-hour
    formula not only to show compliance with the 1-hour
    standard but also to generate an 8-hour estimate, and it
    used results from earlier studies of the St. Louis area to
    reinforce its conclusion. From both the 1-hour formula
    applied to 8-hour stretches and the earlier studies, the
    agency concluded that Prairie State’s plant would not
    increase the amount of ozone in the local atmosphere. As
    best the agency could estimate, its 1-hour measurement
    would turn out to be below the limit of .08 parts per million
    that the EPA has set for the 8-hour limit.
    This was a plausible expectation because, as a matter
    of arithmetic, the emissions in the highest hour of a mea-
    surement period have to be at least as great as the emis-
    sions averaged over the highest eight hours in that period.
    Suppose the emissions in the highest hour are 10 parts per
    million, in the next highest hour 9 parts per million, then
    8 parts, 7, 6, 5, 4, and 3. The average would be 6.5, which
    would have to be lower than the amount in the highest
    hour (10) unless the emissions were the same in every
    hour, in which event the 1-hour and the 8-hour averages
    would be identical. Admittedly, the example oversimplifies
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    the case because different methods of averaging are used
    for the different standards. But an emissions level that
    satisfies the 1-hour standard is likely though not certain to
    satisfy the new standard as well even though the agency
    considers the latter to be more stringent.
    The petitioners argue that the EPA simply cannot be
    permitted to rely on the 1-hour standard because it has
    been superseded by the 8-hour standard. It has; but
    pending adoption of a compliance measure tailored to the
    new standard, the agency was entitled to use the measure
    used for the older standard as a stopgap to demonstrate
    that if the plant complied with that measure it would be
    unlikely to violate the new standard. The petitioners do
    not suggest an alternative except to criticize the inference
    the agency drew from earlier studies. The criticisms have
    some merit but not enough to enable us to conclude that
    the agency was unreasonable in concluding that the plant
    is unlikely to increase the ozone level.
    The petition for review is
    A true Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of
    Appeals for the Seventh Circuit