United States v. Michael Fletcher ( 2009 )

  •                               In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 08-2173
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
    No. 06 C 6056—Ronald A. Guzmán, Judge.
    A RGUED O CTOBER 30, 2008—D ECIDED A PRIL 10, 2009
    Before E ASTERBROOK, Chief Judge, and R IPPLE and
    T INDER, Circuit Judges.
    E ASTERBROOK , Chief Judge. Ernst & Young spun off its
    information-technology consulting group in 2000. Cap
    Gemini, S.A., a French corporation, bought this business
    and became Cap Gemini Ernst & Young, a multinational
    firm. Today it is known as Capgemini, and we use that
    name for the firm after the 2000 acquisition.
    2                                             No. 08-2173
    Consulting partners of Ernst & Young received shares
    in Capgemini in exchange for their partnership interests
    in Ernst & Young. This was not a like-kind exchange, so
    it was a taxable event for the partners. Because Ernst &
    Young and its partners expected shares in the new busi-
    ness to appreciate, they wanted all of the income to be
    recognized in 2000. That way any appreciation would be
    taxed as a capital gain. But Cap Gemini wanted to
    ensure the partners’ loyalty to the new business; a con-
    sulting group depends on its staff, and if they left after
    taking the stock the business might be crippled. Transfer-
    ring the shares in installments might address these sub-
    jects but also would make the transfers look like ordinary
    income—and, if the shares appreciated in the mean-
    time, the partners would receive fewer. Ernst & Young
    and Cap Gemini decided that a transfer of all of the
    shares in 2000, subject to what amounted to an escrow,
    would preserve the tax benefits while serving business
    objectives. So the shares received in the transaction were
    restricted for almost five years: if a partner quit, was
    fired for cause, or went into competition with the new
    business, some or all of the shares could be forfeited.
    Ernst & Young, Cap Gemini, and the partners agreed by
    contract that they would report the transaction as a
    partnership-for-shares swap in 2000, fully taxable in that
    year. The agreed-on characterization allowed Capgemini
    to take depreciation deductions, see 
    26 U.S.C. §197
    starting in 2000, and ensured consistent tax treatment of
    all parties. The Commissioner of Internal Revenue
    might have challenged the parties’ characterization, see
    26 U.S.C. §269
    , but decided to accept it. Approximately
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    25% of the shares were sold in 2000 to generate cash that
    the partners used to pay their taxes; the remainder of the
    shares were held by Merrill Lynch subject to instructions
    from Capgemini until restrictions lapsed. Each ex-partner
    had a separate account for this purpose.
    Cynthia Fletcher, one of Ernst & Young’s consulting
    partners, voted for the transaction, signed the contract,
    moved to Capgemini, and received 16,500 shares in that
    business as payment for her partnership interest. The
    market value of these shares on the day the sale closed
    was about $2.5 million. Only 12,375 shares were
    deposited in the restricted account; the rest were sold
    for $653,756, which was distributed to Fletcher to cover
    taxes. In February 2001 Capgemini sent Fletcher a Form
    1099-B reflecting that she had received $2,478,655 in
    stock, taxable at ordinary-income rates (save for some
    $91,000 attributable to §751 property), from the sale of
    her partnership interest. She and her husband Michael
    (they filed a joint return) reported this income as re-
    ceived in 2000, just as her contract with Capgemini re-
    quired. The couple’s gross income for 2000 was reported as
    $3,733,180, on which they paid $972,121 in income tax.
    Had the market price of stock in Capgemini risen, as
    the parties anticipated, that would have been a good
    outcome for Fletcher and the other ex-partners. But
    although Capgemini traded above €300 a share early in
    2001, by 2003 it was below €50, where it has remained.
    (So far in 2009 it has traded for about €25.) This made the
    deal look bad in retrospect; the partners would have
    been better off had distribution of the stock been deferred.
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    Fletcher quit in 2003. Although she left before the five
    years required by the contract, Capgemini waived its
    rights and directed Merrill Lynch to lift all restrictions
    on the stock in her account. Fletcher then filed an
    amended tax return for 2000. She now took the position
    that only the $653,756 distributed from the account was
    income in 2000. On her new view of matters, the rest of the
    income was not received until 2003, and the amount was
    much reduced in light of the lower market price of
    Capgemini shares in 2003. Apparently without checking
    how other taxpayers affected by the 2000 transaction
    had been treated, the Internal Revenue Service paid
    Fletcher a refund of about $387,000 plus interest. Con-
    tending that this refund had been mistaken, the United
    States filed this suit to get the money back. Similar litiga-
    tion is pending in many other district courts—some suits
    by the United States, some by ex-partners who want
    The IRS’s principal argument is that Fletcher and the
    other ex-partners are bound by their own charac-
    terization of the transaction as one in which all shares
    were received in 2000. Having adopted this character-
    ization with the goal of minimizing taxes, they must
    adhere to it even though market movements have made
    it disadvantageous, the United States insists. It relies
    principally on CIR v. Danielson, 
    378 F.2d 771
     (3d Cir. 1967),
    which held just this, and on a Danielson-like remark in
    Comdisco, Inc. v. United States, 
    756 F.2d 569
    , 577 (7th Cir.
    1985): “[A] taxpayer generally may not disavow the
    form of a deal.” Some courts have allowed taxpayers to
    disregard their own forms when “strong proof” shows that
    No. 08-2173                                                 5
    the economic reality was something else. See, e.g., Leslie S.
    Ray Insurance Agency, Inc. v. United States, 
    463 F.2d 210
    , 212
    (1st Cir. 1972); Ullman v. CIR, 
    264 F.2d 305
    , 308 (2d Cir.
    1959). We used the “strong proof” formulation in Kreider
    v. CIR, 
    762 F.2d 580
    , 586–87 (7th Cir. 1985), though with-
    out mentioning either Comdisco or Danielson. The district
    court concluded that it was unnecessary to choose
    between these approaches (or their variants), because
    on any standard the parties set out to ensure that all
    income was recognized in 2000—and although the Com-
    missioner has some power to recharacterize transactions
    so that they match economic substance, taxpayers can’t
    look through the forms they chose themselves in order
    to improve their tax treatment with the benefit of hind-
    sight. See Gregory v. Helvering, 
    293 U.S. 465
     (1935). See
    also Joseph Bankman, The Economic Substance Doctrine, 
    74 S. Cal. L. Rev. 5
     (2000); Saul Levmore, Recharacterizations
    and the Nature of Theory in Corporate Tax Law, 
    136 U. Pa. L. Rev. 1019
     (1988); David A. Weisbach, Formalism in the Tax
    66 U. Chi. L. Rev. 860
     (1999). So the district court
    entered summary judgment for the United States and
    ordered Fletcher to repay the refund. 2008 U.S. Dist. L EXIS
    3555 (N.D. Ill. Jan. 15, 2008).
    Fletcher argues that she didn’t “really” agree to the
    structure that Ernst & Young and Cap Gemini (and most of
    her partners) wanted in 2000. If she had voted no and
    refused to sign, she maintains, she would have been
    excluded from the economic benefits and might have
    been fired. If this is so, then she had a difficult choice to
    make; it does not relieve her of the choice’s consequences.
    Hard choices may be gut-wrenching, but they are choices
    6                                               No. 08-2173
    nonetheless. Even naïve people baffled by the fine print
    in contracts are held to their terms; a sophisticated busi-
    ness consultant who agrees to a multi-million-dollar
    transaction is not entitled to demand the deal’s benefits
    while avoiding its detriments. The argument that
    Fletcher can avoid the terms as a matter of contract law
    is frivolous. All that matters now are the tax consequences
    of the contracts she signed.
    That a transaction’s form determines taxation is (or at
    least should be) common ground among the parties. If
    private parties structure their transaction as a sale of
    assets, they can’t later treat it for tax purposes as if it
    had been a merger. CIR v. National Alfalfa Dehydrating &
    Milling Co., 
    417 U.S. 134
     (1974). Cf. Landreth Timber Co. v.
    471 U.S. 681
     (1985) (same principle in
    securities law). Parties who structure their transaction as
    a sale and leaseback can’t treat it as a mortgage loan for
    tax purposes—though the Commissioner may be able
    to recharacterize it so that the tax treatment matches its
    economic substance. See Frank Lyon Co. v. United States,
    435 U.S. 561
     (1978). If Cap Gemini transfers stock in 2000,
    cash-basis taxpayers such as Fletcher can’t treat the
    income as received in 2001 or 2003, even though it would
    have been child’s play to do the deal so that the
    income was received in those years.
    The United States treats Fletcher as if she were trying
    to report an asset sale as a merger, or income received
    in 2000 as if it had been received in 2003. This is not,
    however, the sort of argument that Fletcher advances.
    She does not want to proceed as if the deal had different
    No. 08-2173                                              7
    terms. She argues instead that the deal’s actual terms
    have tax consequences different from those that her
    contracts with Ernst & Young and Cap Gemini required
    her to report in 2000. An example makes this clear. Sup-
    pose that Cap Gemini had deposited stock in the Merrill
    Lynch accounts in annual installments from 2000
    through 2004, and that the parties had agreed to report
    that all income from the partnership-for-stock sale had
    been received in 2000 because the closing occurred that
    year. That agreement would not affect taxation. Private
    parties can contract about when income is received, to
    be sure, but the tax rules about realization and recogni-
    tion are extrinsic. People determine what transactions to
    engage in; federal law then specifies how much tax is
    due. Because Fletcher does not try to recharacterize the
    transaction, doctrines that limit or foreclose taxpayers’
    ability to take such a step are beside the point.
    What, then, are the tax consequences of the parties’
    chosen form? Cap Gemini deposited all of the shares into
    individual accounts in 2000; from its perspective, the
    consideration had been paid in full. But the accounts were
    restricted. Ex-partners received 25% in cash that year,
    while the rest of the stock could be reached only as time
    passed. From the moment of the deposit in 2000, however,
    the ex-partners bore the economic risk: If the stock rose
    in the market, the ex-partners stood to reap the whole
    gain, and if the stock fell the ex-partners would bear the
    whole loss. This makes them the beneficial owners as
    of 2000, the IRS contends. For her part, Fletcher stresses
    the restrictions and maintains that until she could do with
    the stock as she pleased—in other words sell it, not just
    8                                               No. 08-2173
    watch nervously as it rose or fell—it did not count as
    The Commissioner has the better of this argument, as
    can be seen by considering the tax consequences of depos-
    iting cash into a blocked account. Suppose that an
    inventor sells his patent in 2000 for $2.5 million, all paid
    immediately—but by contract the inventor agrees that
    $2 million will be put into a trust that will not be distrib-
    uted until 2005. From the buyer’s perspective, the full
    consideration is paid in 2000. And from the inventor’s, the
    full consideration is received in 2000. The inventor
    agrees to defer consumption for five years, perhaps as a
    spendthrift precaution, but a taxpayer’s willingness to
    defer consumption does not defer taxation—for the tax
    falls on income rather than consumption. See 
    26 U.S.C. §451
    (a) (any item of gross income is taxed in the year
    received). Income is “received” not only when paid in
    hand but also when the economic value is within the
    taxpayer’s control; this is known as constructive receipt.
    26 C.F.R. §1.451
    –2. It is why a person who earns income
    can’t avoid tax by telling his employer to send a pay-
    check to his college, or his son, rather than to his bank.
    Authority to direct the disposition of income is construc-
    tive receipt. In our example, the inventor could have
    chosen to receive the $2.5 million in cash. Agreement
    with the buyer that $2 million would be sent to a trustee
    and held for five years does not avoid the fact that the
    inventor had the power to direct what became of the
    money; that’s what the contract was about. And much
    the same can be said for Fletcher: She agreed by
    contract that 75% of the consideration would be held in
    No. 08-2173                                               9
    a restricted account for up to five years, but her willing-
    ness to accept restrictions and defer consumption does
    not eliminate constructive receipt in 2000.
    Imagine that, instead of providing for payment in stock,
    the contract among Ernst & Young, Cap Gemini, and the
    partners had called for some cash in 2000 plus a zero-
    coupon bond, handed over to the ex-partner in 2000
    and maturing in 2005. That bond is income in 2000, even
    to a cash-basis taxpayer, because it is property that can be
    sold in the market. Suppose that the partners also made
    side agreements with Capgemini not to sell their bonds
    for five years. (Equivalently, the ex-partners might have
    accepted unregistered securities, with a side agreement
    that Capgemini would register them and thus facilitate
    sale in 2005 if the ex-partner were still employed.) An
    agreement not to sell would not change the nature of the
    bonds as property, and thus income, received in 2000. See
    Racine v. CIR, 
    493 F.3d 777
     (7th Cir. 2007) (a transaction
    involving stock options, but that’s not a material differ-
    ence). But deferral of the right to sell would reduce the
    value of the bonds, and hence the amount of income,
    because an illiquid asset is worth less than a liquid one.
    Whether the security is handed over to the ex-partner
    with a legend reflecting the limits on sale, or instead is
    handed to an intermediary such as Merrill Lynch with
    instructions to enforce contractual restrictions on the
    sale of an un-legended security, should not matter for
    tax purposes. The actual structure of the 2000 transaction
    is much like our hypothetical zero-coupon bond, though
    because the restrictions on sale were lifted year by year
    10                                              No. 08-2173
    it is more like one bond maturing in one year, another
    bond maturing in two years, and so on through five years.
    Three aspects of the contracts that Fletcher signed are
    important to this understanding. First, it matters that
    Fletcher and the other ex-partners stood to receive the
    entire market gain, and to bear all loss, from the moment
    the transaction closed in 2000. That feature of the deal
    shows that the stock was in her constructive possession
    in 2000. Second, it matters that Fletcher agreed to
    postpone her unrestricted access to the stock. This is
    why the deal looks like our inventor hypothetical. Third,
    it matters that Fletcher agreed to the amount of the dis-
    count. The contracts among Ernst & Young, Cap Gemini,
    and the partners specified that the restrictions would be
    treated as reducing the value of the stock to 95% of its
    market price on the closing date. (This reflects not only
    illiquidity but also the risk that Capgemini would use
    its power over the account in an unauthorized way, or
    that Merrill Lynch might fail in its duty as a custodian.)
    An ex-partner would be hard pressed in light of this
    agreement to argue that the discount should be 10% or
    20%; Fletcher does not try. She insists instead that nothing
    counts as income in 2000 other than what was actually
    put in her hands in cash. And that position is incom-
    patible with the examples we have given.
    One more complication. The consulting partners agreed
    to give back some of the stock if they quit early and went
    into competition with Capgemini. If the parties’ goal of
    encouraging the ex-partners to remain with Capgemini
    had been accomplished by giving the partners immedi-
    No. 08-2173                                                 11
    ate access to the stock but requiring them to grant
    Capgemini a security interest in their homes, so that
    repayment would be assured, then all of the income
    would be treated as received in 2000. If instead Capgemini
    had doled out the stock in installments (say, 50% in
    2000 and 50% if the ex-partner remained on its payroll in
    2005), then only 50% would be taxable in 2000. The
    actual transaction was somewhere in between: 100% of the
    stock was transferred to Merrill Lynch in 2000 and the
    custodian was to hold it until conditions (such as not
    competing) had been satisfied. For reasons we have
    covered—principally the fact that the ex-partners
    received the entire economic gain and loss from changes
    in the price of the securities from 2000 forward—the
    transaction looks more like income in 2000 than like a
    stream of payments over time. Several courts have held
    that, where stock is transferred under a sales agreement
    and held in escrow to guarantee a party’s performance
    under the agreement, the party “receives” the stock when
    it is placed in escrow rather than when it is released.
    See Chaplin v. CIR, 
    136 F.2d 298
    , 299–302 (9th Cir.
    1943); Bonham v. CIR, 
    89 F.2d 725
    , 726–28 (8th Cir. 1937);
    see also Whitney Corp. v. CIR, 
    105 F.2d 438
    , 441 (8th Cir.
    1939). That principle applies here.
    The more likely it is that the conditions will be
    satisfied, and all restrictions lifted, the more sensible it is
    to treat all of the stock as constructively received when
    deposited in the account. To see this, suppose that the
    parties had wanted to defer the recognition of income
    and had put $2.5 million in each partner’s account, with
    the condition that the whole amount would be forfeited
    12                                             No. 08-2173
    if the temperature in Barrow, Alaska, exceeded 80 / F on
    January 1, 2005. Would the remote possibility of an Arctic
    heat wave enable the partners to defer paying taxes?
    Surely not. See Cemco Investors, LLC v. United States, 
    515 F.3d 749
     (7th Cir. 2008). If, on the other hand, the
    parties agreed that the ex-partners would receive
    $2.5 million only if the temperature in Barrow on Janu-
    ary 1, 2005, exceeded 80 / F, then none of the partners
    would constructively receive income in 2000; everything
    would depend on events in 2005.
    The sort of contingencies that could lead to forfeitures
    were within the ex-partners’ control. That implies taxabil-
    ity in 2000, for control is a form of constructive posses-
    sion. And the agreement to discount the stock by only 5%
    tells us that the parties deemed forfeitures unlikely.
    Fletcher’s acknowledgment that the risk of forfeiture was
    small shows that the conditions of constructive receipt in
    2000 have been satisfied.
    Thus although we agree with Fletcher that the ex-part-
    ners are entitled to contest the tax treatment called for
    by the 2000 contracts, we hold that the shares are taxable
    in 2000 at their value on the date of deposit to the
    accounts at Merrill Lynch. Income was constructively
    received in that year not because the contract said that
    everyone would report it so to the IRS, but because the
    parties were right to think that this transaction’s actual
    provisions made the income attributable to 2000. That
    the price of Capgemini stock dropped in 2001 and later
    does not entitle the parties to defer the recognition of
    income. Fletcher must repay the refund (and amend her
    No. 08-2173                                             13
    returns for later years to reflect receipt of the income in