Blaylock, Raymond v. Bezy, Mark A. , 188 F. App'x 492 ( 2006 )

  •                             UNPUBLISHED ORDER
    Not to be cited per Circuit Rule 53
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    Chicago, Illinois 60604
    Submitted July 14, 2006*
    Decided July 17, 2006
    Hon. THOMAS E. FAIRCHILD, Circuit Judge
    Hon. RICHARD D. CUDAHY, Circuit Judge
    Hon. MICHAEL S. KANNE, Circuit Judge
    No. 06-1633
    RAYMOND BLAYLOCK                                 Appeal from the United States
    Petitioner-Appellant,                        District Court for the Southern
    District of Indiana, Indianapolis
    v.                                         Division
    MARK A. BEZY,                                    No. 1:05-CV-1641-JDT-TAB
    John Daniel Tinder,
    Petitioner Raymond Blaylock petitioned for a writ of habeas corpus. 28
    U.S.C. § 2241. He is a federal prisoner seeking credit for time served on a
    Wisconsin state court sentence. Blaylock was charged in state court with four
    offenses, one of them involving firearms. The state firearm charge was dropped;
    federal authorities then indicted him for being a felon in possession of a firearm, 18
    After an examination of the briefs and the record, we have concluded that oral
    argument is unnecessary. Thus the appeal is submitted on the briefs and the record.
    See Fed. R. App. P. 34(a)(2).
    No. 06-1633                                                                   Page 2
    U.S.C. § 922(g)(1), and obtained temporary custody of him by writs of habeas corpus
    ad prosequendum. He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 92 months’
    imprisonment. At sentencing, the district judge commented that the state court
    might, in its subsequent criminal proceedings against Blaylock for the remaining
    three state charges, decide to run its sentence concurrent with his federal sentence,
    but the district judge did not provide that the state and federal sentences should
    run concurrently. Later the state court sentenced Blaylock to terms of 95 and 120
    months for parole violation and robbery. By later amendment, the state court
    provided that the state and federal sentences should run concurrently.
    Blaylock served several years under his state sentence and was then
    transferred to federal custody to begin his federal sentence. He had asked the
    federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) to designate the state prison as the location for
    serving his federal sentence so that the two terms could run concurrently, but the
    BOP refused, ordering that his federal sentence would not begin until he completed
    his state sentence and was transferred to federal custody. He challenged this
    decision administratively and then sought relief in the district court.
    On appeal, Blaylock argues that the BOP erred by refusing to allow him to
    serve his federal and state terms concurrently in the state prison, stating that this
    flouted the state court’s order and ran afoul of principles of comity between state
    and federal governments. Comity actually cuts the other way: it would offend the
    mutual respect between sovereigns to allow a state judge to tell federal authorities
    to administer a federal sentence concurrently with a state sentence. That is why it
    is well established that federal officials—BOP agents, acting through power
    delegated by the U.S. Attorney General—are under no obligation to follow a state
    judge’s order that state and federal sentences are to be served concurrently. Jake v.
    173 F.3d 1059
    , 1065–66 (7th Cir. 1999); Leal v. Tombone, 
    341 F.3d 427
    (5th Cir. 2003) (per curiam); Taylor v. Sawyer, 
    284 F.3d 1143
    , 1149–53 (9th Cir.
    2002). Rather, BOP agents must determine for themselves what credit to award to
    a prisoner for time served prior to the start of his federal sentence. See Romandine
    v. United States, 
    206 F.3d 731
    , 737–38 (7th Cir. 2000); Barden v. Keohane, 
    921 F.2d 476
    , 483–84 (3d Cir. 1990). Their decision is governed by 18 U.S.C. § 3585(b),
    which provides: “A defendant shall be given credit toward the service of a term of
    imprisonment for any time he has spent in official detention . . . that has not been
    credited against another sentence.” Here, BOP officials acted within their power in
    determining that since Blaylock’s time in the state prison already counted toward
    his state sentence, it should not be permitted to count for his federal sentence as
    well. See 
    Jake, 173 F.3d at 1065
    We have held explicitly that a district judge may not order that a federal
    sentence be served concurrently or consecutively with a state sentence that does not
    yet exist. See 
    Romandine, 206 F.3d at 737
    –38. Rather, since the ordinary
    No. 06-1633                                                                   Page 3
    presumption is that multiple sentences are to run consecutively, 18 U.S.C.
    § 3584(a), in this situation where the district court cannot see into the future and
    hold to the contrary, the presumption stands and only the Attorney General can
    rule otherwise. See 
    Romandine, 206 F.3d at 738
    . That is why Blaylock is
    unconvincing when he argues that the district judge suggested at sentencing that a
    concurrent sentence by the state court would be acceptable; the decision is for the
    Attorney General, not the judge. 
    Id. Moreover, we
    cannot read the district judge’s
    remarks as ordering that Blaylock’s federal and state sentences should run
    concurrently; he merely contemplated the possibility that the state judge might so
    The district court’s order denying relief is AFFIRMED.