Sussman v. Jenkins , 636 F.3d 329 ( 2011 )

  •                               In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 09-3940
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Western District of Wisconsin.
    No. 3:09-cv-00035-bbc—Barbara B. Crabb, Judge.
    A PRIL 28, 2011 Œ
    R IPPLE, Circuit Judge (in chambers). The State of Wis-
    consin has filed a motion to stay this court’s mandate
    so that it may file a petition for a writ of certiorari in
    the Supreme Court of the United States. The State argues
    that there is a reasonable probability that four justices
    This opinion was released initially in typescript form.
    2                                                No. 09-3940
    will vote to grant certiorari and a reasonable possibility
    that five justices will vote to reverse this court’s judgment.
    See Books v. City of Elkhart, 
    239 F.3d 826
    , 828 (7th Cir.
    2001) (Ripple, J., in chambers). Moreover, the State
    believes that the balance of equities favors granting
    the stay in this case. For the reasons set forth in this
    chambers opinion, I deny the motion to stay the mandate.
    The State submits that it meets the requirement for
    likelihood of success on the merits—in this context, of
    obtaining a grant of certiorari and reversal of this
    court’s decision—based on our failure to apply correctly,
    or at all, recent holdings of the Supreme Court. I con-
    clude that the State misapprehends both the holdings of
    the Supreme Court and our opinion in this case.
    The State first maintains that, because the panel
    did not apply AEDPA deference with respect to the
    performance prong of Strickland v. Washington, 
    466 U.S. 668
     (1984), our decision is at odds with Harrington
    v. Richter, 
    131 S. Ct. 770
     (2011). In Harrington, the
    Supreme Court first addressed whether AEDPA defer-
    ence “applies when state-court relief is denied without
    an accompanying statement of reasons.” 
    Id. at 780
    The Court held:
    Where a state court’s decision is unaccompanied
    by an explanation, the habeas petitioner’s burden
    No. 09-3940                                               3
    still must be met by showing there was no reason-
    able basis for the state court to deny relief. This
    is so whether or not the state reveals which of
    the elements in a multipart claim it found insuf-
    ficient, for § 2254 applies when a “claim,” not
    a component of one, has been adjudicated.
    Id. at 784.
    There are several reasons why this passage from Har-
    rington is inapplicable to the present case. First, Harring-
    ton addresses the situation in which a state-court deci-
    sion “is unaccompanied by an explanation.” Here, the
    state appellate court issued an opinion and wrote: “We
    do not address whether counsel’s performance was
    deficient because we conclude that, even assuming defi-
    cient performance, Sussman cannot show prejudice.” R.5,
    Ex. B at 2. Seeking to invoke Harrington, the State asks
    that we treat this statement as a holding devoid of ex-
    planation that Mr. Sussman had failed to establish sub-
    standard performance. Clearly, however, the state court
    cannot both assume deficient performance and hold
    that counsel’s performance was not deficient. Second,
    the Supreme Court in Harrington did not disturb its
    approach in Wiggins v. Smith, 
    539 U.S. 510
     (2003). In
    Wiggins, the Court reviewed a state-court’s determina-
    tion of a Strickland issue. The state court had resolved
    the performance prong of the Strickland test against
    the petitioner and, therefore, had not addressed the
    prejudice prong. In evaluating the prejudice prong (after
    concluding that the state court’s performance analysis
    was unreasonable), the Court stated: “In this case, our
    4                                               No. 09-3940
    review is not circumscribed by a state court conclusion
    with respect to prejudice, as neither of the state courts
    below reached this prong of the Strickland analysis.” 
    Id. at 534
    . As I have noted earlier, Harrington did not address
    such a situation and, therefore, left Wiggins intact.
    We certainly cannot assume that the Court overruled
    sub silentio its holding in Wiggins—a precedent so im-
    portant to the daily work of the lower federal courts.
    Finally, even if Harrington somehow signaled the
    Court’s willingness to revisit Wiggins, the present case
    does not present it with a clear opportunity to do so. In
    Sussman, although the panel stated that it would not
    apply AEDPA deference to the performance prong, it
    also observed that, in this context, “[c]onsideration of
    [the performance prong] necessarily overlaps with our
    consideration of the prejudice prong of the Strickland
    analysis,” Sussman v. Jenkins, No. 09-3940, 
    2011 WL 1206187
    , at *18 (7th Cir. Apr. 1, 2011), and, with respect
    to the prejudice prong, this court did apply AEDPA
    Relying on the Supreme Court’s recent decision in
    Premo v. Moore, 
    131 S. Ct. 733
     (2011), the State also
    submits that we exceeded the bounds of our review by
    evaluating, and disagreeing with, the rationale em-
    ployed by the state court’s rejection of Mr. Sussman’s
    claim that he was prejudiced by his counsel’s failure.
    According to the State, Premo prohibits a federal habeas
    No. 09-3940                                                 5
    court from “go[ing] behind the state courts’ ‘no prejudice’
    determination.” Motion to Stay at 7-8. I conclude that
    Premo has little relevance to this case.
    In Premo, the Supreme Court considered “the adequacy
    of representation in providing an assessment of a plea
    bargain without first seeking suppression of a confession
    assumed to have been improperly obtained.” Premo, 131
    S. Ct. at 738. Specifically, Moore had been involved in a
    violent kidnapping; prior to the victim’s release, Moore
    accidentally shot the victim. In addition to providing a
    confession to the police, Moore confessed to his brother
    and to his accomplice’s girlfriend. Prior to accepting a
    plea bargain, Moore’s counsel discussed the possibility
    of filing a motion to suppress the confession to the
    police, but “concluded that it would be unavailing,
    because . . . he had previously made a full confession to
    his brother and to [his accomplice’s girlfriend].” Id. (inter-
    nal quotation marks omitted) (alterations in original).
    Counsel also was concerned with the possibility of
    Moore’s “being charged with aggravated murder,
    which carried a potential death sentence, as well as the
    possibility of a sentence of life imprisonment without
    parole.” Id. Given these concerns, counsel advised
    Moore to accept a plea. “In light of these facts the
    Oregon court concluded Moore had not established
    ineffective assistance of counsel under Strickland.” Id. A
    federal district court later denied Moore habeas relief,
    but a divided panel of the Court of Appeals for the
    Ninth Circuit reversed; it believed that “the state court’s
    conclusion that counsel’s action did not constitute inef-
    fective assistance was an unreasonable application of
    6                                             No. 09-3940
    clearly established law in light of Strickland and was
    contrary to Arizona v. Fulminante, 
    499 U.S. 279
    Id. at 739 (parallel citations omitted).
    The Supreme Court concluded that “[t]he Court of
    Appeals was wrong to accord scant deference to
    counsel’s judgment, and doubly wrong to conclude it
    would have been unreasonable to find that the defense
    attorney qualified as counsel for Sixth Amendment pur-
    poses.” Id. at 740. It noted that, although the Strickland
    standard is the same whether counsel’s alleged missteps
    occurred “before, during, or after trial,” “at different
    stages of the case that deference may be measured in
    different ways.” Id. at 742. When evaluating counsel’s
    actions in seeking an early plea bargain, the Court
    noted that habeas courts must consider the potential
    risks to the defendant in delaying a bargain, including
    “giv[ing] the State time to uncover additional incrim-
    inating evidence that could have formed the basis of a
    capital prosecution.” Id. The Court then concluded, “In
    these circumstances, and with a potential capital charge
    lurking, Moore’s counsel made a reasonable choice to
    opt for a quick plea bargain. At the very least, the state
    court would not have been unreasonable to so con-
    clude.” Id. at 742-43. The Court then went on to observe
    that the Ninth Circuit had erred in holding that the
    Oregon state court’s conclusion on the reasonableness
    of counsel’s actions was “contrary to” Fulminante, which
    did not concern the Strickland standard at all, but
    involved “the admission of an involuntary confession in
    violation of the Fifth Amendment,” id. at 743 (internal
    quotation marks omitted); indeed, the Court believed
    No. 09-3940                                              7
    that the Ninth Circuit had misconstrued Fulminante
    itself, see id. at 744.
    This case does not concern, of course, a plea bargain,
    and, therefore, neither counsel’s actions nor the state
    court’s ruling must be evaluated “in light of the uncer-
    tainty inherent in plea negotiations.” Id. at 743. More
    fundamentally, here there was a clear relationship, on
    the record, between the Strickland standard and the
    state court’s ruling on “futility.” The state court held,
    and indeed, explained, that Mr. Sussman had not suf-
    fered any prejudice under Strickland because his motion
    to admit evidence would not have been successful. This
    estimation was based on a misapprehension of federal
    law, namely the Supreme Court’s Confrontation Clause
    jurisprudence. Nothing in Premo suggests that, when a
    state court makes an error of federal constitutional law
    that necessarily affects its Strickland calculus, a federal
    court should ignore that error in evaluating the reason-
    ableness of the state-court action.
    The State faults this aspect of our opinion on another
    ground. The State maintains that, in assessing the state
    court’s actions, we looked to our own case, United States
    v. Redmond, 
    240 F.3d 590
     (7th Cir. 2001), rather than to
    Supreme Court precedent. The state misreads the text
    of our opinion. In the opinion, we rely—explicitly—not
    only on Redmond, but on the Supreme Court cases cited
    by Redmond—Davis v. Alaska, 
    415 U.S. 308
     (1974), Delaware
    v. Van Arsdall, 
    475 U.S. 673
     (1986), and Olden v. Kentucky,
    475 U.S. 673
     (1986). See Sussman, 
    2011 WL 1206187
    , at *24.
    The State believes that this is especially egregious
    because “the Wisconsin Court of Appeals and the dis-
    8                                                 No. 09-3940
    trict court never squarely addressed the separate Con-
    frontation Clause challenge because Sussman chose only
    to present them with a Strickland challenge.” Motion to
    Stay at 9. The State accuses this court of raising and
    writing the “winning Confrontation Clause argument . . .
    without ever giving the respondent a fair opportunity to
    address it.” 
     However, as we noted at several points
    in our opinion, Mr. Sussman presented to the state
    courts the potential Confrontation Clause problems
    raised by the trial court’s failure to allow him to elicit
    testimony on the complainant’s alleged prior false al-
    legations of sexual abuse. See Sussman, 
    2011 WL 1206187
    at *13 & n.15; 
     at *15 & n.16. Mr. Sussman did not
    fail to raise the issue; the state courts failed to address it.
    Moreover, in its brief to this court, the State acknowl-
    edges Mr. Sussman’s efforts to raise the issue before the
    district court: “Sussman relies heavily on this court’s
    decision in Redmond v. Kingston, 
    240 F.3d 590
     (7th Cir.
    2001).” Appellee’s Br. 45 n.5. Rather than addressing
    Mr. Sussman’s contentions, however, the State merely
    responded: “As Magistrate Judge Crocker aptly observed,
    that case has almost nothing to do with this one. There
    are ‘profound differences’ between the Redmond Con-
    frontation Clause case and this ineffective assistance
     (internal citations omitted).
    Finally, I note that, despite the State’s view of the
    alleged serious overreaching by the panel, the State
    did not choose to bring this issue to the panel by way of
    a petition for rehearing, or to the whole court by way of
    a petition for rehearing en banc.
    No. 09-3940                                               9
    The State also faults us for “scour[ing] the state court
    record for ‘arguments[’] . . . that undermined, rather than
    ‘supported’ ” the state court’s decision. Motion to Stay
    at 10. The State believes that this approach, which
    it attributes to us, is inconsistent with Harrington’s ap-
    proach that requires a habeas court to “determine what
    arguments or theories supported . . . the state court’s
    decision . . . and then . . . ask whether it is possible
    fairminded jurists could disagree that those arguments
    or theories are inconsistent with the holding in a prior
    decision of this Court.” 
     (quoting Harrington, 
    131 S. Ct. at 786
    This is not a fair comment on our decision. As noted
    earlier, our main problem with the state court’s analysis
    of the prejudice prong was that it was based on a mis-
    apprehension of the injury done to the Confrontation
    Clause rights of Mr. Sussman. With respect to this
    issue, we considered whether the state court rea-
    sonably could have read the Court’s Confrontation
    Clause jurisprudence so as to disallow the testimony
    that Mr. Sussman sought to elicit. See Sussman, 
    2011 WL 1206187
    , at *23-24. We went further, however, and
    assessed whether, assuming a correct estimation of
    Mr. Sussman’s federal right, the result reached by the
    Wisconsin court nevertheless could be sustained. A fair
    reading of our opinion demonstrates that we simply
    examined at length the possible arguments that might
    support the state court’s decision and concluded that
    those arguments were unconvincing. See id. at *24-27.
    10                                            No. 09-3940
    The burden is on the party seeking a stay to establish
    that it will suffer irreparable injury. Books, 
    239 F.3d at 827
    . The State submits that Mr. Sussman is likely to
    reoffend and, therefore, continuing his incarceration is
    necessary both to protect the citizens of Wisconsin and
    to prevent his fleeing the jurisdiction. These are both
    very important interests; however, the State stops short
    of showing how these interests will be thwarted if the
    stay is not granted. Notably, the State has not stated
    affirmatively that, during the pendency of the petition
    for certiorari, Mr. Sussman will go free despite his sen-
    tences on sixteen child pornography counts. Furthermore,
    should he be released from state confinement on those
    counts, the State acknowledges that “[h]is chances of
    convincing the state courts to release him on bail
    pending retrial would be problematic at best.” Motion
    to Stay at 14. Even if Mr. Sussman were to have com-
    pleted his sentences for the child pornography counts
    and, furthermore, were to convince a state-court judge
    to release him pending retrial, he still would be under
    the supervision of the State of Wisconsin as a registered
    sex offender.
    For these reasons, the motion to stay is denied.

Document Info

Docket Number: 09-3940

Citation Numbers: 636 F.3d 329

Filed Date: 5/6/2011

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 5/24/2016

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