Timothy Johnson v. Diakon Logistics ( 2022 )

  •                                In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 21-2886
    TIMOTHY JOHNSON and DARRYL MOORE, on behalf of a class,
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the
    Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
    No. 16-cv-06776 — Andrea R. Wood, Judge.
    ARGUED JUNE 1, 2022 — DECIDED AUGUST 17, 2022
    Before EASTERBROOK, WOOD, and SCUDDER, Circuit Judges.
    EASTERBROOK, Circuit Judge. Diakon Logistics, Inc., coordi-
    nates delivery and installation of merchandise for retailers
    across the nation. It is incorporated in Delaware and has its
    principal place of business in Virginia. Diakon provided ser-
    vices to Innovel Solutions, Inc., a former subsidiary of Sears,
    Roebuck and Co. Innovel hired Diakon to get furniture and
    appliances from warehouses to customers’ homes. Diakon, in
    turn, hired truck drivers to perform these deliveries.
    2                                                  No. 21-2886
    Plaintiffs are two of those drivers, Timothy Johnson and
    Darryl Moore. Johnson and Moore were citizens of Illinois
    who drove for Diakon out of Innovel’s warehouse in Romeo-
    ville, Illinois, which is about 30 miles southwest of Chicago.
    Innovel operated a second warehouse in Granite City, Illinois,
    just across the Mississippi River from St. Louis. Drivers work-
    ing out of both warehouses delivered merchandise to custom-
    ers of Sears in Illinois, Indiana, and Missouri.
    Plaintiffs and Diakon signed contracts called “Service
    Agreements”. Two versions of the Service Agreement—one
    signed before 2015 and one that governed the relations from
    2015 onward—are potentially relevant. They classify the driv-
    ers as independent contractors yet include terms that set out
    detailed expectations for the drivers—among other things
    what uniforms to wear, what business cards to carry, what
    decals to put on their trucks, and how to perform deliveries
    and installations. The Service Agreements also contain choice-
    of-law provisions that select Virginia law to govern the par-
    ties’ relations. The clause in the pre-2015 version reads: “This
    Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance
    with the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia without re-
    gard to conflict of law rules.” The later-signed agreements are
    more expansive: “The law of the Commonwealth of Virginia
    shall govern all interpretations of this Agreement or any
    rights or liabilities stemming from it or related to it in any
    such action. The obligations in this paragraph shall survive
    termination of the Agreement.”
    The Service Agreements authorize Diakon to deduct fees
    and penalties from the drivers’ pay. They allow deductions
    for truck rental fees, the cost of insurance, workers’
    No. 21-2886                                                             3
    compensation coverage, and customers’ refused deliveries.
    As an example, one section of the Service Agreement pro-
    Contractor will be liable for loss or damage to items intended for
    transport occurring while such items are in Contractor’s posses-
    sion or under his dominion and control. Before making deduc-
    tions from seIlements with Contractor … to reflect such loss or
    damage, Company shall provide Contractor with a wriIen expla-
    nation and itemization of such deductions.
    In 2016 Johnson and Moore sued Diakon in federal court
    alleging violations of Illinois labor law. Plaintiffs allege that
    Diakon misclassified them as independent contractors when
    they were employees under Illinois law. Plaintiffs’ allegation
    rests on the definition of “employee” in the Illinois Wage Pay-
    ment and Collection Act, 820 ILCS 115/1 to 115/15. Under 820
    ILCS 115/2, Illinois courts apply a three-part test to determine
    employee status. Novakovic v. Samutin, 
    354 Ill. App. 3d 660
    667–68 (2004). The parties agree that this approach, known as
    the “ABC Test”, is more likely to classify workers as employ-
    ees than is the parallel test under Virginia law, which plain-
    tiffs concede would treat them as contractors.
    The Illinois Act allows deductions from pay only if the em-
    ployees consent in writing at the time of the deduction. 820
    ILCS 115/9. Plaintiffs allege that Diakon’s deductions from
    their pay did not satisfy this contemporaneous-authorization
    requirement and so were improper. Plaintiffs seek reimburse-
    ment on behalf of a class of drivers in Illinois who signed sim-
    ilar Service Agreements with Diakon.
    Federal subject-maier jurisdiction rests on the Class Ac-
    tion Fairness Act, 
    28 U.S.C. §1332
    (d)(2), which creates juris-
    diction when three requirements are met: the amount in
    4                                                   No. 21-2886
    controversy exceeds $5 million, at least one class member and
    any defendant are citizens of different states, and there are at
    least 100 class members. See 
    28 U.S.C. §§ 1332
    (d)(2), (d)(2)(A),
    The district judge certified a class under Fed. R. Civ. P.
    23(b)(3) comprising “[a]ll delivery drivers who (1) signed a
    Service Agreement with Diakon, (2) were classified as inde-
    pendent contractors, and (3) who performed deliveries for
    Diakon and Sears in Illinois between June 28, 2006 and the
    2020 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 12435
     (N.D. Ill. Jan. 23, 2020).
    This class satisfies the Act’s requirements, but the story is
    more complicated. That’s because plaintiffs amended their
    complaint to add Sears and Innovel as defendants.
    The Class Action Fairness Act typically requires only min-
    imal diversity, so the presence of defendants with Illinois cit-
    izenship did not affect subject-maier jurisdiction. See, e.g.,
    Morrison v. YTB International, Inc., 
    649 F.3d 533
    , 536 (7th Cir.
    2011). But these new defendants posed a potential problem:
    their inclusion might trigger the abstention doctrines embod-
    ied in 
    28 U.S.C. §1332
    (d)(4). This subsection provides that a
    “district court shall decline to exercise jurisdiction” when
    more than two-thirds of class members are from the state in
    which the lawsuit is filed and at least one defendant “from
    whom significant relief is sought” is a citizen of that state.
    Both Sears and Innovel are citizens of Illinois, and the class
    includes only truck drivers making deliveries in Illinois,
    which raises the question whether the single-state carveout in
    §1332(d)(4) applies. The parties’ briefs did not address the
    possibility, but a court may raise abstention under the Class
    Action Fairness Act on its own, see Mullen v. GLV, Inc., 37 F.4th
    No. 21-2886                                                     5
    1326, 1328 (7th Cir. 2022). We invited the parties to submit
    supplemental memoranda to address the issue.
    After reviewing the parties’ submissions, we conclude
    that abstention is not warranted. Whether abstention under
    the Class Action Fairness Act should be evaluated based on
    the original complaint or instead on circumstances that may
    change as the case proceeds is an open issue in this circuit.
    Mullen, 37 F.4th at 1329. But, under either approach, the result
    in this case is the same. Sears and Innovel did not enter the
    case until plaintiffs’ Second Amended Complaint, filed about
    a year after the suit commenced. Plaintiffs voluntarily dis-
    missed their claims against Sears and Innovel in October 2021.
    Sears and Innovel were not parties when this case began and
    are not parties now, so abstention is not required.
    That brings us to plaintiffs’ claims under the Illinois Wage
    Payment and Collections Act (which from now on we call “the
    Act”). The district judge entered summary judgment in Dia-
    kon’s favor, concluding that the choice-of-law clauses man-
    date application of Virginia law. 
    2021 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 188950
    (N.D. Ill. Sept. 30, 2021). The district judge did not analyze the
    difference between the two versions of the Service Agree-
    ments and instead concluded that plaintiffs’ claims fail be-
    cause they are all inextricable from the Agreements’ choice-
    of-law provisions. To support that conclusion, the district
    judge observed that Illinois courts routinely enforce choice-
    of-law clauses. See Belleville Toyota, Inc. v. Toyota Motor Sales,
    U.S.A., Inc., 
    199 Ill. 2d 325
    , 351–52 (2002). Diakon embraces
    this argument on appeal, insisting that plaintiffs’ claims nec-
    essarily depend on their Service Agreements.
    Plaintiffs maintain that Diakon has waived the benefit of
    the choice-of-law provisions. See Vukadinovich v. McCarthy, 59
    6                                                   No. 21-
    2886 F.3d 58
    , 62 (7th Cir. 1995) (choice of law normally is not juris-
    dictional and is subject to waiver). Diakon first argued that
    the state-law claims were preempted and later defended
    against class certification. It was not until summary judgment
    that Diakon raised the choice-of-law clauses directly, and
    plaintiffs say that Diakon’s prior arguments amount to an ad-
    mission that Illinois law controls.
    The district judge remarked that Diakon would have
    waived reliance on Virginia law had it first sought a ruling on
    the merits under Illinois law and changed course only after an
    adverse decision. But the district judge found that Diakon had
    consistently maintained that the Illinois law does not apply,
    either because federal law preempts it or because it is other-
    wise inapplicable. As for delay, the district judge concluded
    that Diakon contemplated choice-of-law defenses early on.
    Diakon at one point notified plaintiffs’ counsel that it in-
    tended to amend its answer to include the choice-of-law ar-
    gument, but ultimately did not amend after plaintiffs’ counsel
    assured Diakon’s lawyers that it did not consider the defense
    waived. Plaintiffs say that might have been true then, but the
    defense is waived now, with many briefs having come and
    gone in the district court without a direct choice-of-law argu-
    ment. Here too the district judge was unpersuaded, noting
    that Diakon mentioned choice of law in its opposition to class
    certification and concluding that Diakon did not sit on the de-
    fense until after other arguments had failed. The district
    court’s reasoning persuades us.
    Now consider the language of the Service Agreements. Re-
    call that the pre-2015 versions (which, by the way, are the only
    signed versions in the parties’ appendices) provide that
    “[t]his Agreement shall be governed by and construed in
    No. 21-2886                                                   7
    accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia”.
    Under the Act, however, whether a person qualifies as an
    “employee” has liile to do with how any contract describes
    the work. Courts in Illinois routinely disregard contractual
    language classifying workers as contractors or consultants.
    See, e.g., O’Malley v. Udo, 
    2022 IL App (1st) 200007
     ¶48 (Jan.
    14, 2022) (“However, it is also well established that plaintiff’s
    status under the [Act] is not controlled by how the parties re-
    ferred to themselves in their agreement.”); Cohen Furniture Co.
    v. Department of Employment Security, 
    307 Ill. App. 3d 978
    , 982
    (1999) (interpreting equivalent provisions of the Unemploy-
    ment Insurance Act, 820 ILCS 405/100 to 405/3200). Instead,
    state courts apply the definition of “employee” contained in
    the Act itself, 820 ILCS 115/2, which O’Malley deemed “much
    broader” than common-law tests for employee status. See
    2022 IL App (1st) 200007
    If the critical test for determining whether plaintiffs count
    as employees for purposes of the Act comes from the statute
    rather than a contract, then the Service Agreement is irrele-
    vant, no maier what it says. This means that Illinois would
    not honor either the declaration of independent-contractor
    status or the choice-of-Virginia-law clause. Cf. Byrne v. Hayes
    Beer Distributing Co., 
    2018 IL App (1st) 172612
     ¶32 (Dec. 4,
    2018) (a contention “that the [Act] prevents [an employer]
    from deducting money … does not require reference to or an
    interpretation of the [contract]” and “derive[s] solely out of
    section 9 of the [Act]”). Diakon does not contend that Illinois
    would violate the Constitution’s Full Faith and Credit Clause
    by preferring its domestic law over another state’s for work
    done within its borders.
    8                                                    No. 21-2886
    Another way of saying this is that plaintiffs’ claims to un-
    diminished wages arise from their work in Illinois, not from
    their contracts. The Act governs payment for work in Illinois
    regardless of what state’s law governs other aspects of the
    parties’ relations. Byrne described claims under the Act as “ex-
    ist[ing] independently of” any contract. 
     And a valid
    claim under the Act does not require the presence of a formal
    contract at all. See Landers-Scelfo v. Corporate Office Systems,
    356 Ill. App. 3d 1060
    , 1067 (2005) (claim under the Act
    need not include “a formally negotiated contract”); Zabinsky
    v. Gelber Group, Inc., 
    347 Ill. App. 3d 243
    , 249 (2004) (Act “re-
    quires only a manifestation of mutual assent on the part of
    two or more persons; parties may enter into an ‘agreement’
    without the formalities and accompanying legal protections
    of a contract”).
    Diakon contends that the post-2015 version of the Service
    Agreement should be treated differently. But given the anal-
    ysis above, it is hard to see how any contractual language
    moves the needle. The test for employee status under the Act
    does not depend on (and often disregards) contractual desig-
    nations. While the contracts create certain obligations, such as
    the drivers’ duty to take care when making deliveries (and so
    to avoid deductions if possible), Diakon’s duty to make only
    proper deductions from the drivers’ wages flows from the
    Act, not the contracts. It follows that nothing about choosing
    Virginia law affects plaintiffs’ claims under the Act.
    A national firm such as Diakon wants a single state’s law
    to govern its labor force because it is simpler to learn and fol-
    low one state’s rather than fifty states’ laws. And when work-
    ers cross state borders in the course of their duties, the benefits
    of choosing one state’s law are even greater. Imagine a driver
    No. 21-2886                                                     9
    who loads up in Romeoville with refrigerators bound for cus-
    tomers in both Indiana and Illinois. Somewhere along the
    way, it is impossible to say exactly where, a bump in the road
    damages some of the merchandise. After arriving in Indiana,
    the driver discovers the problem and a customer refuses de-
    livery. The driver returns to Romeoville with the damaged re-
    frigerator. Does Illinois’ law or Indiana’s determine what, if
    anything, Diakon may deduct from the driver’s pay? Given
    the complexities of such a situation, we could imagine Illinois
    introducing special considerations for interstate work. But
    Diakon does not contend that Illinois has done so; Diakon
    does not make anything of the fact that drivers leave from the
    warehouses in Illinois with merchandise bound for multiple
    states. See United States v. Sineneng-Smith, 
    140 S. Ct. 1575
    (2020) (discussing the principle of party presentation).
    Earlier in the case Diakon did argue that the multistate na-
    ture of the drivers’ work meant that Illinois law is preempted
    by the Federal Aviation Administration Authorization Act of
    1994 and federal truck-leasing regulations. But the district
    judge ruled that the Illinois Wage Payment and Collection Act
    affects carriers’ rates, routes, or services only indirectly and so
    is not preempted. 
    2018 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 52149
     (N.D. Ill. Mar.
    28, 2018). The judge added that the regulations set guidelines
    for allowing certain types of deductions but do not mean that
    such deductions are always permissible. Diakon has aban-
    doned these contentions on appeal, and we do not address
    them one way or another.
    The contractual clauses on which Diakon relies do not ap-
    ply to claims brought under the Act based on work done in
    Illinois. The judgment of the district court is reversed, and the
    case is remanded for further proceedings.

Document Info

Docket Number: 21-2886

Judges: Easterbrook

Filed Date: 8/17/2022

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 8/17/2022