C. S. v. Madison Metropolitan School ( 2022 )

  •                                   In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 17-1521
    C. S., by her parents as next friends, *
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the
    Western District of Wisconsin.
    No. 3:15-cv-00570 — Barbara B. Crabb, Judge.
    ARGUED FEBRUARY 5, 2019 — DECIDED MAY 10, 2022
    Before SYKES, Chief Judge, and FLAUM, EASTERBROOK,
    SCUDDER, and ST. EVE, Circuit Judges. †
    The complaint uses “Jane Doe No. 55” to conceal plaintiff’s name.
    We have substituted her initials in light of Fed. R. Civ. P. 5.2(a)(3).
    † Associate Justice Barrett heard argument in this appeal while she
    was a member of this Court. She did not participate in the decision. Circuit
    2                                                        No. 17-1521
    SCUDDER, Circuit Judge. Title IX prohibits discrimination
    on the basis of sex in educational settings. In Gebser v. Lago
    Vista Independent School District, the Supreme Court held that
    a victim of such discrimination may recover money damages
    from her school only where “an official of the school district
    who at a minimum has authority to institute corrective
    measures on the district’s behalf has actual notice of, and is
    deliberately indifferent to, the teacher’s misconduct.” 
    524 U.S. 274
    , 277 (1998).
    This two-pronged standard—requiring both actual notice
    and deliberate indifference—is difficult to meet, and it has
    proven equally challenging for courts to articulate in clear and
    practical terms. We took this case en banc to reconcile some
    inconsistencies in our case law regarding the interplay be-
    tween Gebser’s two requirements and to provide more con-
    crete guidance to those tasked with complying with Title IX
    in the challenging settings of today’s schools.
    Reinforcing Gebser’s central instruction, we hold that the
    relevant school official acquires actual notice upon learning
    that misconduct rising to the level of sex discrimination has
    occurred. Only then does Title IX impose an obligation to act.
    Contrary to suggestions in some of our past cases, Title IX
    does not permit institutional liability based solely on
    knowledge of the risk of future misconduct. Applying this
    framework to C.S.’s claim of sexual harassment, we affirm the
    entry of summary judgment for the school district.
    Judges Kirsch and Jackson-Akiwumi joined the Court after oral argument
    and did not participate in the consideration or decision of the appeal.
    No. 17-1521                                                     3
    Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 provides
    that “[n]o person … shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded
    from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be sub-
    jected to discrimination under any education program or ac-
    tivity receiving Federal financial assistance.” 
    20 U.S.C. § 1681
    (a). The Supreme Court has explained that Congress in-
    tended Title IX to serve two purposes: “to avoid the use of
    federal resources to support discriminatory practices” and “to
    provide individual citizens effective protection against those
    practices.” Cannon v. Univ. of Chicago, 
    441 U.S. 677
    , 704 (1979).
    And that latter purpose led the Court in Cannon to hold that
    Title IX contains an implied cause of action “in favor of pri-
    vate victims of discrimination,” 
     at 704–06, 709, enforceable
    in a suit for money damages. See Franklin v. Gwinnett County
    Public Schs., 
    503 U.S. 60
    , 76 (1992).
    But so, too, is the implied cause of action limited by Ti-
    tle IX’s statutory design. Congress enacted Title IX pursuant
    to its authority under the Spending Clause, U.S. Const. art. 1,
    § 8, cl. 1, leaving the statute to operate “‘much in the nature of
    a contract: in return for federal funds, the [recipients of those
    funds] agree to comply with federally imposed conditions.’”
    Davis v. Monroe County Bd. of Educ., 
    526 U.S. 629
    , 640 (1999)
    (quoting Pennhurst State Sch. & Hosp. v. Halderman, 
    451 U.S. 1
    17 (1981)). Accordingly, “the legitimacy of Congress’ power
    to enact Spending Clause legislation rests not on its sovereign
    authority to enact binding laws, but on whether the recipient
    voluntarily and knowingly accepts the terms of that ‘con-
    tract.’” Cummings v. Premier Rehab Keller, P.L.L.C., No. 20-219,
    slip op. at 4 (U.S. Apr. 28, 2022) (cleaned up). In the case of
    4                                                     No. 17-1521
    Title IX, the terms are clear: a school district accepting federal
    funds promises to not use those funds to discriminate on the
    basis of sex. See Gebser, 
    524 U.S. at 286, 292
    Because Title IX’s prohibition on sex discrimination comes
    as a bargained-for condition rather than an “outright
    id. at 286
    , it follows that liability can attach only
    when the recipient of federal funds breaks its contractual
    promise not to “us[e] the funds in a discriminatory manner.”
    Id. at 292
    . And a recipient can be said to break that promise,
    the Court in Gebser held, only when it knows that
    discrimination has occurred and fails to take reasonable
    action in response. See 
     at 290–91.
    In so holding the Court rejected the possibility that a Ti-
    tle IX plaintiff could collect damages “on principles of con-
    structive notice or respondeat superior,” because either theory
    would impose liability in cases where “the recipient of funds
    was unaware of the discrimination.” 
    Id. at 287
    . Instead, the
    Court explained, liability may attach only where a court can
    be sure “that the grantee was aware that it was administering
    the program in violation of the [condition].” 
    Guardians Ass’n v. Civil Serv. Comm’n of New York City, 
    463 U.S. 582
    , 598 (1983)) (alteration in Gebser).
    With these principles in mind, Gebser set out two prereq-
    uisites for institutional liability under Title IX. First, “an offi-
    cial of the recipient entity with authority to take corrective ac-
    tion to end the discrimination” must have “actual knowledge of
    discrimination in the recipient’s programs.” Id. at 290 (empha-
    sis added). Second, the official’s “response [to that knowledge]
    must amount to deliberate indifference to discrimination” re-
    flecting “an official decision by the recipient [entity] not to
    remedy the violation.” Id. Together these requirements ensure
    No. 17-1521                                                      5
    that a recipient is liable in money damages only “for its own
    official decision” to break its contractual promise not to dis-
    criminate. Id. at 291. In this sense, the two-prong Gebser frame-
    work permits Title IX institutional liability only where “the
    funding recipient engages in intentional conduct that violates
    the clear terms of the statute.” Davis, 
    526 U.S. at 642
    Implicit in Gebser’s two requirements is an embedded, an-
    tecedent condition for Title IX liability: that the recipient’s ac-
    tual knowledge and deliberate indifference concern completed
    or ongoing violations of Title IX’s prohibition on discrimina-
    tion. See 
    id. at 643
     (explaining that Title IX liability attaches
    “where the recipient is deliberately indifferent to known acts
    of teacher-student discrimination”) (emphasis added). If the
    conduct of which the school district becomes aware does not
    itself amount to sex-based discrimination, the school cannot
    have the requisite “notice that it will be liable for a monetary
    award” under Title IX if it fails to take corrective action.
    524 U.S. at 287
     (quoting Franklin, 
    503 U.S. at 74
    ). No
    doubt the observation is something of a truism—Title IX lia-
    bility can attach only to violations of Title IX—yet it bears re-
    peating because at times our cases have employed language
    clouding this basic principle.
    The confusion is understandable. The line between action-
    able actual knowledge of past or ongoing misconduct and
    non-actionable appreciation of a risk of future misconduct can
    get very blurry in cases like this. At one level, the line is easy
    to conceptualize, as the actual knowledge inquiry, by its
    terms, asks whether a responsible decisionmaker had notice
    of an act of completed discrimination on the basis of a stu-
    dent’s sex. See 
     at 288–90. And we know from the Supreme
    6                                                   No. 17-1521
    Court’s 1999 decision in Davis v. Monroe County Board of Edu-
    cation what qualifies as actionable misconduct. The Court told
    us that the misconduct in question must be “so severe, perva-
    sive, and objectively offensive that it can be said to deprive the
    victims of access to the educational opportunities or benefits
    provided by the school.” 
    526 U.S. at 650
    But fact patterns in Title IX cases like this one—involving
    allegations of teacher-on-student sexual misconduct—often
    reveal escalating wrongdoing, and that is where the
    challenging realities of risk enter the picture. Take, for
    example, a teacher who becomes infatuated with a student
    and repeatedly texts the student in a clear, persistent, and
    intensifying effort to turn the relationship sexual. Everyone
    reading that sentence gets the picture. In our view, a school
    principal learning those facts may well have learned of sex
    discrimination within the meaning of Davis and, by extension,
    Title IX. Depending on the totality of the circumstances, a case
    like that could very well warrant a trial.
    But recognize what the same texting hypothetical also il-
    lustrates: risk. Past misconduct may foreshadow even worse
    future misconduct. It takes no imagination to see this in
    the texting scenario or any number of like examples—a
    teacher persistently meeting a student off school property
    outside of school hours, a teacher inappropriately and repeat-
    edly touching a student, and on and on. Certain facts, if severe
    and pervasive enough, can at once both satisfy Davis’s defini-
    tion of misconduct and reveal risk of further and more griev-
    ous harm.
    The important point for purposes of Gebser’s actual
    knowledge requirement is the first one: only once the miscon-
    duct line has actually been crossed does Title IX impose an
    No. 17-1521                                                       7
    affirmative obligation on school districts to act—both to rem-
    edy the existing misconduct and to prevent the further fore-
    seeable risks from materializing.
    Gebser’s second prong supplies the test for measuring the
    adequacy of the school district’s response. The response must
    not reflect “deliberate indifference to discrimination.” Gebser,
    524 U.S. at 290
    . As we read Gebser and Davis, it is only at this
    second step of the analysis that the concept of risk properly
    comes into play, for a school district must respond with
    measures to both “end the harassment” of which it has
    knowledge and “to limit further harassment.” 
    Id. at 289
    . Right
    to it, prong two of Gebser’s framework and the obligation to
    act it imposes necessarily operate to mitigate risk, including
    risks of escalation. Risk qua risk, in short, is not actionable,
    but past misconduct revealing risks of further discrimination
    requires the school district to respond accordingly.
    The response does not have to be perfect or even success-
    ful. See, e.g., Doe v. Edgewood Indep. Sch. Dist., 
    964 F.3d 351
    , 359
    (5th Cir. 2020) (concluding that “liability does not attach
    where the official with authority to take corrective action re-
    sponds reasonably to a risk of harm, even if the harm ulti-
    mately was not averted”) (cleaned up). Owing to Title IX’s
    roots in the Spending Clause, a school district’s response will
    suffice to avoid institutional liability so long as it is not so un-
    reasonable, under all the circumstances, as to constitute
    an “official decision” to permit discrimination. Gebser, 
    524 U.S. at 290
    Our cases have not always described the line between mis-
    conduct and risk in this way. In Delgado v. Stegall, our first case
    to apply the Gebser standard, we correctly explained that a Ti-
    tle IX plaintiff must prove that the school district had “actual
    8                                                     No. 17-1521
    knowledge of misconduct, not just actual knowledge of the
    risk of misconduct.” 
    367 F.3d 668
    , 672 (7th Cir. 2004) (emphasis
    added). But in the ensuing paragraphs we undermined the
    clarity of that rule, suggesting that liability might attach
    where the school has knowledge of “risks [of harassment] so
    great that they are almost certain to materialize if nothing is
     We may have injected similar uncertainty a few
    years later in Hansen v. Board of Trustees of Hamilton Southeast-
    ern School Corp., by initially rendering Gebser’s first prong as a
    requirement of “known acts of discrimination or harassment”
    before later phrasing it (without additional elaboration) as
    one of “actual knowledge of misconduct by [the teacher] that
    created a serious risk to [the school’s] students.” 
    551 F.3d 599
    605–06 (7th Cir. 2008); see also Doe v. St. Francis Sch. Dist., 
    694 F.3d 869
    , 871 (7th Cir. 2012) (employing similar language).
    A closer look at what we said in Delgado makes the point.
    Nicole Delgado sued her university after a professor made ro-
    mantic advances toward her. See Delgado, 
    367 F.3d at 670
    . We
    held that there could be no liability because Delgado had not
    reported the misconduct to anyone in the administration with
    power to stop the discrimination. See 
    id. at 672
    . In the lan-
    guage of Gebser, Delgado failed to show that the school had
    actual knowledge of the professor’s sexual harassment. See 
    That holding is unassailable.
    Had we stopped there, we might not be here. But we went
    further, hypothesizing a case in which the professor “had
    been known [by the school] to be a serial harasser.” 
    those circumstances, we said, the school “might well be found
    to have had a sufficient approximation to actual knowledge
    that [the student] would be harassed to satisfy the Supreme
    Court’s [Gebser] standard.” 
     (emphasis added).
    No. 17-1521                                                      9
    The bottom-line conclusion from this hypothetical is
    surely correct: a school that knowingly employs a serial
    harasser is asking for trouble. But the language we used in
    Delgado—the risk-related language—suggested Title IX
    institutional liability could arise from deliberate indifference
    to a risk of future misconduct without any indication of past
    or present harassment.
    Gebser does not permit the imposition of liability based on
    risk alone, a reality Delgado itself earlier recognized. See 
    id. at 672
     (explaining that, under Gebser, a school must have “actual
    knowledge of misconduct, not just actual knowledge of the
    risk of misconduct”). With the benefit of hindsight, the mis-
    take we made in Delgado was blurring the line between
    Gebser’s two discrete requirements—actual knowledge and
    deliberate indifference.
    In the Delgado hypothetical, Gebser’s actual knowledge re-
    quirement is satisfied by the school’s notice of its professor’s
    history of harassment, provided that history is sufficiently re-
    cent to indicate the continued presence of “discrimination in
    the recipient’s programs.” Gebser, 
    524 U.S. at 290
    ; see also Doe
    v. Sch. Bd. of Broward County, 
    604 F.3d 1248
    , 1257 (10th Cir.
    2010) (explaining that “no circuit has interpreted Gebser’s ac-
    tual notice requirement so as to require notice of the prior har-
    assment of the Title IX plaintiff herself”). What that observa-
    tion illustrates is that actual knowledge (or actual notice) suf-
    ficient to satisfy Gebser can arise not only from what a school
    administrator sees with her own eyes, but also from infor-
    mation she learns from others. See Doe v. Galster, 
    768 F.3d 611
    614 (7th Cir. 2014) (explaining that “[t]o have actual
    knowledge of an incident, school officials must have wit-
    nessed it or received a report of it”).
    10                                                  No. 17-1521
    With actual knowledge established, liability in the Delgado
    hypothetical will turn on Gebser prong two: whether the
    school’s actions in response to that knowledge “amount to de-
    liberate indifference to discrimination.” Gebser, 
    524 U.S. at 291
    . Put another way, the likelihood that the plaintiff “would
    be harassed,” Delgado, 
    367 F.3d at 672
    , is relevant not to the
    school’s actual knowledge of past or ongoing harassment, but
    rather to Title IX’s prong two inquiry—whether the school’s
    response to that harassment reflected an official decision not
    “to take action to end the harassment or to limit further har-
    assment.” Gebser, 
    524 U.S. at 289
    In many ways, the extreme example of a school that hires
    a teacher with a known and ongoing history of sexually har-
    assing students is unhelpful. There would be no way on such
    facts to disavow knowledge of the teacher’s past misconduct
    that, by any measure, put the writing on the wall for more of
    the same. The obvious need to impose liability in such a case,
    however, has muddied a doctrinal distinction warranting
    clarification. Liability in the Delgado hypothetical attaches not
    because the school has knowledge of some great risk of future
    discrimination, but rather because it knows of past discrimi-
    nation in its programs and has proven itself unwilling to act
    to put an end to it.
    But we need to move out of the extreme to the more real-
    istic and less clear-cut—to the fact patterns where allegations
    do not so clearly show misconduct and thus next steps are not
    as evident. Go back to the texting hypothetical. Imagine, how-
    ever, that instead of a flurry of escalating texts, there are only
    three that are disconcerting, revealing of risk, but not them-
    selves clearly indicative of ongoing misconduct. In such a cir-
    cumstance, Title IX does not impose an obligation to act.
    No. 17-1521                                                  11
    Suppose the facts are a shade or two darker, though—a
    few more texts with more concerning language and clear in-
    dications that a teacher has severely stepped over the line. On
    such facts, a reasonable jury may be able to conclude that the
    school district was obligated to take action because it pos-
    sessed knowledge that a form of sex discrimination—the
    teacher’s pervasive and escalating texting of the student—has
    already occurred. Ask any parent whether they disagree.
    What all of this means as a legal matter is that a school
    district’s duty to act is not triggered until it has actual
    knowledge of facts which, in the totality of the circumstances,
    indicate that sex-based discrimination has occurred or is
    occurring under its watch. See 
    id. at 290
    . But the complexities
    of life do not always offer clear conclusions. Reality often
    manifests in shades of gray. On the legal side, the litigation
    process (discovery and summary judgment, in particular)
    will allow everything to get sorted out after the fact. But as a
    practical matter—when school officials have to make
    decisions in real time—the best course will be to err on the
    side of taking reactive and preventative measures to ensure
    compliance with Title IX.
    One final point warrants underscoring. There may be
    cases where the relevant school official insists he had no
    knowledge of the alleged discrimination, and thus no duty to
    respond to it. And that may be so even where the objective
    facts allow a different finding by a jury—in particular, that the
    school official buried his head in the sand to avoid acquiring
    knowledge of past or ongoing misconduct. In such cases a
    Title IX plaintiff may ask for a so-called “ostrich
    instruction”—a directive that the jury may infer actual
    knowledge based on the official’s willful blindness to the
    12                                                   No. 17-1521
    objective reality in front of him. See United States v. Ramsey,
    785 F.2d 184
    , 189 (7th Cir. 1986) (approving, in a criminal
    fraud prosecution, the following jury instruction: “No person
    can intentionally avoid knowledge by closing his or her eyes
    to facts which should prompt him or her to investigate”).
    While the ostrich instruction is sometimes also talked
    about in terms of risk, see Ramsey, 
    785 F.2d at 189
    , it is im-
    portant to reiterate that even in ostrich cases, Title IX does not
    permit liability solely on the basis of knowledge of a risk of
    future misconduct. Instead, the instruction recognizes only
    that an administrator presented with facts clearly showing ex-
    isting misconduct may not shirk his Title IX obligations by de-
    clining to do the math. See, e.g., Doe v. Fairfax County Sch. Bd.,
    1 F.4th 257
    , 269–70 (4th Cir. 2021) (emphasizing that Title IX’s
    actual notice standard is objective, not subjective).
    With that legal framework established, we turn to the
    facts before us.
    From 2013 to 2014, plaintiff C.S. was a student at
    Whitehorse Middle School in Madison, Wisconsin. The
    Madison Metropolitan School District, of which Whitehorse
    is a part, is the defendant in this case. C.S. alleges that,
    throughout her eighth-grade year, a school security assistant
    named Willie Collins repeatedly sexually abused her. The
    details of Collins’s alleged misconduct are horrific: C.S.
    asserts that he made sexual comments to her, kissed her,
    fondled her breasts, and digitally penetrated her—usually in
    his office at the school. There is no evidence that anyone
    witnessed the misconduct, and C.S. did not report the abuse
    No. 17-1521                                                   13
    to anyone until August 2014, by which point she had left
    Whitehorse to attend high school. The school district placed
    Collins on administrative leave pending the results of a
    criminal investigation, and C.S. sued the district for damages
    under Title IX.
    If eighth grade were the whole story, it is clear that Col-
    lins’s alleged abuse, even if proven, could not give rise to lia-
    bility for the school district. The relevant Whitehorse official
    “with authority to take corrective action to end the discrimi-
    nation” for purposes of Gebser was Principal Deborah Ptak.
    524 U.S. at 290
    . And the parties agree that Principal Ptak had
    no knowledge—actual or otherwise—of Collins’s abuse of
    C.S. during eighth grade. The claim would fail at prong one
    of Gebser.
    But eighth grade is not the whole story, C.S. contends,
    because of what happened during her seventh-grade year.
    Collins’s duties as security assistant meant he was in regular
    contact with students—supervising lunch and recess,
    monitoring students in detention, and otherwise ensuring
    student safety. Whether part of his stated job description or
    not, Collins also served as a mentor and confidant to students,
    who sought him out for advice and companionship.
    The alleged facts contain warning signs that Collins may
    have taken this role too far. He regularly gave students—boys
    and girls alike—hugs, often apparently initiated by the stu-
    dents themselves. Tracy Warnecke, the school’s positive be-
    havior support coach, testified that she saw Collins giving
    back or shoulder rubs to students—again, boys and girls
    alike—at lunch time “three to four times a week.” But
    Warnecke also observed troubling interactions between Col-
    lins and C.S. She frequently saw C.S. asking Collins for hugs
    14                                                No. 17-1521
    and spending time “in his office after school,” and on one oc-
    casion saw C.S. attempt to kiss him on the cheek, though he
    rebuffed her efforts. According to Warnecke, C.S. then tried to
    kiss him again, but “he stopped it and then took her for a pri-
    vate conversation because we were in the hallway.”
    Warnecke reported these incidents to Principal Ptak. Two
    other school employees—Karen Wydeven and Mary
    McAuliffe—likewise approached Ptak with concerns that C.S.
    and some of her female friends were frequently hugging
    Collins. McAuliffe, a school counselor, expressed further
    concerns about Collins’s relationship with C.S., telling Ptak
    that she saw C.S. “running to [Collins] frequently, jumping on
    him, hanging—attempting to hang on his arm trying to hug
    him,” and that “at one point during one of these interactions
    [C.S.] had attempted to kiss his cheek and that she was
    concerned about [C.S.].” McAuliffe also shared with Ptak that
    a teacher, Brooke Gritt, had similar concerns about C.S. and
    Collins’s relationship. For Principal Ptak’s part, on a few
    occasions she observed Collins “walk up behind [C.S.], take
    both of his hands and just rub the top of her shoulders.” Ptak
    decided that she needed to take action.
    On April 13, 2013, toward the end of C.S.’s seventh-grade
    year, Principal Ptak spoke to Collins. She told Collins to
    “limit” the “hugs and physical contact” with C.S., avoid
    interacting with her in private settings, and set “strong
    boundaries” in his relationship with her.
    After that conversation, Ptak recalled noticing a “signifi-
    cant decrease” in contact between Collins and C.S. Indeed, for
    the rest of C.S.’s seventh-grade year and the entirety of her
    eighth-grade year, Ptak neither observed nor received reports
    of further concerns about C.S.’s relationship with Collins.
    No. 17-1521                                                   15
    C.S. says this silence masked an awful reality—that far
    from ending his relationship with her, Collins allegedly sex-
    ually abused her for an entire school year behind closed
    doors. C.S. now seeks to hold the school district liable for Col-
    lins’s conduct during eighth grade based on Principal Ptak’s
    knowledge of their relationship in seventh grade—a relation-
    ship which C.S. says reflected a pattern of grooming behavior
    on Collins’s part.
    The district court entered summary judgment for the
    school district, determining that no reasonable jury could find
    that the seventh-grade conduct of which Principal Ptak had
    actual knowledge amounted to sexual harassment or
    discrimination within the meaning of Title IX. In reaching this
    conclusion, the district court was rightly careful not to ascribe
    any significance to the fact that much of the contact in this case
    was initiated by C.S. herself. “Schools are charged with acting
    in loco parentis,” and the onus is on school employees to reject
    the advances of minor students, who are both legally and
    mentally incapable of consenting to sexual contact. Mary M.
    v. N. Lawrence Cmty. Sch. Corp., 
    131 F.3d 1220
    , 1226–27 (7th
    Cir. 1997). There is no shade of gray on this point: in Title IX
    cases, claims by an alleged harasser that his minor victim
    initiated or invited the challenged conduct are of no legal
    consequence whatsoever. See 
    id. at 1227
    . The controlling
    question is only whether the conduct Principal Ptak knew
    about—regardless of who initiated it—amounted to
    discrimination on the basis of sex giving rise to an obligation
    to take further action.
    No doubt the facts as Principal Ptak knew them were
    cause for some concern. But we need not decide whether,
    16                                                   No. 17-1521
    added together, Collins’s conduct during C.S.’s seventh-
    grade year—as witnessed by Principal Ptak and reported to
    her—amounted to actionable ongoing misconduct, meaning
    sex discrimination that denied C.S. “equal access to [the
    school’s] resources and opportunities.” Davis, 
    526 U.S. at 651
    This is so because, regardless of whether the circumstances
    reflected ongoing discrimination, Principal Ptak—to her
    credit—clearly saw the situation as requiring immediate
    action. That common-sense foresight led her to confront
    Collins in April 2013, telling him to limit his physical contact
    with C.S., avoid interacting with her in private settings, and
    set “strong boundaries” in their relationship.
    The record is clear that this response was not so unreason-
    able as to amount to “deliberate indifference to discrimina-
    tion” under Gebser prong two. 
    524 U.S. at 290
    . Once a school
    district has actual knowledge of discrimination, Title IX re-
    quires it “to take action to end the harassment or to limit fur-
    ther harassment.” 
    Id. at 289
    . Principal Ptak’s discussion with
    Collins satisfied any such obligation, and the record shows
    she reasonably believed she had succeeded in minimizing his
    physical contact with C.S., since she received no further re-
    ports raising new concerns.
    Principal Ptak’s response, moreover, was properly cali-
    brated to the risks inherent in Collins’s conduct. If C.S.’s rela-
    tionship with Collins in seventh grade was problematic, it was
    because of how infatuated she seems to have become with
    him. The fear in such a situation is that Collins would eventu-
    ally take advantage of that infatuation to escalate his relation-
    ship with C.S. But there is little in the record to indicate that
    Collins was likely to do so. All told, even assuming that Ptak
    had actual notice of misconduct in seventh grade, we cannot
    No. 17-1521                                                  17
    say that the risk of escalation was so apparent that her re-
    sponse to that knowledge—telling Collins to impose strong
    boundaries in his interactions with C.S.—was insufficient.
    Even if Collins eventually disregarded Ptak’s commands, and
    we can assume for purposes of summary judgment that he
    did, it does not mean that Ptak or the School District made
    anything close to “an official decision … not to remedy the
    Id. at 290
    That conclusion holds even though Principal Ptak re-
    ceived some additional reports about Collins’s relationship
    with C.S. in the weeks after their discussion—that C.S. had set
    the password on her phone to Collins’s name and had some-
    times asked permission to leave classes to see Collins. Simply
    put, these additional facts were consistent with the reports
    Ptak had already received pointing toward C.S.’s infatuation
    with Collins. Neither report added anything new that would
    indicate that Collins was not going to heed Ptak’s earlier
    warning, and so neither report created any obligation for Ptak
    to take further action. Nor did Ptak ever learn that Collins was
    disregarding her directive to set and maintain strong bound-
    aries with C.S.
    It is worth restating these observations in more legal
    terms. There is no doubt that Collins’s conduct during C.S.’s
    seventh-grade year gave rise to some probability that things
    could get a lot worse. According to C.S., that risk materialized
    during her eighth-grade year in the form of sexual abuse. But
    the required response under Gebser prong two already ac-
    counted for that risk of escalation. Upon receiving actual no-
    tice of discrimination, a school district will avoid a finding of
    deliberate indifference so long as it takes actions reasonably
    calculated, based on everything it knew at the time, “to bring
    18                                                     No. 17-1521
    [it] into compliance” with Title IX’s prohibition on sex dis-
    Principal Ptak did so here. On the facts before us, no rea-
    sonable jury could conclude that the Madison Metropolitan
    School District was “aware that it was administering [its] pro-
    gram in violation of the condition” inherent in Title IX—its
    promise to the federal government not to “use [federal] funds
    in a discriminatory manner.” 
    Id. at 287, 292
     (cleaned up). Un-
    der Gebser, that conclusion precludes a finding of institutional
    *      *       *
    The law in this area is hard and messy, no doubt reflective
    of the immense challenges school administrators face when
    confronted with the alleged sexual abuse of a student. The Su-
    preme Court in Gebser and Davis sketched a framework for
    Title IX institutional liability in these cases. It is up to district
    and circuit courts to apply that framework along clear and
    workable lines, ever mindful of the delicate educational set-
    tings in which facts unfold. We hope this opinion contributes
    to that effort.
    With these observations, we AFFIRM.
    No. 17-1521                                                  19
    EASTERBROOK, Circuit Judge, with whom KANNE,
    HAMILTON, and BRENNAN, Circuit Judges, join, concurring. I
    agree with my colleagues that Principal Ptak neither knew of
    any misconduct by Collins nor was deliberately indifferent to
    the implications of what she did know. Any potential for lia-
    bility under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972
    therefore is foreclosed by the approach to that statute an-
    nounced in Gebser v. Lago Vista Independent School District, 
    524 U.S. 274
     (1998). But I do not join the majority opinion, because
    I would stop with that observation.
    My colleagues go further, supplying an exegesis that they
    say is appropriate “to provide more concrete guidance to
    those tasked with complying with Title IX in the challenging
    setting of today’s schools.” Opinion at 2. School districts
    doubtless benefit from guidance, but supplying it is the job of
    officials in the Department of Education with the power to is-
    sue regulations. Our job is to decide the case at hand.
    If all of the advice provided in today’s opinion were non-
    controversial, there would be little reason for concern. So, for
    example, it is wise to disapprove those of our prior opinions
    that merge or blur Gebser’s independent inquiries: knowledge
    of the teacher’s misconduct and deliberate indifference to it.
    The Supreme Court has said that these are distinct; the De-
    partment of Education agrees, 
    34 C.F.R. §106.44
    (a); declara-
    tions by some panels that they are just different aspects of a
    single inquiry cannot stand. But the majority proceeds into
    more doubtful territory.
    Take, for example, the conclusion (opinion at 10–11) that
    three risqué text messages do not suffice for liability, while
    four or five may do so. Maybe a regulation could say this, but
    a judicial opinion? (Our case does not involve any text
    20                                                    No. 17-1521
    messages, and the litigants have been silent about their
    proper treatment.)
    My principal concern is the assertion at page 2, repeated
    (with variations) later in the opinion, that liability is possible
    only if the responsible official knows “that misconduct rising
    to the level of sex discrimination has occurred. Only then does
    Title IX impose an obligation to act.” That is not what Gebser
    says. The Justices wrote that liability is possible when the re-
    sponsible official “has actual notice of, and is deliberately in-
    different to, [a] teacher’s misconduct.” 
    524 U.S. at 277
    . My col-
    leagues take the unmodified word “misconduct” and turn it
    into “misconduct rising to the level of sex discrimination”. I
    think that we should leave Gebser without the amendment.
    Title IX entitles boys and girls to equal educational oppor-
    tunities. That rule can be violated without sexual misconduct.
    True, a school’s failure to act against sexual misconduct by the
    faculty is one way in which the statute can be violated, but it
    isn’t the only way. Think of all the attention paid to college
    sports under Title IX. Misconduct that causes psychological
    injury can violate the statute even though the wrongdoer
    never touches the victim. We should not give Title IX an un-
    duly narrow focus on sexual transgressions. We know from
    Davis v. Monroe County Board of Education, 
    526 U.S. 629
    , 642–
    43 (1999), that knowledge of a completed sexual offense is a
    sufficient ground of liability, but Davis did not hold that it is a
    necessary one.
    When liability rests on sexual misconduct (for example,
    what happened to C.S. in eighth grade), then sexual
    misconduct surely must be established by evidence. But there
    can be knowledge of misconduct without that misconduct
    having become sexual or discriminatory. Suppose Ptak had
    No. 17-1521                                                      21
    learned that Collins and C.S. had gone on a date at a local
    movie theater. That would be egregious misconduct by
    Collins and convey knowledge of a substantial risk that
    Collins could take advantage of C.S. in a sexual way, even if
    nothing sexual happened on the date. Or add to the date a
    statement by C.S. to her mother (relayed to Ptak) that she was
    in love with Collins. What if the school’s counselors had told
    Ptak that they perceived “grooming” in the actual events of
    seventh grade? It is easy to imagine variations that could add
    up to knowledge of misconduct even though Collins had yet
    to fondle C.S.—especially when knowledge is established by
    the ostrich inference, which the Supreme Court has
    repeatedly approved. See, e.g., Bullock v. BankChampaign,
    569 U.S. 267
    , 273–74 (2013); Global-Tech Appliances, Inc. v.
    SEB S.A., 
    563 U.S. 754
    , 766 (2011); Leary v. United States, 
    395 U.S. 6
    , 46 n.93 (1969).
    The majority’s declaration that “misconduct rising to the
    level of sex discrimination” must precede, and be the subject
    of, notice to the responsible official, has the support of at least
    one other circuit. See Baynard v. Malone, 
    268 F.3d 228
    , 237–38
    (4th Cir. 2001), though a later case tempered Baynard’s lan-
    guage. Doe v. Fairfax County School Board, 
    1 F.4th 257
    , 266 (4th
    Cir. 2021). In the Eleventh Circuit, by contrast, “lesser harass-
    ment may still provide actual notice of sexually violent con-
    duct, for it is the risk of such conduct that the Title IX recipient
    has the duty to deter.” Doe v. Broward County School Board, 
    604 F.3d 1248
    , 1258–59 (11th Cir. 2010). Other circuits seem to
    make assumptions without directly confronting the issue.
    This divergence of opinion suggests the wisdom of waiting
    until a case presents the subject and the parties have briefed