Love, Vashti v. Bd Educ City Chicago , 241 F.3d 564 ( 2001 )

  • In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 00-2394
    MILTON ALBRITTON, individually and as
    Principal of the Wadsworth Elementary School,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
    No. 97 C 8786--W. Thomas Rosemond, Jr., Magistrate Judge.
    Argued December 5, 2000--Decided February 20, 2001
    Before POSNER, EASTERBROOK, and EVANS, Circuit
    EVANS, Circuit Judge. The three plaintiffs in
    this case publicly spoke out against their boss,
    Milton Albritton, the principal of Wadsworth
    Elementary School, and each was disciplined in
    some manner after doing so. The three responded
    with this sec. 1983 action alleging that the
    discipline they endured constituted impermissible
    retaliation for the exercise of their First
    Amendment rights. A jury didn’t see it that way
    as it returned a verdict in favor of Albritton
    and his codefendant, the City of Chicago Board of
    Albritton has been the principal of Wadsworth,
    located in the Woodlawn neighborhood of Chicago’s
    south side, since 1988. In that capacity he has
    final authority to reprimand the Wadsworth staff
    and to raise or lower their performance
    evaluations. Albritton also determines each
    teacher’s assignment within the school, subject
    to his or her qualifications and the union
    contract, which states that a teacher’s
    preference should be honored when possible. The
    Board of Education, of course, supervises
    Albritton’s management of Wadsworth. In addition,
    the Wadsworth Local School Council--an elected
    body made up of parents, teachers, community
    representatives, and Albritton--has oversight
    authority over the school’s programs,
    improvements, and finances. The Local School
    Council has renewed Albritton’s contract on three
    occasions, in 1991, 1995, and 1999.
    During the 1994-95 school year, Wadsworth
    implemented a special education program referred
    to as "inclusion." The inclusion program was
    designed to integrate special education students
    into regular classes to the greatest extent
    possible. Inclusion, therefore, requires that
    students with special needs be placed in the
    "least restrictive environment." In order to
    achieve this result, social workers and school
    officials conducted a case study of each special
    education student. The product of each case study
    was a document called an Individualized Education
    Plan, or IEP, which set out the student’s goals,
    along with any necessary accommodations and
    services to be provided. IEPs also contain highly
    personal information, such as a social history of
    the student and his or her family, psychological
    assessments, academic records, and a catalog of
    parent and teacher concerns. We turn now to the
    specific complaints of the three plaintiffs,
    starting with Vashti Love.
    Love, a teacher at Wadsworth since 1991, had
    some experience in "inclusion," and she claimed
    she quickly grew dissatisfied with the progress
    of the program. Specifically, she became
    concerned that a number of regular education
    teachers were insufficiently attentive to special
    education students, and as a result those
    students did not always receive the services and
    accommodations outlined in their IEPs. After
    several complaints to Albritton in 1995 and early
    1996 did not resolve Love’s perceived problems,
    she delivered letters to Paul Vallas, the Board’s
    CEO, and Garland Cleggett, the chief education
    officer in Region 5 of the Chicago Public
    Schools, accusing Albritton and five staff
    members of conspiring to sabotage the inclusion
    program. In addition, Love charged 9 other staff
    members with aiding and abetting the sabotage and
    22 additional staff members with working against
    the program.
    In response to Love’s complaints, Beverly
    Kelley, the special education administrator for
    Region 5, met with Love on December 4, 1996.
    Kelley agreed to make unannounced visits to
    Wadsworth, which she did. Kelley also referred
    Love to Andrea Kidd, the assistant director of
    Citywide Special Education Programs, to
    investigate Love’s charges that inclusion funds
    were being mishandled at Wadsworth. After meeting
    with Love and examining Wadsworth’s financial
    records, Kidd found no evidence to support Love’s
    On February 5, 1997, Love met with Albritton
    and several Region 5 staff members, including
    Cleggett, Kelley, and Kidd, to further voice her
    concerns about adherence to IEPs. Love brought
    several student IEPs to the meeting without
    obtaining Albritton’s or the parents’ permission
    to do so. Although all participants in the
    meeting were authorized to see the IEPs, Kelley
    informed Love that she had violated the Illinois
    School Student Records Act, 105 ILCS 10/1 et
    seq., by removing the IEPs from secure files at
    the school. After the meeting, Cleggett,
    Albritton’s immediate supervisor, directed
    Albritton to discipline Love for bringing IEPs to
    the meeting. The next day, Albritton wrote Love
    a letter stating that she had violated board
    policy by bringing IEPs of eight students to the
    meeting. Albritton also met with Love concerning
    this incident.
    Undeterred, Love filed a complaint with the
    Department of Monitoring and Implementation
    concerning what she perceived to be violations of
    inclusion policies and IEPs. The Board sent an
    attorney, Jay Kraning, to investigate Love’s
    complaints. In a March 18, 1997, interview, Love
    told Kraning that Albritton and 35 Wadsworth
    staff members were sabotaging the inclusion
    program. Love also made several accusations--some
    of them inconsistent with later statements--
    regarding the quality and amount of inclusion
    training offered to the Wadsworth staff. After
    interviewing a host of Wadsworth teachers and
    administrators, Kraning came to a stark
    conclusion: "Having read all of Mrs. Love’s memos
    containing all of her accusations on imagined
    injustices against her, as well as meeting with
    her face to face and hearing her retell all of
    her complaints and theories dating back to 1994,
    I question her ability to perceive reality." Love
    responded to Kraning’s investigation by lodging
    a complaint against him with Lynn St. James, the
    Board’s chief education officer. Love also
    reiterated her complaints about inclusion and
    related issues at an open board meeting on June
    25, 1997.
    Love alleges that Albritton retaliated against
    her for raising complaints about the
    implementation of inclusion at Wadsworth. For
    example, on February 19, 1997, 2 weeks after
    Love’s meeting with the Region 5 staff, Albritton
    observed the teachers on the third floor of
    Wadsworth, including Love, as part of the annual
    evaluation process. Albritton rated Love as
    having strengths in 13 of the 14 areas he
    assessed. He marked one area as a weakness,
    however: "Complies with the policies, rules &
    regulations of the school system & of the
    building." Albritton observed Love’s classroom
    again on May 28, 1997, this time finding
    strengths in 34 of the 35 areas he examined. He
    marked as a weakness only her attitude toward
    cooperation with school personnel. Albritton
    subsequently lowered Love’s overall performance
    evaluation from "superior" to "excellent" in June
    1997./1 Four other teachers had their ratings
    lowered from "superior" to "excellent" for the
    1996-97 school year, but Love was the only one of
    the five to have complained about the
    implementation of inclusion.
    Albritton’s alleged retaliation against Love
    continued the following school year. Although
    Love had been teaching the upper division at
    Wadsworth for 6 years, Albritton shifted her to
    a primary-through-intermediate position for the
    1997-98 and 1998-99 school years against her
    wishes. Albritton testified that he shifted Love
    to fill a vacancy and that he considered her an
    excellent teacher and the most suitable candidate
    for the position. Eleven other Wadsworth teachers
    were rotated from their preferred assignments for
    the 1997-98 school year. Significantly, the Board
    never sought to suspend or discharge Love, and
    she continues to teach at Wadsworth to this day.
    Claudine Moore, our second plaintiff, came to
    Wadsworth as a math facilitator in 1989, became
    a fourth-grade teacher in 1992-93, and was
    transferred to teach preschool in 1993-94. Moore
    also lodged several complaints about Albritton.
    For example, in 1992 she advised the Wadsworth
    Local School Council that Albritton failed to
    establish a Professional Problems Advisory
    Council, as required by the School Reform Act.
    Albritton subsequently set up such a council, but
    when he failed to renew it in 1993 and 1994,
    Moore renewed her complaints. In addition,
    between 1995 and 1998 Moore raised several issues
    with the Local School Council concerning
    Albritton’s management of the school, including
    the progress of the implementation of inclusion.
    Albritton reportedly became furious with Moore
    over these incidents and on more than one
    occasion raised his voice at her during the
    meetings. In February 1995 and February 1997
    Moore spoke out against Albritton at open board
    meetings, complaining about the manner in which
    Albritton conducted the Local School Council
    meetings and alleging that Albritton retaliated
    against her for her previous complaints. She also
    sent letters to Cleggett and Vallas complaining
    of retaliation.
    Moore points to several incidents which she
    says constitute retaliation for her complaints
    against Albritton. In March 1993 Albritton
    notified Moore that her performance evaluation
    might be lowered because she left students
    unsupervised in her classroom, she was
    insubordinate, she failed to perform duties
    relating to a child’s welfare, she was
    chronically tardy, and she failed effectively to
    use instructional time. Albritton subsequently
    lowered her evaluation from "superior" to
    "excellent" for the 1992-93 school year.
    Moore’s evaluations continued to decline the
    following year. On May 6, 1994, Albritton noted
    4 strengths and 26 weaknesses in a visit to
    Moore’s classroom. According to Albritton, he
    continued to have problems with Moore and, in
    late 1994, was forced to request that the Board
    terminate her. The Board issued a warning
    resolution instead, on March 22, 1995, citing,
    among other things, 70 incidents of tardiness
    during the 1993-94 school year, insubordination
    to the principal, and conduct unbecoming a
    teacher, such as telling parents she would teach
    their children nothing but the basics and
    insulting a student by questioning how he made
    the Honor Roll. Several months later, Albritton,
    without explanation she says, had police escort
    her from the school while she was teaching a
    summer school session.
    Albritton’s dissatisfaction with Moore continued
    in 1996. On May 2 he issued a notice of pre-
    disciplinary hearing charging Moore with numerous
    offenses, and shortly thereafter recommended that
    she be terminated. A reviewing officer appointed
    by the Board found substantiation for the charge
    of insubordination, and Moore was suspended for
    5 days without pay. A short time after her
    return, on November 19, 1996, Moore became
    involved in an altercation with the school nurse
    and, less than one month later, was cited by
    Velma Cooksey, the head teacher, for
    disrespectful treatment of Cooksey in front of
    parents and students.
    Albritton issued Moore an unsatisfactory
    performance evaluation for the 1996-97 school
    year and for each school year thereafter. Moore
    filed a grievance after each such evaluation, and
    each time her evaluation was changed to "no
    rating" because Albritton failed to give Moore
    the required notice of his intent to lower her
    rating. Albritton did not permit Moore to teach
    summer school in 1997 and suspended her again in
    February 1998. During the 1997-98 school year, 9
    of the 15 students who started in Moore’s class
    were transferred to other classes because of
    complaints from their parents about Moore.
    The final plaintiff, Willie Edwards, began
    working as an instructional aide at Wadsworth in
    August 1996 and, like Love and Moore, his
    relationship with Albritton turned sour. In
    November 1996 Edwards attended an inclusion
    meeting for all staff at which Love got into a
    heated argument with a school official. Edwards
    claimed to have observed Albritton smiling as the
    official yelled at Love and, taking exception to
    this fact, sent a memo to Albritton expressing
    his displeasure with the incident. Edwards
    followed this up with three early 1997
    complaints: (1) a complaint to two board members
    regarding his treatment by Albritton and several
    regular education teachers, as well as the
    treatment of special education students by
    regular education teachers, (2) a complaint to
    Albritton concerning a lack of respect for the
    inclusion program, and (3) a complaint to Vallas
    concerning his treatment by Albritton. Edwards
    also attended the June 1997 open board meeting in
    support of Love.
    Like the other plaintiffs, Edwards was
    disciplined by Albritton during the general time
    periods in which he made complaints. In the fall
    of 1996 and spring of 1997 Albritton placed three
    written reprimands in Edwards’ mailbox accusing
    him of tardiness. The problem continued the
    following school year and, after a number of
    additional reprimands failed to have any effect,
    Albritton sent Edwards a notice of pre-
    disciplinary hearing dated June 9, 1998, charging
    that he had been tardy 35 times during the 1997-
    98 school year, for an accumulated total of 7
    hours and 38 minutes. Although Edwards disputed
    the accuracy of many of Albritton’s charges and
    cited his wife’s illness as a mitigating factor
    for any occasion on which he admitted being late,
    he was given a one-day suspension. Other tardy
    employees were also suspended.
    In addition to the alleged punctuality problem,
    Albritton noted several other deficiencies in
    Edwards’ performance. In April 1997 the Board
    received an anonymous complaint accusing Edwards
    of transporting students without proper
    authorization and giving candy and money to
    students. After looking into the matter, the
    Board’s director of investigations determined
    that the transportation charge was meritorious.
    Edwards testified that he gave rides to students
    only at Albritton’s request and that he was told
    all of the charges had been deemed unfounded.
    Also in April 1997 Albritton reprimanded Edwards
    for letting students into the building early and
    in May 1998 reprimanded him for reading a
    newspaper at an inappropriate time. Edwards
    denied that he had let students into the building
    early and contended that he read the newspaper as
    part of a classroom exercise. As to many of these
    incidents, Edwards testified that other members
    of the Wadsworth staff committed similar
    infractions but were not disciplined.
    Although the plaintiffs’ brief lists five issues
    on this appeal, they really are making only two
    claims: that the evidence in support of the
    verdict against them was insufficient and that
    the trial judge committed reversible error when
    he permitted the jury to disband for the weekend
    without consultation with the parties and without
    giving admonitions to the jurors to refrain from
    talking about the case while deliberations were
    suspended. The first issue, given our standard of
    review--we view the evidence in the light most
    favorable to the winning party--is a dead-bang
    loser. See Palmquist v. Selvik, 
    111 F.3d 1332
    1335 (7th Cir. 1997). The second issue gives us
    some concern, but far from enough to order a
    repeat performance of the trial.
    Because a verdict must stand unless no rational
    jury could have found as it did, and because, as
    we just said, we view the evidence in the light
    most favorable to the verdict, see Emmel v. Coca-
    Cola Bottling Co. of Chicago, 
    95 F.3d 627
    , 630
    (7th Cir. 1996), the three plaintiffs here have
    "a hard row to hoe." Sheehan v. Donlen Corp., 
    173 F.3d 1039
    , 1043 (7th Cir. 1999). And they would
    lose this appeal even if the standard was less
    difficult for a loser to surmount.
    A plaintiff bringing a sec. 1983 claim based on
    First Amendment grounds must establish (1) that
    his conduct was constitutionally protected and
    (2) that his protected conduct was a substantial
    or motivating factor in the challenged action by
    the defendant. Johnson v. University of
    Wisconsin-Eau Claire, 
    70 F.3d 469
    , 482 (7th Cir.
    1995). Proof that the defendant was "brimming
    over with unconstitutional wrath" against the
    plaintiff is insufficient; rather, the plaintiff
    must demonstrate that the challenged action would
    not have occurred "but for" his constitutionally
    protected conduct. Button v. Harden, 
    814 F.2d 382
    , 383 (7th Cir. 1987). Moreover, even if the
    plaintiff clears this hurdle, a defendant can
    still prevail if he proves, by a preponderance of
    the evidence, that he would have taken the same
    action even in the absence of a plaintiff’s
    protected conduct. 
    Johnson, 70 F.3d at 482
    A wealth of evidence supports the jury’s
    conclusion that any actions taken against the
    three plaintiffs had nothing at all to do with
    their protected conduct, or at least that such
    actions would have occurred even in the absence
    of protected conduct./2 With regard to Love, the
    jury was certainly entitled to credit Albritton’s
    testimony that Love’s performance evaluation for
    1997 was lowered from "superior" to "excellent"
    because she removed student IEP’s from the school
    in violation of state law. The jury’s conclusion
    that this was not a retaliatory action is further
    supported by the fact that Albritton returned
    Love’s evaluation to "superior" the following
    school year, even though Love continued to speak
    out against him. Moreover, Albritton lowered the
    evaluations of four other Wadsworth teachers from
    "superior" to "excellent" for the 1996-97 school
    year, and none of the four had lodged complaints
    against him.
    Love also claims that Albritton’s 1997 interim
    evaluations of her--in which he rated her strong
    in 13 of 14, and 34 of 35, areas--constitute
    retaliation. Hogwash. First, it’s hard to see how
    an evaluation that is so lopsided on the side of
    adequate can be considered a black mark on Love’s
    record. Also, the proximity of these evaluations
    to Love’s improper removal of the IEPs, and the
    areas in which Albritton rated her as weak
    ("[c]omplies with the policies, rules &
    regulations . . ." and cooperation with school
    personnel), are strong evidence that Albritton
    merely was responding to Love’s misconduct.
    Finally, the jury’s acceptance of Albritton’s
    explanation for his decision to alter Love’s
    assignment for the 1997-98 and 1998-99 school
    years--that he filled a key vacancy with a strong
    teacher--was fully justified, especially given
    that 11 other teachers (out of 42) were rotated
    away from their preferred assignments at the same
    time. In short, the defendants produced more than
    sufficient evidence that any actions taken
    against Love--even if they were "adverse" job
    actions, a stretch here--were wholly unrelated to
    her complaints about inclusion.
    The same for Moore. Although she received poor
    performance evaluations and was disciplined on a
    number of occasions by Albritton, the evidence
    shows that the defendants acted with restraint.
    For example, Albritton became fed up with Moore’s
    tardiness and insubordination as early as the
    1992-93 school year, and recommended her
    termination in 1994, but the Board responded only
    with a warning resolution. The resolution
    documented 70 incidents of tardiness during the
    1993-94 school year, insubordination to
    Albritton, and conduct unbecoming a teacher.
    Insubordination was also cited as the reason for
    Moore’s 1996 suspension. "We have consistently
    held that an employee’s insubordination toward
    supervisors and coworkers, even when engaged in
    protected activity, is justification for [adverse
    employment action]." Kahn v. United States Sec’y
    of Labor, 
    64 F.3d 271
    , 279 (7th Cir. 1995). The
    jury apparently believed, based essentially upon
    its assessment of Albritton’s credibility, that
    Moore was disciplined for insubordinate conduct,
    and we find nothing in the cold record to impeach
    that determination. Certainly the more than 50
    percent rate of parents pulling their children
    out of Moore’s classes during the 1994-95 and
    1996-97 school years speaks ill of her teaching
    ability and public relations skills. Accordingly,
    the jury didn’t err in concluding that Moore was
    disciplined for her performance, not for any
    protected speech in which she engaged.
    Finally, the jury could reasonably have found
    that defendants did not retaliate against
    Edwards. Although he was disciplined in 1996 and
    1997, the years he lodged complaints against
    Albritton, nothing in the record contradicts
    Albritton’s assertion that the sanctions were
    imposed to address Edwards’ serial tardiness and
    various other offenses. Albritton’s version of
    events is supported by the fact that many of his
    reprimands of Edwards took a written form,
    including the June 9, 1998, notice of a pre-
    disciplinary hearing which set out the precise
    amount of time Edwards had been tardy during the
    1997-98 school year (7 hours and 38 minutes). At
    the very least, this contemporaneous
    documentation of the charges against Edwards
    proves that tardiness was not a pretextual
    justification dreamed up after the filing of this
    lawsuit. Although these written records do not
    exclude every possibility of a well-planned plot
    to retaliate, the jury was entitled to believe
    Albritton’s straightforward assertion that
    Edwards was disciplined purely for reasons of
    substandard performance.
    For the second issue--whether the judge erred
    by releasing the jury over the weekend without
    informing the parties and without repeating an
    earlier cautionary instruction not to discuss the
    case--we need a little background.
    The trial began on April 25, 2000. Prior to a
    short break that afternoon, the judge cautioned
    the jurors not to discuss the case with the
    attorneys. When the jurors returned from the
    break, the judge clarified (or at least made an
    attempt to clarify) his earlier instruction:
    "[E]veryone feels more comfortable if you didn’t
    say anything to anybody . . . . [Y]ou may just
    nod, probably better that you not talk to
    anybody, including, of course, you can’t talk
    amongst yourselves about the case, so I stand
    corrected, all right?" Neither this statement,
    nor anything like it, was repeated when the jury
    was excused for the evening on April 25. No
    admonitions to the jury of a similar sort were
    requested or given on either April 26 or 27.
    Prior to the beginning of the jury’s
    deliberations on Friday, April 28, the judge gave
    a number of instructions, including: "If you
    recess during deliberations, follow all the
    instructions that I have given you considering
    your conduct during the trial; that is, if it
    goes over to Monday." At 4:40 p.m. that day, the
    jurors sent a note to the judge asking if they
    could resume deliberations on Monday morning.
    After receiving the note, the judge dismissed the
    jurors without advising the parties of the note
    and without giving cautionary instructions to the
    jurors before they departed. Apparently the
    attorneys were told after the fact on Friday that
    the jurors were sent home with instructions to
    return on Monday.
    On Monday morning, apparently feeling some heat
    from the attorneys, the judge explained Friday
    afternoon’s events. Albritton’s attorney
    complained about not knowing of the note, and the
    judge was asked to poll the jurors to see whether
    they spoke among themselves or with anyone else
    about the case over the weekend. The Board’s
    attorney asked that they be polled as to whether
    they read any materials that painted the Board in
    a "negative light." (Whether or not there was any
    "negative" material is a mystery as nothing
    specific in that regard was called to the judge’s
    attention.) The judge asked if the plaintiffs had
    a position on the matter, and their attorney
    responded that he considered it improper to poll
    the jurors on what they may have read because
    they had not been instructed earlier to avoid
    reading newspapers. Plaintiffs’ counsel then
    stated: "With respect to polling the jurors to
    see if they have spoken among themselves or with
    someone else, I have no idea what the case law is
    on that issue but it would not seem to be the
    diplomatic thing to do at this point in time."
    The judge decided not to poll the jury, which
    later returned its verdict in favor of the
    Nobody exactly covered themselves with glory by
    the way this matter was handled in the district
    court or on this appeal, as fault can be found
    with the judge and the attorneys for both sides.
    But however it all shakes out, nothing occurred
    that remotely suggests that the drastic step of
    ordering a retrial of this case should be
    First, a note about notes. Deliberating juries
    often send notes to trial judges. Ordinarily, the
    content of those notes should be shared with the
    parties, but a little common sense must be
    exercised. A note, for instance, saying that
    jurors prefer to have hamburgers from McDonald’s
    brought in to the jury room over the lunch hour
    rather than have their deliberations suspended
    while they are taken to a restaurant hardly needs
    to be shared with anybody. But notes that concern
    important issues must always be shared, and
    doubts about disclosures should always be
    resolved by disclosing.
    In United States v. Widgery, 
    778 F.2d 325
    Cir. 1985), we found it regrettable that a trial
    judge had not shared with the parties a note
    received by the judge from the jury accusing one
    of the jurors of intoxication, along with another
    asking what would happen if a verdict could not
    be reached. Notes of this sort must always be
    shared with the parties. The note in question
    here falls closer to the McDonald’s luncheon
    suggestion than to the notes received by the
    judge in Widgery. But the note itself should
    never have been necessary. Matters like the
    length of deliberations on a Friday, and when a
    deliberating jury will be excused for the
    weekend, are things that should be resolved ahead
    of time. Certainly, if the judge had told the
    attorneys when the case was submitted that he
    wanted to send the jurors home for the weekend
    after four in the afternoon if they had not yet
    reached a verdict, no one would have, or could
    have, validly objected. It would have all been
    ironed out and spread on the record, and the
    issue would not be before us. So in that regard
    we fault the judge for not addressing this matter
    earlier and for compounding the problem by
    sending the jury home for the weekend without
    telling the lawyers, before the fact, that he had
    done so. The judge also should have repeated, at
    that time, a cautionary instruction to not
    discuss the case outside the jury room over the
    But the issue for us on appeal has no merit
    because the objection to how things were handled
    by the trial judge was made by the winners, not
    the plaintiffs. On Monday morning, before
    deliberations resumed, the record was opened to
    state objections, and the plaintiffs sat silent,
    let alone ask for a mistrial. Under the
    circumstances, especially when there is
    absolutely no evidence of prejudice to the
    plaintiffs’ case, their present complaint must
    fall on deaf ears.
    For these reasons, the judgment of the district
    court is
    /1 Love’s performance evaluation was later changed
    to "no rating" because Albritton failed to give
    her advance notice of his intent to lower her
    evaluation, as required by the union contract.
    Albritton returned Love’s evaluation to
    "superior" in June 1998.
    /2 The implementation of inclusion at Wadsworth and
    Albritton’s handling of Local School Council
    meetings were matters of public concern, and
    therefore Love’s and Moore’s complaints on those
    subjects were protected by the First Amendment.
    See Dishnow v. School Dist. of Rib Lake, 
    77 F.3d 194
    , 197 (7th Cir. 1996) (school guidance
    counselor’s complaints concerning board’s
    violation of open-meetings law deemed protected
    speech). Although Edwards’ complaints were
    focused primarily on personnel matters, and
    therefore would not normally merit First
    Amendment protection, Khuans v. School Dist. 110,
    123 F.3d 1010
    , 1017 (7th Cir. 1997), we assume
    for the purposes of this appeal that all
    plaintiffs engaged in protected speech.