Richard Spinnenweber v. Robert Laducer ( 2020 )

  •                                In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 20-1534
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the
    Northern District of Indiana, Hammond Division.
    No. 14-cv-101 — John E. Martin, Magistrate Judge.
    Before FLAUM, KANNE, and HAMILTON, Circuit Judges.
    KANNE, Circuit Judge. In this run-of-the-mill car accident
    case, Defendants conceded liability, and the parties went to
    trial over causation and damages. Plaintiff sought compensa-
    tory damages for his physical injuries and presented evidence
    that he suffered whiplash and a possible minor concussion
    from the crash. He did not seek to recover medical expenses,
    2                                                   No. 20-1534
    lost wages, or punitive damages. And he did not seek dam-
    ages for mental or emotional injuries.
    Nevertheless, the jury awarded Plaintiff a million-dollar
    verdict. The district court was understandably shocked by
    this award and, upon motion from Defendants, ordered Plain-
    tiff to either accept a reduced verdict of $250,000 or opt for a
    new trial. Plaintiff chose a new trial and, through an odd turn
    of events, ended up with a $0 verdict.
    Plaintiff now appeals, arguing that the district court erred
    in granting the Defendants’ motion for remittitur or a new
    trial. For the following reasons, we affirm.
    In 2012, Defendant truck driver Robert Laducer rear-
    ended Plaintiff Richard Spinnenweber’s minivan on I-94 in In-
    diana. Spinnenweber refused medical treatment at the scene.
    Five days later, Spinnenweber went to an urgent care center
    to treat neck pain and, possibly, tinnitus (ringing in the ears).
    Then three months after that, he told his doctor that he was
    suffering from tinnitus and bouts of short-term memory loss.
    In total, Spinnenweber visited seventeen medical providers to
    treat these conditions.
    Spinnenweber sued Laducer and Laducer’s employer, De-
    fendant Red River Supply, Inc., and sought compensatory
    damages for the physical injuries that the accident allegedly
    caused. He did not seek punitive damages; he did not seek to
    recoup medical costs or lost wages; and he did not make “a
    claim for psychiatric, psychological, mental, or emotional in-
    juries.” Defendants conceded liability. The parties proceeded
    to trial on “[t]he extent of [Spinnenweber]’s damages caused
    by the accident.”
    No. 20-1534                                                   3
    At trial, none of Spinnenweber’s medical providers testi-
    fied, and Spinnenweber did not put any medical records into
    evidence. Instead, Spinnenweber himself testified, and he in-
    troduced recorded deposition testimony from Defendants’
    medical expert, Dr. Peter Carney, and from his own friends
    and family.
    Dr. Carney was the only expert that Spinnenweber relied
    on. He testified that Spinnenweber “clearly had a whiplash
    injury” from the crash. And “[e]ventually, three months after
    the accident, he began to complain of mild tinnitus.” But Dr.
    Carney did not relate the alleged tinnitus to the accident.
    As for Spinnenweber’s alleged head injuries, Dr. Carney
    opined that “[t]he initial [medical] reports do not talk about
    any loss of consciousness, any memory problems. He cer-
    tainly could’ve had a very mild concussion. It is possible.” But
    Dr. Carney was certain that the accident did not cause any se-
    rious head injury. And he did not connect the alleged memory
    loss to the accident. Instead, he testified that the memory loss
    could have come from any number of past injuries. Dr. Car-
    ney also testified that although a QEEG test (which measures
    electrical activity in the brain) showed that Spinnenweber had
    experienced a head injury, the QEEG could not show when
    that injury occurred.
    After the close of evidence, Spinnenweber’s counsel told
    the jury during closing arguments that “[t]he purpose of tort
    law, of negligence law, is to deter bad conduct so it doesn’t
    repeat. A verdict that isn’t proper gives permission to con-
    tinue the conduct. That’s the problem, and that’s [Spinnen-
    weber]’s problem.” The jury then awarded Spinnenweber $1
    million in compensatory damages.
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    Defendants filed a motion for remittitur or a new trial ar-
    guing that the verdict was grossly excessive and unsupported
    by the evidence. The court granted the motion because “[t]he
    testimony presented was insufficient to establish that any-
    thing other than [Spinnenweber’s] temporary whiplash and
    possible mild concussion were caused by the accident.” The
    court offered Spinnenweber the choice of accepting $250,000
    or a new trial.
    Spinnenweber, through counsel, declined to accept the re-
    mittitur award of $250,000. Counsel for Spinnenweber then
    advised the court that he would be withdrawing from the case
    and that Spinnenweber would be proceeding pro se.
    The court set the matter for a jury trial. Later, the parties
    jointly moved to withdraw the jury demand. The court
    granted that motion, and the new trial was scheduled as a
    bench trial.
    At the one-day trial before the court, Spinnenweber pre-
    sented no evidence and requested an award of $0 in damages,
    which he described as a “verdict of silence.” Defendants
    moved for a judgment in their favor and against Spinnen-
    weber, which the court granted.
    The bizarre nature of these events is not lost on us. But
    Spinnenweber walked away with the $0 he asked for. And
    now, represented by counsel, he appeals his final judgment of
    $0 and the district court’s order granting Defendants’ motion
    for remittitur or a new trial.
    We review the district court’s decision for abuse of discre-
    tion. Sommerfield v. Knasiak, 
    967 F.3d 617
    , 622 (7th Cir. 2020).
    And Indiana law controls whether the jury’s award to
    No. 20-1534                                                   5
    Spinnenweber was excessive. Kaiser v. Johnson & Johnson, 
    947 F.3d 996
    , 1019 (7th Cir. 2020).
    This case turns on two questions. First, did the district
    court abuse its discretion by finding that Spinnenweber’s evi-
    dence showed that he potentially suffered just whiplash and
    a mild concussion from the accident? Second, did the district
    court abuse its discretion by finding that the $1 million verdict
    for those injuries was so outrageous that it warranted remit-
    titur or a new trial?
    To both we answer no.
    A. Scope of Injuries
    Under Indiana negligence law, there must be a “reasona-
    ble connection between a defendant’s conduct and the dam-
    ages which a plaintiff has suffered.” Topp v. Leffers, 
    838 N.E.2d 1027
    , 1032 (Ind. Ct. App. 2005) (quoting Daub v. Daub, 
    629 N.E.2d 873
    , 877 (Ind. Ct. App. 1994)). At minimum, a plaintiff
    must prove “causation in fact—that is, that the harm would
    not have occurred ‘but for’ the defendants’ conduct.” Daub,
    629 N.E.2d at 877
    The evidence required to establish causation varies de-
    pending on whether the injury is objective or subjective.
    When an injury is objective—meaning the ailment can be dis-
    covered by a physical exam independent of a patient telling a
    doctor what he feels—“the plaintiff is competent to testify as
    to the injury and such testimony may be sufficient for the jury
    to render a verdict without expert medical testimony.” 
    ing Antcliff v. Datzman, 
    436 N.E.2d 114
    , 121 (Ind. Ct. App.
    1982); Morphew v. Morphew, 
    419 N.E.2d 770
    , 771 (Ind. Ct. App.
    1981)). But when an injury is subjective—meaning the “com-
    plaint or injury is perceived or experienced by a patient … but
    6                                                     No. 20-1534
    is not directly observable by the doctor”—lay “testimony
    alone [i]s not sufficient to prove causation without expert
    medical testimony.” Topp, 
    838 N.E.2d at
    1033 (citing Daub, 
    629 N.E.2d at 877
    Usually, the “causal connection between a permanent con-
    dition, an injury and a pre-existing affliction or condition is a
    complicated medical question,” and “testimony of an expert
    witness on the issue is necessary.” Daub, 
    629 N.E.2d at
    (first citing Noblesville Casting Div. of TRW, Inc. v. Prince, 
    438 N.E.2d 722
    , 732 (Ind. 1982); and then citing Brown v. Terre
    Haute Reg’l Hosp., 
    537 N.E.2d 54
    , 61 (Ind. Ct. App. 1989); Wat-
    son v. Med. Emergency Servs., Corp., 
    532 N.E.2d 1191
    , 1196 n.2
    (Ind. Ct. App. 1989)). For example, in Daub, the plaintiff
    slipped on ice at her in-law’s house and sued her in-laws to
    recover for alleged back injuries. Id. at 875. At trial, the plain-
    tiff alone testified about her injuries. Id. at 877. After the close
    of evidence, the trial court granted judgment to the in-laws
    because the plaintiff did not marshal expert testimony show-
    ing that the slip caused her injuries. Id. at 876. The Indiana
    Court of Appeals upheld that decision because “the issue of
    cause [wa]s not within the understanding of a lay person[
    and] testimony of an expert witness on the issue [wa]s neces-
    sary.” Id. at 878. The court further explained that the plaintiff’s
    testimony was “so lacking in probative value on the question
    of cause in fact that it offer[ed] the jury at best only the mere
    possibility that her back ailment was in fact caused by the
    slip.” Id.
    In this case, Dr. Carney’s testimony that Spinnenweber
    “clearly had a whiplash injury” and “certainly could’ve had a
    very mild concussion” showed that Spinnenweber could have
    suffered those injuries from the accident.
    No. 20-1534                                                    7
    But the record evidence did not show that the crash could
    have caused Spinnenweber’s other alleged injuries such as in-
    ternal brain trauma and tinnitus. Those were subjective inju-
    ries because Spinnenweber perceived them, but they were not
    directly observable by his doctors. And the cause of those in-
    juries involved complicated medical questions (such as the
    role of pre-existing conditions) that lay testimony alone could
    not have answered. As in Daub, though, no expert testimony
    or other medical evidence linked Spinnenweber’s alleged
    head injury or tinnitus to the accident. So it would have been
    conjecture or speculation for the jury to find that the crash
    caused those ailments.
    The district court thus did not abuse its discretion in find-
    ing that Spinnenweber’s evidence showed that he potentially
    suffered just whiplash and a mild concussion from the crash.
    B. Excessiveness of Damages
    “Indiana courts will not disturb a compensatory-damages
    award ‘[i]f there is any evidence in the record which supports
    the amount of the award, even if it is variable or conflicting.’”
    Kaiser, 947 F.3d at 1019 (alteration in original) (quoting Sears
    Roebuck & Co. v. Manuilov, 
    742 N.E.2d 453
    , 462 (Ind. 2001)).
    Moreover, “[p]hysical and mental pain are, by their very na-
    ture, not readily susceptible to qualification and, thus, the jury
    is given wide latitude in determining these kinds of dam-
    ages.” Weinberger v. Boyer, 
    956 N.E.2d 1095
    , 1113 (Ind. Ct. App.
    2011) (citing Ritter v. Stanton, 
    745 N.E.2d 828
    , 845 (Ind. Ct.
    App. 2001)).
    Even so, wide latitude is not unlimited discretion. “A dam-
    age award must be supported by probative evidence and can-
    not be based on mere speculation, conjecture, or surmise.”
    8                                                   No. 20-1534
    Abbey Villas Dev. Corp. v. Site Contractors, Inc., 
    716 N.E.2d 91
    101 (Ind. Ct. App. 1999) (quoting 4–D Bldgs., Inc. v. Palmore,
    688 N.E.2d 918
    , 921 (Ind. Ct. App. 1997)). And a verdict is ex-
    cessive if “the amount cannot be explained upon any basis
    other than prejudice, passion, partiality, corruption, or some
    other improper element.” Parke State Bank v. Akers, 
    659 N.E.2d 1031
    , 1035 (Ind. 1995) (quoting Fowler v. Campbell, 
    612 N.E.2d 596
    , 603 (Ind. Ct. App. 1993)). “To warrant reversal, the
    amount of damages ‘must appear to be so outrageous as to
    impress the court at “first blush” with its enormity.’” Kimber-
    lin v. DeLong, 
    637 N.E.2d 121
    , 129 (Ind. 1994) (quoting N.Y.
    Cent. R.R. Co. v. Johnson, 
    127 N.E.2d 603
    , 608 (Ind. 1955)).
    In the district court’s words, “there [wa]s no rational con-
    nection between the scant evidence presented and [Spinnen-
    weber’s] compensatory award of one million dollars”—espe-
    cially when Spinnenweber did not seek any medical expenses,
    lost wages, or damages for emotional harm. Instead, it ap-
    pears that the jury either incorrectly awarded damages for all
    of Spinnenweber’s injuries—rather than just his whiplash and
    concussion—or improperly conflated compensatory and pu-
    nitive damages. After all, Spinnenweber’s attorney essentially
    asked for punitive damages during closing argument by tell-
    ing the jurors that “[t]he purpose of tort law, of negligence
    law, is to deter bad conduct so it doesn’t repeat.”
    Defendants forfeited any argument that this statement it-
    self warranted a new trial. But to avoid any potential confu-
    sion, we want to clarify that “[t]ort damages, with the excep-
    tion of punitive damages, are intended to make the plaintiff
    whole by compensating him or her for any injuries or losses
    proximately caused by the defendant.” 25 C.J.S. Damages § 139
    (2020); accord Ritter, 
    745 N.E.2d at 843
     (“‘Compensation is the
    No. 20-1534                                                     9
    stated goal of a court when measuring damages for personal
    injuries.’ The question, as is so frequently raised in personal
    injury actions, is how much money reasonably compensates
    the [plaintiffs] for their injuries and pain and suffering.” (cita-
    tion omitted) (citing Kavanagh v. Butorac, 
    221 N.E.2d 824
    , 828
    Given the whiplash and mild concussion for which the
    jury could have awarded compensatory damages to Spinnen-
    weber, the district court did not abuse its discretion in finding
    that the $1 million verdict was outrageous and then granting
    Defendants’ motion for remittitur or a new trial.
    Spinnenweber’s counterargument focuses on damages
    awards in comparator cases. “While these comparisons are
    relevant to the federal standard, Indiana courts heavily disfa-
    vor ‘comparative analysis’ when reviewing a damages
    award.” Kaiser, 947 F.3d at 1019 (citations omitted) (first citing
    E.E.O.C. v. AutoZone, Inc., 
    707 F.3d 824
    , 834 (7th Cir. 2013); and
    then citing Weinberger, 
    956 N.E.2d at 1114
    ). We therefore do
    not address the comparison cases that the parties cite in their
    briefs. Weinberger, 
    956 N.E.2d at 1114
     (“While it may be tempt-
    ing to engage in a comparative analysis to aid us in the diffi-
    cult task of evaluating the award at issue in this case, to do so
    would be a significant departure from Indiana’s historical re-
    gard for the uniqueness of every tort claim and the belief that
    compensatory damage assessments should be individualized
    and within the province of the factfinder.”).
    We recognize that the result of our decision is that Spin-
    nenweber gets no money on a claim for which Defendants
    conceded liability and indisputably owed him something—in
    the district court’s eyes, as much as $250,000. But
    10                                               No. 20-1534
    Spinnenweber was hoisted with his own petard. He did not
    have to seek $0 in his second trial, and we can’t change that
    he did.
    We AFFIRM the decision of the district court granting De-
    fendants motion for a new trial or a reduced verdict and the
    district court’s final judgment of $0.