Lexington Insurance Company v. RLI Insurance Company ( 2020 )

  •                               In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 19-1426
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the
    Central District of Illinois.
    No. 1:17-cv-01514-JBM-JEH — Joe Billy McDade, Judge.
    Before HAMILTON, SCUDDER, and ST. EVE, Circuit Judges.
    HAMILTON, Circuit Judge. In this contract dispute, two in-
    surers of New Prime, Inc., a trucking company, accuse a third
    insurer of not paying its share toward two multimillion-dollar
    personal injury settlements. Plaintiffs Lexington Insurance
    Company and National Union Fire Insurance Company con-
    tend that defendant RLI Insurance Company underpaid
    2                                                              No. 19-1426
    according to the policy it sold to New Prime, leaving National
    Union to make up the difference.
    In the district court, Lexington and National Union sought
    a declaratory judgment as to the meaning of the RLI Policy
    and equitable contribution of $2.5 million from RLI toward
    the settlements in question. Both sides moved for summary
    judgment. Both based their motions on the language of the
    RLI Policy and on extrinsic evidence of the parties’ intent. The
    district court granted summary judgment to RLI, relying ex-
    clusively on contract language that it found unambiguous.
    We affirm. The text of the RLI Policy is not as clear to us as it
    was to the district court, but undisputed extrinsic evidence
    shows that RLI’s position is correct.
    I. Factual and Procedural Background
    As a large commercial trucking company, New Prime
    faces substantial risks of tort liability. In the relevant years,
    New Prime managed and covered its own liability without
    insurance for the first $3 million of exposure per occurrence.
    But to protect itself from unusually large claims, New Prime
    bought excess liability insurance from three different compa-
    nies: RLI, Lexington, and National Union. (Lexington and Na-
    tional Union are both wholly owned subsidiaries of the Amer-
    ican International Group, Inc., and for most purposes we can
    refer to them together as AIG.) In contracting with several dif-
    ferent insurers, New Prime followed a common industry
    practice to stack policies into sequential “layers” of excess in-
    surance coverage.1 This case concerns the threshold of liabil-
    ity at which RLI’s responsibility ended and AIG’s began.
    1 See Scott M. Seaman & Charlene Kittredge, Excess Liability Insurance: Law
    and Litigation, 32 Tort & Ins. L.J. 653, 654–55 (1997) (“An insured’s liability
    No. 19-1426                                                              3
    The facts of the layers’ sequential ordering are undis-
    puted. New Prime, through its insurance agent Cottingham &
    Butler, contacted RLI in October 2011 and purchased a $2 mil-
    lion policy largely overlapping with the calendar year 2012.
    New Prime renewed the $2 million RLI Policy, with one rele-
    vant change we discuss later, for the years 2013, 2014, and
    2015. Not until May 1, 2014 did New Prime, this time through
    the agents AmWINS and Regions, obtain a $5 million policy
    from Lexington to sit above RLI’s layer. New Prime already
    had a $25 million “umbrella” policy from National Union to
    sit above Lexington’s layer, and New Prime renewed that pol-
    icy for the year starting May 1, 2014 as well. Both AIG policies
    were then renewed without changes for the year beginning on
    May 1, 2015.2
    The two tragic accidents that led to this lawsuit occurred
    in 2015, when New Prime was covered by the RLI, Lexington,
    and National Union policies. On March 4, 2015, a New Prime
    tractor-trailer drifted into the median of Interstate 80 in Mer-
    cer County, Pennsylvania. The truck struck and severely in-
    jured Daniel Montini, who was changing a flat tire. See Mem-
    orandum Order, Montini v. New Prime, Inc., No. 2:15-cv-1591,
    slip op. at 1 (W.D. Pa. Nov. 15, 2017). In February 2018, Mon-
    tini settled his lawsuit against New Prime for $16 million. On
    December 28, 2015, near Santa Rosa, New Mexico, a New
    insurance program generally includes a layer of primary insurance or self-
    insurance coverage followed by one or more layers of excess insurance.”).
    2 “Umbrella insurance” is a generic term for excess insurance that does not
    perfectly “follow form” with the underlying insurance. Umbrella cover-
    age can be both broader and narrower than the lower layers, depending
    on the specifics of the contracts. See generally Seaman & Kittredge, cited
    above in note 1, at 660.
    4                                                    No. 19-1426
    Prime tractor-trailer rear-ended a sedan driven by Katherine
    and Samuel Herrera. Both were killed. See Complaint, Tafoya
    v. New Prime, Inc., No. D412CV201600190 (N.M. Dist. May 19,
    2016 WL 4411077
    . In March 2018, the Herreras’ estates
    settled their claims against New Prime for $20 million.
    The dispute here is over how much RLI needed to contrib-
    ute first to the Herrera settlement and then to the later Montini
    settlement, which were so large as to trigger the excess insur-
    ance policies. The parties agree that, starting from the first
    dollar, New Prime itself was required to cover $3 million of
    costs or losses for each occurrence because of the so-called
    “Self-Insured Retention” built into the RLI Policy. In effect,
    the Self-Insured Retention made New Prime its own primary
    insurer up to $3 million per occurrence, with both RLI and
    AIG providing forms of excess insurance. See, e.g., Kajima
    Const. Servs., Inc. v. St. Paul Fire & Marine Ins. Co., 
    879 N.E.2d 305
    , 313 (Ill. 2007) (“Excess insurance coverage attaches only
    after a predetermined amount of primary insurance or self-
    insured retention has been exhausted.” (quotation omitted)).
    The RLI Policy provided the next layer of coverage but
    came with a feature called the “Aggregate Corridor Deducti-
    ble” or “ACD,” which is the central focus of this lawsuit. Read
    alone, the main text of the RLI Policy would have provided
    for the first $2 million of coverage immediately above New
    Prime’s $3 million Self-Insured Retention. An endorsement to
    the Policy, however, added the Aggregate Corridor Deducti-
    ble and described its function (emphasis added):
    The Insured [i.e., New Prime] shall respond to,
    investigate, adjust, defend, and dispose of by
    payment or otherwise all losses and claims for
    losses covered by the Policy for which the total
    No. 19-1426                                                 5
    claim is greater than the $3,000,000 Self Insured
    Retention (SIR) until the Aggregate Corridor De-
    ductible of $2,500,000 has been satisfied. Once the
    Aggregate Corridor Deductible has been ex-
    hausted by payment for one or more losses &
    “costs”, the Insured is only responsible for losses
    and “costs” up to [the] Per Occurrence Self In-
    sured Retention.
    The endorsement also specified that the ACD amounts to
    “$2,500,000 excess of the $3,000,000 Self Insured Retention.”
    Although not a model of clarity, this endorsement obligated
    New Prime to pay out an additional $2.5 million above its
    Self-Insured Retention of $3 million per occurrence before RLI
    began to pay. But while the Self-Insured Retention applied to
    each covered incident, the $2.5 million ACD applied only
    once per year, so New Prime needed to pay that additional
    amount only once per policy year. On these basics RLI and
    AIG agree.
    The dispute, however, is whether New Prime’s payments
    toward the Aggregate Corridor Deductible diminished the
    amount that RLI owed on any claims. RLI argues that the
    ACD sat within RLI’s $2 million layer, leaving RLI with no re-
    sponsibility for making any payment on any claim until New
    Prime had both (a) paid $3 million per occurrence and (b)
    paid the year’s ACD total on losses between $3 million and
    $5 million per occurrence. If that is correct, then New Prime
    and RLI would together owe at most $5 million on any claim:
    the $3 million Self-Insured Retention plus the $2 million RLI
    Policy. In contrast, AIG argues that the ACD sat below RLI’s
    $2 million layer. On this view, RLI had to provide coverage
    whenever the loss exceeded the sum of the Self-Insured
    6                                                   No. 19-1426
    Retention and remaining ACD balance. In other words, AIG
    asserts, “the ACD operates … as an additional $2.5 million
    self-insured retention applying per policy period.” If that
    were correct, then AIG’s duty to pay would not have been
    triggered until New Prime and RLI had together paid
    $7.5 million for the first big occurrence(s) of the policy year.
    The charts below illustrate the parties’ respective views on
    how to allocate the first $10 million of the Herrera and Montini
    settlements, showing a dispute over $2.5 million.
    RLI’s Position                      AIG’s Position
    AIG Coverage                        AIG Coverage
    RLI Coverage                        RLI Coverage
    New Prime ACD                       New Prime ACD
    New Prime SIR                       New Prime SIR
    $5.0         $5.0                                $5.0
    $2.0         $1.5                   $2.5         $2.0
    $0.5                                $0.0
    $3.0         $3.0                   $3.0         $3.0
    Herrera     Montini                Herrera      Montini
    At the time of the Herrera and Montini settlements, RLI in-
    sisted on its view of the Aggregate Corridor Deductible. It
    paid none of the Herrera settlement and only $1.5 million of
    the Montini settlement. AIG reserved its rights to recoup the
    alleged deficit of $2.5 million from RLI. Because the settle-
    ments exhausted Lexington’s policy layer on any view of the
    No. 19-1426                                                       7
    RLI Policy, it is National Union that seeks equitable contribu-
    tion through this lawsuit.
    The parties filed cross-motions for summary judgment in
    the district court. Both RLI and AIG attached to their motions
    extrinsic evidence, including email correspondence, under-
    writing files, and employee affidavits. Both sides referred to
    extrinsic evidence and disputed its significance in their sum-
    mary judgment briefing. The district court declined to con-
    sider the evidence. The court found that the RLI Policy pro-
    vided unequivocally that payments toward the Aggregate
    Corridor Deductible erode RLI’s policy layer. The court en-
    tered summary judgment for RLI on that basis, and AIG ap-
    II. Principles Governing Illinois Contract Interpretation
    The parties agree on appeal that Illinois law governs this
    contract dispute. In interpreting any insurance policy, the
    “primary function” of an Illinois court “is to ascertain and
    give effect to the intention of the parties, as expressed in the
    policy language.” Thounsavath v. State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co.,
    104 N.E.3d 1239
    , 1244 (Ill. 2018). This analysis ends with the
    text of the agreement if it is unambiguous: “A court will first
    look to the language of the contract itself to determine the par-
    ties’ intent. … If the words in the contract are clear and unam-
    biguous, they must be given their plain, ordinary and popular
    meaning.” Thompson v. Gordon, 
    948 N.E.2d 39
    , 47 (Ill. 2011).
    On the other hand, if the contract language is ambiguous, Il-
    linois courts may consider extrinsic evidence of the parties’
    intent. See id.; Gallagher v. Lenart, 
    874 N.E.2d 43
    , 58 (Ill. 2007).
    On appeal, both AIG and RLI maintain that the RLI Policy was
    unambiguous in their favor; RLI also argues that the extrinsic
    8                                                     No. 19-1426
    evidence provides an alternate basis for affirming the judg-
    ment in its favor.
    Illinois courts treat contracts as ambiguous where the lan-
    guage of the contract is “susceptible to more than one mean-
    Thompson, 948 N.E.2d at 47
    , or “obscure in meaning
    through indefiniteness of expression.” Central Illinois Light Co.
    v. Home Ins. Co., 
    821 N.E.2d 206
    , 213 (Ill. 2004). “All the provi-
    sions of the insurance contract, rather than an isolated part,
    should be read together to interpret it and to determine
    whether an ambiguity exists.” Rich v. Principal Life Ins. Co., 
    875 N.E.2d 1082
    , 1090 (Ill. 2007), quoting United States Fire Ins. Co.
    v. Schnackenberg, 
    429 N.E.2d 1203
    , 1205 (Ill. 1981). The mere
    fact of disagreement between the parties does not render lan-
    guage ambiguous, of course. 
    Thompson, 948 N.E.2d at 48
    . Con-
    versely, however, and equally obviously, “a contract is not
    necessarily unambiguous when, as here, each party insists
    that the language unambiguously supports its position.” Cen-
    tral Illinois 
    Light, 821 N.E.2d at 214
    In practice, Illinois courts do not hesitate to order consid-
    eration of extrinsic evidence if contract language alone cannot
    resolve a dispute. E.g., Shapich v. CIBC Bank USA, 
    123 N.E.3d 93
    , 99–100 (Ill. App. 2018) (reversing grant of summary judg-
    ment and remanding to trial court because both parties’ inter-
    pretations contradicted portions of text); Morningside North
    Apartments I, LLC v. 1000 N. LaSalle, LLC, 
    75 N.E.3d 413
    , 419
    (Ill. App. 2017) (same). With these principles in mind, we first
    consider the text of the RLI Policy.
    III. Textual Analysis
    The district court’s construction of the RLI Policy was a
    legal finding, so we review it de novo. See, e.g., Soarus L.L.C. v.
    No. 19-1426                                                     9
    Bolson Materials Int’l Corp., 
    905 F.3d 1009
    , 1011 (7th Cir. 2018).
    We agree with much of the court’s analysis, but we ultimately
    cannot agree that the contract language unambiguously spec-
    ified how the Aggregate Corridor Deductible operated.
    The basic problem is that the RLI Policy failed to define
    the custom-tailored Aggregate Corridor Deductible feature or
    to describe its mechanics with precision. On the key question
    in this case—whether payments toward the ACD erode the
    policy limit—the contract was silent. A lengthy definitions
    section included such diverse terms as “bodily injury,” “dam-
    ages,” “nuclear material,” “we,” and “you.” Yet the word “de-
    ductible” appeared nowhere in the main text of the agree-
    ment. Without a policy definition, three endorsements to the
    Policy created the ACD and described some aspects of its op-
    eration. These provisions did not explicitly state whether the
    ACD eroded policy limits. We find that neither the reasoning
    of the district court nor the arguments of the parties fully dis-
    pel this ambiguity.
    A. Inconclusive Usage and Custom Arguments
    We first address a genre of argument on which both sides
    rely heavily. AIG contends that the Aggregate Corridor De-
    ductible actually functioned as a “self-insured retention.” RLI
    insists that it operated as a “deductible,” as its name would
    suggest. With extensive citation to non-Illinois cases and sec-
    ondary literature, the parties expound on these terms’ mean-
    ings in insurance law, which they believe clarify the role of
    the ACD. Both sides, for example, cite Judge Hellerstein’s
    opinion in the World Trade Center litigation, which explained
    the general distinction:
    10                                                             No. 19-1426
    A [self-insured retention] differs from a deduct-
    ible in that a SIR is an amount that an insured
    retains and covers before insurance coverage
    begins to apply. Once a SIR is satisfied, the in-
    surer is then liable for amounts exceeding the
    retention, less any agreed deductible. … In con-
    trast, a deductible is an amount that an insurer
    subtracts from a policy amount, reducing the
    amount of insurance.
    In re Sept. 11th Liability Ins. Coverage Cases, 
    333 F. Supp. 2d 111
    124 n.7 (S.D.N.Y. 2004), citing 2 Barry R. Ostrager & Thomas
    R. Newman, Handbook on Insurance Coverage Disputes
    § 13.13[a] (12th ed. 2004).3
    AIG and RLI both seek to label the ACD as one or the other
    and thus to determine how the RLI Policy worked. The name
    for such reasoning about contractual language is usage and
    custom. Courts have long recognized that technical trade us-
    ages can sometimes clarify contract terms. See Shreffler v.
    25 N.E. 630
    , 633 (Ill. 1890) (directing courts “to col-
    lect the real intention of the parties from the terms used in the
    3 AIG’s brief omitted this excerpt’s second sentence, which tends to favor
    RLI’s position in this lawsuit, and, more troubling, did not even use an
    ellipsis or any other signal that text was omitted. See Appellant’s Br. at 21.
    AIG’s counsel initially said he thought the omitted sentence “wasn’t rele-
    vant” to this case. He then retreated to the assertion that the omission was
    not intended to mislead the court, and he apologized to the court. Oral
    Arg. 35:20–36:30. We remind all counsel that they must not “knowingly
    misrepresent, mischaracterize, misquote, or miscite facts or authorities in
    any oral or written communication to the court.” Lawyers’ Duties to the
    Court, No. 5, Standards for Professional Conduct Within the Seventh Fed-
    eral Judicial Circuit; see also Illinois Rule of Professional Conduct 3.3(a)(2)
    & cmt. [4].
    No. 19-1426                                                    11
    contract, taking them in their plain, ordinary, and popular
    sense, unless by the known usage of the trade they have ac-
    quired a peculiar sense”); see generally 12 Richard A. Lord,
    Williston on Contracts § 34:5 (4th ed. 2019) (“It is currently the
    widely accepted rule that custom and usage may be proved
    to show the intention of the parties to a written contract or
    other instrument in the use of phrases of a peculiar technical
    meaning which, when unexplained, are susceptible of two or
    more plain and reasonable constructions.”).
    Along these lines, AIG and RLI both seek to import what
    they say are established industry understandings into the RLI
    Policy. At oral argument, counsel for AIG asserted that the
    ACD “bears every single characteristic of a self-insured reten-
    tion recognized by the cases”—in function if not in name.
    Counsel for RLI responded that it was an “industry practice”
    and “accepted legal principle” that anything labeled a “de-
    ductible” erodes policy limits unless the policy states other-
    wise. Counsel went on to assert that New Prime and RLI “un-
    derstood … what the word deductible meant; they didn’t
    need to define it.” These are assertions that usage and custom
    should guide our decision.
    A threshold question, then, is whether an Illinois court
    would consider trade usage in this situation. Illinois law ap-
    pears somewhat unsettled on just when parties may introduce
    such evidence. Compare Illinois Ins. Guar. Fund v. Nwidor, 
    105 N.E.3d 1035
    , 1046 (Ill. App. 2018) (“Usage or custom is admis-
    sible to explain or make clear what a contract means but not
    to contradict a meaning obvious on the face of the instru-
    ment.”), with Amalgamated Transit Worker’s Union, Local 241 v.
    Pace Suburban Bus Div. of Reg’l Transp. Auth., 
    943 N.E.2d 36
    , 40
    (Ill. App. 2011) (“[E]ngrafted on every written contract are the
    12                                                    No. 19-1426
    customs, practices and definitions which are commonly un-
    derstood and accepted by the parties.”). That said, the situa-
    tion here blurs the line between trade usage and everyday tex-
    tual interpretation; AIG and RLI resort not to extrinsic factual
    evidence but to case law and treatises. We will assume for pre-
    sent purposes that an Illinois court would consider such ma-
    terials in a case like this. See Matter of Envirodyne Indus., Inc.,
    29 F.3d 301
    , 305 (7th Cir. 1994) (“It would be passing odd to
    forbid people to look up words in dictionaries, or to consult
    explanatory commentaries that, like trade usage, are in the na-
    ture of specialized dictionaries.”).
    In the end, though, the parties’ arguments from industry
    usage are inconclusive. The debate revolves around the fact
    that the RLI Policy gave New Prime primary authority to “re-
    spond to, investigate, adjust, defend, and dispose of” claims
    falling within the Aggregate Corridor Deductible. AIG con-
    tends that a true deductible policy would task the insurer, not
    the insured—RLI, not New Prime—with claims-processing
    duties: only a self-insured retention would lodge them with
    the insured. Authority supports this distinction as a matter of
    industry practice. See, e.g., Monroe Guar. Ins. Co. v. Langreck,
    816 N.E.2d 485
    , 495 (Ind. App. 2004) (“in a policy with a de-
    ductible, the insurer retains complete control of claims han-
    dling; in a policy with a retained amount, the insurer has no
    claims handling responsibility”); 3 Jeffrey E. Thomas et al.,
    New Appleman on Insurance Law Library Edition
    § 16.09[3][b][i] (2019) (“A ‘self-insured retention’ (or ‘SIR’) is
    an insurance arrangement whereby the insured takes all re-
    sponsibility for dealing with claims up to a certain amount of
    loss.”). RLI responds that the Policy apportioned duties as it
    did because it provided only excess insurance, with New
    Prime serving as its own primary insurer. This view also finds
    No. 19-1426                                                       13
    support in case law and secondary literature. See, e.g., Royal
    Ins. Co. v. Process Design Assocs., Inc., 
    582 N.E.2d 1234
    , 1242 (Ill.
    App. 1991) (“the primary insurer, and not the excess carrier,
    has the duty to defend its insured”); Seaman & Kittredge,
    cited above at n.1, at 662 (“In contrast to the primary insurer,
    the excess insurer rarely undertakes to defend the insured.”).
    This debate shows only that the usages of the insurance
    industry do not resolve this case. As a deductible attached to
    excess insurance, the Aggregate Corridor Deductible was a
    customized term that did not mimic either a standard “de-
    ductible” or a standard “self-insured retention” in every re-
    spect. The parties were of course free to contract for non-
    standard terms to suit their particular needs. See Nation Oil
    Co. v. R. C. Davoust Co., 
    201 N.E.2d 260
    , 265 (Ill. App. 1964)
    (“parties to a contract may express intent contrary to a custom
    of the trade”); see also Sulser v. Country Mut. Ins. Co., 
    591 N.E.2d 427
    , 431 (Ill. 1992) (“Parties to a contract may agree to
    any terms they choose unless their agreement is contrary to
    public policy.”). Since New Prime and RLI agreed on such a
    customized policy feature here, one that included at least
    some features of both standard deductible terms and self-in-
    sured retentions, received trade usage simply does not pro-
    vide a reliable guide to their agreement. Instead, we move on
    to other potential evidence of their mutual intent as expressed
    in the language of the RLI Policy.
    B. Other Textual Arguments
    The parties also base arguments solely on the text of the
    RLI Policy. We address these points both to give them due
    consideration and to provide background for the extrinsic ev-
    idence that we find decisive here. On balance, the text offers
    support for RLI’s view that payments toward the Aggregate
    14                                                            No. 19-1426
    Corridor Deductible eroded policy limits, but not unambigu-
    ously so. We start with the terms most favorable to RLI.
    First, RLI makes the simple point that the Policy used dis-
    tinct terms for Self-Insured Retention and Aggregate Corridor
    Deductible. The Policy defined both “Retained Limit” and
    “Self-Insured Retention” without reference to the ACD.4 It
    then obligated RLI to indemnify New Prime for losses “in ex-
    cess of” the “Self-Insured Retention,” otherwise known as the
    “retained limit,” again without reference to the ACD. The dis-
    trict court reasoned that, as a result, the Self-Insured Reten-
    tion and ACD were “entirely separate,” and the ACD neces-
    sarily sat within RLI’s policy layer. This argument has merit
    but we do not view it as conclusive. It ultimately depends too
    much on the labels alone to decide how the ACD feature
    works, and we rejected that path above because of other fea-
    tures of the policy. Cf. Learning Curve Intʹl, Inc. v. Seyfarth
    Shaw, LLP, 
    911 N.E.2d 1073
    , 1079 (Ill. App. 2009) (“We deter-
    mine the character of a contract from its substantive effects,
    not from the labels that parties prefer to place on its provi-
    Second, RLI points to the “Defense Endorsement,” which
    set forth the division of labor between New Prime and RLI in
    defending lawsuits and processing claims. The Endorsement
    explained that New Prime “shall have the sole and unre-
    stricted right to settle or pay any loss for which [RLI] has no
    4 These two terms turn out to be synonymous: “Retained Limit” was de-
    fined in the RLI Policy to “consist of a ‘self-insured retention’ or required
    primary insurance, as indicated in the Declarations,” and the Declarations
    indicated that no primary insurance was required under this policy. By
    process of elimination, the Retained Limit was simply the Self-Insured Re-
    No. 19-1426                                                              15
    potential responsibility … as a result of the application of the
    SIR and Corridor Deductible.” The district court reasoned,
    and RLI argues, that unless ACD payments eroded policy lim-
    its, RLI had at least potential responsibility for every filed
    claim, rendering New Prime’s right to defend a nullity. AIG
    responds that this formalistic definition of “potential” ignores
    numerous claims that “pose nothing but the most tenuous
    theoretical possibility of implicating RLI’s coverage.” That
    contention is at least plausible since RLI’s coverage did not
    even begin until New Prime itself had spent at least $5.5 mil-
    lion in the policy year. The text alone does not resolve this de-
    bate about the sense of the word “potential.” As we will see
    later, extrinsic evidence does.
    Third, the district court placed “significant” weight on the
    RLI Policy’s use of the word “aggregate” to describe the
    $2 million indemnity limit, reasoning that New Prime’s ACD
    payments and RLI’s indemnities sum up to “aggregate” cov-
    erage. Therefore, this argument goes, ACD payments must
    have reduced RLI’s share. We do not find this logic convinc-
    ing. RLI itself did not assert this meaning of the word “aggre-
    gate” in summary judgment briefing. The district court intro-
    duced the argument, and RLI has endorsed it on appeal. As
    AIG points out, however, the district court’s sense of “aggre-
    gate” clashes with other parts of the policy, such as the Sepa-
    ration of Insureds Condition. This argument also does not set-
    tle the function of the ACD.5
    5 On this point, RLI protests that the Separation of Insureds Condition
    “does not use the term ‘aggregate’ anywhere,” Appellee’s Br. at 24, but it
    did: “nothing contained herein shall operate to increase Our total aggregate
    limit of indemnity in excess of Self-Insured Retention” (emphasis added).
    16                                                   No. 19-1426
    Finally, on the other side, AIG’s strongest textual argu-
    ment is that the RLI Policy contemplated that a single occur-
    rence could exhaust the ACD. Recall that, if ACD payments
    eroded the RLI Policy limit, then New Prime could spend at
    most the $2 million limit toward the ACD on a single occur-
    rence and thus could not exhaust the entire $2.5 million ACD.
    Yet the Aggregate Corridor Deductible Endorsement ex-
    pressly allowed that the ACD could be “exhausted by pay-
    ment for one or more losses & ‘costs’” (emphasis added). An-
    other provision directed New Prime to pay all costs until the
    total on “one or more claims together equals the amount of the
    Annual Aggregate Corridor Deductible” (emphasis added).
    These two passages are not consistent with RLI’s interpreta-
    tion of how the ACD functions because payments toward one
    occurrence could not possibly exhaust the ACD of $2.5 mil-
    The district court held that the references to “one or more”
    did not introduce ambiguity into the RLI Policy because this
    “boiler-plate language” could not “render the policy as a
    whole unclear.” If we were otherwise convinced that the text
    unequivocally provided for ACD payments to erode the pol-
    icy limit, we might agree that an “isolated part” of the contract
    should not “determine whether an ambiguity exists.” Rich v.
    Principal Life Ins. Co., 
    875 N.E.2d 1082
    , 1090 (Ill. 2007). But we
    are not convinced of the premise, especially after setting aside
    the inconclusive arguments regarding usage and custom. The
    RLI Policy left the key term in this dispute undefined, and
    both sides’ proffered interpretations of the ACD would in ef-
    fect nullify some language in the contract, which is ordinarily
    a result to be avoided in legal textual analysis. We therefore
    conclude that, as applied to the dispute here, the custom-tai-
    lored ACD feature of the RLI Policy was “obscure in meaning
    No. 19-1426                                                    17
    through indefiniteness of expression” and hence ambiguous.
    Central Illinois Light Co. v. Home Ins. Co., 
    821 N.E.2d 206
    , 213
    (Ill. 2004).
    IV. Extrinsic Evidence
    Undisputed evidence of the negotiations between New
    Prime and RLI, and between New Prime and AIG, resolves
    the ambiguity in RLI’s favor. As noted, Illinois courts may
    consider extrinsic evidence upon a finding of ambiguity. See
    Gallagher v. Lenart, 
    874 N.E.2d 43
    , 58 (Ill. 2007). Under federal
    procedural law, if uncontested facts clarify the meaning of a
    contract, an appellate court may decide the issue as a matter
    of law at summary judgment. See Citadel Grp. Ltd. v. Washing-
    ton Reg’l Med. Ctr., 
    692 F.3d 580
    , 587 (7th Cir. 2012) (“Even
    when a contract is ambiguous, as long as the extrinsic evi-
    dence bearing on the interpretation is undisputed and leads
    to only one reasonable interpretation, we can decide the mat-
    ter on summary judgment.”); see generally Fidelity & Deposit
    Co. of Maryland v. Rotec Indus., Inc., 
    392 F.3d 944
    , 949 (7th Cir.
    2004) (“in all cases in federal court, including diversity cases,
    the allocation of responsibility between judge (‘law’) and jury
    (‘fact’) is governed by federal rather than state law”).
    Although the district court here ruled only on textual
    grounds, the parties submitted extensive evidence and brief-
    ing regarding the history of the insurance contracts at issue.
    We may affirm summary judgment “on any ground that finds
    support in the record,” so long as that ground was “ade-
    quately presented in the trial court so that the non-moving
    party had an opportunity to submit affidavits or other
    18                                                              No. 19-1426
    evidence and contest the issue.” Box v. A & P Tea Co., 
    772 F.2d 1372
    , 1376 (7th Cir. 1985).6
    Summary judgment for RLI was proper because emails
    and underwriting files show that New Prime, RLI, and AIG
    itself all intended the combined liability of New Prime and
    RLI to be capped at $5 million per occurrence, so that AIG’s
    liability would begin at $5 million per occurrence, not at $7 or
    $7.5 million. As a matter of Illinois law and common sense,
    the parties’ statements during negotiations and their conduct
    afterward carry more weight than legal interpretations of-
    fered in the run-up to litigation. See Szafranski v. Dunston, 
    34 N.E.3d 1132
    , 1157 (Ill. App. 2015) (“The intended meaning of
    ambiguous contract language may be derived from the cir-
    cumstances surrounding the formation of a contract or from
    the conduct of the parties subsequent to its formation.”). We
    first consider the record of negotiations prior to the Montini
    accident in March 2015—not only between New Prime and
    RLI but also between New Prime and AIG. Then we turn
    6 Dicta in some of our decisions have incorrectly suggested an additional
    requirement for alternate grounds for affirming summary judgment, that
    “the district court adequately considered them.” Scheidler v. Indiana, 
    914 F.3d 535
    , 540 (7th Cir. 2019); see also Nationwide Agribusiness Ins. Co. v.
    810 F.3d 446
    , 450 (7th Cir. 2015); Gerhartz v. Richert, 
    779 F.3d 682
    685 (7th Cir. 2015); Costello v. Grundon, 
    651 F.3d 614
    , 637 (7th Cir. 2011);
    Best v. City of Portland, 
    554 F.3d 698
    , 702 (7th Cir. 2009). But see, e.g., Levy
    v. Marion Cty. Sheriff, 
    940 F.3d 1002
    , 1009 (7th Cir. 2019) (not requiring dis-
    trict court to have considered the issue). The correct rule, as stated in 
    Box, 772 F.2d at 1376
    , is that we may affirm summary judgment for reasons not
    considered by the district court as long as the parties had a fair oppor-
    tunity to present their arguments and evidence. See Singleton v. Wulff, 
    428 U.S. 106
    , 120–21 (1976) (federal appellate courts usually do not decide an
    issue not decided in the district court but have discretion to do so if parties
    had fair opportunity to be heard on the issue).
    No. 19-1426                                                  19
    briefly to statements made during the defense of the claims at
    issue in this lawsuit.
    A. Negotiations Between New Prime and RLI
    To start with identified textual ambiguities, the “one or
    more” references that are so critical to AIG’s textual argu-
    ments turn out to be mere vestiges of an earlier version of the
    RLI Policy. The record contains the relevant portions of policy
    in effect for 2012, the first year that New Prime and RLI con-
    tracted for coverage. During that year, the Aggregate Corri-
    dor Deductible was only $2 million—not $2.5 million—so
    New Prime would have been able to exhaust it through losses
    on a single claim even if ACD payments erode the policy. The
    ACD remained at $2 million for 2013. New Prime and RLI
    then agreed to increase it to $2.5 million for 2014. RLI
    acknowledges that it and New Prime should have revised
    “one or more claims” to “two or more claims” to reflect the
    changed arithmetic. But in interpreting the ambiguity, we will
    focus on New Prime and RLI’s objectively expressed mutual
    intent, not just their drafting oversights. Cf. Regency Commer-
    cial Assocs., LLC v. Lopax, Inc., 
    869 N.E.2d 310
    , 316 (Ill. App.
    2007) (in case of ambiguity, “a court may consider prelimi-
    nary negotiations between the parties in order to determine
    the meaning of contract provisions and the intent of the par-
    ties”). We suspect any lawyer or judge who has edited a legal
    document has had the experience of overlooking in the edit-
    ing process a needed conforming change like this. AIG has
    presented no contrary evidence to create an issue of material
    fact on this point.
    Extrinsic evidence also clarifies the purpose of the Defense
    Endorsement and its use of the word “potential,” which also
    figures prominently in AIG’s textual arguments. On
    20                                                             No. 19-1426
    December 13, 2011, in the final days of the negotiations for the
    first policy year, a New Prime employee emailed the broker
    at Cottingham & Butler to explain why New Prime needed
    the Aggregate Corridor Deductible. New Prime was con-
    cerned that RLI could force it to settle claims “using our SIR
    dollars,” in other words below $3 million where RLI had no
    skin in the game.7 New Prime hence requested a “$2 M. an-
    nual aggregate deductible” so that the “combination of SIR
    plus the annual aggregate deductible equals the $5 M. per oc-
    currence limit.” Although we do not have RLI’s response to
    New Prime’s proposal, we know that the RLI Policy ulti-
    mately incorporated the ACD as described. In this manner,
    the ACD created a class of claims for which RLI had “no po-
    tential responsibility,” in the sense of even theoretical possi-
    bility. The Defense Endorsement granted New Prime “the
    sole and unrestricted right to settle or pay” those claims. Of
    course, this plan would work only if New Prime’s payments
    toward the ACD did in fact erode the RLI Policy limit.
    Record evidence confirms that the 2013 version of the Pol-
    icy carried forward this understanding. On November 30,
    2012, RLI responded in writing to queries from Cottingham &
    Butler regarding the renewal of New Prime’s coverage. This
    document described the policy as “Primary Fleet Auto
    7 The Third Circuit has observed that the structure of excess insurance cre-
    ates the inherent conflict of interest New Prime identified: “the excess car-
    rier [here, RLI] wishes the primary insurer [New Prime] to dispose of the
    case within its limits and is not unduly impressed with the primary in-
    surer’s desire to save some or all of its policy limits by a favorable verdict
    at trial.” Puritan Ins. Co. v. Canadian Universal Ins. Co., 
    775 F.2d 76
    , 78 (3d
    Cir. 1985).
    No. 19-1426                                                                21
    Liability at $5,000,000 CSL per occurrence.”8 The responses
    went on to explain that the ACD “was installed [in] Decem-
    ber, 2011 to make-work an agreement with the underwriter
    that PRIME would have sole control of defense and settlement
    of all claims within the above layer.” Far from disputing the
    accuracy of this document, AIG cites two phrases from it to
    try to support its own position: “$2,000,000 Limit excess a
    $3,000,000 SIR + $2,000,000 Corridor Deductible” and “policy
    will remain on SIR, not a Deductible.” But these descriptions
    merely reiterated basic aspects of the RLI Policy; they did not
    contradict the clear evidence that New Prime and RLI under-
    stood their collective liability to be capped at $5 million per
    The record also contains evidence, albeit slightly less one-
    sided, regarding the 2015 RLI Policy at issue in this case. In
    the lead-up to renewal, RLI prepared a proposal dated De-
    cember 4, 2014. The proposal said that the Aggregate Corridor
    Deductible was “in Layer above $3,000,000 SIR” and that it
    “applies to the $2,000,000 Limit” (emphasis added). These
    phrases clearly indicate that RLI and New Prime intended the
    ACD to sit within RLI’s policy layer. AIG has not disputed the
    authenticity of the December 4 proposal. In an email two
    weeks later, on December 18, a Cottingham & Butler broker
    asked RLI to “bind” the coverage “with the $2,500,000 corri-
    dor per the quote attached.” RLI asserted in the district court
    that the referenced “quote” was the December 4 insurance
    proposal, and AIG did not dispute that point.
    8 In the insurance business, “CSL” is an acronym for “combined single
    limit.” E.g., Alshwaiyat v. American Serv. Ins. Co., 
    986 N.E.2d 182
    , 185 (Ill.
    App. 2013).
    22                                                           No. 19-1426
    Nevertheless, AIG argues that RLI’s reply the next day to
    Cottingham & Butler creates a material fact dispute to pre-
    clude summary judgment. In a one-sentence summary of the
    policy, RLI described the indemnity limit as “above” the
    ACD, a word choice that conflicts with the earlier insurance
    proposal. Not long afterward, however, RLI returned a “Bind-
    ing Confirmation” to New Prime that repeated the “in Layer
    above” and “applies to” language from the original quote.
    This exchange does not create a genuine dispute of material
    fact. RLI’s brief reply email was at best ambiguous, and the
    more formal policy documents consistently made clear that
    ACD payments would erode policy coverage.
    A final, pre-dispute account of how RLI understood the
    Policy comes from a December 20, 2014 memo in the under-
    writing file. The memo described the terms under which
    Swiss Re, a reinsurance company, offered to reinsure the RLI
    Policy assuming “a $2.5MM Corridor Deductible within the
    $2MM layer above the SIR” (emphasis added). Absent evi-
    dence to the contrary, we can assume that RLI was not lying
    to Swiss Re, especially given the duty of “utmost good faith”
    that governs reinsurance transactions. Amerisure Mut. Ins. Co.
    v. Glob. Reinsurance Corp. of Am., 
    927 N.E.2d 740
    , 749 (Ill. App.
    2010). AIG does not contend otherwise. RLI has consistently
    understood, and expressed its understanding, that New
    Prime’s ACD payments reduce its own responsibility for
    losses, and New Prime did not disagree before this dispute
    9One unusual feature of this case, as compared to most insurance cover-
    age disputes, is that the insured and insurer agree about how to apply the
    disputed RLI Policy. The disagreement comes from excess insurers who
    were not parties to that policy. The several excess insurance contracts were
    No. 19-1426                                                            23
    B. Negotiations Between New Prime and AIG
    The record also contains evidence that AIG knew at the
    time it contracted with New Prime that its responsibility for
    losses would begin at $5 million per occurrence. On April 2,
    2014, Todd Brejcha, a broker with New Prime’s agent Am-
    WINS, emailed Lexington to seek a quote for an excess insur-
    ance layer of “$5MM xs $5MM P.” An attached “Transporta-
    tion Risk Summary” described the “U/L Program” as “$5MM
    CSL–RLI subject to a $3MM SIR.” Translating the industry jar-
    gon, Brejcha was seeking an offer to provide $5 million of cov-
    erage in excess of a $5 million primary policy. The Risk Sum-
    mary explained that the underlying insurance program was
    RLI’s $5 million combined single limit policy, $3 million of
    which belonged to New Prime’s Self-Insured Retention. In
    other words, Brejcha told Lexington that New Prime sought
    excess coverage to begin at a $5 million per occurrence thresh-
    Two weeks later, Brejcha emailed Lexington again and
    sent a copy of the entire 2014 RLI Policy, presumably after
    Lexington expressed interest in selling coverage to New
    Prime. Brejcha described the RLI Policy as “the main $2MM
    xs $3MM primary policy,” thus reiterating that Lexington’s
    responsibility would begin at $5 million. Four days later, on
    April 21, 2014, an AIG broker replied to Brejcha with a “$5M
    xs of $5M Quote” from Lexington. The attached “Quote Con-
    firmation” listed the underlying policies as AIG understood
    them: a $2 million RLI combined single limit above a
    all designed to fit together, however, and there has been no argument here
    to the effect that the AIG excess insurers are not entitled to contest the
    effect of the RLI Policy.
    24                                                 No. 19-1426
    $3 million self-insured retention. The Quote Confirmation did
    not mention the Aggregate Corridor Deductible, even though
    Lexington had received a copy of the RLI Policy and so knew
    about the ACD. A week later, on April 28, 2014, Brejcha
    emailed the AIG broker to “bind the $5MM xs $5MM per your
    attached quote.”
    The only reasonable inference from this back-and-forth is
    that AIG did not believe the ACD affected the threshold at
    which its layer began—namely $5 million per occurrence.
    AIG thus understood that ACD payments eroded the RLI Pol-
    icy. In the district court, AIG insisted that “no such inference
    exists given the plain language of the only document the
    Court can consider absent finding an ambiguity–the RLI Pol-
    icy.” We have found ambiguity, however. The extrinsic evi-
    dence of dealing between New Prime and AIG shows beyond
    reasonable dispute that AIG knew exactly what it bargained
    for in April 2014, and that’s exactly where the district court’s
    judgment left it.
    C. Later Events
    Although the evidence from before the Herrera and Mon-
    tini accidents decides this case in RLI’s favor, we must still
    consider whether later events introduce a factual dispute that
    precludes summary judgment. RLI can point to many addi-
    tional emails among New Prime, its brokers, and RLI from
    April 2016 onward that endorsed RLI’s interpretation of the
    ACD. Since the evidence from before the Herrera and Montini
    accidents suffices on its own, however, we see no reason to
    rely on after-the-fact correspondence that could be criticized
    as affected by strategic posturing in the dispute then brewing
    with AIG. We likewise decline to rely on the affidavits RLI
    No. 19-1426                                                  25
    submitted to the district court to the extent that they are un-
    corroborated by documentary evidence.
    We do need, however, to examine in detail a chain of cor-
    respondence from April 24, 2015. At 10:42 AM on that date,
    Michelle Mertz, the Risk Manager at New Prime, emailed
    Todd Brejcha at the AmWINS brokerage regarding the Mon-
    tini claim. Mertz’s initial view on how New Prime’s insurers
    should share the losses tracked AIG’s later position in this
    lawsuit: “Prime would pay the first 5.5 million ($3m per oc-
    currence, $2.5m aggregate corridor) [and] RLI would then
    pay their $2m. So, as of now, $7.5m would have to be paid on
    this claim before it got to Lexington’s layer.” This email rep-
    resents the first and only time either party to the RLI Policy
    endorsed AIG’s interpretation of how the ACD functions. No-
    tably, Mertz had become New Prime’s Risk Manager in 2013,
    so she was not present when the RLI Policy was initially ne-
    Less than half an hour later, Brejcha emailed the other bro-
    kers—Tim Larocca at AmWINS and Jack Welbourn at Re-
    gions—to express his disagreement with Mertz’s view that
    “RLI will participate above the corridor deductible.” Larocca
    then asked to see the RLI Policy himself because he recalled
    that “this wording is very confusing.” At 11:35 AM, Welbourn
    wrote that, after reading the policy, he remained uncertain: “it
    really does not spell out the actual limit per claim.” About
    forty-five minutes later, though, Welbourn emailed Mertz,
    copying the others, to explain that he “thought the limit was
    $5,000,000 and not $7,5000,000 [sic],” but that “the wording in
    the policy is a bit ambiguous.” He asked Mertz to request clar-
    ification from RLI “so in the event of a loss we do not have a
    carrier dispute.”
    26                                                    No. 19-1426
    But as the need to write this opinion indicates, that ship
    had sailed. Mertz had already told Charlie Creamer, a “com-
    plex director” for AIG, that Lexington’s responsibility would
    not begin until $7.5 million of losses. At 12:33 PM, sixteen
    minutes after she received the email from Welbourn, Mertz
    emailed Creamer to walk back her earlier position: “My de-
    scription of the underlying limits is incorrect. I incorrectly
    stated that RLI would pay $2m on this claim over $5.5m. The
    RLI policy has a $5m limit so Lexington would have any
    amount over $5m.”
    The question is whether Mertz’s temporary view during
    the morning of April 24, 2015 creates a genuine dispute as to
    a material fact such that a reasonable jury could return a ver-
    dict for AIG. See, e.g., Medical Protective Co. of Fort Wayne v.
    American Int’l Specialty Lines Ins. Co., 
    911 F.3d 438
    , 445 (7th Cir.
    2018). We think not. Mertz’s confusion, as well as the brokers’
    statements that the language in the RLI Policy was difficult to
    parse, tends to confirm what we have already held: the Pol-
    icy’s language was ambiguous in this respect. Mertz’s errone-
    ous statements regarding the legal effect of language she had
    not negotiated did not address or rebut the objective evidence
    from 2011 to 2014 summarized above.
    To put it another way, Illinois courts clarify ambiguous
    contract language based on general circumstances around
    contract formation but only actual conduct subsequent to for-
    mation. See Szafranski v. Dunston, 
    34 N.E.3d 1132
    , 1157 (Ill.
    App. 2015). The April 24, 2015 statements from Mertz and the
    brokers were not conduct. All of New Prime’s concrete ac-
    tions, in contrast, were consistent with RLI’s position in this
    lawsuit: Although New Prime originally advanced nearly
    $10 million in defense costs for the Herrera lawsuit, Mertz
    No. 19-1426                                                  27
    testified in the district court that it ultimately paid only the
    $5 million RLI Policy limit. AIG’s position would have
    obliged New Prime to pay $5.5 million of Herrera costs. New
    Prime’s conduct therefore supports RLI’s interpretation of the
    ACD. The April 24 emails do not present a genuine issue of
    material of fact that a jury would need to decide.
    To sum up, the language of the RLI Policy is ambiguous
    as applied to this dispute, but the extrinsic evidence compels
    summary judgment in favor of RLI. On this ground, the judg-
    ment of the district court is

Document Info

Docket Number: 19-1426

Judges: Hamilton

Filed Date: 1/27/2020

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/27/2020

Authorities (21)

Puritan Insurance Company v. Canadian Universal Insurance ... , 775 F.2d 76 ( 1985 )

Costello v. Grundon , 651 F.3d 614 ( 2011 )

Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland and American Home ... , 392 F.3d 944 ( 2004 )

Best v. City of Portland , 554 F.3d 698 ( 2009 )

38-fair-emplpraccas-1509-38-empl-prac-dec-p-35500-joann-ford-box-v , 772 F.2d 1372 ( 1985 )

in-the-matter-of-envirodyne-industries-incorporated-debtor-appellee , 29 F.3d 301 ( 1994 )

Gallagher v. Lenart , 226 Ill. 2d 208 ( 2007 )

Central Illinois Light Co. v. Home Insurance , 213 Ill. 2d 141 ( 2004 )

Rich v. Principal Life Insurance , 226 Ill. 2d 359 ( 2007 )

United States Fire Insurance v. Schnackenberg , 88 Ill. 2d 1 ( 1981 )

Thompson v. Gordon , 241 Ill. 2d 428 ( 2011 )

Learning Curve International Inc. v. Seyfarth Shaw LLP , 392 Ill. App. 3d 1068 ( 2009 )

KAJIMA CONST. SERVS. v. St. Paul Fire and Marine Ins. Co. , 227 Ill. 2d 102 ( 2007 )

Sulser v. Country Mutual Insurance , 147 Ill. 2d 548 ( 1992 )

Monroe Guaranty Insurance Co. v. Langreck , 816 N.E.2d 485 ( 2004 )

Amerisure Mutual Insurance v. Global Reinsurance Corp. of ... , 399 Ill. App. 3d 610 ( 2010 )

Regency Commercial Associates, LLC v. Lopax, Inc. , 373 Ill. App. 3d 270 ( 2007 )

Royal Ins. Co. v. Process Design Associates, Inc. , 221 Ill. App. 3d 966 ( 1991 )

Amalgamated Transit Worker's Union v. Pace Suburban Bus ... , 407 Ill. App. 3d 55 ( 2011 )

In Re September 11th Liability Insurance Coverage Cases , 333 F. Supp. 2d 111 ( 2004 )

View All Authorities »