Michael Stampley v. Altom Transport, Inc. ( 2020 )

  •                                 In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 19-3154
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the
    Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
    No. 14-cv-03747 — Manish S. Shah, Judge.
    SUBMITTED APRIL 9, 2020 ∗ — DECIDED MAY 1, 2020
    Before BAUER, FLAUM, and KANNE, Circuit Judges.
    FLAUM, Circuit Judge. This case demonstrates the wisdom
    of the old Russian proverb popularized by President Reagan:
    “Trust, but verify.” Michael Stampley, the owner-operator of
    a tractor-trailer, provided hauling services for Altom
    ∗ We have elected to decide this appeal without oral argument as the
    briefs and record adequately present the facts and legal arguments. See
    Fed. R. App. P. 34(a)(2)(C).
    2                                                 No. 19-3154
    Transport, Inc. Altom agreed to pay Stampley 70% of the
    “gross” revenues that it collected for each load he hauled. Al-
    tom also agreed to give Stampley a copy of the “rated freight
    bill” or a “computer-generated document with the same in-
    formation” to prove that it had properly paid Stampley for
    each load. Importantly, the contract granted Stampley the
    right to examine any underlying documents used to create a
    computer-generated document. Regardless of whether
    Stampley exercised that right, however, the contract required
    him to bring any dispute regarding his pay within thirty days.
    Several years after he hauled his last load for Altom,
    Stampley filed a putative class action lawsuit alleging that Al-
    tom had shortchanged him and similarly situated drivers by
    not paying them a portion of the gross revenues it had col-
    lected on their loads. The district court eventually certified a
    class and held that Altom’s withholdings had indeed violated
    the terms of the contract. However, concerned that the provi-
    sion requiring all contests to his pay be made within thirty
    days would bar his claim, Stampley moved for summary
    judgment on that issue before the class received notice.
    The district court subsequently denied Stampley’s motion
    for summary judgment and granted Altom’s motion to decer-
    tify the class. It also later granted Altom’s motion for sum-
    mary judgment and held that Stampley’s individual claims
    were barred. Stampley now appeals both the district court’s
    decertification order and the entry of summary judgment for
    Altom. For the reasons explained below, we affirm.
    No. 19-3154                                                     3
    I. Background
    Stampley owns and operates his own semi-tractor. Altom
    is an interstate motor carrier that leased Stampley’s equip-
    ment and services during two separate periods, most recently
    from September 2012 to March 2014. The Motor Carrier Act of
    1980, Pub. L. No. 96-296, 94 Stat. 793, and the regulations
    promulgated thereunder govern the relationship between
    owner-operators like Stampley and carriers such as Altom.
    Those rules required that the agreement between Stampley
    and Altom contain certain terms.
    For example, 49 C.F.R. § 376.12(d) compels contracts be-
    tween parties like Altom and Stampley to specify exactly how
    owner-operators like Stampley are to be paid. Specifically, the
    regulation directs:
    [t]he amount to be paid by the authorized car-
    rier for equipment and driver’s services shall be
    clearly stated on the face of the lease or in an ad-
    dendum which is attached to the lease. … The
    amount to be paid may be expressed as a per-
    centage of gross revenue, a flat rate per mile, a
    variable rate depending on the direction trav-
    eled or the type of commodity transported, or
    by any other method of compensation mutually
    agreed upon by the parties to the lease….
    Id. Likewise, to
    allow drivers like Stampley to verify they re-
    ceived the right pay, § 376.12(g) (“the Truth-in-Leasing regu-
    lations” or “TIL”) requires carriers like Altom to supply driv-
    ers “a copy of the rated freight bill, or, in the case of contract
    carriers, any other form of documentation actually used for a
    4                                                  No. 19-3154
    shipment containing the same information that would appear
    on a rated freight bill.”
    Id. § 376.12(g).
    The TIL also demand
    that drivers be permitted:
    to examine copies of the carrier’s tariff or, in the
    case of contract carriers, other documents from
    which rates and charges are computed, pro-
    vided that where rates and charges are com-
    puted from a contract of a contract carrier, only
    those portions of the contract containing the
    same information that would appear on a rated
    freight bill need be disclosed.
    Id. In light
    of these requirements, the parties’ contract guar-
    anteed that Stampley would be paid 70% of gross revenues.
    The contract also included the following provision, as re-
    quired by the TIL:
    In order that [Stampley] may verify the accu-
    racy of all payments made pursuant to this
    Agreement, where payment is predicated upon
    a percentage of gross revenues, ALTOM
    TRANSPORT shall present [Stampley] with
    copies of rated freight bills, or a computer-gen-
    erated document containing all of the same in-
    formation, for all shipments transported in or
    with Equipment leased pursuant to this Agree-
    ment. [Stampley] shall have the right to examine
    copies of ALTOM TRANSPORT’s tariffs or rate
    schedules at ALTOM TRANSPORT’s home of-
    fice during reasonable business hours. In those
    No. 19-3154                                                             5
    circumstances when [Stampley] is given a com-
    puter-generated document rather than a copy of
    a freight bill, [Stampley] shall have the right to
    examine the source document(s) from which
    such computer-generated information was
    compiled, under the same conditions. However,
    ALTOM TRANSPORT shall have the right to
    block out or obliterate all references on such
    freight bills, source document(s), tariffs and rate
    schedules as to the identity of customers, ship-
    pers and consignees. [Stampley] shall have
    thirty (30) days from receipt to contest, in writ-
    ing, the information contained on any rated
    freight bill or computer-generated document.
    Following this thirty (30) day period,
    [Stampley] shall waive all rights to contest the
    validity or accuracy of any/all payments made
    pursuant to this Section 9.
    Altom elected to equip Stampley with computer-gener-
    ated documents, rather than copies of rated freight bills, for
    the entire period of the contract. None of the documentation,
    however, contained information regarding the tank washes
    that Altom charged its clients for. 1 Likewise, the revenue from
    these tank washes was not included in the “gross” revenues
    of which Stampley was entitled to receive 70%. Importantly,
    however, Stampley never contested any of his pay within
    thirty days of receiving the computer-generated documents
    associated with each payment. Nonetheless, when he later
    1A tanker-trailer carried all the loads that Stampley drove for Altom,
    which often must be washed before used to carry another load.
    6                                                    No. 19-3154
    discovered Altom’s omissions, Stampley filed this putative
    class action seeking to recover the additional pay.
    At the same time he filed his complaint, Stampley moved
    for class certification. Altom answered, denying the material
    grounds for liability and asserting its own counterclaim.
    Stampley answered Altom’s counterclaim and moved for
    summary judgment on the same claim a week later. Stampley
    also filed a memorandum and multiple exhibits in support of
    his motion to certify a class at that time.
    Several months later, Stampley filed a “renewed” motion
    for class certification that was identical in all material respects
    to the first. In view of that filing, the district court dismissed
    the first motion for class certification as moot. The case trans-
    ferred from Judge Bucklo to Judge Shah less than a week later.
    Judge Shah subsequently entered a minute order that, among
    other things, (1) ordered Stampley not to file any further class
    certification motions and (2) set a consolidated briefing sched-
    ule for the pending renewed motion for class certification and
    motion for summary judgment. The case then proceeded into
    fact discovery.
    Shortly thereafter, Stampley moved to amend and limit
    the class definition to those owner-operators who hauled
    shipments “for which Altom collected payment for tank
    washes.” He explained that the tank wash amounts “ma[de]
    up the overwhelming common issue to the class.” The court
    took this motion under advisement along with the two other
    pending motions, all of which it resolved in September 2015.
    While it denied Stampley’s motion for summary judgment
    on Altom’s counterclaim, the district court granted the motion
    to certify the class in part, certifying the following class:
    No. 19-3154                                                  7
    All equipment owner-operators in the United
    States who, during the period June 15, 2010 to
    the present, had or have owner-operator agree-
    ments that identify Altom Transport, Inc. as the
    carrier, hauled shipments pursuant to such
    agreements for which Altom collected payment
    for tank washes, and who did not object within
    30 days of payment for such hauls to the exclu-
    sion of the tank-wash funds from “gross.”
    This remained the class definition until the court decertified
    the class in February 2018.
    After Altom unsuccessfully moved for summary judg-
    ment on the grounds that “gross” excluded any money Altom
    received from tank-wash charges, it moved to decertify the
    class, arguing that given the question of whether “gross” in-
    cluded tank washes had been decided in Stampley’s favor,
    common issues no longer predominated in the case. All that
    was left, according to Altom, were individual determinations
    as to why each class member had not given notice during the
    required thirty-day period. Amid briefing on that motion,
    Stampley filed another motion for summary judgment assert-
    ing that the 30-day notice period did not apply at all. Altom
    responded by noting that Stampley’s motion violated the rule
    against one-way intervention. Stampley subsequently moved
    to stay the briefing until after the class had received notice;
    however, the court denied the motion.
    In February 2018, the court denied Stampley’s motion for
    summary judgment and granted Altom’s motion to decertify
    the class. After a motion for reconsideration and an attempt to
    substitute a new class representative failed, Altom moved for
    8                                                     No. 19-3154
    summary judgment on Stampley’s individual claims. The dis-
    trict court granted that motion, denied a putative class mem-
    ber’s motion to intervene, entered judgment in Altom’s favor,
    and dismissed Altom’s counterclaim for lack of supplemental
    jurisdiction. Stampley now appeals, arguing that the district
    court abused its discretion by decertifying the class, and erred
    in granting Altom’s motion for summary judgment.
    II. Discussion
    As an initial matter, we review a district court’s grant of a
    motion for summary judgment de novo, interpreting all facts
    and drawing all reasonable inferences in favor of the nonmov-
    ing party. O’Brien v. Caterpillar Inc., 
    900 F.3d 923
    , 928 (7th Cir.
    2018). Regarding decisions to certify or decertify a class, we
    review them for an abuse of discretion. See Payton v. Cty. of
    473 F.3d 845
    , 847 (7th Cir. 2007). Such an abuse may
    occur “when a district court commits legal error or makes
    clearly erroneous factual findings.” Bell v. PNC Bank, Nat’l
    800 F.3d 360
    , 373 (7th Cir. 2015). “Our review is defer-
    ential, but exacting: ‘A class may only be certified if the trial
    court is satisfied, after a rigorous analysis, that the prerequi-
    sites’ for class certification have been met.”
    Id. (quoting CE
    Design, Ltd. v. King Architectural Metals, Inc., 
    637 F.3d 721
    , 723
    (7th Cir. 2011)).
    Although Altom moved to decertify the class on a host of
    grounds, the district court elected to grant the motion only on
    the basis that Stampley was an inadequate class representa-
    tive. Thus, we turn our attention to that question.
    It is well-established that a district court must find that
    “the representative parties will fairly and adequately protect
    No. 19-3154                                                          9
    the interests of the class” before it may allow a case to pro-
    ceed. Fed. R. Civ. P. 23(a). “A named plaintiff who has serious
    credibility problems or who is likely to devote too much at-
    tention to rebutting an individual defense may not be an ade-
    quate class representative.” CE Design 
    Ltd., 637 F.3d at 726
    Here, the district court focused on Stampley’s decision to
    move for summary judgment on whether the contract’s 30-
    day dispute period barred his claim. The district court first
    noted, correctly, that Stampley’s decision to do so before no-
    tice had gone out to the class raised the specter that the class
    would have to be decertified pursuant to the rule of one-way
    intervention. See, e.g., Costello v. BeavEx, Inc., 
    810 F.3d 1045
    1058 (7th Cir. 2016) (urging “plaintiffs to exercise caution
    when seeking a ruling on the merits of an individual plain-
    tiff's claim before the district court has ruled on class certifica-
    tion”). The district judge then explained that, given those pos-
    sible repercussions, he understood the motion as an attempt
    to expand the class by procuring a ruling that drivers like
    Stampley, who admitted that he had never attempted to con-
    test his payments, did not in fact have to contest the payments
    within thirty days to proceed with the suit. 2 Considering that
    fact, the court determined that Stampley no longer had any
    interest in representing the class as certified.
    We cannot conclude that the representation finding was an
    abuse of discretion. The record shows that Stampley clearly
    focused on protecting his own claim against a contractual de-
    fense, rather than representing the class as constituted. In-
    2  This was also supported by a discussion on the record at a status
    10                                                           No. 19-3154
    deed, the record consistently supports the district court’s un-
    derstanding that the motion for summary judgment prior to
    class notice was an attempt to moot the need for that notice,
    taking into account that the class would be amended and ex-
    panded if Stampley had been successful. Thus, the district
    court did not abuse its discretion in finding Stampley an in-
    adequate class representative and decertifying the class. With
    that, we turn to the substance of Stampley’s summary judg-
    ment motion.
    Summary Judgement
    Although Stampley made multiple arguments before the
    district court as to why the 30-day dispute period did not bar
    his claim, the only question on appeal is whether or not the
    contract required Stampley to challenge his payments within
    thirty days of receiving them, even if the documents he re-
    ceived did not include all the information they were supposed
    to. The district court ruled that his failure to do so barred his
    claims. 3 We agree.
    “[T]he interpretation of an established written contract is
    generally a question of law for the court ….” Int’l Prod. Spe-
    cialists, Inc. v. Schwing Am., Inc., 
    580 F.3d 587
    , 594 (7th Cir.
    2009). And we must interpret the contract according to the
    law of the state in which the contract was formed. See Bourke
    v. Dun & Bradstreet Corp., 
    159 F.3d 1032
    , 1036 (7th Cir. 1998).
    Here, there is no dispute that Illinois law therefore controls.
    In Illinois, “[t]he primary objective in construing a contract
    is to give effect to the intent to the parties.” Gallagher v. Lenart,
    3Stampley does not dispute that if his contractual claim is barred, his
    other claims are also barred given they derive from the contract.
    No. 19-3154                                                    11
    874 N.E.2d 43
    , 58 (Ill. 2007). We “must initially look to the lan-
    guage of a contract alone, as the language, given its plain and
    ordinary meaning, is the best indication of the parties’ intent.”
    Id. Similarly, “a
    contract must be construed as a whole, view-
    ing each part in light of the others.”
    Id. In any
    contractual dispute, “the threshold inquiry is
    whether the contract is ambiguous.” 
    Bourke, 159 F.3d at 1036
    (citing Ford v. Dovenmuehle Mortg. Inc., 
    651 N.E.2d 751
    , 755 (Ill.
    1995)). “A contract will be considered ambiguous if it is capa-
    ble of being understood in more sense than one.” Farm Credit
    Bank of St. Louis v. Whitlock, 
    581 N.E.2d 664
    , 667 (Ill. 1991).
    “However, a contract is not rendered ambiguous merely be-
    cause the parties disagree on its meaning.” Thompson v. Gor-
    948 N.E.2d 39
    , 48 (Ill. 2011). Importantly, we must resolve
    any ambiguity in a contract against the drafter—here, Altom.
    See Dowd & Dowd, Ltd. v. Gleason, 
    693 N.E.2d 358
    , 368 (Ill.
    1998). But we cannot read a contract provision into a nullity.
    Thompson, 948 N.E.2d at 47
    (“A court will not interpret a
    contract in a manner that would nullify or render provisions
    meaningless, or in a way that is contrary to the plain and ob-
    vious meaning of the language used.”). We now address the
    parties’ contract.
    Within 15 days of Stampley’s submission of the necessary
    documents, Altom was “to settle with [Stampley] with respect
    to services provided under this Agreement.” To ensure that
    Stampley could verify the accuracy of all payments to him—
    and as required by the TIL, see 49 C.F.R. § 376.12(g)—the con-
    tract contained a provision (“the Inspection Clause”) that
    where payment is predicated upon a percentage
    of gross revenues, ALTOM TRANSPORT shall
    12                                                  No. 19-3154
    present [Stampley] with copies of rated freight
    bills, or a computer-generated document con-
    taining all of the same information, for all ship-
    ments transported in or with Equipment leased
    pursuant to this Agreement. … In those circum-
    stances when [Stampley] is given a computer-
    generated document rather than a copy of a
    freight bill, [Stampley] shall have the right to ex-
    amine the source document(s) from which such
    computer-generated information was compiled
    [at ALTOM TRANSPORT’s home office during
    reasonable business hours.]
    That said, the contract also contained a provision (the “30-
    Day Clause”) that put a limit on Stampley’s ability to contest
    any payment made to him:
    [Stampley] shall have thirty (30) days from re-
    ceipt to contest, in writing, the information con-
    tained on any rated freight bill or computer-
    generated document. Following this (30) day
    period, [Stampley] shall waive all rights to con-
    test the validity or accuracy of any/all payments
    made pursuant to Section 9.
    Stampley only ever received computer-generated docu-
    ments with his pay and never disputed or requested to view
    the source documents within thirty days. Thus, Stampley may
    only proceed with his claim if the 30-Day Clause does not ap-
    ply to bar his claim.
    Unlike as he did below, Stampley does not argue that the
    30-Day Clause is unconscionable and therefore void on public
    policy grounds. Rather, he argues only that, because of the
    No. 19-3154                                                  13
    context of the contract’s language and the TIL under whose
    shadow it was bargained, the 30-Day Clause cannot apply,
    seeing that Altom did not deliver a computer-generated doc-
    ument “containing all of the same information” as the rated
    freight bill, i.e. they omitted the tank wash charges Altom col-
    At first glance, there appear to be two different ways to
    read the contract. The first way, which Stampley champions,
    reads the 30-Day Clause to mean that the 30-day dispute pe-
    riod only begins once Altom furnishes Stampley with the
    rated freight bill or a computer-generated document contain-
    ing exactly the same information as the rated freight bill sub-
    mitted to Altom’s client, with a few specific exceptions. With
    respect to the specific language of the contract, it would have
    us add “containing all the same information” after “docu-
    ment” in the 30-Day Clause. By contrast, the view advanced
    by Altom and adopted by the district court reads the 30-Day
    Clause as beginning to run as soon as Stampley receives any
    “rated freight bill” or any “computer-generated document,”
    regardless of whether or not the computer-generated docu-
    ment reflects exactly the same information as the rated freight
    Stampley urges us to pick the first, contending that his
    reading is consistent with the rest of the contract, as well as
    the TIL. The problem with Stampley’s view is that it would
    essentially eviscerate the 30-Day Clause. Under Stampley’s
    approach, even the slightest change from the rated freight
    14                                                          No. 19-3154
    bill 4 to the computer-generated document—even a scrivener’s
    error—would leave the 30-Day Clause inapplicable and allow
    Stampley to challenge his pay at any time.
    We cannot analyze a contract to annul any part of it, so we
    must read the 30-Day Clause such that the 30-day period be-
    gan to run as soon as Stampley received any computer-gener-
    ated document purporting to have the same information as
    the rated freight bill would have. Indeed, the plain language
    of the 30-Day Clause calls for the same result. It states that it
    applies to “any/all payments made pursuant to Section 9,”
    necessarily including those paid in conjunction with
    Stampley’s receipt of a computer-generated document that
    lacked the same information as the rated freight bill.
    This result allies with our recent decision in Mervyn v. At-
    las Van Lines, Inc., which held that a similar clause—“Financial
    entries made by Ace on payment documents shall be conclu-
    sively presumed correct if not disputed by Mervyn within 30
    days after distribution”—barred the driver from later disput-
    ing his payments, despite his contention that they contained
    inaccurate information. 
    882 F.3d 680
    , 684–85 (7th Cir. 2018)
    (brackets omitted). We agree with the district court that “the
    parties bargained for a limited window of time to have pay-
    ment disputes and [Stampley] was bound to that bargain” re-
    gardless of whether the computer-generated document
    Stampley received contained all the information within the
    rated freight bill. Stampley’s counterarguments are unpersua-
    4“Rated freight bill” is a term that neither the contract nor TIL ever
    defines but appears to be colloquially understood as referring to the total
    invoice submitted to Altom’s customers.
    No. 19-3154                                                          15
    First, Altom’s provision of an insufficient computer-gener-
    ated document neither prevented Stampley from exercising
    his right under the Inspection Clause to examine the underly-
    ing documents, nor from challenging his payments. The In-
    spection Clause allowed Stampley to ensure that his pay-
    ments included 70% of all the charges Altom collected for
    each load, not just 70% of what Altom claimed he was entitled
    to collect from. Indeed, that aligns with the goal of the Truth-
    in-Leasing regulations, which were enacted “to promote the
    stability and economic welfare of the independent trucker
    segment of the motor carrier industry, and to eliminate or re-
    duce opportunities for skimming and other illegal practices.”
    Lease and Interchange of Vehicles, 43 Fed. Reg. 29,812 (July
    11, 1978).
    Thus, although Altom certainly had an obligation to pro-
    vide Stampley with an appropriate computer-generated doc-
    ument, Stampley had the ability to verify that document and
    the obligation to raise any disputes to his pay within thirty
    days. Stampley could therefore either simply trust the docu-
    ments he received or inspect the underlying documents to ver-
    ify they were correct. The record and his argument on appeal
    demonstrates that Stampley knew the tank washes were tak-
    ing place, and consequently could have verified whether they
    were included in his pay by reviewing the underlying docu-
    ments as he was entitled to. At that point, he could have chal-
    lenged their exclusion, so long as he did so within thirty days
    of each payment. 5 By choosing simply to trust the documents
    5But, as we suggest infra, if those underlying documents were fabri-
    cated or altered to mislead Stampley, that would likely significantly
    change our analysis. Nothing in the record before us, however, indicates
    fraud here.
    16                                                  No. 19-3154
    he received, and not to verify them, or to challenge the exclu-
    sion of tank wash funds from his payments until long after
    the 30-day period expired, Stampley has forfeited his oppor-
    tunity to do so now.
    Second, because Stampley admits that he never requested
    the underlying documentation for any of the computer-gen-
    erated documents he received, the hypothetical situation in
    which Altom would have brought him the wrong documents
    even if he had asked for them cannot save his claim. If Altom
    had in fact given Stampley insufficient or altered documents
    after he invoked his rights under the Inspection Clause, that
    fraud could be grounds for excusing his failure to exercise his
    right to challenge the payment within thirty days. But those
    are not the facts here, and a hypothetical situation without
    support in the record cannot save Stampley’s claim now.
    Third, and finally, nothing in the Truth-in-Leasing regula-
    tions militates a different result. As noted above, the TIL were
    designed to reduce the power imbalance between interstate
    carriers and owner-operators. While the contract appears to
    be weighted heavily in Altom’s favor, it is not unconscionable.
    The contract gave Stampley thirty days to contest any pay-
    ment he received, and while that is not long, Stampley has
    abandoned any argument that the period is unconscionable.
    Similarly, nothing about the contract or Altom’s payments to
    Stampley suggests that Altom was making a provisional pay-
    ment to Stampley. Altom paid what it believed it owed
    Stampley, without condition. Stampley then had 30 days to
    check that payment was correct, and if he believed it was not,
    to challenge it in writing. The fact that he later realized Altom
    should have been paying him for the tank washes it charged
    No. 19-3154                                                 17
    its customers for under the contract does not change our con-
    III. Conclusion
    For the reasons stated above, we AFFIRM the district court’s
    decertification order and entry of summary judgment for Al-