United States v. Anthony Howell ( 2020 )

  •                               In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 18-3157
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the
    Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
    No. 1:13-cr-250 — Gary Feinerman, Judge.
    ARGUED FEBRUARY 27, 2020 — DECIDED MAY 4, 2020
    Before BRENNAN, SCUDDER, and ST. EVE, Circuit Judges.
    SCUDDER, Circuit Judge. On an afternoon in December 2012,
    the Chicago Police Department received an anonymous 911
    call reporting a Hispanic man in a black sweater and black
    hat, carrying a bag, and climbing under a warehouse fence.
    Officers arrived and found someone who matched the de-
    scription, but after stopping and frisking him, determined he
    was not engaged in any crime. The initial suspect then
    pointed the officers to someone else nearby who was crossing
    2                                                 No. 18-3157
    the street and walking toward the police. This man, Anthony
    Howell, was white and wearing a black jacket and dark hat.
    When an officer approached to ask what was going on, How-
    ell did not answer, looked panicked, and put his hands in his
    pockets. The officer reacted by patting down Howell and
    found a gun in his jacket. A federal gun charge followed, and
    Howell moved to suppress the gun as the fruit of an uncon-
    stitutional stop-and-frisk. The district court denied the mo-
    tion, Howell proceeded to trial, and a jury found him guilty.
    Howell now appeals from the denial of the suppression
    motion. In evaluating his position, we also confront a question
    about the proper scope of the record on review. The question
    is whether we limit our review to the pretrial record or ex-
    pand our look to consider the arresting officer’s trial testi-
    mony as well. The answer matters because the facts in the pre-
    trial record differed in a material way from those that
    emerged at trial, where the arresting officer testified that he
    decided to proceed with the pat down only after Howell ig-
    nored a directive to remove his hands from his pockets. In the
    end, we limit ourselves to the pretrial record, for that is the
    only source of facts the district court considered in denying
    Howell’s motion. Viewing that record as a whole, we con-
    clude that police lacked reasonable suspicion to frisk Howell.
    We therefore reverse the denial of his suppression motion and
    vacate his conviction for possessing that gun.
    Our reversal is only partial, however, because Howell
    was also convicted on a second gun charge. Three months af-
    ter the December 2012 stop-and-frisk, police executed a war-
    rant to search Howell’s apartment, where they found more
    guns and ammunition. There was ample evidence for the
    No. 18-3157                                                 3
    jury to find that Howell possessed the guns in his apartment,
    so we affirm his conviction for this separate offense.
    Around noon on December 4, 2012, an anonymous 911
    caller reported that a Hispanic man wearing a black sweater,
    black hat, and black bag was climbing under a fence at a ware-
    house on South Artesian Avenue in Chicago’s Brighton Park
    neighborhood. Officers Sean Kelly and Christopher Miller ar-
    rived about five minutes later and saw a man, Eric Escobar,
    who matched the caller’s description and was walking on the
    sidewalk outside the warehouse. The officers stopped Escobar
    and immediately patted him down but found nothing suspi-
    cious. Escobar explained that he worked at the warehouse
    and had stepped outside to buy a drink and a snack for his
    manager. The manager emerged from the building and con-
    firmed that account while also verifying Escobar’s identity.
    While talking to police, Escobar noticed another person
    nearby—a white man wearing a black jacket and a dark hat
    who was walking toward the officers. He was later identified
    as Anthony Howell, who lived across the street. Upon first
    noticing Howell, Escobar remarked that he seemed to match
    the police’s account of the 911 caller’s description. Officer
    Kelly reacted to Escobar’s comment by calling out to Howell
    from across the street and asking, “What’s going on?” Accord-
    ing to Kelly, Howell refused to answer and instead did a
    “quick double take,” had “a look of panic on his face,” and
    placed his hands in his pockets. Finding this reaction suspi-
    cious, Kelly approached Howell and immediately frisked him
    for weapons.
    4                                                   No. 18-3157
    As soon as Officer Kelly began the frisk, he felt a hard ob-
    ject in Howell’s jacket pocket. When asked what it was, How-
    ell replied, “protection.” When Kelly tried to retrieve the gun,
    Howell pulled away, started to run, but quickly slipped on
    gravel and fell. At some point in the ensuing scuffle, a .38 cal-
    iber Smith & Wesson revolver fell out of Howell’s pocket, and
    the police secured it and placed Howell under arrest.
    A federal grand jury later charged Howell with unlaw-
    fully possessing a gun as a prior convicted felon, a violation
    of 18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(1). Before trial Howell moved to suppress
    the gun, arguing that the police violated his Fourth Amend-
    ment rights by stopping and frisking him without reasonably
    suspecting him of being engaged in criminal activity. Howell
    also sought an evidentiary hearing on the motion.
    The district court denied both requests in an oral ruling. It
    first denied Howell’s request for a hearing on the ground that
    he had not shown a material factual dispute. While Howell’s
    brief in support of his motion contested the officers’ version
    of events—for example, he denied refusing to answer Officer
    Kelly’s question—the court emphasized that Howell had
    stopped short of submitting an affidavit swearing under oath
    to the same representations. Without such an affidavit, the
    district court reasoned, Howell failed to create a genuine fac-
    tual dispute that warranted a hearing.
    From there the district court relied on police paperwork
    and FBI reports of interviews with Officer Kelly and the other
    officers involved in the stop-and-frisk to rule on the merits of
    Howell’s Fourth Amendment challenge. Applying the famil-
    iar reasonable suspicion standard from Terry v. Ohio, 392 U.S.
    No. 18-3157                                                   5
    1 (1968), the district court considered the totality of the cir-
    cumstances and began by observing that Howell came close
    enough to matching the 911 caller’s description to authorize
    the stop—while not Hispanic, he was wearing a black jacket
    and a dark hat. The district court also emphasized that How-
    ell reacted to Officer Kelly’s question about what was going
    on by refusing to answer, doing a double take, looking pan-
    icked, and putting his hands in his pockets. The combination
    of these reactions and circumstances, the court concluded, not
    only supplied the reasonable suspicion necessary to support
    Officer Kelly’s stop of Howell, but also suggested that he may
    have been concealing something—thereby authorizing the
    pat down.
    Howell proceeded to a jury trial, where he renewed his
    motion to suppress at the close of evidence. The district court
    made quick work of the renewed motion, observing that the
    matter had been fully resolved pretrial. The court therefore
    denied the motion “for the reasons that [were] already given
    in addressing the defendant’s prior motions on the same
    topic.” Neither party said a word about any aspect of the trial
    evidence affecting or informing the court’s prior ruling.
    The jury returned a guilty verdict. Howell then moved for
    a new trial or a judgment of acquittal, again arguing that the
    district court should have granted his prior motion to sup-
    press. The district court construed Howell’s argument as re-
    newing the motion to suppress for a third time. And the court
    reacted by referring to its pretrial ruling—reiterating that it
    had “already ruled on [the] Fourth Amendment issue”—and
    “incorporate[d] by reference everything that [it had] already
    said.” Throughout this colloquy nobody referred to the trial
    6                                                     No. 18-3157
    Howell now appeals.
    Before reaching the merits, we confront an interesting and
    challenging question about how to define the scope of the rec-
    ord on appeal when reviewing a motion to suppress. While
    preparing for oral argument, we noticed a material difference
    between the facts relevant to the suppression motion in the
    pretrial record and those elicited at trial. Specifically, at trial,
    Officer Kelly testified that he had “asked [Howell] to take his
    hands out of his pocket, and [Howell] didn’t respond to that,
    either.” But the pretrial record on which the district court
    based its denial of Howell’s motion made no mention of Of-
    ficer Kelly giving such a direction or Howell then ignoring it.
    More to it, the police paperwork and FBI reports (prepared in
    anticipation of federal charges being brought against Howell)
    only referenced Howell putting his hands in his pockets.
    The difference may be significant. If true, the additional
    fact that Howell disobeyed a police order to remove his hands
    from his pockets would have bolstered suspicions that he was
    armed and dangerous.
    It is less clear, however, that we should consider trial testi-
    mony. The district court did not. It denied Howell’s motion to
    suppress (and post-trial renewal of the motion) entirely—100
    percent—on the pretrial record (the police and FBI paper-
    work), giving no effect whatsoever to any aspect of Officer
    Kelly’s trial testimony.
    It warrants emphasis that the district court acted well
    within its discretion in handling Howell’s motions in this
    way. When a defendant chooses to renew a suppression
    No. 18-3157                                                        7
    motion at or after trial, a district court is free to incorporate its
    past reasoning, as it did here, or alternatively to consider evi-
    dence introduced at trial. Unless the parties bring new evi-
    dence gleaned from trial to the court’s attention, the law does
    not compel either approach, and we leave the choice to the
    district court. Relatedly, the path the district court chooses
    may inform our own discretion as to which facts warrant con-
    sideration on appeal. See United States v. Hicks, 
    978 F.2d 722
    724–25 (D.C. Cir. 1992) (employing similar reasoning).
    Recognizing the importance of these questions and con-
    siderations to our analysis, we asked the parties for supple-
    mental briefs addressing the proper scope of the record.
    Ordinarily we define the record on appeal by limiting the
    facts we review to those considered by the district court. De-
    fining the appellate record in this way ensures that we per-
    form our role as a court of review while also respecting the
    district court’s role as factfinder. See Midwest Fence Corp. v.
    U.S. Dep’t of Transp., 
    840 F.3d 932
    , 946 (7th Cir. 2016) (“As a
    general rule, we will not consider evidence on appeal that was
    not before the district court when it rendered its decision.”);
    § 3956.1 (5th ed.) (noting that “[t]he court of appeals’ concern
    with the scope of the record stems in part from the notion of
    the respective roles of the appellate and trial courts,” espe-
    cially “the district court’s role as the first-instance finder of
    But here the government presses a different approach, in-
    viting us to consider both pretrial and trial evidence. No other
    appeal has required us to confront this question in much
    8                                                     No. 18-3157
    depth, and what case law does exist sends differing signals.
    The government’s position finds support in cases like United
    States v. Parra, where we affirmed the denial of a defendant’s
    pretrial motion to suppress cocaine found in a search incident
    to arrest. 
    402 F.3d 752
    , 767 (7th Cir. 2005). In identifying the
    standard of review, we observed—without saying more—
    that “[i]n reviewing a denial of a suppression motion, we may
    consider evidence introduced both at the suppression hearing
    and at trial.”
    Id. at 764;
    see also United States v. Duguay, 
    93 F.3d 346
    , 350 (7th Cir. 1996) (stating without further elaboration
    that we may consider evidence presented at trial in reviewing
    a district court’s pretrial ruling denying a motion to sup-
    On the other side of the ledger come cases like United
    States v. Smith, 
    80 F.3d 215
    (7th Cir. 1996). The district court
    there denied the defendant’s pretrial motion to suppress ma-
    rijuana found in his car during a traffic stop. See
    id. at 218–19.
    On appeal the defendant pointed to evidence elicited at trial
    to argue that no reasonable officer would have made the stop.
    id. at 220.
    But we declined to consider the trial evidence,
    instead basing our review “solely on what the district court
    knew at the time of the ruling.” Id.; see also United States v.
    974 F.2d 813
    , 819 (7th Cir. 1992) (limiting our review of
    a suppression ruling to the pretrial record in the same way).
    To be sure, even decisions like Parra and Smith, while lim-
    iting review to the pretrial record, say very little (if anything)
    about why that approach is proper. Perhaps our most fulsome
    treatment of the issue came in United States v. Longmire, 
    761 F.2d 411
    (7th Cir. 1985). There we took guidance from the Su-
    preme Court’s 1925 decision in Carroll v. United States, where
    the Court relied in part on trial evidence to affirm the denial
    No. 18-3157                                                      9
    of a suppression motion. See 
    267 U.S. 132
    , 162 (1925). Follow-
    ing suit in Longmire, we observed that we had the discretion
    to consider trial evidence in reviewing a pretrial suppression
    See 761 F.2d at 418
    (“[E]vidence adduced only at trial
    may be used to sustain the denial of a motion to suppress.”).
    We took care, however, to sound caution in the exercise of
    that discretion, recognizing that consideration of the trial tes-
    timony presents both benefits and risks. See
    id. On the
    hand, using that testimony “avoids a windfall reversal of the
    defendant’s conviction” where the trial record reveals that a
    police action was constitutional.
    Id. But just
    as importantly,
    “several problems may be presented by such use of trial testi-
    mony,” including “[p]rejudice to the accused.”
    Id. A balance
    must be struck between these two interests—avoiding a
    windfall reversal of a conviction while also steering clear of
    unfair prejudice to the defendant.
    Our decision in Longmire offered guidance for achieving
    that balance. In the ordinary course, we may consider trial tes-
    timony in reviewing a pretrial suppression ruling. See
    id. We opted
    to follow that baseline rule on the facts of Longmire be-
    cause Darlene Longmire did not contest the trial testimony,
    let alone attempt to show that it prejudiced her. See
    id. at 420–
    21 (“Longmire apparently believed that [the trial] testimony
    did not alter the correctness of the pretrial suppression ruling
    for she failed to ask the trial court to reconsider that ruling.”).
    Still, we recognized that consideration of the trial testimony
    would be inappropriate where a defendant shows that doing
    so would result in prejudice—for example, where “the credi-
    bility and veracity of a relevant government witness have
    been put into question by defense counsel” and that witness
    introduces new facts at trial.
    Id. at 418.
    10                                                  No. 18-3157
    Considered collectively our prior cases show that the
    question presented—when we may consider trial evidence in
    reviewing a pretrial motion to suppress—does not lend itself
    to bright-line answers. Rather, we approach the inquiry on a
    case-by-case basis, taking account of all available information
    regarding the proceedings below. We read our case law (and
    the principles underpinning it) to at least establish that we re-
    tain the discretion to consider trial evidence bearing on a dis-
    trict court’s ruling on a motion to suppress where that evi-
    dence came into play in the district court’s consideration of
    the motion—where the defendant renewed the motion and
    thereby invited the district court to reevaluate its prior ruling
    in light of trial evidence or where the district court undertook
    such a reevaluation of its own accord. See 
    Smith, 80 F.3d at 220
    (limiting review to the pretrial record in part because the de-
    fendants did not renew their suppression motions at trial); see
    Hicks, 978 F.2d at 725
    (observing that when trial evidence
    casts doubt on a pretrial suppression ruling, the parties
    should “bring alleged errors to the trial court’s attention by
    making a proper objection or filing a motion”). The prior cases
    likewise counsel that one factor properly informing our exer-
    cise of discretion is whether considering the trial evidence
    would cause unfair prejudice to the defendant.
    On balance we conclude that these principles tilt against
    consideration of the trial record here. Foremost, the district
    court itself never considered Officer Kelly’s trial testimony—
    neither in denying Howell’s pretrial motion, nor in denying
    the later renewals of the same motion. To the contrary, the
    district court made plain that it was denying the renewed mo-
    tion for the same reasons given in the pretrial ruling. The dis-
    trict court never hinted that the trial evidence was even
    No. 18-3157                                                    11
    relevant, much less that it in any way affected any dimension
    of the court’s prior reasoning.
    So, too, is it clear that it would prejudice Howell to con-
    sider Officer Kelly’s trial testimony, as it contained a new, ma-
    terial representation—that Howell disregarded a clear direc-
    tion from Officer Kelly to remove his hands from his pockets.
    At trial Howell had no reason to believe the district court
    would consider that testimony as part of revisiting its pretrial
    ruling. Even more, Howell may have had sound strategic rea-
    sons, when cross-examining and attempting to impeach Of-
    ficer Kelly, not to draw attention to the new fact offered for
    the first time at trial. See 
    Longmire, 761 F.2d at 418
    ing this precise caution). Howell’s focus at trial was not on
    somehow seeking to relitigate the motion to suppress before
    the jury. That Howell renewed the motion during and after
    trial almost certainly reflected nothing more than an effort to
    ensure preservation of the issue for appellate review.
    The upshot is that Howell had little incentive at trial to fo-
    cus on factual details pertinent to a pretrial motion that the
    district court resolved before trial even began. Put another
    way, Howell had every reason to believe the trial would be all
    and only about whether the government presented evidence
    to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he possessed a gun
    following a prior felony conviction.
    We find it equally noteworthy that neither party’s briefing
    on appeal even identified the difference between the pretrial
    and trial records. Both parties addressed the district court’s
    denial of Howell’s motion to suppress by focusing strictly on
    the pretrial record. Only after we raised the question at oral
    argument and requested supplemental briefing did the
    12                                                    No. 18-3157
    government seek to defend the district court’s ruling by rely-
    ing on Officer Kelly’s trial testimony.
    The law does not compel us to consider trial evidence in
    reviewing a suppression ruling; it merely affords us the dis-
    cretion to do so. See 
    Parra, 402 F.3d at 764
    Longmire, 761 F.2d at 418
    . Under these circumstances, we decline to consider Of-
    ficer Kelly’s trial testimony. Doing so would prejudice Howell
    in a material and unfair way. We therefore look only to the
    pretrial record in evaluating Howell’s motion to suppress.
    A seizure occurs within the meaning of the Fourth
    Amendment if, in the totality of the circumstances, a reasona-
    ble person would not feel free to disregard the police and
    move along. See Florida v. Bostick, 
    501 U.S. 429
    , 434 (1991).
    Here the parties agree that at some point during Officer
    Kelly’s approach and questioning, Howell was seized. But
    they dispute whether the seizure was constitutional.
    Under the Fourth Amendment, police may stop a person
    only if they have reasonable suspicion that he is engaged in
    criminal activity. See 
    Terry, 392 U.S. at 21
    –22. Our focus on
    reasonableness “balanc[es] the need to search (or seize)
    against the invasion which the search (or seizure) entails.”
    Id. at 21.
    The inquiry is fact-intensive: we look to the totality of
    the circumstances to see whether police “ha[d] a particular-
    ized and objective basis for suspecting the particular person
    stopped of criminal activity.” United States v. Cortez, 
    449 U.S. 411
    , 417–18 (1981); see also United States v. Street, 
    917 F.3d 586
    593 (7th Cir. 2019) (explaining that reasonable suspicion must
    No. 18-3157                                                     13
    be based on specific, articulable facts that would justify an in-
    trusion on the suspect’s liberty and dignity).
    The district court determined that Officer Kelly’s decision
    to stop Howell respected the Fourth Amendment. We agree.
    The police were responding to a 911 call reporting suspicious
    activity across the street from where Howell was walking. He
    roughly matched the caller’s description. Howell then reacted
    to that approach in a way Officer Kelly reasonably could have
    found suspicious—by doing a double take, taking on a pan-
    icked look, and refusing to respond. These facts and circum-
    stances combined to give Officer Kelly sufficient reason to ap-
    proach Howell, and in posing a question to him, to conduct
    an investigatory stop. We move, then, to the frisk.
    A frisk—a limited pat down of the suspect’s outer clothing
    to search for weapons—is permissible under the Fourth
    Amendment only if a police officer can “point to specific and
    articulable facts” indicating “that criminal activity may be
    afoot and that the persons with whom he is dealing may be
    armed and presently dangerous.” 
    Terry, 392 U.S. at 21
    , 24–25,
    30. It is precisely because a frisk is more intrusive than a stop
    that the Fourth Amendment compels this additional armed-
    and-dangerous inquiry. See
    id. at 27.
        We begin where the police did—with the information
    from the 911 call. In assessing a stop-and-frisk based on a tip,
    we must assess the reliability of the information conveyed by
    the caller. See United States v. Lopez, 
    907 F.3d 472
    , 479 (7th Cir.
    2018). Sometimes callers identify themselves and their doing
    so lends meaningful credibility to the information they pro-
    vide. Other times callers remain anonymous and reliability
    14                                                  No. 18-3157
    comes from independent sources corroborating the tipster’s
    account. See
    id. at 480.
    Along these lines, we have identified
    “a spectrum of knowledge and reliability that affects the rea-
    sonableness of police action taken pursuant to the tip”—at
    one end, “a tip from a known, trusted, and reliable source,”
    and at the other, “an anonymous tip without signs of reliabil-
    Id. at 479–80.
    “Tips that come from more trustworthy
    sources will require less independent corroboration than
    those obtained from more questionable sources.”
    Id. at 480.
        The call here was anonymous. The Supreme Court has
    long recognized that “[a]n anonymous tip alone seldom
    demonstrates the informant’s basis of knowledge or veracity”
    because that basis is “by hypothesis largely unknown, and
    unknowable.” Alabama v. White, 
    496 U.S. 325
    , 329 (1990) (in-
    ternal quotations omitted). Additionally, the tip itself con-
    tained no further indicia of the informant’s reliability. It also
    offered nothing but a barebones description of the suspect:
    the caller identified the suspect’s race (Hispanic), sex (male),
    and dress (black sweater, hat, and bag). What limited details
    the caller did supply fell short of describing Howell with sig-
    nificant accuracy. Above all else, the call mentioned a bag,
    which Howell did not have, and described Howell, who is
    white, as appearing Hispanic.
    To justify a frisk of Howell, then, police needed some ad-
    ditional indicia of reliability or another source of corrobora-
    tion beyond the limited information provided by an anony-
    mous caller. But there was none. There were no additional
    calls to police, for example, or bystanders at the scene who
    said they had witnessed anything troubling. Remember that
    the police, upon arriving at the warehouse, spoke to both Eric
    Escobar and his manager—both of whom worked there and
    No. 18-3157                                                  15
    neither of whom expressed any concern about an attempted
    burglary or other crime. Nor did police arrive to find any ev-
    idence of illegal activity themselves.
    Consider, too, the nature of the reported offense. A call to
    police is less likely to support reasonable suspicion in the
    Terry analysis when it does not describe an ongoing crime or
    emergency. That precept follows directly from Terry itself. 
    See 392 U.S. at 30
    (holding that a frisk is justified where there is
    reasonable suspicion that both the suspect “may be armed
    and presently dangerous” and “criminal activity may be
    afoot”); see also 
    Lopez, 907 F.3d at 485
    (“[I]nvestigative stops
    related to completed crimes must be distinguished from in-
    vestigative stops related to ongoing or imminent crimes.”).
    We recently emphasized much the same point in United States
    v. Watson, 
    900 F.3d 892
    (7th Cir. 2018). There police received
    an anonymous call reporting that “boys” were “playing with
    guns” by a “gray and greenish Charger” in a parking lot.
    Id. at 893.
    Police went to the parking lot, saw a car matching the
    description, searched it, and found a gun.
    Id. at 894.
    We held
    that the police lacked reasonable suspicion to justify that
    search, however, because the caller was anonymous and “did
    not describe a likely emergency or crime.”
    Id. at 893.
        In the same vein, the anonymous tip here merely reported
    someone climbing a warehouse fence. Nothing about it sug-
    gested that an emergency was underway or that anybody was
    in imminent danger. Not a word was said about weapons, an
    injured victim, or anyone being threatened. The alleged of-
    fense took place around noon—in broad daylight—and the
    record is devoid of any evidence that it took place in a high-
    crime area. By any reasonable measure, the 911 caller de-
    scribed a low-end, nonviolent offense—something that surely
    16                                                  No. 18-3157
    warranted a police response, but by no means could be con-
    sidered an emergency. See United States v. Goodwin, 
    449 F.3d 766
    , 769 (7th Cir. 2006) (interpreting the Supreme Court’s
    Fourth Amendment jurisprudence to apply a sliding scale ap-
    proach where “the amount of permissible intrusion is a func-
    tion . . . of the gravity of the crime being investigated”); see
    also United States v. Williams, 
    731 F.3d 678
    , 686 (7th Cir. 2013)
    (explaining that a frisk is a “more burdensome intrusion” on
    the suspect’s liberty and dignity than a stop alone).
    The government sees things differently. It contends that
    although the district court characterized the offense as a mere
    “trespass,” a reasonable police officer could have interpreted
    the caller to be reporting a felony burglary. And if the re-
    ported offense was a felony, the government continues, it was
    serious enough to justify a frisk, even though the crime was
    no longer underway by the time police arrived. See United
    States v. Hensley, 
    469 U.S. 221
    , 233–34 (1985) (holding that po-
    lice had reasonable suspicion to stop a suspect in a felony
    armed robbery, even though the crime was already complete
    and therefore no longer in progress).
    The government did not raise this argument in the district
    court, and we are reluctant to entertain a position that Howell
    had no opportunity to contest. See In re Veluchamy, 
    879 F.3d 808
    , 821 (7th Cir. 2018). Regardless, we need not decide
    whether the conduct described by the 911 caller would con-
    stitute a misdemeanor or a felony to assess its seriousness.
    Nor do we expect police to categorize the tips they receive
    into misdemeanors or felonies before assessing the appropri-
    ate response to each situation. Sometimes the answer would
    be easy (shots fired and victim screaming); other times it may
    be next to impossible (suspicious person wearing stocking
    No. 18-3157                                                    17
    cap, yelling, and parked in front of neighbor’s house). Requir-
    ing the police to place the calls they receive into a felony, mis-
    demeanor, or some other bucket strikes us as unworkable. See
    United States v. Jones, 
    953 F.3d 433
    , 436–37 (6th Cir. 2020) (ex-
    plaining that the federal courts have avoided a brightline rule
    for when police may investigate a completed nonfelony, in
    part because of “the elusive and evolving nature of the felony-
    misdemeanor distinction”). The better approach is to consider
    the totality of the information supplied by the 911 caller, in-
    cluding the nature of the reported crime, the reasonable infer-
    ences following from the caller’s information, and how the
    police responded.
    Here what matters perhaps most is that the 911 call in no
    way suggested that the suspect was armed or dangerous. The
    caller did not so much as hint at violence, injuries, or weap-
    ons. Nor did such a threat arise after police responded to the
    call. The officers saw no crime in progress and encountered
    no victim or witnesses. To the contrary, they arrived to find a
    rather innocuous scene: Eric Escobar walking on the sidewalk
    outside a warehouse in broad daylight, on his way to grab
    snacks for his manager. Indeed, it was Escobar—not any of-
    ficer—who saw Howell and suggested that perhaps he was
    the one the police were looking for. Then and only then did
    Officer Kelly turn his attention to Howell—who presented
    only as white, not Hispanic as the 911 caller described, and
    who was not carrying a bag of any kind. And even then, all
    that Officer Kelly reported seeing from across the street was
    Howell appear nervous and panicked, fall silent, and put his
    hands in his pockets. There were no suggestions that Howell
    was armed—nobody claims he had a bulge in his pocket or
    made any move to hide anything.
    18                                                 No. 18-3157
    Finally, the government urges us to place substantial
    weight on Howell’s panicked look upon seeing police. We
    agree that this nervousness is relevant, but it must be consid-
    ered against the full context of the circumstances facing the
    police. Nervousness alone, at least not as a categorical matter,
    does not create reasonable suspicion that a suspect is armed
    and dangerous. See 
    Williams, 731 F.3d at 687
    (recognizing that
    “[m]ost people, when confronted by a police officer, are likely
    to act nervous, avoid eye contact, and even potentially shift
    their bodies as if to move away from the area”). Nor does a
    suspect’s mere refusal to answer an officer’s questions, with-
    out more, create reasonable suspicion. See Illinois v. Wardlow,
    528 U.S. 119
    , 125 (2000) (“[A]ny refusal to cooperate, without
    more, does not furnish the minimal level of objective justifica-
    tion needed for a detention or seizure.”).
    Nervousness is more salient to the reasonable determina-
    tion calculus when it accompanies other suspicious behavior
    or circumstances suggesting a risk to officer safety. In Ward-
    low, for example, the Supreme Court held that police had rea-
    sonable suspicion to stop and frisk a person who, while car-
    rying a bag and upon making eye contact with the officers,
    suddenly started running away. See
    id. at 122.
    The suspect’s
    “[h]eadlong flight,” the Court concluded, was “the consum-
    mate act of evasion,” made all the more suspicious by the fact
    that his spontaneous bolt occurred in a high-crime area.
    Id. at 124.
        Our case law follows a similar pattern. In United States v.
    Brown, we concluded that police had reasonable suspicion to
    frisk a suspect who was stopped for speeding and then asked
    to exit the vehicle for a pat down. 
    188 F.3d 860
    , 865 (7th Cir.
    1999). Not only did the suspect show “excessive nervousness”
    No. 18-3157                                                   19
    when police stopped him, but several other facts contributed
    to reasonable suspicion: his car was under FBI surveillance for
    possible involvement in a large-scale drug operation, it
    reeked of marijuana, and he was stopped “in a high crime
    area where there had been drug activity, shootings, and gang
    Id. More recently,
    in United States v. Adair, we held that police
    had reasonable suspicion to stop and frisk a suspect who tried
    to evade an officer by weaving through a crowd away from
    925 F.3d 931
    , 933 (7th Cir. 2019). Critical to our conclu-
    sion, however, were the circumstances in which that hap-
    pened: a woman had reported to police that a group of people
    she did not recognize were standing outside her apartment
    smoking, drinking, and engaged in “very suspicious activ-
    Id. She described
    the suspect in specific terms and stated
    that he had a black gun in his front pocket. See
    id. When police
    arrived, an officer found a matching suspect with a bulge in
    his pocket who was trying to evade detection.
    Id. at 933,
    This all transpired “late at night in a high-crime area.”
    Id. at 936.
    Considering these facts in combination, we held that po-
    lice reasonably suspected that the suspect was armed and
    dangerous. See
    id. at 936–37.
        Howell’s case presents far different facts and circum-
    stances. His panicked look and silence in response to Officer
    Kelly’s question were not accompanied by any attempt to flee
    or any furtive movement. He responded to seeing Officer
    Kelly as many might, by appearing to want to move along and
    avoid a discussion with the police. What most concerns us is
    how Officer Kelly reacted. He did not respond by continuing
    to approach Howell or allowing more time for further ques-
    tions—“Where do you live?”, “Do you know anything about
    20                                                   No. 18-3157
    a burglary here?”, “Were you trying to climb under this
    fence?” and the like—but instead by immediately commenc-
    ing a pat down. Put another way, Officer Kelly reacted to see-
    ing Howell much like he did to observing Eric Escobar upon
    arriving at the scene—by seeing that he matched aspects of
    the caller’s description then instantly patting him down. But
    Terry teaches that frisks need to account for the totality of cir-
    cumstances—they cannot be rote or reflexive—and here the
    circumstances required more before Officer Kelly’s encounter
    with Howell would permit a frisk.
    The caution the Supreme Court sounded in Florida v. J.L.,
    529 U.S. 266
    (2000), warrants underscoring. There an anony-
    mous 911 caller reported that a young, black male wearing a
    plaid shirt at a bus stop was carrying a concealed gun. See
    id. at 271.
    Upon responding to the bus stop, the police saw some-
    one who perfectly matched that description, patted him
    down, and discovered a gun. See
    id. The Court
    held the frisk
    unconstitutional, because the tip was anonymous and de-
    scribed only “a subject’s readily observable location and ap-
    Id. at 272.
    The Court explained that such a descrip-
    tion is reliable only in that it helps police to identify the ac-
    cused. See
    id. Reasonable suspicion
    required more: the tip
    needed to be “reliable in its assertion of illegality, not just in
    its tendency to identify a determinate person.”
    Id. These same
    concerns weigh on us here. The Court found
    that the tip in J.L. was too barebones to support a frisk because
    it identified only “readily observable” traits such as race, sex,
    clothing, location, and age.
    Id. Here the
    caller provided even
    less information, all of which was readily observable: race,
    sex, clothing, and location. And unlike in J.L., the match was
    not exact. If the tip in J.L. did not create reasonable suspicion
    No. 18-3157                                                 21
    to support a frisk, we find it hard to reach another conclusion
    here, especially considering the nature of the reported
    crime—someone climbing under a warehouse fence in broad
    daylight—and what the police encountered upon arriving,
    which was nothing suggesting any sort of burglary or tres-
    pass, much less a violent crime or anyone threatened or in-
    We are mindful that police, in carrying out their duties,
    often must react to potential threats quickly and under diffi-
    cult and uncertain circumstances. But having considered the
    entirety of the facts and circumstances here, we conclude that
    police did not have reasonable suspicion to frisk Howell. We
    therefore reverse the district court’s denial of his motion to
    A final issue remains for resolution. Following Howell’s
    initial encounter with police in December 2012, law enforce-
    ment obtained a warrant and arrested him in his home a few
    months later. In the course of the arrest, law enforcement con-
    ducted a protective sweep of Howell’s bedroom and found .32
    caliber ammunition hidden inside a sock. The police then ob-
    tained a warrant to search the entire apartment.
    The search revealed a few notable items. First, the police
    found a North American Arms .22 caliber revolver at the bot-
    tom of the apartment building’s internal air shaft—an open
    space just outside of Howell’s window. Police later traced that
    firearm to Howell’s father, Thomas Howell, who bought it in
    1989 and passed away in 2010. Second, the police found a
    Frontier Derringer .22 caliber revolver, with Thomas Howell’s
    22                                                 No. 18-3157
    name engraved on the handle, in a small safe in the living
    room. The safe also contained .22 and .32 caliber ammunition
    and a holster bearing a North American Arms logo.
    The federal charges brought against Howell came in two
    counts (both alleging violations of 18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(1)) and
    covered a total of three guns. Count one addressed the gun
    the police found in his pocket in December 2012, and count
    two covered the two additional guns they recovered from his
    apartment in March 2013. Howell asks us to vacate his convic-
    tions on both counts. In doing so, he does not argue that the
    items recovered during the March 2013 search of his apart-
    ment were the fruit of the unconstitutional pat down that took
    place in December 2012. He contends in a much less direct
    way that the jury’s learning about the gun the police found in
    his pocket during that pat down impermissibly tainted its
    consideration of the evidence presented on count two.
    In support of this argument, Howell points to a few events
    that unfolded at trial. He testified in his own defense on count
    two, stating that he did not know about the guns found in his
    apartment in March 2013. He emphasized that both guns
    were stored out of view and were traceable to his deceased
    father. On cross-examination, however, the government also
    asked Howell about the evidence against him on count one—
    the gun found in his pocket in December 2012. Howell refused
    to answer. He now insists that this refusal damaged his cred-
    ibility in front of the jury—an outcome he would have
    avoided if the firearm on count one was never admitted.
    Howell also points to a second event from his trial. Before
    returning a verdict, the jury posed two questions to the court:
    first, whether Howell was arrested in the room overlooking
    the air shaft where the police found the North American Arms
    No. 18-3157                                                 23
    revolver, and, second, where other personal effects of Thomas
    Howell (a photograph and a memorial CD recovered by po-
    lice) were stored inside the apartment. The district court de-
    clined to answer, informing the jury that the evidence was
    closed and thus that they needed to decide the case on the
    record as it stood. Howell now argues that the jury’s ques-
    tions revealed concern about whether he constructively pos-
    sessed the guns in his apartment, given that they were out of
    view and traceable to his father.
    A constitutional error requires reversal unless it was
    harmless beyond a reasonable doubt—“that is, [unless] no
    reasonable doubt exists that the error affected the jury’s ver-
    dict.” United States v. McKinney, 
    954 F.2d 471
    , 475 (7th Cir.
    1992) (citing Chapman v. California, 
    386 U.S. 18
    , 24 (1967)).
    Where evidence was erroneously admitted at trial, we con-
    sider several factors in determining whether the evidence was
    harmless: the prejudicial effect of the evidence, how the gov-
    ernment used the evidence at trial, the strength of the govern-
    ment’s case outside that evidence, and “if there are any such
    indications from the verdict, how the jury likely received and
    considered the impermissible evidence.” United States v. Mil-
    673 F.3d 688
    , 701 (7th Cir. 2012).
    No doubt the wrongfully admitted gun was harmless as to
    count two. The government had robust evidence supporting
    that count. The jury heard about two revolvers tucked away
    in different corners of Howell’s apartment. It also heard that
    police found .32 caliber ammunition stuffed inside a sock near
    where Howell was standing moments before his arrest—am-
    munition that matched the .32 caliber North American Arms
    pistol found in the air shaft just outside his window.
    24                                                 No. 18-3157
    The district court also instructed the jury to consider each
    count separately. Even if the jury’s questions evinced some
    degree of reservation as to whether Howell constructively
    possessed the guns found in his apartment, we have no reason
    to think that the jury returned a guilty verdict on count two
    because of the evidence it heard on count one. The govern-
    ment presented ample independent evidence to support the
    jury’s verdict on count two. Right to it, the admission of the
    gun that served as the basis for count one, however wrongful,
    was harmless beyond a reasonable doubt as to count two.
    *      *      *
    The .38 Smith & Wesson revolver recovered from Howell’s
    pocket in December 2012 should have been suppressed as the
    fruit of an unconstitutional frisk. Any error in admitting that
    gun, however, was harmless as to Howell’s conviction on
    count two. We therefore REVERSE the denial of Howell’s mo-
    tion to suppress the gun recovered in December 2012,
    VACATE his conviction on count one, and AFFIRM his con-
    viction on count two.