United States v. Alfred L. Cross ( 2020 )

  •                                In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 18-3633
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the
    Southern District of Illinois.
    No. 3:17-cr-30047-NJR-1 — Nancy J. Rosenstengel, Chief Judge.
    ARGUED SEPTEMBER 25, 2019 — DECIDED MAY 22, 2020
    Before RIPPLE, ROVNER, and BRENNAN, Circuit Judges.
    ROVNER, Circuit Judge. Alfred L. Cross pled guilty to five
    counts of bank fraud, in violation of 
    18 U.S.C. § 1344
    (1). Shortly
    before sentencing, he moved pro se to terminate his counsel,
    withdraw his guilty plea, and dismiss the case. The district
    court denied all three motions. He now appeals the court’s
    denial of his motion to withdraw his plea, and we affirm.
    2                                                    No. 18-3633
    Between April of 2011 and March of 2015, Cross unlawfully
    obtained approximately $516,000 from several southern Illinois
    banks through a simple scheme. Cross opened bank accounts
    at out-of-state banks in the names of companies that he claimed
    to own. He also opened checking accounts at seven banks in
    southern Illinois, again in the names of companies he purport-
    edly owned. Over the course of four years, he wrote large
    checks on the out-of-state accounts and deposited them in his
    accounts at the Illinois banks, knowing that there were insuffi-
    cient funds in the out-of-state accounts to cover those checks.
    In each of the charged instances, he then withdrew from the
    Illinois banks all, or substantially all, of the money that he had
    purportedly deposited, taking the funds in the form of cash-
    ier’s checks, cash withdrawals, checks and debit card purchases
    before any of the banks could discover that the large checks
    that he had deposited were not backed by sufficient funds in
    the out-of-state accounts.
    Based on this conduct, he was charged with five counts of
    bank fraud in violation of 
    18 U.S.C. § 1344
    (1). Each count of the
    indictment alleged that Cross carried out his scheme to defraud
    the banks by depositing large checks written on the out-of-state
    accounts into banks in Illinois, knowing those checks were not
    covered by sufficient funds, and then withdrawing the funds
    before the banks could discover that the deposited checks were
    not sufficiently funded. For example, Count I charged:
    On or about April 14, 2011, within the Southern
    District of Illinois, ALFRED L. CROSS, defendant
    herein, knowingly executed and attempted to
    No. 18-3633                                                          3
    execute his scheme to defraud by making a deposit
    into the “Al L. Cross - Consolidated Billing Ac-
    count” at Washington Savings Bank using a check in
    the amount of $18,875, drawn on an account entitled
    “Alfred L. Cross - Cross/Hart/Page - Special Ac-
    count” at County Bank in Fresno California, which
    check defendant knew to be NSF; In violation of
    Title 18, United States Code, Section 1344(1).
    R. 36, at 3.1 The other four counts varied only in the dates of the
    deposits, the amounts of the checks, the titles on the accounts,
    and the names of the banks involved in the scheme.
    The court appointed counsel to represent Cross in March of
    2017, shortly after he was charged. But Cross had difficulty
    with each of the three lawyers that the court ultimately
    appointed. After approximately eight months, the court
    allowed the first attorney to withdraw, and appointed a second
    on November 30, 2017. On March 16, 2018, while represented
    by the second attorney, Cross entered his guilty plea. Two
    months later, his relationship with the second lawyer deterio-
    rated and the court allowed that attorney to withdraw as well,
    appointing a third counsel on May 24, 2018. Less than a week
    later, Cross filed a pro se motion to withdraw his guilty plea,
    which the court promptly struck, advising Cross that the court
    would entertain only those motions that had been filed by
    counsel. Despite that warning, on December 6, 2018, a few days
    before his scheduled sentencing hearing, Cross filed three pro
    “NSF” is an acronym used in the banking industry. It stands for “non-
    sufficient funds..”
    4                                                            No. 18-3633
    se motions styled, “An [sic] Motion To Withdraw Guilty Plea,”
    “Motion To Terminate Counsel,” and “Motion To Dismiss Case
    Per A, Mauro, Violation.”2
    Rather than striking these motions outright, the court
    decided to take them up at the sentencing hearing that was
    scheduled for just a few days later. The Court’s order advised
    counsel for both sides and the defendant himself to be pre-
    pared to discuss the motions. At the hearing the court gave the
    defendant, his counsel and the government opportunities to
    address the motions.3 The court denied the Motion to Termi-
    nate Counsel on the merits and denied the Motion to Dismiss
    because Cross had filed it pro se during a time that he was
    represented by counsel. The court denied the Motion to
    Withdraw Guilty Plea both on the merits and because Cross
    had filed it pro se while represented by counsel. The court
    resolved Cross’s numerous objections to the PSR, considered
    the parties’ respective arguments as to sentencing, heard
    Cross’s allocution, and analyzed the statutory sentencing
    factors. The court then sentenced Cross to seventy-eight
    months’ imprisonment and five years of supervised release.
    Cross appeals.
    “Mauro” is apparently a reference to United States v. Mauro, 
    436 U.S. 340
    (1978), which is cited in the motion as the basis for dismissal.
    In his brief, Cross complains that the district court did not allow him to
    argue his motions and cut him off when he attempted to speak. That is not
    an accurate characterization of the hearing. Although the district judge
    limited Cross’s remarks, she did allow him to address his three motions.
    That he failed to make productive use of the opportunity was his own
    misstep, and the court was not obligated to allow him unlimited time.
    No. 18-3633                                                    5
    On appeal, Cross asserts that the district court erred when
    it denied his Motion to Withdraw Guilty Plea. We review the
    district court’s denial of a motion to withdraw a guilty plea for
    abuse of discretion, and we review any related factual findings
    for clear error. United States v. Haslam, 
    833 F.3d 840
    , 844 (7th
    Cir. 2016). When a defendant moves to withdraw a plea after
    the court has accepted the plea but before sentencing, the
    defendant may withdraw the plea if he or she “can show a fair
    and just reason for requesting the withdrawal.” Fed. R. Crim.
    P. 11(d)(2)(B). See also Haslam, 840 F.3d at 844. “A guilty plea
    operates as a waiver of important rights, and is valid only if
    done voluntarily, knowingly, and intelligently, ‘with sufficient
    awareness of the relevant circumstances and likely conse-
    quences.’” Bradshaw v. Stumpf, 
    545 U.S. 175
    , 183 (2005) (quoting
    Brady v. United States, 
    397 U.S. 742
    , 748 (1970)). A plea may be
    found invalid under this standard where a defendant pleads
    guilty to a crime without having been informed of the crime’s
    elements. Bradshaw, 
    545 U.S. at 183
    ; Henderson v. Morgan, 
    426 U.S. 637
    , 645–47 (1976).
    Cross asserts here that he was not properly informed of all
    of the elements of bank fraud. He argues that, in order to hold
    him liable for bank fraud under section 1344(1), the govern-
    ment was required to prove that the scheme to defraud
    involved a material falsehood or omission, citing Neder v.
    United States, 
    527 U.S. 1
     (1999). But there was no mention of a
    material falsehood or omission at his plea hearing, he asserts,
    and the government instead proved nothing more than the
    passing of bad checks, which he argues is not a federal offense.
    6                                                   No. 18-3633
    Because he was not informed of all of the elements of the crime
    to which he pled guilty and because the government presented
    no evidence of the element of a material falsehood or omission,
    he contends that his plea was not knowing and voluntary. He
    urges us to conclude that the district court therefore abused its
    discretion in denying his motion to withdraw his plea. He asks
    that we vacate the judgment and remand for further proceed-
    As Cross himself concedes in his brief, “[t]here is a wrinkle
    in this case.” Brief at 21. Aware that the court denied the
    Motion to Withdraw Guilty Plea both on the merits and, in the
    alternative, because it was filed pro se, Cross also advances an
    argument that the district court abused its discretion when it
    denied his Motion to Terminate Counsel. Specifically, he
    contends that he expressed in his Motion to Terminate Counsel
    an unequivocal request to proceed pro se. But the court instead
    misconstrued that motion as one to substitute counsel, he
    contends, and then failed to conduct the colloquy necessary to
    determine whether he could proceed pro se. Summarily
    denying his request to proceed pro se was an abuse of discre-
    tion, he asserts. He suggests that the district court therefore
    also abused its discretion when it denied his motion to with-
    draw his guilty plea on the alternate ground that it was filed
    pro se. He then appears to ask that this court address his appeal
    of the denial of his motion to withdraw his guilty plea solely
    No. 18-3633                                                                 7
    on the merits, and disregard the district court’s alternate
    Although it is unclear whether Cross seeks appellate relief
    from the denial of his Motion to Terminate Counsel, it is clear
    that he means to use the district court’s purported error on that
    issue to narrow our review of the denial of the Motion to
    Withdraw Guilty Plea, his primary issue on appeal. Before
    considering the arguments relating to the Motion to Withdraw
    Guilty Plea, we think it best to clear away the underbrush of
    this secondary argument regarding the Motion to Terminate
    We begin with Cross’s claim that the court erred when it
    misconstrued his Motion to Terminate Counsel as a motion to
    substitute counsel rather than as a request to proceed pro se. “In
    order to proceed pro se, a defendant must ‘clearly and unequiv-
    ocally’ raise the right to self-representation.” United States v.
    880 F.3d 297
    , 301 (7th Cir. 2018) (quoting Faretta v.
    422 U.S. 806
    , 835 (1975)). We require an unequivocal
    invocation of the right to proceed pro se in order “to prevent a
    defendant from using an ambiguous waiver of the right to
    counsel as a tool to overturn his or her conviction.” Mancillas,
    We hedge our description of Cross’s argument both because it is difficult
    to untangle the logic in this part of his opening brief and because he
    emphasizes in his reply brief that “he does not argue that the prosecutor’s
    mischaracterization of his motion to terminate counsel entitles him to
    relief.” Reply Brief at 1. Yet the argument in the opening brief seems to
    suggest that he is at least seeking relief for that alleged error by the court
    below by urging this court to disregard the district court’s alternate
    rationale for denying his motion to withdraw his guilty plea.
    8                                                            No. 18-3633
    880 F.3d at 301. See also United States v. Campbell, 
    659 F.3d 607
    612 (7th Cir. 2011), vacated on other grounds, sub. nom.
    Campbell v. United States, 
    568 U.S. 802
     (2012) (describing the
    rationales for requiring that the demand to proceed pro se be
    Cross’s purported request to proceed pro se does not meet
    this standard. Cross relies heavily on the title of his motion,
    noting that it seeks to “terminate” counsel, and on a letter from
    his counsel that he attached to the motion.5 But nowhere in the
    Motion to Terminate Counsel did Cross express a desire to
    represent himself should the court grant his request to termi-
    nate his third appointed lawyer. Instead, Cross asserted in the
    Motion that counsel was ineffective because he was insuffi-
    ciently aware of the facts and law related to the charges against
    Cross. Cross also complained that counsel “inherited” the
    errors of the two lawyers who came before him, refused to file
    a motion to withdraw the guilty plea, and failed to correct
    claimed errors in the presentence report. R. 153. On the day of
    the hearing, when the court inquired whether Cross wished to
    “persist in the motions that [he] filed” the prior week, he
    responded affirmatively and then spoke for two pages of
    transcript without ever indicating that he wished to represent
    himself. In fact, at no point during the hearing did Cross
    The attached letter from Cross’s third attorney explained the reasons that
    counsel would not comply with Cross’s demand that he file a motion to
    withdraw the guilty plea. Counsel ends the letter by clearly stating that he
    will not file the motion, and advising Cross that, if he wants to file the
    motion, “you will need to ask the Court to let you represent yourself.” The
    quoted portion of the letter is underlined by hand, presumably by Cross
    himself. R. 123, at 5.
    No. 18-3633                                                    9
    mention that he wished to represent himself. Rather, he simply
    expressed dissatisfaction with his current and former attor-
    neys. A defendant seeking to “terminate” counsel could be
    requesting to substitute new counsel, be seeking to proceed pro
    se entirely, or be requesting to present a particular motion pro
    se even though represented by counsel. See United States v.
    576 F.3d 431
    , 436 (7th Cir. 2009) (noting that whether
    a defendant may act as co-counsel along with his own attorney
    is a matter within the discretion of the district court).
    Without any statement that Cross wished to represent
    himself, much less an unequivocal request to do so, the court
    reasonably interpreted Cross’s motion as one to substitute
    counsel, which it appropriately denied after rejecting Cross’s
    complaints about his third lawyer. In response to Cross’s prior
    difficulties with his lawyers, the court had twice appointed
    new counsel, and it was reasonable to construe this ambiguous
    motion as asking for similar relief. In determining whether a
    court abuses its discretion in denying a motion to substitute
    counsel, a court considers, among other things, the timeliness
    of the motion, the adequacy of the court’s inquiry into the
    defendant’s motion, and whether the conflict was so great that
    it resulted in a total lack of communication preventing an
    adequate defense. United States v. Best, 
    426 F.3d 937
    , 947 (7th
    Cir. 2005). Here, the court found that counsel had competently
    represented Cross, and that counsel had appropriately filed
    objections to the PSR that the court would take up at the
    appropriate time. The court also noted that Cross appeared to
    be trying to simply delay the proceedings. Importantly, the
    court also found that there was no breakdown of communica-
    tion between Cross and his lawyer that might justify substitu-
    10                                                   No. 18-3633
    tion of counsel. Finding no abuse of discretion in the court’s
    denial of the Motion to Terminate Counsel, we turn to the
    primary issue on appeal unencumbered by this side issue.
    The district court provided two reasons for denying the
    Motion to Withdraw Guilty Plea. First, it denied the motion on
    the merits, finding that Cross had knowingly and voluntarily
    pled guilty. Second, the court rejected the motion because it
    was filed pro se even though the defendant was represented by
    counsel. As we noted above, we review the merits of a denial
    of the Motion to Withdraw the Guilty Plea for abuse of
    discretion. Haslam, 833 F.3d at 844. We also review for abuse of
    discretion a district court’s denial of a motion filed pro se by a
    defendant who is represented by counsel. Patterson, 
    576 F.3d at 436
    A defendant does not have a right to represent himself
    when he is also represented by counsel. Patterson, 
    576 F.3d at 436
    . A court thus has “wide discretion to reject pro se submis-
    sions by defendants represented by counsel,” and there was no
    abuse of discretion in the court’s decision to reject Cross’s
    motion on that basis here. A careful reading of the transcript
    reveals that the court had concluded that Cross was filing this
    motion for the purpose of delaying the proceedings, noting
    that he had filed his latest round of pro se motions just two
    business days before his sentencing hearing, after proceedings
    that had already been in progress for twenty-one months. The
    court also remarked that Cross had been represented by highly
    competent lawyers including two lawyers whom the court
    No. 18-3633                                                             11
    characterized as among the best panel attorneys available in
    the district. That included the attorney who represented him at
    the time of sentencing, who had also refused to file a motion to
    withdraw the guilty plea, explaining in a letter that Cross
    attached to his Motion to Terminate Counsel the reasons for
    that refusal. The court was well within its discretion in denying
    the motion because it had been filed pro se when Cross was
    represented by highly competent counsel who had refused to
    file the very same motion for cogent reasons.
    Although we rest our affirmance of the court’s judgment on
    that second rationale for denying the Motion to Withdraw
    Guilty Plea (specifically, that it was filed pro se when Cross was
    represented by counsel), we briefly clarify the merits issue
    because it is a recurring one. Cross contended that he was not
    advised of one of the elements of bank fraud, namely, the
    requirement that the government prove a misrepresentation or
    omission of a material fact. He also contends that the govern-
    ment did not present evidence of this element and that he did
    not admit to conduct that would satisfy that element of the
    crime. He maintains that, because of these failures, his guilty
    plea was not knowing and voluntary, and the court should
    have allowed him to withdraw it on that basis. The govern-
    ment responds that section 1344(1) does not require that a
    scheme to defraud involve false statements or representations.6
    The government also argued that Cross’s scheme resembles check kiting,
    and that check kiting is unlawful under section 1344(1) without additional
    proof of a material misrepresentation. We decline to consider this addi-
    12                                                     No. 18-3633
    We recently addressed the materiality prong of section 1344
    in United States v. LeBeau, 
    949 F.3d 334
     (7th Cir. 2020). The
    defendant there was also charged with bank fraud under
    section 1344(1), although for a very different scheme than the
    one at issue here. LeBeau obtained bank loans in part by
    submitting false financial statements that failed to disclose his
    significant debts. He also misrepresented to the bank the status
    of a building project in order to persuade the bank to delay
    foreclosing on the loan. At trial, the jury instructions failed to
    state that the government was required to prove that the
    “scheme involved a materially false or fraudulent pretense,
    representation, or promise …,” as recommended in the
    Seventh Circuit Pattern Jury Instructions. The panel concluded
    that LeBeau waived the issue because he affirmatively ap-
    proved the wording of the jury instructions.
    But the panel also noted that the issue was a serious one:
    In Neder v. United States, 
    527 U.S. 1
    119 S.Ct. 1827
    144 L.Ed.2d 35
     (1999), the Supreme Court held that
    “materiality of falsehood is an element of the federal
    ... bank fraud statute[ ].” 
    Id. at 25
    119 S.Ct. 1827
    . It
    did not limit that holding to section 1344(2). Rather,
    it determined that “fraud” itself requires the element
    of materiality. 
    Id. at 23
    119 S.Ct. 1827
    . We have since
    said that Neder requires “district courts [to] include
    materiality in the jury instructions for section 1344.”
    tional argument.
    No. 18-3633                                                                  13
    United States v. Reynolds, 
    189 F.3d 521
    , 525 n.2 (7th
    Cir. 1999).
    LeBeau, 949 F.3d at 341. The commentary for the Pattern
    Instruction for section 1344 provided additional guidance:
    Although the Seventh Circuit has not yet addressed
    the application of Neder to § 1344(1) specifically, the
    Ninth Circuit, in United States v. Omer, 
    395 F.3d 1087
    (9th Cir. 2005), held that materiality is an element of
    a § 1344(1) violation under Neder. In light of the
    general admonitions in Neder and Reynolds, this
    instruction has been modified to reflect this require-
    LeBeau, 949 F.3d at 341 (quoting Pattern Criminal Jury Instruc-
    tions of the Seventh Circuit (2012 Ed.) (plus 2015–2017 and
    2 0 1 8 c h a n g e s ) , h t t p : / / w w w. c a 7 . u s c o u r t s . g o v /
    pattern-jury-instructions/7th_criminal_jury_instr.pdf, at 448).
    We acknowledged that we have not always been consistent in
    following this guidance but advised that “[t]he better course,
    consistent with Neder, is to require the materiality instruction
    on all bank-fraud charges, whether brought under section
    1344(1) or (2),” until we receive greater clarity from the
    Supreme Court on what is required. LeBeau, 949 F.3d at 341.
    Because we decide the appeal on other grounds, we need not
    decide in this case whether the failure to include the element of
    material misrepresentation in a section 1344(1) case could
    invalidate Cross’s guilty plea as not knowing and voluntary.
    The government assured the panel in LeBeau that its current
    practice is to include the materiality element in all section 1344
    cases, a prudent policy. Something must distinguish fraud
    14                                                   No. 18-3633
    from theft, and the Supreme Court made clear in Neder that a
    materially false pretense fits the bill. See also United States v.
    921 F.3d 716
    , 722 (7th Cir. 2019) (noting that a bank fraud
    conviction requires the government to prove, among other
    things, that the scheme involved a materially false or fraudu-
    lent pretense, representation, or promise).
    As for Cross, we conclude by noting that there is some
    evidence in the record that at least part of his scheme involved
    material misrepresentations. United States v. Arenal, 
    500 F.3d 634
    , 638 (7th Cir. 2007) (a district court may consider not only
    the information proffered at the plea hearing, but also informa-
    tion contained in the PSR to establish a factual basis before
    entry of judgment and imposition of sentence). As the district
    court noted, banks normally place holds on large checks,
    refusing to make the deposited funds available until the
    originating banks confirm that there are sufficient funds to
    cover the deposited checks. R. 174, Sent. Tr. at 59–60. Some of
    the Illinois banks where Cross engaged in his scheme failed to
    follow their own rules on check holds, releasing funds to Cross
    without first ensuring that the deposits were valid. The district
    court noted that Cross “schmoozed” one bank employee and
    “scammed” others in order to convince them to bend the rules
    and release the funds. The court also remarked that Cross
    targeted the youngest and least experienced bank employees
    and then always had an excuse or story when the banks
    contacted him after the deposited checks failed to clear. An
    Illinois bank employee was fired as a result of falling for
    Cross’s assurances. R. 174, Sent. Tr. at 59–60. But again, we
    need not reach any conclusions on the question of material
    misrepresentations because we affirm the judgment on the
    No. 18-3633                                                   15
    district court’s alternate rationale for rejecting Cross’s Motion
    to Withdraw Guilty Plea.