City of Taylor Police and Fire v. Zebra Technologies Corporation ( 2021 )

  •                               In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    No. 20-3258
    half of a class,
    Appeal from the United States District Court for the
    Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
    No. 19 C 5782 — Harry D. Leinenweber, Judge.
    ARGUED MAY 18, 2021 — DECIDED AUGUST 10, 2021
    EASTERBROOK, Circuit Judge. The City of Taylor Police and
    Fire Retirement System contends that Zebra Technologies
    Corporation defrauded investors by making bad predictions
    during a corporate consolidation. Zebra manufactures com-
    mercial electronics such as barcode scanners and receipt
    2                                                 No. 20-3258
    printers. In 2014 it acquired a division of Motorola Solutions,
    Inc., that had a similar line of products. Zebra began to inte-
    grate Motorola’s assets and operations with its own. Initially
    Zebra’s executives touted the savings expected from the com-
    bination and announced that the process was “progressing as
    planned.” But consolidation proved more onerous than antic-
    ipated, leading to expenditure of an additional $200 million
    and a decline in Zebra’s share price.
    The Retirement System filed this suit under §10(b) of the
    Securities Exchange Act, 15 U.S.C. §78j(b), and 17 C.F.R.
    §240.10b-5, seeking to represent a class that purchased
    Zebra’s stock between November 2014 and November 2015.
    The Retirement System asserts that Zebra, CEO Anders Gus-
    tafsson, and CFO Michael Smiley duped investors by know-
    ingly issuing false statements about the integration of
    Motorola’s assets with Zebra’s. The district judge dismissed
    the complaint, finding that the Retirement System failed to
    state an adequate §10(b) claim and did not satisfy the plead-
    ing requirements of the Private Securities Litigation Reform
    2020 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 191627
     (N.D. Ill. Oct. 16, 2020).
    The Retirement System’s complaint identifies a variety of
    asserted misrepresentations. Some consist of optimistic pro-
    jections. When the acquisition closed, Zebra predicted that the
    “synergies” of combining Motorola’s assets with Zebra’s
    would yield substantial recurring savings. The Retirement
    System complains that Zebra did not qualify that forecast
    with the ongoing costs of integration. Later, as consolidation
    was underway, Zebra projected a gross profit margin of be-
    tween 45.5 and 46.5 percent for the second quarter of 2015.
    The actual margin turned out to be 44.2 percent. The com-
    plaint also contends that Zebra’s executives knew about
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    issues plaguing integration but told investors that all was well
    with the process. Most notably, in March 2015, Gustafsson
    represented that integration was “progressing as planned.”
    Rule 10b-5 forbids the inclusion in a securities disclosure
    of “any untrue statement of a material fact”. The complaint
    does not identify any such statement. Consider Zebra’s cost-
    savings estimates. The Retirement System does not allege that
    those estimates are untrue; rather, it contends that they are
    misleading when not coupled with more information about
    the ongoing costs of consolidation. But why should that be?
    Just as stocks and flows differ, the one-time expenses of inte-
    gration are categorically distinct from recurring savings
    gained by melding similar businesses. As we have held, the
    Securities Exchange Act does not impose a “duty of total cor-
    porate transparency”. City of Livonia Employees’ Retirement
    System v. Boeing Co., 
    711 F.3d 754
    , 759 (7th Cir. 2013). A corpo-
    ration need not couple each piece of good news with disclo-
    sure of some tangential difficulty.
    Zebra’s profit-margin projection also falls short of fraud.
    The Securities Exchange Act does not demand perfection
    from forecasts, which are inevitably inaccurate. “[S]ecurities
    laws encourage companies to make public predictions of fu-
    ture performance to assist investors in estimating a firm’s fu-
    ture value.” Arazie v. Mullane, 
    2 F.3d 1456
    , 1465 (7th Cir. 1993),
    citing Wielgos v. Commonwealth Edison Co., 
    892 F.2d 509
    , 513–
    14 (7th Cir. 1989). For that reason, the Private Securities Liti-
    gation Reform Act exempts certain forward-looking state-
    ments from liability. 15 U.S.C. §78u–5. According to the com-
    plaint, Zebra’s forecast missed the actual profit margin by just
    over one percentage point. A near miss of that sort is a long
    way from fraud.
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    Finally, the Retirement System complains that CEO Gus-
    tafsson stated that integration was “progressing as planned.”
    The district judge concluded that this statement is puffery.
    Several circuits, including ours, have held that non-specific
    puffery is not actionable under Rule 10b-5. Eisenstadt v. Centel
    113 F.3d 738
    , 746 (7th Cir. 1997) (collecting cases). Gus-
    tafsson’s statement did not make any concrete assertion; it ex-
    pressed only vague optimism. And it cannot be called false:
    the consolidation continued throughout the class period. Alt-
    hough the cost proved higher than expected, Zebra achieved
    the goal of consolidating its operations with Motorola’s.
    The Retirement System faces another obstacle. Even if any
    of Zebra’s statements could be deemed a material falsehood,
    the complaint must satisfy the Private Securities Litigation
    Reform Act. One provision requires plaintiffs to “state with
    particularity facts giving rise to a strong inference” that de-
    fendants spoke with intent to deceive (the scienter required in
    a fraud suit). 15 U.S.C. §78u–4(b)(2)(A). A plaintiff must do
    more than tell a possible or even plausible story about a de-
    fendant’s intent. Rather, the plaintiff must “plead facts ren-
    dering an inference of scienter at least as likely as any plausible
    opposing inference.” Tellabs, Inc. v. Makor Issues & Rights, Ltd.,
    551 U.S. 308
    , 328 (2007) (emphasis in original).
    Consider two competing inferences from the facts alleged
    in the Retirement System’s complaint. As plaintiff tells the
    tale, Zebra’s executives knew early in the process that consol-
    idation would be costlier and more difficult than anticipated.
    Rather than disclosing difficulties or simply saying nothing,
    Gustafsson and Smiley chose to hoodwink investors into
    thinking that integration was seamless. (Why they would opt
    for that strategy, when it would conceal the increased costs
    No. 20-3258                                                   5
    for only a few months, is a mystery.) But one can tell a differ-
    ent story: when consolidation began, Gustafsson and Smiley
    had only limited information about the inner workings of
    Motorola. Difficulties in melding the companies’ operations
    would come to light only over time. In this account, their early
    positive statements stemmed not from fraudulent intent but
    limited knowledge and optimism. The process did not pro-
    ceed as smoothly as they hoped, and Zebra later disclosed
    these difficulties.
    The second inference offers a beoer fit for the facts alleged
    in the complaint. The sequence of Zebra’s statements com-
    ports with a company learning about difficulties over time.
    On a March 2015 conference call, in the early months of the
    process, Gustafsson announced in general terms that the “in-
    tegration is progressing as planned.” That statement was not
    unqualified: an SEC Form 10-Q filed that same month warned
    that absorbing Motorola’s assets may not be “performed
    timely and effectively” and could “adversely affect Zebra’s
    business.” True to that warning, Gustafsson stated in Novem-
    ber 2015 that “the complexity of the IT systems has been
    greater than we had expected.” The following year, he further
    elaborated that because Motorola’s systems were “different
    than what we had expected”, integrating them with Zebra’s
    entailed more labor than anticipated. The plaintiff asserts that
    later specificity proves earlier obfuscation. But a more sensi-
    ble inference is that more information was available to Zebra’s
    executives in November 2015 than in March 2015.
    The plausibility of potential inferences depends on con-
    text. An inference of scienter may be warranted when a cor-
    porate executive communicates false retrospective infor-
    mation to investors. Typically, an executive will be privy to
    6                                                 No. 20-3258
    good historical information about the inner workings of her
    own corporation. As a result, securities law demands preci-
    sion from retrospective disclosures. But an ongoing corporate
    consolidation is a different maoer. Executives possess only
    limited information about the internal operations of other cor-
    porations. Gustafsson and Smiley would have known com-
    paratively liole about Motorola’s operations until consolida-
    tion was underway, and the full extent of any roadblocks
    would take time to come to light. Retrospective disclosures
    can be precise and so they must be. The same standards do
    not apply to statements about an ongoing process.
    Suppose we deemed §10(b) to require a complete account-
    ing of difficulties as they emerged during a merger or acqui-
    sition. That duty would open a corporation to a new swathe
    of securities claims. Aoempting to tally and predict the costs
    of consolidation while consolidation is ongoing would be a
    risky business. Guess too high and the company might unnec-
    essarily drive down stock prices; guess too low and the com-
    pany might be accused of fraudulent misrepresentation. Al-
    ternatively, perhaps Zebra could have indicated at the outset
    that it was seoing aside a sum for contingencies. Investors
    would still demand regular updates about how much of the
    fund had been spent. Securities law does not force corpora-
    tions into this sort of no-win circumstance.
    Retrospective disclosures can and should be precise be-
    cause corporations generally possess good information about
    completed operations. The law tolerates greater imprecision
    from forecasts because predicting the future is an uncertain
    enterprise. So too is speaking about a developing process, es-
    pecially when another corporation’s assets are involved.
    Zebra made retrospective disclosures about the difficulties it
    No. 20-3258                                                     7
    encountered (and surmounted) when integrating Motorola’s
    assets, but none has been challenged. Instead, the Retirement
    System elected to challenge only statements made before or
    during integration. The fatal flaw of the Retirement System’s
    suit is that it seeks to apply rules covering retrospective state-
    ments to ongoing developments. Unexpected difficulties that
    crop up in any corporate consolidation are a business prob-
    lem, not a securities problem. Because the plaintiff has failed
    to state a viable claim under the Securities Exchange Act, the
    district court’s dismissal must be