Israel Reyes-Cornejo v. Eric H. Holder, Jr. , 734 F.3d 636 ( 2013 )

  •                              In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    Nos. 12-1712 & 12-3285
    Petitions for Review of an Order
    of the Board of Immigration Appeals.
    No. A099 027 603
    ARGUED APRIL 15, 2013 — DECIDED OCTOBER 28, 2013
    Before RIPPLE, ROVNER, and WILLIAMS, Circuit Judges.
    RIPPLE, Circuit Judge. Israel Reyes-Cornejo was placed in
    removal proceedings following his conviction on an aggra-
    vated weapons charge. In removal proceedings,
    Mr. Reyes-Cornejo applied for a waiver of inadmissibility, a
    necessary first-step to securing an adjustment of status to that
    of a lawful permanent resident based on his marriage to a
    United States citizen. Following a hearing, an immigration
    2                                             Nos. 12-1712 & 12-3285
    judge (“IJ”) determined that he had not shown that his removal
    would result in extreme hardship to a qualified relative and
    separately determined that, even if Mr. Reyes-Cornejo had
    made such a showing, he did not merit a favorable exercise of
    discretion. The BIA affirmed. Mr. Reyes-Cornejo filed a motion
    to reopen based on, among other grounds, new evidence of
    hardship to his United States citizen daughter. The BIA denied
    the motion. Mr. Reyes-Cornejo now seeks review of both
    decisions of the BIA. For the reasons set forth in this opinion,
    we deny the petition.
    A. Facts1
    Mr. Reyes-Cornejo’s father came to the United States in
    1983 and, in 1994, brought his family to this country without
    admission or parole. They first resided in Texas and later
    moved to Colorado, where Mr. Reyes-Cornejo attended high
    school and some college.
    At about the age of eighteen, Mr. Reyes-Cornejo began
    having run-ins with the law. By way of example only, in 1999,
    he pleaded guilty to driving without a licence and to posses-
    sion of a controlled substance and paraphernalia. In 2000, he
    was arrested and charged with driving without a license. In
    2001, he was charged with first degree criminal trespass, theft
    Citations to the Administrative Record refer to the record in case number
    Nos. 12-1712 & 12-3285                                                  3
    and criminal mischief for entry into a motor vehicle with intent
    to commit theft. While on probation for the criminal trespass
    charge, he was arrested and charged with possession of
    marijuana and narcotic equipment. He was convicted of that
    offense and served the sentence concurrently with his sentence
    for violating his probation.
    In 2001, Mr. Reyes-Cornejo moved to Chicago to live with
    his grandmother.2 Between 2002 and 2005, Mr. Reyes-Cornejo
    avoided any legal problems and also became involved roman-
    tically with Carmen Lopez. In 2005, however,
    Mr. Reyes-Cornejo was charged with two counts of domestic
    battery and one count of criminal damage to property resulting
    from an altercation with Lopez. A nolle prosequi was entered on
    the charges, and Mr. Reyes-Cornejo was released from cus-
    Following his relationship with Lopez, Mr. Reyes-Cornejo
    began seeing his now wife, Karen Gallas.3 Throughout this
    period, he continued to have legal difficulties. In 2006,
    Mr. Reyes-Cornejo was charged with and pleaded guilty in
    Illinois to aggravated unlawful use of a weapon when he
    brandished a firearm during an argument with a neighbor.
    Beginning in 2007 and continuing through his immigration
    proceedings, Mr. Reyes-Cornejo had a series of four domestic
    battery charges brought against him by Gallas in Colorado and
    Prior to Mr. Reyes-Cornejo’s departure for Chicago, his father had filed
    a form I-130 on his son’s behalf.
    Gallas is a United States citizen.
    4                                               Nos. 12-1712 & 12-3285
    Illinois, but the charges were dropped. He also twice was
    arrested for driving under the influence.
    B. Administrative Proceedings
    Following his conviction for the weapons violation, the
    Department of Homeland Security (“DHS”) served
    Mr. Reyes-Cornejo with a notice to appear, which charged that
    Mr. Reyes-Cornejo was subject to removal based on his illegal
    presence in the United States without admission or parole and
    on his conviction for a crime of moral turpitude.4 On May 16,
    2007, Olga Rojas appeared on behalf of Mr. Reyes-Cornejo,
    who remained in DHS custody. Rojas informed the IJ that
    Mr. Reyes-Cornejo had obtained permission to marry Gallas
    and requested a continuance so that the marriage could take
    One month later, Mr. Reyes-Cornejo appeared telephoni-
    cally and Rojas appeared in person. She informed the IJ that
    Mr. Reyes-Cornejo and Gallas had married and that a petition
    for an alien relative had been filed by Gallas on
    Mr. Reyes-Cornejo’s behalf. She requested an adjournment so
    that the petition could be adjudicated.5
    Initially, the DHS identified Mr. Reyes-Cornejo’s conviction for the Illinois
    weapons charge as the crime of moral turpitude.
    At a continued hearing on July 17, 2007, neither Mr. Reyes-Cornejo nor
    Rojas appeared. The IJ entered an order of removal in absentia. During this
    Nos. 12-1712 & 12-3285                                                    5
    At a hearing on October 23, 2007, Rojas again appeared on
    behalf of Mr. Reyes-Cornejo and informed the IJ that the
    petition had been approved and that she would be filing an
    application for adjustment of status. She also informed the
    court that she did not have the disposition of all of
    Mr. Reyes-Cornejo’s criminal charges and needed additional
    time to ensure that he was eligible for discretionary relief.
    Prior to the next hearing, Rojas requested permission to
    withdraw because Mr. Reyes-Cornejo, who now was out of
    DHS custody on bond, was not cooperating with her efforts to
    obtain documentation and was not complying with their
    retainer agreement. Addressing the issue at an April 2008
    hearing, the IJ advised Mr. Reyes-Cornejo that, despite his
    extensive criminal history, it appeared that he was “eligible to
    seek adjustment of status.”6 Nevertheless, Mr. Reyes-Cornejo
    still would have to seek a waiver and, the IJ explained, “it’ll be
    up to me ultimately to decide whether or not you deserve to
    remain in the United States. Your best chances are to have
    proceeding, the IJ concluded, and the Government’s counsel conceded, that
    the Illinois weapons charge to which Mr. Reyes-Cornejo had pleaded guilty
    did not constitute a crime of moral turpitude. See A.R. at 168–69. In her
    written decision, the IJ set forth her rationale: “[P]ossession of a firearm
    without evidence of an intent to harm someone has not been found to
    amount to a crime involving moral turpitude. Matter of Granados, 16 I&N
    Dec. 726 (BIA 1979).” A.R. at 900 n.4.
    The proceedings later were reopened at Rojas’s request on the ground
    that she had not received notice of the scheduled 
    hearing. 6 A. at 958
    6                                              Nos. 12-1712 & 12-3285
    competent counsel representing you. Ms. Rojas has certainly
    done a great job, at least showing your eligibility for this
    relief.”7 The IJ questioned Mr. Reyes-Cornejo about his ability
    to pay Rojas going forward. The IJ then denied Rojas’s motion
    to withdraw in the hopes that the summer construction season
    would provide Mr. Reyes-Cornejo a means to pay his counsel.
    Rojas expressed concern, however, that Mr. Reyes-Cornejo
    would not be able to pay the filing fees for adjustment of
    status. The IJ instructed Mr. Reyes-Cornejo to take a list of legal
    aid attorneys, to consult with them and, in the meantime, to
    cooperate with any of Rojas’s requests. The matter was set for
    a master calendar hearing at which time Mr. Reyes-Cornejo
    was to inform the court what efforts he had made to find
    another attorney or to pay his current counsel.
    When the hearing resumed on July 29, 2008, Rojas renewed
    her request to withdraw. Before granting the motion, the IJ had
    Rojas review the status of the case—that she believed that
    Mr. Reyes-Cornejo was eligible for adjustment of status but
    that he would need a waiver of inadmissibility for his criminal
    trespass conviction.8 The IJ then granted Rojas’s motion and
    Id. at 959.
    In her discussion with the IJ, Rojas indicated her belief that the criminal
    trespass committed in Colorado was a crime of moral turpitude for which
    Mr. Reyes-Cornejo would have to seek a waiver of inadmissibility. See 
    id. at 973–74.
    The IJ agreed and instructed Mr. Reyes-Cornejo that, although
    the crime had not been charged in the Notice to Appear, Mr. Reyes-Cornejo
    would have to seek a waiver on the basis of that crime. See 
    id. at 974.
    Government later amended the Notice to Appear to include additional
    Nos. 12-1712 & 12-3285                                                    7
    advised Mr. Reyes-Cornejo that he would need to fill out a
    waiver application. The IJ instructed Mr. Reyes-Cornejo how
    to locate the I–601 waiver form on the United States Citizen-
    ship and Immigration Service website. Additionally, the IJ
    stated: “I would prefer if you had an attorney with experience
    helping you out on this. Maybe if you go to these legal aid
    organizations and tell them that you are now without counsel
    they’ll take your case. If not, you have to now pursue your
    case.”9 Later in the hearing, the IJ provided a copy of the I–601
    form to Mr. Reyes-Cornejo but advised him to go to the
    website for instructions.
    At the next hearing, the IJ reiterated that Mr. Reyes-Cornejo
    had the right to obtain counsel, but he informed the IJ that he
    intended to proceed on his own. The IJ then confirmed that all
    of the necessary paperwork for the adjustment of status and
    waiver had been submitted. The IJ advised Mr. Reyes-Cornejo
    how to make sure that he was fingerprinted in a timely
    fashion. Finally, she stated:
    Now, I’m going to set your case for hearing on the
    merits of your application for adjustment of status
    and for the waiver. You can bring witnesses with
    you. Obviously, I think it would be a good idea for
    factual allegations, specifically that Mr. Reyes-Cornejo was “on 11/15/01,
    convicted in the District Court of Weld County, Colorado for the offense of
    First Degree Criminal Trespass in violation of C.R.S. 18–4–502.” 
    Id. at 339.
    Mr. Reyes-Cornejo acknowledged receipt of the amended allegations at a
    hearing on March 24, 2009. 
    Id. at 982.
    Id. at 973.
    8                                          Nos. 12-1712 & 12-3285
    you to bring your wife. … But anybody else who can
    testify as to your good moral character, because you
    need to show two things now; that you deserve this
    as a matter of law, which means you that you really
    do have eligibility based on an approved visa
    petition, which you have, and that you don’t have
    any statutory ineligibility basis, but you also need to
    show that despite your record you deserve this as a
    matter of discretion. So, sometimes people
    bring—I’ll give you examples; neighbors, employ-
    ers, ministers. You know? People who can vouch for
    you; parents, kids. All right? Documents certainly
    also. … Letters of support from people, you know,
    who matter. … That can, can say that you are not
    going to be a danger to society and that you deserve
    this opportunity to remain. Okay? Do you have any
    questions? I’m trying to be thorough as I can.[10]
    Mr. Reyes-Cornejo and Gallas both responded, “No.”11
    When the merits hearing was conducted on June 21, 2010,
    Mr. Reyes-Cornejo advised the court that he had been arrested
    since the last hearing. Specifically, he had been charged with
    driving under the influence. After the court reviewed the
    materials submitted with respect to that charge, there was
    Id. at 991–92.
    Id. at 992.
    Nos. 12-1712 & 12-3285                                              9
    discussion about how testimony from Mr. Reyes-Cornejo
    should be elicited given that he was unrepresented. The IJ then
    asked Mr. Reyes-Cornejo a series of questions about his
    marriage, his children, how he supports them, the relatives that
    he had in the United States, and Gallas’s citizenship and
    employment status. She then stated:
    I’m going to be candid with you, Mr. Reyes. The—
    I, I don’t have any question about your marriage to
    a U.S. citizen and, and your presence in the United
    States. I also don’t believe that there is a permanent
    bar—or a statutory bar to you seeking a waiver with
    the adjustment. I just think that your criminal
    history is surely extensive and it’s fairly recent and
    so, rather than me take the role of a prosecutor or
    something I’m going to let the Government ask you
    questions about your criminal history. You’re going
    to have every opportunity after that to address, you
    know, why … you don’t think it’s that serious of an
    offense or why you changed or rehabilitated. Any-
    thing like that. Okay?[12]
    Mr. Reyes-Cornejo responded, “Okay.”13
    Counsel for the Government asked Mr. Reyes-Cornejo
    about his criminal history and also about many of his tattoos,
    which appeared to be indicative of gang affiliation. After the
    questioning, the IJ stated to Mr. Reyes-Cornejo, “Now,
    Id. at 1023.
    Id. 10 Nos.
    12-1712 & 12-3285
    Mr. Curran just asked you a lot of questions about your
    criminal history. Do you have anything that you want to tell
    me? Or—I know at one point you said you wanted to explain
    something. This is your chance.”14 Specifically, the IJ recalled
    that Mr. Reyes-Cornejo had tried to add something concerning
    a domestic battery charge, and she stated: “And, you know,
    there was the whole series of questions about your record in
    Colorado and then the domestic battery issues. I mean, this
    is—I, I don’t have any more questions of you, but I just want
    to let you know if there’s anything that you want to add, this
    is your chance. Because then your testimony is done and we’re
    going to call your wife.”15 Mr. Reyes-Cornejo offered further
    explanation for the bases of the charges, after which his wife
    was called as a witness.
    Gallas shed some additional light on the domestic violence
    charges for which she was the complainant. She also testified
    as to the importance of Mr. Reyes-Cornejo to herself, their
    child, Ilena, and her older daughter, Isabella.
    After Mr. Reyes-Cornejo, the IJ and the Government’s
    counsel finished questioning Gallas, the IJ stated:
    One of the things that has not been touched upon,
    your husband had to file—he has filed a waiver—
    And in order to get that waiver, he needs to show
    that a qualifying relative would suffer extreme
    Id. at 1066–67.
    Id. at 1067.
    Nos. 12-1712 & 12-3285                                              11
    hardship if he were deported. Now, I think the
    qualifying relative in this case would obviously be
    you because you’re a U.S. citizen and then his
    two-year-old daughter, who’s a U.S. citizen, and to
    perhaps family—any—a mother or father who have
    a green card or are U.S. citizens. So, I’d like you to
    tell me what hardship you believe that you or your
    daughter, or the parents would suffer if Mr. Reyes
    were deported from the United States to Mexico.[16]
    Gallas offered approximately six pages of testimony on the
    hardship that she, Ilena and Isabella would encounter.
    After Gallas finished testifying, the IJ also turned to
    Mr. Reyes-Cornejo to see if he had anything he would like to
    add concerning hardship. Through Gallas and
    Mr. Reyes-Cornejo, it was elicited that Gallas would suffer
    both emotionally and financially if Mr. Reyes-Cornejo were
    removed. Gallas explained that they “balance[d] [thei]r
    schedules” so as to not incur child-care costs.17 Her family, she
    explained, was not local and, therefore, could not help care for
    the children on a daily basis. Gallas testified that
    Mr. Reyes-Cornejo was especially helpful with Isabella because
    he ensured that she completed her homework and “just
    stay[ed] on top of things when mom’s not there.”18 She also
    expressed concerns for her own and her daughters’ safety in
    Id. at 1087.
    Id. 18 Id.
    at 1090.
    12                                             Nos. 12-1712 & 12-3285
    Mexico. For his part, Mr. Reyes-Cornejo elaborated on his
    relationship with his stepdaughter. He explained how they
    shared an interest in art and how he helped her win a
    school-wide art contest.19
    The IJ gave Mr. Reyes-Cornejo the opportunity to call his
    brother and his sister if he desired. Mr. Reyes-Cornejo re-
    sponded, however, that he was “satisfied.”20
    The IJ denied the requested relief. In her written decision,
    she noted that, in order to obtain a waiver of inadmissibility,
    Mr. Reyes-Cornejo had to show extreme hardship on the part
    of a qualifying relative. The IJ explained:
    The key term in the provision is “extreme” and thus
    only in cases of great actual or prospective injury to
    a qualifying relative will the waiver be granted. The
    phrase “extreme hardship” has been interpreted
    narrowly by the [BIA]. Hardship which would
    ordinarily be expected in a removal case, such as
    separation from family and financial difficulties, in
    and of itself is not sufficient to warrant approval
    unless combined with much more extreme
    id. at 1096.
    Id. at 1097.
    Id. at 903–04
    (citations omitted).
    Nos. 12-1712 & 12-3285                                                       13
    The IJ went on to note that, even after an alien establishes
    “extreme hardship,” the decision whether to grant relief still is
    discretionary. Furthermore, the IJ noted that the regulations
    instruct that, in order to merit a favorable exercise of discre-
    tion, aliens who have committed “‘violent or dangerous
    crimes’” must show “exceptional and extremely unusual
    hardship” to the qualifying relative.22 The IJ determined that
    Mr. Reyes-Cornejo’s actions fell within this category, but that,
    even “under the lesser standard of just extreme hardship, the
    respondent has failed to satisfy his burden of proof for the
    waiver as well.”23 The IJ found that the financial, child care and
    emotional burdens that Mr. Reyes-Cornejo’s wife and daugh-
    ters would suffer as a result of his removal simply did not
    amount to “extreme” hardship.
    id. at 904
    (quoting 8 C.F.R. § 1212.7(d)). 8 C.F.R. § 1212.7(d) states in
    relevant part:
    The Attorney General, in general, will not favorably
    exercise discretion under section 212(h)(2) of the Act (8
    U.S.C. 1182(h)(2)) to consent to an application or
    reapplication for a visa, or admission to the United States,
    or adjustment of status, with respect to immigrant aliens
    who are inadmissible under section 212(a)(2) of the Act in
    cases involving violent or dangerous crimes, except in
    extraordinary circumstances, such as those involving
    national security or foreign policy considerations, or cases
    in which an alien clearly demonstrates that the denial of
    the application for adjustment of status or an immigrant
    visa or admission as an immigrant would result in excep-
    tional and extremely unusual hardship.
    Id. at 904.
    14                                      Nos. 12-1712 & 12-3285
    Alternatively, the IJ determined that, even if
    Mr. Reyes-Cornejo had established all of the requirements to
    obtain a waiver, she would not have exercised her discretion
    in Mr. Reyes-Cornejo’s favor. The IJ believed that
    Mr. Reyes-Cornejo’s extensive criminal history, as well as the
    fact that many of his violations of the law were recent, “cast[]
    doubt on [his] professed rehabilitation and good character.”24
    “Moreover, the respondent’s theft-related conviction, his
    trespassing conviction, his repeated arrests on charges of
    domestic battery, and his utter disregard for the law as recently
    as 2009 when he was already in removal proceedings, reflect
    his poor moral character and unworthiness of a favorable
    exercise of discretion.”25
    The BIA affirmed. In a “de novo” review of the record, the
    BIA concluded that it “agree[d] with the [IJ] that the respon-
    dent ha[d] not demonstrated that his removal would result in
    extreme hardship to a qualifying relative, and is therefore
    ineligible for a waiver of inadmissibility.”26 The BIA also
    “reject[ed] the respondent’s argument that the [IJ] provided
    insufficient instruction to the respondent, who was pro se
    during his merits hearing, regarding the requirements neces-
    Id. at 905.
    Id. 26 Id.
    at 825.
    Nos. 12-1712 & 12-3285                                        15
    sary to establish relief.”27 The BIA observed that due process
    required that Mr. Reyes-Cornejo have a meaningful opportu-
    nity to present his claim and that he had had such an opportu-
    nity. Moreover, the IJ specifically had allowed
    Mr. Reyes-Cornejo to present evidence of hardship, and the IJ
    had questioned Mr. Reyes-Cornejo and his wife concerning the
    hardship that his deportation would pose to each of his family
    members. Finally, the BIA concluded that, even if there had
    been some insufficient explanation by the IJ, the respondent
    had not “demonstrated how the [IJ]’s allegedly deficient
    instructions prejudiced him by articulating, for example, any
    evidence of hardship that he would have presented regarding
    this child had he better understood the requirements for a …
    waiver.”28 The BIA therefore dismissed Mr. Reyes-Cornejo’s
    In 2011, Mr. Reyes-Cornejo moved to reopen his proceed-
    ings. The bases for his motion to reopen were: Isabella’s special
    education needs; the recent diagnosis of Ilena with mixed
    receptive and expressive disorder (“MRED”); the economic
    and emotional hardship that his wife would face if he were
    deported; and the deteriorating country conditions in Mexico.
    The BIA denied the motion to reopen. It held that not all of
    the evidence submitted was newly available. Specifically, it
    Id. 28 Id.
    at 826.
    16                                             Nos. 12-1712 & 12-3285
    noted that the conditions in Mexico had not deteriorated
    markedly since Mr. Reyes-Cornejo’s merits hearing in 2010.
    Additionally, the information concerning Isabella and Gallas
    was available at the time of the hearing. The BIA determined
    that the only truly new evidence was that Ilena “was diag-
    nosed with ‘moderate–severe mixed receptive and expressive
    language disorder.’”29 It explained, however, that this change
    did not justify reopening:
    While this new evidence indicates that Ilena has
    special education needs, the evidence does not
    establish that the family’s hardship would be in-
    creased by the respondent’s removal, aside from the
    difficulties of separation which the [IJ] and the
    Board already considered and addressed. The
    documentation does not reflect that the family
    would need to expend extra resources to care for
    Ilena’s condition, or that Ilena’s treatment would
    suffer substantial setbacks due to the respondent’s
    absence. … Hardships which would occur regard-
    less of the respondent’s removal are not sufficient.[30]
    Moreover, the BIA was not persuaded that, in light of the
    new evidence, Mr. Reyes-Cornejo merited a favorable exercise
    of discretion given his lengthy criminal history.
    Mr. Reyes-Cornejo timely petitioned for review of this ruling
    as well.
    Id. at 4.
    Id. Nos. 12-1712
    & 12-3285                                                     17
    A. Statutory Requirements for Waiver of Inadmissibility
    Before addressing the specific arguments raised by
    Mr. Reyes-Cornejo, it is helpful to recall the requirements for
    the relief he seeks. In his removal proceedings, the Govern-
    ment charged that Mr. Reyes-Cornejo was inadmissible to the
    United States.31 Mr. Reyes-Cornejo specifically was charged
    with two counts of inadmissibility: He was present in the
    United States without being admitted, inspected or paroled,32
    and he had committed a crime of moral turpitude.33 Having
    never been admitted or paroled, Mr. Reyes-Cornejo was
    seeking “admission,” as that term is understood in immigra-
    tion law, in the form of a request for adjustment of status, as a
    defense to his removal. That is, acknowledging no present
    authorization to remain in the United States at the time of his
    See 8 U.S.C. § 1229a(a)(2) (stating that “[a]n alien placed in [removal]
    proceedings … may be charged with any applicable ground of inadmissibil-
    ity under section 1182(a)”).
    id. § 1182(a)(6)(A)(i).
    id. § 1182(a)(2)(A)(i)(I).
    As we noted above, see supra note 8, the
    Government amended its factual allegations to include Mr. Reyes-Cornejo’s
    criminal trespass conviction. Mr. Reyes-Cornejo’s Colorado conviction
    states that he had “unlawfully, feloniously and knowingly … enter[ed] the
    motor vehicle … with the intent to commit the crime of Theft.” A.R. at 342.
    It is beyond dispute that theft is a crime involving moral turpitude, see
    Hashish v. Gonzales, 
    442 F.3d 572
    , 576 (7th Cir. 2006) (collecting cases), and
    Mr. Reyes-Cornejo does not dispute that he is inadmissible on this basis.
    18                                                 Nos. 12-1712 & 12-3285
    charge, he nevertheless contended that he could be admitted
    and given lawful permanent resident status and therefore
    would not be removed.
    Mr. Reyes-Cornejo’s inadmissibility, with its attendant
    consequences, was the core issue to be decided in his proceed-
    ing. Mr. Reyes-Cornejo did not contest that his presence and
    the charged conviction for trespass rendered him inadmissible
    and, if not waived in the context of a grant of adjustment of
    status, would render him removable. To show that he was not
    removable as charged, therefore, he sought to establish that his
    grounds for inadmissibility were waivable and that he merited
    such a waiver.34 On this appeal, we consider whether
    id. § 1182(h).
    8 U.S.C. § 1182(h) provides:
    (h) Waiver of subsection (a)(2)(A)(i)(I), (II), (B), (D), and (E)
    The Attorney General may, in his discretion, waive
    the application of subparagraphs (A)(i)(I), (B), (D), and (E)
    of subsection (a)(2) of this section and subparagraph
    (A)(i)(II) of such subsection insofar as it relates to a single
    offense of simple possession of 30 grams or less of mari-
    juana if—
    (1)(A) in the case of any immigrant it is established
    to the satisfaction of the Attorney General that—
    (i) the alien is inadmissible only under
    subparagraph (D)(i) or (D)(ii) of such
    subsection or the activities for which the
    alien is inadmissible occurred more than
    15 years before the date of the alien’s
    application for a visa, admission, or ad-
    justment of status,
    Nos. 12-1712 & 12-3285                                                    19
    Mr. Reyes-Cornejo has met this burden.
    The requirements for a waiver of inadmissibility are set
    forth in 8 U.S.C. § 1182(h) and include a showing “that the
    alien’s denial of admission would result in extreme hardship
    to the United States citizen or lawfully resident spouse, parent,
    son, or daughter of such alien.” 
    Id. § 1182(h)(1)(B).
    If the alien
    satisfies these requirements, the Attorney General “may, in his
    discretion,” grant the waiver. 
    Id. § 1182(h).
    (ii) the admission to the United States of
    such alien would not be contrary to the
    national welfare, safety, or security of the
    United States, and
    (iii) the alien has been rehabilitated; or
    (B) in the case of an immigrant who is the spouse,
    parent, son, or daughter of a citizen of the United States or
    an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence if it is
    established to the satisfaction of the Attorney General that
    the alien’s denial of admission would result in extreme
    hardship to the United States citizen or lawfully resident
    spouse, parent, son, or daughter of such alien; or
    (C) the alien is a VAWA self-petitioner; and
    (2) the Attorney General, in his discretion, and
    pursuant to such terms, conditions and procedures as he
    may by regulations prescribe, has consented to the alien’s
    applying or reapplying for a visa, for admission to the
    United States, or adjustment of status.
    … No court shall have jurisdiction to review a
    decision of the Attorney General to grant or deny a waiver
    under this subsection.
    20                                      Nos. 12-1712 & 12-3285
    With this background in mind, we turn to the specific
    arguments lodged by Mr. Reyes-Cornejo.
    B. Right to Adequate Process
    Mr. Reyes-Cornejo first challenges the manner in which the
    IJ conducted the proceedings. Specifically, Mr. Reyes-Cornejo
    contends that the IJ failed to instruct him that he had to show
    extreme hardship to a qualifying relative, and, consequently,
    he was deprived of his right to present evidence of hardship
    during the hearing. At bottom, Mr. Reyes-Cornejo contends
    that his merits hearing was fundamentally unfair and deprived
    him of due process of law.
    Mr. Reyes-Cornejo’s claim, however, is not cognizable as a
    due process violation. We have explained that,
    [w]hile an alien has a Fifth Amendment right to due
    process in immigration proceedings, it is
    well-established that a party complaining of a
    due-process violation must assert a liberty interest
    in order to maintain his due-process claim. As a
    result, we have repeatedly held that an alien’s right
    to due process does not extend to proceedings that
    provide only such discretionary relief because an
    appeal to discretion is not a substantive entitlement.
    Khan v. Mukasey, 
    517 F.3d 513
    , 518 (7th Cir. 2008) (internal
    quotation marks omitted) (citations omitted). Because a waiver
    of inadmissibility is a type of discretionary relief, see 8 U.S.C.
    § 1182(h); 
    Khan, 517 F.3d at 518
    , Mr. Reyes-Cornejo cannot
    Nos. 12-1712 & 12-3285                                                     21
    assert a liberty interest in the relief he seeks and, therefore,
    cannot prevail on his due process claim.
    In addition to alleging a constitutional violation,
    Mr. Reyes-Cornejo also claims that he was prejudiced by the
    IJ’s failure to adhere to statutory and regulatory provisions
    governing the conduct of removal proceedings.35 Specifically,
    Mr. Reyes-Cornejo faults the IJ for failing to “develop[] the
    record and elicit[] possible eligibility for relief” as required by
    8 U.S.C. § 1229a(b)(1). Pet’r’s Br. 17. According to
    Mr. Reyes-Cornejo, the IJ should have explicitly advised him
    about the need to establish extreme hardship to a United States
    citizen relative and also should have spent more time during
    the merits hearing on this requirement. We do not believe that
    the record before us supports a conclusion that the IJ violated
    any statute or regulation or that, even if she did, any prejudice
    We begin by examining the statutory and regulatory bases
    Although we lack jurisdiction to evaluate an agency’s denial of discre-
    tionary relief, such as a waiver of inadmissibility, see 8
    U.S.C. § 1252(a)(2)(B); Lam v. Holder, 
    698 F.3d 529
    , 533 (7th Cir. 2012)
    (“Section 242(a)(2)(B) of the INA generally deprives courts of jurisdiction to
    review discretionary denials of immigration relief.”), we nevertheless retain
    jurisdiction to evaluate constitutional claims or questions of law raised in
    conjunction with a discretionary determination, see 8 U.S.C. § 1252(a)(2)(D).
    We therefore have jurisdiction to consider Mr. Reyes-Cornejo’s claims that
    the IJ failed to adhere to specific regulatory and statutory requirements
    when conducting the removal proceedings.
    22                                      Nos. 12-1712 & 12-3285
    for Mr. Reyes-Cornejo’s claim. Section 1229a(b)(1) of Title 8
    The immigration judge shall administer oaths,
    receive evidence, and interrogate, examine, and
    cross-examine the alien and any witnesses. The
    immigration judge may issue subpoenas for the
    attendance of witnesses and presentation of evi-
    dence. The immigration judge shall have authority
    (under regulations prescribed by the Attorney
    General) to sanction by civil money penalty any
    action (or inaction) in contempt of the judge's proper
    exercise of authority under this chapter.
    Similarly, 8 C.F.R. § 1240.32(b) provides: “The immigration
    judge shall receive and adduce material and relevant evidence,
    rule upon objections, and otherwise regulate the course of the
    Here, the IJ specifically addressed the issue of hardship
    and, during the hearing, elicited testimony about the hardship
    of qualifying relatives. See A.R. at 1087 (“[I]n order to get that
    waiver, he needs to show that a qualifying relative would
    suffer extreme hardship if he were deported. … So, I’d like you
    to tell me what hardship you believe that you or your daugh-
    ter, or the parents would suffer if Mr. Reyes were deported
    from the United States to Mexico.”). The IJ questioned Gallas
    and Mr. Reyes-Cornejo about hardship, and their testimony
    addressed the hardship to Gallas, to Isabella, to Ilena and to
    Mr. Reyes-Cornejo’s parents. The testimony totaled ten
    transcribed pages.
    Mr. Reyes-Cornejo nevertheless faults the IJ for failing to
    Nos. 12-1712 & 12-3285                                                  23
    advise him of the hardship requirement prior to the merits
    hearing and for focusing on his criminal record during that
    proceeding. The Board adequately evaluated this claim and
    determined that, when the record was assessed as a whole, it
    was clear that the IJ’s conduct of the proceedings oriented the
    petitioner with respect to his responsibility to show extreme
    hardship. The Board pointed out that the IJ had questioned
    specifically the petitioner’s wife about potential hardship to the
    petitioner’s stepdaughter,36 daughter and parents.
    During the master calendar hearing, the IJ advised
    Mr. Reyes-Cornejo that, in addition to meeting the statutory
    requirements for eligibility, he also had to show that he
    “deserve[d]” relief “as a matter of discretion.” 
    Id. at 991.
    The IJ
    then advised Mr. Reyes-Cornejo that he should bring any
    witnesses who could “vouch for [him]” and explain why he
    “deserve[d] this opportunity to remain.” 
    Id. at 991–92.
    cannot fault the IJ for attempting to focus Mr. Reyes-Cornejo
    on the issue that was critical for purposes of obtaining a
    favorable exercise of her discretion and certainly cannot say
    that the IJ’s conscientiousness in this regard clouded the
    petitioner’s understanding of his responsibility to establish
    extreme hardship. We have approved of an IJ’s attempt to
    focus testimony and evidence on issues that were important for
    the granting of relief. Cf., e.g., Kerciku v. INS, 
    314 F.3d 913
    917-18 (7th Cir. 2003) (explaining that when “the immigration
    Although 8 U.S.C. § 1182(h) is limited to “spouse, parent, son, or
    daughter,” 8 U.S.C. § 1101(b)(1)(B) defines “child” to include “a stepchild
    … provided the child has not reached the age of eighteen years at the time
    the marriage creating the stepchild status occurred.”
    24                                     Nos. 12-1712 & 12-3285
    judge limits the extent of some testimony or frequently
    interrupts the applicant’s presentation,” a due process viola-
    tion does not occur because these actions “serve to focus the
    proceedings and exclude irrelevant evidence,” and collecting
    Finally, even if Mr. Reyes-Cornejo had presented more
    compelling evidence and had met the extreme hardship
    standard, the waiver of inadmissibility still would have been
    denied. We have explained that “[t]he grant of a waiver of
    inadmissibility requires both a finding of extreme hardship for
    a qualifying relative and the favorable exercise of discretion.”
    Lam v. Holder, 
    698 F.3d 529
    , 534 (7th Cir. 2012) (emphasis in
    original). The IJ determined that, even if Mr. Reyes-Cornejo
    had shown the requisite hardship, she would not have exer-
    cised her discretion in his favor because of his extensive
    criminal record and his utter disregard for the law. The BIA
    explained in Matter of Mendez-Moralez, 21 I. & N. Dec. 296, 301
    (BIA 1996), that
    [t]he equities that the applicant for [a waiver of
    inadmissibility] must bring forward to establish that
    he merits a favorable exercise of administrative
    discretion will depend in each case on the nature
    and circumstances of the ground of exclusion sought
    to be waived and on the presence of any additional
    adverse matters, and as the negative factors grow
    more serious, it becomes incumbent upon the
    applicant to introduce additional offsetting favor-
    able evidence.
    Given Mr. Reyes-Cornejo’s criminal record, which spans more
    Nos. 12-1712 & 12-3285                                         25
    than a decade, which includes a weapons charge, theft and
    domestic abuse, and which extends through his removal
    proceedings, we do not believe that the additional evidence of
    hardship he now points to would have had any effect on the
    IJ’s balancing of the equities.
    C. Motion to Reopen
    Mr. Reyes-Cornejo also maintains that the BIA erred in
    failing to grant his motion to reopen. We review the BIA’s
    decision to deny a motion to reopen for an abuse of discretion.
    Vahora v. Holder, 
    707 F.3d 904
    , 911 (7th Cir. 2013). Under this
    standard, we shall uphold the BIA’s decision “unless it was
    made without rational explanation, inexplicably departed from
    established policies, or rested on an impermissible basis.”
    Marinov v. Holder, 
    687 F.3d 365
    , 368 (7th Cir. 2012).
    Motions to reopen are governed by 8 C.F.R. § 1003.2, which
    provides in relevant part that “[a] motion to reopen proceed-
    ings shall not be granted unless it appears to the Board that
    evidence sought to be offered is material and was not available
    and could not have been discovered or presented at the former
    hearing[] … .” 
    Id. § 1003.2(c)(1)
    (emphasis added). As noted
    above, the BIA denied Mr. Reyes-Cornejo’s motion to reopen
    in part because the evidence concerning the violence in Mexico
    and the special needs of Isabella was available at the time of his
    merits hearing.
    The BIA did not abuse its discretion in so concluding. With
    respect to the violence in Mexico, Mr. Reyes-Cornejo had
    pointed to a statement in a State Department travel warning
    26                                            Nos. 12-1712 & 12-3285
    that, “[i]n 2011[,] several areas in the state [of Durango]
    continue to experience high rates of violence and remained
    volatile and unpredictable.” A.R. at 56 (emphases added).37
    Similarly, Mr. Reyes-Cornejo has not pointed to any aspect
    of Isabella’s learning disabilities that was discovered or
    documented subsequent to the merits hearing. All of the
    information was known to Mr. Reyes-Cornejo at the time of the
    hearing, but simply was not presented to the IJ.
    The only new evidence that Mr. Reyes-Cornejo presented
    in his motion to reopen was Ilena’s diagnosis with MRED. The
    BIA discussed thoroughly the evidence concerning Ilena, but
    concluded that Mr. Reyes-Cornejo’s removal would not affect
    significantly Ilena’s treatment or progress. See A.R. at 5. On
    appeal, Mr. Reyes-Cornejo maintains that, in reaching its
    conclusion, the BIA “failed to consider most of the relevant
    factors” for determining hardship to a qualifying relative. See
    Pet’r’s Br. 28–29 (citing Matter of Cervantes, 22 I. & N. Dec. 560
    (BIA 1999)).38 Because the only new evidence before the Board
    Indeed, placed in context, the State Department travel warning states:
    “Between 2006 and 2010, the number of narcotics–related murders in the
    State of Durango increased dramatically. In 2011 several areas in the state
    continue to experience high rates of violence and remained volatile and
    unpredictable.” A.R. at 791.
    In Matter of Cervantes, 22 I. & N. Dec. 560, 565–66 (BIA 1999), the BIA
    The factors deemed relevant in determining extreme
    hardship to a qualifying relative include, but are not
    limited to, the following: the presence of lawful permanent
    Nos. 12-1712 & 12-3285                                                       27
    was Ilena’s diagnosis, it was not necessary for the Board to
    consider again all of the Cervantes factors in order to determine
    if Mr. Reyes-Cornejo had established extreme hardship.39 It
    simply needed to determine if the new evidence supplied by
    Mr. Reyes-Cornejo changed its original analysis. As noted by
    the Board, however, the materials submitted by
    Mr. Reyes-Cornejo did not establish that his removal would
    engender any additional hardship with respect to Ilena’s
    resident or United States citizen family ties to this country;
    the qualifying relative’s family ties outside the United
    States; the conditions in the country or countries to which
    the qualifying relative would relocate and the extent of the
    qualifying relative’s ties to such countries; the financial
    impact of departure from this country; and, finally,
    significant conditions of health, particularly when tied to
    an unavailability of suitable medical care in the country to
    which the qualifying relative would relocate.
    The BIA also noted that not all factors will be applicable in every case. See
    id. at 566.
    There is no question that, in eliciting and considering the evidence of
    hardship presented at the merits hearing, the IJ was guided by the Cervantes
    factors. See A.R. at 1088 (inquiring about Gallas’s family ties in the United
    id. at 1089–90
    (inquiring about Gallas’s willingness to move to
    Mexico and any familiarity with Mexico). Gallas, however, made it clear
    that her intent was to remain in the United States, see id.; consequently, the
    IJ correctly focused on the hardship that Mr. Reyes-Cornejo’s wife,
    stepdaughter and daughter would suffer if he were removed and they
    remained in the United States, see 
    id. at 1087–88
    id. at 1090–91
    (daughter and stepdaughter); 
    id. at 1094–96
    (same). Similarly, the BIA’s
    initial decision focuses on the relevant factors in determining that
    Mr. Reyes-Cornejo had not established the required level of hardship.
    28                                     Nos. 12-1712 & 12-3285
    condition. Mr. Reyes-Cornejo’s absence would not affect Ilena’s
    ability to attend Head Start, to have an individual learning
    plan developed for her or to obtain entry into a special pro-
    gram for children with language disorders. Consequently, we
    cannot say that the BIA abused its discretion in denying
    Mr. Reyes-Cornejo’s motion to reopen on this ground.
    Finally, there was no abuse of discretion in the BIA’s
    alternative holding that, assuming a showing of extreme
    hardship, the new evidence did not merit a favorable exercise
    of discretion. In reaching this conclusion, the BIA considered
    Mr. Reyes-Cornejo’s extensive criminal history, the variety of
    crimes Mr. Reyes-Cornejo had committed and the length of
    time that Mr. Reyes-Cornejo’s criminal actions spanned. In
    Mendez-Moralez, 21 I. & N. Dec. at 301, the BIA observed that,
    “as the negative factors grow more serious, it becomes incum-
    bent upon the applicant to introduce additional offsetting …
    evidence” of hardship or other favorable factors. Given
    Mr. Reyes-Cornejo’s history of criminal involvement, which
    extended beyond the time he was issued his notice to appear,
    it was not irrational for the BIA to conclude that
    Mr. Reyes-Cornejo did not merit a favorable exercise of
    discretion, even considering any additional hardship to Ilena.
    For the reasons set forth in this opinion, we deny
    Mr. Reyes-Cornejo’s petition for review.

Document Info

Docket Number: 12-1712

Citation Numbers: 734 F.3d 636

Judges: Ripple

Filed Date: 10/28/2013

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023