True North Communica v. Publicis Communicati , 206 F.3d 725 ( 2000 )

  • In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the Seventh Circuit
    Nos. 99-1199 & 99-3424
    Plaintiff-Counterclaim Defendant-Appellant,
    PUBLICIS S.A., a French corporation,
    Counterclaim Defendant-Appellant,
    Defendant-Counterclaim Plaintiff-Appellee.
    Appeals from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
    No. 97 C 8263--Joan B. Gottschall, Judge.
    Argued February 14, 2000--Decided March 14, 2000
    Before BAUER, FLAUM, and EVANS, Circuit Judges.
    EVANS, Circuit Judge. Arbitration can be an
    effective way to resolve a dispute in less time,
    at less expense, and with less rancor than
    litigating in the courts. Arbitration loses some
    of its luster, though, when one party refuses to
    abide by the outcome and the courts are called in
    after all for enforcement. This is one of those
    A joint venture between two advertising
    companies, Chicago-based True North
    Communications Inc. and Paris-based Publicis
    Communication (whose French corporate parent is
    Publicis S.A.), that had begun in 1989 came apart
    in May 1997. With one exception that is
    irrelevant to this case,/1 True North and
    Publicis agreed to arbitrate any disputes arising
    from their divorce before the London Court of
    International Arbitration under the arbitration
    rules of the United Nations Commission on
    International Trade Law. Needless to say,
    disagreements popped up, including whether
    Publicis had to turn over tax records that True
    North said it needed to file with the Internal
    Revenue Service and the Securities and Exchange
    Danish attorney Allan Philip, French law
    professor Alain Viandier, and former U.S.
    Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach were
    appointed to handle the arbitration, with Philip
    serving as chairman of the tribunal. In an
    October 30, 1998, "order" signed by Philip "for
    and on behalf of the Arbitrators," the tribunal
    told Publicis to provide True North with the tax
    information for 1994 to 1996 by November 23,
    1998. When Publicis failed to comply, True North
    went to the Northern District of Illinois to try
    to confirm the arbitration decision, the first
    step toward federal court enforcement of an
    arbitration ruling. Judge Joan Gottschall
    confirmed the arbitration ruling and later
    rejected Publicis’ Rule 60(b) motion to revisit
    her decision.
    We are tempted to throw out this case as moot.
    True North has received from Publicis all the tax
    records it wanted,/2 a fact neither side
    bothered to disclose to us until prompted by our
    questions during the oral argument. As the
    parties might be aware, deciding live disputes
    keeps us busy enough and we feel no need to
    moonlight by rendering advisory opinions.
    Publicis insists, however, that although True
    North now says it is satisfied, the case is not
    moot because Publicis still has not turned over
    all of the records literally called for by the
    tribunal’s broad order and thus still is not in
    full compliance with Judge Gottschall’s ruling.
    Given the history of bickering between these
    litigants and the possibility they might find a
    way to return to court another day if we brand
    their current squabble moot, deciding this case
    on the merits seems prudent.
    In reviewing the district court’s confirmation
    of the arbitration decision, we review findings
    of fact for clear error and decide questions of
    law de novo. Geneva Sec., Inc. v. Johnson, 
    138 F.3d 688
    , 691 (7th Cir. 1998).
    The Convention on the Recognition and
    Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, commonly
    known as the New York Convention and incorporated
    into American law at 9 U.S.C. sec. 201 et seq.,
    governs judicial confirmation of arbitration
    decisions like this that arise out of agreements
    between a U.S. citizen (True North) and a citizen
    of a foreign nation such as France that signed
    the convention (Publicis). "The court shall
    confirm the award unless it finds one of the
    grounds for refusal or deferral of recognition or
    enforcement of the award specified in the said
    Convention." 9 U.S.C. sec. 207. Article V(1)(e)
    of the convention specifies several exceptions to
    judicial enforcement, including awards that have
    not yet become binding on the parties.
    Publicis says the tribunal’s decision was an
    interim order and, under the convention, only
    arbitral "awards" are final and subject to
    confirmation. Publicis insists that until the
    order was final, True North was confined to
    seeking relief from the tribunal itself or the
    courts of England, the site of the arbitration.
    True North says the convention allows judicial
    confirmation of final rulings, whether they are
    termed "awards" or "orders," and insists that the
    tribunal’s October 30 opinion was final. Although
    Publicis suggests that our ruling will cause the
    international arbitration earth to quake and
    mountains to crumble, resolving this case
    actually requires determining only whether or not
    this particular order by this particular
    arbitration tribunal regarding these particular
    tax records was final. If the arbitration
    tribunal’s October 30, 1998, decision was final,
    then Judge Gottschall had the authority to
    confirm it. If the arbitrators’ decision was not
    final, then the district court jumped the gun.
    Publicis places great importance on the
    difference between an award and an order. True
    North requested an "award" from the arbitration
    tribunal on the tax records issue, but the
    tribunal called its decision an "order." The
    arbitration rules the parties agreed upon refer
    to final decisions as "awards." UNCITRAL
    Arbitration Rules, Articles 31-37 (1977). The law
    governing judicial enforcement of arbitral
    decisions is called the United Nations Convention
    on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign
    Arbitral "Awards." 9 U.S.C. sec. 201. The
    convention speaks only of recognizing and
    enforcing an arbitral "award"; it does not refer
    to an arbitral order or any other comparable
    term. Commentators describe "awards" as final and
    enforceable. See Alan Redfern & Martin Hunter,
    Law and Practice of International Commercial
    Arbitration 360, (1991); Mauro Rubino-Sammartano,
    International Arbitration Law 410 (1989); Douglas
    D. Reichert, Provisional Remedies in the Context
    of International Commercial Arbitration, 3 Int’l
    Tax & Bus. Lawyer 368, 395 (1986).
    Publicis’ position is that an arbitral ruling
    can be final in every respect, but unless the
    document bears the word "award" it is not final
    and is unenforceable. This is extreme and
    untenable formalism. The New York Convention, the
    United Nations arbitration rules, and the
    commentators’ consistent use of the label "award"
    when discussing final arbitral decisions does not
    bestow transcendental significance on the term.
    Their treatment of "award" as interchangeable
    with final does not necessarily mean that
    synonyms such as decision, opinion, order, or
    ruling could not also be final. The content of a
    decision-- not its nomenclature--determines
    The Federal Arbitration Act also uses "award"
    in conjunction with finality, 9 U.S.C. sec.sec.
    9 and 10, but this circuit and others have found
    arbitration decisions lacking the "award" tag to
    be final. In Yasuda Fire & Marine Insurance
    Company of Europe v. Continental Casualty
    37 F.3d 345
     (7th Cir. 1994), we
    considered whether "an interim order of security"
    constituted a final award and thus was subject to
    being judicially vacated under 9 U.S.C. sec.
    10(a)(4). Because the order was necessary to
    prevent the final award from becoming
    meaningless, we decided that the order was final
    and thus could be immediately challenged. 
    37 F.3d at 347-48
    . Other decisions cited in Yasuda reach
    similar results. See Pacific Reinsurance
    Management Corp. v. Ohio Reinsurance Corp., 
    935 F.2d 1019
    , 1022-23 (9th Cir. 1991) (arbitral
    "interim final order" providing temporary
    equitable relief necessary to make potential
    final award meaningful found to be final and
    subject to confirmation); Island Creek Coal Sales
    Co. v. City of Gainesville, 
    729 F.2d 1046
    , 1049
    (6th Cir. 1984) (arbitral "interim order" that
    finally and definitively disposed of separate,
    discrete, self-contained issue found to be final
    and subject to confirmation); Sperry Int’l Trade
    v. Israel, 
    689 F.2d 301
    , 304 n.3 (2d Cir. 1982)
    (appeals court itself did not consider, but noted
    that district court found arbitral "award" that
    was final as to severable issues was final and
    subject to confirmation).
    These cases show that although the Federal
    Arbitration Act uses the word award in
    conjunction with finality, courts go beyond a
    document’s heading and delve into its substance
    and impact to determine whether the decision is
    final. Publicis and True North’s arbitration is
    controlled by the New York Convention, not the
    Federal Arbitration Act. But the New York
    Convention supplements the Federal Arbitration
    Act, and the logic of decisions applied to the
    latter may guide the interpretation of the
    As to whether Publicis had to turn over to True
    North tax records from 1994 to 1996, the
    arbitration tribunal’s October 30 order appears
    final. The tribunal summarized True North’s
    position that its claim "is extremely urgent" and
    Publicis’ contention that "no urgency exists and
    that the matter . . . may be decided . . .
    together with the other claims." The tribunal
    concluded that True North’s claim "is well
    founded," said that interim measures were
    necessary, and directed Publicis to provide the
    1994-1996 tax records to True North by November
    23, 1998. Publicis argues that the deadline does
    not make this decision any more final and
    immediately enforceable than a discovery order
    setting a specific date for compliance. This
    analogy is inapt. Discovery involves compiling
    information needed to reach a resolution; it is
    an early step in moving toward the end result. In
    the situation at hand, whether or not Publicis
    had to turn over the tax records is the whole
    ball of wax. The tribunal’s order resolved the
    dispute, or was supposed to, at any rate.
    Producing the documents wasn’t just some
    procedural matter--it was the very issue True
    North wanted arbitrated. The finality of the
    tribunal’s ruling is demonstrated by the
    deadline. The tribunal explicitly carved out the
    tax records issue for immediate action from the
    bulk of the matters still pending, stating that
    "[t]he delivery of the documents should not await
    final confirmation in the Final Award." Requiring
    the unrelated issues to be arbitrated to finality
    before allowing True North to enforce a decision
    the tribunal called urgent would defeat the
    purpose of the tribunal’s order. A ruling on a
    discrete, time-sensitive issue may be final and
    ripe for confirmation even though other claims
    remain to be addressed by arbitrators.
    Like its formalistic argument over the
    difference between an award and an order,
    Publicis fusses that the tribunal’s October 30
    decision cannot be final because it was signed
    only by Philip. Under the United Nations
    arbitration rules, final awards are supposed to
    be signed by all three arbitrators and, if not,
    should explain any missing signature. UNCITRAL
    Arbitration Rules, Article 32(4). This argument
    goes nowhere. In the first place, the tribunal
    chairman Philip signed the decision "for and on
    behalf" of the other arbitrators. At Judge
    Gottschall’s prompting, arbitrators Viandier and
    Katzenbach later signed off on the decision as
    A closely related argument gives us greater
    pause. The boilerplate United Nations rules allow
    the presiding arbitrator to decide procedural
    matters on his own. UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules,
    Article 31(2). The ground rules for this
    arbitration made an exception: "The arbitrators
    will consult on any procedural decision to be
    made or any procedural directions to be given.
    They may be signed by the Chairman alone."
    Publicis says the "for and on behalf" language of
    the October 30 order indicates that this was a
    procedural decision on which Philip consulted the
    others but which did not require Viandier’s and
    Katzenbach’s signatures. True North says that
    because the ground rules allow procedural
    decisions to be signed by the chairman only, the
    "for and on behalf" clause would be superfluous
    if this decision were procedural, and therefore
    the language signifies that this was a
    substantive holding. Either interpretation seems
    credible, which only confirms our belief that
    finality should be judged by substance and
    effect, not by superficial technicalities.
    At the very least, Publicis says the
    arbitration award was ambiguous and that instead
    of confirming it Judge Gottschall should have
    remanded it to the tribunal for clarification. In
    the context of the Federal Arbitration Act, "[a]
    district court should not interpret an ambiguous
    arbitration award. If an award is unclear, the
    court should send it back to the arbitrator for
    clarification. When possible, however, a court
    should avoid remanding a decision to the
    arbitrator because of the interest in prompt and
    final arbitration." Teamsters Local No. 579 v. B
    & M Transit, Inc., 
    882 F.2d 274
    , 278 (7th Cir.
    1989) (citations omitted). Again using Federal
    Arbitration Act case law as a guide, we think
    Judge Gottschall legitimately found the
    arbitrator’s decision unambiguous. Sending the
    matter back to the tribunal would have defeated
    the swift resolution that True North sought and
    that the arbitrators thought was justified.
    Publicis also appeals Judge Gottschall’s denial
    of its Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 60(b)(2)
    motion to reverse her ruling because of newly
    discovered evidence that by due diligence could
    not previously have been discovered. We review
    the denial of such a motion for abuse of
    discretion. Jones v. Lincoln Elec. Co., 
    188 F.3d 709
    , 735 (7th Cir. 1999). During her initial oral
    ruling Judge Gottschall remarked that the
    arbitration "panel has not--appears not to have
    consulted the rules to do this . . . . It’s
    simply that they haven’t done everything they
    could do to make it totally incontrovertible
    under the rules what they were intending."
    Publicis’ "newly discovered evidence" consists of
    statements made by the arbitrators during a
    subsequent February 1999 hearing that Publicis
    contends demonstrate that the distinguished
    tribunal did know what it was doing, had
    consulted the rules, and believed that the term
    "award" should be reserved for final decisions.
    A party needs awfully good stuff to win a Rule
    60(b)(2) motion. A few isolated comments culled
    from over 500 pages of transcript from the
    February 1999 hearing that might contradict an
    off-the-cuff remark by the district court does
    not suffice. Judge Gottschall’s rumination about
    the arbitrators not knowing the rules might well
    have been mistaken, but it was a stray comment
    made during a ruling from the bench and was not
    the basis for her decision. Rather, Judge
    Gottschall’s conclusion that the tribunal’s
    October 30 order was final was grounded on the
    decision’s substantive intent to create immediate
    If the tribunal’s decision wasn’t final, if the
    tribunal didn’t really intend to finalize it
    until eons later, if True North had to wait to
    enforce this urgent matter until all the other
    issues were arbitrated to finality, then the
    October 30 decision was a meaningless waste of
    time. Despite some possible superficial technical
    flaws, and despite its designation as an "order"
    instead of an "award," the arbitration tribunal’s
    decision--as to this chunk of the case--was
    final. And this is our final judgment.
    /1 That exception was the issue in an earlier
    decision, Publicis Communication v. True North
    Communications Inc., 
    132 F.3d 363
     (7th Cir.
    /2 True North’s counsel said during oral argument:
    "All of the records that we need for the tax
    purposes for the ’94 through ’96 tax years have
    been turned over and they were turned over within
    the last 2 weeks . . . . We have got what we
    wanted. The order did serve its purpose . . . .
    In my judgment, your honor, nothing remains
    because we have received the relief . . . that
    the tribunal ordered and that Judge Gottschall