United States v. Gabriel Ayres , 929 F.3d 581 ( 2019 )

  •                  United States Court of Appeals
    For the Eighth Circuit
    No. 18-2534
    United States of America
    lllllllllllllllllllllPlaintiff - Appellee
    Gabriel John Ayres
    lllllllllllllllllllllDefendant - Appellant
    Appeal from United States District Court
    for the District of Minnesota
    Submitted: May 17, 2019
    Filed: July 3, 2019
    Before COLLOTON, BEAM, and SHEPHERD, Circuit Judges.
    BEAM, Circuit Judge.
    Gabriel John Ayres pleaded guilty to a single count of possession of child
    pornography in violation of 18 U.S.C. §§ 2252(a)(4)(B) and 2252(b)(2). The district
    court1 varied upward from the Guidelines sentence (the statutory mandatory minimum
    The Honorable Joan N. Ericksen, United States District Judge for the District
    of Minnesota.
    120-month sentence) and imposed a sentence of 140 months followed by fifteen years
    of supervised release. On appeal, Ayres argues the sentence is constitutionally infirm,
    claiming that the district court relied upon contested and unproven allegations
    contained in the presentence investigation report (PSR) in arriving at the imposed
    We review a district court's sentence in two steps, first reviewing for significant
    procedural error, and second, if there is no significant procedural error, we review for
    substantive reasonableness. United States v. O'Connor, 
    567 F.3d 395
    , 397 (8th Cir.
    2009). "In reviewing a sentence for procedural error, we review the district court's
    factual findings for clear error and its application of the guidelines de novo." United
    States v. Quiver, 
    925 F.3d 377
    , 380 (8th Cir. 2019) (quoting United States v. Barker,
    556 F.3d 682
    , 689 (8th Cir. 2009)). "Our review of the substantive reasonableness
    of a sentence for abuse of discretion is highly deferential." 
    Id. (quoting United
    v. Cole, 
    765 F.3d 884
    , 886 (8th Cir. 2014)).
    Ayres does not expressly characterize his challenge on appeal as one raising
    a procedural error or as a challenge to the substantive reasonableness of his sentence.
    At sentencing, however, Ayres did discuss and challenge the basis of any potential
    variance the court might impose, arguing that doing so would merely serve as a mask
    for the court's reliance on the PSR enhancements and the facts underlying them–an
    argument more akin to a procedural challenge. See United States v. Cloud, No. 18-
    2019 WL 2494523
    , at *1 (8th Cir. June 17, 2019). Whether we follow the line
    of authority that categorizes a district court's consideration of an allegedly improper
    or irrelevant factor as a procedural error, or consider Ayres' argument as a substantive
    challenge (claiming the district court gave significant weight to an improper or
    irrelevant factor), we find no error and affirm the sentence as reasonable. United
    States v. Sadler, 
    864 F.3d 902
    , 904 (8th Cir. 2017).
    The PSR in this case was prepared after the parties entered into the plea
    agreement. In the plea, the parties stipulated to a sentence calculation that resulted
    in a criminal history category of IV and an advisory Guidelines range of 77 to 96
    months. However, because Ayres had a previous conviction for criminal sexual
    conduct involving a minor, the resulting Guidelines sentence was 120 months, the
    statutory mandatory minimum. 18 U.S.C. § 2252(b)(2). In preparing the PSR, the
    probation officer obtained further information from one of Ayres' prior criminal
    convictions and a civil commitment proceeding, including the results from a
    polygraph test during which Ayres admitted to sexual contact with three female minor
    children. On that information, and based on a review of the images retrieved in this
    case, the PSR included suggested enhancements for sadistic, masochistic, or other
    violent conduct; and engagement in a pattern of activity involving the sexual abuse
    or exploitation of a minor. This calculation resulted in a criminal history category of
    V and an advisory Guidelines range of 210 to 240 months. Ayres objected to the
    factual findings contained in the PSR that supported the calculated enhancements.
    At sentencing, in conformity with the parties' plea agreement, the government
    objected to the four-level enhancement for the portrayal of sadistic or masochistic
    conduct, and the five-level enhancement for the pattern of activity involving sexual
    abuse or exploitation of a minor. Ayres also objected to the use of the
    aforementioned PSR factual information as a means to enhance his sentence. As to
    the merits of the information regarding his polygraph admission to sexual contact
    with three minor children, Ayres told the district court that he lied in that polygraph
    for the civil commitment proceeding because he was told at the time by fellow
    attendees in a treatment center that if he admitted to such acts similar to the one of
    conviction, it would make the process easier. The district court did not apply the
    enhancements suggested in the PSR in its sentencing calculation, and adopted the
    parties' Guidelines calculations. The court did, however, vary upward after its
    consideration of the 18 U.S.C. § 3553(a) factors.
    Contrary to Ayres' claim, our review of the sentencing colloquy reveals that the
    district court did not sentence Ayres based on the contested factual allegations set
    forth in the PSR included to support the suggested enhancements. Although the
    district court referenced "all the information that we've already discussed" before
    counsel for Ayres advocated on his behalf for a particular sentence, when the court
    conducted its colloquy, it thoroughly explained the sentence imposed and its reason
    for varying upward from the 120-month statutory mandatory minimum. The court
    noted how Ayres' sentence would compare to other defendants similarly situated, and
    Ayres' previous fugitive status on two separate occasions. Too, the court referenced
    Ayres' own contention that he admitted to lying on a polygraph test about abusing
    more children in order to manipulate his civil commitment proceeding, and
    acknowledged Ayres' admission to a lack of self control in searching the images
    giving rise to the instant charge. Given those events, the court noted that Ayres could
    not be trusted and was unreliable. The court made no finding as to whether, in fact,
    Ayres committed the additional assaults he admitted in the earlier polygraph. All of
    these facets of the district court's analysis address the court's consideration of the
    nature and circumstances of the offense and the history and characteristics of Ayres.
    The court did not, as Ayres now argues, surreptitiously achieve the same result as that
    advanced by the PSR simply by varying upward. Rather, the court arrived at a
    sentence it felt "ought to be enough to promote respect for the law and reflect the
    seriousness of the offense for which [Ayres was] convicted. Anything less would not
    adequately punish [Ayres] . . . [and] would not adequately protect the public, and it
    would result in unwarranted sentencing disparities." Finding no error, and the district
    court's thorough § 3553(a) analysis reasonable, we affirm.