Evan F. Zakrzewski v. Charles R. Fox , 87 F.3d 1011 ( 1996 )

  •                                  _____________
    No. 95-3097
    Evan F. Zakrzewski,                      *
    Plaintiff-Appellant,        *   Appeal from the United States
    *   District Court for the
    v.                                  *   District of Nebraska.
    Charles R. Fox; Allan Rowse;         *
    Thomas Herzog; Steve Fernau;         *
    County of Holt, State of             *
    Nebraska; Board of Supervisors,      *
    of the County, the board             *
    consisting of Gary Oberding,         *
    Robert Young, Mel Selting,           *
    Harold Melcher, Gene Schaff,         *
    Dean Funk and Fred Krugman;          *
    Forrest Peetz,                           *
    Defendants-Appellees.       *
    Submitted:     February 23, 1996
    Filed: July 2, 1996
    Before BOWMAN, LOKEN, and HANSEN, Circuit Judges.
    HANSEN, Circuit Judge.
    Evan F. Zakrzewski appeals the district court's1 grant of summary
    judgment in favor of the defendants in this 42 U.S.C. § 1983 action.
    Zakrzewski   filed   this   action   against   the   county   and   its   board   of
    supervisors, the county sheriff (Charles R. Fox), two deputies sheriff
    (Allan Rowse and Steve Fernau), the county
    The Honorable Thomas M. Shanahan, United States District
    Judge for the District of Nebraska.
    prosecuting attorney (Thomas Herzog), and Zakrzewski's ex-wife's private
    attorney (Forrest Peetz), claiming that they violated his constitutional
    rights to be free from unreasonable seizure and unreasonable interference
    with his parent-child relationship.    The district court concluded that the
    events complained of did not amount to a constitutional violation.         We
    We review a district court's grant of summary judgment de novo, using
    the same standards as the district court.          See Disesa v. St. Louis
    Community College, 
    79 F.3d 92
    , 94 (8th Cir. 1996).       We will affirm the
    decision if, viewing the evidence in the light most favorable to the
    nonmoving party, there is no genuine issue of material fact and the moving
    party is entitled to judgment as a matter of law.     Fed. R. Civ. P. 56(c);
    Landreth v. First Nat'l Bank of Cleburne County, 
    45 F.3d 267
    , 268 (8th Cir.
    1995).    See also Anderson v. Liberty Lobby, Inc., 
    477 U.S. 242
    , 247-48
    Central to this action is a dispute between Zakrzewski and his ex-
    wife over Zakrzewski's court-decreed visitation rights with his son.
    Pursuant to the divorce decree, Zakrzewski's ex-wife has legal custody of
    the child and Zakrzewski has reasonable visitation, including a period of
    Tuesday through Sunday once per month and every other holiday.            The
    particular Tuesday through Sunday period was left to the parties to work
    out each month.    While Zakrzewski was out of town with his work, his ex-
    wife arranged to send the boy to Zakrzewski's parents' home for the May,
    1993, Tuesday through Sunday period (which happened to include the holiday
    of Memorial Day weekend).    Zakrzewski is an over-the-road truck driver and
    did not learn that his son was at his parents' home until Friday of that
    week.    He shortened his trip and returned home late Saturday night.   Monday
    was the Memorial Day holiday, and it was also his holiday to have the boy.
    The next day was Tuesday, June 1.
    On Tuesday, June 1, 1993, Zakrzewski's ex-wife called, insisting that
    his visitation had ended with the Memorial Day holiday and demanding that
    he return the child to her.     Zakrzewski protested, wanting to keep the
    child that week for his June Tuesday through Sunday visitation period.   The
    same day, the ex-wife's attorney, Forrest Peetz, spoke with County Sheriff
    Fox, accusing Zakrzewski of refusing to return the child in violation of
    the divorce decree and requesting assistance in returning the child to the
    mother.   Sheriff Fox then called Zakrzewski with a warning to return the
    child as the ex-wife demanded or face a felony charge with the potential
    for a three- to five-year prison term.    Zakrzewski went to the sheriff's
    office to protest the sheriff's demand and was told to deliver his son by
    4:00 p.m. that day to the designated third person who would then, in turn,
    return the child to the mother.       Sheriff Fox indicated that a state
    district court judge had been consulted and advised them "to do anything
    it took to get that son back to his mother."       (Appellees' App. at 330
    (Zakrzewski's Dep.)).
    On his way home from the sheriff's office, Zakrzewski encountered
    deputies Rowse and Fernau, who approached his vehicle from the opposite
    direction.   The deputies motioned for Zakrzewski to stop, but they did not
    turn on their warning lights.     He immediately stopped his vehicle and
    walked over to the deputies, who remained in their car.   Deputy Rowse told
    Zakrzewski that they had orders to take the child and deliver him to the
    designated third person.     They threatened to arrest Zakrzewski if he
    refused to comply.   Zakrzewski then asked if he, rather than the deputies,
    could be allowed to return the boy.   The deputies consented, and Zakrzewski
    returned his son without further incident.
    Zakrzewski states that he believed he would have been restrained had
    he refused to cooperate.   Earlier in the day, County Attorney Herzog, who
    had spoken with a Nebraska district court judge, advised the deputies to
    return the child without arresting
    Zakrzewski.    The judge issued no orders.     Zakrzewski contends that other
    less significant incidents and disputes with the defendant law enforcement
    officials occurred as well, but we will not recount them here.
    The district court determined that even accepting as true all of
    Zakrzewski's evidence and giving him the benefit of every reasonable
    inference, the events simply do not rise to the level of a constitutional
    violation.    Additionally, the court concluded that defendant Peetz is not
    a state actor within the meaning of § 1983 and that the officers were
    entitled to qualified immunity.      Thus, the court granted summary judgment
    to the defendants.    Zakrzewski appeals.
    To sustain a claim under § 1983, Zakrzewski must demonstrate that
    persons acting under color of state law deprived him "of any rights,
    privileges or immunities secured by the Constitution and laws" of the
    United States.   42 U.S.C. § 1983.    "The first inquiry in a § 1983 claim is
    to determine `[w]hether the plaintiff has been deprived of a right `secured
    by the Constitution and laws' of the United States."       Doe v. Wright, 
    82 F.3d 265
    , 268 (8th Cir. 1996) (quoting Martinez v. California, 
    444 U.S. 277
    , 284 (1980)).     "The answer to that inquiry disposes of this case."
    Martinez, 444 U.S. at 284
    Zakrzewski contends that the defendants unreasonably interfered with
    his liberty interest in parenting his son because his visitation was
    unreasonably interrupted.     It is beyond question that "`[p]arents have a
    fundamental `liberty interest' in the care, custody, and management of
    their children.'"    Fitzgerald v. Williamson, 
    787 F.2d 403
    , 407 (8th Cir.
    1986) (quoting Ruffalo v. Civiletti, 
    702 F.2d 710
    , 715 (8th Cir. 1983),
    citing Santosky v. Kramer, 
    455 U.S. 745
    , 753 (1982)) (alteration in
    original).    This right, however, is not absolute.   Manzano v. South Dakota
    Dep't of Social Servs., 
    60 F.3d 505
    , 510 (8th Cir. 1995).      Zakrzewski's
    liberty interest in the care, custody, and management of his son has been
    substantially reduced by the terms of the divorce decree and Nebraska law.
    Zakrzewski contends that his right to visitation under the decree is itself
    a protected liberty interest that the defendants unreasonably infringed.
    Although   we    have   "recognize[d]       the   possibility     that    visitation    and
    placement decisions may be subject to due process scrutiny, as such
    decisions may infringe upon a parent's interest in the `care, custody, and
    management of their child,'" 
    Fitzgerald, 787 F.2d at 408
    Santosky, 455 U.S. at 753
    ), we have not yet found a case where the right to
    visitation      was   infringed   in   a   manner   that   rose   to     the   level   of a
    constitutional violation.
    To the extent Zakrzewski claims a substantive due process violation
    of his parenting liberty interest, he must demonstrate that the defendants
    abused their official power in a manner that shocks the conscience,
    regardless of whether state-law remedies are available.                   New v. City of
    792 F.2d 724
    , 725-26 (8th Cir. 1986).                     "[T]he theory of
    substantive due process is properly reserved for truly egregious and
    extraordinary cases," Myers v. Scott County, 
    868 F.2d 1017
    , 1019 (8th Cir.
    1989), and it "proscribes `certain government actions regardless of the
    fairness of the procedures used to implement them.'"                      Williams-El v.
    872 F.2d 224
    , 228-29 (8th Cir.) (quoting Daniels v. Williams, 
    474 U.S. 327
    , 331 (1986)), cert. denied, 
    493 U.S. 871
    493 U.S. 824
    We conclude that the facts of this case are insufficient to indicate
    that the defendants intentionally infringed upon Zakrzewski's liberty
    interest in a manner that shocks the conscience.                   Zakrzewski was not
    deprived of his parental right of visitation.                Rather, his visitation
    period was temporarily cut short on one occasion when law enforcement
    officials were confronted with a complaint that Zakrzewski had violated the
    visitation terms of the decree.            The sheriff contacted the county
    attorney who contacted a state district court judge.             The deputies were
    advised to seek the return of the child to his mother, who is the custodial
    parent.    The officials threatened arrest if Zakrzewski did not return the
    child.    Zakrzewski was not arrested, he was not subjected to unreasonable
    force, and he consented to return the child himself.             Even assuming the
    officials deviated from proper procedure, the one-time interruption of
    Zakrzewski's right to visitation in this case does not amount to a
    deprivation of liberty.       The official conduct in this case was within the
    bounds of reasonableness and does not shock the conscience.            Consequently,
    Zakrzewski's substantive due process claim fails.
    Zakrzewski also contends that he was denied procedural due process
    because his visitation was interrupted absent any pre-deprivation due
    process.    The Supreme Court has held that a procedural due process claim
    lacks merit where there exists an adequate state court remedy.              Parratt v.
    451 U.S. 527
    (1981).          This doctrine applies to deprivations of
    property or liberty.      
    Williams-El, 872 F.2d at 224
    (citing Birkenholz v.
    857 F.2d 1214
    , 1217 (8th Cir. 1988)).         Zakrzewski's procedural due
    process claim fails both because he has failed to meet the fundamental
    showing that he was deprived of his liberty interest and because he has not
    shown that the state remedies are inadequate.         Nebraska state law provides
    remedies for enforcing visitation orders.          See Neb. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 42-
    364.15     (1988)   (courts    may   modify   a   visitation   order   or    hold   the
    noncomplying parent in contempt).       Following the incident at issue in this
    case, Zakrzewski invoked the available state court remedies, and there is
    no allegation that law enforcement officers attempted to prevent him from
    doing so.    In fact, the Holt County District Court held Zakrzewski's ex-
    wife in contempt for violating the divorce decree.
    Our holding that this case presents no constitutional violation is
    consistent with a similar Tenth Circuit case.         See Wise v. Bravo, 
    666 F.2d 1328
    (10th Cir. 1981).        There as here, the
    mother had custody of the child, and a dispute arose over the father's
    right to visitation.     There as here, the police intervened, and the father
    voluntarily surrendered the child, feeling threatened by the officers.         The
    Tenth Circuit concluded that no constitutional deprivation occurred, and
    in any event noted that "[a]ny deprivation of Wise's visitation rights was
    so insubstantial in duration and effect it failed to rise to a federal
    constitutional level.     This is so, particularly in light of the fact that
    Wise surrendered the child without protest."      
    Id. at 1333.
      The case before
    us is, for the most part, indistinguishable from Wise, and we agree with
    the reasoning set forth in that case.
    Zakrzewski also contends that he suffered an unreasonable seizure
    because the officers in effect forced him to use his child as bail.        There
    is no merit to this contention under the facts presented in this case.
    Zakrzewski     was   neither   arrested   nor   seized.   Again    we   find   no
    constitutional deprivation.
    In sum, even giving Zakrzewski the benefit of every inference in the
    evidence, we find no facts that rise to the level of a constitutional
    deprivation.     Absent a constitutional deprivation,      Zakrzewski's § 1983
    claim against each defendant necessarily fails, and we need not consider
    the issues of whether Peetz was a state actor or whether the officers were
    entitled to qualified immunity. Accordingly, we affirm the judgment of the
    district court.
    A true copy.