Hugh Wilson Haden v. Joel Pelofsky , 212 F.3d 466 ( 2000 )

  •                      United States Court of Appeals
    No. 98-3035
    No. 98-3036
    Hugh Wilson Haden; Karen Sue Haden; *
    Richard D. Hughes; Edith May Hughes; *
    Jerry D. Clay,                           *
    Debtors-Appellees,          *
    * Appeal from the United States
    v.                                 * District Court for the
    * Eastern District of Missouri
    Joel Pelofsky, U.S. Trustee; Fredrich J. *
    Cruse, Standing Trustee,                 *
    Appellants.                 *
    Submitted: April 23, 1999
    Filed: April 12, 2000
    Before McMILLIAN, MURPHY, and MONTGOMERY,1 Circuit Judges.
    McMILLIAN, Circuit Judge.
    Joel Pelofsky, United States Trustee ("UST"), and Fredrich J. Cruse, Standing
    Trustee ("standing trustee") (collectively "trustees"), appeal from a final order entered
    The Honorable Ann D. Montgomery, United States District Judge for the
    District of Minnesota, sitting by designation.
    in the United States District Court2 for the Eastern District of Missouri affirming the
    bankruptcy court's3 confirmation of three Chapter 12 bankruptcy plans over the trustees'
    objections. See Cruse v. Haden (In re Haden), No. 2:96CV00092 ERW (E.D. Mo.
    June 2, 1998) (hereinafter "Dist. Ct. Order"), aff'g Nos. 94-20111-293/94-20178-
    293/93-20183-293 (Bankr. E.D. Mo. Oct. 3, 1996) (hereinafter "Bankr. Ct. Order").
    For reversal, the trustees argue that the district court below erred in reading In re
    36 F.3d 723
     (8th Cir. 1994) (Wagner), to mandate confirmation of Chapter
    12 plans in which the debtors propose to pay certain creditors directly, without the
    oversight of the Chapter 12 trustee and without payment of trustee's fees. For the
    reasons discussed below, we affirm the district court order.
    Jurisdiction in the district court was proper based upon 
    28 U.S.C. § 158
    Jurisdiction in this court is proper under 
    28 U.S.C. § 158
    (d). The notice of appeal was
    timely filed pursuant to Fed. R. App. P. 4(a).
    The three sets of debtors in the instant case -- Hugh Wilson and Karen Sue
    Haden (together "the Hadens"), Richard D. and Edith May Hughes (together "the
    Hugheses"), and Jerry D. Clay (collectively "debtors") -- are family farmers in
    Missouri. Separately and at different times during 1994 and 1995, the debtors
    The Honorable E. Richard Webber, United States District Judge for the Eastern
    District of Missouri.
    The Honorable David P. McDonald, United States Bankruptcy Judge for the
    Eastern District of Missouri.
    petitioned for Chapter 12 reorganization and protection.4 See Bankr. Ct. Order at 1-3.
    Each family's Chapter 12 plan contained proposed language permitting the debtors to
    pay some of their creditors directly, rather than through the intermediary standing
    trustee.5 No creditors objected to these direct payments by the debtors. See 
     at 12
    n.4. With respect to such direct payments, the plans also purported to exclude trustee's
    fees. See 
    id. at 2-3
    The bankruptcy court confirmed each of the plans, subject only to its subsequent
    ruling on the trustees' objections as to the direct payments. See 
     After the parties
    consolidated their arguments and submitted briefs on the direct payment issue, the court
    entered an order overruling all but one of the trustees' objections. Based on Wagner6,
    Under Chapter 12, a debtor typically proposes a financial reorganization plan
    to reschedule debt payments over a three-year post-petition period. See 
    11 U.S.C. § 1222
    (c) (permitting repayment plans of up to five years upon court approval and
    showing for cause). The chapter's principal benefit is that families may retain their
    farms while reorganizing. See 
     §§ 1203, 1204.
    The UST acts as a "bankruptcy watch-dog" and is authorized to raise "any issue
    in any case or proceeding under [the Bankruptcy Code]." 
    11 U.S.C. § 307
    Specifically, the UST monitors and files comments upon plans submitted for
    confirmation by Chapter 12 debtors. See 
     § 1224; 
    28 U.S.C. § 586
    (a)(3)(C). "If the
    number of cases under chapter 12 . . . commenced in a particular region so warrants,"
    the regional UST may appoint a "standing trustee." 
    28 U.S.C. § 586
    (b). The UST then
    supervises the standing trustee in the performance of his or her duties. See 
    In re Wagner, 
    36 F.3d 723
     (8th Cir. 1994) (Wagner), involved four Chapter 12
    plans calling for direct payments of impaired secured creditors by the debtors and for
    no payment of trustee's fees with respect to these transactions. (An "impaired" secured
    creditor is one whose legal, equitable, or contractual rights have been diluted by the
    bankruptcy plan. See 
     at 725 n.3.) Soon after the bankruptcy court had confirmed
    the plans and the debtors had initiated payments, the trustee moved to dismiss the
    bankruptcy actions based on the failure to pay trustee's fees for the debtors' direct
    payments. The bankruptcy court then consolidated the cases and granted the trustee's
    motions to dismiss. Upon appeal, the district court reversed. The Eighth Circuit
    the bankruptcy court reasoned that Chapter 12 plans containing provisions for direct
    payments to a debtor's impaired secured creditors were confirmable over the trustees'
    objections. See id. at 10. Moreover, because "the financial impact of allowing direct
    payments on the stability of the Chapter 12 program does not appear to be a deciding
    factor in allowing the Debtors to pay their creditors directly," the court determined that
    it could not "deny[] confirmation of a Chapter 12 plan that provides for direct payments
    to impaired secured creditors." Id. at 11. Similarly, the bankruptcy court rejected the
    trustees' objections to the direct surrender of secured collateral as well as the direct
    payment of unimpaired secured claims and administrative expenses. See id. at 12-15.
    However, the court did order Clay to direct child support arrearage payments through
    the trustee. See id. at 15.
    The district court affirmed, holding that such direct payment plans were
    permitted under Wagner. See Dist. Ct. Order at 3. The debtors have since made
    payments in accordance with the confirmed plans. In fact, discharges were entered
    with respect to the Hadens and the Hugheses in August 1997 and June 1998,
    respectively; no discharge has been entered for Clay, although he has apparently
    finished making all payments under the plan. See Brief for Appellant UST at 12 n.4;
    Supp. Brief for Appellant UST at 5; Supp. Brief for Appellees at 5. Pending appeal,
    the debtors have held in escrow trustee's fees on all disputed payments, equal to the
    amount required if the trustees' objections were sustained. See Brief for Appellant
    Standing Trustee at vi. These appeals followed.
    affirmed the decision of the district court, holding that "the debtors' plans permit them
    to make direct payments to their impaired secured creditors, and that these provisions
    of the plans are not in conflict with the bankruptcy code." Id. at 727. Based on the
    language of Chapter 12, the court concluded that the debtors owed no fees to the
    trustee for the debtors' direct payments to impaired secured creditors. See id. at 728.
    Before considering the merits of the trustees' separate appeals, we must decide
    whether we have jurisdiction. See Steel Co. v. Citizens for a Better Environment, 
    523 U.S. 83
    , 94-95 (1998). Article III of the United States Constitution limits the
    jurisdiction of the federal courts to actual, ongoing cases and controversies. See
    Missouri ex rel. Nixon v. Craig, 
    163 F.3d 482
    , 484 (8th Cir. 1998) (Craig). "It is of
    no consequence that the controversy was live at earlier stages in this case; it must be
    live when we decide the issues." South Dakota v. Hazen, 
    914 F.2d 147
    , 150 (8th Cir.
    1990). When, during the course of litigation, the issues presented in a case "lose their
    life because of the passage of time or a change in circumstances . . . . and a federal
    court can no longer grant effective relief," the case is considered moot. Beck v.
    Missouri State High Sch. Activities Ass'n, 
    18 F.3d 604
    , 605 (8th Cir. 1994). "[I]f this
    case is indeed moot, we must refrain from reaching the merits because any opinion
    issued would be merely 'advisory' and rest on hypothetical underpinnings." Craig, 
    163 F.3d at 484
    . With these principles in mind, we examine whether the trustees' separate
    appeals remain alive, given that all three sets of debtors have completed payments
    under their respective plans and that the Hadens and the Hugheses have been
    discharged from bankruptcy proceedings.
    Debtors claim that the appeals of both the UST and the standing trustee are
    moot, in light of the execution of all plan payments and the discharge of two sets of
    debtors. Debtors contend that, because all plan payments have been made and
    therefore no administrative work remains, the standing trustee cannot be entitled to any
    fees for the debtors' direct payments to creditors. See Supp. Brief of Appellees at 6-7.
    Accordingly, debtors argue that the trustee's fees issue is moot.
    The UST now asserts effective relief may still be available with respect to each
    of the three plans and thus his appeal is not moot.7 See Supp. Brief of Appellant UST
    at 9, 13 n.2. Such effective relief could include the bankruptcy court either
    (1) disgorging certain payments from creditors and rerouting payments through the
    standing trustee or (2) ordering that the standing trustee collect some portion of the fees
    being held in escrow. See id. at 9, 11. Although the UST concedes that the former
    outcome may conflict with Eighth Circuit precedent, see id. at 10, the UST asserts that
    the latter falls within the bankruptcy court's "considerable equitable discretion in
    fashioning an appropriate bankruptcy remedy" pursuant to 
    11 U.S.C. § 105
    Id. at 11
    (quoting In re Reeves, 
    65 F.3d 670
    , 674 (8th Cir. 1995)).
    The standing trustee similarly argues that his appeal is not moot. In addition to
    contending that the cases below are "capable of repetition, but evading review," and
    thus not moot, Southern Pac. Terminal Co. v. ICC, 
    219 U.S. 498
    , 515 (1911), the
    standing trustee asserts that a discharge order cannot moot an issue collateral to the
    bankruptcy, such as the propriety of trustee's fees for certain payments to creditors.
    See Supp. Brief of Appellant Standing Trustee at 4 (citing Wagner, 
    36 F.3d at 726
    We hold that, under Wagner, neither the UST's nor the standing trustee's appeal
    is moot. In Wagner, the debtors had been discharged from bankruptcy proceedings.
    The trustee sought neither a stay nor an appeal of the discharge. This court rejected the
    debtors' assertion that the trustee's appeal was moot. This court reasoned:
    At oral argument, the UST contended that his own appeal had been rendered
    moot by the discharges and completions of all plan payments. At the same time,
    neither the UST nor the standing trustee believed that the standing trustee's separate
    appeal was moot. Debtors did not comment on this issue. Upon this court's own
    motion, the parties were directed to file supplemental briefs addressing the mootness
    question. See Haden v. Pelofsky, Nos. 98-3035/98-3036 (8th Cir. Apr. 23, 1999)
    (order directing parties to file supplemental briefs on mootness issue).
    A discharge under the bankruptcy code discharges "debts provided for by
    the plan." Trustee's fees are not "debts provided for by the plan," but are
    fees levied for services provided in administering the plan. A claim
    against the debtors for trustee's fees is collateral to the bankruptcy action
    and the obligation to pay such fees is not relieved by a discharge from the
    bankruptcy proceedings. If we find that [the trustee's] arguments have
    merit we may grant effective relief, and [his] appeal thus is not moot.
    36 F.3d at 726
     (citation omitted). Similarly, the discharges and completion
    of payments in the bankruptcy plans at issue here cannot render moot the trustees'
    claims with respect to fees. Because effective relief would be available if we find merit
    to the trustees' claims for fees, the trustees' separate appeals are not moot.
    Direct Payments and Trustee's Fees
    As the second reviewing court, our standards are the same as those of the district
    court; we review the bankruptcy court's findings of fact for clear error and its
    conclusions of law de novo. See In re Mathiason, 
    16 F.3d 234
    , 235 (8th Cir. 1994).
    For reversal, the UST contends that the courts below misread Wagner to bar
    bankruptcy courts "from ever considering the impact that removing trustee oversight
    from a Chapter 12 debtor's payment of impaired secured creditors may have on the
    feasibility of the debtor's plan." Brief for Appellant UST at 13. According to the UST,
    the bankruptcy court incorrectly concluded that Wagner created an "absolute right" for
    debtors to make such direct payments, reasoning that "[t]he language used by the Court
    in Wagner prevents this Court from denying confirmation of a Chapter 12 plan that
    provides for direct payments to impaired secured creditors." Brief for Appellant UST
    at 10-11 (quoting Bankr. Ct. Order at 11). Similarly, the district court viewed the
    question presented as "whether [Wagner] requires confirmation of a Chapter 12 plan
    that provides for direct payments on impaired secured claims by a debtor to the
    creditors, thereby avoiding payment of the standing trustee's statutory fee." Dist. Ct.
    Order at 1. The UST argues that Wagner did not address this issue of whether the code
    creates a "blanket entitlement" to make direct payments, irrespective of the effect that
    lack of trustee oversight might have on plan feasibility; instead, the court in Wagner
    merely concluded that the bankruptcy code does not necessarily prohibit direct
    payments by Chapter 12 debtors. The UST claims that the debtors in the instant case
    admitted as much in their memorandum of law to the bankruptcy court by observing
    that "Wagner does not address the issue of when a debtor may provide for direct
    payments or what circumstances warrant their approval by a court." Joint Appendix,
    vol. II, at 488 (Debtors' Memorandum Regarding Direct Payments in Chapter 12 and
    Trustee's Fees).
    The UST argues that the lower courts' misconstruction of Wagner places an
    "unprecedented constraint" on the bankruptcy courts and runs counter to both precedent
    and policy considerations underlying the Chapter 12 framework. The UST claims that
    the rule announced by the courts below "unjustifiably handicaps bankruptcy courts'
    ability to satisfy their statutory mandate to confirm only feasible Chapter 12 plans."
    Brief for Appellant UST at 28. Pursuant to this obligation, the courts must assure
    themselves that "the debtor will be able to make all payments under the plan and to
    comply with the plan." 
    11 U.S.C. § 1225
    (a)(6). The UST argues that any rule
    requiring confirmation of direct payment plans would essentially trump judicial
    evaluation under § 1225 of potential threats to plan feasibility.8 Moreover, the UST
    The UST also foresees a range of potential negative consequences if trustee
    oversight is removed with respect to certain direct payments. For one, a debtor who
    lacks the business acumen necessary to ensure all payments are made correctly may be
    unable to coordinate direct payments to creditors. Moreover, unsophisticated creditors
    with few resources and little understanding of the bankruptcy process may be in poor
    position to ensure that debtors are paying in line with their Chapter 12 plans. See In
    re Pianowski, 
    92 B.R. 225
    , 233-34 (Bankr. W.D. Mich. 1988) (Pianowski).
    Additionally, the debtor's default on payments to one creditor may impair the interests
    of all other creditors (as well as the debtor), if the unpaid creditor lays claim to the
    contends that the lower courts' interpretation of Wagner conflicts with the well-
    accepted line of cases establishing a discretionary test for courts' review of plans
    including direct payments. See, e.g., In re Pianowski, 
    92 B.R. 225
    , 233-34 (Bankr.
    W.D. Mich. 1988) (Pianowski) (setting forth a non-exclusive thirteen factor test for
    evaluating plan feasibility under 
    11 U.S.C. § 1225
    ). Accordingly, the UST urges this
    court to reject the lower courts' overly broad reading of Wagner and to instruct lower
    courts to evaluate proposed direct payments in light of their impact on plan feasibility.
    The standing trustee contends that, because the procedural background of
    Wagner was materially different from that of the instant case, the courts below erred
    by applying the Wagner standard to the adjudication of the trustees' objections.
    Specifically, the standing trustee notes that he objected to the debtors' plans prior to
    judicial confirmation, whereas the Wagner standing trustee failed to make such a timely
    objection. As a result, the standing trustee argues, in Wagner, this court only evaluated
    the potential conflict between the bankruptcy code and the already confirmed plan, and
    not the bankruptcy court's decision to confirm a plan with direct payments despite the
    objections of trustees or creditors. See Brief for Standing Trustee at 2-3 (citing
    Michaela M. White, Direct Payment Plans, 
    29 Creighton L. Rev. 583
    , 609-10 (1996)
    ("[T]he Eighth Circuit's statement [in Wagner] that the Code does not prohibit direct
    payment plans cannot be properly understood as depriving the bankruptcy court of
    discretion in the confirmation of such plans for the rather basic reason that this was not
    even the question on appeal.")). Alternatively, the standing trustee requests en banc
    reconsideration of Wagner.
    debtor's property without regard for others' financial interests. See In re Logemann, 
    88 B.R. 938
    , 941-42 (Bankr. S.D. Iowa 1988). Finally, direct payments may undermine
    the trustee's ability to receive adequate compensation for his or her work. See
    92 B.R. at
    234 & n.16.
    Upon careful review, we hold that the courts below did not err in their
    interpretation and application of Wagner. First, we do not read Wagner's textual
    analysis of the Chapter 12 statutes as limited to its own particular procedural context.
    In examining the bankruptcy code (prior to any consideration of the plans themselves
    or any attendant trustee objections), this court recognized in Wagner that the code
    "does not forbid plan provisions allowing direct payments by the debtor to impaired
    secured creditors." 
    36 F.3d at 726
    . In fact, as this court noted, the language of the
    code expressly anticipates that such payments may be made. See 
     (noting that 
    11 U.S.C. § 1226
    (c) requires the trustee to make payments to creditors under the plan
    "[e]xcept as otherwise provided in the plan or in the order confirming the plan"
    (emphasis added), while 
     § 1225(a)(5)(B)(ii) addresses the treatment of secured
    claims by referring to "property to be distributed by the trustee or the debtor under the
    plan." (emphasis added)). Accord. In re Beard, 
    45 F.3d 113
    , 119 (6th Cir. 1995)
    (Beard) (comparing Chapter 12 code provisions and concluding that "Congress had
    constructed a scheme that envisioned that debtors would at times be able to pay their
    debts directly to their creditors, allowing them to bypass the trustee."). We find nothing
    in Wagner to indicate that its statutory analysis only applied to Chapter 12 plans
    matching Wagner's procedural posture, where the trustee apparently had not objected
    to the direct payment provisions prior to confirmation. Accordingly, we are not
    convinced by the standing trustee's arguments that Wagner is procedurally
    distinguishable from the instant case.
    Next, we do not believe that the courts below misinterpreted Wagner. Although
    both the bankruptcy court and the district court used somewhat imprecise language in
    defining Wagner's scope, at no point did either of the lower courts state that Wagner
    established an "absolute right" for Chapter 12 debtors to make direct payments to
    impaired secured creditors. See Bankr. Ct. Order at 11 ("The language used by the
    Court in Wagner prevents this Court from denying confirmation of a Chapter 12 plan
    that provides for direct payments to impaired secured creditors."); Dist. Ct. Order at
    1 ("The main issue on appeal is whether [Wagner] requires confirmation of a Chapter
    12 plan that provides for direct payments on impaired secured claims by a debtor to the
    creditors, thereby avoiding payment of the standing trustee's statutory fees."). We read
    the lower courts' decisions to hold that such direct payment plans may be confirmed
    under Wagner, provided all the requirements of 
    11 U.S.C. § 1225
     are met, including
    a plan feasibility assessment. See 
     § 1225(a)(6).
    The UST incorrectly claims that the bankruptcy court failed to make an adequate
    feasibility determination in this case. The bankruptcy court clearly indicated that the
    plans were feasible and that the direct payments at issue were permissible so long as
    they did not interfere with feasibility. Regarding the trustees' objections to the direct
    payments given the debtors' avoidance of trustee's fees, the court admitted the possible
    negative impact on the Chapter 12 administrative apparatus if "debtors are given free
    reign to circumvent the trustee's fees." Id. at 11. However, based on Wagner 's
    rejection of similar reasoning, see 
    36 F.3d at 726
     (finding no support in the bankruptcy
    code for the reasoning that "Congress could not have intended debtors to make direct
    payments to creditors" just because "the trustee will receive nothing" if such payments
    are made), the bankruptcy court concluded that "the financial impact of allowing direct
    payments on the stability of the Chapter 12 program does not appear to be a deciding
    factor in allowing the Debtors to pay their creditors directly." Bankr. Ct. Order at 11;
    see also Beard, 
    45 F.3d at 118-120
     (permitting Chapter 12 debtor to pay directly the
    secured portion of undersecured claims and rejecting trustee's argument that lack of
    trustee remuneration would undermine Chapter 12 administrative scheme and
    Congressional intent). The bankruptcy court indirectly addressed feasibility by noting
    that, if the secured creditors in the instant case had objected to the direct payments,
    "the results in the present cases may have been different." Bankr. Ct. Order at 12 n.4.
    Later in its opinion, the bankruptcy court expanded upon the impact of removing trustee
    oversight on direct payments:
    [S]ecured creditors, both impaired and unimpaired, are nearly always
    sophisticated and often represented by experienced counsel. The need for
    the trustee to monitor payments made directly to the secured creditors is
    less significant in assuring the success of a Chapter 12 plan. Thus, if the
    court is reasonably certain that direct payments to the creditors will not
    interfere with the statutory duties of the Trustee, nor contribute to the
    likelihood of the failure of the farmers' efforts to organize or their
    noncompliance with the confirmed plan, then there is no reason why the
    court should not approve the Debtors' request to directly pay their
    administrative and [secured] creditors. However, it is unlikely that the
    court would ever approve direct payments to unsecured creditors, without
    the debtor clearly demonstrating the existence of good cause and the
    creditors' affirmative consent.
    Id. at 13-14. While the bankruptcy court did order that child arrearage payments to a
    particular unsecured creditor be made through the trustee, see id. at 14-15, the court
    apparently considered the lack of trustee oversight and remuneration for the other direct
    payments to be of little importance with respect to the feasibility of the Chapter 12
    plans. Accordingly, we hold that the lower courts correctly applied Wagner not to
    mandate confirmation of all direct payment plans, but rather to permit direct payments
    which comport with feasibility requirements under the bankruptcy code.9
    For the reasons stated, we affirm the order of the district court.
    Neither Wagner nor any other Eighth Circuit case has outlined the possible
    factors involved in such a Chapter 12 plan feasibility determination. As the UST
    concedes, we need not resolve that issue here. See Brief for Appellant UST at 28.
    A true copy.