Robert Miller, III v. Pat Compton , 122 F.3d 1094 ( 1997 )

  •                 United States Court of Appeals
    No. 96-3125
    Robert Miller, III,        *
    Appellant,        *
    v.                     *
    Pat Compton, individually and as                   *
    Deputy Prosecuting Attorney for Union              *
    County, Arkansas; Caren Harp,                      *
    individually and as Deputy Prosecuting             *
    Attorney for Union County, Arkansas,               *
    * Appeal from the United
    Defendants,       * District Court for the
    * Western      District   of
    Cathleen Compton, individually and as              *
    agent for the Union County Prosecuting             *
    Attorney; Lieutenant Byron Sartor,                 *
    individually and in his official capacity          *
    as a Police Officer of the El Dorado               *
    Police Department; Jackie R. Wiley, in             *
    his official capacity as Chief of Police,          *
    Appellees,        *
    Tom Wynne, Prosecuting Attorney for                *
    the Thirteenth Judicial District,                  *
    Defendant,        *
    City of El Dorado,             *
    Appellee.                 *
    Submitted:        April 14, 1997
    Filed: August 12,
    Before LOKEN, JOHN R. GIBSON, and MAGILL, Circuit Judges.
    MAGILL, Circuit Judge.
    Robert Miller III brought suit under 42 U.S.C. § 1983
    against the city of El Dorado, Arkansas, El Dorado police
    officer Byron Sartor, El Dorado police chief Jackie
    Wiley, and private attorney Cathleen Compton for
    allegedly violating Miller's constitutional rights. The
    district court1 granted the defendants' motions for
    summary judgment, and Miller now appeals. We affirm.
    Robert and Deneen Miller did not have an ideal
    relationship.   The couple married in 1988 and had one
    child together. Miller and Deneen divorced in 1990, but
    had a second child out of wedlock in 1992.       Miller
    initially refused to acknowledge his paternity of this
    second child.
    Deneen has, at various times, accused Miller of
    physically assaulting her, including an episode when
    The Honorable Harry F. Barnes, United States District Judge for the Western
    District of Arkansas.
    Miller allegedly choked Deneen.   Miller denies that he
    physically assaulted Deneen.     Despite her version of
    their history together, Deneen allowed Miller to move
    into her apartment when Deneen moved to El Dorado in June
    During Thanksgiving of 1992, Deneen and Miller
    argued, and Miller threatened to move out of the
    apartment. Deneen contacted the El Dorado police because
    she believed that Miller was going to remove appliances
    and furniture from the apartment. Miller did not move
    out and did not remove anything from the apartment.
    Within the next six weeks, Deneen and Miller continued to
    argue, and Deneen asked Miller to leave the apartment.
    The El Dorado apartment, which was managed by Moore
    Realty and leased on a month-to-month basis, was
    originally leased in both Deneen's and Miller's names.
    On January 8, 1993, Deneen spoke with the manager of the
    property and entered into a new lease in her name only.
    Deneen took this action because she did not believe that
    Miller, who was then unemployed, was contributing
    sufficient financial support for the rent and household
    expenses. Deneen did not tell Miller that his name was
    no longer on the lease.
    On January 11, 1993, Deneen spoke with private
    attorney Cathleen Compton regarding Miller's failure to
    pay child support, Miller's failure to pay certain
    medical expenses, and Miller's unacknowledged paternity
    of Deneen's and Miller's second child. Compton filed a
    paternity petition and a citation for contempt against
    Miller, but was unable to serve the petition or citation
    against him.     Subsequently, Miller acknowledged his
    paternity of the second child, and Deneen instructed
    Compton to drop all actions against Miller.
    During her January 11 meeting with Deneen, Compton
    learned that Deneen and Miller had a history of domestic
    violence. Deneen also told Compton that Deneen
    wanted Miller to leave her home. Compton recommended
    that Deneen contact the Union County Victim/Witness
    Assistance Program for help.
    Deneen acted on this recommendation, and on January
    11 spoke with Judy Hughes in the Victim/Witness
    Assistance Program. Deneen told Hughes that Deneen and
    Miller were divorced, that Miller had been physically
    abusive and verbally abusive towards Deneen, that Miller
    was not listed on the apartment lease, and that Deneen
    wished Miller to leave the apartment.      Hughes called
    Moore Realty and confirmed that Miller was not listed on
    the apartment lease. Hughes then contacted Captain Ellis
    of the El Dorado police, and explained that there was an
    unwanted person staying at Deneen's apartment, and that
    Deneen wanted the person removed.
    Officers Blake and Stigall of the El Dorado police
    met Deneen at Deneen's apartment shortly before noon on
    January 11.     Deneen invited the officers into the
    apartment, and the officers spoke with Miller. Miller
    showed the officers a lease which contained his name, and
    Officer Stigall spoke with someone from Moore Realty on
    the phone.    The Moore Realty representative explained
    that "at first she had told Ms. Miller that the lease
    could be changed over to her name only but after talking
    to someone else in the office that lease couldn't be
    changed over only into Ms. Miller's name."      Report by
    Officer Blake (Jan. 11, 1993) at 2, reprinted in
    Appellant's App. at 20. The officers left the apartment,
    telling Deneen that they could not force Miller to leave.
    Officer Blake reported that Deneen and Miller "were
    agitated at each other," 
    id., and that
    Deneen stated
    "that she was afraid of Mr. Miller."   
    Id. Deneen denies
    that she made this statement.
    Deneen then spoke with Caren Harp at the Union County
    Prosecutor's office. Deneen repeated her allegations of
    abuse and showed Harp a copy of the apartment lease that
    listed only Deneen's name. Deneen was extremely upset
    and was crying during the meeting with Harp.         Harp
    contacted Jim Moore of Moore Realty and confirmed that
    Miller was not on the current lease to the apartment.
    Harp also
    contacted   Compton   to   get   additional   background
    information on Deneen's and Miller's situation.     Harp
    then contacted Captain Ellis of the El Dorado police and
    informed him that Miller was not on the current lease to
    the apartment.2
    Captain Ellis sent El Dorado police officers Ward and
    Sartor to Deneen's apartment at 4:30 on the afternoon of
    January 11.     Although Deneen was at the apartment
    complex, she did not enter the apartment with the
    officers.     Miller invited the officers into the
    apartment. While Officer Sartor contends that he merely
    asked Miller to leave the apartment and Miller complied,
    Miller contends that Officer Sartor ordered him to leave.
    Miller alleges that Officer Sartor did not give him a
    chance to explain that Miller's name was listed on the
    lease, and that Officer Sartor threatened to arrest him
    if Miller did not leave. Miller left the apartment.3
    Miller spent several days away from El Dorado. After
    three days, Deneen allowed Miller to return to the
    apartment. Deneen and Miller were remarried on July 3,
    Miller brought this lawsuit on January 24, 1994,
    against several Union County prosecutors, Officer Sartor,
    At approximately this same time, Miller was in the Union County Prosecutor's
    office completing a complaint against Deneen for giving a real estate agent false
    information. See Appellant's App. at 113-15 (Robert Miller Aff. for Criminal
    Summons). Miller contends that the Union County Prosecutor's office did not act on
    his complaint.
    Miller returned to the Union County Prosecutor's office and attempted to speak
    with a prosecutor. No prosecutor spoke with Miller, and he eventually left the office.
    El Dorado police chief Jackie Wiley, the city of El
    Dorado, and Compton. In his suit, Miller sought relief
    for alleged violations of the First, Fourth, Fifth, and
    Fourteenth Amendments under 42 U.S.C. §§ 1983, 1985, and
    1988, as well as Arkansas state tort claims for false
    arrest, false imprisonment, seizure of pension, tortious
    interference with a contractual relationship, slander,
    invasion of privacy, public
    disclosure of private facts, infliction of emotional
    distress, and unlawful ejection. Miller did not bring
    suit against Deneen, and Deneen has not been joined as a
    party in this action.
    During discovery, Compton sought admissions from
    Miller. When Miller failed to respond to the request for
    admissions within the thirty-day time limit prescribed by
    Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 36, Compton moved the
    district court to deem the requested admissions admitted.
    The district court denied this motion, and set a later
    deadline for Miller to respond to the request for
    admissions. Miller failed to meet this second deadline.
    Miller responded to the request for admissions several
    days after the expiration of the second deadline.
    Compton had also served Miller with interrogatories at
    the same time that she had requested admissions, and
    Miller never responded to the interrogatories.
    Following discovery, the district court granted
    summary judgment to all defendants. The district court
    held that the prosecutors were absolutely immune from
    Miller's civil rights claims against them. See Mem. Op.
    at 13, reprinted in Appellant's Add. at 14. The district
    court dismissed Miller's civil rights complaint against
    Compton both because she was not a state actor, see 
    id. at 11,
    reprinted in Appellant's Add. at 12, and because
    Miller, who failed to respond in a timely manner to
    Compton's request for admissions, was deemed to have
    admitted that he had no valid cause of action against
    Id. at 11-12,
    reprinted in Appellant's Add. at
    12-13. Finally, the district court dismissed Miller's
    civil rights claims against Chief Wiley, Officer Sartor,
    and the city of El Dorado. The district court held that
    Officer Sartor was entitled to qualified immunity from
    Miller's suit, see 
    id. at 14-15,
    reprinted in Appellant's
    Add. at 15-16, and that the city of El Dorado and Chief
    Wiley had not established an unconstitutional policy and
    could not be liable under a theory of respondeat
    superior. See 
    id. at 15,
    reprinted in Appellant's Add.
    at 16.
    The district court held that Miller's claims in tort
    were barred either by Arkansas's one-year statute of
    limitations, see Mem. Op. at 15, reprinted in Appellant's
    Add. at 16 (citing Ark. Code Ann. 16-56-104), or by
    Miller's failure to allege sufficient facts to sustain
    these actions in tort. See 
    id. at 15-18,
    reprinted in
    Appellant's Add. at 16-19.
    Miller now appeals.    During the pendency of this
    appeal, Miller dismissed the prosecutors from this
    action.   Accordingly, we need only consider Miller's
    claims against Compton, Officer Sartor, Chief Wiley, and
    the city of El Dorado.
    We review the district court's grant of summary
    judgment de novo, viewing the evidence in the light most
    favorable to the nonmoving party. McCormack v. Citibank,
    100 F.3d 532
    , 537 (8th Cir. 1997).         Summary
    judgment is proper where the record presents no genuine
    issue of material fact and the moving party is entitled
    to judgment as a matter of law. 
    Id. In this
    case, the vast majority of Miller's claims
    are frivolous. Even on appeal, Miller does not clarify
    how his First or Fifth Amendment rights have been
    violated, and Miller was never seized in violation of the
    Fourth Amendment. Miller's state tort claims are either
    factually baseless, time-barred, or both. Accordingly,
    we summarily affirm the district court's grant of summary
    judgment to the defendants on these claims. See 8th Cir.
    R. 47B.
    We conclude that the district court also properly
    granted summary judgment to the defendants on Miller's §
    1983 claims for violations of the Fourteenth Amendment,
    although these claims warrant somewhat greater analysis.
    A. Cathleen Compton.
    Miller's § 1983 claim against Compton, a private
    attorney, arises from Compton's recommendation to Deneen
    that    Deneen  seek   help   from   the    Union   County
    Victim/Witness   Program,    and   Compton's    subsequent
    conversation with Harp regarding Deneen and Miller.
    Based on this, Miller alleges that Compton conspired with
    Union    County   prosecutors    to    violate    Miller's
    constitutional rights.4
    Compton, a private actor, may be liable under § 1983
    only if she “is a willing participant in joint action
    with the State or its agents.” Mershon v. Beasley, 
    994 F.2d 449
    , 451 (8th Cir. 1993) (quotations and citations
    omitted). In
    construing that test in terms of the allegations
    necessary to survive a motion to dismiss, this
    circuit has held that a plaintiff seeking to
    hold a private party liable under § 1983 must
    allege, at the very least, that there was a
    mutual understanding, or a meeting of the minds,
    between the private party and the state actor.
    In order to survive a motion for summary
    Miller, noting that Compton’s sister-in-law Patricia Jackson Compton was a
    Union County deputy prosecutor, also argues that Compton used family and political
    ties to obtain action against Miller. Patricia Compton testified that on January 11,
    1993, she was preparing for a capital murder trial and had no involvement in the
    Deneen-Miller affair beyond asking Judy Hughes to speak with another prosecutor
    about the matter. See Dep. of Patricia Jackson Compton (June 2, 1995) at 3-4, 30.
    Upon combing the record, we conclude that there is not a shred of evidence to support
    Miller's allegation that Compton used her relationship with Patricia Compton to further
    a plot against Miller.
    judgment or for a directed verdict, evidence
    must be produced from which reasonable jurors
    could conclude that such an agreement was come
    Id. (citations omitted).
    In this case, there is no evidence that Compton had
    a "meeting of minds" with any government official that
    could have transformed Compton into a state actor.
    Compton's recommendation to Deneen that she seek legal
    assistance from a government agency certainly did not
    have this effect; the Supreme Court has rejected the
    argument "that a private party’s mere invocation of state
    legal procedures constitutes joint participation or
    conspiracy with state officials satisfying the § 1983
    requirement of action under color of law.”       Lugar v.
    Edmonson Oil Co., 
    457 U.S. 922
    , 939 n.21 (1982)
    (quotations and citation omitted). When Compton spoke
    with Harp regarding Deneen's and Miller's situation, she
    did no more than provide information to a government
    agency. See Dep. of Caren Harp (June 2, 1995) at 7. To
    impose § 1983 liability on a private actor for merely
    answering   a   law  enforcement   official's   questions
    regarding a case would have obvious and unfortunate
    consequences and has no support in precedent or common
    sense.    Considering the record in the light most
    favorable to Miller, we conclude that Compton was not a
    state actor, and § 1983 liability could therefore not
    B. Officer Sartor.
    Miller contends that he had a Fourteenth Amendment
    property interest in remaining in his apartment, and that
    Officer Sartor should be liable for violating Miller's
    Because we affirm the district court's grant of summary judgment to Compton
    on the ground that Compton was not a state actor, we need not consider its alternative
    grant of summary judgment based on Miller's deemed admission that he had no valid
    cause of action against Compton.
    right to due process by summarily depriving Miller of
    that interest. We disagree.
    In Greiner v. City of Champlin, 
    27 F.3d 1346
    Cir. 1994), we explained that the rationale for the
    qualified immunity doctrine
    is to allow public officers to carry out their
    duties as they think right, rather than acting
    out of fear for their own personal fortunes.
    Toward this end, the rule has evolved that an
    official performing discretionary functions will
    generally be immune from liability unless a
    reasonable person in his position would have
    known   that   his  actions   violated   clearly
    established law.
    Id. at 1351
    (citations omitted).      Officer Sartor is
    therefore immune from Miller's suit unless, "first, the
    law he violated was clearly established at the time of
    the violation, and second, the applicability of the law
    to his particular action was evident." 
    Id. When Officer
    Sartor entered Deneen's apartment, he
    had information that: (1) Deneen was the only person on
    the current lease; (2) Deneen wished Miller to leave; and
    (3) Deneen had accused Miller of prior serious physical
    abuse. For purposes of this summary judgment motion, we
    must assume that Officer Sartor did not politely request
    that Miller leave Deneen's apartment, but rather that
    Office Sartor ordered Miller to leave under threat of
    To the extent that Miller was merely a houseguest at
    Deneen's apartment, it is clear that Officer Sartor did
    not violate any of Miller's well-established rights by
    requesting Miller to leave the apartment. In Greiner,
    police officers encountered a loud party at a private
    home.   The officers ordered houseguests, who had been
    invited to spend the night at the private home, to leave.
    See 27 F.3d at 1350
    .       The houseguests brought suit
    against the officers, alleging that their rights were
    violated when the police told them to leave.     
    Id. at 1352.
    This Court disagreed, stating:
    We grant that police could not have
    interfered   with    the   houseguest   relation
    arbitrarily, without some valid governmental
    interest in doing so. However, the facts do not
    fairly present that situation. The record shows
    there were two complaints, that the police had
    already delivered a warning, that an outside
    party was going on around 2:00 a.m., and that it
    involved some level of noise (even granting a
    dispute about how much
    noise).     These facts give rise to some
    governmental interest in dispersing the crowd in
    order to restore order and quiet during hours
    most citizens devote to sleep. We emphatically
    do not consider how we would resolve the
    relative interests of the city and the guests on
    the merits, if that issue were before us. We
    do, however, hold that plaintiffs have not shown
    that it was clearly established on the night of
    their party that their rights were paramount
    over the governmental interest in dispersing
    them. Therefore, the defendants are entitled to
    qualified immunity on this claim.
    Id. at 1352-53
    (footnote omitted).
    The facts presented in this case are far more
    compelling than those in Greiner, and demonstrate that
    Miller's interest in remaining in the apartment was far
    outweighed by "the governmental interest in dispersing"
    Id. at 1353.
    Here, Deneen, the sole holder of the
    current lease, wished Miller to leave.       In addition,
    based on the alleged history of domestic violence between
    Deneen and Miller that had been recounted by Deneen,
    Officer Sartor had a reasonable concern for Deneen's
    safety if Miller were to stay in the apartment with her.
    See Dep. of Byron Sartor (June 2, 1995) at 8 (testifying
    that "in my past experience, 13 years, going on 14 years,
    you get a man and wife or girlfriend, or something like
    that, and they start fighting like that, there's always
    that great possibility that maybe someone could get hurt
    real badly; maybe even possibly killed").
    Miller contends that he was not a mere houseguest,
    but rather that he was a cotenant. As a cotenant, or
    even a hold-over tenant, Miller argues that he had the
    right to judicial process prior to his eviction. See,
    e.g., Williams v. City of Pine Bluff, 
    683 S.W.2d 923
    924-26 (Ark. 1985) (holding that hold-over tenants are
    not trespassers under Arkansas law).      Assuming that
    Miller is correct in his analysis, this does not answer
    whether Officer Sartor can be held liable for allegedly
    violating Miller's right to an eviction proceeding.
    Under this Court's precedent, Officer Sartor can only
    be liable if "a reasonable person in his position would
    have known that his actions violated clearly established
    law" because "the applicability of the law to his
    particular action was evident."     
    Grenier, 27 F.3d at 1351
    .   In this case, Miller's status as a tenant was
    anything but "evident"; indeed, a reasonable person would
    almost certainly have perceived Miller as a mere
    houseguest. Deneen had presented a signed lease, dated
    only a few days earlier, which showed that she was the
    sole tenant.     Moore Realty, while sending confused
    messages to the police, had ultimately confirmed that the
    lease presented by Deneen was valid. The Union County
    Prosecutor's office had investigated the matter, and
    concluded that Deneen was the sole legal tenant of the
    apartment. In light of Deneen's proof that she had the
    sole right to occupy the apartment, as well as the
    potential danger that Officer Sartor believed was
    presented by the threat of domestic violence, we conclude
    that a reasonable officer would not have known that
    asking Miller to leave the apartment violated well-
    established law. Accordingly, Officer Sartor is entitled
    to qualified immunity for Miller's claims.
    C. Chief Wiley and the City of El Dorado.
    Finally, Miller contends that the district court
    erred in granting summary judgment to Chief Wiley and the
    city of El Dorado. We disagree.
    “Municipal liability under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 arises if
    injury results from action pursuant to official municipal
    policy of some nature.” McGautha v. Jackson County, Mo.
    Col. Dep't, 
    36 F.3d 53
    , 55-56 (8th Cir. 1994) (quotations
    and citation omitted), cert. denied, 
    115 S. Ct. 2561
    (1995).   This “liability for violating constitutional
    rights may arise from a single act of a policy maker . .
    . .” 
    Id. at 56.
    However, “that act must come from one
    in an authoritative policy making position and represent
    the official policy of the municipality.” 
    Id. -23- Under
    Arkansas law it is the police chief of a
    municipality who is given authority to suppress breaches
    of the peace, an arguably policy-making position. See
    Ark. Code Ann. § 14-52-202(c). Under Arkansas Code § 14-
    52-202(b)(1), the police chief may appoint deputies, and
    the police chief is responsible for the acts of the
    deputies. See Ark. Code Ann. § 14-52-202(b)(1). In this
    case, Chief Wiley appointed Captain Ellis. Captain Ellis
    dispatched Officer Sartor to Deneen's apartment, and
    Officer Sartor asked Miller to leave his apartment under
    orders from Captain Ellis.      Because Chief Wiley is
    statutorily responsible for Captain Ellis’s decisions,
    Miller argues that Captain Ellis’s orders to Officer
    Sartor should be imputed to Chief Wiley. Because Chief
    Wiley is therefore ultimately responsible for Officer
    Sartor's alleged constitutional violation, Miller argues
    that the city of El Dorado should be liable for the
    policy decision to ask Miller to leave his apartment.
    Miller’s argument is simply that a superior should be
    made liable for a subordinate’s decision.        Although
    clothed in Arkansas statutory terms, this is no more than
    an attempt to impose liability under a theory of
    respondeat superior.      This theory of recovery is
    precluded under § 1983. See Canton v. Harris, 
    489 U.S. 378
    , 385 (1989) ("Respondeat Superior or vicarious
    liability will not attach under § 1983."). Accordingly,
    we affirm the district court's grant of summary judgment
    to Chief Wiley and the city of El Dorado.
    For the foregoing reasons, we affirm the judgment of
    the district court.6
    Miller has also moved to supplement the record on appeal with the full text of
    his deposition and with the policies of the El Dorado police department. These
    documents were not before the district court, and the defendants have objected to their
    admission on appeal. Miller’s only explanation for not presenting them to the district
    court is his first retained counsel’s incompetence, which we conclude does not justify
    the late admission of documents not before the district court. Accordingly, Miller's
    motion is denied.
    A true copy.