Susan Ellis v. Ronald Ellis ( 1995 )

  •                                      ___________
    No. 95-1020
    In re:    Ronald Ellis,                   *
    Debtor.                      *
    _____________________________             *
    *    Appeal from the United States
    Susan Ellis,                              *    District Court for the Eastern
    *    District of Missouri.
    Appellee,                    *
    v.                                   *
    Ronald Ellis,                             *
    Appellant.                   *
    Submitted:   May 18, 1995
    Filed:   December 18, 1995
    Before BOWMAN, MAGILL, and LOKEN, Circuit Judges.
    BOWMAN, Circuit Judge.
    Ronald     Ellis   appeals   from   the   decision   of   the   District   Court
    affirming the Bankruptcy Court's decision holding nondischargeable in
    bankruptcy a $300,000 obligation Ronald owed to his former wife Susan Ellis
    by virtue of a dissolution decree.        We reverse.
    Susan and Ronald Ellis were divorced in November 1989.            At issue here
    is paragraph 1 of the attachment to the Ellises' Decree of Dissolution,
    which reads as follows:
    As and for her partial share of the parties' marital
    property, Petitioner [Susan] is awarded Three Hundred Thousand
    Dollars ($300,000.00) to be paid to her by Respondent [Ronald],
    as her interest in Respondent's pension and profit sharing plan
    with Vantage Footwear, Inc., and Vantage Footwear, Inc. Said
    award shall be deemed a judgment lien against Respondent's
    interest in said plan and his interest in the stock of Vantage
    Footwear, Inc., which is held in or by said plan. Respondent
    shall execute a Qualified Domestic Relations Order consistent
    with this Decree and the Court retains jurisdiction thereof.
    On February 7, 1990, the above language was modified, for reasons not in
    the record, on Ronald's motion to alter and amend the judgment.             The only
    change of substance was the deletion of the last sentence requiring Ronald
    to execute a Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO).
    In an opinion filed January 22, 1991, the Missouri Court of Appeals
    found that the $300,000 award was not an abuse of discretion.               Ellis v.
    802 S.W.2d 546
    , 549 (Mo. Ct. App. 1991).             The court of appeals
    modified the award, at Ronald's request, so that $50,000 was to be paid to
    Susan on July 1, 1991; thereafter, every six months, Ronald was to pay
    Susan $50,000 plus interest "until the amount is paid in full."             
    Id. The court
    apparently took this action after being persuaded by Ronald of
    "possible tax consequences," and that "the value of the plan would be
    substantially reduced if liquidated at one time."           
    Id. On June
    7, 1991,
    less than one month before the first payment was due, Ronald filed a
    voluntary petition in bankruptcy.         On October 11, 1991, Susan filed this
    adversary     proceeding   challenging      the   dischargeability     of     various
    obligations    Ronald   owed   to   her   pursuant   to   the   dissolution   decree
    (including his maintenance and child support obligations, which Ronald had
    listed as dischargeable debts), arguing they were not dischargeable as they
    were in the nature of maintenance and support.
    On January 28, 1993, the Bankruptcy Court held that the $300,000
    award to Susan was a property settlement not intended as support, and
    therefore was a dischargeable debt in Ronald's bankruptcy.   On February 24,
    1993, Susan filed a "Motion for Leave to Alter or Amend Court's Judgment"1
    or, alternatively, leave to file a late notice of appeal.    Susan's attorney
    averred that she did not receive the Bankruptcy Court order from the court,
    and only learned of it on February 11 from opposing counsel.    She asked the
    court for leave to file a motion to alter or amend the judgment outside the
    ten-day limit set forth in Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 59(e) (made
    applicable in the bankruptcy courts by Bankruptcy Rule 9023).   On April 15,
    the court granted Susan leave to file an untimely motion to alter or amend,
    relying on Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 60(b) (made applicable in the
    bankruptcy courts by Bankruptcy Rule 9024) and finding that excusable
    neglect explained her tardy filing.    In the same order, the court extended
    the time within which Susan could file her notice of appeal.    In a separate
    order filed on the same day, the Bankruptcy Court amended its judgment and
    held that the $300,000 Ronald owed to Susan was nondischargeable under the
    law as set forth in this Court's opinion in Bush v. Taylor, 
    912 F.2d 989
    (8th Cir. 1990) (en banc).    The District Court affirmed.      Ronald Ellis
    For his first issue on appeal, Ronald Ellis contends that the
    Bankruptcy Court abused its discretion by reopening its judgment pursuant
    to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 60(b), and that the District Court erred
    in   affirming that decision.    He focuses his argument on the rules
    concerning a motion for leave to file a late
    Presumably, the caption of the motion was inaccurate.
    Susan did not seek leave to alter or amend the judgment; only the
    court could alter or amend its own judgment. She states in
    paragraph 4 of her motion that she wanted leave to file an
    untimely motion to alter or amend under Rule 59(e) (Rule 59(e)
    motions are required to be filed within ten days of entry of the
    judgment) and, in case the court granted the motion for untimely
    filing, she included the motion to alter or amend and her
    arguments on the merits.
    notice of appeal, arguing that the court's decision under Rule 60(b)
    effectively granted Susan an appeal.   That argument misses the mark.   The
    real procedural issue is the court's use of Rule 60(b) as a vehicle to
    overcome the untimeliness of Susan's Rule 59(e) motion to alter or amend.
    Susan's motion for leave to file a notice of appeal out of time was granted
    in a separate ruling, but became irrelevant when the Bankruptcy Court
    amended its judgment so as to find in Susan's favor on the merits of the
    dischargeability question.
    As the Bankruptcy Court noted, enlargement of the ten days allowed
    for filing a Rule 59(e) motion to alter or amend the judgment, regardless
    of the reason, is expressly prohibited by Bankruptcy Rule 9006(b)(2).   The
    court also rejected Susan's argument that "unusual circumstances" excused
    her failure to file her motion within ten days.2   The court therefore was
    without jurisdiction to consider Susan's Rule 59(e) motion.   See Townsend
    v. Terminal Packaging Co., 
    853 F.2d 623
    , 624 (8th Cir. 1988).      But the
    Bankruptcy Court then turned to Rule 60(b), which allows a reasonable time
    (but not more than one year) within which to file a motion for relief from
    judgment based on excusable neglect, and
    For its authority to consider Susan's claim of "unusual
    circumstances," the Bankruptcy Court relied on the judicially-
    created doctrine pursuant to which a court may allow the filing
    of an untimely notice of appeal, where the filing is untimely
    because of reasonable reliance on the erroneous actions of the
    court. We do not decide whether this doctrine is applicable to
    an untimely Rule 59(e) motion to alter or amend a judgment. Cf.
    Thompson v. INS, 
    375 U.S. 384
    , 387 (1964) (per curiam) (holding
    that lower court's representation that Rule 59(b) motion for new
    trial was timely, when it was not, constituted "unique
    circumstances" to excuse untimely notice of appeal); Osterneck v.
    Ernst & Whinney, 
    489 U.S. 169
    , 179 (1989) ("By its terms,
    Thompson applies only where a party has performed an act which,
    if properly done, would postpone the deadline for filing his
    appeal and has received specific assurance by a judicial officer
    that this act has been properly done."). The question is of no
    moment here, as the court found no "unusual circumstances"
    existed to excuse Susan's untimely filing of her Rule 59(e)
    found the requisite excusable neglect for Susan's failure to make timely
    post-judgment motions.
    In the context of excusable neglect as a ground for relief from a
    judgment or order, Rule 60(b) is appropriately invoked to offer excuses for
    neglect leading up to the judgment in the first place, not excuses for
    neglect for failure to file post-judgment motions to alter or amend.
    Sanders v. Clemco Indus., 
    862 F.2d 161
    , 168 n.14 (8th Cir. 1988); see,
    e.g., In re Freightway Corp., 
    170 B.R. 108
    (Bankr. N.D. Ohio 1994) (seeking
    reconsideration under Rule 60(b) of order denying creditor's claim for
    failure of creditor to appear); In re King, 
    165 B.R. 296
    (Bankr. M.D. Fla.
    1994) (seeking rehearing under Rule 60(b) for order granting motion to
    value collateral where creditor failed to respond); Elliot v. Hancock (In
    re Hancock), 
    160 B.R. 677
    (Bankr. M.D. Fla. 1993) (seeking relief under
    Rule 60(b) from default judgment entered when no answer was filed); cf. In
    re Gray, 
    156 B.R. 707
    (Bankr. D. Maine 1993) (holding creditors could not
    attack debtor's discharge as it applied to them by characterizing motion
    as under Rule 60(b) where procedure to challenge discharge was provided by
    statute); In re Bowden, 
    138 B.R. 584
    (Bankr. E.D. Ark. 1992) (assuming that
    motion seeking reinstatement of bankruptcy case that was dismissed after
    debtors' failure to file the required documents was made pursuant to Rule
    60(b)); In re Fuller, 
    111 B.R. 660
    (Bankr. S.D. Ohio 1989) (assuming that
    motion seeking reinstatement of automatic stay where debtor failed to file
    responsive pleading to motion for relief from stay was made pursuant to
    Rule   60(b)).    A   Rule   60(b)   motion   alleging   excusable   neglect   is
    appropriately used when seeking relief from judgment for excusable neglect,
    not when seeking relief from the deadlines set by the rules for post-
    judgment motions, even if those deadlines are not met because of excusable
    neglect.   Contrary to Susan's arguments, Pioneer Investment Services v.
    Brunswick Associates Limited Partnership, ___ U.S. ___, 
    113 S. Ct. 1489
    (1993), is inapplicable to this case.         The issue in that case was the
    interpretation of the term "excusable neglect" in a case
    where a creditor failed to timely file a proof of claim.       Pioneer had
    nothing to do with deciding whether excusable neglect under Rule 60(b) can
    be used to grant leave to file an untimely motion to alter or amend, which
    implicates Rule 59(e).
    We hold that the Bankruptcy Court was without jurisdiction to
    consider Susan's Rule 59(e) motion (and we note that the court, in at least
    a formal sense, did reject that motion).       We further hold that the
    Bankruptcy Court erred in relying upon Rule 60(b) to grant Susan leave to
    file an untimely motion to alter or amend the judgment, and the District
    Court erred in affirming that decision.   We need not and do not consider
    what now becomes of the Bankruptcy Court's order granting Susan's motion
    to file her notice of appeal out of time because the issue is moot, and has
    been since the entry of the amended judgment in Susan's favor, issued the
    same day as the ruling on her motion for leave to file an untimely Rule
    59(e) motion, made it unnecessary for her to appeal.   Instead, the appeal
    to the District Court from the amended judgment was taken by Ronald.
    We conclude that Ronald is correct that the amended judgment must be
    reversed for the procedural reasons we already have discussed.   Moreover,
    even if we are mistaken in our conclusions as to the convoluted procedural
    history of this case, our resolution of the case on the merits of the
    dischargeability question results in judgment for Ronald in any case.3
    Relying on our opinion in Bush v. Taylor, the Bankruptcy Court
    summarily reversed its original decision adjudging Ronald's
    Because of our resolution of the procedural question, and
    our alternate holding on the merits of the dischargeability
    question, we do not consider Ronald's argument that the
    Bankruptcy Court abused its discretion in altering its judgment
    based on a legal theory (derived from Bush v. Taylor, 
    912 F.2d 989
    (8th Cir. 1990) (en banc)) that was raised for the first time
    in Susan's motion to alter or amend.
    $300,000 obligation dischargeable.     The District Court, in its de novo
    review and affirmance, elaborated somewhat, concluding that the installment
    payments for the $300,000 obligation were debts not incurred until payment
    was due, and thus were not dischargeable under Bush.   After our own de novo
    review, we find that we must disagree with the application of Bush by the
    lower courts in this case.
    In Bush, the debtor, pursuant to a decree of dissolution entered
    before the days of QDROs, was required to pay a portion of his pension
    benefits, as he received them, to his former wife as her "sole and separate
    property."   The district court, affirming the bankruptcy court, refused to
    discharge the obligation in the debtor's bankruptcy proceedings.       This
    Court affirmed, holding that the obligation was not pre-petition debt
    dischargeable in bankruptcy.     Instead, we held, the amount due was the
    former wife's "sole and separate property," to be paid to her by the debtor
    only because the pension plan administrator did not pay her share of the
    pension to her directly.   Moreover, as we noted, the pension payments would
    continue to flow to the debtor for as long as he lived, and if his
    obligation to pay his former wife a portion of these payments as he
    received them were discharged in bankruptcy, she thereby would be deprived
    of the "sole and separate property" in these payments that the state
    divorce court had awarded her.
    Here, Susan was not awarded a fixed share of payments to be received
    by Ronald from his employer's pension and profit sharing plan as her "sole
    and separate property," as was the case in Bush.       Instead, the divorce
    court awarded Susan a sum certain that represented her "interest" in the
    plan and in Vantage Footwear, but it was not in any way linked to pension
    or profit-sharing payments to be received by Ronald.   If the amount was to
    have been more than a division of property, that is, if it was based on
    actual payments
    due Ronald from an ERISA-regulated4 pension and profit-sharing plan, then
    a QDRO should have and presumably would have been executed.         But the
    installment payments owed to Susan were not Susan's "sole and separate
    property" payable by Ronald only when he received payments from his
    company's plan.    Rather, the $300,000 was a division of marital property
    representing the divorce court's determination of Susan's present interest
    in the pension and profit-sharing plan and in the company itself.     It was
    owed to Susan regardless of any later changes in the value of the plan or
    of the company.5
    Ronald prevailed upon the Missouri Court of Appeals to modify the
    award to make it payable in installments, evidently convincing the court
    that modification was necessary to protect the plan assets.     Ronald filed
    his bankruptcy petition before any of the court-ordered payments to Susan
    became due.   But the installment payments did not become post-petition debt
    merely because the dates of payment had not yet arrived.     Unlike Bush, in
    which the former husband became obligated to pay over his former wife's
    portion of his pension checks only as he received them, Ronald's obligation
    to Susan was merely unmatured debt.       Ronald owed those amounts to Susan
    whether or not he ever received a nickel from the pension and profit-
    sharing plan or from his interest in the company.       The record does not
    indicate that he was even drawing--or eligible to draw--any funds from the
    plan at the time his marriage to Susan was dissolved.      We therefore must
    conclude that Susan's interest in the plan and the company was reduced to
    an amount certain that Ronald
    Employee Retirement Income Security Act, Pub. L. No. 93-
    406, 88 Stat. 829 (codified as amended at 29 U.S.C. §§ 1001-1461
    (1988 & Supp. V 1993), and in scattered sections of the United
    States Code).
    Susan's lien on Ronald's interest in the pension and
    profit-sharing plan and Vantage Footwear stock, created by the
    explicit language of the divorce decree, is unaffected by our
    decision today. The record indicates, however, that the plan and
    the stock are now worthless.
    was obligated to pay to her from whatever assets he had, and thus is a pre-
    petition debt that, not being in the nature of maintenance and support for
    his former wife, see 11 U.S.C. § 523(a)(5) (1994), is dischargeable in
    bankruptcy, see 
    id. § 727
    (1994) (pre-petition debts shall be discharged);
    id. § 101(5),
    (12) (defining debt and claim under the Bankruptcy Code).
    The judgment of the District Court is reversed.
    A true copy.