Colleen R. Hayes v. Shirley S. Chater ( 1996 )

  •                              ___________
    No. 95-1111
    Colleen R. Hayes,               *
    Plaintiff - Appellant,    *
    * Appeal from the United States
    v.                         * District Court for the
    * Southern District of Iowa.
    Shirley S. Chater, Commissioner *
    of Social Security,*            *
    Defendant - Appellee.     *
    Submitted:   September 15, 1995
    Filed: January 8, 1996
    Before BOWMAN, JOHN R. GIBSON and BEAM, Circuit Judges.
    JOHN R. GIBSON, Circuit Judge.
    Colleen R. Hayes appeals from the district court's1 judgment
    *Effective March 31, 1995, the functions of the Secretary
    of Health and Human Services in social security cases
    were transferred to the Commissioner of Social Security.
    Pub. L. No. 103-296. Pursuant to Fed. R. App. P. 43(c),
    Shirley S. Chater, Commissioner of Social Security, is
    substituted as the appellee in this action. Although we
    have substituted the Commissioner in the caption, in the
    text we continue to refer to the Secretary of Health and
    Human Services because she was the appropriate party at
    the time of the underlying decision.
    The Honorable Harold D. Vietor, United States District Judge
    for the Southern District of Iowa.
    affirming the Secretary of Health and Human Services's denial of
    her application for supplemental security income benefits. She
    argues that the administrative law judge erred by discounting the
    opinion of her treating physician.     She also argues that the
    district court erred in affirming the administrative law judge's
    decision to deny benefits because the hypothetical question put
    forth to the vocational expert did not include all of her
    restrictions and impairments. We affirm.
    Hayes is a fifty-three-year-old woman with a ninth grade
    education who is also trained as a nurse's aide.     She claims a
    disability onset date of November 12, 1991, after she injured her
    back lifting a patient. She also claims disability due to pain and
    breathing problems.
    Following the five-step analysis mandated by 20 C.F.R.
    § 404.1520 (1995), the administrative law judge found that Hayes
    has "severe" impairments in that she is significantly affected in
    her ability to perform basic work activities. The judge found that
    Hayes had a degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine, chronic
    pain syndrome, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.      The
    judge concluded, however, that Hayes did not have an impairment or
    combination   of   impairments   qualifying  under   the   "listed
    impairments." Although finding that Hayes could not perform her
    past relevant work as a nurse's aide, maid, or cleaner, the judge
    found the Secretary met her burden of proving that Hayes retained
    the residual functional capacity to perform light exertional level
    work. A vocational expert testified that Hayes could work as a
    light, unskilled assembly worker, including pencil, ballpoint pen,
    and toy assembler, as well as an inside security guard, and that
    such positions were available in the state and national economies.
    The administrative law judge found that Hayes' testimony was not
    "fully credible" as to pain, and denied Hayes' disability claim.
    The Secretary adopted the administrative law judge's ruling as her
    final decision, and the district court affirmed.
    We affirm the district court if the administrative law judge's
    decision is supported by substantial evidence on the record as a
    whole. Shannon v. Chater, 
    54 F.3d 484
    , 486 (8th Cir. 1995). "We
    may not reverse merely because substantial evidence would have
    supported an opposite decision."        
    Id. (internal quotations
    Hayes first argues that the administrative law judge's finding
    of her residual functional capacity is not supported by substantial
    evidence. Hayes contends that the judge failed to consider the
    opinions of her treating physicians that she could not repeatedly
    lift, bend, twist, or turn, and that she must take frequent breaks.
    Hayes contends that her treating physician's opinion is entitled to
    great deference. Thompson v. Sullivan, 
    957 F.2d 611
    , 614 (8th Cir.
    1992). She contends that the hypothetical question asked to the
    vocational expert did not include limitations on twisting, turning,
    bending, and the need to alternate positions frequently or take
    breaks, and thus, the vocational expert's testimony cannot
    constitute substantial evidence that she is not disabled. Hayes
    further argues that the administrative law judge's finding that
    Hayes must avoid temperature extremes due to her respiratory
    difficulties is inconsistent with the judge's conclusion that she
    is not disabled. She argues that she would be exposed to extreme
    temperatures getting to and from work, and thus, this fact
    demonstrates that she is disabled.
    It is true that the vocational expert testified that the
    assembly and security guard jobs would require twisting "to some
    extent," and repetitive lifting of no "more than a couple of
    pounds." The administrative law judge found that the positions
    would require occasional twisting.     The medical evidence which
    Hayes directs us to, however, does not establish that she is
    precluded from these activities. The medical report Hayes cites
    states:   "[Hayes] cannot tolerate repetitive lifting, bending,
    twisting or turning anymore than an occasional activity throughout
    the course of her work duties. . . . I would anticipate that a
    weight restriction of approximately 25# is appropriate. . . ."
    Thus, the report itself does not indicate that Hayes can never
    twist, turn, or bend. Moreover, the doctor issued the report in
    February 1989, and Hayes returned to work as a motel maid for six
    months in 1991. Other evidence in the record supports the finding
    that Hayes can perform light exertional level work.2         Hayes
    testified that she can lift twenty to twenty-five pounds. Results
    of diagnostic tests further support the finding that Hayes' back
    problems are not disabling. A lumbar myelogram was normal, showing
    no evidence of a herniated disc or other abnormality.
    Because we conclude there is substantial evidence that Hayes
    can perform light exertional work, there is no error in the
    hypothetical question posed to the vocational expert.         The
    hypothetical question included all of Hayes' impairments and
    limitations which the administrative law judge concluded were
    credible. See Montgomery v. Chater, 
    69 F.3d 273
    , 275 (8th Cir.
    Finally, we reject Hayes' argument that her pulmonary disease
    entitles her to benefits. The administrative law judge found that
    Hayes must avoid extremes of temperature in the workplace, but he
    did not find that she could not travel to and from work.       She
    testified that she has trouble breathing with heat and humidity,
    but that she has to be exposed to heat and humidity for half an
    hour before she has trouble breathing. She also testified that she
    is able to drive, and that she is able to go to the doctor and
    grocery store.    Thus, we must reject her argument that she is
    unable to get to and from work.
    The administrative law judge's finding that Hayes is not
    The vocational expert also testified that these jobs would
    allow Hayes to change positions frequently on an as-needed basis.
    disabled is supported by substantial evidence on the record as a
    whole. Accordingly, we affirm.
    A true copy.