Frederick A. Simeone v. First Bank Natl. , 73 F.3d 184 ( 1996 )

  •                             ___________
    No. 94-3666
    No. 94-3787
    Frederick A. Simeone,           *
    Appellee/Cross Appellant, *
    v.                         *   Appeals from the United States
    *   District Court for the District
    First Bank National             *   of Minnesota.
    Association, formerly know as   *
    First Natl. Bank of St. Paul;   *
    Appellant/Cross Appellee, *
    Antje Angela Quante, Executrix *
    of the Estate of Herman Quante; *
    Leland Gohlike,                 *
    Defendants,                *
    Peter Garretson,                *
    Appellant.                 *
    Submitted:   June 16, 1995
    Filed: January 3, 1996
    Before BEAM, ROSS and MURPHY, Circuit Judges.
    ROSS, Circuit Judge.
    Appellant, Frederick Simeone, sought damages against appellee
    First Bank National Association (First Bank) and others for breach
    of contract and fraud stemming from an agreement by First Bank to
    sell Simeone 1920-1930 era vintage Mercedes-Benz automobiles and
    parts which had been repossessed from a defaulting loan customer,
    Leland Gohlike.   We affirm in part and reverse in part.
    The vehicles in question included a one-of-a-kind 1929
    Mercedes Benz SS Roadster, two 1930 era Mercedes Benz Roadsters (of
    which a total of 114 were ever manufactured), and a 1928 Mercedes
    Benz SSK (one of only 39 ever manufactured), which had been owned
    by the son of Sir Arthur Conan-Doyle, the creator of Sherlock
    Holmes.    Additionally, there were thousands of loose parts,
    including shock absorbers, fenders, seat cushions and wheels, which
    were   no   longer   manufactured   and   which   were   themselves
    extraordinarily rare. One of the automobiles and some of the parts
    repossessed from Gohlike were allegedly owned by the Estate of
    Herman Quante (Quante Estate). While First Bank never acknowledged
    the Estate's claim of ownership, it nonetheless agreed to pay the
    Estate $50,000 for its interest, if any.
    On October 26, 1985, after receiving inquiries from several
    other potential purchasers, First Bank entered into an agreement to
    sell the repossessed automobiles and parts for $400,000 to Simeone,
    a self-described collector of vintage automobiles. In the same
    agreement, Simeone agreed to purchase the Quante Estate car and
    parts for $50,000. Simeone paid 10% of the contract price as a
    On November 4, 1985, the date set for the conveyance of title
    to Simeone, Leland Gohlike, the debtor, obtained a temporary
    restraining order (TRO) to prevent the sale of the collateral.
    Thereafter, First Bank refused Simeone's proffered tender of the
    balance of the purchase price. Prior to obtaining the TRO, Gohlike
    instituted a civil action against First Bank and its officers
    claiming a violation of due process and seeking $13,000,000 in
    Sometime on or before November 4, 1985, First Bank entered
    into negotiations with Gohlike and James Torseth, Gohlike's
    neighbor, to sell the automobiles and parts to Torseth in exchange
    for Gohlike's dismissal of his suit against the bank and a purchase
    price slightly in excess of Simeone's. Believing that it no longer
    had an obligation to sell the property to Simeone because of a
    condition in the agreement, First Bank subsequently sold the cars
    and parts to SMB, Inc., a corporation created by Torseth for the
    purchase and resale of the automobiles and parts, and Gohlike
    dismissed his suit against First Bank. SMB, Inc. later sold all of
    the cars and parts for $1,114,960, including $470,000 that Simeone
    himself paid for the purchase of the 1929 Mercedes Benz SS
    Roadster. Two experts at trial testified that, because of their
    rarity, by late 1987 or early 1988 the vehicles and parts were
    worth over three million dollars.
    First Bank returned Simeone's downpayment with interest and
    Simeone filed suit alleging breach of contract and fraud.      The
    district court granted summary judgment in favor of First Bank,
    finding that because a condition precedent was not satisfied, the
    sellers were not obligated by the contract. The Eighth Circuit
    subsequently vacated the summary judgment ruling, concluding that
    First Bank and the Estate had breached the contract by failing to
    convey the property to Simeone. Simeone v. First Bank Nat'l Ass'n,
    971 F.2d 103
    , 106-07 (8th Cir. 1992). This court remanded the case
    to the district court for rulings on the other claims raised by
    Simeone, as well as an assessment of damages. 
    Id. at 108.
    Prior to trial on remand, Simeone agreed to dismiss the Quante
    Estate from the case with prejudice. The trial was conducted from
    February 28, 1994, through March 8, 1994.     At the close of the
    breach of contract phase of the trial, the district court ruled as
    a matter of law that the Bank's conduct did not constitute fraud.
    However, the court permitted the fraud claim to be tried to the
    jury to forestall the necessity for a later trial in the event the
    fraud dismissal was reversed on appeal. The jury awarded Simeone
    $2,405,000 for breach of contract, including $585,000 in
    compensatory damages, $225,000 in incidental damages, and
    $1,595,000 in consequential damages, plus prejudgment interest.1
    The jury also awarded $1.00 on the court-dismissed fraud claim.
    The district court denied First Bank's motion for a new trial or,
    in the alternative, amendment of the judgment or remittitur
    pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 59.
    In its challenge to the compensatory damages award, First Bank
    argues the district court erroneously allowed Simeone's experts to
    rely on the collector automobile market as the relevant market in
    appraising the fair market value of the vehicles and parts at the
    time of the breach.    Instead, First Bank contends the relevant
    market was the market of "repossessed goods in bank foreclosure
    Minn. Stat. § 336.2-713(1) provides the proper measure of
    damages for a seller's breach of contract:
    [T]he difference between the market price at the time
    when the buyer learned of the breach and the contract
    price together with any incidental and consequential
    damages. . . .
    "Market price" "is the price for goods of the same kind and in the
    same branch of trade." Minn. Stat. § 336.2-713, U.C.C. Comment 2.
    According to First Bank, the "branch of trade" in this case was the
    resale market of repossessed goods, not a collector automobile
    market.   The Uniform Commercial Code, as adopted in Minnesota,
    In its special verdict form the jury set the market price
    of Gohlike's cars and parts at the time of the breach at $885,000
    and the market price of the Quante Estate car and parts at the
    time of the breach at $150,000.
    permits opinion evidence as to the value of the goods in question:
    Where the unavailability of a market price is caused by
    a scarcity of goods of the type involved . . . [s]uch
    scarcity conditions . . . indicate that the price has
    risen and under the section providing for liberal
    administration of remedies, opinion evidence as to the
    value of the goods would be admissible in the absence of
    a market price and a liberal construction of allowable
    consequential damages should also result.
    Minn. Stat. § 336.2-713, U.C.C. Comment 3 (emphasis added).
    At trial, the evidence showed that the vehicles were rare, and
    in some cases unique, classic automobiles of historic significance.
    The disassembled parts, as well, were scarce commodities. At trial
    an expert in vintage automobiles valued the cars and parts at
    $1,355,000 at the time of the breach.       Based on the evidence
    presented at trial, the jury concluded that, at the time of the
    breach, the value of the property owned by First Bank was $885,000
    and the value of the property owned by the Quante Estate was
    $150,000, or a total market value of $1,035,000. The difference
    between this fair market value and the $450,000 contract price is
    $585,000, the amount of compensatory damages awarded.
    The district court did not abuse its discretion in permitting
    the valuation of the automobiles and parts based on a collector's
    market. The evidence clearly supports the jury's determination and
    the award of compensatory damages is affirmed.
    First Bank next raises several challenges to the consequential
    damages assessed against it.      The jury awarded $1,595,000 in
    consequential damages, which was derived from expert testimony as
    to what the automobiles and parts were worth in late 1987, two
    years after the breach of contract, minus the market price of the
    property at the time of the breach.     First Bank now argues the
    evidence   is  insufficient   to   establish  the   foreseeability
    requirement to support the $1,595,000 consequential damages award.
    Under   Minnesota   law,   recoverable   consequential   damages
    [A]ny loss resulting from general or particular
    requirements and needs of which the seller at the time of
    contracting had reason to know and which could not
    reasonably be prevented by cover or otherwise.
    Minn. Stat. § 336.2-715(2)(a). Under this section, consequential
    damages are not available in every case, but instead are only
    proper if the seller had reason to foresee the particular
    requirements of the buyer, and even then only if such loss could
    not be prevented. The focus is on what the seller had reason to
    know. Minn. Stat. § 336.2-715; U.C.C. Comment 3.
    According to First Bank, Simeone repeatedly stated prior to
    contract formation that he was not in the business of selling
    automobiles and parts and therefore First Bank neither knew nor had
    reason to know that Simeone intended to trade or resell the
    automobiles and parts at any profit, let alone a profit of
    $1,595,000. First Bank contends the award of consequential damages
    erroneously treats the agreement as one for the purchase of goods
    for resale when that was clearly not the case.
    The question of whether the buyer's consequential damages were
    foreseeable by the seller is one of fact to be determined by the
    trier of fact. Franklin Mfg. Co. v. Union Pacific R.R., 
    248 N.W.2d 324
    , 326 (Minn. 1976). First Bank asks that this court conclude as
    a matter of law that the consequential damages were not
    foreseeable. We decline to so hold. Mr. Garretson, commercial
    banking officer of First Bank and acting on behalf of the Bank
    during the relevant negotiations with Simeone, testified that he
    was aware that collectors may trade vehicles in order to enhance
    their collection. Further, Simeone testified he told First Bank's
    broker that he intended to use the cars and parts for trading or
    possible resale to obtain additional cars.        Finally, Simeone
    contracted to purchase hundreds of automotive parts that the jury
    would reasonably presume would have to be either resold or
    assembled into something of increased value.            The jury's
    determination that it was foreseeable that Simeone would seek to
    further his collection by engaging in sale or trade was not clearly
    Also with respect to consequential damages, First Bank argues
    the court erred in failing to adequately apply the doctrine of
    cover or mitigation of damages. First Bank claims that even if
    sufficient evidence existed to support an award of consequential
    damages under Minn. Stat. § 336.2-715(2)(a), such damages are only
    allowed to the extent that they "could not reasonably be prevented
    by cover or otherwise." This provision incorporates the common law
    policy that an aggrieved party has a duty to mitigate damages. See
    Barry & Sewall Indus. Supply Co. v. Metal-Prep of Houston, Inc.,
    912 F.2d 252
    , 259 (8th Cir. 1990).
    "The test of proper cover is whether at the time and place the
    buyer acted in good faith and in a reasonable manner, and it is
    immaterial that hindsight may later prove that the method of cover
    used was not the cheapest or most effective." Minn. Stat. § 336.2-
    712; U.C.C. Comment 2. The burden of proof rests with the seller
    to establish that the buyer acted unreasonably in failing to
    prevent his own loss. See Bemidji Sales Barn, Inc. v. Chatfield,
    250 N.W.2d 185
    , 189 (Minn. 1977). Further, the duty to cover "does
    not require an injured party to take measures which are
    unreasonable or impractical or which require expenditures
    disproportionate to the loss sought to be avoided or which are
    beyond his financial means." Gerwin v. Southeastern Calif. Ass'n
    of Seventh Day Adventists, 
    92 Cal. Rptr. 111
    , 117 (Cal. Ct. App.
    SMB, Inc. ultimately sold the automobiles and parts for
    $1,114,960. First Bank now contends that Simeone's consequential
    damages should be limited because he could have mitigated his
    damages by purchasing the vehicles and parts from SMB, Inc. at the
    increased price.     The jury, however, rejected this argument.
    Although the evidence at trial showed that the automobiles and
    parts were for sale to the general public as soon as SMB, Inc.
    purchased them from First Bank, it is unreasonable to require that
    Simeone expend over $1,000,000, almost $700,000 more than the
    contract obligated him to pay, to purchase the cars and parts in
    order to effect cover and mitigate his loss. Indeed, First Bank
    made no showing at trial that Simeone even had such resources
    available to him or that it would be reasonable to require such
    cover.   It is noteworthy that Simeone did, in fact, undertake
    efforts to effect cover when he ultimately purchased the 1929 SS
    Roadster from SMB, Inc.      The purchase price of the Roadster
    exceeded that which Simeone had initially contracted to pay for all
    of the vehicles and parts. The suggestion that Simeone should have
    purchased the entire lot of automobiles and parts as a matter of
    law is not supported by the evidence.
    Finally, First Bank contends the consequential damages award
    is too speculative as a matter of law to be the basis for recovery.
    Under Minnesota law, "[t]he controlling principle governing actions
    for damages is that damages which are speculative, remote, or
    conjectural are not recoverable." Leoni v. Bemis Co., Inc., 
    255 N.W.2d 824
    , 826 (Minn. 1977) (quotation omitted).       However, a
    plaintiff's losses need not be proven with mathematical precision.
    "Once the fact of loss has been shown, the difficulty of proving
    its amount will not preclude recovery so long as there is proof of
    a reasonable basis upon which to approximate the amount." 
    Id. Here, two
    experts in antique and classic cars testified as to
    the value of the vehicles and parts at the time of the breach as
    well as their appreciated value two years after the breach. This
    testimony was based on the expert's knowledge of the available
    market, the rate at which such unique cars appreciate in value
    because of their scarcity and desirability among collectors, as
    well as the prices commanded by comparable vehicles.        This
    testimony provides a reasonable basis upon which to support the
    jury's determination of consequential damages.
    First Bank next claims the district court erred in refusing to
    grant its motion for a new trial or in the alternative a remittitur
    because the evidence does not support the jury's award of
    incidental damages. Because we are reviewing state court claims,
    the appropriate standard for review is that applied by Minnesota
    appellate courts. Piekarski v. Home Owners Savings Bank, 
    956 F.2d 1484
    , 1488 (8th Cir. 1992) cert. denied, 
    113 S. Ct. 206
    Thus, this court should uphold the trial court's denial of First
    Bank's new trial motion or motion for remittitur unless there has
    been a clear abuse of discretion. Johnson v. Washington County,
    518 N.W.2d 594
    , 601 (Minn. 1994).
    Under Minnesota law, incidental damages resulting from a
    seller's breach are defined as:
    [E]xpenses reasonably incurred in inspection, receipt,
    transportation and care and custody of goods rightfully
    rejected, any commercially reasonable charges, expenses
    or commissions in connection with effecting cover and any
    other reasonable expense incident to the delay or other
    Minn. Stat. § 336.2-715(1). See also Mattson v. Rochester Silo,
    397 N.W.2d 909
    , 915 (Minn. Ct. App. 1987). In contrast to
    incidental damages, Minnesota law also provides that "the buyer may
    'cover' by making in good faith and without unreasonable delay any
    reasonable purchase of . . . goods in substitution for those due
    from the seller."    Minn. Stat. § 336.2-712(1).    The buyer may
    recover from the seller as "cover damages" "the difference between
    the cost of cover and the contract price together with any
    incidental or consequential damages." Minn. Stat. § 336.2-712(2);
    Barbarossa & Sons, Inc. v. Iten Chevrolet, Inc., 
    265 N.W.2d 655
    661 (Minn. 1978).
    Here, the jury awarded Simeone $225,000 in incidental damages.
    Simeone speculates that this amount represents his cost of cover in
    purchasing the 1929 SS Roadster ($470,000 purchase price minus
    $250,000 contract price, plus $5,000 for dismissal of SMB, Inc.
    from a civil action).     Appellee's Brief at 31.     However, the
    difference between the cost of cover and the contract price is not
    properly characterized as incidental damages. Rather, incidental
    damages are, among other things, the "charges," "expenses" and
    "commissions" incurred in effecting cover. Minn. Stat. § 336.2-
    715(1).   In contrast, the award of damages for the difference
    between Simeone's purchase price of the Roadster and the contract
    price falls under Minn. Stat. § 336.2-712 as "cover" damages. The
    jury's award of incidental damages in this case represents a double
    recovery to the extent that it compensates Simeone for the
    difference between the contract price and the price he actually
    paid for the Roadster. Simeone was compensated for the difference
    between the contract price and the purchase price through both the
    compensatory and consequential damages awards. Since there is no
    other evidence of incidental damages, the award of incidental
    damages must be reversed.
    First Bank argues it should not be held accountable for the
    failure to convey the vehicle that had been claimed by the Quante
    Estate, the Conan-Doyle car.    We do not agree.    The contract,
    drafted by First Bank, specifically provides that "this Agreement
    shall constitute a binding contract for the disposition of the
    Conveyed Assets enforceable as between the Bank and the Purchaser
    upon execution of this Agreement by the Bank and the Purchaser.
    . . ." (Emphasis added). Under the express terms of the contract,
    the phrase "Conveyed Assets" includes the assets claimed by the
    Quante Estate. The contract, therefore, provides that the agreed
    upon disposition of the Conan-Doyle car is enforceable as between
    the Bank and Simeone.     Thus, under the express terms of the
    contract, Simeone can enforce his claim with respect to all the
    vehicles against First Bank.
    Moreover, the contract provides that the automobiles and
    parts, including the Conan-Doyle car, would be conveyed to Simeone
    "unless . . . the Bank determines that it is precluded from
    performing." Under the express terms of the contract, the Estate
    could play no role in the decision to refrain from conveying the
    automobiles to Simeone.
    It was First Bank that made the decision not to accept
    Simeone's wire transfer of the balance due under the contract on
    November 4, 1985. Further, it was First Bank that entered into
    negotiations with Gohlike and Torseth and ultimately agreed to sell
    the automobiles and parts to Torseth rather than Simeone in
    exchange for Gohlike's agreement to dismiss his suit against First
    The district court properly held First Bank accountable for
    the breach of contract with respect to the Conan-Doyle car.
    A trial court's authority to award prejudgment interest is
    governed by statute.   See Minn. Stat. § 549.09.    Prejudgment
    interest is an element of damages awarded to provide full
    compensation by converting time-of-demand damages into time-of-
    verdict damages. It is designed to compensate the plaintiff for
    the loss of the use of the money owed. Johnson v. Kromhout, 
    444 N.W.2d 569
    , 571 (Minn. Ct. App. 1989). Prior to 1984, prejudgment
    interest was allowed on an unliquidated claim only where the
    damages were readily ascertainable by computation or reference to
    generally recognized standards such as market value. Solid Gold
    Realty, Inc. v. J.B. Mondry, 
    399 N.W.2d 681
    , 684 (Minn. Ct. App.
    1987).   In 1984, however, § 549.09 was amended to provide that
    "[t]he prevailing party shall receive interest on any judgment or
    award."    Minn. Stat. § 549.09.      The amended statute allows
    prejudgment interest "irrespective of a defendant's ability to
    ascertain the amount of damages for which he might be held liable."
    Lienhard v. State, 
    431 N.W.2d 861
    , 865 (Minn. 1988). Further, the
    expert's valuations based on the fair market value of the vehicles
    and parts, as well as First Bank's own assessment of the value of
    the property in 1985, satisfies the readily ascertainable standard.
    The "[m]ere difference of opinion as to the exact amount of damages
    [is] not sufficient to excuse the defendant from compensating the
    plaintiff for loss of the use of [his] money." Solid Gold Realty,
    Inc., 399 N.W.2d at 684
    (quotation omitted).
    We conclude that Simeone is entitled to prejudgment interest
    on the revised damages award.
    Based on the foregoing, the judgment of the district court is
    affirmed in part and reversed in part and remanded for further
    proceedings consistent with the views expressed in this opinion.
    A true copy.