Trinidad Corp. v. National Maritime ( 1996 )

  •                                  No. 95-3351
    Trinidad Corporation,                       *
    Appellant,                          *
    * Appeal from the United States
    v.         *                      District Court for the Eastern
    * District of Missouri.
    National Maritime Union of                  *
    America, District No. 4,                    *
    Marine Engineers Beneficial                 *
    Association,                                *
    Appellee. *
    Submitted:    March 13, 1996
    Filed:     April 18, 1996
    Trinidad Corporation appeals the district court's order denying its
    motion for summary judgment and granting the National Maritime Union's
    (NMU) cross-motion for summary judgment.        We reverse.
    Trinidad owns and operates United States flag vessels on the high
    seas.    For many years, it had a collective bargaining relationship with
    NMU, which represented the unlicensed seamen working on Trinidad's ships.
    The last collective bargaining agreement between Trinidad and NMU expired
    in 1984, but it was
    extended several times.    The agreement required mandatory arbitration of
    all labor disputes.
    In 1990, Trinidad and NMU signed a Memorandum of Understanding that
    extended the collective bargaining agreement through June 15, 1994.      (The
    parties later changed the expiration date to June 15, 1993.)   The "duration
    clause" of the Memorandum of Understanding provided that, after the
    expiration date, the collective bargaining agreement would continue in
    effect from year to year
    unless either party hereto shall give written notice to the
    other of its desire to amend the Agreement or ... to terminate
    the Agreement, either of which shall be given at least sixty
    (60) days, but no sooner than ninety (90) days, prior to the
    expiration or anniversary date.     In the event either party
    serves notice to amend the Agreement, the terms of the
    Agreement in effect at the time of the notice to amend shall
    continue in effect either until mutual agreement on the
    proposed amendments or an impasse has been reached.
    A second agreement between Trinidad and NMU is also relevant to this
    case.    In 1988, Trinidad and NMU settled litigation concerning an alleged
    breach of the collective bargaining agreement.   Their settlement agreement
    provided that "the number of ocean-going vessels operated by TRINIDAD
    CORPORATION will at all times be equal to or exceed the total number of
    such vessels ... operated by APEX [Trinidad's parent corporation] and/or
    any Subsidiary or Affiliate thereof."   Trinidad was bound by the settlement
    agreement for as long as the collective bargaining agreement remained in
    On March 16, 1993, NMU notified Trinidad that it wanted to amend the
    collective bargaining agreement.     Trinidad, however, did not take NMU up
    on the offer.    Instead, Trinidad sent NMU written notice of its intent to
    terminate the agreement on its expiration date.
    Several months later, Trinidad asked the district court to enter a
    declaratory judgment to the effect that the collective bargaining agreement
    had expired on June 15, 1993.         Trinidad also sought to enjoin NMU from
    seeking to arbitrate four grievances that it had submitted since that date.
    Three of these grievances involved alleged violations of the collective
    bargaining agreement:     NMU claimed that Trinidad had failed to pay a four
    percent wage increase, had allowed non-union personnel to perform union
    work, and had paid an unauthorized bonus to certain seamen.          In the final
    grievance, NMU claimed that Trinidad had violated the settlement agreement
    by operating fewer ships than Crest Tankers, Inc. (an APEX subsidiary).
    Trinidad asserted that it was not required to arbitrate any of these
    disputes because they all arose after the collective bargaining agreement
    Trinidad filed a motion for summary judgment, and NMU filed a
    cross-motion for summary judgment.        The district court denied Trinidad's
    motion and granted NMU's motion.          The court held that the collective
    bargaining agreement remained in effect because NMU indicated that it
    wanted to amend the agreement before Trinidad sent its termination notice.
    The court reasoned that the second sentence of the duration clause ("In the
    event either party serves notice to amend ... the terms of the Agreement
    ... shall continue in effect until either mutual agreement ... or an
    impasse    has   been   reached")   precluded   Trinidad   from   terminating   the
    agreement until the parties bargained to an impasse.        The court then found
    that there was no evidence that negotiations had reached that stage.
    On appeal, Trinidad argues that the district court erred in holding
    that the collective bargaining agreement did not expire on June 15, 1993.
    It contends that the court improperly allowed NMU's desire to amend the
    agreement to trump Trinidad's right to terminate.          Trinidad asserts that,
    under the agreement, it had an
    absolute right to terminate the contract on the expiration date.        We agree.
    "In interpreting a collective bargaining agreement ... we must
    construe the contract as a whole," Amcar Div., ACF Indus. v. NLRB, 
    641 F.2d 561
    , 569 (8th Cir. 1981), and read the terms of the agreement "in their
    context," Mastro Plastics Corp. v. NLRB, 
    350 U.S. 270
    , 281 (1956).        In this
    case, we believe that the district court read the second sentence of the
    duration clause out of context.     It is true that this sentence provides
    that when one party wants to amend the agreement, the agreement's terms
    remain in effect until the parties reach either an agreement or an impasse.
    That   sentence,   however,   follows        immediately   after   language   that
    specifically gives both Trinidad and NMU the right to terminate the
    agreement on the expiration date (or an anniversary thereof).           We do not
    think that it would be reasonable to allow narrow and detailed provisions
    of the contract to trump a previous general provision regarding the
    fundamental powers of the parties.
    Thus, when read as a whole, the duration clause clearly indicates
    that Trinidad never lost the right to terminate the agreement.           The fact
    that NMU notified Trinidad that it wanted to amend the agreement did not
    preclude termination.   To the contrary, the second sentence of the duration
    clause would have come into play only if Trinidad had not properly
    exercised its right to terminate the agreement.       We therefore hold that the
    agreement expired on June 15, 1993.
    NMU argues that the issue of whether the collective bargaining
    agreement has been terminated should be submitted to arbitration.               We
    consider the agreement "in the light of the law under which the contract
    was made."   
    Id. It is
    a well-settled principle of labor
    law that the issues of contract termination or expiration are subject to
    judicial resolution unless the parties agree to submit them to arbitration.
    Int'l Union, United Auto., Aerospace & Agric. Implement Workers of Am.,
    U.A.W. v. Int'l Tel. & Tel., Thermotech Div., 
    508 F.2d 1309
    , 1313-14
    (8th Cir. 1975) ("UAW v. ITT"); see also Local Union No. 884, United
    Rubber,     Cork,    Linoleum,      and     Plastic     Workers      of     Am.    v.
    Bridgestone/Firestone, Inc., 
    61 F.3d 1347
    , 1354 (8th Cir. 1995).
    It is true that we have held that "a broad arbitration clause
    indicates   an   intent   to   arbitrate    disputes   relating    to   a   purported
    termination or expiration of the bargaining agreement."            UAW v. 
    ITT, 508 F.2d at 1314
    .     The collective bargaining agreement between Trinidad and
    NMU, however, does not fall under this narrow exception to the rule that
    "contract termination issues should be decided by the courts, not the
    Bridgestone/Firestone, 61 F.3d at 1354
    .          In this case, the
    "arbitration clause, although phrased broadly, arises in the context of the
    grievance procedures and we find no indication in the contract language
    that the parties ever intended the arbitration clause to apply to the
    overall issue of contract termination."         UAW v. 
    ITT, 508 F.2d at 1314
    Having determined that the collective bargaining agreement terminated
    on June 15, 1993, we must now decide whether NMU can compel Trinidad to
    arbitrate the grievances at issue in this case.         Because "[n]o obligation
    to arbitrate a labor dispute arises solely by operation of law," Gateway
    Coal Co. v. United Mine Workers of Am., 
    414 U.S. 368
    , 374 (1974), Trinidad
    is required to arbitrate only those grievances that arose under the
    collective bargaining agreement.      Id.; 
    Bridgestone/Firestone, 61 F.3d at 1352-53
    NMU did not demand that Trinidad arbitrate the four grievances at
    issue here until several months after the collective bargaining
    agreement expired.     The fact that NMU submitted the grievances after
    expiration, however, does not necessarily mean that the grievances are not
    arbitrable.    According to the Supreme Court, "A postexpiration grievance
    can be said to arise under the contract ... where it involves facts and
    occurrences that arose before expiration, where an action taken after
    expiration infringes a right that accrued or vested under the agreement,
    or where, under normal principles of contract interpretation, the disputed
    contractual right survives expiration of the remainder of the agreement."
    Litton Fin. Printing Div. v. NLRB, 
    501 U.S. 190
    , 205-06 (1991).
    In this case, our inquiry is limited to determining whether any of
    the facts and circumstances leading to the relevant grievances arose before
    termination.   NMU does not argue that its right to arbitration vested under
    the agreement, and, because the agreement does not provide "in explicit
    id. at 207,
    that arbitration survives expiration, normal principles
    of contract law do not lead us to conclude that arbitration is required for
    post-expiration   grievances.     Id.;   
    Bridgestone/Firestone, 61 F.3d at 1352-53
    The parties agree that the events underlying two of the grievances
    (namely, the failure to raise wages by four percent and the payment of an
    unauthorized bonus to certain seamen) occurred after the expiration date.
    These grievances therefore did not "arise under" the agreement, and
    Trinidad does not have to arbitrate them.         On remand, we direct the
    district court to grant Trinidad appropriate relief as to these grievances.
    A careful review of the record, however, reveals that the parties
    disagree about when the events leading to the other two grievances
    (allowing non-union personnel to perform union work and operating fewer
    ships than Crest) occurred.     Trinidad claims that
    they happened after the agreement expired; NMU claims that they began
    before that time.    The district court did not resolve this dispute, and we
    are not able to do so on the record before us.      On remand, the district
    court must conduct the factual inquiry necessary to resolve this issue.
    If the relevant events occurred before expiration, then the grievances
    arose under the agreement and are subject to arbitration.   If not, Trinidad
    is under no obligation to arbitrate them.
    For the foregoing reasons, we reverse the judgment of the district
    court and remand the case for proceedings consistent with
    this opinion.
    A true copy.