Bobby Davis v. Charles Bost ( 1996 )

  •                                   __________
    No. 95-3157
    Bobby Davis; Lloyd Marlo Davis,      *
    husband of Bobby Davis,              *
    Plaintiffs - Appellants,       *
    v.                             *
    Fulton County, Arkansas; Fulton      *
    County Arkansas Quorum Court,        *  Appeal from the United States
    individually and as members of       *  District Court for the
    the Quorum Court; Paul Martin,       *  Eastern District of Arkansas
    individually and as Sheriff of       *
    Fulton County, Arkansas;             *
    Defendants,                    *
    Charles Bost, individually and       *
    as Deputy Sheriff of Fulton          *
    County, Arkansas; Joann              *
    Cunningham, individually and as      *
    Jailer of Fulton County,             *
    Arkansas; Janella Cantrell,          *
    individually and as Jailer of        *
    Fulton County, Arkansas,             *
    Defendants - Appellees.        *
    Submitted:    February 12, 1996
    Filed:    July 26, 1996
    Before MAGILL, HEANEY, and MURPHY, Circuit Judges.
    MURPHY, Circuit Judge.
    Bobby Davis brought this action after she was raped at her place of
    business by a detainee in the custody of the Fulton County sheriff's
    department.   She sued the county, the county Quorum
    Court, individual members of the court, and employees of the sheriff's
    department under 29 U.S.C. § 1983 and state tort theories.          The district
    court dismissed, for failure to state a claim, her constitutional claims
    against several of the defendants, her state tort claims, and a loss of
    consortium claim by her husband, Lloyd Marlo Davis.2        It later granted the
    motion of the other defendants for summary judgment in their favor on her
    remaining § 1983 claims.      Davis now appeals from the judgment entered for
    Davis lives in Salem, Arkansas.       She and her husband own and operate
    a local dairy equipment sales and service store located near the Fulton
    County Detention Center (FCDC).       On May 13, 1992 she was working alone in
    the store when she was assaulted and raped by Lawrence D. Hull.          At that
    time Hull was a detainee in the custody of the Fulton County Sheriff's
    Department.      He was being held at the FCDC pending disposition of criminal
    charges of burglary and theft, as well as for a possible violation of
    probation related to a prior charge.3
    Hull had been appointed as a trustee by Paul Martin, the Fulton
    County Sheriff.        In this capacity he performed various tasks for the
    sheriff and jailers.      Several of these tasks, such as taking trash to the
    dumpster or washing cars, involved Hull being outside the rear door of the
    FCDC.       The sheriff's department had not received any complaints about Hull
    working outside, nor had
    The Honorable G. Thomas Eisele, United States District
    Judge for the Eastern District of Arkansas.
    The denial of the claim for loss of consortium is not
    challenged on appeal.
    In October 1991, Hull pled guilty to aggravated assault and
    was sentenced to five years probation. In December 1991 a
    petition for revocation of probation was filed based on the new
    charges of burglary and theft.
    Hull caused any problems as a trustee before the attack on Davis.4
    On the morning of May 13, 1992 Joann Cunningham, who was the duty
    jailer5 at the FCDC on that day, asked Deputy Sheriff Charles Bost to
    release Hull from his cell to help her unload groceries from her car, which
    was parked directly behind the jail.      She asked Bost to open the cell
    because she was carrying a load of groceries at the time.      Bost opened
    Hull's cell as instructed and then left the FCDC to work at his insurance
    agency.   As duty jailer, Cunningham was responsible for supervising Hull
    while he was out of the cell.
    Cunningham and Hull carried in the groceries together.    Afterwards,
    Hull washed several cars and took out the trash, which involved being
    outside of the FCDC building.      During this time he was not directly
    supervised, but was monitored by Cunningham, who made routine checks by
    viewing Hull from second story windows in the facility.   After taking out
    the trash, Hull returned to the FCDC and went upstairs to the office.   The
    Salem Police Chief, Albert Roork, told him to go back downstairs, which is
    where the cell area is located.6
    Hull went downstairs, but instead of returning to his cell, he left
    the jail facility through an open door.   Within a matter of minutes he had
    walked down the alley to the dairy equipment store,
    The record does not indicate exactly when Hull was
    appointed as a trustee, but there is evidence that he was not new
    to the position. He had been detained at the FCDC for nearly
    five months at the time of the attack.
    Cunningham was an employee of the sheriff's department and
    her duties included acting as jailer and dispatcher. She also
    cleaned and shopped for supplies.
    The record is not entirely clear about Roork's role in the
    events or whether Roork could be said to have assumed
    responsibility for supervising Hull when he directed him to go
    downstairs. He was never a defendant in this action.
    assaulted Davis, and returned to the area outside the rear of the jail.
    The FCDC is located in a building on the south side of the main
    square in Salem.   Other businesses and houses are nearby.        The Davis store
    is located on the southwest corner of the square and faces the same street
    as the FCDC, but it is several businesses away.            The buildings on that
    street have rear doors that open into an alley.       The FCDC parking lot is
    also in the alley.       The record shows that the Davis store entrance is
    approximately 150 feet from the rear door of the FCDC, and at least 100
    feet away from the outer perimeter of the FCDC parking area.
    After the attack Davis went to a nearby barbershop, and the barber
    called the sheriff's department.    Deputy Bost had returned to the FCDC by
    this time, and he and two other officers went to the barbershop.             Davis
    reported the rape and identified Hull as the rapist.         Hull was charged in
    state court with rape and first degree battery and was convicted of second
    degree battery.
    Davis then brought this civil action for damages under 28 U.S.C. §
    1983 and various theories of state tort liability.     The original complaint
    was filed on May 13, 1993 and amended on April 26, 1994.              The amended
    complaint stated § 1983 claims against Fulton County, Arkansas; the Fulton
    County Quorum Court and the members of it; Paul Martin, individually and
    as Sheriff of Fulton County; and Charles Bost, individually and as Deputy
    Sheriff   of   Fulton   County.   Davis   claimed   that    the   actions   of   the
    defendants, including the appointment of trustees in general, the decision
    to appoint Hull as a trustee, and the practice of allowing Hull to be
    outside of the jail unsupervised, increased her risk of danger, thus
    creating an affirmative duty to protect her.         She also alleged various
    state law tort claims, including battery, assault, false imprisonment, and
    outrage, against each of the defendants.
    On February 13, 1995, the district court granted in part and denied
    in part the defendants' Rule 12(b)(6) motion to dismiss the amended
    complaint.7        It dismissed for failure to state a claim Davis' causes of
    action under § 1983 against the county, the Quorum Court, the individual
    members of the court, Sheriff Martin, in both his official and individual
    capacities, and Deputy Sheriff Bost, in his official capacity.                           The
    district court concluded that the general allegations about a policy or
    practice relating to trustees at the FCDC did not make out a risk of harm
    to Davis greater than that faced by members of the general public and was
    therefore insufficient to state a constitutional claim.                  It cited Wells v.
    852 F.2d 368
    (8th Cir. 1988), cert. denied, 
    489 U.S. 1012
    and noted that Davis had not alleged that the policy was targeted at her
    in any way.            The § 1983 claims against Bost in his individual capacity
    survived the motion to dismiss because the complaint alleged a specific act
    (releasing Hull to unload groceries behind the Davis store) that might have
    been said to have exposed Davis to a unique threat of harm.                      The district
    court also dismissed the state law claims against all of the defendants,
    holding that they were entitled to tort immunity under state law.
    On May 4, 1995, with permission from the court, Davis filed a second
    amended complaint.          In it, she restated her § 1983 claim against Bost and
    added       §   1983    claims   against   two       new   defendants:   Joann   Cunningham,
    individually and as Jailer of Fulton County, and Janella Cantrell,8
    individually and as Jailer of Fulton County.
    The original opinion and order, filed on February 13, 1995,
    was withdrawn by the court on April 28, 1995, and a substituted
    opinion was filed nunc pro tunc.
    Janella Cantrell is an employee of the sheriff's department
    and functions as a secretary, dispatcher, jailer, and personnel
    manager. The record shows that on March 13, 1992, she worked in
    the front office at the FCDC and had jailer duties that day only
    if Cunningham was away from the building. Cantrell herself was
    off duty at the time of the attack on Davis. She had left the
    building for lunch at noon and returned after Hull had been
    locked up again.
    She alleged that Cunningham had been involved in the decision to release
    Hull on May 13, 1992, and that Cantrell had acquiesced in the decision.
    She also asserted state law negligence claims against Bost, Cunningham, and
    Cantrell, and she and her husband asserted claims for loss of consortium.
    On June 14, 1995, the district court granted in part and denied in part the
    defendants' 12(b)(6) motion to dismiss the second amended complaint.               It
    dismissed all of the asserted claims except the causes of action under §
    1983 against Bost, Cunningham, and Cantrell in their individual capacities.
    The parties had also filed cross motions for summary judgment on the
    claims in the second amended complaint, and on July 21, 1995 the district
    court granted summary judgment in favor of Bost, Cunningham, and Cantrell
    on the remaining § 1983 claims.             It held that Davis had not made a
    sufficient showing to support her claims that the defendants had a duty to
    protect her in particular from violent acts by Hull.             It explained that
    although   these   allegations   in   her    complaint   had   been   sufficient   to
    withstand the earlier motion to dismiss, they were not supported by the
    facts.   Judgment was entered the same day.
    On appeal Davis argues that the district court erred in entering
    summary judgment in favor of Bost, Cunningham, and Cantrell in their
    individual capacities on her claims under § 1983, in dismissing her claims
    against them for negligence, and in dismissing her § 1983 claims against
    the other defendants.
    There is disagreement about which parties are properly before the
    court on this appeal.    The notice of appeal names only Bost, Cunningham,
    and Cantrell in the caption, but Davis asserts issues in her briefs that
    relate to other previously dismissed defendants.          We will start with the
    issues that all agree are before the court.
    Davis argues that the undisputed facts in the record establish
    that the actions of Bost, Cunningham, and Cantrell on May 13 gave rise to
    a duty to protect her because they placed her in a position of danger that
    she would not otherwise have been in that was unique from the danger posed
    to the general public.      She asserts that their actions were reckless and
    a direct cause of Hull's assault.        Davis does not claim that there are
    disputed material facts to be decided by a fact finder on the issues of
    liability.       She claims that she is entitled to summary judgment on
    liability and remand for a trial on damages.
    Bost, Cunningham, and Cantrell respond that summary judgment was
    properly entered in their favor.         They argue that they had no special
    constitutional duty to protect her, and that even if such a duty existed,
    the undisputed facts show that their actions were merely negligent and not
    a basis for constitutional tort liability under § 1983.
    Summary judgment is appropriate if there are no disputed issues of
    material fact and the moving party is entitled to judgment as a matter of
    law.     Fed. R. Civ. P. 56(c).   All evidence and inferences must be viewed
    in the light most favorable to the non-moving party.         Anderson v. Liberty
    Lobby, Inc., 
    477 U.S. 242
    , 250 (1986).       The non-moving party, however, may
    not rest upon mere denials or allegations in the pleadings, but must set
    forth specific facts sufficient to raise a genuine issue for trial.
    Celotex Corp. v. Catrett, 
    477 U.S. 317
    , 324 (1986).         We review a grant of
    summary judgment de novo.    Crawford v. Runyon, 
    37 F.3d 1338
    , 1340 (8th Cir.
    Davis's   constitutional   tort   claims   are   premised   on   an   alleged
    violation of her Fourteenth Amendment rights.            She argues that Bost,
    Cunningham, and Cantrell deprived her of her general liberty interest to
    be free from unjustified physical assaults on her person when they failed
    to protect her from Hull's violent actions.
    As a general rule, the Fourteenth Amendment does not impose any duty
    on states to protect its citizens against violence inflicted by private
    actors.      DeShaney v. Winnebago County Dept. of Social Servs., 
    489 U.S. 189
    , 195-96 (1989).       DeShaney recognized an exception to this rule,
    however.    A duty to protect an individual exists where she is in a special
    custodial or other setting in which the state has limited her ability to
    care for herself.    
    Id. at 198.
      In these circumstances an affirmative duty
    to protect arises "not from the State's knowledge of the individual's
    predicament . . . but from the limitation which it has imposed on his
    freedom to act on his own behalf."    
    Id. at 200.
       Davis does not claim that
    she was in any sort of relationship with the defendants, however, nor does
    she claim that they limited her ability to care for herself.
    A duty to protect has also been recognized in the circuit courts when
    the state affirmatively places a particular individual in a position of
    danger that she would not otherwise have faced.      Dorothy J. v. Little Rock
    School Dist., 
    7 F.3d 729
    , 733 (8th Cir. 1993);      Gregory v. City of Rogers,
    974 F.2d 1006
    , 1010 (8th Cir. 1992) (en banc), cert. denied, 
    507 U.S. 913
    (1993); Wells v. Walker, 
    852 F.2d 368
    (8th Cir. 1988), cert. denied, 
    489 U.S. 1012
    (1989); Freeman v. Ferguson, 
    911 F.2d 52
    , 55 (8th Cir. 1990).
    For such a duty to arise, the actions of the state must create a unique
    risk of harm to the plaintiff that is greater than the risk faced by the
    general public.     See 
    Wells, 852 F.2d at 371
    Davis argues that Bost, Cunningham, and Cantrell had a constitutional
    duty to protect her because they released Hull from his cell, instructed
    him to perform chores outside, and allowed him to leave the premises of the
    FCDC.    She claims that the risk to her was unique because of the proximity
    of her store to the FCDC and her status as an elderly woman.
    It is not disputed that the three defendants named in the
    notice of appeal played differing roles in respect to the events leading
    to the rape.     The actions allegedly giving rise to the duty to protect
    Davis were taken primarily by Cunningham.     Although the record shows that
    Bost originally unlocked Hull's cell so he might assist in bringing in the
    groceries, he did so at Cunningham's direction, and as duty jailer she was
    solely responsible for monitoring Hull while he performed his tasks.   Bost
    was not at the FCDC at the time the rape occurred and had no obligation to
    be there.      Cantrell was not involved at all with Hull's release or
    supervision.   She only had jailer duties on May 13, 1992 if Cunningham were
    absent, and there is no allegation that Cunningham left the building that
    day.   Cantrell worked in the front office during the morning and was away
    at lunch during the time of the rape.     The undisputed facts in the record
    do not suggest that Bost or Cantrell could be held liable for violation of
    any a constitutional duty to protect.        Summary judgment was properly
    entered in their favor.
    Whether Cunningham could be held liable for her conduct requires
    additional analysis.    There is no bright line test for when state action
    can give rise to a particular duty to protect,9 but the type of factual
    situations which may do so is suggested by Wells and Freeman.     In Wells,
    police officers transported a released violent criminal to a store that
    also served as a bus station.   They dropped him off to wait for a bus, and
    he murdered the store operator.     The plaintiff alleged that the police
    officers took action to provide transportation for the released inmate, and
    that that action had the result of "placing [the victim], unlike members
    of the general public, in a unique, confrontational encounter with a person
    who allegedly had exhibited violent
    The district court used a two step test to analyze whether
    there was a constitutional duty to protect Davis. It first
    considered whether the state had taken affirmative acts that
    increased Davis' risk of harm, and then whether the risk was
    greater for Davis than for the general public.
    Wells, 852 F.2d at 371
    .   The court held that the plaintiff
    had adequately alleged a constitutional right of protection, but that the
    case was properly dismissed because the allegations sounded only in
    Id. In Freeman,
    a woman was killed by her husband after a
    restraining order had been placed against him.          The police chief had
    allegedly instructed other officers not to enforce the order because of his
    friendship with the husband.      The court stated that such facts could be
    sufficient to create a constitutional duty to protect and remanded for the
    filing of an amended 
    complaint. 911 F.2d at 54
    The facts in this case are quite different.      Cunningham knew Hull had
    come in from the parking area and that Roork told him to go downstairs
    where the cell area was located.    She knew Hull was unsupervised and that
    it would be possible for him to leave the building.10      Cunningham did not
    send him outside again, however.      It was Hull who decided to leave the
    building,      walk down the alley, enter the store, and assault Davis.
    Unlike the situation in Wells, Hull was not taken to or left at the store,
    and in fact, had not been authorized to leave the premises.     Cunningham was
    not aware that Hull had left the FCDC until after the rape was reported.
    Unlike the allegations in Freeman, there is no allegation here that
    Cunningham interfered with particular measures designed to protect Davis.
    Since the complaint alleged that Hull had been instructed to unload
    groceries and wash cars directly behind the Davis store and entered her
    store while so engaged, the district court originally
    Davis also asserts that allowing Hull to wash cars and
    take out the trash were actions giving rise to the duty to
    protect. It is undisputed that Hull completed these tasks
    without incident and then reported to Cunningham.
    Davis points out that Hull was never classified as an
    escapee, but he returned to the FCDC within minutes of leaving
    and before he was found to be missing.
    denied the motion to dismiss.    After the record was developed, the actual
    sequence of events became clearer.    The evidence showed that the FCDC and
    the store are on the main square of town surrounded by other businesses and
    homes, that Hull was instructed to work only in the area directly behind
    the FCDC building, and that he had been sent back to his cell area after
    completing that work.    Davis did not show that the danger to her resulting
    from Hull leaving the FCDC was any greater than that faced by the general
    public in the area.
    Davis claims that her risk of harm was greater than that faced by the
    general public because she was an elderly woman and Hull allegedly had a
    history of sexual violence toward elderly women.      Hull's prior criminal
    record consisted of one assault conviction and charges of theft and
    burglary.   He had not previously been convicted of a sex crime.     Although
    there is evidence in a police report that the assault for which Hull was
    on probation may have involved a threatened rape, there was no evidence
    that Cunningham or the other defendants knew about this.      FCDC employees
    were aware that several years prior to the Davis rape he had touched the
    wives of the sheriff and his deputy on the rear, while shopping at the
    local grocery store.    This showing was insufficient to establish   a unique
    risk of harm to Davis or a special duty to protect her.   Davis did not come
    forward with sufficient evidence to support an inference that Cunningham's
    actions increased the risk to her beyond that faced by other women, that
    Cunningham knew that Hull posed a special risk to particular women, or that
    they were to be found in the vicinity of the jail.
    The situation here resembles Martinez v. State of California, 
    444 U.S. 277
    , 285 (1980), in that Hull was in "no sense an agent" of defendants
    while engaged in the attack and the defendants were "not aware that [Davis]
    as distinguished from the public at large,
    faced any special danger."12   The death caused by Martinez after his parole
    was "too remote a consequence" of the actions by the authorities, 
    id., and therefore
    there was no constitutional claim.13
    Davis suffered a violent and tragic interference in her life and her
    person, and the carelessness that played a role in allowing the crime to
    occur is to be deplored.    The record was insufficient, however, to make out
    a constitutional duty to protect Davis from Hull's violent acts, and
    negligence   by   state   actors   could   not   have   deprived   her   of   such   a
    constitutional right.      See 
    Wells, 852 F.2d at 371
    .        Negligent, or even
    grossly negligent, conduct by government officials cannot be the basis of
    a constitutional tort claim.       Daniels v. Williams, 
    474 U.S. 327
    , 330-31
    (1986);   Sellers v. Baer, 
    28 F.3d 895
    , 902-03 (1994), cert. denied, 115 S.
    Ct. 739 (1995);     Myers v. Morris, 
    810 F.2d 1437
    , 1468 (8th Cir.), cert.
    484 U.S. 828
    (1987).       A lack of due care by an official causing
    unintended injury to life, liberty or property does not implicate the due
    process   clause.    
    Daniels, 474 U.S. at 330-31
    .            Davis' claim, that
    Cunningham unreasonably failed to exercise a duty to supervise Hull to
    prevent him from leaving the FCDC and
    In contrast, however, the parole authorities in Martinez
    were "fully informed" about his history of violent sex crimes and
    the likelihood he would commit 
    another. 444 U.S. at 279
    The dissent relies on Nishiyama v. Dickson County Tenn.,
    814 F.2d 277
    , 280 (6th Cir. 1987), to suggest that the state's
    ability to control a trustee can give rise to a constitutional
    claim. Prison officials in that case allowed a trustee they knew
    to be violent to run errands unsupervised in a marked patrol car.
    They were informed that he was using its flashing lights to stop
    motorists but did nothing about it, and he ultimately murdered a
    young woman driver. The prison officials effectively "cloth[ed]
    an inmate with the authority of the state," Nobles v. Brown, 
    985 F.2d 235
    , 238 n. 1 (6th Cir. 1992), and the holding of the case
    is limited to such circumstances. See 
    id. (dismissing §
    claim based on rape because prisoner was not acting under color
    of state law). In this case Hull was never "cloth[ed] . . . with
    the authority of the state."
    harming her, is a claim of negligence.
    Davis claims that Cunningham knew Hull had engaged in violent and
    sexually deviant behavior in the past and that her knowledge raised her
    actions to the level of recklessness.     The record does not support that
    claim, however.   Hull had not previously been convicted of any sex crimes.
    Cunningham stated at her deposition that she knew that Hull had once
    grabbed a woman's purse and that he had recently been charged with theft,
    but she did not know whether any of those crimes were sexually oriented.
    She was aware that several years earlier Hull had inappropriately touched
    two women while they were grocery shopping.   This falls short of a showing
    that she knew Hull was dangerous for elderly women in particular, and there
    was no evidence that she even knew of Davis or her presence in the dairy
    equipment store.     Davis did not make a showing of recklessness or of
    deliberate intent.
    To avoid summary judgment Davis was required to come forward with
    evidence supporting her allegations that the individual defendants should
    be liable for depriving her of a constitutional right.   The record that was
    developed did not satisfy that burden, and the district court did not err
    in granting summary judgment in favor of the individual defendants.
    Davis also argues that the district court erred in ruling that
    Arkansas law provides Bost, Cunningham and Cantrell with statutory immunity
    from tort liability for claims of negligence brought against them in their
    individual capacity.     The district court dismissed Davis's negligence
    claims on the basis that § 21-9-301 of the Arkansas code affords them
    immunity for suits based on the negligent performance of official duties,
    whether the suits are brought against them in their official or individual
    Arkansas law supports the district court's ruling.     Ark. Code. Ann.
    § 21-9-301; Cousins v. Dennis, 
    767 S.W.2d 296
    (Ark. 1989);
    13 Hard. v
    . City of Devalls Bluff, 
    508 S.W.2d 559
    (Ark. 1974).       Although
    there are exceptions to the statutory grant of official immunity, they do
    not apply in this case.     A public official is subject to suit for the
    commission of an intentional tort, see Battle v. Harris, 
    766 S.W.2d 431
    (Ark. 1989), or for actions taken when the official is not performing a
    county function.   Cousins v. Dennis, 
    767 S.W.2d 296
    (Ark. 1989); Matthews
    v. Martin, 
    658 S.W.2d 374
    , 375 (Ark. 1983).      Davis does not claim that
    Bost, Cunningham and Cantrell acted intentionally, and she does not dispute
    that they were performing official county functions when they took the
    actions alleged tortious in this case.
    Davis also argues that the district court erred in dismissing her §
    1983 claims against the county, the quorum court, and Sheriff Martin, and
    that this court should reach these issues even though her notice of appeal
    identified only Bost, Cunningham, and Cantrell as appellees.   The appellees
    suggest that they were prejudiced by the insufficiency of the notice of
    appeal and argue that we should thus consider only the issues related to
    the individual defendants.14
    Although Rule 3(c) of the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure
    requires that the notice of appeal identify each appellant, and that
    requirement is jurisdictional, Torres v. Oakland Scavenger Co., 
    487 U.S. 312
    , 317-18 (1988), the rule does not require that the notice of appeal
    specifically name each appellee.   Thomas v. Gunter, 
    32 F.3d 1258
    , 1262 (8th
    Cir. 1994).   Intended appellees must be provided with notice that the
    appeal is being taken, however, see 
    id., and the
    failure to list all in the
    notice of
    The appellees suggest in the alternative that this court
    lacks jurisdiction over the entire appeal because of the
    insufficient notice, but they provide no legal basis for this
    theory nor do they explain how the individual defendants were
    prejudiced in any way.
    appeal could suggest abandonment of the claims against them.15
    Her notice of appeal did state that the appeal is from the final
    judgment, and such an appeal permits review of previously entered non-final
    orders that shaped the scope of the judgment.   Berdella v. Delo, 
    972 F.2d 204
    , 208 n. 6 (8th Cir. 1992); see 15 A. Wright, Miller & Cooper, Federal
    Practice & Procedure § 3905.1 (2d ed. 1992).       Thus, if the dismissed
    defendants had proper notice of the appeal, there would be jurisdiction to
    review the order dismissing the claims against them.
    Davis was on notice that the unnamed parties were not considered to
    be appellees since she used the caption created by the clerk's office on
    her briefs.   That caption names only Bost, Cunningham, and Cantrell as
    appellees.    She did not attempt to contact the clerk to correct the
    caption, nor did she attempt to amend the notice of appeal or to contact
    opposing counsel to clarify the identity of the appellees.16   Instead, she
    attempted to clarify the identity of the parties with a footnote in her
    brief suggesting that all of the previous defendants are appellees.
    Consideration of issues related to defendants not named as appellees could
    in effect bypass the thirty day time limit for the filing of a notice.
    Fed. R. App. P. 4(a).   In this case, of course, the defendants were all
    represented by the same counsel who
    This is not a case in which et al. was used in the caption
    to refer to unnamed defendants. See 
    Thomas, 32 F.3d at 1262
    of et al. in caption sufficient to include all defendants as
    appellees). The notice of appeal includes the names Bost,
    Cunningham, and Cantrell, and does not indicate in any way that
    claims against additional defendants would be raised.
    The omission of appellees from the notice may be corrected
    by amendment or by letter to opposing counsel. See Chathas v.
    848 F.2d 93
    (7th Cir. 1988) (failure to name appellee in
    notice of appeal was harmless error that could be corrected by
    letter to omitted appellee's counsel).
    would have been aware of the arguments in her brief.17
    We need not decide whether these aspects of her appeal should be
    foreclosed, however, because we have considered them and find them to be
    without merit.   These claims alleged that the general policy of using
    trustees and the practice of allowing them to perform chores outside of the
    jail gave rise to a constitutional duty to protect Davis from harm.18   They
    were dismissed by the district court because they failed to allege the
    creation of a particularized risk of harm to Davis that was greater than
    that faced by the rest of the general public, as required by Wells.      On
    appeal Davis essentially reasserts her allegations that the policy and
    practice of having trustees gave her a constitutional right to be protected
    from them and asks for judgment in her favor.
    Her complaint suggests that the actions of the county and the earlier
    dismissed defendants were ill-advised, but it does not allege that these
    acts or policies or practices affected her in a manner different from the
    general public, other than that she was the one attacked.      Nor does it
    allege that any of these defendants should have known that the policy or
    practice put her in any special danger.   The district court did not err in
    dismissing the claims.
    The file indicates that the appellees' attorney attempted
    to file a notice of appearance on behalf of all the defendants,
    including the county, the court and the sheriff. The clerk's
    office notified him that the appearance would be entered only as
    to Bost, Cunningham and Cantrell because they were the only
    appellees listed on the notice of appeal.
    The complaint alleged that the policies and procedures
    relating to the supervision of prisoners were defective, that
    county authorities had failed properly to evaluate those policies
    and procedures, and that the Sheriff had abused his position by
    establishing and using them. She also alleged that the county,
    the court and the sheriff had failed to establish appropriate and
    reasonable standards and criteria for the determination and
    designation of trustees and that they wrongfully allowed Hull to
    be a trustee.
    For the stated reasons, the judgment is affirmed.
    HEANEY, Circuit Judge, dissenting.
    Lawrence Hull has an extensive history of sexually abusive behavior
    toward older women.   As a trusty at the FCDC, Hull was frequently permitted
    to leave the jail unsupervised to perform various tasks for jail personnel.
    Bobby Davis co-owns and works in a dairy equipment and sales service store
    located within 100 feet of the perimeter of the parking lot of the jail.
    Defendants Charles Bost, Joann Cunningham, and Janella Cantrell knew of
    Hull's violent and sexually abusive history.    Defendants also knew of the
    location of Davis' store.    The store had been at the same location since
    1978, and Hull himself had been in Davis' store and spoken to Davis on two
    previous occasions.    Despite the defendants' knowledge of Hull's history
    and the store's location, they released Hull to work unsupervised in the
    jail parking lot.     Their actions gave Hull the opportunity to sexually
    assault Davis, who, as an elderly woman working close to the jail, was
    subjected to a greater risk of harm than the general public.    These facts
    are sufficient to withstand the defendants' motion for summary judgment.
    They support a finding that defendants engaged in reckless state action
    that exposed Davis to a risk of harm greater than that faced by the general
    public.   Thus, I respectfully dissent.
    At the time Hull attacked Davis, he was in custody at the FCDC.
    During Hull's detainment, the FCDC gave him trusty status. As a trusty,
    Hull spent three or four hours outside of his cell each day--often outside
    the jail--performing various tasks for Fulton County law enforcement
    personnel.   Immediately prior to Hull's attack on Davis, FCDC personnel
    released Hull to unload groceries, wash cars, and take out the trash in the
    area behind the FCDC and Davis' store.         Hull performed these duties
    unsupervised.   Defendants' understanding was that Hull would "do his jobs
    and then check back" with them.    (Appellant's App. at 343 (Dep. of
    Cunningham at 7).)   Because Hull raped Davis while in the custody of the
    FCDC and while performing his duties as a trusty, Davis has presented
    sufficient facts to support a finding of state action on the part of the
    defendants.   As the Sixth Circuit has explicitly recognized, jail officials
    have a custodial relationship with a trusty, in contrast to released
    parolees or escapees, that provides the officials with the power and
    authority to direct and control the trusty's actions.   Nishiyama v. Dickson
    County Tenn., 
    814 F.2d 277
    , 280 (6th Cir. 1987) (en banc).1
    The majority reasons that the defendants took no affirmative state
    action as required for a due process claim because they did not send Hull
    back outside after he had completed his duties, but rather Hull chose to
    leave the facility himself.    The majority employs an artificially narrow
    understanding of an affirmative course of action by concluding that the
    defendants were relieved from responsibility when Hull completed his
    assigned tasks and returned to the FCDC.   The fact that Hull exceeded the
    limits of the duties for which he was released does not preclude a finding
    of state action.   Rather, the defendants' failure to supervise Hull
    The majority relies of Nobles v. Brown, 
    985 F.2d 235
    , 238
    n. 1 (6th Cir. 1992) to suggest that a prisoner must be
    "cloth[ed] with the authority of the state" in order for her
    actions to give rise to a constitutional claim. In Nobles, a
    prison guard was taken hostage and raped by a prisoner. The
    prison officials allegedly left the prisoner's cell unlocked at a
    time when it was supposed to be double-locked and failed in their
    efforts at hostage negotiations. These facts, at most,
    demonstrated negligence on the part of the officials. In
    contrast, Hull was deliberately released as a trusty. Under the
    Regulations of Fulton County Jail a trusty "work[s] for and [is]
    responsible to the personnel of th[e] facility." (App. at 341).
    As a trusty working for and reporting to the state, Hull was
    effectively clothed with the authority of the state in contrast
    to the prisoner in Nobles, "who had no official authority of any
    Id. at 238
    n. 1. Moreover, it is important to note,
    Nobles does not establish the "clothed with the authority of the
    state" test as a required test. Rather, it alternatively
    concludes that the plaintiff did not demonstrate reckless
    indifference to a known risk that made it highly probable that
    harm would follow. 
    Id. 18 during
    his entire release facilitated Hull's commission of the crime and
    constituted state action that continued until the defendants ensured that
    Hull returned to his cell.    See 
    Nishiyama 814 F.2d at 281
    (finding state
    action where officers "by their acts facilitate the crime by providing the
    criminal with the specific opportunity to commit the crime . . . .").   The
    defendants' failure to appropriately restrict Hull's freedom afforded Hull
    the opportunity to attack Davis.
    Davis also has presented facts sufficient to survive summary judgment
    that defendants' conduct posed a greater danger to Davis than to the
    general public.    Defendants' own depositions support a finding that Hull
    has   a   significant history of sexually assaulting older women.       The
    defendants admitted in their depositions that they knew Hull had sexually
    assaulted both Sheriff Martin's wife and Bost's wife prior to his detention
    at the FCDC.      These assaults alone show a pattern of sexually violent
    behavior toward older women.       The depositions also reveal that each
    defendant was aware of Hull's conviction for assaulting an elderly woman.
    Although the defendants may not have been aware that the aggravated assault
    was in fact an attempted rape,2 (App. at 387-8 (Aff. for Warrant of
    Arrest), their knowledge of the assault demonstrates their awareness of
    Hull's violent propensities against older women.    All of the defendants
    were also aware that Hull had burglary charges pending against him.   During
    one of the burglaries, Hull allegedly broke into an elderly woman's home,
    stole her undergarments, and made numerous calls to sexually explicit 900-
    numbers.     Deputy Sheriff Bost was aware of the sexual aspect of this
    burglary and theft because the victim was one of Bost's high school friends
    I cannot believe that supervisory personnel of the Fulton
    County Jail were not aware of the facts underlying the aggravated
    assault. Under the Fulton County Jail Regulations, when an
    inmate is brought into the jail, the jail personnel must ensure
    that he is accompanied by the proper legal documents, including
    the warrant for his arrest, and check the documents for
    completeness down to the detail of signatures. (App. at 313).
    lived in the house directly behind him.        Bost had visited his friend
    regarding the burglary and he had talked to "the city officers and the
    deputies and the other people in the sheriff's office about Lawrence and
    about his situation" following the burglary.   (App. at 373-4 (Dep. of Bost
    at 33, 35).)    Bost also specifically admitted that, even before Hull had
    committed any of the crimes for which he was eventually incarcerated and
    before Hull violated his parole, he had been afraid another sexual assault
    might occur if Hull was not properly supervised.   (Appellant's App. at 371-
    2 (Dep. of Bost at 31-2).)      Additionally, Bost stated that Hull had a
    "propensity . . . to attack a weaker person, anyone who could not offer any
    resistance or pose any kind of threat to him . . . ."     (Appellant's App.
    at 380 (Dep. of Bost at 53).)
    Davis has strongly documented Hull's dangerous propensities, which
    posed a threat to a clearly-defined group to which Davis belonged.       This
    sort of specific threat is sufficient to support her section 1983 claim.
    Cases in which no special danger has been found generally involve a much
    broader risk than that present in the instant case.      Fox v. Custis, 
    712 F.2d 84
    , 88 (4th Cir. 1983) (parolee involved in one incident of fraud and
    suspected of one incident of arson did not have history that posed known
    risk to murder victims); Janan v. Trammell, 
    785 F.2d 557
    , 560 (6th Cir.
    1986)    (targeted threat against one person did not create a special
    relationship with a member of the general public); Jones v. Phyfer, 
    761 F.2d 642
    , 645-46 (11th Cir. 1985) (no special relationship between state
    and rape victim as to inmate who had previously robbed victim's home, but
    had posed no harm to her person and had no history of sexual assault).    The
    majority fails to directly address the specific focus of the danger that
    Hull posed to Davis given his propensity and her proximity.      Rather, it
    simply minimized Hull's history of violent and sexually assaultive behavior
    toward older women.
    In addition to Hull's propensity for sexual violence, Davis'
    evidence of proximity to the area where Hull was routinely released without
    supervision is sufficient to support her 1983 claim.     Davis and her husband
    lived in Salem, Arkansas since 1966, and they owned their store since 1978.
    The store is located directly behind the jail.         On a daily basis, Davis
    tended to her business approximately 100 feet from where Hull often worked.
    The defendants knew that the store was close to the parking lot and that
    the store had an accessible back entrance.      Cunningham estimated that it
    would take only two minutes to walk the distance between the parking lot
    and the store.
    Davis'      demonstrated   proximity   supports    her   contention   that
    defendants' actions placed her at a greater risk of danger than that of the
    general public.     Contrary to the district court's characterization, our
    court in Wells v. Walker, 
    852 F.2d 368
    (8th Cir. 1988), cert. denied, 
    489 U.S. 1012
    (1989), did not limit the existence of a specific danger to a
    strict range of distance; rather, in Wells we held that state action
    creates a specific harm if it "plac[es] [the plaintiff], unlike members of
    the general public, in a unique, confrontational encounter with a person
    whom plaintiffs allege had exhibited violent propensities."        
    Id. at 371.
    The limitation on Hull's activities as a trusty necessarily restricts the
    group of people at risk such that they are always distinct from the general
    public.   Compare 
    Nishiyama, 814 F.2d at 280
    (distinguishing the more
    limited risk created by a trustee as opposed to a parolee, in which "the
    identity of potential victims was difficult to define.") with 
    Fox, 712 F.2d at 88
    (finding no specific danger where state agent exposed to a virtually
    unlimited set of people); 
    Janan, 785 F.2d at 560
    (same); Bowers v. DeVito,
    686 F.2d 616
    , 618 (7th Cir. 1982) (same).
    Finally, Davis' evidence of defendants' admitted knowledge of both
    Hull's record and the proximity of Davis' store, supports a finding that
    defendants' actions were, at a minimum, reckless.      Daniels v. Williams, 
    474 U.S. 327
    , 334 n.3 (1986) (due process
    violation requires showing of state actors' intentional or reckless
    conduct).    Despite their awareness of the specific danger Hull posed to
    nearby citizens, particularly elderly women, the defendants released him
    from his cell, permitted him to work outside the facility unattended, and
    did not ensure that he promptly returned to his cell when his prison duties
    were    completed.      The   defendants'   deliberate   actions   are   clearly
    distinguishable from the claims we rejected in 
    Wells, 852 F.2d at 372
    Davis does not claim that defendants should have known Hull was dangerous
    or should have known of her proximity.      Rather Davis has demonstrated that
    defendants did know of her proximity and the danger that Hull posed to
    women    of her age and nevertheless released him.          Obviously, closer
    supervision would have imposed some additional administrative burdens on
    prison officials, but this is the price an institution must pay if it names
    a sexually abusive person as a trusty.
    The record in this case provides a sufficient factual basis to
    support a section 1983 violation.     The custodial relationship between the
    defendants and Hull, as a trusty, supports a determination that defendants
    undertook an affirmative state action that increased Davis' risk of harm.
    Davis' proximity to the area in which Hull worked and Hull's sexually
    assaultive propensities support a finding that the state's actions exposed
    her to a greater risk of harm than that faced by the general public.       Davis
    has also presented evidence that the defendants' conduct was deliberate and
    intentional, the requisite mental state for a violation of substantive due
    process.    For the above reasons, I dissent.
    A true copy.

Document Info

Docket Number: 95-3157

Filed Date: 7/26/1996

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 10/13/2015

Authorities (25)

Battle v. Harris , 298 Ark. 241 ( 1989 )

Matthews v. Martin , 280 Ark. 345 ( 1983 )

Zelma Jones v. George M. Phyfer , 761 F.2d 642 ( 1985 )

Hardin v. City of Devalls Bluff , 256 Ark. 480 ( 1974 )

Cousins v. Dennis , 298 Ark. 310 ( 1989 )

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View All Authorities »